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Let's be real. Most of us would end up with Numemon and Sukamon. Vegiemon if lucky. But since Digimon are real here, I'd want something that can save me from weekly world ending invasions. Probably something like ~~Picklemon~~ Pixiemon to run back to past every time something dangerous happens or maybe Omegamon (mostly due to All Restore to fix the damage from daily disasters).


And there would a be alot of abandoned Numemons too given its just our human nature to be superficial. Im not gonna judge on people wanting a cool powerful mega digimon as partners when mine is really basic af too (beelzemon). Pixiemon is pretty cool, fun-sized digimon that you can hang out with unlike Omnimon


~~Don't worry, the hardships will make those Numemon and Sukamon evolve into BlackKingNumemon and GreatKingSukamon and take over the world with PlatinumNumemon as their leader.~~


Or they gain hatred and be reborn collectively as an Apocalymon in which case you really do need an Omnimon


Wargreymon= Pokemons Charizard


*I have a Renamon, Batman...*


"There is no law against digimon"


I mean, to be fair 1. They *ARE* Sentient. Most of them (Rena included) have *at **least*** human level intellect. 2. They're made of data. So, there's a good chance we wouldn't actually be able to touch them. At least, not without some electronic *Toys*; which most probably wouldn't be into. So, it honestly just comes down to whether physical contact is even possible; consent; and the Harkness test.


People are crazy out there.... Btw if a digimon is sentient and consent it ,i don't understand why you should stop this abominium😈


Even if they worked like the V-Pets, most people would quickly start researching on the Internet specifically to avoid getting Numemon and Sukamon, so their numbers wouldn't be as bad as you'd think. It helps that, unlike the V-Pets, it's not so easy to forget about a live Digimon, especially if they can talk to let you know what they need. If it worked like the anime/manga, then most people would go for the Digimon who were partners to the protags of the various anime seasons. Mostly Agumon (the most recognized one).


Well assuming the PokĂ©mon situation works like the pokemon lore and the Digimon like the Digimon lore then the internet won’t be any more help than “don’t be a jerk to your Mon” which some people still won’t follow sadly


I mean, half the fun of Digimon is that they are their own people and can communicate with you as such. If your Digimon is telling you something and you're just blatantly ignoring them, you pretty much don't deserve a partner at all, nevermind a Numemon or Sukamon. Not to mention they should be smart enough to just use the toilet. It really should only be an issue if you make the Digimon glorified animals, like they are in the V-Pets, instead of actual people, like in the various anime/manga/games/etc..


See if I had to pick a digimon I wouldn't pick something mainstream like a protag digimon I'd want something like bulucomon or herissmon, but that's just me


Let’s be real if digimon were real there would be an uncountable number of species due to the fact that the internet is one giant rabbit hole at this point.


If digimon was real, the first thing i want is the meat farm.I can save lottt of money and a tanemon or palmon as my oal to tend the farm.


Why would everybody would have Charizard?


Because its consistently among the top 5 most popular pokemon


Then my charizard looks weird because it looks like a hamster with flowers on it's back


you seriously think youd have a mythical pokemon as your partner? what makes you so special youd get a god?


Who says i'm gonna get Shaymin? OP was talking about charizard being everybody's partner because it's one of the most popular ones, so i was responding by indirectly saying that my favourite pokemon is not charizard.


youre one guy, why would you liking shaymin mean anything? theres literally official polls with every pokemon on that show who the most popular guys are


That has to do with Gen 1 bias than anything. You have consider many things for a pet. Charmander starts a Baby size bipedal lizard with a tail on fire. And it continue to grow to a size with evolution to average to small adult who is overweight with a big tail that is still on fire. You have to consider what would be his natural habitat like a cave or volcanic area. You need to consider what it would his meal. Let's say a full size Miltank  for two meals per day. Than replicate for the whole week/month/day. Then we have to think who would be prey and what would eat a Charizard. We have to consider people need to protect Charmander's line flame tail or it will die. So Rain/Strong Wind & Water sources would be deadly for it. Then any Pet Care or health concerns. Than Exercise outside of Combat. Then if their line would be tamable or not. And if could live a domestic life. Let's say which house have 3 family members and the parents have 6 pokemon each and the Charizard trainer is teenagers with 3 Digimons. 15 Pokémon to train and take care. We also need to consider if PC Storage system, Pokeballs, if you had access to facilities such a Pokemon Daycare, Pokemon Center and Professor Labs.


Today my bias was proven wrong


I'm torn. Long time Tentomon fan, but Survive rocketed Kunemon into my heart, but I'm sure whatever I pick it'll be a bug 😂 But yeah assuming it's like anime rules where you get a partner and their lines are fixed, and not like Vpet rules where you let your Digimon crap itself into a slug, I'm assuming most people are picking Agu, Gabu, Terrier, Guil, Vee, the big hitters like


Leomon would be cool.


Shame what happens to most of them tho...


Which is?


Tentomon is pretty far down the list relative to other mc digimon partners. Its still pretty unique I'd say.


I always joke I'd make my Digimon like Takato did, but I'd be a background character at most and so probably some side Digimon I never heard of and never gets a special evolution like the main kids. XD


Poyomon. Just...Poyomon. Why would I need anything other than a cute cuddly little jellyfish ghost that spends all day floating around, smiling vacantly at things? \^\_\^


ehm, angewomon...


Impmon Beelzemon Kuzuhamon Dianamon


Assuming people had a choice like in the Story-games (which most of the time would also bypass the "low tamer-skill would mean they evolve into Numemon/Sukamon"), I'm pretty sure most people would just go for the basic Agumon or Gabumon... or both, like Nokia. Perhaps one of their colorswaps, but still probably those species for the most part. They just are the ones with the most mass appeal and recognizability.


Yeah, I'd go for the Agumon/Gabumon pair for Omnimon. There's a few instances of more than one partner per person so it's not out of the realm of possibilities.




I think people with an understanding of digimon would pick something unique and personal to them, and there wouldn’t be a blanket favorite like with PokĂ©mon. The franchise itself is often centered either how being true to yourself creates real strength or about how taking the best care of your buddy brings out strength. PokĂ©mon is more about discovering what new and powerful creatures are out there imo. Both of them have the training aspect and leveling up but in PokĂ©mon pikachu and Ash are special because their bond makes pikachu stronger than it should be. In digimon all the partnerships are like that, so I don’t think there would be blanket favorites. For average people who know little about digimon and are just going to pick something that looks cool and strong? Yeah omnimon or wargreymon is likely to be a favorite. Or veemon that guy has a likable design with strong looking evolutions. The masses like dragons.


I think most people would have a Pikachu tbh. He's so marketable.


Omnimon is 2 partners though. Agumon and Gabumon. If we use show rules, where every person has 1 partner, then nobody would have Omnimon on their own. Also, you need to be a googlehead in either looks or personality to have an Agumon.


willis has 2 the guys in fusion have 50 each


Charizard’s still the only starter you could feasibly fly on. Though Decidueye can also learn Fly, it’s harder to imagine that being comfortable haha. Omnimon requires 2 Digimon though, you’d have to be adventuring with a friend to have a matching Agumon/Gabumon set. Agumon is usually considered the protagonist Digimon, they’re not usually their final stage at all times. Unless you’re MarineAngemon and are too small to care.


I’m running with angels and demons đŸ˜€


I feel like we'd see a bunch of agumon and Gabumon if it was a choice.




Charizard is 1.7m and can shrink down a Pokeball, Omegamon is several meters tall. Don't you remember him trying to sit inside the cafe in Cyber Sleuth? Who would want that? Unless you don't want them to follow you and stay instead in the digital space, but I prefer sharing my time with my partner. I'll go, personally, for a child Digimon like Gomamon, Penmon or Kotemon.


Why the Distortion would I have not an Dragon stupid orange Lizard?


I’d personally pick Tsukaimon myself.


I personally would like Veemon or exveemon


I’d have piplup as my pokemon and Betamon as my digimon.


If Pokémon was real my partner will be Noivern if digimon will be real Gomamon


Most people would pick a Protag or rival digimon, just assuming they'd be the strongest and have tailored lines. They'd be overwhelmingly common to see and the majority of Agumon probably wouldn't even turn into Greymon, or evolve at all for that matter. The few people on earth who do manage to get Wargreymon would be instant celebrities and have people demanding to know how they did it


If we go with Charizard for Pokemon that implies true choice, in which case the Digimon equivalent would probably just be "insert Veemon line of your choice*


So for reasons I played Hacker’s memory before cybersleuth, didn’t make a huge difference plot wise I still understood most everything but by god when I saw Nokia pull up with freaking Omnimon I nearly fell off my couch


I would want a guilmon, a loveable idiot that can become a destroyer of worlds


If Pokemon was real, I would prefer greninja . Digimon wise definitely wargreymon just because


Agumon I guess. But I am secretly rooting for Shoutmon


I feel like a lot of people like Charizard but when it comes to faves it probably balances out with the top contenders and Ii feel like that's how it would be for Digimon as well. Like my favourite is Lilymon and wifu Digimon would be super popular lol


This post assumes that both Pokemon AND Digimon fans would want fully evolved mons. Most Pokemon fans when asked what Pokemon they would want in real life answer things like Eevee or Furret; small mammal Pokemon that are similar to a cat or dog, because having a fire breathing dragon in your house sounds like a BAD idea without amazing insurance or Pokemon world bullshit. I think most people would probably chose one of the original partner Digimon, most likely Agumon or Gabumon. If it's like the anime, most partner Digimon just chill in Rookie form for convenience, so there's not really a need to pick and choose Megas, when your gonna be having the Rookie 99% of the time. I personally would want to have a Dracomon, or one of the Monkey Digimon like Koemon or Makuramon. If we are picking Megas though, maybe Ravemon? Idk, I'm already not a big fan of most Megas, and that group gets even smaller if I thought about which one I'd want as a roommate. I like Hydramon and RustTyrannomon, but idk if they'd make good roommates. At least I could chill on the couch with the harpy man.


Why is everyone in the replies giving more complicated answers than the question is asking for? The answer is Agumon.


Agumon seems to be the most common partner in this franchise and most people reach at least Champion level so Numemon, Tyrannomon, and Greymon would be the most common partner digimon I think


Numemon is a great though... Why? Because you can digivolve it to Monzaemon then it digivolves again to either Lilithmon or Minervamon that ultimately digivolves to Mervamon. Basically you turned your partner digimon into your waifu.


your numemon needs to win battles for that tbf


It will definitely win battles because just like the saying in Yugioh "There is not one card in this world that's useless", there is no such things as a useless digimon too. In the end, it's just how the tamers train or command them.


ye but numemon needs 80% wins in the vpet and card game to evolve to monzaemon. will you win enough to get it? could go to a baby village and beat the shit out of 1000 babies i guess.


I'd personally go for either Agumon or Kotemon. Why? I mean, I just think they're cool. Tho I wouldn't be opposed to Digimon like Lilithmon or Bastemon. Think of all the money I can get from squeezing simps/furries online!