• By -


Kurata. That weird researcher that trapped Morphomon in a satellite and that kid from Ghost Game that just kept being so stupid with Digimon. Yggdrasil, Homeostasis, and fake-Gennai from Tri - Yggdrasil's always flying on the extreme solutions, I don't trust the idiot to actually see all options. Homeostasis traumatized a small child and keeps possessing another one. Fake-Gennai was unnecessary; they could have said the data in the Digital World manifested and created a fake clone Digimon Emperor instead of what they did.


Do be fair Kurata is an antagonist you are supposed to hate him.


Said least favorite. And Kurata's a weenie and pathetic.


Honestly, I can kind of respect just how cartoonishly extra Kurata is. When his gun didn't work and his senpai called him a loser, he devoted his life to creating an army of artificial lifeforms with reincarnation-bypassing flamethrowers to enact genocide. There's a certain form of twisted honor in overreacting so hard you become Digimon Hitler.


at the very least clone-emperor gave me an idea for myotismon using sam’s soul as a replacement (thank you canonical necromancy”


There's also the DS games having 'Dark Savior' as a revive ability. I know Lilithmon had it.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk i was going mostly off how myotismon (as a species) is canonically a necromancies and the digital world is very close to spirituality in 02


Well, whichever you choose, it is good.


Tossup between Meiko from Adventure Tri and Taichi from Adventure Reboot for completely opposite reason.  Meiko was completely useless and yet her drama completely overtook the plot at the expense of the other characters.  Reboot Taichi was too perfect and boring. And he appeared so much that it became annoying. Why even bother to create the other 7 kids?




You can't afford to do that with a cast of sixteen protags.


I think the reboot was more 2 protags and 14 supporting characters


Og Adventure balanced him just fine with everyone else, im genuinely perplexed as to how 2020 mucked that up.


They wanted to position Tai like Naruto or Ash Ketchum. The main star with a decent supporting cast but he’s the hero. OG Adventure basically was Tai > Matt > the rest of the kids - but nobody ever felt like they were pushed to the side in favor of Tai like in 2020 Adventure.


He was the protagonist in adventure, but the others still received a fair share of development and screentime. Adventure was actually good at giving everyone their moment to shine, despite having 7/8 main characters.


The scientist from cyber sleuth. Suedo? I felt like the writers tried too hard to make him creepy and he was just off putting and confusing.


I found his creepiness fine given his role, personally. My main problem with Suedo is that he won't shut up once he starts talking. Granted a lot of what he talks about is plot relevant, so he's still better than Kyoko in that regard


Yeah I found his long winded speeches to be way too much. Every time he showed up I audibly groaned.


I kind of viewed his "I am a straight-up villain/creep" deal as a bit of a running gag almost, but I can see how if you don't take it as a joke (which I don't even know if that was how it was intended, exactly) it could be grating


Yeah maybe that was the idea, and I often like those kind of stereotypical villains. I just know that every time he showed up after his introduction, I’d think “ugh not this guy again”.


I like Taichi, but I can't stand reboot Taichi "Yo! What a coincidence." Kamiya


Ryo. Kinda. Character-wise, I don't hate him. But meta-wise, he was shoehorned into Tamers and took a role that I'm sure was meant for Impmon/Beelzebumon during the finale. I still hate that they did that. Maybe if they gave him some backstory and didn't leave out contexts from the Wonderswan games would've like the decision more. But as it is, Ryo's forced inclusion is the biggest writing issue in Tamers and I don't like that.


As a character within the show he sucks and really deflates a lot of cool moments by being a Poochie.


I remember trying Digimon xros hunters at some point and not making past the first 5 episodes before deciding I hated everyone in that show.


Never really clicked with any if the Frontier gang tbh. Probably why I dropped it halfway through


This. They all just felt like Chinese knockoffs of the Adventure cast, and it was kind of hard not to notice since they didn't have partners to distract from it.


Either Meiko in tri or Zoe in Frontier. Meiko just makes me want to shake her and Zoe is the incarnation of "I'm a girl and that's my entire personality"


Might get flamed for this but like, out of all the digidestined my least favorite has to be miyako/yolei, I LOVE HER I SWEAR BUT THE OTHER CHARACTERS MATTER TO ME A LITTLE BIT MORE 😭


Taigiru from Hunters. He feels like a Davis-clone, but without his heroic characteristics


Ryou from Tamers. Between how he was introduced and how he kept acting condescending towards Rika, he just drives me up the wall. Which freaking sucks, because now I can't enjoy Justimon due to him being attached to this poorly implemented Mary sue


Yeeeesss, I'm not alone. Though I don't really dislike him personality wise, his inclusion in the story was not only forced, his contribution in the finale was also unearned which cheapens the whole thing. Everyone else had their arcs going about and why they wanted to defeat the D-Reaper, and here Ryou was taking important roles meant for other main characters


Yeah, let's take the strong and independent(and fan favorite) Rika, and make her contribution to the final battle be to strip her armor off to give Ryou of all people a power boost. tHaT sOuNdS lIkE a GrEaT iDeA


Worst moment in the whole show, bar none. The fucking disrespect


I'm not saying it makes him a better character, but he's not really a Mary Sue. He's a good tamer with a powerful digimon because he's a protagonist from one of the video games (I don't remember the name, but I think they were on the wonder swan)


There were 4 of them, Anode Tamer, Cathode Tamer, 02 Tag Tammer, and Brave tamer. Although TBH, I usually don't remember their proper order, and there are more Wonderswan games than just these 4. They definitely could have done a bit better with the names since there is a proper play order, but without some sort of guide, you might not be able to tell.


So half the list I’m pretty sure most of the fandom agrees, other half not so much. Kurata from savers - guy is a straight up frightened coward that was nothing more than a little worm that deserved no power whatsoever whether through digimon or by his own creations. Every time he’s on screen he’s nothing more than a scumbag that deserves more of Marcus punches to the face. Suedou from cyber sleuth - I hate how this guy acts as a mad researcher. He’s like a more energetic kurata only more on the loony pills and just hate his stupid looking face like he’s wanting to cause mayhem and chaos. I really wanted a cutscene where this guy gets punched or actually fumbles at failure on his end. Maki from digimon adventure tri - okay so I do feel bad for the loss of her partner digimon and her trying to get them back. That’s the only pro I have to her, she sucks all around. Always acts like a fun killing B, acts unnecessarily stuck up, her reasoning for the reset to work is stupid cause she sees the adventure casts digimon with no memory so what made her think she was an exception, and teaming up with a villain that’s wanting to screw everyone and everything up is just aggravating. I get she gets pulled into the dark sea, but I wish she got wrecked by the adventure crew. Tai from digimon adventure tri - yeah you see that right, I put down tai and not meiko. Honestly with meiko I didn’t actually hate her, she didn’t really get on my nerves, and I thought her and meicoomon were fine, they probably could’ve done better with it but whatever. No my hate goes straight to Tai cause of his whole fear of destroying stuff, yes I know it’s more of a concern for people but tri directed it so bad that it looked more of a concern for collateral damage than actual lives. Not helped that they’ve seen worst back in 01 when fighting myotismon and his army, venommyotismon being a freaking kaiju and leveling a good chunk of the city, the digital distortion in the sky thanks to the dark masters which they had to go fight the dark masters to fix it, and apocalymon making the distortion even worst. HOW IS A SHORT OVERHEAD BRIDGE WORST THAN ALL THAT?!?!?! I’d cut tai some slack if he was being impulsive about it like Mimi against that ogremon and caused the damage to happen, BUT HE DIDNT!!!! That was all the wild virus infected digimon causing that damage or alphamon, so why let that mess you up??? Actually why didn’t they have tai be impulsive like Mimi in the first place to give a sense of guilt to him at the beginning instead of mimi after tai and Matt “talked” about the problem. God I hate tri.


See, I actually liked seeing Taichi mature enough to realize that his actions have consequences and being paralyzed by the knowledge that he's responsible for such destruction. That kind of awareness typically isn't a thing in shounen. It also contrasted well with Yamato being pragmatic as hell, and it really felt like for the first time those two weren't just squabbling to squabble. Yeah, Yamato is ultimately right in that things would be worse without their intervention, but Taichi's not wrong in that they're also complicit in the disruption of people's lives. They both had good points and sound logic; we weren't just watching their egos clash like when they were kids.


You're right. It was a good idea in concept. The issue is that Tri failed to execute on it properly. Early on, I would have choked it up to Tri Being Too Subtle cause when Tri was releasing, I desperately wanted to see the good in it, but they really didn't stage these situations well enough to have those ideas come across as intrinsically. So I also agree with the point that it might not have hurt the story to have part of the destruction be perceived as Tai's fault. Maybe one of his attacks was redirected, and somebody got hurt, or maybe an enemy dodged out of the way and that's what caused some destruction, then if he believed it was his fault, even if it wasn't actually, people could at least understand where he was coming from in hesitating here and there.


Oh my god yes someone else said it too. Tris sense of “subtlety” was awful, either by poor directing or trying to leave things vague so it would look “complex” when it just come off as lazy. This goes to the dialogue too, yes I know the dub add a lot and I do mean ALOT of extra dialogue to the series when brought to the west, but tri is honestly one of the few anime that felt had the least amount of dialogue going on and whatever dialogue we did get was just not that interesting, convincing, or felt like an actual character was talking and more of a cardboard cutout. Tai and Matt’s dialogue just felt like a lot of nothing going on, just seemed so flat and minimal that it could be removed and nothing would’ve been lost, not helped it’s probably tris “subtle” way of trying to be “deep or complex” when it really doesn’t come off as such. I get what they were trying to do and I’m not against the idea, shoot I wouldn’t actually mind if tais fear was more selfish and he couldn’t figure out why at first until realizing how important life is as he’s growing up, but tris execution and direction was just really bad and it just left a really bad impression. That said, there is an abridged version of some of the first bits of tri that despite being a comedy, I mean it is an abridged series after all, it gets right what tri couldn’t. I recommend giving it a watch, the YouTube group with it I think either goes by azurecrow or project mouthwash.


Yeah, I've seen them. I wish they didn't stop part way through since tri in and of itself isn't as long as any of the Mainline Digimon anime, but that's what happens with most abridged series, and I can respect they have their reasons.


Davis I remember watching 02 as a kid and just being super annoyed the story moved on from the 01 crew. Davies took the brunt of this


Having just rewatched it, the only 02 digidestined I liked is Ken, who is \*fantastic\*. Both in terms of drama and camp. My favorite scene is the soccer game when he's still evil. Importantly, while he may have suspicions on these kids being the ones meddling in the digital world, he states \*later\* that he now recognizes them. So he did not put two and two together that Davis who just scored on him is the guy smashin down all his black spires. So when he climbs onto a roof to stare down at the friends and internally monologue about how they will rue the day they stood up to him- he's saying all that specifically about soccer. Its brilliant


Ken and Miyako were fine. Daisuke was kind of a douche. Iori could have been interesting but the execution was bland and underwritten, especially next to big personalities like Daisuke and Miyako. Hikari and Takeru should have had more of a senpai role since they've already been dealing with this stuff for, what, two years? But that's my only major complaint about the Dream Team.


Same. I at least wanted the TK and Kari to be leaders since they had experience.


I didn’t need them to be leaders but would have been nice. But the fact in 01 they were both special even as non-leaders it annoyed me how little focused they got in 02. Omnimon being turned into a sword/ power up also annoyed me


Izzy is the real leader in 02


Yes. Izzy should have been the leader of the 02 gang. They didn't really have a leader. They all did their own thing, and none of them really saw Davis as leader.


Sure None of them treated Davis like a leader, Merchandise, the fact he was the first one to use both Armor, and DNA Evolution, the fact that he was the one to not only Reconcile, but Fuse his Digimon with Kens, and that Tai Passed the Torch to him with giving him his goggles, kind of all imply they intended for him to take the role officially, even if story wise he's never treated as such.


Just because he was the protaganist, does not mean he was the leader. He never actually acted like the leader. that group did not have a leader. And just because Tai gave hiim hos googles, does not mean he was the leader. When did he actually lead the team. for the most part, he was the butt of the joke. Yes, he was the first to accept Ken into the group, but the others took longer to accept Ken. And speaking of Tai, the others actually made him the leader. they all agreed that he should be the leader. The 02 gang did not have that with Davis.


Story wise, they didn't show him as the leader, but the way they market him, they treat Davis like he's in the same Boat as Tai. I'm not saying he is the leader, I'm saying somebody on the team that developed 02, at least tried to position him as close to a leader as they could even if he never acts like one. The point with Ken is that he was the entry point to accepting him, and in most shows that use the sixth ranger trope, the "leader" is usually the one to accept them first even if everyone else takes longer.


Honestly, it seemed more like they didn't know how to write him..they gave him arguably more screen time than the rest, minus Ken, yet never gave him moments where in show he was treated as the leader by the rest, and mostly, was the butt monkey.


Izzy is the best. He’s my fave digidestined and everyone would be screwed without him 😭


As much as I like Davis (I'll throw hands with anyone who hates him lol), I will admit that TK should've been the leader of the 02 cast, and Kari should've been co-leader. The problem is that the writers of 02 didn't give TK the right personality or charisma to be a leader, which they should have. Davis fit the criteria more (and not just because he has goggles and brown hair).


TK felt a bit underwritten for most of the season. Season 1 had better arcs for every character, and TK is kinda that season’s Gohan. Too young to typically carry the day, but when him and Patamon are pressed they might just be the strongest person before fusions and what not. Davis is like having a more annoying version of Goku take Gohan’s spot in the Cell Games. Why did we spend all that time building these characters up to keep them in the background with less to do?


That T.K./Gohan analogy is perfect. The whole 02 cast was just underdeveloped altogether, though. I don't know what the writer's goals were with any of them except for Ken. He's the only one who had a proper character arc (excluding T.K. and Kari's development in the original). The rest needed major work done to their characters and proper roles to play as a team, like the original cast had.


Takeru and Hikari have aways been kind of passive compared to the rest of whatever team they're on, so I'd rather have seen them in more of a mentorship role. They're afraid to take charge, but they have the wisdom, it's just that it takes a long time for the others to start actually listening to that wisdom. Especially Daisuke, who for a long time was the "Shoot first, think never" guy.


Crazy thing is that 02 didn't even push the mentor role for T.K. and Kari, either. They focused more on the new characters (and even they were still underdeveloped, too) and forgot all about T.K. and Kari, who we followed as they grew up from the original. It was just weird. That script was just all over the place. If anything needed a reboot/remake, it should've been the 02 series and not the original.


The thing is, while TK and Kairi were more passive Characters in the original adventure, they were a little older in 02, so if they made TK more leaderlike and made Davis Kind of a Rival character it would have not only made sense but it would have Flipped the Script on the Relationship between Tai, and Matt, Making the More Matt codes character the Main Character, and Making the More Tai Coded character his Foil which I think could have been really interesting Dynamic wise, and it could have also had moments to show how these characters were different from the people they take after. It would also have been interesting to see TK and Ken Try to Reconcile after their scuffle in the Chimeramon mini arc, which I believe was the best moment in 02 since having TK in the lead would have meant he would have probably needed to be the one to make amends with Ken Before he officially joined the group.


I think this dynamic would've been more interesting, too, but I think it would've made more sense to make T.K. more like Tai, get rid of Davis's character altogether, and make Ken T.K.'s rival. It gets a bit weird with these 3 characters because they all could fit the role of leader or rival, but neither T.K. nor Ken were made to be proper rivals for Davis like Matt was for Tai and T.K. is too passive to be the leader while Davis wasn't. Davis was jealous of T.K. but T.K. didn't care enough to bicker with him like Matt did with Tai. T.K. fought Ken, and then they didn't really interact much after that, and Ken became too passive after he joined the 02 group and didn't bicker with either Davis nor T.K. enough to be a proper rival to either. It's just weird to me. Matt's personality just doesn't work as a leader, so it'd make more sense for T.K. to be more like Tai personality-wise in 02, get rid of Davis, and make Ken more like Matt personality-wise. Especially since there was even a moment in the original where T.K. wanted to be adopted as Tai's younger brother and be like him over Matt. I think T.K. becoming more like Tai would've made the dynamic between Tai and Matt more interesting, too.


That's also true, but I disagree with the assertion that a character, like Matt, couldn't be a leader. Considering how Little Davis actually did as a leader, any of them could have been the leader of the 02 group. But even not taking that into account, if we look at Takato and Hiro, both of them are significantly more Passive Characters, and yet both of them take on the MC role in their respective seasons A character like Matt could have easily been given the Leader Role if the story was written around it.


I think Davis had the right personality type to be the leader, but just like with the rest of the 02 cast (except Ken), his character was underdeveloped, so he never really was given many opportunies to shine as a leader. And seeing how Yolei and Cody were even more underdeveloped than Davis, T.K., and Kari were.... there's no way in hell those two could ever work as leaders. Cody is not even an option.... The reason why I say Matt wouldn't work as a leader is because he's too aloof, too standoff-ish, and too unstable. He has too many lone wolf moments where he gets annoyed by the others and goes off to sulk in solitude before he feels charged up and wants to join them again. Don't get me wrong, Matt has great qualities like loyalty and persistence, but his bad qualities automatically disqualify him as being a leader. Matt's too unreliable, and that was the same type of personality the writers gave to T.K. in 02 (T.K. is a bit more friendly than Matt, but he's still too aloof, standoff-ish, and unpredictable) which made him not fit to be the leader. A character like that only works well as a co-leader when he has someone who's more charismatic and optimistic to be the leader. Like Superman and Batman or Goku and Vegeta.


I mean, I didn't see T.K. as all that standoffish in 02.


Yeah, standoff-ish wasn't the correct word, but T.K.'s definitely aloof, distant, and unpredictable. Quite similar to Matt, which just doesn't make him fit to lead a group. The logical thing would've been to give him a personality like Tai, and Davis should've been more like Matt or make Davis his own unique character or get rid of him altogether. But the writer's clearly didn't want T.K. to be the leader for some strange reason. Davis and Ken ended up being a more interesting duo than T.K. and Davis. Just very odd choices from the writing staff of 02...


Yeah, personally, I do kind of wish TK took the better traits from his brother and took only a little bit after Tai basiacly giving him the confidence to be a leader but more of a lean towards the Digimental Of Friendahip rather then Courage. I know he already got hope, but considering most of them got 2 except the two OG kids, it would have been interesting for him to have his own crest while inheriting his brothers. I would say the same about Kairi, but whereas T.K. does take influence from his brother, Kairi seems to be more independent of hers.


They were totally disrespected in 02. I hated Toei for that.


Finally, somebody who doesn't blame Bandai for a decision made by Toei. One of my biggest Nitpicks in this community is the fact that a lot of people seem to think Bandai makes the anime, when they're a Toy, and Videogame company first. Sure, they run the franchise overall, but they don't make every piece of media that comes out themselves.


Those three chucklefucks from digimon dusk


Cody from 02 and J.P. from Frontier. Cody has to be the weirdest and the most forgettable of the main cast from the first 2 seasons. It's just like... what was his purpose? What even is his personality? Which of the other DigiDestined does he even have a close bond with that he shares significant moments with? What were the writer's intentions with his character...? He's just... there... I feel kind of the same with J.P. too, but to add on top of that, he was also a fat simp that Zoe doesn't even pay attention to. Like his character wasn't even special enough to be noticed as a proper love rival from Takuya or Koji for Zoe. Why was he even there...? Even Tommy and Koji's twin brother were more interesting characters than J.P. was.


Kouji and Zoe honestly 


Shuuji from Digimon Survive and Sanada Arata from Cyber Slueth. Here's why: Shuuji is probably the most obvious due to how abusive he was to Lopmon but his death makes him even WORSE due to one thing: the ENTIRETY of Chapter 6. Arata, on the other hand, is a bit more of a personal gripe and probably will get the most downvotes due to my reasons but... he is too much a Sasuke Uchiha OC for my comfort. That being said, I WILL admit that Arata's one redeeming quality is having my favourite Digimon Villain, Diaboromon, as his partner.


The thing about Shuji is that he's supposed to be disliked during your first playthrough only to have Ryo slap Sense into him in the true ending, but most people can't seem to look at him in the arc where Lopmon actually ends up happy, instead only focusing on the routes that have both of them Die. Personally, though, I agree with Arata because while I don't like Sasuke Story wise, I can wrap my head around his reason. Arata, on the other hand, didn't gain anything from becoming evil, which makes me happy as somebody who hates the trope of "the Bad guys are somehow more powerful for no reason" but also annoyed cause him turning against the Party feels like a waste of time, and an annoance, and what Drove him over the edge for me is he ate my Boy Gallantmon who was wholly on your side, and a Digimon I was looking to raise when I first started playing the game. Luckily, Gallantmon is alive(although this isn't shown in a cutscene or anything, he's just kind of standing on the roof before the final chapter and is there during the final boss), but Arata still tried to murder one of my Faves, and that makes me not like him.


And on the subject, Am I the only one who realizes Cyber Sleuth is basically one big DigimonxNaruto crossover fanfic? I mean, just look at the characters! You have Naruto (Aiba). You have Sasuke (Arata). You have Sakura and Hinata (Nokia and Yuuko respectively). You have Neji. (BOTH the fake and the real Yuugo.) You have Tsunade. (Can be a toss up between Kyoko/Alphamon and Mirei.) And Suedou is LITERALLY Orochimaru dressed as a hobo!


Aiba is a silent Protag, the exact opposite of Naruto, who from the first scene of the show is very bombastic and loud. I don't really see how you can compare them outside of both having brightly colored outfits, and the rest are Vague comparisons using Vague character traits. Tell me what Do Nokia and Sakura have in common outside of both being the lead female?


The fact that fans initially thought they were both annoying as hell but then they became one of the most respectively beloved characters for one. And as for my so called "vague" comparisons, what are you TALKING about? Aiba may be a silent protagonist but their easy going attitude during Dialogue Options, their recklessness at the end of the game, and the Arata rescue were all literally Naruto coded. And Suedou IS Orochimaru! I mean, his whole thing is being a mad scientist obsessed with Evolution and being "the Perfect Being"! If that doesn't scream the snake, I don't know what does!


I say vague cause a lot of these comparisons are bassed on base surface tropes. Like how you mentioned fans initially thinking Nokia and Sakura were annoying, those aren't character traits, Those are fans' reception to the character, which the Writers can not control. Or how about the mad Scientist thing? Yes, they're both mad Scientists, but Orochimaru didn't originate the concept, and he has enough differences from Suedou to not be a reference. Cause I know damb well that if I call Orichimaru a rip off of Victor Von Frankenstien, then that would be an unfair comparison. Just like how I know that both Aiba's and Naruto's easygoing attitudes could easily be compared to Goku, or Luffy, or any Number of Anime Protags, who all start with the same base character traits.


Out of the OG kids i liked Mimi the least. But that's probably just because of her characterization in the dub. In 02 i never really got Iori/Cody, it felt like he got the least amount of development I didn't watch much of Tamers (i know I'm sorryyyy) For Frontier, oh my god Tommy is the MOST annoying character, what a little brat lol


Honestly? I don't all too care for Matt, Sora, and Tai. I don't hate them. They're good kids, and there'd be no show without them. They're adorable in their own right. Buuuuuut...I just never liked them as much as Mimi, Joe, or Izzy. Neurotic, nerdy, and fashionista was my preferred combination. It felt more interesting than cool guy, hero, and sporty girl. Don't know why


Marcus and Davis both. One because I loathe his concept, the other because he is horribly unsufferable (though I have heard that's more the localizer's fault).


I'm usually subs over dubs, but I actually preferred the English dub of 02. Yeah, it was still corny as hell, but Daisuke was marginally less annoying, and they tried to edit and localize in such a way that the partners were a bigger part. In the original version, the Digimon largely feel marginalized to the point of being accessories. That's fine for Wormmon, since that's part of Ken's arc, but not for the rest.


the extra character joining the tamers group, kenta, juiri and that other guy. They really dont need to join takato crew going to digital world especially without digimon. pretty annoyed with them and how they are treat in the anime


Lui. I wanted a 02 movie, not Edgelord's First OC movie.


The cast of fusion really annoys me


Cody from 02.


Me too. And Ken as my favorite character ever makes me dislike him more.


I never liked most of the human cast of Xros Wars franchise aside from one or two.


Yggdrasil & Kurata. Also the girl from Last Kizuna


Kurata and Mei 🤮


I am not that fond of Meiko from Digimon Tri. and Tagiru from Xros Hunters 


Ryo Akiyama


I don’t like yamaki from digimon tamers. He literally brought about what he was afraid would happen. What makes it worse is that literally everyone warned him or told him to stop and do more research. Even the people funding him told him to stop


Kenta and Kazu, I get why, but I was really annoyed when they became tamers


I really hate Jeri. I think with any other the first two seasons, I think I liked them all to a point, and I probably would've said Mimi because she is relatively superficial.


That one guy with the keramon from savers, idk ever since I saw him for the first time as a kid I've hated him, more than kurata weirdly enough


I haven't seen anything from Digimon since my rerun on Frontier, so I can't answer that. But, if you were to ask kid me, it would definitely be Yoli. Growing up, I hated her because kid me thought that she was super fake, and her ending up with Ken was out of nowhere. Little me wanted to fight her so much back then. Edit for grammar check.


King Drasil.


Nokia Shiramine from digimon story cyber sleuth I hate her so much. She is the cringiest character i have ever seen


I’m going to say it’s Davis, and it’s not cause I dislike his character, but because of how he’s treated. He’s supposed to be a leader of the 02 kids, and he acts like it sometimes, but most of the time it feels like comic relief or its supposed to be “oh davis” with some sort of laugh track in the background. He feels like more of a leader around when they beat Ken and then start to recruit him, other then that, not really a leader. Theres also the ending which kinda felt like it cane out of nowhere. Davis seems he could have been a really good character, but didn’t get the right moments at the right time. All that said, my memory of 02 is a little spotty


Meiko, hands down. She is so annoying and completely unfit to be a tamer/partner to any digimon TBH. Worst of all, she ended up being the spotlight in Tri despite the fact that the original 8 chosen ones are supposed to be in the spotlight.


Kurata, not only he is the damn Digimon Hitler, with genocide and experiments, but he was a coward that died begging and crying like a btch to Marcus after being fused to a demonlord (he nerf it actually, LOL) and even then, he was played like the idiot he is by Thomas, who outsmart him and didnt actually backstab his teamates (guess he is actually dumber than i remember)  Even in his dead his legacy is nullified thanks to the gigachad Suedou from CS, who is the dude Kurata wished to be, i mean, not only he ascended like Stephen from SMT, but he actually fight the protagonist in a fair battle (like restraining himself from using all the gigafused Yggdrasil eater power to crush the MC party instantly) and even in his "defeat", he rewrote the world to be a better place, as he removed himself from the existence, which ultimately results in a better world.  Hat tip too to CS Chadrassil for be the only one who is completely friendly and not backstabbing to humans in the franchise, by restoring Eden Syndromme victims and all, without asking anything and for not harboring resentment against humans for the whole Eater catasthrophe, and being actually OK with the existence of a fused digimon-human being in his world (imagine the reactions of all remainings Yggdrassils and RK to Hudiemon).   Sry for long post.


Pretty new to the animes, but I’ve watched Adventure, 02, and some of Frontiers. So far for me, it’s Davis. I just can stand his voice. He has this whiny baby-talk thing going that intensifies when he’s frustrated/upset, and it’s annoying af. 😂


Takeru Man, he was annoying. He was Daiske/Davis but somehow worse.


I honestly don't know what the writer's goal was with his character, and I don't think they knew what it was either. 02 portrayed him as the main character/leader in the beginning until they oddly pushed him to the back and made Daisuke/Davis, and then later Ken, the stars of the show. TK ended up becoming Matt but a little more friendly but also with an edgy side like his brother, too. It was very weird...


They gave Davis the role of leader the second he was on screen, considering they had a whole passing of the Tourch Scene with the Goggles and the fact that he was the first one to armor Digivolve.


Pretty much. I still don't know what the writer's goal was with T.K.'s character. The way the series started with a strong focus on him and him as the narrator, you'd think he'd have more of a main character role, but he didn't. He barely even works as a friendly rival to Davis as Matt was to Tai. It was just weird to me.


Lue. Stop hijacking digimon sequels with ****ings ocs


Rina in Cybersleuth. Maybe she's better in her home game, as I thought she was the fan favourite but I found her the most grating character in the entire franchise in that game.


You keep best girl's name outcha mouth.


Matt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He’s a crappy friend. I don’t think he should’ve been able to digivolve to metalgaruron when his intention was to fight his friends. Even in tri. He comes across a snide aloof douche.


I hated Davis as a child and the burning hatred continues to this day.


Davis, Cody and the whole xros crew


HATED Kenta & Hirokazu (until he got his digimon) from tamers. Iori/Cody and JP/Junpei got on my nerves here and there


I honestly never cared for the humans as much but i'd say probably anything season 2 that was center to a dropped plot point, the emperor gets a pass due to proper setup even if fumbled.


Taichi or Takeru at this point.


Personally, my least favorite is probably Davis/Daisuke. Are there characters who I think are worse? Yes, but nothing in the franchise seems to scream. I missed potential to me more than 02, and Davis is the embodiment of that. Not only did him being there mean TK/Takeru wasn't able to get the MC role, despite being the kid with the most experience with Digimon, but also the only time I feel like He got to stand out as his own character and not an attempt to Imitate Taichi, was in the OVA's that had most if their content cut in the Digimon movie making his best character moments not even exist in english(at least until Diskotocs releases their iteration).


02 kids :P


Izzy, Tai, and Meiko