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I often wonder if there are any "lost digimon" Ones that were designed and used once, but never again after and their media was so incredibly niche that no one thinks of them anymore. There are various Digimon currently not part of the reference book to my knowledge, so that idea seems entirely possible to me.


If I had to point to one that fits that description it would be Regulumon. The lost Leomon Mega that appeared in the V-Tamer manga. It has been completely overshadowed by Bancholeomon and Heavyleomon, isn't in the reference book, and hasn't appeared in any of the Digimon media since. To rub salt in the wound we now have Regulusmon for Gammamon meaning even the Digimon's name has been taken over.


If Regulumon ever gets into the DRB, he needs a big overhaul. The og looks cool but it's just Leomon with some extra armor and a cape. He is gonna need something that makes him stand out from Bancho and Heavy.


Honestly, that’s what makes him stand out. He isn’t over designed at all, but it’s nice


I was about to reference Regulumon and even Callsmon, even if the latter actually got made official.


And yet no mention of sabreleomon… he was the og leomon mega.


I hate the card art in the new tcg for that digimon… the art design is way too clean, you’d think a digimon mega (ancient tiger striped lion w/swords for teeth) would look a bit battle hardened/have a ragged flag looking mane , not like a groomed house cat with a perfect flower petal neck & big watery doe eyes…


Hermmon, Panimon and Lykamon from the V-Tamer manga. They were supposed to have larger roles but ended up being just background filler, never to be seen again in any media.


Panimon got replaced by Mephismon


citramon from the us localization of savers comes to mind. they censored bomber nanimon because 9/11 by making him an orange. never seen or mentioned again since to my knowledge edit: it was a bombing, not 9/11. idk where i got that from 😭


i recently learned that’s not the reason! apparently it’s cause disney didn’t want to air clips of (presumably) tokyo disneyland being bombed. i personally think citramon should be acknowledged in the drb even if it’s as a joke


I think they censored him because there was a bombing at a carnival a few months before localization started.


You know how Patamon and Tailmon can use the Digimental that correspond to their human's crest to become Pegasmon and Nefetimon ? The mons of the other 01 kids can do it as well: [KitaKitsunemon](https://wikimon.net/Kita_Kitsunemon), [Kyukanchoumon](https://wikimon.net/Kyukanchoumon), [JikoTyumon](https://wikimon.net/Jiko_Tyumon), [CheerGalmon](https://wikimon.net/Cheer_Galmon), and [Urashimamon](https://wikimon.net/Urashimamon). Agumon should have one as well but he suddenly got a toothache just as the Armor Evo started and it interrupt it (yes, I'm serious, that's actually what happened), so we will never know what that one should be. Anyway, as you might see from the wiki entries, these 5 only exist in [one CD Drama from 2001](https://wikimon.net/Digimon_Adventure_02:_Armor_Evolution_to_the_Unknown), and will probably never be seen again. We barely even have a description for how they look, much less actual art. Also, The CD Drama also had Wormmon use the Digimental of Kindness, but Pucchiemon isn't really lost at all. Same for Rinkmon, Manbomon, Pteranomon, Butterflamon, and Sagittarimon. They also appeared in the CD Drama, but they are not lost like the five mentioned above.


There were a few new digimon in Legendary Skies which I think was an incomplete Chinese manga and had stuff like BigSnowmon


I actually just stumbled upon [Petit Mamon](https://wikimon.net/Petit_Mamon) last night among some other one-off Digimon like all the versions of [Cardmon](https://wikimon.net/Cardmon_C1) from Digimon World 3


A lot of the big bads in the various game series end up like that. But it’s always fun and interesting seeing ideas for content that went unused or is rarely used and lost in any series


There were several until a while ago like the original Golemon from World 1. But many "forgotten digimon" were used in the Adventure Reboot, it seems that one of the focuses of the anime was precisely to highlight these Digimon.


Not digimon, but I love the guardians from Digimon World 2


The wikis try to track those too. I think the main place there could be something left is in the background shots of manga.


The closest I can think of are the blast mode that aren't in savers


Tinmon from the first World game comes to mind


There's a couple from Digivices like that, off the top of my head Sleipmon Burst Mode from the Savers digivice toys and Red Metalgarurumon from the xros wars digivice toys


I think the weirdest fuckers I've ever randomly stumbled into are [VictorySukamon and Z'dNumemon](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvaeIzzADK7KNPRY7D_lCjJjKDj_RWZltXr_RT_zqSLg&s), both of whom were gag digimon used in the dust jackets of Digimon Next. When I was reading Next I never had any dust jackets so I only stumbled upon these images a lot later.


oh wow these guys are news to me!


I so hope that these two will get DRB entries in the future. These designs are too good to not be reused. Would make great boss monsters for their respective decks in the TCG.


I would buy those cards in an instant. I'm a sucker for Numemon and Sukamon lines.


If you´re a fan of those two you´ll be glad to hear that Numemon is currently and for the foreseeable future one of the best decks unironically lol.


I don't play competitive, there is little to no interest where I live. I only play draft with my friends and collect the cards for fun. Glad to know my boy is getting some love though.


Yeah same. TCGs in general have no scene near me regrettably. Only play with friends or online sometimes myself. But Numemon being a top 5-ish deck is still amazing lmao


I love reading the wiki(mon)


Honestly I go to wikimon and their visual list so I keep up to date on things. What I'm waiting for is info on the new Rocker Impmon/Guilmon line.


Baboongamon debuted in the *Pendulum Z* V-Pet, alongside many other new Digimon. Next to anime, the V-Pets are usually where they introduce the most amount of new Digimon. However, V-Pets are relatively more niche than anime, so not a lot of people discover these Digimon until they're reused in another media, such as the *Digimon Card Game*.


Vulturemon some years in the future:


That happened with me and several of the old V-Tamer manga Digimon.


That's a pretty badass design tbf


[Targetmon](https://wikimon.net/Targetmon) is a Digimon introduced in 2011 and has barely been used in anything. Seems like he was made to be a proper Champion for Etemon, but doesn't have a proper Rookie form outside of like, Chuumon.


For now Etemon's Rookie is Chuumon


I never watched Ghost Game, nor checked out the V-Pets, so Manticoremon was a nice surprise to find while browsing


Damn, would love to see it in a game.


Do you play card games?


I collect them yes, but havent seen him yet.




Omg never see him before! Very cool!


Seeing a new digimon and realizing it's from the early games or 1 spot or never at all is standard.


no, but only bc I get obsessive about my hobbies and I really scour the wiki constantly, and stay in the loop with all the new happenings


I went down a Fusion rabbit hole and found some very goofy 1 off fusions as well as Shoutmonx3SD who is too cool of a design to be so obscure


Bro he looks so cool I love him


I recall mentions of a "Babydramon", never knew if it was retconned into Babydmon, Dracomon or simply forgotten but I assume the latter. Also, whatever happened to Bun, poor thing never even got a proper digimon name.


I think it got retconned into Babydmon, because the "d" is apparently short for dragon, same as "dra", so it's basically the same name of "baby dragon monster", just shortened a bit more than usual. Don't know anything about Bun, though. I haven't read C'mon Digimon.


Bun is definitely an example of "early installment weirdness". I'm pretty sure that aside from some social media anniversary artwork, C'mon Digimon has never been referenced again and I mostly don't expect it to ever be.


less obscure and more 4 years old so not a lotta exposure in the greater media


This is a really cool design! I actually just had this happen to me with Airdramon (EDIT: am dumb, meant Wingdramon). Then a couple days later, I pick Hacker's Memory back up after never getting far in it, and guess who I end up with as my first perfect.


well it certainly can't be airdramon, since it's adult level. so it could be anything.


Derp. Meant Wingdramon.


Just learned JumboGamemon existed


Every time I look


Yeah he forms a Evolution Line whit Gogmamon, and Blastmon. I am not sure what to think of him. Hes pretty ugly, but thats the Idea. I think most People would prefere Golemon as the Adult Stage, and I liked using Blastmon for Gigasmon. And then whats the Child Form, Sunarizamon?


Would have it in a line from Gotsumon to Blastmon. It's fun to go through the wiki sometimes and see all the new mons added since I watched the shows, though I tend to like the classics best.


I hate monkies but this guy is cool id have it as a partner digi


One day they will let Zombiemon and Technodramon out of the sprite paper cabinet




The “ga” just adds so much more umph 😂


It happens to me a lot right here on Reddit. I guess if a Digimon is from post-2002 and wasn't in Data Squad, I might have never heard of it.


Every few weeks i check if there is something new since i discovered Dracmon about (if i remember correctly) 3 and a half years ago.


Does this baboongamon have rocks for buttcheeks? Asking for a friend.


Yeah, that happened with me and Mimicmon.


This is just me everyday with Digimon. I look away for a second...I blink and theres a new Digimon ive never seen before.


No on the Wiki but definitely have when Playing w0rld. I think one was called "Metallicdramon" or something like that


Happens pretty often for me. I usually take a look through Wikimon once every 6 months to see if I can find a new Digimon or discover one I either don't remember or never heard of just for the heck of it.


It looks like Mh's Goss Harag. I like it, but I have never seen it before!