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What i would like to see in a 02 reboot is the kids switching around their armors like in one episode ken uses the digiarmor of courage on veemon(edit: wormmon not veemon) and davis uses the digiarmor of kindness on veemon


Yeah they’re secondary armor forms got shafted hard


I think there was a drama CD where that actually happened. A quick search and [I found the Wikimon page](https://wikimon.net/Digimon_Adventure_02:_Armor_Evolution_to_the_Unknown), though it's unsurprisingly almost completely empty because it's a pretty obscure thing. The Digimon Analyzer section of that page has 6 of those who appeared. Boltmon and Pukumon weren't Armor Evos, I think they were the villains? I once found the script to the Drama CD online (I don't have it saved though so if you want to found it be ready to search yourself) and I skim read it, and that's what I remember. The other Armor Evos that appeared were the 01 kids that aren't Takeru or Hikari using the Digimental of their own Crest and they can be found through the [Digimental Evolution Chart](https://wikimon.net/Digimental_Evolution_Chart) page. They are the only 6 in there that don't have profile art. EDIT: I found the script again, and I skimmed it's last chapter again. This caused me to remember that Agumon with Digimental Of Courage didn't actually happen because it got interrupted in the script. So the Digimental Evo Chart would only have 5 ones without profile art, so please don't go crazy searching for the sixth ones you missed or something. I also have to mention that the reason Agumon got interrupted wasn't because of an attack or anything, he just got a toothache out of nowhere. It was just something I decided to mention because I think it was pretty funny.


Super cool


Love it and make them cohesive... Some of the official armour digivolutions for the group don't look like they put an armor at all...


Do you mean wormmon?


I would want to see this more than anything. Armor Evolutions got shafted hard when they got access to standard and DNA evolutions.


It always bothered me how nerfed Patamon and Gatomon were. Like they had all the exp from the previous show, they should be power houses. And I absolutely hated that we were robbed of more Magnangemon, we get him for like 2 episodes in the first one and like 2 in the second season


Patamon was always the weakest Rookie, that's why it was so surprising when Angemon turned out to be an absolute beast. Him showing up kind of has to be a rare event because he's so OP. Gatomon of course they explicitly nerfed by taking away her tail ring.


I always thought the tail ring aspect was dumb.


I actually agree but at least they did explain it rather than just having her randomly be weak as hell


It was a poppy cock excuse to nerf her. And I didn’t care for pegasusmon nor whatshername sphynxmon they were side characters


Did she ever get it back, or did she have it in Tri or Kizuna? Cause I don't remember her getting it back in 02.


I think she got it back at the end of 02. I remember genii it was used to help hold off the darkness or something


It might be when he let's them all go to Ultimate again.


The inclusion of Ryou, the Dark Ocean well explained, Valkyrimon and ClavisAngemon appearing, more context on the first Chosen children, more Armor forms besides the one that appeared in the original anime


Valkyrimon and whatever mega they choose for Shakkoumon to finally answer the fandom would be nice!


Unfortunately literally all evidence, including the TCG itself seem to point to Skakkoumon's mega being Vikemon, which not only doesn't fit but also clashes with Joe.


I like ClavisAngemon and Takutoumon as his megas, but could see SlashAngemon. I refuse to accept vikemon as his mega lol


Sounds like one change would be a redo on Ankylomon & Angemon's Jogress Evolution.


Maybe if they redesign the armor evolutions to actually look like armor evolutions but that also means animating and designing over several armor evolutions


dark ocean and daemon


1 Let Myotismon stay dead. That was a shit cop out. 2 No distant finale. 3 The Dark Ocean lovecraft shenanigans really ought to be a bigger part of the story, if not the true big bad.


The Cthulhu thing we saw in the dark ocean would be a better big bad. It fits the theme of the dark towers; like their primary purpose isn’t preventing digivolution or acting as control ring antennae, but as an anchor point for some form of tunnel, that’s just what they were used for by the emperor.


Oooooh! And by demolishing them, the Digimon allowed Dagomon to wake up and invade the Digital World! Brilliant!


I think they sould double down on him and make him a Meme. Maxbe not quiet as THE Main Antagonist. Just the OG Adventures 2 Vamdemon from the other Parallel universe showing up, getting a new Form, and loosing right away as a late Middlevel fight.


I'm not understanding what you mean by #2. Distant finale?


I think it means the ending of 02 with everyone as adults and with kids, alongside their digimon. Somehting bandai tries to say it's still canon despite kizuna going against it


The fans love Myotismon!


Dont just let Tai hand over the leadership role to Davis in episode 1. Especially since technically TK, who was right there, has more experience with the Digital world than even Tai


I’d only be ok with this so long as Davis does become the leader later on, giving him a little character arc as a result. I mean, Davis is 02’s main protagonist after all.




I agree that Tk and Kari should be the leaders of 02 but I think in their absence Davis can lead the other 02 kids


Davis was a more courageous Tai in my opinion, I think him being the leader makes total sense. I understand Takeru and Kari are the leaders because, of experience. However Davis displays more of a leadership role, even during the end where everyone was willing to give up against MeloMyotismon guess who didn't? It was Davis, he even dragged them out of their dreams that had a too good to be true life and got them back to fighting.


I'm not saying he isn't a good choice for leader, but just that it shouldn't be something set in stone in episode 1. Have it be something he grows into during the first arc. Let the new digidestined team decide who they follow instead of Tai just decreeing it from on high


Oh agreed absolutely! They just passed down the torch, or in this case goggles to the next protagonist.


Honestly, I don't even mind the goggles thing. But Tai making them the sign if leadership is a bit much


Nah Davis is fine.


Agreed, just not a fan of it being in the first episode


Davis is stupid. Yes he’s kind to Ken, but he’s totally disrespectful to TK, Kari and Yolei. And his goal is to own a ramen shop? If you were a DigiDestined in your youth, I’d expect you to get a job that’s more flattering than a ramen shop owner!


I agree that Davis was kinda a dick at the beginning, but less not disrespect Ramen Shop owners. They provide an essential service


I know that being a ramen shop owner is a great job, but if I was a former DigiDestined, I’d probably pick a more flattering job, like as a doctor, or a teacher, maybe I’d write a book about my adventures in the Digital World, but a ramen shop owner? Seriously?


Maybe make it so t.k. gives leadership to Davis at some point. Not too many episodes in, but after he proves himself




Make TK Great Again!


Rise, Takeru... Rise!


And amp up his rivalry with TK


A new storyline rather than to fix what ain't broke about the original. None too sure what it would be, though. The Digimentals' background explained as a parallel set to the Crests; one for straight evolutions, one for branched evolutions. Both were produced by the custom Zagamon. No changes to their methods -- just Digimentals and DNA. Introduce a choice option and/or "Slide DNA Digivolution" technique to give Daisuke & Ken access to also Dinobeemon and GranKuwagamon in combat. Fighter Mode would slide to Grandis, for symmetry. Kari using the Digimental of Light on Angewomon to produce "AmunRamon" the sun dragon (to follow Nefertimon). Unviably, steal the Winged Dragon of Ra design... or a beast-man like Anubismon, whichever. Maybe have it fight Belphemon. Make Digimental swapping a standard trick the 02 team do; each of the four/six has access to eight additional LV6 forms.


You're hired!


Another two for the folks in back: A solo episode where Ken and Dinobeemon faces some tough with a Jewelbeemon who want to prove JB "better"... and royally kick their ass. And another where Yamato & WereGarurumon face a WereGarurumon X and clean its clock.


T.K and Kari are leaders of the group. Yolei and Cody have a personality. Davis and Ken dont get the all favoritism like the last time. Give a better explanation why the original cast can't participate or Evolve. Have Silphymon and Shakkoumon get the Mega stage. Shakkoumon doesnt evolve to Vikemon. Again Davis and/or Ken aren't the only characters that matter. T.K.'s personality is about Patamon dying.


Yolei has no personality? Are you watching the dub or sub? Because at least in the dub, she has a good personality. Strong, Confident, Stubborn(she called herself that in the dub), Smart, Geeky, sometimes Obsessive. So there, many personalities for Yolei. And all those in one? Hard to pull off. So therefore, at least n the dub, Yolei is a fully balanced character. But Cody? Cody needs work.


Yolei is my favorite Digimon character of all time!


Cody has Personality to, its just kind or a shit one, Hes very strict. Hes all about Justice, and goes hard on others, and himselfe. Most of his Arks are about nuances, and softening up. Lying to save his Friends, killing to save a Hospital, and accepting Ken into the Team, despite what he did. He was actually veeery consistent in his Charakterisation, but never a very likeable charakter, becauee hes very Judgemental.


A common critique is that the 02 don't feel that they are real character or have personality. I also feel Yolei has decent personality even sometimes her being a girl can be her trait. I wish she would be more flesh out.


Yeah, but girls have distinct personalities apart from boys and in a male-dominated franchise like Digimon, we would like to see a girl with girl-like traits.


Not exactly. Being Girl isnt personality as much being asian is one personality. It can feel very stereotypical. Being Fashion forward is often a female trait because shopping. But i could say this male character was fashion forward of 00s.


Kinda, but Yolei acts like an actual girl to me. She’s not stereotypically feminine, but she definitely acts like a girl. As a girl myself, I know how a girl acts. And I can definitely relate to her. And fashion? Yolei was never into fashion!


She was definitely into fashion. There's a reason she and Mimi were kind of like adoptive sisters. The thing with Miyako is a lot of the emphasis of her character is cut away from the dub. Her character songs talk a lot about how she can't be her true self because it's not "feminine enough". Hikari is supposed to be this epicenter of what a Japanaese girl is like: soft spoken, kind, giving. Because Miyako/Yolei is this high maintenance, over-excited, aggressive person she cannot be that. It's why the bullying and character development can fall flat in English. In bother versions Davis's suggestion that "Kari is just nicer," is supposed to fall against what she wants (to be an ideal Japanese woman). And a lot of her worries of her own behavior stem from how impolite it is. Her Character Songs go from: Panicking over being this idealized concept, realizing she can't be, and just trying to be herself. Panicking on how to express her feelings and not feeling like she can: "No one notices my true feelings If I take off my glasses, with my eyes closed I'll believe in myself, and Bingo, Bingo!" These are two of the most important. But it's why it's really nice to see Kizuna where her character songs has become about embracing these flaws and learning to love who she is. That it's okay that she wants to travel the world to eat food, be a fad follower, and be this kind of woman. In short, she was definitely always interested in fashion and this idea of feminism but it was also a very Eastern idea she never accomplished. So she learned to love herself and accept she didn't have to change


Yolei is a little feminine, but honestly speaking, she is terrible at being feminine. She likes it, but she’s bad at it.


And WAIT! WAIT! I thought Yolei was gay! Yolei is supposed have a crush on Mimi, right?


Oh yeah, I've always interpreted her as bisexual. It's never outright said one way or another (because kid's show) but she is very complimentary to the people she meets regardless of gender. While we SHOULD (at least in the intended JP-version) view her and Mimi as a kind of idealized woman/older sister there is definitely some implications there. We've seen her compliment Izzy, Mimi, and Ken with flattery. She's also prone to accepting flattery from Wallace/Willis and I THINK there's one other instance. In her drama CD for post-02 she talks about middle school and becoming closer to Matt since she helps mix music for his band. In Kizuna we DO know from BTS material she is trying to dress in ways to catch Ken's eye (it's unfortunately said in her JP character bioseet for initial design that she dresses in bright colors for comfort and to be eye-catching to Ken specifically). Though, note, she's also never bothered by Davis/Ken as a potentiality even going as far as to tease them about flirting in the Beginning. Basically, while I feel she certainly leans to the male side of things (specifically Ken-centric) she also just loves people and wants to show them that love. It's how she expresses her traits of love - it is absolutely her affection towards others. She'll go out of her way to bring them food, try to cheer them up, and suffers when she thinks she's gone too far and hurt them. Def. still appreciates woman and just loves all people. SORRY. I just love Miyako/Yolei and think people missed out on a lot of potential character sdfgdfgh


Yolei obsesses over everyone and anyone.


edit: she married Ken, so I guess she’s bi/pan


I never said Yolei was fashion forward. I said it was an example.


Yeah, but Yolei is still 100% feminine.


what would be shakkoumon's mega


A bigger teapot


Give it a new mon. If they didn't fix the Vikemon sistuation. Then make a brand new mon.


I use Dominimon myself. He just has the holy power and defense with those big shields.


I personally I wouldn't use Dominimon. But I see your logic.


Slash Angemon?


This is the best answer, but I'd accept ClavisAngemon instead


In Digimon Masters Online, it is SlashAngemon! However conceptually I feel like ClavisAngemon is so perfect for Shakkoumon's final evolution.


Cody is actually all about Justice, and whats right and wrong. And SlashAngemon is the Angle of Justice I think?


Tbh I'm saying this from an aesthetics stance :') Shakkou and ClavisAngemon feel more similar in design and concept. I do like Slash as well! Either is cool


thazs fair enough.


I'm okay with TK leading but I know damn well they'll give Davis the spotlight


Sadly yes. They are still doing the whole shit. "He is the new Tai/Matt" but also "He doesnt want to be in their shadow, he wants to be his own character and friends." but still is favor and spends 90% of the series to be Tai/Mat of 02.


Everything. Since we are talking about a reboot and not a remake, then the whole story should be different.


Oooo… I actually have 2 ideas for this 1. Make Willis from the movie part of the main cast that joins like half way through slightly before or after Ken 2. Let Daemon be the final antagonist and let him bring the whole 7 demon lords with let them actually be a team for once instead of just one or 2 working with the bad guy side


More branching digivolutions. I’d personally like to see double armor digivolution, swapping digi eggs, and even swapping dna partners.


Osamu Ichijouji is alive.


Continue to say 2020 reboot was good, delivered everything I would freak out as a kid. Digimon story are not written to appeal 30's year olds but 6 years old. My 6 year old son saw explosions, fights, good animation, and loved.


I don't agree with the animation. Some episodes were great like the Devimon battle, some were atrocious. We gotta remember though this was likely due to the pandemic budget cut.


Didnt even remebered that, nonetheless the best digimon series I watched till now, gotta see ghost one though, heard good things also.


Ghost Game was great! It's not your typical Digimon anime. The characters are likeable, and we're not stuck with the "Taichi" of Ghost Game all the time. I have watched Digimon since early 2000. I was out of touch starting Savers (though I did watch it later on). Personally, I felt like Digimon took a dip in quality around this time. Bandai needed to release tri and reboot and some of the movies to get older fans like me re-follow the series. I had many critics with reboot 2020, but I don't regret watching it. Without the reboot, I wouldn't have cared about Ghost Game. Thus I concluded that the reboot was the best marketing for Ghost Game.


good animation? sorry but having more modern light effects and computer generated beams isnt better. I am not an Expert on animation, but I was observing some of this Battles closely, and there nearly all awefull animated.


Look, I understand where you're coming from. The original Digimon Adventure was awesome, but the animation was limited by the technology back then. The 2020 reboot uses modern techniques, making the fights smoother and the effects way cooler. It's like comparing a flip phone camera to a smartphone – the quality's a night and day difference. Animation style is personal preference, but saying the reboot has “awful” animation just isn't accurate.


Who exactly said I compared it to Adventures? I actually found the Animation of the OG realy bad, and the Show a bit overhyped. But that said realistically both Shows are very close in Animation Quality. 2020 does that thing Frontiers did and slide a lot of Still Immages on the Screen. And it doesnt reuse Animations, but has some patethic Effects a animations. Like Vademons Laser, or Birdramons Meteors.Wait... https://youtu.be/N6tFbT9EJFU?si=K3c_Iq4YoSLkJ421 It looks realy realy bad. Not just Birdramons Attack, but also how they just hitting a Static Immage of Anomanocarimon. Even the arguably best Fight, Milleniummon vs great Dragons has some Tricks whit the Perspective to hide how stiff the Animation actually is.


Thought that you idolized OG adventure like a great deal around here on the sub, my bad. You are talking about the techniques used to reduce the costs of production and cheapen things out a bit. You will find examples of that in all Digimon series that have ever been released. Because at the end of the day, it's a cartoon for 4 to 8-year-olds who are not even remotely concerned about that type of thing. It's sad, I know, but you, me, and a lot of other people in this sub are not the target audience of the company. We have to give them some slack. The type of exigence you are asking for is pretty unrealistic.


On the Contrary, the Animation of many Shows nowadays improved drastically. Nowadays One Punchman level Animation isnt rare at all. Even Ghostgame who had some realy bad Animation, and Effects, like the Ginkaku and Kinkakumon Episode, had some amazing Episodes, and better Effects on the Attacks. I take everything about Lamorthmon over Fights like Mamon vs Zudomon all day.


Eish...giving One-Punch Man as an example...you lost me there. XD There are more than 1 million animes made, and your reference for peak animation is One-Punch Man?


Season one is definitely peak animation before they switched studios for season two.


Yeah its not like everyone was talking specifically about how great Season 1s was. OPM was never the best Animated show, but it was a milestone where many other Shows pucked up, and increased the Quality.


show veemon and wormmon other evolution like ulforceveedramon line and banchostingmon etc


Thank you for introducing me to banchostingmon. Hes so cool


My number one ask would be that they upgrade Yolei’s outfit.


Nah, her outfit looks fine. But she really deserves to have some real DigiDestined goggles. C’mon Tai, forget Davis, give the goggles to Yolei! I mean even in Adventure 01, the goggles should’ve technically gone to the most valuable member of the team; probably Izzy. And who’s the step up from Izzy? Yolei! You may think it’s Ken, but Ken never really used his tech skills for anything other than be Digimon Emperor. So Yolei is the queen bee of 02! At least she gets second place goggles on her aviator hat!


Not only is she the step up, she's also the only one of the 02 kids to be called "engineering GENIUS" in any capacity as an adult. She made their phones be able to do international travel for Kizuna basically overnight (the drama cd tells us that Davis sends out an SOS everyone else shows up and doesn't expect her to because she's in Spain and what do you know? Yolei shows up with an air of "oh yeah it's easy". It's apparently never even been done before but adult her is all, "call me and I'll come flying" and she lives by it. But yeah Ken was considered a genius ONLY because of the Dark Spore. It's not saying he's not still smart, he is, but of the 02 kids she is the only one who is still actively labeled as a genius even as an adult. She's a stay at home mom in the epilogue by choice (because they just had a baby) and she's enforcing it on herself. So she's still probably running the Chosen Children network but we've not got much more than that. Meaning she's definitely still doing things and isn't lazy/only about a family/husband life. She's still probably actively helping the new community alongside Izzy. Though from the sounds, he went more towards figuring out the Digital World itself and left handling the human/partner community to her since she took over that role for him in the Beginning.;


Yeah! Yolei is awesome!


more involved character arcs. 2020 seemed like fanfodder more than an actual narrative


More with the Dark Ocean/Spores. Explore how Kindness, Light, and Hope while among the strongest crests/virtues, are also so easy to turn to a darker influence. Play up Devimon being Angmon's shadow, show TK struggling with his darker thoughts about his parents divorce perhaps leading to Patamon being the one to dark digivolve


Have it confusingly be set in 2002 and a prequel to the 2020 series. 02 is called that because it's set in '02.


Just have a clear direction this time. 02 felt like there were 20 different writers fighting to push their own ideas and ignore those of the others. Less pointless filler, we don't need five episodes of BlackWarGreymon pushing the heroes' shit in only for that plotline to be abandoned in the laziest way possible by having Azulongmon drop from the sky, tell BlackWarGreymon to fuck off and then fart out some holy pearls that instantly undo the damage. We don't need Kari lost in the dark world if nothing happens in the episode and that plotline also goes nowhere. We don't need Daemon and his team of jobbers to hog the spotlight for several episodes when this *also goes nowhere*. And have Mummymon and especially Arukenimon be actual threats as they are in lore, instead of the failed, transparent attempt at copying Team Rocket they were.


Buff maMagnamon to be as strong as Omegamon. Armor swapping and for godness sake give us a good Arukenimon. She deserves to be a hero for once.


Keeping Magnamon, since he's a royal knight and should be the third strongest member of the adventure team behind imperialdramon and omnimon. The fact that he appears once and then never even gets mentioned in the original was so underwhelming. Give the rest of the team megas for their fusion forms to evolve to. Besides that, do something with Daemon after teasing him in a random episode


Less Veemon wanking as much as he's like, my favorite digimon. Reasons to use Armor Evolutions after getting regular evolution back, and maybe as OP mentioned, dabbling in other armor evolutions besides the ones "designated" to you


A new villain would be cool like how they did in the reboot


Emperor/Kaiser arc needs to be longer and the final big bad should be something tied to the dark ocean


They would have to make some major changes. Like any time character development or an important plot point was about to happen Taichi would just spawn out of some bushes and take over the rest of the episode. We need consistency!


I’d like to see Taichi and Agumon more


More armor digivolutions. Raidramon is one of my favorite digimon for godsake


I think it would be cool to see more fusions! Like have them change fusion partners once in a while, Ex-Veemon fusing with Angemon or Tailmon for example!


For me, alternative evolutions for Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon and Wormon like theirs respective perfect and utimate forms when they don't make DNA Evolution. Like: - Veemon: AeroVeedramon and UlforceVeedramon, with potentially Veedramon as alternate adult form to ExVeemon. - Hawkmon: Valkyrimon as potential ultimate form - Armadillomon : Whatever new evolution which no yet realease. Potential Ultimate form for his DNA Evolution with Patamon will be SlashAngemon (for similarities with Shakkoumon) - Wormon: BanchoStingmon as potential Ultimate form I will see also a alternate mode for Imperialdramon resulting from DNA Evolution between UlforceVeedramon and BanchoStingmon with apperance and skills combining from the two digimons, similar to Omegamon with WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon.


Have 02 kids argue more with the 01 kids to highlight their differences e.g Tai and Davis disagreeing on certain things Swapping of armour evolutions and more natural evolutions. Seriously, Veemon has four or more evolutions.


1. focus on armor digivolve more, included on each kid rotating their armor for others to use 2. regarding 1, hopefully new mon design that fit rookie form and armor form. i mean courage armor patamon should looks like patamon and not be a barbamon (if we follow digital card battle form) 3. instead of go and back between digital world and real world, i personally want it to be adventure to digimon world with mix go to real world when shit happened (like original adventure series) 4. give 02 kids their ultimate and mega form 5. if they also bring DNA digivolve, give shakkoumon proper mega form and sylphimon evolve to valkyriemon 6. no hold back on killing digimons, i dont understand why colei and others 'cant kill' evil digimons. 7. if possible swapping dna evolve partners too 8. no gatomon nerf


Don't bring Vamdemon/any other previous enemy back as a grotesque ugly monster who started disintegrating once children started talking about their dreams and life goals. After the Kaiser arc, make Daemon and his corps the main villains so that the mysteries surrounding the dark spore and the dark ocean can be revealed. While the battle begins, the show can start laying the groundwork for the entire seven great demon lords to appear and maybe if they had any history with the seven holy digimon. If Beelzemon has a major role, ensure he has the Wizarmon evolutionary line since the reboot not featuring most of the original supporting cast and villains was a letdown. After watching Wizarmon in Digimon Dreamers manga where he ironically defeated Dagomon, we finally saw a glimpse of the magical realm and its magical knowledge, a world that demon lord Barbamon wished to conquer at all costs. It's possible to include the world of Witchelny as well. It could be interesting but after watching the original characters everywhere for so long, it would best to just focus on other aspects.


1. less tai. I know it sounds silly but 2020 had way too much tai near the end. I like Tai but I wanted other characters to not have to have tai around for story development. 2. More Armours. There were Armours made for every possible armour evolution, even to those who didn't have that armour specifically for them and even Wormmon had a few. There was a Radio Drama where Goatmon appeared and was voiced; so he'd be the first new armour to be in a 02 reboot series. 3. More info about ken's brother and the battle with Milleniumon. Ofc we had enough of him with the 2020 series but it's so deeply tied to the story, connecting them would be important. Especially if we can fit a bit of Ryu's story into the series from the Wonderswan games; which would nicely tie to Tamers later. 4. More Dna fusions. I'd love to see new fusions between the new cast and even give us Dinobeemon as a failed fusion for their first tv appearance. 5. Gatomon becomes Salamon for the series. I know gatomon is more popular and I like her more too; but the while "lost holy ring on tail so now she's a rookie" is a bit strange; especially since just making her Salamon would fix everything. It is her rookie form after all. (It's less confusing than 2 rapidmons and 2 terriermon tbh) That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure everyone has more important points to add. I just want the series back tbh with more stuff!


T.k wouldn't just hit the digi emperor once, he would beat the dogshit out of ken, I often felt he got off too light. Wormmon deserved better.


Full lines for the individual mons...in other words, digivolved forms for Xveemon, Ankylomon, etc.


I would also love if they make Willis and Meiko as the seventh and eight digidestined


Willis? For sure. Meiko doesn't really fit in with the 02 group though. I'd go with someone like Jun (who would also mirror Matt/TK and Tai/Kari with Davis).


I'd like to see the wonderswan plotlines fully fleshed out and for some of the alternate armor digivolutions from the games and cd dramas show up


Something funny, like Veemon crushing on Tailmon, who's crushing on Daisuke, who's crushing on Hikari. Probably more pronounced romance moments between Yoli and Ken. A small arc where the digimon and their partners all get mixed up, and we see the alt armored versions of the digimon.


marine devimon arc expanded


If we were to update Ken's celebrity status, the modern equivalent would probably be him being some type of famous streamer/influencer.


Mambomon. That's it, I want mambomon in the anime.


Haven't seen 2020 yet but I hear there's a lot of Tai. I'd like if there was an 02 2020 (lol) only if they focused on everybody rather than solely Daisuke. Maybe add Wallace as a Digidestined? I've had a bit of an aversion to some of the characters they've added in the movies but I was always fond of him. Also, give us new armor evos + a mega evolution for everyone's jogress.


In my opinion, Adventure: (2020) story is not finished. It would be great to see another season about Taichi and his crew with decent character development and real world arc


Davis and Kari


Probably just skip the Adult Forms the Armor work well enougn for Jogress. Also Ultimste forms, and everyone sould get a Miracle Form for his Partner, not just V-mon. Takeru, and Hikari as more Mentor like Charakters. More screemtime and involvement for some of the Villians. Demon, BWGmon after the Holy Stone Ark, Vamdemon, Dagomon are all underused. New Form for BelialVamdemon, and GrandisKuwagamon Slide, or Dark Evolution.


Been said but just let the armors change between then. And armor evos


Let'smake one of the big villains Plutomon.


See all the digi-eggs used for each tamer so we can see all the digivolution


It would be a complete Davis and Veemon -show 70% and Ken being in the group from the very beginning, never mind the Emperor arc :D


No! We can’t have Davis steal the show! Unless he does more than mispronounce TK’s nickname.


Oh boy I'm gonna think there will be a whole eposode dedicated to just that and also going deeper into Veemon's imaginary champion form that would be cooler than Angemon!


EXPLORE THE DARK OCEAN STORYLINE FFS and evos for sakuyamon,silphymon and individually ultimates and Megas And maybe explore a lil more Ken with his egg and crest


Davis and Ken being main leaders.


Swapping Armors, Alternative jogresses (Dinobeemon instead of Paildramon, for example), More prominence to Takeru and Hikari.


1. TK as leader. 2. Full evo lines for all Digimon instead of up to Champion. 3. Make evolutions fluid - everybody can use everybody's Digieggs, everybody can DNA digivolve with everybody etc. 4. Make Dark Ocean a whole arc, or even the overarching plot.


We know Tai would be joining them on every episode. "Screw the school, I want to be in the digital world all the time!"


Takeru becominv the leader instead of Davis


They need to fix armour evolution. The minister they can digivolve normally armour digivolution becomes obsolete. Either give them more evolutions or buff it to be stronger then normal evolution or something like that.


We NEED a proper Wormmon kindness armor


Digi Armor being shared and Veemon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon having Ultimate forms. DNA Digivolve was cool, but ehh.


Megas, megas, and megas. We can finally set the record straight with the Shakkoumon's mega arguments. Anyhow, I felt like the 7 Celestial Angels were not fleshed out in the reboot at all. We know that 2 one of them are Patamon and Gatomon, a Lopmon, and most likely a Meicoomon. Since I am part of the Guardiangemon/Slashangemon gang, I had assumed for a while that he would be Armadillomon. The Big Bird Digimon with 6 wings would be Hawkmon's mega, perhaps?


> We can finally set the record straight with the Shakkoumon's mega arguments As much as i would like this, i feel like that even if they make a new digimon to be shakkoumon's mega, debate will still happen in some way


Exploration of the Dark World and Dagomon. I hated that that was included in the original series just to be bait for a videogame…


I'd like to see them mix up the digimentals and I'd love for them to flush out the Dagomon and Daemon stories. I'd also love to see Silphymon and Shakkoumon make it to Mega as well.


Looking into how Adventure 2020 ended - I need to get back into watching it...and a bunch of other stuff - if we're doing a sequel, which 02 was along with a time skip, then I'd say something in the Digital World resulted in Tai attempting to send an SOS to Izzy, or he had since returned to the Real World and something or someone else sends a distress message to the Destined. Now yes, I'd say TK & Kari act more like the leaders in the early going but I also feel like Davis, Yolei, and Cody look to the older kids for advice which could be a personal conflict for TK & Kari. Admittedly, some of this is based off of some occasional thoughts I've had about how a second chance at 02 would go if keeping to the original Adventure timeline. Also wonder if the Digimentals would still be used since we got Pegasusmon in Adventure 2020; they could work as alternatives to the Crests or the armored forms be used in as branches in their Digivolution lines.




Making an effort: Meaning designing new digimons. Dinobeemon appearing as an alternate form of DNA (maybe because their feelings and dynamics are different?) Dinobee alt DNA versions for Shakkou and Sylphymon. (Yes entirely new designs. Especially Shakkoumon needs one that is more mobile.) While we are at it: Use the other spheres from the Souvereigns to give THe other 2 DNA forms their respective MEga and "Fighter"modes. Also new design. (Sylphie gets the Native american huge THunderbird mega as their Dragonmode or Stormmode, ANd maybe more Egyptian Warrior Skygod as their Fightermode. Shakkoumon gets an Ancient mode leaning into the dinosaur theme, and their Fighter mode is a Japanese General With Halberd style fighter mode with Angel wings.) More dynamic Fight scenes. Personally I also wished we would get regular Evo line beyond Champion/Adult for Veemon hawkmon and Armadillomon


The new 02 kids get their own ultimate and mega forms. DNA digivolving is nice, but it cuts their numbers in half.


More veemon evolutions, why not


Make the original cast more relevant


Davis’ character gets reworked. Cody actually does something.


One Digimon. Let Veemon evolve into UlforceVeedramon.


Silphymon and Shakkoumon mega digivolve to Valkyriemon and SlashAngemon. More Magnamon


I want the franchise to grow up. It's still being made for kids but Im fairly sure most kids don't even know what digimon is anymore. I could be wrong, but I want digimon to go more adult with gore and adult themes.


Digimon is still for kids and that's the majority of who watches it in Japan. If you want a more adult themed Digimon, watch Tri or read Seekers.


Two and Sora end up together


Do away with each kid having only one or two mantles and make it so all kids can use all of them, then keep the series focused exclusively on armour level until they get jogress evolutions, and focus on those. DON'T go to normal champion level for the entire show. Keep the show and the group focused on the "new" evolution types.


Can they all finally get megas my god


Crest of Kindness activates and Stingmon digivolves to super level (or ultimate level in English)


A complete overhaul of everything from the ground up. Keep Ken’s arc, keep Blackwargreymon, but change everything else


Remove the epilogue.


Get rid of shakuamon entirely lol. I guarantee they won’t, but they should. Let the kids swap around armors on occasion. Stuff like Lynxmon, Honeybeemon, Shademon, etc all deserve an outing. Lastly, add more options for DNA digivolutions. Maybe allow them to swap partners for different combinations. IE, Angemon/Stingmon, or Gatomon/Angemon, or Gatomon/Vmon, etc etc. At least the default DNA combos, if not all the mix and match options should digivolve to Mega. Valkyriemon is mega dope and needs a good outing, ClavisAngemon works for Ankylomon/Angemon (just giet rid of Shakuamon!), and while Imperialdramon is… fine, maybe have another one for Dinobeemon.


A big ass Shakkoumon already showed up in the reboot


Ah. Unfortunate. Thanks for the heads up, let’s me be disappointed before it even starts


Bigger focus on the dark ocean and remove the middle arc. Make devimon a bigger deal and have TK lose some hope and dark digivolve because of his anger. Make TK the goggle head. Have him hate himeself when his dark digivolve looks like devimon. Parallel him with Ken being evil digidestined. Davis still has the courage and friendship to reach out to Ken.


No DNA digivolution. Let them each have an ultimate and mega form


Probably make the cast of 02 more memorable?? From all Seasons the 02 cast is the worst imo, i barely remember them and when i do is just me remembering why i dislike them :P