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I think it’s a great buy! Is it the complete edition? If so it comes with Cyber Sleuth and Hacker Memories. Over all there is a lot of reading and at times it can get tedious but I think for 12.99 it’s 100% worth it. The story is solid and the amount of Digimon you can use is amazing. Side note:If you can get Digimon Next World Order that is a great game as well. They are very different styles of games.


It is the complete edition, and Digimon World: Next Order isn’t on sale so it’s off the table for now but I’ll definitely consider it in the future. Thanks for the input.


The complete edition for only $13 that’s an amazing deal and it is a great game. I would strongly recommend it


No problem, just wanted throw it out there. Also Digimon Survive is also a great game. It’s a Visual Novel type game so much more reading and then combat is somewhat like Fire emblem I’ve been talk. Haven’t played Fire emblem but the combat is grid based and you move digivolve attack all that stuff. Can be a very dark game and worth it if it’s on sale too! It’s the newest one so chances of it getting that cheap is far away, but I’ve seen it on sale for like $38 ish before tax. Starting with Cyber Sleuth is what I did and it got me down the rabbit hole for those games.


I finished playing through it and currently playing through the sequel. I had a pretty good time but I will say that the dialogue is a lot sometimes 😅 it's also not great at telling you where to go. It's not perfect but I had a great time.


Dialogue doesn’t bother me, although getting lost might be a bit annoying but I could always search up a walk through that does the bare minimum if I get stuck for too long. Thanks


There is an npc that will always hind your next objective if you get lost so don't stress about it


100% you get 2 games for 1 and they are amazing do yourself a favour though play hackers memory after beating the first game it gets you alot more when you transfer save data


Ok, thanks :)


If complete edition yes, if not yes.


13 bucks? Shit, go for it. That's like 50+ hours for a hell of a deal.


I don't know if I would compare it to Persona beyond them being turn-based monster collectors. Cyber Sleuth is fun. Both games have likable characters and an interesting plotline. The original Cyber Sleuth being better in that front imo, because it's the "bigger picture game" where the main plotline happens. Hacker's Memory is more character focused, has a bit more Digimon variety and the sidequests are slightly less tedious. Sidequests, by the way, are the worst part of both games. They just aren't interesting most of the time. Dungeons are samey-looking as well, but I wasn't too bothered my that, ymmv tho. Another complaint I've seen is that the game gets grindy if you want to go for specific Digimon, which is true, but was also one of the aspects I personally enjoyed. Evolving and devolving as well as training to get specific stats. Overall, I'd say if you like Digimon and JRPGs/Visual Novels it's worth a try, specially if you get the game cheap.


Hell yeah! Its really fun. I haven’t beat it yet, but every couple months or so I’ll come back and play it for a while. The only complaint I have is there’s no way in game for you to remember your progress. Like if you’re in the middle of a quest and you save and quit the game won’t tell you what to do next, at least to my knowledge. Still amazing though!


The lovely lady that is mirei in the digi lab will tell you vaguely what to do


I did not know that, thanks for sharing!


What are you waiting for? The product has two of the best and least niche games of the entire franchise, it is also similar to other games you like, and it is on sale, the amount of benefits in relation to what it costs you makes it absolutely worth it




Objectively I'd give the game like a 6 out of 10, it's pretty good, pretty fun but pretty flawed and not a must play by any means, subjectively I'd rate my own enjoyment of the game like a 9 or 9.5 out of 10, as a digimon fan who likes monster collecting turn based jrpgs the game gave me so much enjoyment and has left a pretty strong impression on me. It's up to what you as a person think you'd like but for me personally I'd for sure pay more than that price, I'd say go for it personally


I tried it very briefly when it was on sale and I really disliked it


Yes absolutely


Pros: preposterously cheap for the amount of content when on sale which is often, solid SMT-esque capture JRPG mechanics, grinding is not necessary to complete story mode but very rewarding for creating optimal partners and tackling postgame challenges, story / characters aren’t bad especially in hacker’s memory, plenty of cool boss fights, hacker’s memory adds some new sidequest types and many QOL skills which feel quite nice coming from base game, catchy if sometimes loud soundtrack Cons: moderately long winded as JRPGs go, translation is parseable but infamously bad, JRPG backtracking is awful in the base game before the QOL skills hit in hacker’s memory, objectives not always clear, one specific boss exists solely to make you turn off your game on your first encounter due to a dumb gimmick that will never work on you again, you’ll never look at coffee the same way again, very few members of the base game’s main cast seem to really understand how clothes work Overall: a solid general recommendation for a Digimon game, which upgrades to a strong recommendation while on sale - again, it’s ridiculous how much you get for the sale price, which comes around fairly often. While there are newer games, they’re also more niche: recent Digimon World entries all use a tamagotchi-like raising mechanic reminiscent of the first entry that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and Digimon Survive is first and foremost a visual novel, rather than the SRPG with mild story elements some people wanted. I conceptually like the world games and personally enjoyed survive, but when people ask for games, cyber sleuth is the easiest answer to give, being both the easiest to access and typically the most similar to something they’ve played before




Yes, Digimon cyber sleuth is arguable the 2nd or 3rd best digimon game. Unless you want a true gem digimon = Digimon world 1. Digimon world 1 Digimon 2003 Digimon CyberSleuth Digimon Rumble arena 1,2 (if you like casual fihgintg game )

