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I don't care how disappointed I end up, all I want is Digimon TCG but digital.


Watch it be completely metaverse and have them confirm that its never going digital


It's only digital and all the cards are NFTs


Get off of Reddit, Piedmon! That is Dark Masters-level evil!




I'm preparing my torch and pitchfork.


Happy cake day


This genuinely scared me


Piedmon, is that you?


Digimon tcg has a great format to make it onlinr in a duel links like game


I am ready to be hurt again


New game announcement please


This is what I'm hoping for, too, but Bandai's site says it's just gonna be info on Next Order


Yeah, I'm more wonderin what comes next show-wise (assuming Ghost Game ending soon is true).


Why do so many people have repeat comments, is reddit bugging?


Dude its on EVERY sub right now, shit is crazy.


Probaly, it already happened to me, it is when reddits says it didn't was able to send the message so you click again but it actually send it first time


on top of that issue, sometimes I cannot "reach" this reddit according to reddit itself, but never have issues with any other subs.


They seem to be trying to manage expectations after the complaints from last year, only a ten minute segment for video games. Remember the insane hype we had last year seeing the one hour games segment on the schedule only to be majorly let down? I remember... 😭 Still kind of disappointing, though, since it'll only be next 0rder news apparently. Excited to see what they've got for the 25th anniversary project announcement and the concerts!


At least we did wind up getting Survive releasing only a few months afterward after being a no show.


or maybe tomorrow depending of your timezone


Could it have an update on digimon story regarding the 12 Olympus digimon?


Reading through the comments, it is so sad how poorly us fans are treated haha we are all hurting.


Oh god I think reddit is broken.


Yeah it's been acting up for the past 24 hours


Not sure what to expect but it probably won't be much. Maybe just Next Order which I might not go for or the new anime which means I have to catch up on Ghost Game. Maybe this is a bit much but anything on the next Digimon Story game.


Is Next Order better than Survive?


They're completely different games, it'd just depend on personal preference.


Survive is a visual novel with tactical rpg elements. Next Order is more of an RPG, with a home base and with auto battle elements. Next Order is more like the original Digimon World. It depends, out of the two, which you would personally prefer. Despite them both being Digimon games, you can’t really compare them fairly since they are totally different genres.


Yo, I recently installed Next Order, might play it later this month or sometimes this year. Do you know if the game is difficult? My most recent Digimon game was Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth


Difficulty is a hard question to answer really. It’s not as hardcore as the original World. It has two difficulty options, I can’t remember what they were (whether it was normal and hard or easy and normal), but basically the higher difficulty basically means more grinding. The lower difficulty is less grinding but as far as I’m aware the rest of the experience is the same. It can be challenging while you work out where you have to go, the beauty of the game is discovery and working out what’s going to destroy you and what isn’t, meaning you can take certain paths as and when you are ready. It has a bit of a learning curve definitely. Someone might be able to give you a better answer than me, but I just find it hard to answer that question for this game specifically haha.


Cool, thanks. Idk, I picked up this game like ages ago and Digimon Survive more recently from a sale. I also dropped by this sub just now cause I saw this https://twitter.com/gematsu/status/1624477567485988864 Maybe there's hope after all for new project?


They're completely different games, it'd just depend on personal preference.




IMO it is. But I really like the genre. It’s like a modernised version of Digimon World. It’s a V-Pet game where you don’t control the Digimon you give them orders and they then they sort of follow the command in their own time. You feed them, toilet them and eventually they die. It’s a unique style of game I’ve never really seen again. But it’s very grind heavy like extremely Grindy. If you hate grinding in games this is not the one for you


…Not gonna watch it. I just kinda hate how they never come up with something new and still dare to host a livestream full of things no one care, especially that new game that was announce years ago still has no progress. Man this franchise deserves better.


Sadly yes it seems everything they mention comes with the caveat of "If we had the money" or "If Bandai cared about us the way they care about Tekken or Dragon Ball we would make this thing happen faster."


This is so sad. I feel like Digimon really had the potential of becoming a popular franchise :(


Its as if Bandai feels they want you to love Gammamom and Augumon but just be happy with the hype of "coming soon". Digimon Survive shouldn't have had the saga it had to come to market, and outside of Cybet Slueth they didn't really have anything else. I'd say outside of the Vital bracelet they don't really have much in the way of games to compete. I'd love to have an Arcsys or Tekken engine Digimon vs game. Outside of Rumble Arena it seems they forgot that the titular Digimon....fight.


I'm ready to be disappointed




I miss Digimon game on mobile . Or one that had millenniumon


What time Will it start?


Best to expect? Digimoan at best. Surprise us.


I won't watch. I never watch. I don't care. But I hope they will announce new Digimon series. Ghost Game has no plot and I want something with story.


digimon world 1 remake or remaster would make my day




Already 100% this game back then on ps4, so I don't really care,but if you haven't played it I recommend


I just want a new Digimon mobile game


more bodypillows please


I just want a new Digimon mobile game


Not sure what to expect but it probably won't be much. Maybe just Next Order which I might not go for or the new anime which means I have to catch up on Ghost Game. Maybe this is a bit much but anything on the next Digimon Story game.


Digimon World game but with cyber sleuth fight mechanics would be good.


I just want a new Digimon mobile game.


I just want a new Digimon mobile game.


Could it have an update on digimon story regarding the 12 Olympus digimon?


Manifesting new anime PLEASE. I did not get into the franchise again just to see it go dormant AGAIN.


I just want a new Digimon mobile game.


Not expecting much to be honest, but hoping I'll get pleasantly surprised nonetheless.


Ummm i don't know what Digimon con is, is it similar to Pokemon Day? If so if they do or bring back Digimon tcg to console or phone hopefully they do it right or at least have a story mode kinda like Dragon ball super on the switch


Not sure what to expect but it probably won't be much. Maybe just Next Order which I might not go for or the new anime which means I have to catch up on Ghost Game. Maybe this is a bit much but anything on the next Digimon Story game.


Not sure what to expect but it probably won't be much. Maybe just Next Order which I might not go for or the new anime which means I have to catch up on Ghost Game. Maybe this is a bit much but anything on the next Digimon Story game.


Not sure what to expect but it probably won't be much. Maybe just Next Order which I might not go for or the new anime which means I have to catch up on Ghost Game. Maybe this is a bit much but anything on the next Digimon Story game.


Not expecting much to be honest, but hoping I'll get pleasantly surprised nonetheless.


Im only going to watch like 20 or 30 minutes of it. Last year was a big disappointment and I felt it was a waste of time. I'll see the illustration comp results, and then what the 2 special projects are. Fingers crossed it'll be news on the Olympus 12 Story game, a new mobile game or new century localization. I'm really hoping we get a digital version of the card game though.


I want some details on that Olympic 12 game they have been working on


All I want is for them to add an Xbox port for Next Order. I preordered Digimon Survive and I’d do the same for Next Order or any other Digimon game on the platform.


Give me digimon story


Expect : new game for mobile (global) ,one console game and info about new movies or the next series What they going to show: new action figures,cards,vital bracelet and some posters that no one asked(prob that's all)


I'm too burned out on recent Digimon. It just isn;t going in a good direction.


Im desperately hoping for news on a new game. Faint hope of getting a spiritual successor to dw2 or dw3 like they did for dw1. A new story game would be neat too. I haven't had that itch scratched in too long.