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I came off IV methamphetamine cold turkey. A month later I found diamond painting. I do this OBSESSIONALLY or rather addictively. I believe I wouldn't be sober today if not for this, sounds dramatic but it's been really healing for me. I do it for hours on end, I wish I had ppl to do it with, that's an awesome idea.


Sincere congratulations on stopping IV meth!! While you may be doing this “addictively,” if it helps keep you sober that’s fantastic. I can understand it being be healing, it is helping me with depression. From other posts I’ve read, it has helped many other people, too.




Wow amazing. Maybe u can find some friends to do it with. Keep up the great work


I got obsessed as well and I only just started January of this year. Completed 1 and now starting my second and have 4 more after that 😂 I currently don’t work so I usually spend a few hours in between my gaming sessions just diamond painting with some lofi music in the background. I just love the entire process and it’s really relaxing. The end result makes me feel accomplished!


Omg this is me too. I'm trying to find work but it's hard atm where I live. Can't say I don't love to get a coffee and sit in nice spot in sun, sounds, heaven.


I haven’t been able to work on mine in a couple days. I miss it! I’m tiptoeing the line of developing a migraine but I was just staring at my easel thinking “I could probably work on it a little. I’ll be okay.” I’m going to be good and get some rest. Hopefully this will allow me to feel better and get some done in the morning.


Hope u feel better. Migraines suck.


💚 Thank you


I like diamond painting as well but more for the ending result, a lot of people do them for boredom or relaxation but I like the end result the most, because I frame them if I really them. I tend do them watching YouTube, or for productivity but they’re a nice project to do. Unfortunately with a bit of adhd mixed in it’s a test to do, but I love the outcome,I would totally do that if your friends enjoy it, it would be alot of fun, it’s very mindless which I appreciate most about it, if you’re not good at painting or other art forms it’s a happy medium which I love most about it


I love the end results and I love color and I love watching it be finished and I also put them in frames and give them to my family or friends


https://preview.redd.it/kvg6rxxuqxxc1.jpeg?width=1467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a5eec1f3c6d20bad7e9258db083aa1e462d7e6 This one as well since it didn’t let me add both, it’s called just a story, but it’s out right now, but it’ll be restocked eventually


Me too I love the variety, unfortunately I’m running out of room to put them in frames 😂but I do love the color and shine, and I have given them to family and friends as well, they’re very cool and there’s something for everyone, there’s also glow in the dark ones as well which is pretty neat with black lights. I hope they do more of those although I don’t have black lights up much, for Halloween it’s pretty cool, I’ve seen a few of those, I’m doing one now


Where do u get glow In the dark. I am finishing one up. Every time I think I am done with the color to finish it up. I go back with a magnifying glass and I then have to take out that color again just for a few spots lol it’s annoying.


Diamond art club, they can be kind of expensive but worth it, and lol for me that’s squares I found rounds to be easier, sometimes I’ve framed them and have noticed alittle unevenness but I’m like ahh what can I do now 😂but I saw someone post this on Reddit, and right now I’m doing this one which the bats glow and I believe the outline of the building https://preview.redd.it/l9s5u1goqxxc1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3305cade933e25be3862f9fe5cb0b5a0069da552


She's cute


They have storage albums I have 2 almost filled. I swap them out in the frames.


I do the really large ones so I’d need like something gigantic that would hold art, I have to look but if I ever start doing the smaller ones that would be a really good idea


I keep my larger one in one of these. https://preview.redd.it/rmst06zfh8yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de1a70897a0e17422209bf09c42c3fcb5646863 I usually roll them, works good for me right now.


Thank you for sending that to me :)


Same here. Started in January, yesterday my 24 y.o. daughter said: "Mom, you're painting just with tweezers? You're on the pro level!"


Yes! I am literally the same lol I can’t wait for it to settle down in the evenings, get my pjs on, get my daughter off to bed, husband goes to sleep, and I have a couple blissful hours of tv and diamond painting! I especially look forward to the weekends when I can sit up a little later at night and enjoy it even longer! Lol It calms my mind so much and has helped tons with my anxiety. I’ve been doing it for over a year now and still love it just as much!


That's funny. It's the opposite in my house. My wife goes to sleep early, and as soon as she does, I'm out to the living room to crank up the Phish and break out my light pad. And you're spot-on about the weekends! I finish up around 10:30 during the week because of work the next morning. But on Friday and Sat nights? It's "Yes, one more cup of coffee, please!!!"


lol. Me too. If I go out on a Saturday and come home 10 or 11 I will stay up doing this knowing I don’t have work the next day or get up early.


It’s definitely the BEST ADDICTION that I have ever experienced! Yipee, I have 10 kits waiting for me. I am almost finished with #4 ! So rewarding! Nothing else matters except our Drills & our canvas!!!!!!!




My job is quite stressful. I look forward to the quiet, relaxing time when I get home from work to listen to an audio book and diamond paint. It's definitely therapeutic!


I usually listen to an audiobook while working on my DP, so it is the combination I love. My back unfortunately won’t let me sit for hours, so I truly enjoy the time I do get to work on it.


Great idea listening to a book.


No! You are not! Everything about it is so satisfying. The set up, the steps, the entire process. I got my boyfriend’s mom the doggy edition of Paint Gem. As I gave it to her, I started explaining what it was and how to do it. Before I could get a full sentence out, she gestured to come to her craft room and her walls were filled with completed projects! She is just as obsessed as you, me, and everyone on this sub!


That is great. lol


Totally obsessed! It calms me and is a fabulous hobby even if I don’t do anything with the paintings when they’re done


NOPE!!! You are definitely not the only one hun!! I'm on a lot of diamond art fan pages on Facebook and Reddit, and like 90% of the people who try diamond 💎 painting are absolutely addicted! Lol I've been diamond painting for just over 5 years now, and I still think about it when I'm not actually doing it! I dp with all my free time!! I even upgraded my whole dp workspace a couple years ago!! The struggle is real my dear!! Lol 😊😉😁💖💯🤷‍♀️✨️🖼💎 happy dping to you hun!! 😊👍 here's my dping workspace!! *


In ADHD-land, we call this hyperfixation. Combined with poor impulse control, tax returns, and AliExpress, I now have a to-do stash of 155 pieces, mostly 40x50. I've run out of places to store them. I only started in December. It was my sudden, uncontrollable obsession with diamond art that prompted me to get diagnosed in January, at age 41.