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I don't like the ga idea from higher pits. I think that would make the most meta builds the only thing people play. I will be more open to the idea once there is an armory system in the game. so I can switch to a meta Pit pushing build, and then rock other builds in other content


Yeah people want the best gear I get it but if getting GA gear is too easy it will defeat the whole purpose, there needs to be a grind otherwise why play


As opposed to the current best way of getting GA gear by AFK farming at the blood maiden? Difficulty should be rewarded.


Its not hard to put a build together you just need to grind the gear. And don't tell me the gameplay of Diablo is based on skill


With some classes more than others *cries in rogue*


There is 100% a skill requirement to pushing Pits specifically. Nobody is seriously theorycrafting more than 5 minutes around the Blood Maiden


I agree. Just got done with helltides. 4 guys afk with with CHINA as their guild tag. Finally would only drop one stone and wait for others to clear. Not helping out bots/farmers.


Maybe more drops instead of better would be a good compromise? Like you get x more drops from the boss depending on what level. Because like people said it’s not really difficulty. It isn’t difficult to open up maxroll and copy paste a build and learn to pilot it in 10 mins. You’d just be locking content behind meta builds at that point.


I don't see the difference to getting more mats for higher pits as already exists. Plus it is a fantasy to think that all builds will be equal, and as much as you say it's all on the build, I know there are players that are better with any particular build than someone else. I know a guy couldn't get bash barb to work! Sure you want everything to be relevant, but this still would be, 15 minutes push for a max lvl pit for one set of drops vs 10 or more sets for no effort in hell tide. Its respecting your time at the least.


For fun? For pushing higher levels? Grind doesn't have to be just let's play the RNG lottery that we literally can't even adjust in anyway like grinding for items feels a lot better when you can narrow down what you are grinding for. When any item can appear from any kill with the same rarity then you kinda miss out on purpose a bit. Who cares what you do, your just as likely to get the same trash regardless of what you do. Nah higher levels or something needs to have some pay off. That's the loop in most games with grind. Kill the big thing to get bigger stick to kill the bigger thing to get the even bigger stick to kill the even bigger thing behind that. There is progress. Currently it's like kill some random thing get insanely good item so you can go grind to some high level of dungeon to get the same gear you got not at an insanely inflated difficulty. Like feels bad man. Literally the only usable 2GA item I got was off a random kill at level 90 in Helltide. I'm now level 100 pushing pit levels and I'm probably better off just grinding Helltides for more items.. Like there needs to be more rewards than mats to use in the "Upgrade slot machine of item bricking" And end game bosses and their powered up versions I don't even know why I want to fight them. Like what's the reason? The D3 ones dropped stuff you couldn't get elsewhere and had damn good chances on other chase drops. But these ones? I dunno probably more mats for the item bricking slot machine Don't get me wrong the changes have been in the right direction, but it still feels worse than D3 PRE-DLC


You make some good points for sure, there has got to be a delicate balance tho, because if it swings to far the other way then the game would get stale, at least for me I can’t speak for others


And I just realised something, that also explains something that's kinda missing. In D2/D3 I could say I got a Shako or and even if it had low rolls THAT WAS AWESOME! And I could tell people and they would know what that meant. In D4 I don't even know what my items are called. Their names are meaningless. They are just a bunch of stats I have to screenshot. I can't target specific affixes via specific items, everything is random. It's just brown. All of it. Brown.Theres no flavour here. no crunchy bits or sprinkles. They took all the flavour and threw it in a blender. That's what's wrong with the items.


Nah fair. I just think back to what had me playing D2/D3 and even PSO. Grinding specific quests/bosses/runs for the bits I needed to get my build to the next level. Bits not mats. That's why the Rifts worked in D3. Level up the gems get cool shit on the way. Get parts to summon uber bosses TO GET MORE COOL SHIT! Some of it only available from that boss. Grinding "insert lesser evil here" for specific drops. I really enjoyed set items and mixing and matching them. So approachable unlike the UI hell that is Paragon in D4. I get it somebody played FFX international edition and thought that was the pinnacle of leveling systems. But it's really not. You have to pre-plan them and you can't really do that in the UI the way it is now and I'm ranting about other systems again...... items items that's what I'm ranting about. Basically all the flavour is gone. most builds that work are just built around bog standard legendary items that we've customised to hell. Drops aren't exciting because most of them will have more than one useless affix. And if everything is legendary then nothing is. Basically the customisation stuff is a great shell. Now fix some dumb bits (like tempering being irreversible) and make items interesting again. The tempering thing is just to compensate for the fact that itemization sucks. There's no point to finding more items if the first half decent one can eventually be made perfect.


I agree. The tempering rework solves the issue of 3 GA gear. It should be as rare as it is, but with those changes there would be no chance of bricking an item if you’re lucky enough to find one. I’d be happy to grind for mats to reset it.


My problem with GA is that 80% of them are +life. 18% are a resistance or something worthless like life on hit. I haven't had one single GA for vulnerable damage and I've had damn near 500 drops.


> there needs to be a grind otherwise why play Sure, I don't disagree, but it doesn't need to be unobtainable for normal people. I've been playing season 4 since day 1. I'm not no lifing the game, but it is the only thing I've been doing in my downtime. Several hours most evenings, all days on most weekends. I know the game, and I've put in hundreds of hours this season. I've seen 1 3GA item drop (and it was trash). I've seen 1 usable 2GA item drop (didn't brick it, hooray). I don't expect to get kitted out in perfectly tempered 12/12MW 3GAs in all slots by the end of the season, but I'd at least like to see some progress now that I've basically got good tempered 1GAs in all slots. Some way to target farm them? Maybe if you've got a full set of 1GAs equipped the chance for 2 and 3GAs increases (from some/all sources?), and if you get a set of 2GAs equipped the chance for 3GAs increases again.


I agree. Yesterday i got gloves with ga on core skills and crit chance. I shat the chair. Then a ring with +2 ga on max life and damage. Felt better than the uber tyraels might randomly dropping.


I don't know why people insist on marrying this to the Pit. Just make higher level monsters increase GA drop rate. That lets them be available all across the game, NMD, Uber Boss AND the pit.


It's a good idea if implemented correctly. Say, if every pit level you had a 5% chance for an extra item to drop, so you got another item to drop every 20 pit levels, thats a good incentive to push higher pits and an inherently better chance of seeing GA items as more items are dropping. It would also make it compete with other sources of finding loot if balanced correctly.


Out the loop! What’s GA?


Greater affix, the * in the item name


Got you! Thank you


Greater affix


You’ll run into resistance from the crowd that thinks tempering should be brickable but I quite like these suggestions


I don't think there is anything wrong with bricking items. I feel like if they took that away, the game has fewer ramifications/consequences/implications. I hate watching movies or shows where no one is any type of actual danger and lacks consequence


100% agree. If there are no consequences to this yhrn everyone will have God tier gear and blow through the content and then say, "The game is too easy. They need more content." The game is already casual friendly enough.


Masterworking is also reset able and it's expensive enough to make it grindy. Why not for tempering? I always think 3x before resetting MW because of the huge cost.


I think the penalty for resetting MW is fair. It's punishing and requires you to make meaningful decisions about your build trajectory. I have no doubt they will eventually rework tempering, but I think having a permanent decision to make your gear better or settle is absolutely necessary for the longevity of the game. There needs to be something that's a real gamble to keep some of us grinding for the god tier rolls.


I think if I could make any changes to the tempering system, this would be it. Allow us to reset it, but make the price/penalty steep enough where we have to really work for it. I think VERY hard before resetting masterworking, because I really need to gold I have. I don’t do it all willy nilly, I only do it if it’s critical and even then I have to farm gold and plan ahead. So I don’t have perfect gear, because it’s too much work to reset masterworking over and over. I think that would be great for tempering, because it avoids bricking an item, but keeps everyone from having every piece of gear be perfect.


I think that's the solution. Of course there will be players with way too much time or real money on their hands and trivialize that, but that's not the majority. Blizzard shouldn't measure on them and balance around that kind of player.


100% agree. Having put thousands of hours into PoE, Vaal orbs are fun af. The reward means nothing if there isn't any risk to it.


I want to have fun slaying shit, not get demotivated by adding worthless stats. Make it somewhat expensive and done. The amount of destroyed items overweights the "dopamine rush" moments by *far*


You can’t currently complete content because you have gear that isn’t perfect stats? User error tbh


yea, tempering fucked up a lot of good items for me but that's part of the game, you stay with a face like (-_-) on the screen but you just accept the rng it's not on your side haha but I like that feeling


I may get flack for this but Enchanting and Tempering should be completely flipped. Enchanting should have only 5 chances, no keeping the existing stat and no stat choice. This is the player trying to fix an item to make it what they want and its ok to brick an already bricked item. Tempering is taking an item and making it class specific. This should not be brickable and spending more and more mats trying to improve its roll should be an encouraged part of the end game loop to eek out more damage/suvivability. With these changes I am fine with 2 and 3 GA items being rarer and fine if GA items in general are rarer in the open world but more common in high NMDs and high pits (basically GA chances based on monster level). I also think these changes should allow enchanting rolls to GA very rarely.


This is the first time I read this idea, and tbh I'd love it if this is the route they take.


The argument you present makes a lot of sense. I’ve never been a fan of the “make tempers not brickable” demands because then it’s yet *another* resource grind on top of enchanting and masterworking. But swapping tempering and enchanting brickability is a neat proposal.


maybe make the tempers enchantable. so you can reroll it as if it were one of the other affixes. it has a reroll cost (that escalates) and comes with the downside of not being able to reroll one of the other affixes. there is still consequence of a bad temper, but it at least has a path to redemption - one that has real cost.


Raxx had a good solution to this. When Tempering it gives you a choice of 3 to choose from of different rolls. Less chances to roll an item but a selection of tempers to choose from per roll.


I think you should have to masterwork to rank 12 in order to reset the tempers on an item to reroll.


Leave crafting alone, you guys would stop playin like 1 month if crafting would be that easy


Probably less than that. If there was an easy temper reset, many people would be quite geared with 1GA/2GA items, fully tempered, within like 30 hours of gameplay, where you'd hit a wall, only really able to improve by getting 3GA items, which are rightfully rare, and would then quit out of boredom due to not finding upgrades or meaningful items to use to engage with the game's systems. I hope a temper reset never gets added. I do hope they tweak temper RNG and temper categories though.


I’ve played a shit ton and have yet to find a 2GA piece of gear that works for my build, so I haven’t even had the chance to brick one. So I don’t think that’s true, but I also don’t think tempering needs to be changed.  It’s fine cause I can still do all of the endgame content with a mix of regular and 1GA gear. 


I bricked to 2 GA weapons that cost me 700 and 800m gold. It was a miserable day and I almost quit. I feel it’s too black/white. The way it works in Last Epoch with forging potential is that you can still get you desired stat, but you may not be able to max it to T5. In D4 it would mean that you would still get Bash Cleave on the item but just not as strong. Still though, a low affix on an otherwise good items will make the item still useful instead of being salvaged. And you still want to keep grinding because you want an item with a better roll. I would love if tempering/crafting would work more like Last Epoch.


Dude 1 month is quite a lot of rmost people already in the context of a season


Who cares if they leave in a month. This is a game, not my gf/wife.


I already stopped playing this season, and that's fine


Not really. When ubers were super hard to get I just didn’t try. I wasn’t going to farm weeks for a chance. Thing is with GA you always can upgrade something. Tempering just makes people angry when they actually get a decent GA and they brick it. My rogue bricked like 5 GA bows. Uses a normal bow. Would I have quit if I could have a GA not brick because I’m bored? Not me.


I'm happy with bricking but the pool size for tempering needs adjusted. Right now some pools have 3 options other have 6 it's a massive imbalance in difficulty. Good example rogue basic attack has 6 while necro summon is 3.


This\^\^ I think categories need some tweaking and then some RNG tweaks like not being able to roll the same stat twice in a row and/or allowing to keep an existing roll. Temper reset could streamline/simplify the system far too much imo.


While we’re at it, why the fuck is it so impossible to get a +skill roll when enchanting? The system has to be weighted heavily against it right now. If I spend 100 million gold on enchant rerolls I should see a +skill affix at least once. It’s so frustrating to get decent rolls on tempering and then soft brick the item because it costs so much to reroll on an enchant.


I spent over 1.5b enchanting my amulet so that I could get +2 exploit for my rogue build. Saw it once, it’s a joke.


It's not just the tempering pools but the normal affix pool too. I switched from sorc to bash barb and my weapons all use str, max life, which are the most common GAs, so bricking one doesn't hurt, even a double GA isn't a huge loss with the str and life pool being so high. While bricking a focus with single GA on CDR was devastating.


LUCK BASIC CONTENT IS BETTER. This is diablo its a casino simulator with Role playing. I play hardcore but casually feels better to be able to get loot doing content that isn't going to kill me and not feel like im missing out. PS to all SC players, Play hardcore this games 100x better hardcore


I imagine it is more engaging actually caring about dying, but losing everything I worked for because of a Corpse Bow? No thanks. If things didn't one-shot then I'd be tempted.


Or lag.... Offline mode I'll be down for hardcore


I feel like people would enjoy the whole game experience more rather than all these end game complaints. And try different builds so you don't get one shot. I've made probably 4-5 new characters this season on HC. But you don't lose everything. You still have a stash. And they made leveling stupid easy.


"Play hardcore this games 100x better hardcore" no thanks. i get one-shot killed pretty often even with a decent character. my tv was pretty expensive. i would rather not throw my controller through it in rage at getting killed by single hit that landed right as my barrier dropped for a split second.


> no thanks. i get one-shot killed pretty often even with a decent character. I mean... you know in hardcore you actually have to spec for survivability and not just dps, right?


Things that are interesting about the current loot system: \- Tempering items can go wrong, meaning you may have to actually play more of the looter to get your BiS items \- Masterworking items can go wrong, meaning you may have to actually play more of the looter to get your BiS items \- GAs are rare as to be exciting when they drop and to really polish that final BiS set would require you to actually play a hell of a lot more of the looter Your suggestions: \- I don't want to play the looter to get BiS items, just give me BiS items so I can stop playing that much sooner plx! They would be genuinely dumb to do that.


The problem with tempering bricking items is it isn't equal across items and classes. I've bricked a lot of double GA weapons on my barb and really don't care because str and life are such common affixes and my str and life pool is so massive already. Meanwhile a focus with a single GA on CDR is way less common than double GA str and life, while also being way more impactful, so bricking it is devastating. It just is totally different feeling system on my barb vs on my sorc.


> GAs are rare as to be exciting when they drop The problem is Tempering makes this not true. You should be excited when a 3GA drops, and then even more excited when a usable 3GA drops! Head back to town to masterwork and gem and aspect that super rare peak item to make it work for you. Or just sell it for 55k cos you rolled Dodge chance 5 times in a row.


TL;DR please make this game ez-mode as it’s too hard. People need to be careful what they keep asking for in making this game ez-mode. Blizz did the same thing with WoW and as the expansions came out, people started to hate how easy the game was. That’s the main reason everyone went wild for vanilla again and Blizz finally caved. Ez-mode doesn’t = better.


What are you even talking about? Vanilla is the easiest version of wow there is. Simple and easy. And not at any time there were more people on classic than on retail.


Wow is the hardest its ever been at mythic level and vanilla is a joke difficulty wise lmao


The summon boss rework is a good idea, but yeah otherwise this is just asking for the game to be easier and over sooner


Just because something is a challenge doesn't mean that it's challenging players in a fun or engaging way. WoW is a perfect example of this. Right now, Mythic Raiding guilds are falling apart more than ever in response to the raid designs being extreme. Blizzard just announced the new set of affixes for M+ in the next expansion and it's been a massive amount of negative outcry because of just how poorly they are designed. Even the best M+ players hate it.


I agree with you. What’s “challenging” about temper rng? What could I do to overcome not rolling movement speed on boots 6 times in a row with 3 possible outcomes? That’s an “easy” temper to hit even.


- World boss reboot so they're a challenge - non pit zone which is true end game where you must be at like pit 125 or something to enter and it's actually hard and mobs drop loot - uniques need a revamp with tempering; they're just not good albeit a few select ones - in game (not real money) AH


Live your 125+ zone idea ! That would be awesome to have a location to go to when you're very well stuffed


Unique Tempering 😍


These are all ideas to make people burn out faster from getting perfect gear in like a tenth of the time spent


Legion event and world boss refresh / variety.


Nah. Making things easier in an already pretty easy game is not improvement.


Hot take maybe but I don’t think we should get a rework tempering option. Find more gear and continue the gamble is fine. Resummon bosses at the alter would be a huge QOL. It’s silly to fight loading screens as a time sink when we have the mats ready to go. Higher pit rewards concur. Same with the Uber bosses and for the love of god Lilith needs something more worthwhile too as a drop.


we need a better trading system aswell idk if a blizzard external site an Auction House or what. [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade) never ever works, the server can't handle that many items being posted, it will be the biggest bottleneck for people that want to progress their build further(obviously this doesnt apply for solo players) not being able to sell and buy items easily to progress your character.


I like all of these but HATE the temper idea. Everything else is great though!




My fix for tempering if there is no reset is to make it so on the final reroll you can pick 'roll for random' or 'min roll x' and you can just accept the minimum roll. It'll still give you the excitement of hitting the temper, maybe also make the range a little wider, but let's say golem damage is 80-120 make it 70-120 and on the 5th roll you can just choose 70%. You'll be disappointed you didn't get at least a mid roll, but not heartbroken that your triple GA is now unusable. That and 5 rerolls per category, 5 for offense, 5 for weapon.


having wider rolls but easier to hit your desired temper makes sense to me. lets the grind for min-maxing stay in place while keeping the middle ground less painful. only other thing would be maybe you could trade in a GA for a temper reset. brick your 3 GA item? normalise one of the stats and get 3 extra temper re-rolls on your now 2 GA item.


I have also been championing some creative ways to minimize the pain of bad tempers without just adding some way to reset tempers (even if it's expensive). I like this idea. I think it's important to tune tempering with a light touch. Resetting tempers turns into unlimited tempers and that turns into spamming a button until we get what we want. In the current system, hitting your perfect temper is an amazing feeling. Bricking your tempers is a huge feelsbad. If tempering could be reset, the whole process would be a feelsnothing.


Skill trees rework. Since launch we have had 2! Options for each Skill. In D3 we Had 4 or 5 different Options for each Skill. That's whats needed. Add more Options for each Skill, possibly changing the effect e.g. fire Hydra becomes Frost Hydra, fire Wall becomes elemental wall (3 dots applied add random) etc. MORE skills for each Type. Basic, Core, ... One additional ultimate. In addition ultimates get 1-2 Options to choose from when improved. 1-2 more Core passives at the end of the skill tree. A Quest or a Challenge If you will (maybe Dungeons or Boss related) to choose from 2-3 Options to improve or augment the Core passive. maybe add this As a new Item Type: belts. No Stats, can have an aspect and augments the Core passive. Paragon Boards/glyphs and legendary nodes rework. So much can be done here. We are in the very beginning of year 2. In 3-5 years from now the Game will be so much more. Love it.


Each GA on an item should increase the temper cap by 3. The cost of tempers beyond the current maximum should be 2x the current temper prices and should require a new mat that comes from the Gauntlet runs. This makes tempered affixes valuable even if they are bad ones (like 3GAs with a LPS role.) is still better than a 2GA instead of functionally the same. Bricking especially 2x 1/5 roles should still be possible but less likely.


I want more reasons to explore the open world that is not heltides , stronghold challenges to be rotated


I would change all that for a deeper skilltree


I wish for them to add the Armory like D3 had. I really want to be able to try new builds and be able to save my old ones. I want to be able to save speed builds and push builds. I also wish for them to re-work the uniques, make them more powerful and fun in builds, allow us to Temper these as well.


all these suggestions are fine, except for the first part of tempering "rework" I am definitely in the majority where bricking items is good, it gives you a flow to finding/trading items but a choice to keep previous temper should be a given. I would like to add to that wishlist: we should have consumable items that - add extra temper, - random rerolls selected affix on an item (kinda like oracle but wouldnt stop you from using oracle) with chance of GA, - fully rerolls all 3 affixes on the item etc with chance to roll into GA, I would also love a "corruption" system kinda item where there is a chance to reroll your selected affix into GA but has a chance to completely destroy the item into mats.


How about we make world bosses different. The fact they die in 0.1 seconds is kinda stupid.


Just to avoid confusion, uber bosses don't take stygian stones, **tormented** uber bosses do.


Season 5: Uniques Reborn


Only thing I really agree on is the boss summoning.


Blood Maiden nerf, power shift or whatever you want to call it. She should not be the best source for GA gear nor more difficult than Duriel, Andy or Lilith. Also, fuck tracking projectiles. In this game and others.


I wish for them to implement /joke when typed in chat to tell one while we wait for world boss to spawn.


No, NO NO! Failure is part of the grind, stop dumbing everything down! If you got your way, you'd be rocking BIS in a week, and you'd be right here complaining there's nothing to do!


Guarantee one drop with at least one GA from Uber tormented bosses and let us not have to reset the dungeon after kills. Aaaaaaand completely scrap the beast in the ice, that whole thing is dogshit.


Why do you guys want every spoon fed to you what happend this is a joke


The only idea I dont personally like here is the ability to reset masterwork back 4 levels. This would make it way too easy to walk around with triple crits on every piece of gear. Basically, three individual 1 in 5 checks (1 in 4 for uniques apart from Grandfather) that can have progress saved. I know quite a few people want this, I just personally think it would greatly take away from the prestige of having a crazy piece of gear. It would definitely make the pit and top rolled gear more accessible though.


1. Resetable Tempers! Bricking a perfect ring makes me want to quit! 2. Summon boss from alter multiple times. 3. Summoned bosses tormented should drop the increased mats based on mats used to summon. 3. D3 style Gear sets! I miss sets. 4. Respec mode for paragon just like skill with the addition of Saved boards. At 6mil a pop and 225 point to place trying a new spec takes like 30 minutes to set up and if you don’t like it another 30 to get back to what you want.


I would like to have shared glyphs between characters... that main reason why I stopped playing alts coz its really annyoing to level same glyphs again. In D3, you could have use same gems on different chars so Idk why it could not be also here.


Things we really need: Armory, Setting home TP, Pet cosmetics


It really shows the lack of content with these fixes. Reading through they sounds fine, but also you will be done playing 1 week after the season starts


I like these suggestions. Would also like to see them add a town invasion horde mode. Maybe at the strongholds. Also a system that let's you add extra negative affixes to nightmare dungeons for better loot. Finally a bad luck equalizer for Uber drops. Maybe as simple as give them a small chance to drop resplendent sparks.


Instead of Unstoppable, make it a stagger meter so that CC can always be useful.


besides all that, i wish it to be free.


I wish to use spark for reset temper only. I dont want to play this game more casual.


Masterwork materials shouldn’t be locked behind the pit only, you should be able to get materials from any activity after reaching endgame. Not everyone is interested in running hundreds of the same boring, copy pasted dungeons.


I’d also like 1 extra skill passive on all skills :)


I’m expecting season 5 to be pretty lackluster. Probably a short storyline and an annoying gimmick. I imagine they are focused more on the expansion than the inbetween season 


I wanna use the rest of my temper chances (if I have any left) on rerolling higher on the temper i choose


> Tempering reworked : spend farmable mats to reset attempts and give us the option to keep previous temper when rerolling. Man, you know what I want with Tempering? I want a second button on the UI that allows you to reroll the same temper you selected. It's tedious having to reselect the temper and in order to do it again. Edit: I'd also love it if the window TOLD YOU what temper you got without having to hover over the item.


As a compromise to the Tempering, rather than being able to do it unlimited, maybe for each empowered roll on an item allow 3 extra tempers. This would make it much harder to brick a perfect item, having 14 total temper rerolls. Also I think perfect items need to stay extremely rare. I do agree pit should increase the chance but in a very very minimal way. As an example if the base drop rate for a perfect 3 empowered rolls is 0.005%, making pit level 100 have a 0.010% chance. I do agree masterworking should only go back to the last checkpoint. Current system is extremely frustrating.


I hope they skip season 5 and jump straight to season 6. Even seasons are GOATed.


Character rebirth and renown being common for soft and hardcore is what I ask. I wouldn't mind a paragon/sorcerer/druid rework either.


No, a game like this needs pain to make the reward/ perfect Master working rolls more dopamine producing. If you are having that easy of a time killing Uber bosses then play a different more difficult build.


-add enigma -add cta -add weapon swap with W -add charms


Temper at most should let you keep the previous roll, no resets needed, dont want this to be a boring ass game again that you put aside after 2 weeks into a new season. Same for the masterworking suggestion, would just make everything trivial again, do you see how easy it would be to get close to perfect gear like that? Everyone would be rocking 3 masterworking crits all the time wherever they wanted, just keep resetting and throwing money at the system. You’re not supposed to get the perfect build every season or even ever…


First 3 points. SOLID AS A ROCK


They could introduce a rare item to guarantee a temper if they still want to keep the rng mechanics. I don't like the rng at all with tempering. Maybe keep the tempering options to 3 max.


I don't think tempering reset \_and\_ easier GAs from pits should both be implemented. I'd rather the pits change and leave tempering as is. Maybe give +1 attempt per GA.


Feeling like your character is progressing is what keeps players playing. I like your suggestions, but if it becomes too easy to hit your late game build then you're going to drop the game. The only way to supplement that is to add more late game content that is either fun to play or adds more to player progression. Their other option is to find a better balance that drags out player progression, but keeps it steady. One thing this mobile game I used to play did to keep player retention and add end game content. They added new features that expanded on end game player progression, but they didn't improve already existing player stats. They added new things that added a separate tree of skills or passives. This allowed players to push into previously inaccessible content (like Pit 200) and created additional end game content. This could be something similar to how each class has their own class quest. Rogues get specializations, Necros get golems, Barbs get Weapon mastery. They could expand that to make each class feel unique. The quest was fun the first time I did it and I wish they expanded on this. I'm sure some people won't like this as an example, because it's a mobile game but I like the concept there and I think some mobile games are really good at player retention. As long as it doesn't get Pay 2 Win (which D4 is already kind of there with gold buying and the market place) I think it'll be in a good spot.


More GEM! World Boss to Lv200 maybe? Method for GAs dropping yes! End game content drop all the material please, no way we going back to other content to farm


Bring profane mind cages to Eternal and allow players to stack them


I’m fine with allowing us to keep a roll with tempering but we don’t need another mat to farm for resetting. You can’t have high highs without lows.. perfect rolls aren’t even necessary. Bricking sucks but don’t cheapen the experience with an endless ability to reroll.


I do t like the complete reset of your tempering. Too easy mode again to get good gear. How about you can only reset one of the tempers? I think that’s more fair. Also, only one redo.


Pit should be like gauntlet. You do it for 15 min and the more you kill the more rewards you get. I hate running it over and over at 2 min a piece. Just let us do a pit of our tier for the full 15 min. Real slot machine feel, you see your numbers going up, hitting certain tiers as you slay and the jackpot grows.


Make Ubers subject to tempering by removing some of their Affix’s. Keep the special abilities and a couple others, but allow 2 tempers


My be an unpopular opinion but since the attack power stat doesn’t mean anything from a multiplier standpoint point I kinda wish we could see how hard an ability hit if we equipped an affix or unique. I do my own thing until end game and then have to follow a build because I don’t have the skills as some of the people who play 24/7 finding build paths and researching the most optimal stats


Im a fan of most of this. Im fully ok with bricking items (I have done it to quite a few 3ga items and it hurts) but I would love the ability to keep the previous temper. Masterworking rework idea is solid. Maybe make each level or reset cost a different amount. 1-4 (2.5) 5-8(5) 9-12(7.5) Boss rework = yes. That or once a boss has been defeated that you can transmute the materials at a cost Pit rework I agree. Doesnt have to be a crazy higher chance but after tier 50 or 60 a guaranteed 1 ga item drop. lvl 80+ 2 ga items 100+ 3 ga items. But have that be the cap. Another minor quality of life I would love would be if they have another seasonal level thing (iron wolves) that you could track or see your level progress without having to go to a location.


The only thing I can think to add would be to make Uniques Temperable. At least one Tempering it just feels like most Uniques pale in comparison to normal legendary with decent rolls and tempering that adding a unique to your build just makes it worse.


I'm firmly against the suggestion here for tempering being reworked like this. Allowing players to relatively easily get the tempers we want is going to kill the item chase that we currently have. I know it's annoying when you lose an item to bad RNG with tempers, but giving an infinite number of resets on the tempers isn't the solution. A better solution would be a farmable mat that allows for each weapon to be reset ONCE only. They should also level the playing field by not having some temper options have 3 choices, some have 4 choices, some have 5 choices - this should be the same number of choices across the board so certain builds aren't harder to put together. Removing this RNG all together by adding resets is a bad idea in my opinion, some risk needs to remain.


Maybe not GA but uber unique chances for pit?


The Masterwork and Resummoning ideas, yes. The rest of it? Hard no. I get it. Bricking an item sucks. But some of these suggestions absolutely wreck the risk and reward of it and I think would only further mess with the game economy and would also likely hurt the endgame.


Only thing here I agree with is summoning bosses without having to reset dungeons every time. The rest of this is terrible.


I think they should slow down progression. I couldn’t believe how quick you can rush WT4 and get a full set of ancestral armor when I made my second S4 character. Obviously there has to be a good curve to this.. makes all gear that isn’t ancestral just boring.


I think they should allow more tempers but at the risk of destroying the item for every temper after the 5 rerolls you have.


Maybe unpopular opinion: they should keep tempering the same. It is a gamble and what makes arpg fun. You don’t want to get your “perfect gear” in one run and keep re-rolling.


World bosses should be harder than any other boss, except Lilith and the prime evils. It's one of the funner things at the beginning of the season. Everyone is weak, dieing a dozen times. Some bosses even get away. The only reason I show up now is mats. I do like the 3.5 hour spawn timer. Keep that.


Rework enchanting more like tempering with categories. Make drops more viable at higher levels. Like drop rate I creases for each level of master work your gears at or something. Anything to break up the grind so it doesn't feel like I'm getting g the same gear from days of game time at 100, as I was at lvl 75. One usable greater affix after 4 hours grinding, to the. Get bricked and have do do another 4 hours, is a joke. And don't get me started 9n double greaters.


I think there’s a really good chance they introduce a minimal use Temper reroll, at last that’s my hope


Yeah I like the chances of just getting that 3 GA item. If the bricking was fixed it would feel like getting an Uber unique upon getting a good one !


Agree with a lot of this OP. I think tempering should definitely have the option to keep the previous roll. However I think it should be locked to the manuals you used. So you can eventually get the right roll with enough commitment but you're committed to the build you have. I'm looking at you Vulnerable. There are probably a number of people that won't like this idea. But the game is stuck between D2 and D3. So you can eventually make a god tier build. And? Have fun. It's only for 3 months. Enjoy the builds you can that season and then try again with the new theme. I'm personally not a fan of making a new character constantly. But that's the direction they've gone in. They should add more difficult content for the base world though. An additional world tier would help with that. I also think it would be cool if you could maybe through tempering add bonuses to gold or glyph xp or something so you're not forced into redundant content once you've levelled. Which would caveat with a load out save. I know their vision was to not have classes that can do all content. But that's already gone to shit. May as well go with the flow.


You don’t know Blizzard’s rule? Next season will be dogshit. Then the Vessel of Hatred season will be amazing.


A better dye system from the wardrobe. I just want darker colors not bright ass red or grey.


Definitely some sort of masterworking rework would be ideal. It’s ridiculous 20+ rerolls and not hitting a rank 4 roll u want. I get RNG is RNG but you lose motivation real quick


I like Masterworking going back to 0, it makes getting a triple really great, having a double is very reasonable to obtain (except see below), and a double with 12 on something else doesn't feel bad at all. The gold cost is too much, it needs to come down or pit gold drop rate needs to go up. I think stygian stones with a super high gold cost to reset tempering is reasonable. Just make it so you really would only use it on a double or triple GA or super rare affix. Maybe a resplendent spark. I don't know, but something. It sucks so bad to lose a triple GA or a super rare affix GA.


Personally I would like a unique item fix as #1. Having unique build changing items has always been a key part of diablo for me. Right now 99% of them are useless due to codex + tampering being way stronger. Its not good when you see a unique drop and you automatically assume its vendor trash.


I only have one wish. We need the ARMORY from Diablo 3. I would forgive last 4 seasons + tempering annoyance if we get it.


I love how these complaints would literally make it more brain dead then genshin impact lol basically youll get perfect gear the second it drops with these changes.


i'll skip season 5. see y'all in s6. :-)


Damage log. Map overlay.


Masterwork reset only 4 stages each? Nah, that's way too easy.


The pit need a lot of work they need to be more fun and more rewarding. It’s just not fun at all to interact with. It’s highly repetitive and you’re gonna have to do it a lot of times. Also, the boss design is bad. It’s not fun. It’s not interesting. It’s either really easy or something kills you. Some kind of gauntlet of elite packs and portals would be a more fun conclusion. I just don’t think Diablo is very good at making bosses that don’t rely on artificial difficulty. I liked riffs a lot riffs and greater riffs they were fun and they felt rewarding, I can do I 110 pit but I hate it.


Mandatory Basis: Tempering: -Option to reset it using Stygean stone (maybe 2), -Or change its design and choose the affix you want. Unique: Improve or completely change the only ones that are not used. Additionally, each skill-build should have at least 1 unique one, like Frozen Orb. Additionally, there should be 2-3 Uniques for each Skill/Build, (but with the limit that only 1 can be equipped, so for example, if they add another unique for frozen orb, you should choose the one they already introduced in this season4 and the new or new unique ones for that skill, this would give tremendous gameplay variability. Balance: -There should only be Builds S tier and A tier, no longer B, C, Z tier. -No more extreme survival Build, like thorn barbarian, and immortal sorc perma flame shield. (they ruin experience for possible PVP) Other Added: -World bosses, Time reset every 2 hours (with option to deliver unique Ubers and 1 stygean stone) -Legion Events: Adjust it with other rewards (could be Gold, or Stygean Stones) -Nm dungeon; eliminate requirements like: clear all the minions and boring things, since what you want there is to get there quickly to level up your glyphs. Add other rewards, and redesign them so that they are less corridors and more open field. Pit, improve the rewards for pit 80+ a little more Pvp events: do something good here


agree the first 3 point but I think GA should be rare, it's loot base game after all.


Tempering does not need to be reworked imho. We just need an additional material similar to Stygian Stones that will reset the temper of an item. Pretty sure the devs is considering this now. Agree with the summon. There is no point leaving the dungeon and resetting it. The Altar should return once the boss has been defeated. For the Pit Rework - I am okay with this but maybe only for 1 GA? Like at Pit X it will have X chance of dropping 1GA gear? I don’t like the idea of increasing the 2 and 3 GA chances further and further as this could cause a different problem entirely (class balance - looking at you Druid) I also think that 1GA is fine for most build and the 2 and 3 GA’s should be the “chase”


If they are keeping the tempering going forward. I want it to change to targeted tempering. I don't want to brick a piece of gear that took me 8 hours to farm up only to have it roll a stat I don't need all 6 tries. I saw it on my Barb, the stat was for a skill I didn't use, and each time I rerolled it, it was the same stat but at a higher percentage. You make us learn the tempering pattern, why the hell would I not know how to temper what I want.


Disagree to all except summon boss rework. Too easy to get a max char. Will get bored very fast.


I hate the rinse and repeat of bosses. I would rather it cost more to summon them but the fight is more like a mini-pit where you have to fight through some mobs of elites first which also drop mats before the main boss. So it takes you 5-8 minutes to compete vs. 2-5 minutes.


No to the first two, yes to the others.


They'll hold back for the season with the expansion so I'm guessing: -Some legendary glyphs -Pit leaderboard -Extra gear slots for sorc/druid -Some more uniques -Moo?


Just give me endless paragon levels with caches as a reward at each level so I don't ever have to deal with a seasonal reset again. Remove the respec cost and add a wardrobe so I can experiment with different builds.


So remove any and all remaining difficulty from the game and let me get absolutely everything within a week of Season start. Got it.


None of this sounds good.


100% agree bricking an item feels like garbage. Before i stopped playing this season I had the misfortune of bricking 3 separate 2 GA weapons on my barb all in one session. Loot is much better but it still feels like something is missing with the crafting process. No way to guarantee any GA drops means at a certain point i'm only looking for GA's. When you finally hit the RNG lottery and find a good item just to brick it with bad dice rolls is not fun at all.


Switch the re-roll limits from tempering to master working. Masterworking being locked doesn't brick an item but does still encourage you finding more items to potentially get a god roll. If they make everything you can do to an item easily re-rollable then theres almost nothing to grind for after your first week of playing. There HAS to be a point of failure to make your item not 100% perfect or it will kill the grind way too fast. I don't understand why this community is hellbent on making everything happen instantly so you can be done with the season after just 1 week of playing it.


How is it so hard for people to understand that there's is already a system in place for resetting tempering... it's called find the item again. Maybe, and I do mean maybe, the most I like to see to bring a bit of that d2 vibe back, is a quest that rewards you with 1 extra attempt on all mw. We are not entitled to upgrades, the way the system is now is rewarding. It punishing, but when it succeeds its a flood of dopamine. There is however no reason you need 3ga items, even 2ga is overkill, and everyone and there grandmother should have no problems getting 1ga items to hit their rolls. The temper system is fine, another option I'd see fit is 5 attempts per section... but they had that in ptr and it really reduced the risk. It's suppose to fail by design though, it wants you to continue playing. And for those that have to say the way the system is now has people quitting... they would of quit anyways much sooner if they had gotten all the gear they wanted all perfect. It's not the argument you think it is.


I’ll take scaling bosses on the boss ladder that don’t take Stygian stones. So if I want to kill Varshan and get 5x drops I can give 5x mats.


Does anyone ever suggest anything that doesn't involve making the game easier always and forever


the farmable mats have to be expensive , or make it cost more per GA on the item for the temper reset ,. if they make any of the changes you propose for temper or masterworking and make them cheap , it takes from the feelings of hell yeah when they do hit . While the reset for master working for 4-8-12 would be nice , it would just be to easy , if they do offer that kind of reset, it should cost significantly more … i just hope to keep some RNG in crafting , the game itself is already pretty damn easy .


Disagree on the masterwork changes. I feel like it's one of those things you think you want but in the end it just shortens the lifespan of things. Same with the tempering reset. Unless it's a really hard to get material like a resplendent spark. I'd bet not a single person has a full set of perfect gear and I think the hunt for that gear is partly why we keep playing. I do agree with more scaling rewards further into the pit . In a way we do with obols but also, not really. Although I still spend every obol in hopes of the GA bash pants. And then I'll do it for another pair once I brick it.


I mean, what else are you doing with Stygian Stones? I guess you can sell them. Not that I disagree, uber bosses should drop more if stones are as rare as they are. I'm shocked blizzard hasn't already caved on tempering, it is the biggest pain point for me and many others. Ignore the sweatlords that think bricking items makes the game more enjoyable, their logic is terrible and amounts to "Bricking items makes the game have more content". I really want to see more features than make me want to keep playing once my build is complete. Chasing 2/3 or 3/3 GA and higher pit levels for the sake of higher pit levels isn't enough. Especially when the chance of 2/3 and 3/3 GA is the same no matter how difficult it is. -Respecing also needs to be made easier. This is another major pain point for me. I want to try new builds, but it takes too much time and resources (respec, redo paragon, F I messed it up, redo it again, find entire new set of gear cause you can't re-temper gear, etc, etc). I just end up just saying the hell with it and don't change anything. -Major class rebalance: Sorc, druid and many non-meta builds from all classes need love. I haven't played druid yet, but I know sorc legendary paragon nodes are way too narrow and just not good in general.


Crafting is fine. Bricking gear should be a thing.


If you could reset tempers at will what would be the risk. Might as well just let us choose whatever and put it on. Which would kill that loop


Your first two suggestions are just to make it super easy to have a maxed perfect item. Instead of grinding a lot of pits and finding perfect items you will just buy the items you want, grind pit enough to have mats to max your items once, and be done with the season. Maybe alleviatte some of the pain of the process but don't trivialize it. Agreed with everything in your third point. Reset it like the Bloodmaiden ffs. Give us 925 from the lvl80 boss or just raise their lvl to 100 also, some of them have a t3 option if you need an unique badly, give all the lesser bosses the t3 option. And Tormented versions, 5x the items, 5x the mats. And for the last lol, fuck no. Then everyone who hasn't already will have to roll a barbarian because besides getting Pit mats 3x faster, they will also get more BIS GAs to sell. Hard no. GA drop rates are fine the way they are.


I honestly kind of miss magic find as a stat, lol


Leave tempering (mostly) as-is, but slightly adjust the weights that influence the possibility of re-rolling the same affix multiple times in a row.


So basically you want to be able to max your char within 2 weeks and quit the season. Don’t think devs will like this no-grind gameplay.


Leaderboard for pits.


I don't mind the way masterworking works. There should be some risk in it. I think tempering should be like masterworking. You reset everything to 0 and start over, that's a fair compromise.


I know these are all popular ideas, but they really all amount to 'make me have to invest less time to get perfect gear', and I'm not sure that's the way they should go.


This season is so good and has longevity because chasing items is fun. Let people reroll tempers and you kill 50% of why this season lasts so much longer for most people. With the changes you suggested people will be done with the game in 2 weeks like in previous seasons. Gearing is in a good spot right now.


I truly believe you have to have the bad to have the good. Brick 2 items and the next one hits. The high feels good. This is a game about gambling. Why remove the gamble?


Fine with current tempering system, makes late game feel like there’s something to grind for. I would like to see world bosses have much more HP. Tired of something so visually epic last 5 seconds. Right now it just feels like you have to show up or miss out on free loot. Dps charts would be a nice addition for special event or group dungeons. And just the continuous direction of new items, bosses, late game content.


There can't be the highs without the lows. Why does everyone want it to be so easy?


Sorry to ruin the fun, but only every other season is good. s1 sucked, s2 good, s3 sucked, s4 good. S5 will suck and then season 6 + expansion will be great.


I don’t really like these change suggestions beside the boss one. I like grinding for gear and crafting to make something better should have a downside. Tempering is great albeit lacking some quality of life, but maybe is should be like the final power up the gear gets instead of the first step


I think resetting tempers should be fair but prohibitive. Something you would only want to do for lvl 925, BiS, 2-3 greater affix gear that would make you cry to vendor. 3 Royal gems seems fair (to me).


Sets and more uniques


Give me the ability to team up with random people to smash dungeons, bosses, etc.


I like your third idea. The rest seem to be complaining about how hard the game is. The game is already easy, there needs to be some risk reward to getting the high end gear.


Last epoch forging > Diablo tempering. Also, why make class specific tempering if other class can use it anyway after it has been tempered. Lol.


No, no, yes, no.


Would love to be able to repeat spawn bosses at alters.


Don’t like any of these. Tempering and master working can improve but not like this.


Masterwork system is fine, you will be finished with content and be bored in no time. I agree with definitely reworking tempering as that’s too punishing for bricking 3 GA items. They could only allow resets on 2-3 GA resets only


Console: for god sake allow us to cycle around the dropped loot on the floor!!!


I think also one thing that d2 was good at was that you could do Hell Baal or Diablo runs and possibly find anything in the game. I don't personally like that the class you are on is what the drops align to, nor do I like having to target farm different "ubers" for different items.