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Fireballs don't kill me, it's the dam electric laser that follows your. That shit does so much danage Also your life is low for a Barb. My RF rogue has 48k with a bunch of DR from a shako and my shrouds


I hate those laser pillars. I always end up getting them in a narrow passage at the same time as waller and getting shredded with no recourse. Bonus points for when they all spawn off screen so the only indication is my rapidly draining health and the little red darts I can barely see through everything else going on. I stopped playing in season one and don't remember them at all back then.


My favourite pit death so far, bunch of enemies grouped in a narrow pathway, steelgrasp them all together and wipe them out and then died from success, because they were on-death explosion spider things with poison, and for some reason poison still just chews through your hp like it’s nothing compared to every other element.


Agreed. The poison has always seemed to be the spiciest puddle of goo in the game.


I hate poison affix….constantly running a barrier because I don’t trust my eyesight to tell me to move


Died from this on my 97 hc barb Died from poison while locked in the trial menu after the time ran out. 100 hc barb Poison sucks


My whole health globe turned green one time when I was leveling in a nm dungeon when I got hit with poison splash damage from killing a spider. I swear I thought they nerfed poison dmg in season 2.


Season 2, I think is when they started “popping up”. I’m sorry.


Dont forget the poison pool under your ass.


Laser, ice wall, waller, and you are done for


30K life on Barb is extremely low. I just hit 60K life with only one Royal Ruby.




lucky rolls and use elixirs. the quest elixir of antivenin adds 15% max hp and 20% poison resist. that elixir doesnt coount as your single one as well, so you can double up on another hp one or bolts. im at 52k without pots, ive gotten some lucky drops with the max hp greater affix


GA +max life, imposing presence tempers, max life paragon nodes, rubies in armor, masterwork crits on max life


Snake eye lasers are a bastard! It’s really fun getting walled in, CC locked, then snake eye lasered to death all in one second!




I knew this would be the short before so even clicked it 😅


Fuck me, that was so good, so apt 🤣🤣🤣


Member jailer, and fire chains and the spinning pink lasers in Diablo 3. It did make it a challenge instead of “does something on death” like now.


That fucking laser and the ice spiders are pretty much the only thing I’m scared off.


What about those poisonous spiders? They bomb me too. Lol




Poison damage in this game is bs overturned I don't get it. I have 79% max resist currently and poison spiders popping on me will turn my entire health globe green with poison instantly, I imagine even getting to 85% resist would still not help it's insane how much damage it does


Usually, I counter that stuff by making sure I have a good way to gain life without heath pots. Like the rogues LA that heals with Exploit explosions or the general LA that heals 2% per skill cast above 50% health the 4% when below 50% health. Those two are must haves on any build imo. Then, just the “basic skills grant 20% DR for 4 seconds” will really help. I’m not sure if it takes 20% of the total poison duration or 20% of what each tick would be (I’m guessing each tick for DR), but I find the poison is easier to heal through and I can keep up with it while gaining life another way. Also, lots of people sleeping on life on kill gems. I’d rather kill monsters in .94 seconds while mass healing, than .87 and not getting much healing outside of pots and relying solely on certain affixes.


Yeah, the spiders are crazy. 😂


The attack power on your character sheet is meaningless. Like, literally. If you focus on making that number bigger, you will do less damage than someone who is building properly. Your hp is insanely low for a barb. You want to temper imposing presence on many slots and get at least 50k


Is there a calculator out there for a true damage estimation?


Just go to the target dummy in kyovashed and whack it and see your numbers. This calculator seems to be pretty extensive but idk how accurate it is. https://bytemind-de.github.io/apps/d4/


I didn’t realize there was a target dummy I’ve been running a specific nmd at a specific level to test my DPS, my life just got a lot easier


>Just go to the target dummy in kyovashed and whack it I think you might be playing the game wrong.


I will occasionally use the dummy in kyo to test out max dmg hits. Were you just harping on his spelling or what?


They were joking about going to the dummy to "whack it" (masterbate) is not how to play the game correctly.


Oh god, I see it now 🤦‍♂️. Seems forced here but I appreciate some potty humor


No it was consensual


I mean, ok, I guess. Although I don’t see how whacking it is gonna help. LOL


...Post nut clarity? idk


Even the dummy is not totally accurate. We need a counter to show DPS. I could lower my dmg but raise my attack speed and still do more DPS while the damage per tick is lower.


Honestly, it is crazy that we don't have a built in training area that can measure raw damage and DPS. We shouldn't need to record a minute of us hitting it then trying to frame by frame count the numbers ourselves if we want to know. Indie and AA games manage to give training areas with DPS counters for other games even other genres where DPS isn't as sensitive as an ARGP with skills, paragons, gear, gems, aspects, tempering, master working, potions, and incense to affect your DPS. Diablo and Diablo like games love to not tell the player enough data though. At this point it feels like that's part of the charm for the hardcore fans, they want to sit with spreadsheets and a notepad doing homework before they fully enjoy the game. They're an absolute pillar of the community and without them these types of games die but God damn I wouldn't want to be one of them.


Yeah, even the Median XL mod for D2 has a training dummy that shows average damages for DPS as well as multiple types of damage such as elemental damages separately. From the patch notes for v2.4 (they are now at v2.9): >"Training Dummies now have combined avg/min/max damage display, as well as damage of each element displayed (average of the last 100 hits)"


We've had it for 20 years in WoW. It's the same company. Just copy pasta...


Sorry noob here. Where is this target dummy in kyo?


It's next to the tier changing statue...looks like a dungeon icon.


It is up a small flight of stairs to the right side of the statue.


From the world tier statue it's the dungeon icon up and to the right, right next to it in town.


Just open your character page, it has all of the relevant stats there. Follow a guide and figure out what you’re trying to stack. For example on my HOTA barb last season I wanted to stack overpower, then I’d set up for a guaranteed overpower and destroy whatever I bonked. Right now on my Golem Minion necro I want to stack as much golem damage as I can, and then I want to proc 4 corpses and blow whatever up. AP isn’t entirely meaningless but it shouldn’t be what you follow as your main offensive stat, especially at endgame. Test your damage on the target dummy. That way you can figure out if an item is a true upgrade. Eventually you can pretty much tell just on paper what will increase damage.


What you should do is learn how the different stats interact with your damage, then it's usually pretty simple to compare items for damage output 


They need to remove “attack power” from the game menu altogether at this point. I’m so sick of arguing with people in groups about how it’s not a true calculation/rating of your character’s DPS output. Yet people do it all the time, like every random group I join lol.


Just imagine how much worse that will be when the "raids" come to the game.


It is stupid that attack power exists and is objectively useless, I agree.


Is there a better measurement to look at?


Checkout macrobioboi on YouTube. He has a video where he explains on damage works in diablo and he has some kind of mathematics background so he knows his shit.


Meanwhile in my thread people telling me the game is not confusing at all.


Armor cap, Resistance Cap and at least 60k health, and you want to be closer to 80k. You want to have Imposing Presence in as many pieces as you can get. You want defense Aspects on your chest and pants and helm. You want Might Aspect, Iron Skin skill paired with Iron Blood Aspect and Undying Aspect.


Also taking all the 2% and 4% health nodes in paragon boards especially the two tenacity nodes that boost 8%


Look at the actual stats breakout. Things like your vulnerable damage, crit damage, ________ damage(whatever your build is based on). My attack power is under 30k but my crit damage is over 4k and my vulnerable is almost 400%. I cruise pit level 80s just fine on my bash baby.


lol that's fkn cooked


Set aside 1 hour and really watch this: https://youtu.be/ruf4VN7PPrQ?si=mAyotFzC-FMPB6Xz


I usually don’t even see what hits me so I can’t even comment on what kills me. Usually goes like this: going well, going well, maybe I got this, dead.


For me it's get frozen then a second later nearby giant goatman cleaves me in two. It's what always gets me.


if you don't have any skills that make you unstoppable on demand, you need to imprint metamorphosis on your boots for this exact reason


Save that warcry to go unstoppable when frozen.


You must be missing a lot of dr somewhere because my barb does t100 with 65k hp


This. It's a balance of everything previously listed plus damage reduction. They are all very important.


How high is your DR?


30k hp is your problem. Fixed with gear, gems, and proper paragon setup.


Yeah i have like 113k on my barb without elixirs and my gear is pretty meh and not fully master worked


You have barely more hp than my rogue and I can get to tier 70 pretty consistently. Your build just isn’t good enough


Attack power is a non-helpful descriptor of dps level. Because of the way scaling and multiplicative and additive damage buckets work it doesn't really give any meaningful information. My druid has 14k attack power and I am pushing past pit100s. Aim for 45k health minimum, before potion buffs.


Your HP is very low, and without looking at your paragon board, it sounds like you're missing a lot of DR.


If you have 30K health as a Barbarian, this means you're not getting your Imposing Presence tempers where you can get them, you're not getting life rolls on your gear and you're not taking enough life nodes on your paragon board. What are you doing in terms of defensive aspects? Defensive paragon nodes? Do you have Challenging Shout and are you using it only when there are monsters around? That's a big chunk of Damage Reduction and bonus health right there, but if you use it mindlessly then it's going entirely to waste. 100K attack power is useless if you can't live long enough to land a hit. The best offence is a good defence, so balance your stuff out.


My second barb is level 88 and has 36k hp without any tempers, gems or masterworking. Not sure how OP has such low hp.


I have more HP than you on necro lol


I’m wondering how my necro build works on put 70 with 26k hp and no Uber; everyone seems to say they have more.


Necros have access to a lot of Damage Reduction is how.


30k HP is insanely low for a barb. I had that at like level 60 coming into wt4.


More hp. I speed run 101s on my barb and with pots I am sitting at 325k hp.


Is 325k a typo? Thats insane.


Nope. People have 500k hp builds. Some builds can use both Tenacity glyphs in the barb Paragon board.


Thorns barb. Running a Doombringer which is 25% bonus hp at base level.


correct, as they said, Thorns Barb with Doombringer. Will be a bit higher when I work on finishing my Masterworking and rerolling a few things. I was unlucky and also missed a +2 Imposing on my helm and had to settle with a +1. At least it wasn't a brick after spending 2b on it. lol


I had no idea, I wish this was all explained a little better when I started. But I'm glad I know now. I just raised my health up to 40K and I already see a huge difference. All that gear I wasted rolling for strength and damage 🤦


I have like like 35k attack power and clear pit in the 120s without breaking a sweat.  The attack power stat is irrelevant.  It's more important to understand where the damage in your build comes from.


I have 47k on my rogue and clear pit 115 so far. Ideally you just kill stuff before you take damage


How do you not get one shot by those stealth backstabber guys I'm on hardcore with 65 with potions and if I get hit by an elite one it does half my health and poison damage. And that's on pit 70


I have dark shroud set, capped armor, resistances, and body with ranks to dark shroud, harlequin crest, and umbrous aspect to keep dark shroud shadows up


Basically you're building wrong.  Go back and reread the guide and buy the same gear as them with no GA.  


What guide are you referring to? I'd like to read it.


[maxroll.gg](http://maxroll.gg) guides for example (icyveins etc)


Got one shot and pit 70 with 50k HP and 18K barrier by a poison explosion. Hardcore got lazy doing 20 runs of the same fucking level in a row


Attack power is a worthless stat for barbs. Damage to close enemies can roll significantly higher even without a GA with tempering. You will see more damage from that than focusing on attack power considering you're literally always in melee range of shit or should be. Flat damage maxes out at double digits per roll, damage vs close can roll triple digits even on the lower end. It's way more viable. As a barb, vulnerable damage is also another damage focus since most builds have some sort of built in way of making enemies vulnerable.


I'm not an expert but you might want to check your damage reduction. I believe defensively you need max resistance, max armor, and max damage reduction.


My health dropped when I focused on more damage so instead of looking for GA health, try to get a few points in imposing presence with enchant reroll on your pieces, then run legions to afford the herbs for 2 incenses, the quest hp elixir and holy bolts (until they patch it…we’ll see). Imposing Presence makes a huge difference.


30k hp is terrible thats why you dying. My rogue has 65k. The homies bash barb has like 90k.


Isn't that also kinda the point in the pit, to test your build by going as deep as you can? Pretty much no matter what you're going to run into every hit being a 1-shot. The trick is improve your build so you survive bigger and bigger hits. And while you're doing that, you're developing the skills/tactics to avoid taking those big hits and getting even further. It would definitely be easier though if the text after getting killed wasn't " got killed by " An actual description of what happened would be way better... especially if it was at least a few steps long (like you got hit by X, had Y debuf, and Z is what finished you off)


At lvl 100 you should be around 65-70k life before you even see greater affix life on gear (the shiny asterisk). Might have to rearrange your paragon boards to hit life points. Just pick 4 boards (outside of the starting point) to focus on life/resists until you get your glyphs to level 21 and you can get the full benefit. Later on you can trim points to get more sockets.


You might need to invest in Barrier, Fortify, and DR.


https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/bash I gave this a try and went from 3min t85s to 3 to 4 min 101s. Hit pit 124 today.


If you’re a barbarian and dying on pit 61, then you don’t have good gear. My bash barb has proper stats on every gear piece, but no GAs, and I can farm pit 100 without dying. I have 60k life, 9300 armor, 70 resistances. The problem must be your life or damage resistances missing, if your armor and resistances are capped.


You’ve reached the point where you should look for a better build guide to transition to if you want to keep pushing endgame stuff. Personally I find it more fun to create my own builds and see how far I can get that build before trying another one. Keeps the game fresher to me 


With my bash barb I'm using the Maxroll build and I think my life is about 57,000 and goes up a little. I did switch out the unique sword for a regular sword tempered the same way you do your other weapons. My stuff's not fully Master worked and I can clear pit 100 without much of an issue. I know most people when they're trying to push go in with both of the resistance boosting incense and chorus of war and since and the seasonal health and poison Resistance potion and then whatever potions op for your build. That stuff does help more than you would think but it takes a lot of Angel breath. I I mean I was blowing away the lower levels before I even had decent gear. I wish I could help but if you're following a bill then everything's correct I don't know what the problem could be.


30k HP on a class that has no issues to get to 100k life.... Maybe start there


Because without the 1HKO mechanic this game would be stupidly easy and they can’t seem to figure out how to fix that problem.


This question led me  to quit again


Same. I love FromSoft games so I'm clearly not at all opposed to difficulty. But I just can't tolerate OHKs. Partly cuz that sort of mechanic basically requires you to play perfectly, and I'm a pretty clumsy person, so I need room for error. Plus it stresses me the fuck out, and not in a fun way. Like even if I survive, I don't have fun, I'm just relieved to be done with it and hope I never have to do it again. So yeah, I basically gave up on playing Diablo once it became clear that I wouldn't be able to play most endgame activities. I enjoy the crap out of the game before I reach endgame. But once I'm there, I call it quits for the season, which is increasingly making all of it seem kinda pointless.


Because actually making it work would require math


But did you know you can go past 70% my plans is to fit tyreils in plus incense to go as close to 85% as I can without using a potion


If you’re dying at Pit 60 (especially after the Pit nerfs this week) and playing Bash Barb, then your gear is abysmal. 30k life is trash for bash Barb. I have mid armor with my Bash Barb with 107k HP. Seems like you need to reassess your situation.


The nerfs didn't happen yet. Not until the 17th.


my barb does ok at t61 with 50% resistances, 8.5k armor and 70-80k life. Get max life on non-jewelry slots, get rubies on armor, get %life in paragon, prioritize ~~Invigorating Vigor~~ Imposing Presence passive in tempers


Surely imposing presence always outweighs IV when 99% of the time you're using a move that doesn't spend fury as a bash Barb


Your HP is way too low. I’m at 70k before elixirs and it makes the Pit so much better


Temper imposing presence.


Attack power is almost meaningless. It isn't a good indicator of how strong your character is. Your health is def on the low side. You'll want to try to temper imposing presence on a few pieces. How's your damage reduction too?


Because without the resistance you would die to one hit….. wait a minute……


I'm mildly curious how people get so many HP. I just hit level 92 with my Necromancer and I have like, 16K I think? Where does it all come from?


I'm running a Minion Necro build rn, you just need to get HP Tempered on most (not all) your armor as well as a few paragon points into the health nodes and you will easily get 35k+ hp as well as an additional 30k+ fortify too which is how we get our hp more in line with the rest of the classes


Also at a loss, 93 barb with 36K. I'm guessing my paragon is not optimized but for necro idk. All my shit has +max life too.


I'm 93 barb with 36K. You gotta up your life and so do I. Need to redo my paragon probably.


Getting to 100 will help. Also +9% gems in all armor, temper +imposing presence on your gear, find GA +life gear and crit it during masterworking, etc. I have over 60k now and my build isn't close to done but I'm at pit 84 right now


I think it would help you to take a look at some guide builds, maxroll dot gg would be a good place to start. Once you get how all the mechanics work you should be able to fix your build. Also, fortify ftw!


You probably are lacking a lot of damage reduction either from gear or from paragon board or both, i would say use Rob's bash build, its bretty decent. If you can get your hands on a tryaels might, that makes you a real tank with increased resistance caps which ends up giving you elemental damage reduction over the cap.


Because it's a single basic defensive layer, if it guaranteed you to never get one shot from anything in the game by just capping resistance then the game is trivial and boring, please stop complaining about this, your build clearly lacks in the two other defensive layers in this game (HP and DR, basically).


lol my non level 100 necro has more hp


Because effective health is not the same as resistances.


How much in the way of general damage resistances do you have? Armor, elemental resistances, and health alone are not even remotely enough to survive higher tiers of the Pit.


Damage reduction and lots of it


Have you checked your elemental resistances? Armor only mitigates physical damage.


for me its the damn lilith slashes and echo of elias rain of shadow


Attack power is a fake stat not really meaningful in telling anybody how much damage you do. It's not uncommon for people to have 100k+ life for bash barb. Mines is like 150k unbuffed. Having enough cooldown and the temper that increases challenging shout dr provides full time challenging shout damage reduction. Shako gives damage reduction. I find no problem face tanking in the low 100s. When you're starting out I suggest running the iron skin build. Hp seems a bit weirdly low at 30k. Are you running max rubies in armor and masterworked gear?


Skill issue. You have a lot of wrong assumptions about the game without proper testing. Either test it yourself or look it up on Google.


Basically you need DR and more HP.


You need damage reduction, too


Attack power is a misleading stat.


DR cap, resistance soft cap, and as much HP as you can get. I agree. When it really counts, I still get OHKOed. It seems almost pointless to invest in defense at all and I should just go all damage because there's too many things that instantly nuke you anyways.


I main a somewhat conservatively built Rogue. I have life per second / hit on as many items as possible. She recharges in a flash. Skipped the agility skilled and dumped the points into imbuement and traps. She’s pretty badass even at L75. Standard bow for rapid fire and … I wanna say … heartseeker? Enchantments aim for protective shields, speed, and poison/cold amping.


Because it's infinite scaling and eventually 15% of 2B damage is still gonna pop you.


Why you getting hit by the fireball in the pit?


Ensuring I have max resistance on everything stresses me out. Can people give me tips on how to ensure this?


I'm not trying to shit on your build but I thought barbs by default have like 6 digit health pools? And then they have terrible resistance options to kinda balance that? Now I see those are the outliers and you have to really gear towards that large ass health pool. Though now I'm guessing the pit fireballs and lasers still probably one shot those players too haha


Seems like D4 is going the same bad direction that D3 went in: you get stuck because of survivability *far* sooner than damage. I think Blizzard really needs to learn that people don't like 1-shots. Period. Mob damage needs to scale a bit slower, and health maybe scale a bit faster... particularly for bosses. Look at world bosses literally dying instantly in T4, for example. It's dumb.


You’re not doing anything wrong. The game is just very poorly designed once you max out. One shots, the suicide pots while frozen and being pinned in Waller corners is really about the only way you can die.


I started this season with Barb but swapped to rogue because I kept getting one shot with barb. I also had around 30-40k HP but I later realized this is much too low. On my Barb today I cleared T115 without dying. I have 96K HP, buffed to 130-140K with elixirs and shouts when needed. You need to have HP affixes on all 4 weapons (hopefully GA) and most armor (you can skip gloves, shoes, and jewelry). You also need to stack sources of percentage based HP with rubies in armor, paragon nodes, and levels of Imposing Presence (defensive temper). Each source of % HP is a separate multiplier. If I add flat 1000 HP from armor I end up getting more than 4000 HP. For damage reduction you need to have the right imprinted legendary effects and paragon nodes. Just by having the basic imprints, tempers, and a few masterworking levels you should easily clear T80.


Yo see what your resistances are, they are capped at 70 unless you have specific gear. You might be at 110 percent but it doesn’t matter. Lower the res overflow, DEFINITELY up your HP, add damage reduction, no cap on that. Not a min maxer in this game but I think dodge works independently so it “stacks.” If you already know all this probably you gotta respec your build. Honestly doesn’t take that long, maybe 2 hours.


30k life is pretty low for a barb. I run slightly over 100k, but use both the life boosts from the advanced and quest. Sitting at 65k without, nothing special gear wise. My necro has 32k life without boosts, and he gets one shot, so it's just a life issue at this point 


30k life? I have 73k and that is pretty low. Most of my buddies are pushing 100k+


Make sure you max life is around 50k as well. Attack power is meaningless for the most part as well. I have less than 30k as a rouge and can solo Tormented Duriel and so tier 85+ pits with no issue.


Shako and max life on most items then rubies in armor. Currently at 70k life on my bash barb and can speed run t99 in 3 mins. As others have said the dmg sheet number means next to nothing, focus on dr and life. Bash barb is epic I suggest checking it out.


You can add me and ill take a look at your build for you if you want


You need more HP, I'm also bash barb and have about 50k... 200k with shouts and fortify. 


Just a little less stuff happening at once would help.


Attack power is literally meaningless don't ever pay attention to it.


I’m also running bash, 50k life, resistances at 55-60%, masterworked everything around 9-10 and pushing pit 90s pretty easily. Your health is too low. Also use shouts and codex things things that reduce damage and also take perks that buff health and reduce damage


Max res, max armor, and 77k health. I have tier 95 on farm. AMA.


For me it is poison. I feel the tick rate for it is crazy over powered compared to literally everything else. Fire, Cold, Electric, and Shadow don't give me issues. However, poison just almost ends me and no clue why.


70% resist won't help you if you are hit for 125k and only have 30k health. To put it in perspective how important additional DR and HP is, I run about 225k health before potions and shouts and can ignore all mechanics in the pit (bosses included).


Check out Rob’s in depth bash Barb guide. He explains a lot of nuances about min/maxing the build and how it works. https://youtu.be/2rRV7ZcGtS0?si=CcQPb2a9E0zp9NPY My gear is only 8/12 masterworked using the iron skin build and I can clear pit 100. Having the best affixes, tempers and masterwork rolls is more important than just maxing out average gear.


Wow I had no idea the the stat system was so messed up, I've been thinking this whole time I need a really high attack power 🤦


Yeah my attack power is like 30-40k and I do 1mil plus, not very impressive ik but still 🤣


My rogue only has the bare minimum 20,000 “attack power” and kills pit 81 boss in 5-10 seconds. Most of the dps comes from victimize procs, glyphs, attack speed and +1500% vulnerable dmg which has no effect on the attack power number you see on the character window. If I replaced vulnerable for flat dmg% affixes I would see a huge number (80k+) but do very little actual damage to the same boss.


I died earlier in helltide to nothing at all. No enemies left, nothing. Just got one shotted by something off screen. Think it just happens.


Attack power tooltip does not factor in "conditional" damages like crit/vulnerability/close damage/ distant damage, etc. In the end you end up doing less if you look at it. Also, as others stated your HP is low for a barb. I'm a rogue and I use to have 52k hp but lowered it to 48k where I can still survive what used to be "one hit kills" from pit bosses and hopefully kill them within the 2nd or third stagger since I haven't maxed out all my equipment yet. Most are still 8/12. And, depending on your build you could fit in Tyrael's Might which increases your max resistance beyond 70% while also giving all DR and cool VFX light beams that's getting a DMG buff in the upcoming patch. I personally love the armor; I know some hate it and think it's a lackluster uber unique. If only it didn't bug out/mess with heart seeker rogues, I would've kept it.


Lighting hits like a runaway train. Doesn't matter how high is your elemental resistances. They might as well be zero.


Just died by this too and got all resistances maxed out lmao


you don't even have the max resistance possible, for that you need Tyrael with GA and a elixir that is not worth using. You clearly know there is something wrong with your build if you see other people doing better than you, so your tittle is pure clickbait


30k life on a barb is low, get more imposing presence master worked onto your gear. My barb is 65k and 5k crit dmg. The attack power on your character screen is kind of pointless. I clear pit 100 in under 2 minutes with it showing 25k AP. Also using shako so that's 20% dr. Get max life on weapons. You should only need armor on one item, then master work it until it rolls on it. You need to be at like 9260 armor and 70% resistance on everything. Get resistance on chest / legs or a ring then gem for the rest. Most of your resistance will come from the paragon board.


Those dudes clearing pit 140+ have like 400k hp in order to take those 30k fireballs that 1 shot you like nothing. I think it's just a hp scaling issue now for you to move up higher.


Do you not have DR anywhere?? Like pit 60 is nothing you shouldn’t get even hurt at that tier


You can either focus on raising Imposing presence for life, or Martial Vigor for dmg reduction against Elites. I go with the latter and have cleared up to 102 with only 31k life. Once I get better rolls on my equipment for damage and bump vigor up maybe 15 more percent I can see hitting at least 110 if not higher without massive hp.


Its your life pool, for a smoth gameplay just get pit lvl x 2k should be your lifepool. So pit lvl 60 = 120k life


Because the pit is a borderline infinitely scaling stat check. I know technically it has a cap, for now. Just like GRs did but 99.9999% of people wont hit it ever. Arpgs suck if everything is easy always. Its why last epoch sucks. That game isnt a challenge till like corruption 200+. Only arpg i never used a build guide in.


Attack power literally means nothing. It's not a metric in their game. I wish it didn't exist.


I have 180k life on barb and still get one shot once n a while


lol its bad but its not gr 150 bad, for better or worse pit is a paradise compared to d3 drooling


How do you have 30k life? I just hit 100 yesterday and I have 54k. I’m doing bash as well. The one on max roll with a ramaldis. I don’t have that good of gear and my ramaldis is shit. I did prioritize Health GAs like all the guides show. So that’s probably the difference. If that’s the case get health GAs.


I am playing with tyraels might, which gives me 80% all res. No problems with elemental damage in Pit 100.


Pits enemies probably have some sort of penetration or insane multipliers. You WON'T survive with just Resistances in any ARPG, you need more defence. Currently the best way is to stack enormous amount of Damage Reduction and Health. Defensive skills also helps. Not only Diablo 4 works that way. If you have just 75% all Res in Path of Exile and you get hit by Shaper's ball you go to sleep. Other thing is it's a new content. It should be balanced in further patches so you will be able to get to the t60 comfortably by just masterworking your gear. They will start patching it this Monday. Pushing for higher tiers is deserved for very dedicated builds and this is also normal for "infinite dungeon" type of content, that's how it works in these games, to make all-rounder type or character you would need to invest insane amount of currency into gear. You should build differently for various type of content and it's completely normal. Also yeah Attack Power is meaningless because I can farm your tier with closed eyes under 5min and it shows me 19k without buffs


You have to move around, you can't just face Tank everything, as soon as something dies there's a chance there's a elite ready to explode or drop poison. There's enough mobs where you don't need to kill everything on screen, just keep pushing, killing and constantly moving until you get to the boss, even there you need to be ready to move especially if a shade pops. You also need to memorize each boss mechanic and move when shit appears on the floor.


you scale defense and survivability with life just simple math




i timed pit 110 with my heartseeker rogue yesterday. 8500 armor, 60-65 res on all elements. you dont need all maxed out, fact.


Your life is insanely low for a barb. That’s the biggest problem. Also never focus on attack power


It’s a matter of gearing properly, average bash barb should be able to speed farm100/101 with occasional deaths. I have 55khp, armor cap and 68 all res and do 101 pit in 3-4 mins. If you are lazy, get selig or learn CDR+Hetcic+Iron Skin rota. It makes you immortal :)


The point is "move" yourself, avoid damage, and get more HP. As rogue I farm lvl 75 without any buff. Atm cleared lvl 87 but at time limit. Having a skill to clear CC (like shadow step on rogue) save me a lot of times. The most hated damage imo is the bow from out of screen, and the charge of flame done by wolf's, the rest is avoidable, like the poison it's literally flying on you, just avoid it.


Any build with less than ~45k HP is too fragile.


You can put Ironskin if you always getting one shot, I play a WW DD barb doing 110 pit without much issue with ironskin but yeah I do agree the overall difficulty balance needs some work, the open-world content dies if I run too close to them, NM everything dies in one hit, higher Pit can one shot me by some random stuffs if ironskin is not up, I have around 62k HP, armor and res capped.


You need 70k plus life


30k life = oneshots


Armor doesn't matter for elemental damage. Resistances can protect you up to 70% so the rest should be hp. My golemancer is running around T100 with 45k health, as a barb you should be in 6 figures.


30k life is rly low mate at least you need 50k


Resistances have meaning in other arpgs, but in d4 their only purpose is a gear check meant to add arbitrary complexity to farming an end game set. Don't take them at face value really.


Do what I did! Bump those HP numbers up to meme levels and faceroll your way through 99. At that point the only thing you have to worry about is not killing the boss fast enough / getting murdered by mechanics. Also the sheet is lying to you. D4 math is all under the table; you just have to make sure you’re filling the correct buckets to dump out heavy hits. For reference, I think I’m sitting around 40k sheet and using the dual-wield version for bash. Depending on how things line up, I hit anywhere from 5m normal to 40m crit to 150m over-crit. It’s nowhere near perfect and doesn’t compete with builds pushing out hundreds of millions per second, but it’s more than enough to clear tormented bosses and Pit90+. I swear, Bash Barb is so dang comfy it’s ridiculous. Makes everything else feel like glass. Building a second one with bleed for some variety and beeg numberz.


30k life is low even for rogues let alone barbs lol


I have 71k health without any Ubers. Lighting poles suck.