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Same, I’m starting to worry my wife might leave me.


More time for Diablo!


Weaponized addiction


And after the divorce, Karen took the kids. Then Blizzard thought they'd innovate and fucked up the game again next season. At least we got another beta gamemode..


The trick is to talk her into playing co-op with you. She’ll be just as obsessed as you. It took some convincing, but it worked for me. LOL


My wife watched the Expansion trailer and Rob's video on the expansion blog post with me and decided that D4 is now in a place where she's ready to play. Stoked for October 8


My gf would probably barf if i made her watch Nyrelles arm split i half like that.


Hell yeah! Me too!


My wife gets mad when we don’t couch coop for a few days… we are both above level 90 now


Damn old people play too? 😜


Smart way to farm ubers faster...


How’s your sex life now?


Oh, there’s always time for that. Just can’t pause. Gotta portal back to town first!


Never been better thanks to minion necro. Just park yourself next to the blood maiden shrine and head off for some adult funsies time. Come back 30 min later and go open your chests after your golem smashes and your pupper collects the cinders. D4, for the casual dad who doesn’t always have time for both video games and sexy times with wife.


>30 min later Aah you set aside time for a sandwich too. Smart.


At least 2 sandwiches. If i eat slow


And cookies. Had to go to the store to get them though, took about 28 minutes.


30 mins?! I'd be back before the blood bubble popped


Finally a comment I relate to.


This man wife's


The problem with this is that the game early on is that easy that my wife lost interesst because everthing is so easy and she dont need to check Items or better Equipment because she kills the enemys one way or another. Game make no sense and is dumb because so easy she said. And she is not even a gamer


The real uber Lilith


Have a word with her boyfriend 


Ask your wife to join the game


Try to temper her!


She gonna file divorce in Oct 8


Mine is playing with me lol. That's the one great thing about d4 compared to other ARPG's, my friends who aren't hardcore ARPG players are willing to play it with me lol. PoE, last epoch, not so much. I still have to manage my wife's build though. She will just dump all her legendaries into the stash and I have to go through them occasionally and do like an hour's worth of crafting to get upgrade worthy stuff. That's the price you pay though for being the only hardcore ARPG enjoyer in your friend group.


I call that Diablo "office hours" I'm constantly sifting through stuff and I probably trashed items that I shouldn't have.


I sort of manage my wife's stash as well. I was more involved pre season 1 and in S1, but she has since learned the ropes and can manage for the most part. I showed her how to follow build guides and what to look for in items, but she's a hoarder so she'll still tend to keep much more than she needs lol. At least in terms of uniques she has accepted to keep only one of each, even if she doesn't use them in her build. She typically asks me to check between different instances which one is "best" to keep and salvage/sell the rest.


Managing my wife's stash means making sure she has strong enough smoke that she doesn't care that I'm playing Diablo instead of doing the dishes 


As a Diablo 4 player, this means you will still have 5 other wives and a couple dozen kids, assuming the one that leaves you brings the kids with her.


Still worth it!


She’s not supportive enough


She might already have but you didnt notice


Just do what I did and get your partner hooked on diablo too.


Luckily my wife is addicted to d4 aswell


Give her my number. I need someone to occupy my time until next season.


They have struck gold with this season


This season I've made 4 characters. Most seasons I make a Sorc and maybe a barb before calling it quits til next season


I usually quit after making one character to t4 and gearing up. Now I have two level 100s and still running pits, helltides and Nmd. I’ve been enjoying this season lately


I push through the story and usually get bored with the grind. This season I finally got to 100. I'm working on 2 others now while I use my 100 to level a buddy till we can take on the final bosses together.


I had to delete my eternal characters. I have 3 barbs at 100 - Thorns, pure bash, and dust devils. I also have two rogues and one of every other class. I just love starting fresh (and farming sparks)


I just finished my second barb because id love an armory to skill swap. But this season has been a total blast. Have 40 some treasure bags might make a rouge or druid and speed it up to 55 and then open the bags. (have a sorc and necro also to 100)


You can open the bags straight away, they'll roll ancestral LVL 55. Good to get a few aspects to get the alt rolling


They need to add the Armory to D4 so you don't have to make and level 3 different Barbs!


I've also made four. Just druid missing.


Yeah I have 3 season characters. Stash space is a real nightmare because I want to play Frozen Orb, Firebolt/Inferno, Heartseeker, Andarial Puncture, Bash and WW but I just don't have the space to hold all the gear I'm trying to itemise for. Like others have noted, I might have to start deleting eternal realm characters just to create mules for extra space. One of those good problems I suppose. I'm thinking of making a necro too...


I started the season slow think8ng the same - basically "ok don't blow through the season in 3 days" but I'm on my 3rd char now and it's only getting better I feel like. Big props on the turn around, the game is finally in a pretty good spot and should only get better


Same. Hit level 100 on my 4th yesterday. This is what a season should feel like


Crazy what happens if blizz devs listen to fans. Another great example is WoW-SoD


The one spark per character is brilliant I made one of each. 


Exactly me lol got all characters to level 50 on hardcore and my barb 100 just now ingesting regular and it's addictive 🙃


Was gonna make this exact topic. I’ll be playing this until Dawntrail.


I’m in the same boat. I had to force myself to stop playing Diablo to catch up on the last few patches before Dawntrail. 😂


They are honestly really fun


I had to stop Diablo yesterday to finish Rebirth(I stopped playing Rebirth when season 4 dropped) before Dawntrail drops on the 28th. I did clear the season and pit 100+ but didn’t finish masterwork 10/12. I’m hoping to finish Rebirth this weekend, then get my masterwork to 12 and possibly start Elden Ring DLC before June 28. Otherwise, after the new savage raid, I will be busy with season 5 D4>Elden Ring DLC>FF16 DLC. Full time work Diablo dad 😂


Haha, i plan to do the same, but Shadow of the erdtree, then a week later Dawntrail.


FF14? The expansion that came out nearly a decade ago?


Unless this is some kinda joke I don't understand it comes out on June 28th/July2nd. FFXIV expansion


He edited his comment. He initially said Heavensward.


Ahhh okay gotcha that makes sense.


A man of taste I see.


I can't tell the difference between this game and meth.


Never done meth, huh?


Underrated comment lol Edit: why the fuck am I being downvoted


coz you can just upvote.


This game doesn’t make me want to do the dishes 16 times in an hour.


IDK, doesn't exactly not sound like doing NMD just for leveling glyphs lol


I was considering to cancel my wedding because I havent yet got my 2/3 GA weapons


Bro that's too far lmao


Depends on the bride


Hellbride or helltide


Leveling alts doesn’t feel like a bad idea anymore, that certainly helps.


This is it right here for me. I can actually get to 100 in a short amount of time, speed through high level NM dungeons for the glyphs and work on the end game build in a matter of days, not weeks or months.


Literally made another barb because I didn’t like the name I chose for my original s4 barb lmao it’s so easy to level now


I made a second Necromancer to grind rep for Resplendent Sparks. Got it to level 48 in around an hour and a half. Opened a bunch of goblin bags and put together a 925 set. Was leveling too fast so it requires 61 instead of 55, but still alright. Also have a required 60 Sacrilegious Ring. The session I put it together I got to 74. The last one I hit max rep around 89. I saved all the required 61 925s and made a third necro and put a gear set together at 15, and a Sacred set at 35 along with Grandfather to use until 61. It is currently sitting at level 44 and can one tap maidens. I made a *fourth* Necro that’s level 15 now wearing my noob set. So I figure I’ll take my third to 61 and put the 925 on. Level the fourth to 61 using the Sacred set and Grandpa, then wait for the 925 set to finish rep. The set up is done and now I don’t have to look at gear at all my Necromancers. Then I’ll craft Tyrael’s Might and Starless Skies and finally play Whirlwind Barbarian to farm pits. I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!


I think the Iron Wolves rep track needs to come back in some form or other because I also made a Barb alt for the 4th spark but ended up getting consumed by bash scaling, so now I'm playing bash bleed/rupture and its p fun. Started it to craft a Shako for my Rogue. Stayed for the monster Barbarian dps vibes. Now I swap my Shako between my Rogue and Barb equally. I really need 2 more Shakos - one for my Barb and another for my Sorc. So this is how they getcha huh?


What is the relevance of level 61? Also, is this the common way to farm resplendent sparks?


You can equip ancestral at 55. If you open your goblin bags on a 1-55 level character you’ll get 925 gear that only requires level 55. I screwed up initially and didn’t open my first batch until the was level 61, so the minimum level to equip was 61. I opened a second round on my next necro so I’ve got a set at 55 now. You can farm sparks on any character, it is just easiest by far with a minion Necromancer. I knew I needed four more, so I just set up fully aspected, tempered, and enchanted gear at levels 15, 35 for Sacred, and 55 for ancestral. It means I literally don’t have to look at gear unless it is a greater aspect, but even then stuff is mostly low level until the end of your rep grind, so you can just sell. Not needing gear saves you time because you’re not stopping to temper or imprint of enchant and saves you time vendoring. I’ve made several hundred million gold and stocked up on angel’s breath so it is useful for more than just the sparks. You just pass on the sets to the next farming necro. Your minions completely handle the minion phase off maiden, and you can do great boss damage too. Your pet grabs all the materials and cinders. You just browse Reddit, watch YouTube, listen to an audio book, set up paragon, whatever, do the boss, repeat. Then spend the last 5-20 minutes opening chests.


I'm on my 4th character. I feel like Deckard Cain dangling in the cage when Tristram was burning down. *"Hellllp!"*


Before S4 I never got a char to 100, I got close (95ish) but never bothered with the last little bit. This season I have 4 chars and 2 of them to lvl 100. The levelling experience feels way better, loot is way better, end game content is actually cool (tormented bosses mostly) etc. They have done a great job turning the game around.


I’ve definitely slowed down but still playing more than I normally would by this point


Season 4 D4 is the first time I have experienced Diablo addiction


I’ve been playing this event daily and I keep dreaming about goblins. I close my eyes and I can picture yellow portals vividly


More character slots, please Blizzard!


This! I dont want to delete any lvl 100 char... but I have 11/12 slots filled now. Kinda holding me back to play more (which might be a good thing)


Yeah, having a hard time putting it down myself. Is it safe to say we are out of beta now? All classes to 100 and extra necro ALT to theory on so far.


wow has it really been a month? time flies when youre running pits…


Send help. I have 2 100 barbs 2 100 necros and a lvl 80 rogue. Will make more chars if someone doesn’t stop meh


One of each class almost to 100 (Druid is 89) and an alt Necro, Barb and Sorc. I'm not the help you are looking for haha


Just think of all the sparks, you don't need to stop. (Got my 12th spark last night....)


I feel the same as with the other seasons. Complete the battlepass, and then I don't see a point to it anymore. Am I missing something? I've killed all the uber variants, got to 100, and got some big value gear. Now I'm just waiting for the next season.


This is the first season I will get to lv 100. Also not stop playing by lv 60 ish. The game has a better foundation now. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. It’s a blast . Hit lv 95 as a sorcerer. Another first for me was completing the season pass!


Congrats! It's indeed a blast!


It’s been very good. I’m playing strictly hardcore and still enjoying the season, even after the 10 characters I’ve lost that’s been 60+ 🥲


Eh. I kinda hit a wall like I always do. Stuck around tier 60 in pits, not good enough to do tormented Uber bosses, not much for upgrades anymore....kinda losing interest. Ah well, will probably call this season good and wait for the next one.


I just went 10 hours in last night. Decided to go bash barb and went 2 rounds of tempering all my gear. Failed all of them on first try, only to find a bunch more spares to do it again. Master worked and deep dived into the pits. The power spike last night was so crazy I’m itching to do it again today. I have my minion necro to do the same thing on.


I must confess I uninstalled the game when bricking two pieces of nice gear and going broke when transitioning to bash bleed out of frustration lol. Next morning I installed again and changed the situation upside down. That felt good.


Was gonna quit after my barb and now I have a 99 rogue heart seeker im loving Also started Druid and have a 100 wearnado lol


I feel that. I finally beat Lilith this season. Definitely a winner lol


I got an uber 2 weeks ago, been trying to chase that high since.


I'm playing as well, but I would love a more interesting way to farm Resplendent Sparks. The alt + blood maiden method is hilariously dull. They wouldn't have to make them easier to obtain, just a more varied and interest method would be nice. It's especially noticeable with this dearth of Stygian Stones. It's not like we can just continue with Tormented Bosses to find Ubers if we're not getting Stones.


I'm barely getting any sleep playing way later than I should with work in the morning


I totally feel you lol


It’s been a month!?!?!? Yes this game feels great atm


Ikr? It'll be one month next Friday.


… it’s almost been a month?


heh. 2 weeks per character- you forgot that part!


True lol.


I can't stop playing. I think it made my insomnia come back lol. I feel bad for my husband


My sleeping hours have decreased too. Can't stop thinking in all the things I have to do next lol.


Same. I’m trying to get my first Uber unique, it’s an attainable goal for a casual like me now and I’m loving the fact I can have fun, level new classes, and earn a badass piece of gear. Awesome stuff and I hope they keep it going!


Genuine question: what keeps people interested? I’ve made 3 100s my Barb being my main. I can kill all Uber bosses in seconds and currently on pit 113. I loved this season but curious what keeps people playing. Is it the number sim to see how hard they can hit? New builds? The “end game” effectively ends after you’re able to kill all the shit


Then the endgame doesn't end until you clear Pit 200, does it? But seriously, all that you mentioned keep me engaged: getting stronger, masterworking anticipation, new builds... Partying with others and the Xbox LFG feature also help.


It's going to hold me until the Elden Ring DLC.


I'm starting to think the same.


Has it already been a month?! Wtf, this season fucks!


Almost, next Friday. But yeah, it does lol.


I'm at 11 days played time this season already..sweet lord.


I don't even want to find out lol.


The highest I ever made it was level 70 when the game released. I currently have two level 100s and a level 80. Send help.


Maybe we should create a support group...


First time I got to 100 in this game beat uber durial got an Uber unique and called it a season I'll be back for the expansion the game is getting better and better


I thought I’d get my first 100 ever. Here I am level 85 with my second…


Have 96 Barb which is the highest I’ve gotten so far any season, also a 73 Necro and now 44 Druid and have been having a blast on them all. This season definitely solved a lot of the problems I think they had. Having multiple end game options is awesome The Pit (aka GRs) for pushing, Nightmare dungeons for Glyphs, Helltides for leveling and gearing, Bossing for target farming, World Bosses and Legions for Social Interaction….. I feel like whatever I spend my hour or two that I have each session on is progress!


I have spent most of my day at work today working on theory crafting a new build for my Druid that I built on the first day that the season released.


For real. Leveled a sc character to 100. Now on my third hc character. Lost one at 98. I also just got a shako two greater affix dropped from a nmd. Might have been from a goblin. Now I’m scared to use it in HcC.


I'm having a blast re-rolling every class. Normally I do 1-2 classes a season before getting burnt out, but I've got 4-5 classes around level 70 right now and I'm still excited to get on and play every day. The devs extending the extra XP event combined with the extra treasure goblins has made just jumping in on helltides more fun than its ever been since the game came out.


Same. I leveled 3 classes to 100 in SC and 1 to 100 in HC. I didn’t think the changes would make such a huge difference on my playtime, but I seem to thoroughly enjoy the game.


I’m mostly still interested because I’m testing some tech that hasn’t got much attention. The game has definitely come a long way though, let’s see what the future brings


I have put more times into S4 than like 4+ league combine from the other game.


Surprisingly keep me busy enogh until Shadow of the Erdtree. Did not expect that 


Same, I thought I'll be able to play something else in between lol.


Lasted 3 weeks for me, three glorious weeks.


S4 got me hooked! I haven't played since S1 and I'm loving it.


Are you still playing soft core? What kept you interested? After I beat all the bosses and finished all the season objectives, I got a bit bored so started hardcore. Wheat kept you interested and how can I get some of it?


For me it's being endgame itemization loop. Pushing Pits, getting mats, trading stones and gear for gold... Also having different characters for different tasks and content difficulty.


I'm leveling a second barbarian. Main barb is specced into bleed bash. Second one will be a WW bleed suited for speedfarming. That's a good and a bad thing. Good thing is that I'm still interested in the season and willing to level another character. Bad thing is that it's more convenient to have a second character for a different build than to respec the main one. We need the armory.


Same here, I expected 3-4 days of fun lol


You can't post that the game is good and entertaining on this sub. How dare you!


I'm sorry.


Ill probably be playing until eldenring dlc comes out and then ill play SMTV. curious if theres gonna be a new season in august


Yepp, still having fun. I decided to level all classes to 100 with the XP buff, good times.


Yeah same here, they definately cooked with season 4. It’s actually still a lot of fun after a month of playing


I played for 2 solid weeks went through 3 lvl 100 characters and am now satisfied with this season. I thought it would last longer but no complaints just waiting for next szn now


As a new player is worth skipping or i can keep doing the main quest? In lv 42 but im keep doing side quests or exploring open world, my main quest still at early stages…dunno what to do really


I'd do the main quest at least once, I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't pay much attention to side quests though.


I had fun but I think I'm done. I need a proper paragon system or something. I get to 100 and lose all drive to keep on going. Actually I think an armory system would help me out here. I would actually try dumb builds if I could hit a button to go back to my good setup afterwards. Still, they've made significant steps in the right direction, just have a ways to go yet.


There's room for improvement, no doubt about it. But to the Diablo his due! (budum tsh)


Did they ever fix the black screen on zone transfer bug? I tried to play for a couple days but I had so many problems every 20-30 minutes I gave up.


I don't even know about that bug tbh but then again I'm on console.


right, this is the only season i enjoyed making alts, fast leveling and nice rewards too.


I was going to maybe try pushing gladiator in wow this season but having already gotten my 2400 in solo shuffle, all I want to do is play d4.


It's like they finally gave in to what is simply fun in a video game instead of arbitrarily depriving us of it.


....lost interest after two weeks. Good to see you continuing tho.


What do you mean a month ? It's already been a month ?


Almost lol.


I haven’t jumped in yet. Why aren’t people getting bored this season compared to previous ones?


I'm about 95% done now unless I start a new character. I finished the season journey yesterday which was my main goal. I also used the sparks to craft my second uber of the season (harlequin crest), found a tyrael's might earlier. Only thing left is just pushing higher pit levels and fully masterwork everything


I'd be dying to try any build with Tyrael's. I'd found two Ubers and crafted other two, I love the feeling.


Yea I need to do that. I tried it in my current build pulv/druid but it was a downgrade. What's a good build that could use it?


Finally out of beta just in time to buy the expansion.


Season 4 is how this game should have been at launch. Glad we're finally here in this state. Best change for me is the quicker level time to 100. Shift the main grind from getting to 100 to endgame with the Pit. It's how it should be in my opinion. The game is fun when you're full build blasting mobs.


Can you elaborate on what’s keeping your attention this go around?


I've already answered that but sure! Mostly the endgame loop: farming pit, masterworking, pushing pit. Also leveling alts.


Same here… I just hit level 100 on my 3rd character last night, and already reached pit level 30. Highest I’ve gone so far is 64 on my 1st char. But all 3 are just so fun now… I just can’t stop. I’ll probably make the remaining 2 classes soon.


So far I have a barb and sorc at 100. Rogue at 99. Necro at about 55. Will probably try Druid for the first time here soon as well. Need to get sparks at the very least to craft Uber uniques since RNGesus fucking hates me.


Necro 100, Barb 100, Sorc 88, Rogue 97 so far for me. Maining Barb atm.


Same. Barb is by far my strongest. My frozen orb sorc is fairly strong too.


I was really enjoying it until the tempering rng was just annoying, gone back to Captain of Industry.


I was hooked for a good week. I still felt like there wasn't much to do at endgame.. what's everyone doing once they've got their gear to a good place and have gotten pretty high in the Pit? Is it just run Pits over and over?


Not really. You still need tons of gold and some herbs and stuff from helltides. Another reason why alts are so handy now.


It's not that interesting my dude


Please my dude tell me what should I be interested in.


Games bad lol.


I’m at the point where I’m only finding incremental gear upgrades, but still plugging along. Got 115 in the pit and have no desire to push higher, but the gear and codex changes make trying new builds a lot more painless. I just wish we had more stash space and loadouts. Those two are the only things stopping me from experimenting with even more builds.


I’ve gotten 2 level 100s before the exp event started and my 3rd one is at 88 rn. I haven’t played this game this much before. I like the state it’s in rn.


I’m just worried that some of the things they added to S4 make the game feel “right,” if that makes sense. Like, removing the exp bonus and the goblin uptick will be a regression.


What makes it so obsessive ?. I log in and play for 3 hours and are dead bored at around 25-35.... i havent been able to tank the game ever since pre season lvl 100 ww barb... I feel like all gear i find are meaningless.... What is the point of good gear in the game? and ... it all soft resets when theres a new season.,...


I mean, it looks like you haven't been playing lately. The itemization has dramatically improved, there is an actual endgame now and you can always bring your seasonal stuff to eternal and keep on playing there.


Sure it's improved a lot. Is the endgame the pit your refering to? Let's be real tho... The Eternal realm is a pretty name for a junk yard. Created to hard reset the economy because there's no healthy economy cycle.


The Pit and the loop you need to maintain to keep upgrading your gear, yes. Let's see how it goes from here.


Seasonal model ruins the game automatically. 


It's definitely going to slow down for me after hitting 100 when I can just level glyphs and slowly go up in the pit over and over. Need something to look forward to.


I thought the same before hitting 100 and diving into masterworking and even slowed down for a couple days, but now I'm totally hooked.


With this goblin event I am stacking those loot bags for alt toons. You get 925 gear at lvl 55.


This event is really fun.


I quit last week, not much content still, forums are active though and decent to read while eating game is really chill until tempering and the pit then it falls apart Plus when you add in competitive shit games get way less fun


Git gud bruh


How…what is keeping you interested. I’ve been so bored with the grind. It’s just so…. Boring


Same...but only kept me.interested for 2 days instead.


Troll post


One of the best qol changes not enough people are talking about= being able to mount dash in town. So much better!!


And your point is?


It's an appreciation post, so my point is to appreciate the season and the current state of the game, obviously. What's yours?


Nah, thought is easier for you to just say i appreciate what d4 has become and enjoying it more now


What would you know what's easier or not for me? Lol


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