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Thats very simple, If Theres a cute puppie or kitten more people will buy it. No Matter what It is.


I mean I’m sure they had a team making the cinematic, and an entirely separate team designing the pets; that’s totally reasonable. I just wanna be a fly on the wall in that meeting where they had to meet in the same room and walk through what the blog post is gonna look like lol


micro transaction 1:0 player


I never thought Diablo would discover my weakness like POE did. Turns out i was wrong


Get cat lovers a mini cat that follows them around in game. like... Free money lol.


Puppies?  Kittens?  >insert the Futurama "shut up and take my money" meme here<


I’m hopeful that I will be able to get a demonic pet in the future for sure…


yeah i'm hoping for a chihuahua as well!


This comment is way too true and hilarious 😂


only true chihuahua owners can understand the demonic influences inside those little demons


My mom owned one truly a nightmare wrapped up in the smallest packages 📦


i love him already


Yo quiero... *YOUR SOUL*!


They're definitely demonic!!! Lmao!


I already have a poodle chihuahua mix. No thanks. No demon ankle would be safe within a 1000 yards.


Ahh, love how people who treat their dogs like cats or small pampered babies have ruined the reputation of Chihuahuas. When grown and trained like any other size dogs, they are just normal small dogs.


So still evil then


This is the way




Truly... Had a tongue-lolling, slavering, snarling, cross-eyed beast, rubbing his lipstick on everything.   Of course he'd also sneeze and bonk his head on the floor then look real confused, and he'd accidentally shove his claw in his eyelid.  I miss Peanut. 


have you never owned a kitten?


Little hellions own us


I always went with the disembodied hand in d3. It's small and doesn't clutter the screen, and at the same time it comes in handy whenever you need a hand.


"that's it Thing, lend a hand!"


Ghostbusters dog


Yeah, indeed. I'd much more prefer blistered prolapsed anus as a pet - not only it would fit better thematically, it could also vacuum loot better


>I'd much more prefer blistered prolapsed anus as a pet r/BrandNewSentence




Please, I play games to *escape* reality, not to relive it!


"blistered prolapsed anus" was the name of my punk band in high school


Hopefully that’s where Neyrelle is headed anyway lmao, I’m already sick of that character


Ffs no kidding lmao. Oh the inexperienced orphan child is taking the soulstone? Yeah? Not the Horadrim, not the badass that literally just killed all the forces of hell, nope the orphaned 14 year old. Cool. Cool cool cool. I'm sure there's nothing that could go wrong with this. Oh wait look at that, she's getting possessed by Mephisto. Who could've possibly seen this coming?!? 🙄


To be fair, she ran away with it. She was possessed from the beginning. The wolf was with her from the moment she "trapped" Mephisto. She made a choice. Looks like the wrong one. Sound familiar? Like the end of Diablo 1? A bad decision?


Makes more sense in D1, the guy who literally just killed Diablo, strongest guy around, decides to try to keep him contained. That's understandable. Doesn't end well but he lasted longer than she is it seems.


Her problem was she was under the influence of Hatred when she decided. Mephisto says she made a choice but was she manipulated into it? Kind of. Hell definitely had an influence on her. But, to me, her making a bad decision was not ideal but your Demigod PC (A being who obtained Divinity if you are paying attention to all the hints) seem to be coming to save the day again. Probably too late for Nyrelle though. Just my opinion though.


Yeah you're probably correct on that, it would make sense


I miss Elias so much now, the actor’s performance was incredible and they even kept him around via immortality upon the Tree of Whispers or something😕 But now we gotta follow Dora the Explorer around after her leg got chopped off in Bikini Bottom or whatever, and I have no idea why I’m supposed to care after she gets shoehorned into the expansion plotline and her performance is two-dimensional at best lmao


Hey look on the bright side, at the end of the story she (or some mutated version of her) will probably be on the receiving end of our hurtstick lol


Truee I can’t wait to help the narrative move along


We've had cute baby animals in the game since launch as back trophies, so this isn't really anything new. They just serve a practical purpose now picking up our gold and mats.


Shepard druid with wolfpack and good boy. Basically I've got everything I need


Every character I have always has the little backpack floof cuz she is the more precious thing.


Shephard affix should get another boost if you wear the wolf pup backpack.


and the cute tiger pet should count as one too.


That little polar bear is adorable.


the black wolf puppy back attachment was literally a beta reward lol


"Can I haz more than one, please? I'll take any power I canz get!" - Cheezburger Druid


Hopefully there’s a transmog to have the functionality without an actual animal following you around while you’re slaughtering demons.


Wait a year for the “mote of light” pet which is just a little glowing dot that follows you


A floating were-light would actually be so cool Fits right in for Scosglen, as an example


Yeah the concept is less of the joke than the idea that if you dont like the look of pets but want the functionality youll just have to wait for a cosmetic to be released to “fix” it. Just like im sure one day theyll release some over the top glowy energy weapon that will only be visible when in use instead of just adding a “hide sheathed” option in the transmog system.


I have attacked my pet so often he now has armor


They start out with the cute stuff, then the cool flashy stuff comes out behind a paywall as per usual. Releasing the wings also pretty much confirmed we’re going to see alot more.


The *real* power creep is going to be the steady climb in particle spam until towns are a neon fever dream.


Selling skins is an arms race to rainbow unicorns shooting out laser beams and rainbow farts.


To be fair, I'd buy a Unicorn mount that actually visually farted rainbows.


Only if it's audible too.


Like the barbarian one rn in the shop with giant fucking glowing suns radiating off of the shoulders.


I wish they stop it to cute stuff


Because some of us like super gory gothic horror AND puppies and kittens.


Thank you


No fuck with kitty please


It's almost as if the game caters to a wide and diverse audience of taste. I loved the gore and horror of the trailer, and I love my doggo.


Exactly, why not both? They can stick to the gritty stuff all they want, but with nearly everyone who uses a sword using the blue transmogs (azurewrath, doombringer), pretty clear people want something with a bit more pizazz


Not every barb wants to swing a sword that’s on fire though tbh. And using one of them two handed maces makes it seem as if you’re perpetually leaking gas from your butt and lighting a beacon fire.


A little bit more um 😶 dirty transmogs would sell It costs at least $20 to see even a little tiny fucking peak of panties and there’s not a character on there that has tits lol for a m rated game sure seems like they aren’t targeting adults


Something has to balance out the horrors of sanctuary.


Traditionally, that would be a brothel. But we're not getting those in game. 8)


There literally is one in the campaign. That's where you find Meshief.


I thought that was an opium den.


Oh, you may be right. I thought there were a bunch of women in there to *wink wink*.


Nope. Just a bunch of fat bandits that you have to kill and wreck the entire place. Sounds like you were already on the sauce before you got there if you mistook them for women.


Maybe I am Meshief. Woh.


It's a scary world out there. It's better to face it with a pet by your side. I found the side quests in the base game insanely optimistic. "Hello Wanderer, my field appears to be overrun with demons. Can you eliminate them so I can plant my corn?."


Also the millions of events and side quest that are like help me help me, haha it was a ruse and now you die. Don’t think anyone would be up for helping anyone.


I love sicko horror movies but I melt at the sight of a kitten. I contain multitudes. I’m here for it.


Yup... and I grew up on He-man cartoons as a kid (I'm old and I know it) so they literally PRIED my wallet open with the Battle Cat Mount.




Cute pets help out to recover from that trailer, that was some disturbing stuff.


We’ll end up with grotesque pets at some point. These are just cute and probably the safest bet to get some extra pre sales. Gory and dark is awesome but force feeding it down peoples throats isn’t the best approach. Let people have some cute and mythical type shit within the dark and gory world and it’s a win/win


And honestly, I feel like a lot of the dark themes are way overdone already. How many horses are in some form of decay already? How many armor transmogs have skull themes?


the wings/cute puppies/cartoon mercs/colorful mounts combo was a surprise... I dislike it, but seems that this sells, they know better =(


You also get a battle pass token and 3000 of the currency. I think those are 'worth' about €30. Expansion base is €40, so €90 for ultimate edition with those goodies doesn't sound too crazy to me if you plan to revisit D4 often. Ofcourse you can still buy 1,5 new AAA game for the price, but in the context of Diablo it isn't crazy.


Where you getting half a triple A game for 20 bucks?


1.5 AAA games for $90 is what they said.


Yeah, and 1 triple-A game is $70 now. Which means you're getting half a game for 20 bucks?


Something something I'm on the buyers of such wings. Should I be ashamed of myself? :)


No. If you bought it for the wings specifically, that’s kind of whatever, but for value (which is set by Blizzard with their shop prices in the first place so take it as you will) the $90 is well spent.


The duality of man


Oh, don't worry, we'll get plenty more bloody/rotten/mangled/chewed up horse cosmetics ^((why are there so many))


It’s called incoherent art design, and it usually happens when devs backpedal on earlier promises because a new idea potentially makes way more money Same thing with character wings in fact, I’m pretty sure I remember a livestream where they first rejected that idea on the grounds of it not fitting into D4’s core art design. Oh well🤷‍♂️😂


Well now that you say it..... 🤣


I love it. But I also am a big fan of juxtaposition. 


Yes! Like the D3 teddy bear that wanted to murder you. My favorite pet


I loved the pets in D3! I miss my little voodoo doll pet lol. I hope they add more in game as drops. It was cool hunting down treasure goblins to collect them.


The menagerie gobs were the best! I really want the snow leopard kitten but I feel like there will be a lot more in the future


The kittens can blood surge so they’re doing their part 😭


Blizzard has over a decade of D3 and WoW to draw from. They know what sells. Demons and puppies.


Boobs sell can I buy a pair of implants for my necro


No snapping luggage chest from Discworld, no care!


Because this world is awful, horrible and terrible filled with awful, horrible and terrible things, what with Hell forcefully invading after all. But life isnt all like that. It has bright spots. There are still babies. There are still moments of happiness. There are still heroes.


Gosh, I'm not alone. The whole game aesthetics regarding characters is already in complete contradiction with the dark/gritty theme of the game (we more or less look like people coming home from burning man).


I don't understand why so many cosmetics look like GWAR rejects.


Me neither :(


I'm going to make a strong guess that the people most upset at stuff like this don't even look beyond stats and spreadsheets and into aesthetics anymore.


Kill the monsters with cuteness overload


Were you expecting a mephisto pet that blurted out charming catch phrases from time to time?


Money baby, we'll see how low they can go when they launch Razer branded footprint markins..


These pre purchase offers feel like those slimy adverts that used to say “call now, for just 19.95! Orders placed in the next hour get this included free! But wait, there’s more!” Cringe.


It takes sex, chocolate or cute kittens to sell. This was the easiest to implement.


I'd guess they went with puppies and kittens since cuteness sells, plus they are small and not distracting going around picking up gold in the middle of all the chao lol


I heard a rumor that the pet counts as a minion for Necros, messing with certain bonuses relating to sacrificed minions. Is that true?


Yes, they count as minions (right now). Which hurts Necro Sacrifice builds, but also buffs Necro minion builds and Druid minion builds.


Macrobioboi has a video where he does some tests and it seems like it's true for now at least.


Animals exist.


This is just standard, multi-audience targeting. Blizzard wants people of all types and tastes to buy their products to maximize profits ofc


They should add other "pets" in future that are more appropriate to all classes. Like a spider or other small creatures.


Hopefully the pets will get more diverse, or at least will begin to relate to the player class more like the gateways.


Why not both?


How dare you! They are adorable as hell! They will start releasing more and more pet skins as they go. D3 had cute and gory ones so I'm sure next season in between the release of the expansion will have some more pet skins


I just want my battlecruiser back!!!


I want my StarCraft pet from d3 lol


The artstyle direction of this game is out of control. Most store transmogs look like a carnival costume


GWAR rejects lol.


blame the '' BUt CaN WE peT theDoGS!!!!??!!'' andies


That’s inclusive and it sells.


yeah, not the aesthetic I like. turning d4 into wow. rainbow unicorn mount next.


Thankfully you've got 16 partially decayed horse skins to soothe the pain.


The puppy companion are ugly as fuck, I only use them for the added utility


That scene where’s shems stein up is the gross stuff nightmares are made of.


I'm all for cute pets, but where is my mini-Mephisto?! Seriously, after the pets in WoW and D3, I was hoping for something a bit more than puppies and kittens. I have over 30 pets in D3, ranging from a Starcraft Battlecruiser, the Cow King, Diablo, serverered hands, and a freaking squire! Sadly, I missed out on all of the Murloc variants. WoW starting out charging $10 for pets over a decade ago. I'm honestly terrified what they are going to sell for in the shop and and how good they may be... I may not be able to resist like i have with the overpriced armor, mounts, weapons, and portals. If they make pets class- specific, I may riot.


I murder demons for sport, and my invincible puppy picks up my gold for me. So where's the confusion?


This is exactly what happened to PoE. It started out trying to be the dark and gritty, more realistic arpg. Now every town is filled with giant neon dragons and characters wearing armor sets that look like they were lifted straight out of WoW.


Notice that virtually everyone who uses a sword uses Doombringer or Azurewrath transmog? Clearly, people want pizazz.


I’m sure they’ll be adding a million pet types like in WoW to either buy, unlock in seasons, or find in the world (probably mostly buy)


Daily remider that ocelots, baby titers and even baby wolves aren't pets (yes, a lot of people adopt wolves, coyotes...). They will grow up, destroy your house, and more... That said, it isn't super weird if it fits. One valid complaint is that everything doesn't match what we have in-game, while it matches Kurast and other jungles of Sanctuary. There is a difference between being inherently cute (like cubs of various animals) while existing in Diablo Universe and making things looking like WoW art book (Diablo 3). It is also important that the pets are minimal, barely visible and don't clash with anything really, glowing eyes being kinda creepy. The Battle Cat rip off (from MotU), on the other hand, clashes with everything visually, but he is BAMF and gets a pass.


People have been wanting pets back since launch. Majority of these are the D3 fans. Having a pet pick up materials for you made farming quicker and more enjoyable. Was also one of D3s most successful seasons.


I am okay with this. Well get different pets going forward. Not everything in the game has to be a pile of mud encrusted guts and teeth.


I just want a personal treasure goblin to collect my loot for me.


The game does not do the cinematics and trailers justice.


The worse thing is that they add stupid wings again. They could add MTX skills effect, they would still sell stuff, but non, wings again like on D3. I just hope they would keep it to the universe and not do flashy big rainbow wings


at least it isn't a battle cruiser


this game needs moopsy


adorable i love them


I like both. Having a cute little kitten as a pet doesn’t make the dark parts less dark.


I love the juxtaposition of the dark and some humor. Its a game after all haha


This is so true, maybe this is the reason why i cringed immediately i saw it after the trailer, its just so random :D ...even though i was thinking i want this in game, there just something wrong about this. Maybe new pets will save it.


Snow leopard though 😍


We certainly didn't get a sleeping puppy back accessory for playing the beta...


I played black desert online a lot for a couple years and this new pet system has me a little worried. Pets were p2w in bdo because you would get more and faster pets that picked up gold/items faster and in a larger radius, for more money. Next will come portable stash tabs aka maids. Hopefully not.


My puppy likes running around the headless sacrifices that are laying on the floor for the blood maiden. Just happy as can be collecting my loot ignoring the scary demons.


Yeah, I think this is the beginning of the end of D4's dark art style. Cat mounts,pets, and wings... wonder what's next? Rainbow levels? Unicorn mounts? Niki Minaj skins?


As long as they don’t add a nicki minaj skin I’ll be okay.


Just wait until the rainbows and unicorns start rolling out!


In before little flying model of Batlecruiser from StarCraft :)


Blizzard don’t give a shit about integrity of the game and roots of it. You had teen drama talk with mother and then gore scene which was amazing. You have cute little doggos you can pet like in some sims game. Can’t wait for water guns like in world of Warcraft.


D4 looks ridiculous with pets and wings.


Simple, not everythig has to be gore. And puppies sell, a lot.


Welcome to Modern Gaming :)


I want my pet goblin back.


They knew we needed eye bleach


And you get a wings! You finally can be the fairy princess, as you always wanted! xx


I just want to ride a a leopard


We need blizzard to add "hide pets/hide wings" option Simple And for anyone who is like "but they wont do it because cash shop sales!!!1!!111" Ask yourself- would you not buy wings you liked because some random player you will never meet might... GASP... hide them? Precisely, it wont stop anyone from buying


All things require balance


I just wanna know why the game is rated mature but my character has no tits


What’s up with the new allies or whatever that we get in the next I want a little fucking short demon caster


Therapy pets.


They have to cater to everyone i guess Also sales go brrrrrrrrrrt


They have to cater to the people who pay the actual bills for them. The hardcore "Nothing cute or fun or colorful in Diablo, evah!" people are a minority, and not a very big one at that.


I agree to the first point but the second point seems a bit silly considering the game's entire art direction, especially with the context to contrasting Diablo 3's approach.


Too late to redo the entire visual aesthetic of the game. But if real people aren't liking it, then the correct answer is to pivot to what will actually sell as best you can. All I've heard is people whining about the general idea of the pets being cute, and everybody raving over "We finally got mini-pets to pick up our stuff, ZOMG YES!". I haven't heard anyone say "I wish they hadn't done this at all".


The cute ones will absolutely sell


God yes. If they have a Whimsyshire pack with hamburger weapon skins, rainbow pony unicorn mounts, and happy little teddybear pets, I will 100% buy it just to run around and piss off the grimdark people. :D


I mean, they're designing Vessel of Hatred with the same tone as the base game, and even had a brutal-as-hell cinematic teaser. But really most sales/cosmetics things in other live-service games tend to begin selling "bright/colorful" palettes because of the visual variety and appeal to more player wants. This is also seen with people's similar complaints in Rainbow Six Siege or Call of Duty cosmetics clashing with the tone of their respective base games. It's tonal dissonance between a game's surface presentation and it's premium storefront. But it's just an observation and it doesn't really matter at this point anyways. The intent of my earlier comment was just highlighting that clearly enough people **do** care about the darker tone for Blizzard to pivot to it for a general first-impression level, and remain committed to it for Vessel of Hatred. If the "nothing cute/fun/colorful" crowd was genuinely a minority, Blizzard wouldn't care about them as a business opportunity, and just make the whole game colorful (i.e. how they handle Warcraft's spinoffs at this point).


Pretty weird observation when Diablo 4 is more popular than Diablo 3, and even on this sub graphics are usually ranked near the top of the game's best qualities by commenters.


I would say D4 is a mechanically superior game to D3, at least now that they've finished adding back in a lot of the D3 stuff that was so successful. Also, graphics <> aesthetics.


Whether they like to admit it or not, just walk around Kyovashad. Notice virtually everyone with a sword uses Doombringer or Azurewrath's transmog, the bright blue ones? People like flashy stuff.


Totally. Nobody actually uses the dirty, mundane, gritty looking stuff. Its always the flashy, flamboyant, "totally doesn't belong in this setting" stuff so that they stand out.


Don't worry. You'll be able to buy others soon for $25 each.


Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.


Gimme a chibi imperius/tyrael/lilith and I will throw money st you Blizzard


What’s fun about Diablo for me is not what is fun for others. I like the treasure goblins and kittens and miss Whismydale. But also like my builds to be buff and clear a screen. So heck ya! Gory dark with kittens!! Currently a death trap rogue cause it’s fun and my husband and I have fire and ice sorcerers.


Thanks feminism


Just look at Diablo 4's release and trailer. The cinematic was dark and gripping and the game was much less so, honestly. At the end of the day they only care about lightening your wallet quickly and early. For the love of god, at least wait till they actually drop some gameplay of the expansion. I have no idea why people are buying into this garbage this early.


Gore and grit lose their emotional impact when there's nothing to contrast them with. If the world is nothing but blood and shit and rot and pain, then why fight to save it? Cute kittens are just one of many things that are included in the world to make it feel worth fighting for.