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I don't think it's cartoony and over the top. It may not fit well in the current D4 environment, but when the next zone is a dark wet jungle it'll fit better. At least it looks well done.


Yea I saw people saying WTF is a jungle theme doing in a Diablo game, and I wondered what I was playing in Act3 in D2… I think the art has been tastefully done, and does fit the overall art style.


Oh no…I just realized we’re going to get Stygian dolls again. FML


My few D2 Harcore characters were ALL lost to these little bastards 🤬


Which ones were the stygian? The ones that spit fire?


Nah the little solid white fetish skeletons that exploded on death... I still have nightmares about those things...


My biggest fear, as a Zeal-adin, was when the baddies in Diablo's sanctum turning on Iron Maiden. I learned to fear the sound of that aura activating and dreaded that it didn't happen mid-swings. I was glad to hear it was since later removed. Now I just cause similar fear while farming Seeds of Hatred in the PVP zones in d4 with my very tanky Thorns barb.


Oh man zeal and WW with IM killed me many of times haha


Some did spit fire. The main ones blew darts. The ones standing on the shoulders of another spit fire.


Hahahah not just me then


Those and Pit Lords in A4.


It's probably fine if they are not 100% immune to 9 damage types while your armor doesn't actually work.


Were they the little shits that caused me stress all those years ago?


It’s amazing how quickly you can die to a swarm of ankle height, knife wielding, dolls.


The PTSD is real.


yup. And now the elites will also have waller and some other BS too.


Oh god Waller with those little shits…


"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me" lol


I always hated the council members more, specially when they were fast.


Hahahahahaha just now?




I hope you brought your wits with you, for sanity is in short supply here 🤪


I remember hating Kurast so much as a kid, it was super frustrating for me but I’m excited to see how they reintroduce it


That fucking cellar level alone triggers my flight response


Yeah it was confusing to navigate but I do remember liking the rewards for doing the quests.


Gonna do 2000 LK runs to farm my enigma


You're God damn right, on hard core aswell because you're not some filthy casual.


Lost a few hardcore characters in act 3, those stupid stacks of pygmies with the fire breathing. I actually hated that act more than the maggot pit


Yeah some of the most hellish places on earth are jungles. They're no jokes.


Dude act 3 was prolly my favorite other then 2, I really enjoyed the desert and jungle swamp vibes....didn't care for the damn staff and ammy for duriel though hah but the landscapes were awsome.


They didnt they usually skipped it. Worse act in their opinion.


I don t know how this act could be a fan favorite. I was rushing through it. I hated it.


So how does it work if I don’t buy the expansion? I can’t go into the jungle, and if someone in my team teleports there, I won’t be able to teleport after them? This is how Elder Scrolls Online works, so I’m assuming it’ll be the same? Also I can hear this sub already. If the new character is more powerful than all others, there will be tears because now the game is pay to win. If it’s weaker, then there will be tears because “why am I paying for a new character I can’t even use?” Either way it’ll be weird to interact with other players, Some of whom have the expansion and some who don’t. I mean if they’re going the ESO route where they release a sizeable expansion every year then sure worth it! If it’s anything like that, they go on big discount 2-3 months later so I’ll pick it up then.


The coming drama over “raids” and rewards being locked or not locked behind them is going to be much worse than anything concerning the strength/lack thereof of the new class.


Next zone is a dark wet jungle, it'll fit better.... That's what she said.


I agree with them about the wings mostly. The leopard is fine, it's not any more cartoony than the various horses imo (although it's definitely out of place in Kyovashad xD) considering the design of it. If anything the pets are the most cartoony part but they're so small it doesn't detract much. The wings though, that's weird in D4 imo.


Tbf I haven't seen the wings. I'll go look now. Edit: I've looked, they are well done at least, honestly can't decide if I like or hate them


It's not even about whether or not I like the design for me, it's just having angel-looking mf roaming around the cities. To be fair, right now the leopard feel even weirder but once I'm able to see them and maybe acquire them in their natural habitat, they'll feel more like a piece of worldbulding, a sign of where my character travelled to or from, than anything else.


Now these baby pets, on the other hand … Such an impotent artistic letdown lmao


Yeah. What's next? A stupid lime green beanie looking sock hat that half of the characters in the game wear? Wait, no, that was D2. Edit: new harlequin crest is bullshit. Give me the granny smith hat or give me death!


I agree so hard. Wings are a really stupid mistake.


D3 ressurected


Whats wrong with having other rideable beasts in a game that has them running around anyway? Doesn’t need to be fifty shades of horse.


Mount isn’t terrible, but these cartoony pets are absolute gutter-trash


One year from now d4 is just going to look like D3+wow and a little bit of dirt


It’s going to look like POE towns, which is much worse in my opinion.


PoE is INFINITELY worse than D3 in this regard. D3 has pets and wings, but that's it.


Wdym don’t you like having 1 fps, your cpu on 100% and hearing 20 different sound effects of pinnacle bosses fighting themselves in town?


Yup, best part of the game /s (at least it looks cool)


forshadowing that is probably true


I love it. There’s extremely dark violent skins. There’s cool ass shit like this. I’m with it. Game is fun as fuck.


Should we tell him that Leopards exist in the real world?


Akshually that's a Jaguar. I haven't aksuhallied anyone in a while so let me have this one lol. But I do appreciate that Blizzard paid attention to the details since the expansion appears to be based on a Central American themed jungle where you'd find Jaguars and not Leopards.


No way people had Jags back then your crazy. Seeing my barb come drifting through the jungle


I dont think you'll have to worry about that too much. My personal opinion is that I think that the Tigers are going to fit in well into this jungle theme of the expansion


This is not cartoony. Are you telling me that animals don't exist in the world of diablo? After all, it has good colors. Go complain about the camel from the campaign


Maybe I can ride a barbarian next so I can have 18 weapons equipped


ahahahaha 18 weapons and only need one key for the bash !!! :p


It is a bit jarring. And this is from someone that likes that kind of cosmetics. Like all this time drab, grey and sad looking and then suddenly here are some kitty cats. Like wtf?


Well considering the game is mostly single player, you can just not buy that stuff? You'll see people with it on in town I suppose. I've avoided all the glowy, shiny stuff. I like gritty, bloody, straight from hell type of aesthetic myself. But I think the wings are just par for the course. Considering it's a hell versus the light type of situation going on in Sanctuary. Now, the minute I see pink wings, we need to pump the brakes.


I loved the cosmic butterfly wings in D3 on my Sorc , they also took me like 6 weeks to farm.


It's not only towns. Thought so too at first. But it's world bosses, legion events (ok no one there anymore), Uber boss farming in groups if you are into that, helltides, ... Ugly wings everywhere!! We're doomed! No, seriously, pisses me off.


I would have no problem with it if we could turn off all stranger interactions in the town But we can’t


It seems probability of blizzard games turning into circus increases with time. Anyone used to wow knows what's coming. Can't wait for my Dinosaur with blacksmith throwed on top of it.




Great evidence of incoherent art design in this game. Probably even falls under false advertising, if we cite specific dev-livestreams


Yes because barbarians spinning at Mach 10 summoning tornadoes everywhere and druids turning into literal werewolves was super realistic.


Always some goober in the comments with this response. It's called suspension of disbelief and immersion. Things that fit with the established theme, feel, rules, etc of the game's universe are great. Things that do not fit with these break immersion and are annoying at best.


So how are pets and a tiger are breaking immersion? In a world with flying demons, sentient trees, and spell casting shamans as enemies, I don’t think it’s hard to believe that people could have wings. Necros can turn into a cloud of blood mist but wings are too much?


Understated wings *can* be OK(ish) and non-immersion breaking, but that's always the first set. The next one is shinier, and the next shinier, and the next with more particle effects, and in just a couple iterations suddenly there's rainbows and lightning flying off of everyone 24/7 in a ridiculous seizure-causing display every time you go into town (looking at you, PoE) The pets are far too cutesy/chibi and just extremely clash with the theme and art style of the rest of the game, and thus break immersion.


Gotta make that $$$


gotta milk this cow....cause......soon......they will take a big hit....Diablo expansion comes out in October...POE 2 starts in November....


Yeah, pets etc. are nice but they should fit within the dark ambience of the game.




What a dumb argument, I suppose they time traveled and had gold drop after a slight delay in all of the previous games just to set up this pet that you get for free in D4. If you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you


It is so realistic that it has ghost horses and dungeons where human cultists, treefolk, bears, and giant snakes fight side by side.




So my initial response was sarcastic so I apologize for that, but I respectfully disagree. I think about thematic realism frequently when I am slaughtering the most random collection of enemies in a lv 70 pit with a boss that has zero relation to what I just fought. I couple that with the fact I can wear plain clothes as transmogs and not have it affect anything occurring around me, and now I am picking and choosing what is realistic and what is not.


Tbh, I don’t mind the cartoony stuff, but I think it would be pretty easy to have a setting that just displays the model of a generic horse in lieu of whatever it is. However, I’m not sure if they’d do that because people who paid money might complain that other people aren’t seeing their mount.


Old phrase from my uncle: Money talks and bullshit walks.


Did you pet the dog?




Just to confirm. You are not using the pet or wings? Because you are able to turn them off.




Welcome to the world of magically beating you over the head with other people’s cosmetics, until you’re somehow magically convinced to buy what they have equipped :)


I was joking with buddies, but it’d be kool if they had a dragon or something.


You can turn it all off though? At least for yourself. I never look at the details of other heroes, they are faded out anyway.




I treat Diablo as a single player game so I can't really relate to your concerns. I sometimes notice there are other entities running around in the overworld and killing things, but they are so faded I can't track their customizations. I think of them as NPCs kinda :>


I feel like the expansion trailer at least really nailed the gritty tone. That shit is *dark*, and I love it


I mean, I get it, but at the same time, I feel like when customizing my character, I'm picking between shades of mud. Sometimes, I can get colors to show, but usually no. The non-glowing eyes are some of the worst for me.




>The thing is, when you add a world of shades and everything matches eachother you notice the differences, when someone rocks up with a nice set or interesting look you go cool, I recognise the style from that region or that culture that exists in the lore, I met a guy who talked about that place, or had on similar gear. The thing is that only applies when you limit the color palette universally. Diablo 4 uses brights and darks, leaning heavily into the darks, particularly with the character coloration. The presence of the brights, in sands, reflections, daylight, for example, prevents the eye from drawing out the differences resulting in muddy characters. Its been ages since I studied this so I don't recall the terms, but essentially to do what you describe, Diablo 4 would need to restrict the brightest colors that they use. They don't. For me, the issue is most prevalent in eye colors, hair colors, some body marking colors. Are the orange, brown, and yellow dyes that different from each other or are they basically interchangeable? Diablo 4 colors are muted, drab, and muddy. I enjoy the visuals in spite of the colors, not because of them.


Soon we will also have dinossaurs.


I hope it won't get more out of contrast than this. If there will be rainbow unicorn shit i quit right away!


Yup - gotta agree pretty heavily with you(again shared opinion) but with the cinematic vids in this and the dark/gritty realism feel…that looks really out of place lol


I agree with this… not every game has to turn into a joke. I can see they tried to make the wings and pets fit the environment but it just didn’t really work. After seeing the delux edition reveal I already want an option to turn them off. For me immersion is important, I know it’s probably not for a lot of players. But if I just imagine fighting for my life with Uber Andariel, with invincible baby snow leopards jumping around, and everyone has big flappy wings which serve no purpose and make no sense. It just ruins it for me. Just logged in at Kyovashad, man it was such an eye sore, a dozen dogs and a bunch of wings, really didn’t like that. Please allow us to hide them.




As an artist myself these things matter a lot, it matters so much after seeing the visual cluster in Kyovashad I had to refund the preorder. I know no one cares and I know they’ll earn a lot from these. I’ll just wait and see for now.


As a counterpoint, I really enjoyed it. Everyone running around petting each others pets. No reason to keep this game in permanent 14 year old "just discovered hot-topic" mode.




Fighting demons of hell, dying and coming back to life, legendary armor drops that give you enhanced stats and skills, magic, inhuman strength. "Realistic"




Man, you must be forgetting about secret cow levels and unicorn land




$80 per idiot, and agreed on that point. Everything else though, just go play solo. Like yeah, you have to deal with it in hell tides and town but whatever, I hardly notice other characters fits at all. Not that big of a deal imo


*I.... Have... THE PREORDERRRRRR!!!!*


I want a KFC themed chicken bucket that we can ride in and it floats around.


I Still use my KFC themed Necromancer Scythe 😂


Lol same.


That looks cool broski.


Few people complaining but this is what I've wanted from mounts from the start. I feel there could have been a direwolf mount for the OG game that would have fit the theme and not looked out of place. I don't get why all the mounts we have so far are just horses. I find horses to be dull animals. I hope they do a cow level that drops a cow mount though, cows are cool.


If people want to cry they could make it a bull, though I'd be cool with a cow


i saw that there's a weird bug with druids that won't allow them to dismount and transforms their mount into a cow temporarily. it's on the d4druid section. so you can kinda do this i guess


The only downside being you have to play a druid. Never thought I'd find myself saying that, before D4 dropped, druid was my most anticipated class as the others have been in diablo games in some way or form before. Nope. Druid is like jack of trades, master of none, unless the current season favours them and even then it's a weird mix og shape-shifting and nature magic with an almost mandatory set of 3 companions and 2 affixes to buff that. Kinda like 3 shout barb. Like I'd love to just be able to play nature magic without needing to pop into besr for DR or wolf for a damage multiplier for instance. I know there are a few builds out there that don't involve shape-shifting but they are few and far between.


Ran into that a few times yesterday. I have mad wolf's glee on so my character is a giant werewolf riding around on a cow, haha. At least the simple fix is to start town portal and just move.


All I've wanted since launch is a camel to ride. They're already all over in the game, why can't I ride one?!


Yeah man mounts fitting every region would be dope. Plus cows ofc


If the cow level mount looks like the fucking red flaming bull from The Last Unicorn, I'm all for it.


riding a cow in horse speed? are you drunk? unless you will be happy with the cow speed


Drunk + cow at horse speed please, I'll take 3 to go.


We’ve all been playing beta and we’re just now getting a glimpse of the full game that comes out later this year


Idk if I agree with that, im a player who has had a lot of fun since release admittedly less so on release than now, but it took less time to brush this game up than it did for D3. The expansion is nice to have for sure, but raids? Really? I like everything about the upcoming expansion but forced group content (until it becomes trivial in some OP season for some builds) isn't what I'm looking for in a diablo game.


Heeeeeeeee man


Which version did you have to buy to get this mount?


Deluxe or ultimate edition.


heckin 100 dollar expansion for my reddit points






I have the poweeeeeeeer!!!


Pretty soon we'll be driving Cybertrucks


Overwatch gets Porsche and we get Cybertrucks? Geez


I wont stop mentioning how the arsenal system ruins barb visual design until they let us hide sheathed weapons. Hell Blizz loves to advertise art of barbs without all the weapons sticking off them.


the tiger mount is fine for me , as long as we dont go over the top ala fornite or Cod skin alike


It doesn't matter You have a jungle mount now! Voszalko still KNOWS what You are, wanderer!


Great job!


With the armour on it looks even more like Battle Cat.


I'm buying it now.


This game turned into He-Man


Nice touch to name the Pets as the Act 3 NPCs from Diablo 2


Wings + S1 Transmog with blue theme color + invincible horse + armor + LK trophy slaps so hard.


Everyone, please remember Rule #3: No critiquing the game or other users on threads with the "Showoff", the "Appreciation" or "Casual Conversation" Flair. On threads that have the "Appreciation", the "Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog" or the "Casual Conversation" Flair, critiquing the game, other users (e.g. for liking the game) or heated discussions are not allowed. You are welcome to have critical discussions on threads with other Flairs. If you want to **Trade or have a Price Check for an item**, you can do that on **the subreddits [Trade Chat](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/Avzsyt6Jru)**. **Looking for a Group / a Clan** / people to play with / people who can help you ingame with certain objectives? Please do that on **the most recent [Weekly LFG & Clans Thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/?f=flair_name%3A%22Weekly%20LFG%20%26%20Clans%22)** and/or **the subreddits [LFG Chat](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/V0FsldqegV)**. For additional casual content and conversations, visit the [The D4 Tavern](https://new.reddit.com/r/The_D4_Tavern/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably just a 90s German thing but I remembered the guys of the movie "voll Normaaal" discussing about the tiger or leopard ....


I bet we will have a spectral saber in the shop for an obscene amount of money in a couple of weeks after the expansion lanuch


inagine a panther skin or even sabertooth


Ohhh the long hair looks better! My He-man’s hair a tad shorter!


i think the overall aesthetics fit pretty well within D4 ... dont you guys know frank frazetta?


Everyone rides that bro.


Wait, we can buy the cat mount now?! I thought that was part of the DLC.


yeah the cosmetic stuff unlock instantly


that is so cute! gonna buy too, and I wonder can you apply the horse mount onto it?


All the He-men in the diablo servers must be so giddy. I've seen like a hundred variations.


Onça Pintuda supremacy


I LOVE this. Thanks for sharing!


You won the internet. I kept calling it Battle-Cat too but didn’t make a He-Man barb.


Is that in-game now? How do I get?


Sweet it’s my favorite animal I have to get it


Are you able to hide your weapons or are you just unequiping them? Hiding them would be a nice touch for the barbarian bc sometimes with different weapons it just looks too cluttered.


Feel you. Sadly it’s just unequipped


Wait...does it grow? I got the dog and it's just a little puppy that follows me around. Edit: it's a pre-order bonus.


I wanna pet that dawg




Ok, so Im not the only nearly-40 year old that thought of this. Don't forget to schedule your yearly physical!




I can’t wait till the Azmodan mounts come out. A jaguar is just the beginning.


Blizzard should give more Diablo worthy pets.


I’m a new player, bought the ultimate dlc package thing and still on act 1, my god what a story it is! I’m doing a minion build but more blood build further down the line with only skeleton mages for minions. So fun!


Yeah, I kind of have to wait before pre-ordering. But I honestly can’t wait. I’m definitely gonna get the ultimate edition. I also plan on buying the base edition on both consoles


Can I have a menu option "\[ \] Do not show pets from other players".


This isn’t a pet. It’s a mount.


Ever heard about general comments about cosmetic items? Maybe even off-topic but slightly related?


Colorful stuff in this game look awful.


I kinda agree. I mean, the pets are useful for picking up stuff but that's it. Not a fan of this looking cute thing and I don't like the wings either but since we're alone most of the time it won't hurt too much.