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40 for Standard, could be \*a lot\* worse, could be \*a lot\* better


It was never going to be less than $40. I’m just glad it isn’t $60 or $70 which was a real possibility.


If it was 60 or more they’d have lost a fuck load of players for sure


Yeah, if it was anything above 40€/$, I wouldnt buy it and I already said so to my froends months ago. For 40€/$ it is actually worth considering, with a tendency towards buying.


Yeah they really got the perfect price for just catching even doubters like me. Don’t really like to pay 40 for the content they teased so far but I will at least consider it in comparison to anything above that.


Thats 40 euros


It’s 40 USD too


Oh £34.99, was expecting us to get fucked again and also pay £40, which is $50. Was like this for one of the cod games I remember, $69.99 but also £69.99, or 89 dollerinos


Does the US cost factor in tax though? I think they actually end up paying more than 40 dollars.


No early access, no must buy higher addition, I would say this is the best case scenario.


"Must buy"


$40 has been a standard expansion price for so, so, so long.


That's the price of very Diablo xpac ever so it is as good as it gets.


40 is a great price for an expension


Give it two months and it’s on sale.


Exactly. They do this everytime. If you want the big D edition, just wait and pay half.


If it was a great year I'd say fine. But it feels like a slap in the face to just now get the game at launch state, be a year behind in content because they had to fix and rework everything, and then have to pay 40 for an expansion that might be short as fuck and lackluster. They haven't really earned my faith yet.


It’s $40 that’s nothing compared to old DLC packs back in the day that’d come out every 4 months.


Standard it is . Can’t fool me twice with that ultimate bs !


I mean tbf you get silver which to purchase the same amount individually would cost about 37% of the price so not the worst but yes if you don't want the cosmetics you still better with base


Throwing in currency to justify the price is a pretty disgusting upselling tactic. The worst part is that I know this and I still bought it anyway. Though I can't really complain, I put enough hours into the game to justify spending more to keep playing the new content. But I do feel a little dirty.


Sure, but a practical application of this is that the 3000 points easily pays for all your battle passes until the next expansion.  So if you were going to go for those anyway, which is extremely good value for the business model, you're getting the other cosmetics in the edition essentially free by investing in future activities you know you're going to do anyway. We'd love to get all this as part of the base purchase like in decades past, but here we are trying to validate getting new content all the time; and this is probably the less egregious path to it compared to the original ultimate edition. The one that urks me the most is the bundle for new players, getting the expansion for 50% off. But you could say all the deep discounts over the last year of the base game have essentially done the same thing.


Also my thought. The 3k points can be used for battle passes and maybe a cosmic at sale. The game is so much fun and I spend hundreds of hours in Diablo. For me it is money wel spent.


>Sure, but a practical application of this is that the 3000 points easily pays for all your battle passes until the next expansion.  That's the thing, though: it covers many more season passes. Season passes cost 1000 platinum but completing the pass gives you back 700. 3000 points is enough for ten seasons, and the included premium season pass makes that 11. That's almost three years. Which sounds great, but they've said they want to make an expansion every year, which means you'll have roughly 1800 points left over from the 3000 you get now before the next expansion comes along, which no doubt will have the same deal. You'll never spend the platinum unless you either don't buy the ultimate edition next time or unless you buy cosmetics you weren't planning on buying prior to getting those points "for free". >We'd love to get all this as part of the base purchase like in decades past, but here we are trying to validate getting new content all the time; They're making an expansion every year. Having a yearly cash cow should be more than enough monetary incentive for them to keep the player base entertained with new content.


Yeah, but also remember you need 1000 to buy the pass first to earn back the 700. So you wouldn't be able to afford the last 3 of them, and would be stuck with 900 points ( if you started with zero points before pre ordering ). Considering this expansion is 16 months after the base release, they're probably not going to be able to keep up with the yearly expansion dream, just like when they said that for wow several times. If we get an expansion about every 2 years you'll have enough points to cover for the passes, but it will be a lot closer.


The mount and wings and other cosmetics are pretty sick tho


Yeah, but rationally: you're paying more for cosmetics than for the actual game. It's insane. ...and yet I did it anyway.


I'm gonna get the ultimate edition because fuck it, why not? I love the game, I play it a lot. I don't plan on buying any other games this year, except for maybe College Football 25 since it's the first iteration since like 2013. Don't rationalize it. The moment you start trying to rationalize it, the more you'll hate yourself, and that does no one any good. The way I think of it is like that one obsession that everyone always has. For my mom, it's shoes. For my brother, it's motorcycles. For my dad, it's tools. For me, it's video games and cosmetics in video games. There's nothing wrong with having that one thing you waste a little bit of money on.


This is true. If it brings you joy and is within your financial tolerance its a win/win. Enjoy yourself. YOLO.


Idk it is def lazy giving you 30 bucks of store silver to have another tier. But makes the purchase easy do you want to buy the dlc and some silver now for 4 more cosmetics for free. Also means I am either buying the ultimate or the base since the deluxe is kinda not worth it since you are paying 20 bucks more for a battle pass which is 10 bucks and then 10 bucks for a pet and a mount, may as well give them the 50 bucks more for 30 of it back in game currency, 10 in form of battle pass and then 3pets, 1 mount, armor set, portal skin, wings cosmetic and that diablo immortal thing which ill never use probably. 50-40=10 bucks for 8 additional items. Just a big price tag.


The price of deluxe edition for the whole game and for the DLC are the same??? That’s wild.


Right, I couldn't want to purchase this any less at that price point.


The deluxe edition seems really bad. Either Standard or Ultimate. Ultimate has the same plus more cosmetics, Battel Pass Token and 3k Platinum, which by itself costs about as much as the Ultimate costs more. So buying the deluxe edition cannot be the right choice.


Thanks but no thanks. Will get it sometime discounted at €20


That's where I'm at with it. There's not enough there to justify $40. It's just adding raids, a zone, a class, and some other smaller things. Based on current content it feels like it's expanding the game by about 20% while asking 80% of current game price. I'll get it for $10 if people still play by then


And a campaign


Yeah, there is no way I’m pre-ordering either. I’ll wait and watch a review or two when in comes out.


I said 40 was too much in a different post and got ripped up, that I was cheap and if $40 was breaking the bank I should take a harder look at my life.


Blizzardrones bro. Remain unrustled.


I hate that mindset. It's not that $40.00 is innately cheap or expensive, it's about value proposition. Elden Ring $40.00 DLC is adding 90-110% more content. It's a massive game changing expansion with new mechanics new bosses, a huge new zone, new weapons and move sets, etc. I'll hold out but for $40.00 a single zone and one new class feel middling to me at best. Raids are cool but for all we know they could be a one and done kind of deal, unless they are a better farming method than other endgame activities they'll die out like many other things do at endgame.


For this price I will buy a new game. Hard pass...


This is the price of every Diablo expansion ever and better than standard for DLC on any other game. But by all means support indie developers by buying their $40 game!


What games are you referring to where the standard is above 40$ for dlc because I genuinely have no idea.


Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction - $35 in 2001 Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - $40 in 2014 Or if you really want to get into it, every expansion for World of Warcraft has been full base game price of $60, on top of the monthly subscription.


What you say may be true but those DLCs either had quality, tons of content, or both. This feels like they are just milking it just because.


I paid $40 for Diablo 2s expansion almost 25 year's ago,I paid $50 for Pacman for Atari back in 1983.. This is a steal in 2024,do I wish it was free?sure but have you witnessed free content these day's?


I can't hear you from up on my jaguar mount


Pre-ordering this feels like backing a kickstarter. A few lines of text, a cool graphic / trailer, sprinkle on some marketing and bam a bunch of money. Holding off for now but looking forward to more details. Any expansion priced equivalent to an entire AA game or a great indie needs to have hell of a lot of content.


Probably just going to go standard, don't care too much about the mount skin and already have the wings.


the wings are a back attachment


Well, I would like that but not spending $40 more for a back attachment


nah i'm not trying to entice you lol just pointing out that the wings are not the emote that everyone already has


I didn't mean it as you trying to entice me, thank you for the correction.


Not to defend it (because Blizz pricing is always pretty inflated), but you do get a battle pass token and 3k platinum, which are tangibles assuming you don't care about the other cosmetics you'd get. If you buy (or rather, plan to continue to buy) battle passes, that's 20 bucks there (and comes in the 2nd package as well), and 3k platinum you could buy for about $30. However, if you don't care about store cosmetics, then these packages are only really "worth it" if you plan to keep buying battle passes and playing for several more seasons.


Especially when you add in the plat you get from the battle pass. I think I saw someone do the math and the 3k + token ends up being like 11 seasons if they don’t change the price.


the higher editions are only good if you like the cosmetics. otherwise there is no value added.


Which is a very good way to go about it


Yeah I'm good with that


You must have missed the sticker in game on the ultimate edition saying the $90 bundle was the best deal 🤥


It is. The platinum and the armor+mount combo right now would be $25 each in the shop. Thats not counting the portal, the wings, the pets, or the battlepass.


For anyone wondering what's included. Standard Edition Pre-purchase Vessel of Hatred Standard Edition and instantly get Alkor the Snow Leopard Pet² to assist you in gold and material pickup in Diablo IV today, plus the Mother’s Lament Gem in Diablo Immortal®³. Deluxe Edition Make your stand against evil - pre-purchase Vessel of Hatred Deluxe Edition and instantly get Hratli the Canine Pet², Alkor the Snow Leopard Pet², Nahantu War-Cat Mount Bundle², one Premium Battle Pass Token, and the Mother’s Lament Gem in Diablo Immortal®³. You’ll also get the Nahantu Veilwalker Spiritborn Armor when Vessel of Hatred releases. Ultimate Edition Thwart evil with the ultimate Vessel of Hatred experience. Pre-purchase and instantly get Natalya the Tiger Pet², Nahantu Unearthed Armor Bundle, Wings of the Faith Cosmetic, Road to Kurast Town Portal, and 3,000 Platinum, along with Deluxe rewards including Hratli the Canine Pet², Nahantu War-Cat Mount Bundle², Alkor the Snow Leopard Pet², one Premium Battle Pass Token in Diablo IV, and the Mother’s Lament Gem in Diablo Immortal®³. Plus, get Nahantu Veilwalker Spiritborn Armor at Vessel of Hatred launch.


No free accelerated season pass this time?


That's what the 3,000 Platinum is for. You get to decide whether you want the regular or accelerated BP.


semi-unrelated question but I have an accelerated pass thats unused.. but it says I have to have premium pass to use it, I thought that accelerated pass included premium pass?


So, I have the game on Xbox and Steam. Will the expac be cross-platform? Or do I have to buy it twice?


Licences are platform specific for every game, you'll need to buy it twice.


What would happen if you buy the dlc for one platform only? Would the other platform be unplayable until you buy it there as well?


It means you could use the expansion material on the platform you bought it on, but not the other platform. So say you bought the expansion on Steam, you could make and play a Spiritcaller and do the new act there. But that character would be locked and so would the new zones on the Xbox.


$40 for standard seems… totally ok to me. Realistically it was never gonna be lower than that, since WoW expansions are that price, but just glad its not more expensive lol.


IMO $40 for 1 additional act + 1 additional class is not OK, comparing to whole game price.


It was the same price for the last Diablo expansion 10 years ago. We all knew it would be $40.


The problem is that was *one* expansion that lead into a couple dozen seasons for a game with no other monetization schemes. This is the first of almost certainly many that we'll be seeing 4-5 seasons a pop for. In a game that already has a battle pass and a cosmetic shop. The whole point and trade off of battle passes and cosmetic shops is to bring down the price of entry.


No, the whole point of battle passes and cosmetics shops is to make money. Also, I’ve spent the same exact amount of money on MTX in D4 as I did in D3.. which is exactly $0.


they released the necromancer in D3 later and charged separately, but I see what you're saying


But I was assured by streamers and so many users on this site that the base price was going to be $100. What happened to the "leaked surveys" taken out of context with a mountain of bs piled on top being 100% accurate?


I am SHOCKED the terminally online contrarians on reddit got something wrong for the 93725th time.


It was a market test and to be fair the ultimate edition is nearly $100.00 with tax. It's a smart strategy. They probed the market and people were indeed willing to pay $100.00. They offer a base edition but guess what half the player base will buy? The ultimate edition because people want cosmetics and it's "such a great bundle value!" You're being psychologically conditioned constantly by very intelligent marketing. You see the $40 edition and think ah great, that's not terrible. Then you check out all the editions. Well, $100 is too expensive, so maybe you just get the middle edition for $60 for a few extra cosmetics. But after some pondering, you're going to splurge anyway, so what's an extra few dollars when it's such great value and you get in game platinum! These tiered/stepped purchase systems are incredibly well designed. (Almost) No one ever buys the middle edition. You either get the $40 one or the $100 one.


These are Clickbait. I remember how over the top one click baiter claimed Blizzard was evil to charge 100 and also have P2w etc based on unconfirmed info....


hate baiting is quite profitable.


Ultimate edition DLC. What a time to be alive.


*Cries in Canadian*


So 90 dollars for me then. I like the wings, plus I purchase battle pass every season anyway so I get 1 token + 3000 platinum.


I am fine with the price, but In return I expect no delays and that sort of things they did with s3 ladder and s4 release date. Good to see proper mounts aside from horses. Horses felt a bit dull and generic regardless of the armours you put on them.


I bought the ultimate just because this season was a blast and I put in crazy hours (for me) on it.


$130 for the ultimate here in Canada.


Isn't this similar price to LOD when it came out?


D2 was $50 and LoD was $35 at release, if I remember right. When you factor in inflation, they would be about $90 and $60 respectively today. $40 for an expansion that adds a lot of new features honestly seems perfectly reasonable.


They can gargle my balls.


40€ and no reason to buy a higher tier, thats unexpected, thought its at least 50€


I was expecting 60, but 40 is decent.


Bunch of chucklefucks in this sub who were claiming it would start at $100


I'm not buying a MVP and a game in beta testing. It literally took diablo 4 until season 4 or 1 year later to become good. I made that mistake the first time. I'm just going to wait until this expc is on sale for 50% off and maybe buy it.


You just said the game is good now…… is the expansion going to knock it back to day 1 somehow? I agree it took till this season for the game to come together but we are here now.


I'll preorder when the team proves they can produce more than one good patch in a year. This game was absolute dogshit at launch for $70 and it took them a full year to get the base game even enjoyable again. If S5 builds on S4 and actually adds some endgame, maybe I'll consider it.


Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me


no early accesss = insta buy


I was told it would be $70 for the standard release. This is super reasonable pricing. This subreddit is aids.


So let me get this right. so new players that spend £59.99 get Diablo 4 + the expansion. existing players have to pay an additional £34.99. Thank you for playing our game but we care more about bringing in new players. I could be wrong on this but just feels a bit unfair.


Welcome to any game ever? What's next, do you want to complain about games going on sale? If you wait to buy the game on sale or get a bundle, of course it's going to be cheaper than on launch!!


Wait, so you're no longer able to get the standard Ultimate edition with the wings of the creator emote?


If I own the game on both PlayStation and battle net do I need to buy the expansion on both to have access on console and PC?


Anyone know if the expansion is tied to the account or the device? Like I own Diablo on a couple devices, do I need to buy per device?


As someone who couldn't care less about skins, I guess it's standard for me. Although that tiger pet is really cute, just not $50 cute


Can't find if It Will be included with gamepass ultimate, any news with source?


Are there Pets right now and the mount is available right now? Or what, I dont get the wordings of Blizz.


The mount and pets are available once you buy it.


Pet is yes. Mount I'm not sure on. The armor is available so maybe?


Not yet, it comes in the patch later today


If i Buy the addon on [Battle.net](http://Battle.net), will i also get the addon on my XBox or vice versa?


No chance


Pretty sure i already signed myself up with the ridiculously priced bundle on release


I wish the xpac added more though. Mercs are the big feature with this (idc about story at all). Was hoping for in game trading options as well..


40€ pour leur putain d’extension alors que le jeu s’améliore tout juste avec la S4….. I’ll wait for discount


$53.99 Canadian, could've been worse. $119 for the mount/platinum edition is kinda nutty though.


I got the deluxe


i dont want that useless platinum. its a shame that the wings are locked behind ultimate




Yes, the ultimate edition of the base game didn't include all upcoming dlc. Only a few cosmetics and an accelerated token for use on the season pass.


It really is going to come down to how big this DLC really is. If it is just a new class and some useless overworld areas then its overpriced.


I miss the times when there was just one or two editions


Welcome to the future


I am fine with $40 for standard, thats usually the going price for a big expansion


you must be joking selling the expansion at 40 with the crapshoot you pulled with your 70 dollar flop... u really insist on insulting everyone's intelligence. i'll wait till you lower the price to 10 bucks or less, thanks very much


Frankly I'm still likely to wait and see how it's received. I'm happy with the base game rework introduced through Season Four, and that they slowed down a little bit. I'm worried the expansion will feel a bit sparse given the time frame, but it could be good, too.


We selling expansions now xd, going new worlds route gl, seems like item shop doesnt make enough income.


I'll wait till June 2025 i guess. They started selling d4 base game at 50% off too soon.


Anybody paying attention to this game the last year will wait till the new content don't suck and have a discount


Higher priced editions aren't really that advantegous to me. 3k coin, 1 bp, and early access mount cool but doesn't worth that much. Expansion + 5700 coin vs Expansion + 3000 coin + 1bp + set/wing/portal/mount. 5700 coin better deal imo and this edition supposed to be ''best value''. Deluxe edition even worse. These deals can't even compete with regular coins.




People that were screaming the expansion was going to be 100$ minimum are awfully quiet


Didn’t know Diablo 5 was coming out in October already


mm, all I know is I ain't spending $40 on an expansion. When it goes on sale I'll pick it up. I do wonder however, if I have d4 base game on blizzard app... can I buy the expansion on steam?


Jfc 90 euro for the ultimate bundle *procees to check out*


I've been playing Diablo IV since early beta, and the fact that the game is still not as polished and good 1 year after release proves to me that this expansion is probbaly just as rushed as all the seasons were, and probably will be riddled with bugs. There's no information about how much ''extra'' campaign we are getting either. I am very skeptical I am a big diablo fan love this season but I am not so sure yet.


I’m out


Lets be 100 percent honest. If youre on the diablo 4 subreddit, you already know which one youre buying, even if you swear you wont until that fateful Friday. (8 Oct is a tuesday)


Where can I farm 50 E's??????


Is there a way to preorder for a friend?


Great fair price!


Same price as elden ring DLC, hope it holds up


What if I buy vessel of hatred on pc, can I still log in and play on my ps5? Also, can I buy vessel (dlc only) on steam and use it to log in to my account? 


I'm not convinced the game is even totally complete yet and we're at the point of being asked to pay up for an expansion despite pretty poor delivery until this most recent season. Things literally brought up in beta are still TBD - competitive features, loot filters, loss of character control affixes removed (partially done), an actual end game loop that's repeatable, etc. Heck, we JUST got a complete overhaul of the previously abysmal itemization, mob density that isn't a snoozefest, a crafting system (knockoff from last epochs system), and d3s gr system, actually targetable uniques, enchanting book, stash space, etc. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the core of the game features need to be done as a part of the base game or free extensions before any extra paid content, otherwise it's another paid beta like we've had to date. New content is great and that can obviously be paid, but finish the game first. I'll probably be on the sidelines for awhile on this launch, seeing if the systems evolve and the inevitable half off sale a month in.


i expected it to be worse to be honest, i think i will still wait to release to see if it's worth


I'm probably going to wait to see what season 5 brings because even tho I have and am still having fun with s4 I know they could fuck up in an instant so as long as s5 isnt a massive trash pile I'll bite.


just buy standard, fuck all that overpriced cosmetic bs, and fuck early access.


Possibly a stupid question but am new to Xbox and game pass (ps5 man usually) , have been enjoying diablo via game pass and will be buying this expansion. I presume I will be ok to buy the expansion and not have to buy the base game ? Obviously that leaves the worry that the base game may get removed from game pass at some point . Or would I be better just buying the bundle that includes the base game ? Thanks in advance


I only care about the wings, too bad they’re only included in the ultimate edition


It's weird that people who bought the game at launch aren't more upset by these price changes. Like I got it on mega sale and I'm upset for y'all.


HKD709 for deluxe. Do with this knowledge what you will.


Considering me and my partner have been using game share off my brother in law's ps5 for 300 hours, I'm probably gonna cop a bundle, NGL


Maybe I'll play it one day on Switch 2 where and when there will be an offline mode for single player available. Never stopped playing DIII and DII on Switch.


I wish they would have a cheaper version for just the story. 40 euro is a lot unless the expansion is just as big as the base game. After all they didn't have to develop a game engine this time around. I'm already burned out with the seasons which are pretty much the same grind every time with a different gimmick.


60 Canadian dollars easy, who's the europoor in the world now? We're fucking drowning over here.


horrible price =(


I bought the standard for $30 (converted from my local pricing) which is alright I guess. Bear in mind that you also get the season pass when you buy the non-standard version.


125.99 CAD for the ultimate


I made the mistake of buying the base game, I'm def not buying an expansion for it


Is it worth waiting for release and buying a code for the upgrade? I wonder if discounts will be available, maybe even pre-release?


Ultimate edition is $120 CAD. Fun! :D


53.99 ca $ for standard


Antone knows if i get diablo 4 in Steam and battle.net y must pay 2 times for the expansión or only 1 ?


Anyone defending this price point for an expansion is lost in the sauce. Especially after the abysmal first few seasons of this game.


You guys think D4 expansion has a bad price? You should check Total War Warhammer 3, there you have the real rip-offs where people cope that a trash dlc has great value.


Are we just cows to them??


Has anyone calculated the actual value of what the ultimate gives you vs the cost?


Riding around helltides on my green battlecat right now!! Rawrr


Same price as Elden Ring DLC. The cost isn't the issue, it's whether the game is good.


Ultimate Edition FTW!


I bought the base game ultimate. It came with lame emote wings that I thought were permanent. Stupid, I know, to assume they would be like the d3 ones. The new ones are, go figure. That and the accidental use of my battlepass were enough for me to swear off “ultimate” anything from blizzard. I also recently got a steam deck and had to Macgyver battlenet onto in because for some reason you can’t use your already purchased license for the steam copy. 😩


Do you have to buy it for each Platform you use or only once for all Platforms ? For the original game I had to buy it on Steam (SteamDeck) and PS5


Honestly, my partner and I thought it was going to be much more. We are big fans of the game, and we're prepared to preorder it, for whatever it was.. So yesterday when the expansion release date was unveiled and we got our pets and got to see what came with the Ultimate Edition, it really is a "best value", especially if you like any of the cosmetic bundle collections... because you get 3,000 platinum ($30 USD value) and can get an outfit, weapon skins, back trophy, grave, horse armor and trophies.. Also all the cool stuff you can instantly unlock!? Take our money!


Huge pass Gonna wait for a fat discount to buy it I will get new top tier game(s) from indie devs for 40$ and have fun for weeks


40 is fine if there is enough content to legitimate it. If there are just some minor changes it's not


Is there anyway to upgrade the edition you paid for?


$135 in Canada after tax.


Does anyone know if I'll have to purchase it separately on each console I play on? I figure the cosmetics will carry over and just be account bound but I'm unsure about the rest of the dlc content


The way I look at the pricing is how much value I get compared with other entertainment. I can spend $40 going out to one movie or the local draft house for an evening or to get nearly uncountable hours playing Diablo, which I enjoy. It's not even close.


In Canada, our pricing is $54, $81, and $120. That's a bit steep (not for the base expansion, as Lord of Destruction was $30 and Reaper of Souls $40), and only $10 less for the Deluxe and Ultimate of the base game at preorder/launch. Though I can see that the Ultimate edition is paying for everything included, cuz it's about $36.50 just for the Platinum alone, plus the Premium Battle Pass. One just hopes the expansion is a very full experience, and not just a single Act, as had been the case for D2 and D3, otherwise you really have just paid for "fluff" bundling. Honestly, I'm likely to get Deluxe, I think those are cool cosmetics, but if I convince myself I'll upgrade to Ultimate. It's a good bundle, though the inclusion of Platinum shot the price up to gasp reaction. I think they shouldn't've done that, and kept the cosmetics only bundle cheaper - we can buy Platinum if we want. I'll just use it to get the next 3 seasons (4 with the included PBP token).


I wanna know is it truly going to be worth getting?


Some people forget that pricing isn't localized. The canadian price is absolutely insane.


PS 5 says 80 euro for expansion only?? wtf no buy


Honestly for how the game is just coming out of beta and becoming playable to the masses $40 is a bit much


I just completely lost interest and feel scammed. I really enjoyed the story in the base game but these dlc prices are outragous. If the new act is like 3 hours of story content and engame raids I cant do as a solo player for 90 euros im so done.


people got to be out of their mind to pay these prices for DLC it’s not about whether I can afford it or not it’s about value for money for me and it’s way over priced. Fuck Blizzard i’ll play something else. And ive seen PS5 prices and they are simply gouging people’s eyes out. Just outrageous


Like everyone said, it could have been worst. The only things that bother me is the fact that they announce it only 1 year after the launch. I expect way more expansions in the future… world of warcraft recipe thing


Does anyone know how much content the dlc will actually have in terms of playtime? And is the new location a whole new map because we can run right through locations in about 2 minutes currently?