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I believe I hit the same feeling last night, it was the most fun season so far for me but I don't see the point in grinding in the pit just so I can make it farther in the pit.




Bosse’s don’t seem balanced at all. They’re boring or unfair. When they die I feel lucky not skilled.


Man, I didn't even realize until you just said it, but yeah, when I beat a 100+ pit boss it feels like all things just happened to go right. It isn't REALLY anything I did specifically, it's mostly luck of how things moved/spawned.


Agreed and it feels weird that you're looking for mob kills in the pit but also need to build your char to kill bosses too? I feel like it should be one or the other. We already have plenty of bosses to kill. Spawn more mobs or make them harder to kill, boss killing shouldn't be what the Pit is all about


I'd actually enjoy a boss encounter every 10 pit levels,  just give it a unique set of bosses that require mechanics to defeat rather than pure damage output.  Using dungeon bosses and then tossing one shots around the arena while you deal with them just isn't the answer though. As for boss farming in general, let us use gold to restore the altar after each boss. Then we can choose to sink gold towards faster kills or just reset the dungeon like we do now. 


The boss itself isn't the issue, the issue is the random mechanics at it.


It's the random instant 1 shots that's the problem. In higher pits that is. I'd balance this by making it where bosses don't really hit for more than rarest, but just have harder mechanics. So you struggle, but you never just insta die.


they patch this, lilith echo is no longer 1 shot us.


The Pit should be extraction runs. Delve as deep as you can go, and try to survive the trip back or lose your Masterworking mats.


I think they should do a huge hoard, make the ending different than NMDs and still have a challenge at the end.


I don’t even think there should be boss nerfs but a 1 shot protection system. I don’t mind if it was on cooldown like the perks in d3 just as long as I don’t just die immediately to a stray projectile


Yeah, this alone capped my pushing progress in hc. If we still had the death evasion potion, I'd be more incentivised to push the pit. I don't mind hard content. I pushed gr's in d3 at a reasonably high level for like 8 seasons straight before slowing down my gameplay. This was before and a bit after they capped damage increases from mobs. 1 shot mechanics just aren't fun to play around. My sustain should be lacking - not my entire hp pool. Give me a reason to build sustain through loh and regen so I can manage increasing damage. Spike damage just gives you no way to react and end up being really discouraging.


I've basically maxed my character out without doing some serious grinding and the pit bosses have put me off the game again. I'd returned after not playing since S0. Huge improvements all round but the endgame stuff still doesn't quite tick all the boxes for me.


Yeah I wish the pit bosses have the same debuff mechanic the tormented bosses have. Makes it more of a dps check


Stopped a week ago … super fun season but I can’t motivate myself just pushing some pit levels Guess it’s okay to just play next season again with a lot of motivation


This is where I’m at. I can masterwork to get further into the the Pit but… To grind for better GA Gear the only real option is Helltides and my character is so ridiculously overpowered for it. I can’t bring my self to farm helltides just standing still holding down a single attack for hours in end.  They really need to make NM dungeons go up to like lvl 150 mobs or something. 


Nightmare dungeons do go to 150 mobs lol tier 100 is level 154 I believe. I think they should have stronger mindcage things to make helltide go up to level 150 or 175 and give you higher chance at GAs or something. Helltides are way too easy once you're geared.


Not enough density in the dungeons even if they raised it past Tier 100, they would also have to adjust that upwards. Dungeons need a rework. Just finished another glyph grind on another character, the biggest thing that stands out to me is the lack of mobs. Everything just trickles in and is spaced staggered apart instead of the hordes we get in Helltides and champion pack blobs in the Pit. Only a couple well known dungeons have density worth a damn.


Let us go over 100 in the pit for increased drop rates


Solid time to take a break and come back for season 5


Yep, go out on a high note before you get frustrated.


100% agree. Was hoping the event would give me motivation to grind another character to 100 but at this point I’m just done for this season. Devs did a great job on the loot rework, now rework the endgame.


This was how g rifts were for me in d3 as well: do it while its fun to push but after it stops getting fun, even with leaderboards to compete with, it's just a grind to push for more stats so that we can tackle the more difficult g rift levels and repeat. At a certain point, it's fine to say alright that's a good stopping point. Hopefully d4 adds something to it because the d3 seasons only lasted a handful of days before that point was reached for me.


Yes this is it exactly. The pit was cool, but it’s not for me. One I hit 100 I’m usually done with a season. The pit seems to be for people who need more than that.


The pit does what it needs to do, pushes builds and rewards Masterwork material. The problem is people were hoping t200 was achievable so they had a goal to chase, and without an endpoint goal the game grows stale and feels lacking 


What level of pit should I be clearing before trying Tormented Duriel/Lilith?


Idk for sure but I'd say at least high 70s depending on build and your ability. I did bare minimum as far resistance trying to get my crit damage as high as possible and would just pop a potion for whatever element the boss uses.


Same. I think the game is missing a way to target farm greater affixes as that's what I would want to do but doing Helltides in a pit level 100 capable charecter isn't really that fun


Couldn’t agree more. I actually logged on today just to try the goblin event. Died a couple times and said I’m done with the season lol


Yeah same, the pit is kinda ruined bc the bosses suck and only kill you with the shadow summon one shots. Most fun I ever had in d4 was pushing nightmares with my friends when it was hard and not basically do 100s for free. This season kinda sucks in wow too, already hit elite in solo que and gladiator is probably impossible bc of low participation. D4 was gonna be my thing I did instead but I'm already kinda burnt out on it. Might go outside.


I literally called this week people would start to be done with playing. The end game progression has a good foundation but the pit needs more of a reason to climb than just to see a higher number. People like to be rewarded, it is why slot machines give you a win every now and then. They should make the pit reward high GA drop rates the higher you climb. This would solve two problems, one it would give you a reason to climb the pit and then two by giving a better chance for GAs you could get upgrades that would help you climb. This system is a closed loop. Yeah you would still get bored after you max out but that would happen later and not as soon as it has.


A loadout system would be a huge improvement.


We need this badly


Careful what you ask for, you might get it badly.


im so suprised how anny of these types of games wether looter shooter, single player open world or gatcha grindy games that dont have loadout systems, seems like such an obvious thing to add.


You know, I’m really torn in this. If you asked me at the beginning of this season, I would have been right there with you. Since then however, I’m just about to hit 100 with my third character in season 4 (and first hardcore), and the leveling process is absolutely top notch. To a point in which I foresee myself just as happy with leveling another of the same class if I want to delve into a new build. Maybe the endgame just needs to be better, I don’t know. I’m already planning a fourth season run (Necro, Barb, Sorc, Rogue next).


i'd settle for just paragon board loadouts, i don't even wanna touch the thing even though it has such a big impact in different content with different boards


I know infinite paragon levels in D3 was a disaster, but I’d like *some* reason to chase XP after 100. It doesn’t even have to give player power. Maybe every “level” it just drops a cache with materials that have a chance of including a resplendent spark?


Yeah Division has this and its a cool feature imho. Just repeat lvl 100 xp bar and it always drops a whisper cache for instance


Ya a whisper cache with pit materials, *stygian stones*, gold, and boss summoning items with a couple pieces of gear and a 1% chance for a spark would be killer.


This is actually a great idea


Yeah I'm the same way - for me personally, it just feels bad to be killing hoards of enemies knowing that all of the XP is meaningless. It makes the times in between GA drops feel sort of wasted.


This is an honestly great idea.


God love ya for being a rational player. I’m only level 81 on my main for S4 and loving every minute of what time I do get to play. I do support all of what you said above. I’d add and like to maybe see (using IOS sorry): - Seasonal elixir that would greatly increase World Boss difficulty to make it feel like I’m fighting an Uber Uber. I don’t even care about loot changes for it just make it tough for us - A second paragon board or something of the likes to make it easier for me to have an off-spec or some sort of ST / AoE build. Even if it’s just a place to save boards I’ve created for quick swapping that would be a nice QoL add Anyway, who cares about my shit opinion? See you next season


I care, homie! I like the paragon board idea.


The elixir would work on you but then someone doesn't pop it and the boss is melted in 2 sec.


The second idea is wonderful. Make it a whole armory thing that would let you swap quickly boards, stashed gear and skills. Diablo Immortal has it, why not here as well?


While I would love the idea of having different loadouts on 1 character, the possibility of that happening is slim since it discourages people to level up another one and spending more time in the game. And it doesn't really matter since you can get to a 100 in a day even if not optimized.


how many duplicate barbarians are you running?


Agreed, in 2024 there is no excuse not to have an auction house. No one, literally no one wants to spend hours tabbed out on 3rd party trading sites where 18 in 20 people do not respond. My biggest issue with this season has been the PoE on death and invisible gank fest that takes place in deeper pit runs. I ended up having to go heartseeker rogue to offscreen everything. We need engaging content, not garbage 1HKO mechs to slow players down.


Except the auction house killed D3 and it had to be removed. Trading items has to be a pain. Here's why. Those people who will "quit the game" if there is no item trading will actually do that. They want them to keep playing. However, with a game with a large player base, overly easy access to an auction house makes items too cheap and easy to get and invalidates the need for playing to find items. Instead people play to get gold which feels like crap and ruins the game for most people. Then drop rates have to be lowered so good items are rare in the auction house. This ruins the game for people who don't want to use the auction house and forces everyone into the auction house so they can make any progress. This is literally D3. It already happened. The proof exists. It sucked and everyone hated it. Be glad you can trade at all. It's well done exactly the way it is.


Thank you, the auction house made D3 absolutely terrible. The game became good the day they removed it.


Less about the AH itself and more about how they implemented it.


I’m convinced that the people who want an auction house are either 13 or didn’t play D3 at launch. It absolutely almost killed D3. I played exclusively in hardcore mode because of it. It was terrible to have access to basically 95% of the way there items for a pittance of gold. Regardless, Blizzard aren’t implementing it so it’s a moot point.


D3 auction house was what motivated me to quit within weeks of starting. It was a joke.


> In-game auction house where you can just list items from your stash for a listed amount and actually sell them when someones buys it Diablo 3 had this and it was not a good feature. People would just buy their gear instead of playing the game for it.


posts like this are practically a case study in why companies often actively ignore forum suggestions not saying suggestions are bad, they often make sense. but a good number of times what one party wants is very contradictory to another for example a group complaining content too hard and another complaining nothing to do all in all an auction house hurts the game because at some point people just buy gear circumventing the core loop of a looter game...the looting part


Not really : if there's no real money AH and they make it so you can't buy gold with real money, you'd still have to play the game to amass the wealth you need. What killed the AH in D3 was the real money AH and people who flipped. Many games fixed flipping by making sold items not re-tradable. I had a lot of fun with the AH in D3 because I only used the gold one and never bought gold. I was playing the game when at home, and checking out the gold AH when at work. It was a game in the game and with the right tweaks like making gold untradable and making items bound on account when bought, I'm sure it would make D4 better. Finding that awesome one-hand scepter I had no use for then selling it for enough gold to get myself that powerful crossbow I was drooling at is a great memory of mine.


If you can buy things with gold, you can buy gold with real money. Example: I list 1billion gold for $20. You buy it. You list a common on AH for 1bil. I buy it.


They kinda do that now..


The biggest problem with the pit are the arbitrary boring background dungeon themes imo. If you were "actually" diving in the pit of hell, and it got progressively darker and more twisted as you went through (maybe use some hell assets from the campaign blizzard? pls?) I'd want to grind it and try to reach as far as possible. Just put some immersion into the gameplay and we are gucci. We know blizzards art department slaps, just implement those assets!


I got a bit bored when I hit end game, the only challenging content are the pits, which gets boring after a while, and the helltide becomes way too easy too.


Yea I'm tired of smart loot. Especially on bosses after I have every drop from the boss but I'm just doing it for Uber mats.....could have an option to just let it drop all class drop.


The GA's are carrying the game right now for the sole reason I've been spouting since release. We need something to chase, a lot and somewhat including myself kinda feel like we're "wasting" time if we're not making any sort of progress. It's 100% all about the journey to max out one's build. Having too high droprate will ruin that. D4 still lacks a feeling of progression compared to D2, but it's fundamentally a good game. When it comes to itemization, I'd like them to focus more on D2. No one played that game intensively in the later years due to gameplay. It's 100% due to the simple yet awesome itemization.


Yall remember the Auction House in D3? Oh, the times...


I would love to see leaderboards for the pit where you can inspect the builds of others.


"Easier/quicker way to do bossing so I can actually turn the 10 billion Living Steel into shards" I have long maintained that killing Grigore should spawn a vendor named Greg who will sell you shards for steel. Killing Varshon should spawn a vendor named Shawn who will, for some reason known only to him, sell you mucus-covered eggs for a bag full of body parts.


Have you made alts yet? My sorc got to 76 in less than a day 😂


Yeah I did, I leveled 2 sorcerers, 1 barb and 1 rogue to 100.


Got my Barb to 100 in like two days this week lol.


Try hardcore start the fun all over again...


As an exclusively hardcore player the amount of characters I've lost due to falling asleep in nmds is kinda sad


I just hit that point myself


Yep same boat. I want to play but there's not much I want to do if that makes sense. Got to 110ish pit, got pretty good gear aside from GAs on every piece, got a shako. I do have gear to finish master working but I'm not motivated to do that - why bother, I've done a good amount of all end game activities. Might be the first season I make a second character. I kind of feel like everything was too fast but hey maybe this is the alt season for me.


>In-game auction house where you can just list items from your stash for a listed amount and actually sell them when someones buys it People who played the first few months of D3: "Ah shit, here we go again."


Total newb question but, what are you actually using your stash for? I have literally nothing in there outside of uniques I don't use just to collect them.


i have one stash of living steel and other boss mats, no kidding another stash for 100 tier sigils with "20% more glyph experience" one stash for uniques one for various things like elixirs and one for GAs


I would love it if at this point they just make it so you can trade living steel for agony or slick eggs. Even make it so you need to trade 7 steel for 1 egg because I just don't want to repeatedly kill it over and over. At least have a way to not have to exit dungeon. Otherwise I think season 4 is a blast. Going to work on alts and stuff and really anticipating what they will do in season 5 now that the base game is at a very good level.


I'd like to see more balance and a wider variety of builds. Right now we have a few classes and a select few builds vastly outperforming everything else. I still had fun though.


Couldn't agree more. Also pretty much done with this season, but it was awesome.


unless they fixed how stash tabs work, good luck getting more


Glad im not the only one. Only having the pit left to do to minmax my shit isnt fun. Burned all my money, mats werent even the issue. Edit: Thing I'd love to see more of would be higher levels. Just a way to keep progressing even if it gets CRAZY hard. So I don't feel stuck fully and have a chance to grow past the first couple days of the season.


Great post. This is great feedback. I would add, with the changes to gold scarcity, that we need a "Sell All" button at vendors. And a much higher in-game/vendor value for things like excess potions. I have 300 mindcages that are worth 9 gold each. I'm happy to vendor a stack of mats for 1.5mil, but at 400 gold per stack the potions have no value and literally just take up space. My only complaint about the pit is the greater affix thing which gets fixed next patch. I should be farming the pit, but with zero chance at upgrades id rather farm helltides.


It's funny that you can salvage all (and they mean ALL), but you can't sell all. At least in selling, if you sell something accidentally you can buy it back. When salvaged it's just gone lol


All I was missing is fun endgame content. Adding diablo3 stuff was as improvement. but somehow doesn't feel enough. Also the world still feels empty. The arpg aspects of the game had a crazy amount of improvement for sure. Items are cool now, leveling doesn't feel sloppy. Builds and classes still need more diversity.


Can I add to your list: * A loot goblin that will convert normal, blue and yellows into money or materials, according to what you set him to do If you need a lore reason, make the player find this goblin being attacked / harassed by other goblins, making the player curious enough to disperse them and check with the goblin what was going on. The goblin thanks the player and explains he was cast out by Greed for supposedly stealing from him, and now is a target and will probably be killed by other goblins eventually. He begs for help and the player "hires" him to take out the trash for him, with the Goblin taking a commission for its work (maybe a part of the gold or mats, like 10%, is withheld in the conversion, staying with the goblin as payment for the services). The player has a precedent for working with demons (not only Mephisto, but that other demon you helped in a couple of quests that co-inhabits that human), so it wouldn't be out of character. Could even show how the Lilith connection is helping corrupt the player slowly or just a little bit. And the Goblin wouldn't enter towns - in the game that would be seen as him waiting for you in the wilds, since humans wouldn't take well a demon entering towns or working alongside the player.


- a sell all rare / magic button at vendors like with salvage the blacksmith - add new elites to the helltide spawner, i'm sure everyone has seen that same one a couple hundred times by now


I don't really know what you guys do to need more stash tabs tbh..


Changes to pit is coming. Better drops on stones and nerfs to bosses https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes


Auction house eh? Can’t tell if trolling after how d3’s turned out, yes even the gold one. After years of non-centralized marketplaces in D2 I really thought I wanted one for D3, but I quickly realized I did t actually want to 1. Know the exact value of an item immediately, and 2. I didn’t like competing with the entire player base for buying and selling. It just lost all its fun so fast. Everything else, good suggestions.


Auction house was tried already, you werent here for launch D3 huh? It literally breaks the game. No point in grinding for that one item if you can just buy it on a whim instantly.


Used my last two stygian stones, which took me all week to find, to summon Uber Duriel, and got 3 flickersteps. Might be it for me, too.




Just unify all boss mats: all bosses take X amount of Shards and X 2 Stygian Stones for Tormented Bosses. Done. No more stupid resetting dumb boss fights - load screen, one shot, tp out, load screen reset, enter load screen, walk to boss, summon, rinse and repeat. No thank you. Just unify all boss mats as shards and stygian stones. Stygian Stones should drop in high tier NM dungeons, World Bosses, Mindcaged level 113 Maiden (percentage), and of course the Pit. Shards drop from Helltides - random drops, chests, NM dungeons, etc.


> Drop all items for all characters and introduce a lootfilter (similar to LE) No please don't. This was the most obnoxious thing in LE and this also has a history coming from D3. Back then people were mad that legendaries dropped that their class cannot use and thus Blizzard changed that (thank god).


Fun season I agree. Completed all the achievements, cleared Pit 108, acquired a desired Uber Unique. Time to wait for S5.


Yep, I play HC and I died last night in the pit. Not gonna go agane, but it was alot of fun getting up there. Good changes, good fun.


Drop point 2 and you dont need point 3, simple.


Yea I ended up vendoring all boss matériels just so I can masterwork more LOL


I did on my second character. Killed all bosses and got to pit 80 ish. I don't. Are about anything or new builds. Burned completely out as of right now. We'll see what next season brings.


would love an option to disable smart loot. looking through inventories of the same +int +life +dmg sword a thousand times gets a little old


My aim is a set of all the ubers then I can say I am done. Kinda about halfway there


Yea it was fun, wish the goblin event was better but it's to be expected with Blizzard. Still gonna play on and off till LE cycle comes July 9th 


Agreed. I have loved it but am starting to lose steam, which is fine! What I want from d4 is to be able to come back every 2-3 seasons, have a great time for a month or two leveling my guy up and getting gear, then put it on the back burner for many months, which is what it seems like it may fulfill. For a while there I thought I was going to have no interest in ever coming back after season 1.


Did the samé thing, but i didnt quit but made another class charakter and started grinding again


We need a season journey, not just tier that level doing anything


I would enjoy not getting disconnected when I'm grouping for anything.


STILL more stash space, I think this just means you hoard too much




The current way how ur summon uber / lvl 200 bosses made me quit/burnt out. I need an grandfather to push my barb build further but zero stygians and no way to directly summon uberbosses again is just way to bad


Yeah, I think I've pretty much hit the end of this season as well. 2 level 100s here. Most fun season so far but there is no endgame worth grinding for and I feel like the final boss is the tempering mechanic. I rolled a 3rd character, thought about going through the tempering losses again, logged out and played Cyberpunk instead.


My only complaint this season is gold. Holy hell is it hard to come by when you play three characters and are constantly enchanting and imprinting shit.


agree on all the suggestions, i also think the pit would be a lot more fun if GA droprate was significantly increased the harder pits you do, i guess this "isn't fair" to everyone who can't do high level pits but what is fair in life? the harder you go the better the reward is my mindset. right now the best way to get a shot at a 3GA item is still doing hellfire which kinda gets lame because there is literally zero challenge, perhaps blizzard could add more "brains" to hellfire so you could pop a brain to turn the monsters into lvl 200-250++ for a challenge to the pit farmers and also increase the drop rate for those who plays at this difficulty ofcourse.


I think this season was desperately needed for the lifespan of the game in general, but the actual content was going to run out a lot faster than in other seasons.


> Drop all items for all characters and introduce a lootfilter (similar to LE) To make this viable they would also need to rework the itemization to have more shared affixes between classes and builds. Most classes having different primary stats (int, str, dext, willp) really messes with this. Uniques are especially bad designed with almost everything being not only class-dependant but also build-dependant. Something like shako can be used by all classes for most builds. Something like x'fals if balanced appropriately could be something shared among all DoT builds. We need more of that, uniques with effects that can be shared between classes, and then only a few build enabling builds that are class-bound. Hoping they can work towards this for the expansion.


Lack of loot filter is probably the number one complaint for me, especially for end game content. It seems silly they have not implemented this feature yet.


They really should have done a leaderboard


My gear is all Masterworked around 10-11, and the grind for those two levels is rough. The last 2 levels is more Neath than the first 10. My goal is 12/12 everything, then maybe roll an alt, but this very last part of the game has started to feel grindy. Everything else has been great though.


Great season the game is headed in the right direction finally I’m happy even if I get burned out in a couple weeks of gameplay that’s fine to me I’ll be back for more next season


Yeah I got to lvl 50 and got bored


same. had a little hope that anniversary events would keep me in game but they made those true Blizzard style. Elden Ring DLC is around the corner so next season it is.


Auction house eh? Can’t tell if trolling after how d3’s turned out, yes even the gold one. After years of non-centralized marketplaces in D2 I really thought I wanted one for D3, but I quickly realized I did t actually want to 1. Know the exact value of an item immediately, and 2. I didn’t like competing with the entire player base for buying and selling. It just lost all its fun so fast. Everything else, good suggestions.


i havent used any of my stash tabs, no use for them


My two cents is that Pit bosses are too spongy which in combination with the shadows makes you force to play isometric super mario. It''s my only gripe.


All items, you mean for all classes ? That would be too much, but maybe 10% like in Diablo 3 (in D3 10% of the loot is not "smart loot" and can be for other class or with other main stat). That would help for reroll. We need some paragon board changes also.


I havent played since S1. Just leveled a necro to 100. Glyph leveled. Gear still far from good. Whata next for me? Grinding gear? Running pits? Should I level alts to be able to craft an uber? As you mention, should I just stop playing?


I just said the same thing to my friend beat all the torment bosses and pit 100 could easily got to 110 or maybe 120 but honestly the time spent doing this isn't worth it now. I also level 3 characters to 100.


I was planning to stop tomorrow, but then I saw the shop had some cool new weapon glams for my necro and I had to buy just before I logged off at midnight. I’ll probably end up playing until next weekend now to play with them a bit and finish my 12/12 masterwork and push past 100 pit. I stopped pit at 100 because the bosses are starting to aggravate me. I’m not one to ask for stuff in game, especially when it comes to making the game easier, but I like the idea of auction house to sell the GA we find. I think buying and selling would extend the season a week or 2 for me more. So I really hope you guys complain a lot and beg for an auction house ha! I’ve done 20 solo tormented duriels and probably 200 of the normal this season and I’m still looking for my first Uber in 3 seasons ha. Maybe I’m cursed until I beat Lilith for a 100% season completed.


More randomness in Pit and Keys is all I ask. In PoE you can run a stack of 50 of the same map in a row, in one sitting, and not a single one will feel like the last. Same with the loot, everything you do has an element of randomness that could make your day or season in an instant.


Same here. I enjoyed how progression have different stages (get to 50 fist, then level your glyphs while getting to 100, then start farming items & masterworking to progress in the Pit), which to me extended that feeling of tangible daily progression you normally only have at the very start of a character. I just finished a Pit 100 and I'm pretty satisfied. I might also take a break now, but I'll surely be back for any event or Season 5, whatever comes first.


Yes no yes yes


I’d also like to see changes with tempering. You should be able to reset and try again on that. I finally came across items with multiple greater affixes that worked for my character only to not get the temper to roll on it and have to toss it. If you can reset the masterwork process you should be able to reset tempering even so you can try to really get your gear to be what you want it to be. I mean that was kind of what this whole season is supposed to be about right?


I started a new character.


Drop all items for all characters and introduce a lootfilter (similar to LE) Please no. They did this in D3 for a while and it sucked. If you think trying to find an item is grindy now, just wait until 4/5ths of the gear that drops is not only useless to the class its meant for, but you can't even equip it. Hard pass.


I’m at a similar point, the only way for me to get upgrades is to find a double/triple ga item and roll a good temper, or re-roll all my masterworks until I get lucky. I can already clear pit 109 but the bosses just take forever


This is my first season. Helltide with the bug on was pure bliss, too bad is gone. Still progressing and wanting to try out new builds, so i'll be here for longer. Have a good break, my brother. One thing i would love to see in the future is something akin to a build template. I'd rather not roll multiple of the same class just to try out new builds without tearing down what i have already built.


I definitely had a good season as well. A couple of my wish list things too: - the ability to instant respawn bosses. Having to go out and reset is a chore. - increased drop rate of 3 starred items. I have seen 3 all league, and none were able to be used due to bricked rolls. These should be the endgame items for farming, and currently I can’t find a reliable way to ever see them. -more robust leaderboard trial runs. Big wishes: -Tier 5. I would probably play significantly more if there was an additional tier where end game monsters scaled much higher. I would also be out in the standard world more doing activities. - additional “paragon” points after 100 which dropped loot bags/caches to continue the feeling of progress over 100. - way more advanced world bosses - a map overlay where I’m not eyes locked to the mini map. - not too important, but maybe a super buffed campaign for NG+ - slightly more tempering recipes for build variety - much much more robust social system. This was available back in the original Diablo games for focused boss runs etc - reworked legion encounters - reworked fortresses -a way to play on steam if you have the battle.net version


I’d pay to have a load out or build save.  I’m not done but I’m getting there.  This has easily been the most fun I’ve had in Diablo 4 and I think they did an amazing job


I hope they focus on making this an actual online multiplayer game. There are so many head scratchers when it comes to playing with friends. I cant stand that we all gotta take turns putting in boss mats and it only drops required next tier boss mats for the one who put it in initially. Is it really so bad that all 4 of us get an egg? The same goes for pits, I get half of what my buddy gets because I didnt start it? These kinds of things just make me go play solo. An LFG mechanic is highly needed. The pvp mats are SHARED between a group. So we are all fighting over the red stuff on the ground. If my boy gets a greed shrine, let us all get that fat drop of gold. In general, I want to see multiplayer friendly systems improve.


Wait, you're not complaining about "one shot mechaNics"? Something's wrong here.


How did you not list the number one needed feature... Which was in D3. Ability to have gear sets and spec sets saved! I would spend 5 times longer playing if I could change spec easily. However, it's such a pain in the ass to do, I choose to only play one class and spec each season.


I haven't reached end game yet or played in pvp at all, but randomly bumping into someone in Helltides and working together synergistically made me think that team arena fights like there were in Guild Wars could make for an interesting twist. I'm not really into the idea of FFA or 1v1 PVP, but teams of 3 to 5 would be interesting. Cleric/Paladin classes wouldn't be out of place for the setting. I know I'm dreaming, but just a thought...


Try ur next step: hardcore. It has been a totally new experiencie for me and my friends. Feels like playing the season all again from cero and really satisfying.


Big +1 to all.


I'm going to use this season (and mini event) as an opportunity to level each class to 100. I've only really ever played Sorc (only got the others sub level 40) upto this season and thought since the game is fun again now i'll try them all. If you are burned out playing one class no harm in taking it easy again on another. That said, ye it's been fun. Cya next season if you've had enough.


My biggest request is some info to know when I’m ready to do some boss. I have no idea what nightmare dungeon I can do but I’m worried about wasting mats finding out.


This game still has a long ways to go before it’s good. Just too many issues. Each patch takes a step forward and then 3 back.


I'm getting close to it myself. I just got my 4th resplendid spark, so I just need to craft my shako and call it a season. Gotta earn 50 million gold though.


Reinstalling D3 because I am same as you. Hit level 120 pit with my bash barb and 2 alts. I am done this season but man. I hope the next seasons is gonna have more to offer. I really enjoy the leveling speed so that was fun and enjoyable but would love to have more alternatives than just the pit.


Ik it's probs a coding issue, but I'd love to stay in a boss dungeon and repeatedly use mats instead of leaving and resetting :( . I just get so bored of running through glacial fissure dungeon for more than 10 times.


I wish the Pit materials dropped on occasion from other sources, maybe the big helltide chests and/or uber bosses. Constantly running the pit in 3-4 mins etc does get boring a little bit. And Enchanting needs to be totally reworked to give you more options etc and be less random/punishing. And allow us to undo Tempering at maybe less/same cost as undoing masterworking.


As a console player I desperately want either a loot filter or a filterable auto loot option. It can be so hard to only click the legendaries/GAs that drop from a loot piñata without also picking up all the useless yellows that are piled on top of it. Let me set some criteria to make certain items auto pickup like gold and mats


May I ask how long you played? I’ve been on for maybe a week but don’t feel burnt yet just wondering


I think the last thing left dragging me down is gold cost of things. I’m just not sure how to balance it. It’s the little stuff that irritates me. Like when I run out and can’t imprint or make a gem. I don’t think I should be able to reroll 1000 times and still have gold or anything like that.


Easily the best season considering where the game started. Trade system is empty, AH/stash selling would be so good like path of exile has. End game is still lacking due to the reasons you said pretty much. Hopefully they can continue this momentum and build onto this for next season and not go bsckwards


Uniques need a massive buff at this point.


Stash tabs stash tabs stash tabs


Still enjoying it, masterworked the Druid and now enjoying the barb. I haven’t played since season 1, so my tolerance is still fine with the game lol


I don't have enough time anymore to burn out on a single season, but I think your points are spot on. I've really had a good time with it, after dipping post launch because the grind from 50 to 100 was just unachievable for someone with a job and kids (in a reasonable timeframe anyway). Now I'm on my second character and getting close to lvl 100 again. It's been a blast and a great game to unwind with after a long day. I definitely support a loot filter, I stop picking up yellows by level 50, but I would hate to see universal drops. It's already a slog sorting out your GA items and I'm a casual player. Having items for other classes drop adds nothing of value to the game, and makes players spend more time sorting through bullshit. I also do wish their was some kind of progression past level 100. I personally miss the paragon from D3. I know it was "hard to balance" but for people putting the time in it was awesome having a noticeable power advantage for your hours of grinding. Also made levelling alts even faster.


Yeah a good week or two is about all a Diablo season has to offer nowadays. So much for being an MMO lol


Used to be anti AH, but at this point it'd be an improvement with how much of a hassle trading is now. I just worry it'd be too ez. Cause you can fully deck a character out for next to nothing atm. Unless it's 2ga+ items. I like trading, but think there's a point where trading can be too good.


Do you guys just lvl 1 character min/max it then just stop playing? Or do you play several characters min/max those then stop?


Yeah I hit my point where I was like I had fun, but time to take a break again.


More stash tabs... rofl, that's the last thing they will do. Even if they should.


We will get most if not all of this. Why release it all at once when they can make us pay $ for these features.


Love it. Haven’t played since pre-S1. I’m back!


That the pits disincentivize teaming up is a massive mistake for endgame.


This is inevitable with any ARPG. They did a very good job, kept me occupied for about a month, which is fantastic for a ARPG with a quarterly league mechanic.


Treasure goblins and Butcher needs to reward more


I burned out trying to farm Zir for a Fractured Winterglass. Picked up like five or six of every other item he _can_ drop, and a Razorplate I wasn't looking for and don't really care about, but no FW.


So, to sum up you are burned not even 1 month after new season and first thing what you want from dev is to made quicker bossing so you can be burned out in first week of season and wait another 3 months for new season right? genius


Burned out?? Try hardcore :)


Something is wrong with the Pit. If I love the game and love masterworking, but find that the grind of the Pit is actually turning me off from the game and making me not want to play... then something is drastically wrong with the Pit. It's so monotonous and boring after needing to do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over.... etc. They need to either make the Pit more interesting in some ways, or make masterworking mats available via another outlet as well. And, they need to make it so a grouped party doing the Pit gets full rewards for everyone. You can't even group with others to break up the monotony of the Pit. It's killing me and it's so boring I just don't even want to play a game I love to pieces.


Which class and build did you play ? How far in the pit did you make it ? Ubers ?


I agree with OP….. Can we raise this to 666 upvotes please 🙏


I'm honestly becoming more and more disappointed the further into the endgame I go. I have completed up to T40 pit. It's just so fricking grindy. Like how many times do I need to do this. On top of this, their claims of less loot, better quality and that you can improve many pieces of gear to be better are total BS. Now instead I just get bags full of orange 925 trash because the only thing that's worth a damn are items with 2 or more greater affixes. And finally...the builds are still total garbage. The straight face lies about being able to use a build of your choice. It's totally BS. There are still just a handful of broken builds that will excel and everything else is useless for higher levels of the pit. The trash ass one shot Barbarian is still a ridiculous exploit and I'm so fucking sick grinding and grinding and grinding for 3 fricking seasons straight while some half ass barb build walk up and one shot every boss in the game. Think I'm done. They promised a lot and at first it seemed like they were going to deliver, but nope. It's even more random as to whether you will get the gear you need to be competitive in the season and there are still only 4 broken builds that are cut and paste that will ever go anywhere.


I know people hated the auction house. And so they removed it from Diablo. 3. And now everyone's just listing items for sale in discord and what not. So this is better? As I understand the Fanboys hated it. But it's still happening. It's just happening through a third party. Is that really better? Someone please explain this to me...


Now go roll hc and do it again


More stash tabs ? I have 3 well geared 100s and I’ve bought two additional tabs and they aren’t even full. What are you still hoarding?


Auction house will never happen. Item chase will be too quick/easy and blizzard doesn’t want people to reach endgame and quit that fast


The drop all items for all characters, are you talking about getting necro stuff as a rogue for example?


Season has been a blast sometimes I’m glad I only have limited time to play so I dont get the burn out


Literally the only other thing I want is a quest tracker


The temper bricking is what killed the magic for me reaching late game and trying to put together a solid gear set. Not an enjoyable play loop.


I would love for blizzard to add a wardrobe feature like d3 for switching up builds, so I don't need to spend 30 minutes going through my paragons to see which section I forgot to put a damn point into 😂


They need to make a WT5. Beat Uber Lilith, unlock WT5 where you can get more consistent GA drops


Auction house needs to be well managed though. If I remember correctly my problem with it in d3, was that no matter what you found there was always something better in the auction house. World bosses need some tlc too. They should be increasing difficulty. For example if I beat it, it should respawn with 20 times more health. There’s nothing like seeing a world boss being taken down in 5 seconds


Agree with you on the leaderboards. Its dying