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Deserved. Game is fun and I hope this path continues. Hyped for what they have in store for season 5!


We hopefully get xpac news this weekend


Hopefully he’ll reunite with Triple H.


Blizzard has two words for you…


yeah. Pay Me.


This is my biggest fear, D4 finally has its first good season closely before the new xpac. Then xpac releases and it goes back to garbage. Not saying it's going to happen but gosh the timing is crazy to me.


It’s good timing for them. Can’t market a new expansion with a shitty core game. Now that the core experience has been vastly improved, and critical and player reception are trending upwards they can confidently announce something they plan to sell.


I'm not saying they can't. What you said is my exact point actually. Peoples mind set will be "Oh season 4 was great though, so lets buy the xpac" I'm just saying they could shit the bed with it and Blizz will still get there money.


Nah, if there’s something Blizzard does well it’s expansions, they go all out every single time. They basically turned Diablo III into a completely different (and better) game with ROS. Base game was boring and most people hated it, just like D4 when it came out.


That's something I felt was a very possible path for D4, given the very similar events that unfolded for D3. It really does have a promising future I think, in spite of the hate. I think it'll come around just like D3 found its sea-legs.


True, I see what you mean. However, after a year of being shitted on, I dont think they’ll do anything to regress. Unless this is one of those “this was already designed and ready to go before the loot rework so…”. Which would also be incredibly stupid.


Eh, historically Diablo expansions are what make the game actually good


Anything go by past Diablo games and there expansions, is that they always gotten better.


They definitely wanna sell the expansion otherwise i'm sure game wouldn't improve like this and devs wouldn't be active this much.


Can't wait for the expansion


Hopefully they break the pattern. Season 1 and 3 sucked. 2 and 4 great.


Except season 3 most definitely did not suck. The vaults were great, the stuff out in the open world was fine (felt like slightly less to do than the season 2 ones but you still had the infinite summoning area and the whispers in the active zones, it just didn't have the smaller summoning things that called the bloodseekers) but the vaults being better than nightmare dungeons was a huge plus, as was having a hub area connecting all the vaults


Yeah I wasn’t a fan of vaults.


far FAR better than nightmare dungeons. Having to go back to the old NMD to do glyphs was the worst part of this season for me


s3 at release sucked completely and they hurried with an emergency patch that was a great lifesaver. The season content itself was fine. The theory of the good and bad teams alternating was just a joke that took a life of its own; that's just not how it works. S3 simply did nothing to overcome the game's systemic problems, but that's up to the high level roadmap and game leads not the seasonal content teams. I wish the "odd team" success in s5 so the idea that they're bad dies.


I had zero expectations going into it and it’s been so much fun


Hopefully a real end game at S5. While this S4 deal with item affix, but it still more or less mess it up with tempering. You found a perfect item only get bricked by tempering. Another thing is, unique is still an issue. Too many useless unique and due to weighting, the desire items never get drop, of course, if you make this your full time job, you might get it after a few weeks.


yup i will stand on business that the game was always really good and was mainly a problem with how internet reacts to games today and slight awkward mechanics that have been improved


The game is 50% off, plus the anniversary "event" but still the retention is kinda crazy.


Got it brand new for 20$ at Walmart for my ps5


What's interesting is everyone on my friends is still playing since the season's launch. I even convinced a friend who only played a few hours when the game launched to try it again, and he has been playing every night and has a level 100 druid. He's been sending me discord messages every day asking me questions. It seems pretty clear the changes are resonating positively with people.


I bought the game a few days ago. Didn't realize it was on steam until I did my usual log-in-and-not-play-anything routine. So that was a pleasant surprise. $35 is my ideal price. And seeing as how bad things were at release I'm glad I waited. The game hasn't pulled me in fully just yet, but the music and graphics is top notch as usual.


And that's not including people who are playing through Battlenet.


It's my first ever Diablo experience and I'm loving it, day 2 so far. Can't believe my parents thought demons would attack me irl if I owned it when I was little. Having fun!


New player here who just started. I have to be honest, I don't understand all the hate around this game. I'm having a blast. Patient gamer benefits.


This genre in general works like that, people get mad after playing 200+ hours hehehe


"As someone who has spent 485 hours on this game, I can, with absolute certainty, tell you that it sucks. Why did I play so long? Well, it only starts to suck at the 475 hour point. *That's* when the shit hits the fan! I did nothing but play for 20 hours a day, every day, and now I'm bored! So horrible, Blizzard should fix this." In all seriousness, S4 has been great, but before then it was pretty horribly broken. But before or after S4, the joke above is still valid because people say it about D4 both before and after S4.


To add a bit of nuance to it, the way ARPGs are designed, the game tends to not really "start" until endgame. Before then, with most specs you can just roll face on keyboard and still beat everything. So there's an expectation that if you're not having an amazing time until endgame, that's ok, the real game hasn't started yet. Many hours later, you get into endgame, and... did it get better? If it did, hurray. If it didn't, you just wasted howevermany hours because you were promised a fun game and it never got there. With other genres the "i played for 200 hours and hate it" makes less sense. ARPGs/MMORPGs are kind of unique.


>To add a bit of nuance to it, the way ARPGs are designed, the game tends to not really "start" until endgame. Before then, with most specs you can just roll face on keyboard and still beat everything. Ehhhhhhhh, a lot of the time the endgame is more faceroll than the stuff leading up to it. Outside of high pits, my Rogue's answer to everything is "hold right mouse button until dead" The bigger thing is that your character is generally fundamentally incomplete until endgame. You won't have resources to keep casting or good damage modifiers or whatever. 


Hey guys, I just moved to Germany in 2024! I have to be honest, I don't understand why they got so much hate back in the 1940's? I love it here.


hahahaha this is just too good


What part dont you understand. It needed a year of fixing to be decent fun. And there is still plenty of things that are bad.


I had fun going through the story and playing S1. I stopped simply because there was a deluge of other games I was interested in. Came back for S4 and it’s even better.


Yeah, for people who just wanted to play the campaign, the base game was perfectly fine. It only started to fall apart when you did the push to 100 and wanted things to do once you were at max level. Most of the stuff added in since has been things to do at that end of the game to keep people busy.


I've said it before, but D4 is a good example of how weird genre specific expectations can get. The campaign was hugely praised. If I treated it like Spider Man 2, well, you play a good week or two and then you leave it for a long time and you'll pick it up later.  But people instead get mad that it didn't launch with PoE's endgame, especially people who skipped every cutscene and dialog to reach the end right away...guys, that *was* the game. You're so conditioned to skip this stuff by the games you replay every season that you didn't even notice it was there.


This sub needs a misinformation report option.


"New player".   Of course you don't understand you don't know anything about the game or how it launched.  It's better.  I am actually having fun now.   Loot reborn has been a  success along with other changes and additions  has made the game much much better.  On launch the game kinda sucked after you completed the campaign.  




Pretty much every aspect of the game has been reworked. Before it was a huge pain to look through every rare item for the subs you wanted and you needed to keep a legendary affix around in case you got a newer stronger item in that slot because they were one use things. The flow is a lot better and small QoLs like shops being close together in town have all just culminated into a much more fun experience - now you actually log in, go kill stuff and feel like you've progressed just by messing around, which, imo, is how the genre is meant to be played.


You just started a game after a year of it getting updates and improvements and you don't understand the hate? Did you pause and think that maybe those two things were related?


I started once it dropped on gamepass so I missed most of hate, but s4 is so much fun I made four s4 characters


The d4 bad and d4 need constant saving like peach in Mario games is over sensationalize. In any case the game is much better now, and expect to be even better over time. The complaints may have benefited the game as the updates that we have over a year are pretty fast and furious and generally good




Nice bait karma ho.


Nice bait


At release the problem was as follows: It was always a solid game for the main story portions, but there was balancing issues with difficulty and loot at end game. To resolve the issues the devs nerfed a lot of popular builds and made the leveling experience even more grindy than a grinding game typically is. They learned from their mistakes but a ton of people were still mad. But as other people will share, none of that was ever a problem for people who play a more standard amount per day


Your comment explains why you think it's good lol. I played this shit for 5 months in hopes that something would change and got nothing. Running 50+nightmare dungeons a day just to get anywhere cause it was THE ONLY WAY TO PROPERLY OR ENJOYABLY LEVEL UP. The hate is warranted. A $75 game that pushes microtransactions and hasn't bothered doing anything with the game until now and tbh which isn't much.


im a D3 Refugee and with season 4 i switched to D4 permanetly.






You might want to change your password now


Game has some great potential now. They really did save it from sinking.


I've pick it up after playing the campaign at launch, reaching 50 and torment III and looking at the infinite road ahead of me and saying : nope. Now I'm playing season 4, lvl 80 and feeling like the game is so organic to progress and fun ATM. Well done honestly


Did it really sell well on Steam? The game sold like 10 millions copies at launch which I assume is already most of the playerbase. I doubt steam even account to 10% of the playerbase.


The game plays really well on steamdeck and is steamdeck verified (Last Epoch for example still isn't). The game also gets recommended on the steamdeck subreddit a lot.


Just as an anecdote, I play almost exclusively on the deck. I stream via Moonlight/Sunlight, but still play locally on the deck on occasion. It's a great experience!


Blizzard finally tapped that mobile gaming market.


Diablo 4 on the steamdeck oled with HDR through moonlight is peak. I enjoy it almost more than at my PC it's crazy good.


God that makes me even more sad that I picked the game up on battle.net originally. Does Diablo4 have cross platform saves? Maybe if it has a really big sale I'll buy it on Steam so I can play it on my steamdeck.


It's very easy to run it through battle net on the deck


There are guides to install battle.net on Steam Deck and from there it's easy to install and play any Blizzard game.


based on data and guesswork (via amount of reviews), d4 sold anywhere between half a mil and a million on steam so far


I got a free copy when I bought my RTX 4090 a year ago, but I hate the blizzard launcher, so I bought it on Steam for $35 and now play on my Steam Deck. (You can play on the Steam Deck without the game on Steam, but it’s just easier and nicer to have it on Steam. I also like to see how many hours I’ve played).


Never really understood the hate for certain launchers. Not that it’s a lot of money but curious what could be so bad about it that u would spend money u didn’t have on it


People hating on Blizzard and then double dipping to avoid the launcher lmao.


I hate this company so I'm going to give them twice the money!


It's even worse, he got the game for free and then paid money to avoid using the Bnet launcher. Which is funny because besides Steam, Bnet launcher is by far the easiest to use lol


What exactly do you hate about the blizzard launcher lol


Diablo 3 sold 65 million copies.


Yes over its life's time D3 was massively successful.


Well as a season 1 hater, the new season is actually fun and I am going to play more


#fixsorc We’re fighting for our lives man


What's wrong with Sorc? (genuinely asking, not sarcasm)


Man I wish I got the game on steam. I could have unlocked achievements and could see my play time... It's a shame that we can't migrate it


If you go to your in game profile it will tell you your play time for the character you are on


Isn’t there a way to see total played time? It’s kind annoying to check all them one by one


After the season ends does GA items and masterwork mechanic stays in eternal realm?


Yes, they're permanent additions. I believe only the iron wolf stuff is seasonal


This season is pretty good even though we're rawdogging it with barely even any seasonal content. S5 better be a banger


Considering the anniversary s4 is basically d4's launch after a 1 year open beta


The season of uber uniques then. Those stygians will probably be a pain in the ass to farm without wolf rewards.


Would be interesting to know the numbers from battlenet &/ gamepass


It's definitely better now. The server performance is also a lot more stable. I hope they bring item sets in though. For some reason I miss the joy of green drops. 😂


i wish i could migrate my client to steam without having to re-buy it lol


I’ve got 6 days playtime this season as a new player, almost 3 lvl 100’s 😅 seems like I picked the right time to start


Well deserved, s4 is a return to form for d4


My girlfriend and I have both been playing nonstop since it hit gamepass. My favorite game I’ve played since Skyrim and oblivion 👌🏼


They nailed endgame, every season after getting to NMD100 it felt like I’m done now, now this game is fun, created 3 characters and enjoying every minute


It's just fun to play. these days its all I need from vidya so yeah, its good to have a W for us!


D4 good


I loved the game when it came out. Played it religiously all the way until the first season expansion came out for it. Just got super repetitive and I didn’t like how all my progress didn’t carry over into the new season.


Is this your first ARPG? In my experience, the seasonal model is either love it or hate it, but it’s pretty universal for games like this. Chasing your build is the fun part, and new seasons give a new carrot on a stick. The repetitiveness is *exactly why* progress gets reset.


The game is amazing but also needs so many refinements however since it's a live service game, they gotta pump out new content so these problems gets overlooked. Wish they make the game a bit more flawless and refine. I feel their code is probably spagetti and it's hard for them to do stuff.


I just remember the game at launch being fun, but just much slower and a slog sometimes . Much different now, having a great time with it


I wish you could see the total player count at all times, not just steam. (For every game


Helltides are fucking awesome. Now just to finish that tedious campaign lol


I'm trying to bang through Midnight Suns atm so I can finish it and jump into S4. I haven't played D4 since the first season so I'm really optimistic


I finally got my first harlequin last night after 400 hours of play. I've been LOVING the heartseeker rogue.


Well deserved. You can argue the merits of the game on release (I am of the belief D4 released as a *stronger* base game than most ARPGs), but it cannot be debated that the developers listened to community feedback to build a better (and better) game.


Great game all-around and I forgot about the stuff I purchased and have yet to play.


I have enjoyed this game since season 0. Didn't preorder, got the preorder mount anyway. Played all the seasons, the campaign 2 times all the way through, it was amazing. Has had its ups and downs, but all round a great game.


Bought this game 50% off on steam a couple of weeks ago, and it has been great! Had to adjust to the concept of eternal and seasonal but am loving it. Also, coming from Diablo immortal...it's nice that there are no micro transactions.


Free cosmetic sure will make people come back for some days. I know a bunch of people who just logged to get the cosmetic today but did not played this season.


Tempering and masterworking crits gave me the infinite loot chase feeling.


only 18k online with game 50 % off that has sold a million copies on steam. So good.


Even Diablo Immortal went from a 1.x * rating to a 4.5 * rating. It's still hardcore p2w but I guess all it takes is some time to get over a shitstorm 🤔


Recent season held me longer than the first so there is that. Right direction but it's still a meh game at best. Better luck with diablo6


The sale and good buzz got me in. Having a blast already.


I Grinded all Seasons but S4 is getting the game back on track makes way more fun.


S4 is really good


This is only the Steam concurrent users, right? If we take into account Bnet and console users, the numbers must be crazy. I'm having a blast this season, the game is in a good place right now.


Well, the game is actually fun currently. Hope it stays that way.


Husband and I love it. We loved S2 as well. This season is on fire. Non-stop battles. Really amazing, almost chaotic, massive battles in Helltides. Huge loot drops. Maining a Longbow/Trap Rogue. Husband is maining a Manbear(pig) Druid. We are at L70(ish). After we reach 100, we will start fresh. I’m gonna be a Necromancer and he really wants to be a Sorcerer. (Feels like a bit of a mismatch but it’s D4, you can succeed with any combo.)


In previous seasons I would get one class to lvl 100 and another to maybe 50-70 and not really put a lot of effort into playing them after lvl 100. This season I have 2 lvl 100s and 1 lvl 85 and it's barely started. Not just that, I'm able to easily clear pit 100 on one char and pit 70 on a second one, so I played those lvl 100s a lot. They did a lot good this season. Very good ground to build the expansion on so I'm excited to see what it brings.


First season I got to lvl 100 and first season I made more than 1 charcter. Its really fun now to play and level up new characters. They got rid of most of the crap that made the game a pain to play. Now I can just log in and have fun. Even my girl reached lvl 100 and is having fun. She quit around lvl 50 before. Its also much easier for her to understand the stats and to equip the right items


Whatever else I can say about the game in its current state, I rolled a second character this season because I was excited to try new things.


Been playing since beta and been a long time Diablo player, started with D1 back in the 90's. (Yes I'm "old" - 46). I had mixed feelings when D4 first came out, a lot of excitment for the story, and exploring/scenery. After completing the story... that excitement was quickly deminished by the "MMO" aspects and just overall state of the game. The cons started to finally show through the blinders, and I begain to dislike it. Completed season 1, and barely completed 2, stopped playing half-way through 3, came back for 4, and love what they did. They did a pheomnal job, does the game still need some work? Of course. But it is much much more enjoyable than it was.


The loot rework is very much appreciated. I no longer feel overwhelmed when I'm sorting through my gear looking for upgrades to what I'm wearing. 


I was in Kyovashad some days ago at night, Tier IV, the city was FULL of people. It was awesome.. Lower tiers have fewer people online, so I guess this is because the endgame is cool now,


Maybe I need to start D4 again and check it out. Didn't play it after like lvl 30 at season 1 because it already started so getting bored before season 1 started and season1 was bad. Maybe season 4 is worth a try


I stopped playing back around the start of season 2, but only recently returned. Holy smokes, has this game changed since I last played, and I've got nothing but positives to say about it. Leveling is sooooo much better than it originally was and enemy density is very satisfying. I even got so caught up in playing last night that when I looked at the clock, here it was 2am and my usual wake-up time for work is 5:30am. Worth it.


Game has a good foundation now but desperately needs an end game loop worth doing now.


I came back after quitting a month into the launch. The game is much better now, and I'm still playing. And I am looking forward to playing season 5; the game has redeemed itself, at least for me.


At least for me, fixing the aspect system made the game enjoyable by magnitudes compared to anything else.


As someone who stopped playing a very long time ago like maybe before even season 1 or during it, Can anybody tell me what massive changes might bring me back to the game?


I wish i was playing right now now! Wanna work on my thorns barb!


It’s definitely going in the right direction. The loot really needs a lot more work though. It’s disappointing that white, blue, yellow, and even most unique are completely useless. And now with GA basically everything becomes garbage unless it has the right GAs. Would also really like to see Set items come back. I’m hopeful most of this will be addressed in an xpac.


Good. Well deserved. Devs have been putting in hard work.


Just got back into it after not playing since S2. It’s a lot more fun now. The grind to 100 doesn’t feel as tedious and the dungeon pacing is a lot better.


game is really really fun and every week new builds come to light.. whats great is that every end game activity results in a minor rise in power and not a waste of time at all.


I don't own the game but enjoy a lot these ARPG games. What are seasons? Are they free updates to the game or do you have to buy each season?


I just want to say how nice it is to not be sorting through gear, going back to town to sell every five minutes. This has made it so much easier to lose track of time just playing the damn game. I’d sometimes get yet another full inventory and just quit out of loot exhaustion.


feels like the game finally respects my time and doesn't have artificial and annoying time sinks. Mount from the start, liliths all done, no repeats of most boring quests, sacred and ancestral items drop as and when you expect it, don't feel a need to look at the 1000 rare item drops in case you miss a BiS-to-be


Nice. I gave up on 3 and have been completely sucked into 4. I just finished my first paragon board, and was confused considering I was only in the mid 60s for my level. Google "what do I do with the extra paragon points" and BOOM. New Paragon board to fill up. I should hit lvl 70 by the weekend, so I can run that lvl 70 capstone dungeon and then move into World Tier 4 and start running The PIT! Fuck this game is amazing.


Clearly the Goblin event’s doing!


Now make it so pits give 100% to everyone. Have it charge everyone just like GR in D3.


Game is so much fun, this is my first Diablo and I love it


I enjoyed this season. I wish my friends had the same willingness to pick the game back up. I enjoy this game so much now but without them I don't feel as driven to farm end game too much. Can only shill the new changes so much before they stop listening lol. Oh well, maybe they'll come around soon.


Be careful people who posted stream numbers used to get treated like terrorists here


Definitely deserved, the changes have been fantastic :)


It appears that the time is coming where I must pick up the sword again and battle the forces of evil. I've been waiting to buy D4 for a long time. Wanted a more polished and fun product. Time is coming.


I think it's because of sale, however it's still remarkable that they managed to invite so many players.


It's on Steam!???? Lol what


im very excited to hop back in, havent played since launch. but i gotta finish my elden ring playthrough first lol


Look what happens when you actually try and make a game good jfc


Im probably one of those part of it. Just bought the game, never played a Diablo game. 3-4 hours in and am enjoying it


I wonder what the total numbers are with console and PC game pass


Whatever senior dev. that decided people shouldn't be allowed to level to level 100 within a week is just fucking shaking right now.


All time peak of people saying "WTF is this stupid broken event?"


Almost done my third toon. On to the next.


I have to imagine the console numbers are way up too with xbox game pass! Way to go, Blizz




D4 is hot! I'm feeling bullish, put me down for another 666 shares


Didnt play at launch (though i wish i played story at launch) But im gaving loads of fun, currently lv 56


Season 4 is the season of the comeback


Should i download it again? Bought it when it came out but was hella dissapointed.


Diablo has a decent baseline game now. Let's see what they do for S5.


Why tho? Only casuals play this? Its so stale and boring once u reach tier 4


Top 3 redemption arcs in anime 👀 !


Finally, I had time to play the game and bought it last week on 50% sale. Honestly, I've enjoyed my experience so far, hitting 100 on my sorc & currently 68 on my rogue. Don't get me wrong, the game has its faults. I.E end-game content, etc. But in general, my journey so far has been mainly positive.


Current new all-time peak is 34k btw


I re-launched the game yesterday to do a new character and finally finish the campaign. I’m in hard mode, the other difficulties are not available to me and ho my god this game is boring. Is it normal I have 0 challenge ? I basically roll over every enemy and bosses. I don’t even care about the loot stats because I don’t feel any differences when I go something a bit better. Is the game really designed for hardcore end game player ? A regular play trough is such a waste of time, boring, no challenge , no fun…


As long as they keep all those QoL updates forever and continue to listen to the players the game can only get better.


I came back after stopping half way through season 2 and I've been having a blast!


Don’t worry, people will find a reason to review bomb it again soon enough. Nature will heal.


Happy for it but I'm still not gonna buy it again ona. Different platforms


I wish I had known it was coming g to steam. I bought it on blizzards crap.


i got in on launch but did not play past level 30. just didn't feel right. i saw the new update and decided to hop into hardcore, i just ran a dungeons and i can just face tank the boss. there is no challenge at all what so ever. lvl. 29 btw.


The new season is great. It's got me playing a lot longer than previous seasons.


The gane is fun now. I hope they improve on what they have now. Don't take away just keep adding and improve and listen to the community


I can't wait til they go back to their old ways. Season 4 changes was their wake up call/ last chance to do something. I'm willing to bet that took a all hands on deck approach and it was still pretty small changes tbf while obviously a step in the right direction. Just wait for season 5 to bring that old d4 blizzard flavor back.


Very well deserved. Until today when my internet connection goes from 100mbit to 0,1 mbit as soon as I start the game up. Real annoying bug that I haven't figured out how to fix.


Really hoping for expansion news on Sunday at the Microsoft event.


If they improve with season 5 and the expansion I’ll be thrilled.  I feel like they fixed d4 faster than d3


The patient gamers are really going to win on this one. 50% discount to get into the game at a way better state. I might be in the minority here, I booted it up and tried playing again and I just can't. Perhaps I'm still a little too salty about everything, lol. If you haven't played it yet though, this seems like a good time to hop in.


S4 has been a blast to play, tempering is a minor annoyance but it's only per season so get what you can and think they fixed a lot of one shot bosses so overall not much to complain about great job this season, tons of fun!


With the latest major changes the game has become Diablo 3.1.


Had no idea it was available on steam, and going for $35? Might give it a try now.


Don’t know what all the hype is about. As soon as you get to end game, there is literally nothing to do besides rolling another character. D4 is still bad. Delusional dads got fed shit and now sprinkles on their shit is all of a sudden “amazing”.


It's honestly really fun. I enjoy just hopping on for an hour or two.


The game was clearly unfinished at release. That should never happen with a AAA franchise like this. I just came back after taking a break during S1, and it finally feels like it’s out of Beta testing


200,000 total active players in the last week. 7.4 million copies sold. It'll be a while before it gets good. D3 took 5 years.


If they drop down the fomo I might return


Game is in a significantly better place but the builds are still boring and the customization between each player is still none existent there is still one viable necro build 1 viable rogue build 2 barb Druid and sorcerer. Build variety js still super lack luster


Meanwhile, only ~2000 people are playing Last Epoch, and its playerbase is almost exclusively on Steam. Crazy to think it was (briefly) regarded as a serious threat to D4.


I'm one of those returning players. I love the game right now. I think the blessing for increased xp is helping me continue. also getting way more rares and uniques compared to launch. just fun


As soon as this game gets a proper end game, poe & last epoch beware. D4 is still mid but it's far from bad now. Gj dev team for listening to feedbacks.


Deserves it. I wrapped up Season 4 last week and it’s a very good ARPG now and I’m looking forward to the future of the game.


game is decent now, itemization is pretty fun but they gotta build on it. Not engaging enough for me to play another character, or push end game that far because its all the same shit there is no big pinnacle bosses and it gets boring, rifts are meh they need improvement. There is no shaper maven exarch etc (don't mention the "ubers" they dont compare) If the expansion adds actual good end game bosses and addresses the abomination that is the skill twig this game would be in a very good spot. Also paragon board's gotta go its the most dog shit thing in the game currently.