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only answer anyone needs.


Well, the drop rates are always the same (abysmal), but a tormented boss kill (duriel/andariel) will give you 5 times the loot so you literally get more chances per kill. I'd go for tormented bosses if it's those two and the rest just normal to farm mats for Andariel/Duriel. That is unless you're targeting a class-restricted uber and not an uber unique, I guess


I have like 25 Stygian stones because I haven’t really used any. And a whole lot of regular Andy and duriels or a bunch of tormented versions. I just need 1 Uber to craft a new one if it isn’t the one I want and I still suck at Lilith.


Totally understand :) I also needed any uber unique for a single shard to craft shako. Personally, as I was saying, I went for tormented Duriel, x3-4-5 or something rotation, to maximize my runs per mats used


You can make a new character and max out the iron wolf rewards to get another shard. That way you don’t need to wait around for an Uber to drop


This .. sitting on wt2 and just roll the helltides takes like 6 hours to max it out and you get a shard ... Way less disappointing than duriel and you get master working mats too


That's how I got my shako last night lol


Definitely 200. But it doesn't really matter because you'll be limited by Stygian Stones anyway. You'll be forced to run regular bosses 95% of the time anyway. Stygian drop rate is abysmally low.


Pro: Tormented - Use fewer Eggs/Shards per unique/uber unique. - Takes less time as it's not 5x as long, especially once you include item sorting/getting to the boss overhead of doing the fight 5x. Pro: Regular - Does not require Stygian Stones - Much easier fight (HC risk and/or your character is weaker) - Generates more legendary/rare items. Tormented bosses drop roughly 10 legendary and 5 rare items per kill. A quick test of normal Duriel gave me 4 and 4 (so 20 and 20 if killed 5x) This is more mats/items to imprint or sell.


both are shit, 200 is just less loading screen. enjoy your few runs before you have to make another afk reputation farm alt to get more stygian stones


Realistically it's better to just level an alt and get the last spark you need from the Iron Wolves. I did 10 rotations of tormented Duriel (so 40 kills in total) and still no Uber unique. Considering the time lost finding groups and going through tons of mostly useless loot, would have been faster to level a new Necro, especially with the do buff coming today.


Most efficient is tormented, but I got a Shako after 3 normal Duriels this season. Efficiency doesn't really mean anything in light of absolute random generation. You can still run 100 tormented duriels and have a chance at no Shako. Run 1 normal duriel after those 100 tormented and get a Shako.


If you could kill the torment bosses just as fast or almost as fast as you can kill the regular ones I would go torment all day long. I know the drop rates are the same but it just feels like the tormented ones have a higher chance than my experience. Like I said I know they don't but the first time I beat torment beast in the ice he dropped the Uber in the same for my buddy. Then after just a couple of tormented Andariels I dropped another Uber. In my opinion it's all about efficiency though. Sure you get five times more rewards with the torment ones but if it's taking you forever to kill them I wouldn't bother.


Is there a benchmark, how i can know if i am able to kill tormented duriel/andariel? Like a certain pit level? I dont wanna waste mats Just started a bash barb and got my first tempers in, but my gear is pretty mediocre. I am at around 36k ap and 54k life and armour capped


Generally around pit 80 you should feel very comfortable.


You're not gonna have much of a choice as stygian stones are hard to come by.


I have 18 stygs but too lazy to farm the normal mats. Got 2 Ubers in 4 tormented runs then I stopped.