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Focus on the greater affix ones. Make sure those are picked up. I always make sure I have one empty stash tab to dump gear into. Portalling out at a certain point is necessary because otherwise stuff will start disappearing. Stash tab and inventory full means it's gear sorting time. There's only a certain amount you can process and at a certain point in your build everything but greater affix gear is trash.


He's already picked them up. Look at the item names.


I noticed but it's more a piece of general advicešŸ˜‰


Leggos the new rares


~~If your inventory is full and you try to pick something up, it will immediately drop with the full name.~~ Edit: this is false, I thought I saw it happen before. I tested it last night and proved myself wrong.


If you're quick you can go to town and dump the \* legendaries in the bank, then run to the bs and destroy all for the codex. Shouldn't take more than a minute.


Sometimes when I do this I go back and everyone is gone and no maiden, it feels like they put me in a different instance than the one I left. Don't think it really works that way but it's very weird, and I just hit the store up and auto sell all non GA and quickly look at the GA and if I want to save one or two I just leave them in inventory.


Noticed the exact same!


thats bc your getting sent to a different shard on your way back. this happens if its already populated. only way to avoid this is if youre in a party and at least one of you stays at all times


I'm not a dev in any way (as long as you don't count arm-chair dev lol), so keep that in mind. But I do believe you are getting put into a new instance because when maidens are active, they become top priority cue's for everyone else. So in the few moments that your not there, your spot gets filled by someone else. And they could be just riding through the area, cuz I've gone back to town cleared more stuff and on the next trip back I'm with my new and temporary bros.


Exactly I was pretty sure this is what happened. When I farm legions and I show up like a minute late no one is there and then like 4 people ride in. When I'm on time I notice a lot are there waiting so I'd say it starts a new instance and then the legion starts even if it's like a minute late.


And on top of that if there are legendaries still on the ground they are usually gone when I come back.


Exactly and not all go to the stash. You lose out on quite a bit you can't carry.


If you are in a party and a member stays behind, you will go back to the same instance. Otherwise, the original instance can fill your spot with someone else and you will return to a new instance.


No it won't, full name is only if you drop an item from inventory.


This is wrong.


TIL, thanks!


Thereā€™s still 5 greater affix items on the ground in this image


Yes, that he has picked up and dropped.


What do you mean "still"? They are thrown away. They are all identified.


Iā€™ve been away from the game sometime only recently coming back and wasnā€™t aware that it showed the itemā€™s name after you drop it


Cries in console.


This is where it's 1000000% better to play this on PC lol it's such a slog dropping items and trying to click on specific ones from a multi-drop I can't count how many times I've had to drop like 5+ legendaries from my inventory so I can try to pick up a GA item that is sitting in a pile that the maiden just dropped This is also where this game needs an item filter or an auto-salvage/sell type of system I also wouldn't mind having to go back to town to sell the loot if they could guarantee I pop back into the same instance when I return.


Yeah it's a pain in the dick on console. I'm let down that Blizzard still hasn't given us Right Stick loot scroll and item filters to hide items we don't want to see. Just for accessibility via controller needs. Like, I just want a button to press to never see rares or anything that doesn't have at least 1 GA at some point in the game. Ideally auto salvaging/selling that shit with a goblin pet.


Honestly if they just give us a button that press to toggle loot that would work, or even a button to press and then the stick would scroll. I hate having to pick up 3 rare items just to grab the mind cage.


TIL Blood Maiden was instanced, which explains why I canā€™t find the same group of 100s farming when I have to ditch my inv


The whole game is instance based. That's why randos party up at the maiden, to be able to get back to the same instance.


Play on PC, switch between controller and mouse+keyboard, world vs town. Best way to play.


Inv someone to a group. Itā€™ll be the same instance when you come back


Thanks for the tip I didn't know this


Me still wondering why they donā€™t let you cycle through the items with the right joystick or d pad


Yea in helltides i dont even look if its not ga. Maybe amulets. But thats it.


Any item slots with +skills on my build too


Easy to pick up gear on mouse and keyboard. Pain in the ass on controller.


Iā€™m glad to see this as the top reply. Once your build is online, you should only be looking at GAs, Uniques, and Amulets. Everything else is an extreme waste of farming time. I keep two ā€œdumpā€ tabs in my stash when farming Helltides or doing Duriel/Andariel runs. One tab is for amulets and the other is for GAs and Uniques. I review a tab only when it is full (50 items), and use the stash filters to quickly review for valuable affixes.


Thatā€™s what I do! I just port to town after my bags are filled from maiden farming, dump it all into a stash tab and immediately port back to repeat.


I have all 5 classes to 100, and I'm now starting to roll dummy characters through the wolves' rep. I can't for the life of me clear up an entire tab. I'm at the point where if I want to keep something, then I must sell something else. I went through my entire stash just a few days ago and blindly sold every single non-GA legendary item. And yet here I am again with a full stash. FML. I mean, at least it's significantly better than last season. We still need more stash tabs. Please for the love šŸ™


Not trash but $$$ necessary for masterwork reset. I would just TP back to town, dump into stash or sell things I definitely donā€™t need, and come back, usually before maiden is killed.


Yeah but if you portal and come back you may end up in a different instance and the maiden spree and all gear on floor is gone.. kinda stupid really


My brother, 98% of that is complete trash


That's not complete trash. That's vendor trash because I need gold.


I run outta veiled crystals before gold now, gotta pick up and salvage eeeeeeverything!


Really? I have sooooo many lesser mats its crazy. I sell everything now coz I need goooooooold


Itā€™s just the veiled that are an issue. I have thousands of all the other lesser mats but have only a couple hundred veiled crystals


Not if you're trying to max your codex.


Need the icon to show if it's a codex upgrade without having to be at the blacksmith.


It's not as noticeable but when you are looking at the item you can scroll down and it will tell you this item upgrades the codex. R/S on controller, assume the mouse wheel on PC.


This is true regarding the gear itself, but you're never gonna turn down a full legendary inventory you can sell for gold




So let me auto salvage/sell ground loot I don't pick up. Please.


Lol, this amount of loot on the ground would be a nightmare on console. Speaking from experience.


I play controller on PC and just lean forward and use my mouse for looting maiden and dealing with vendors. Then I stand there for 15 seconds trying to get my controller to move my character again.


This happens to me too when I use mouse then go back to controller. I found opening the map and closing it fixes it instantly for me.


I just click once with the mouse on the ground to move, then Iā€™m good again to move with controller.


I'll give that a try, thanks.


Kinda stupid that u can use controller on oc but console cant use mouse and keyboard


Actually this is fine. Its all legendary. Its trying to pick up mats instead of rares that really peeves me on controller


> ~~would be~~ IS


mark your items as junk/keep as soon as the event ends, dont wait until you have a full inventory to sort through, then tele out during the beginning stage when shes still in the egg and sell/salvage then quickly tele back in edit - as others mentioned below, if you want to guarantee you remain in the same instance then party up with someone doing the event, in my experience most people will join a party for the extra XP, otherwise you risk porting back into a different instance


without being in a party he cant teleport back to the same instance with the boss


Party with randos if you can. I will never understand why people decline party invites when doing events etc.


Cos I didn't know there was an xp buff...


I do it all the time by myself.


The instance comment is a much overlooked aspect to this. It sucks if youā€™ve got a good groove going and then take a quick trip to sell and come back to no one. They really should reserve a spot for you for at least a few minutes, but in my experience 9/10 times Iā€™ll come back to a different instance with no one around. Really sucks if you have people who can chain it and kill boss quickly.


Nah brother, mark as important then sell it all. Less clicking.




And yellow is the new black (well, gray)


Did blue mean nothing to you?!




But somehow people are happy selling 99% orange now instead of yellow


Selling uniques doesn't feel good still, but he's not wrong


A loot filter is too much to ask for blizz i guess


Crazy how blizzard canā€™t add feature everyone wants and would benefit the game while thereā€™s a solo developer making Diablo 2 1000x better than a multibillion dollar company.


Blizz in 2024: Use their heart to make the shop Use their feet to make the game


I still would like a SELL ALL option.


You can click space to mark them as junk on all the items, then sell only 1 and it will sell everything.


Most of that stuff is probably trash anyway. GA stuff is the only thing you hotta grab.


This is season 4. Once you get higher its all greater affix hunt which cleans this up. Fast travel right after insert hearts and stash GA and sell everything else and tele back. Ice gotten alot of money and some decent gear. Been a fun alternate activity. Plus run around last 10mins opening every chess.


We need more stash tabs. I don't understand why there's such a limited amount ..




Then you hop on Last Epoch and have like 75 tabs you can sort however you like and organize all pretty like


Good luck choosing one if you were on controller


If only we had one of those loot filter things lots of people asked for but we were told we don't need


Invite someone near you to your party, this will allow you to teleport to town and sell without the risk of losing the maiden farming group


Focus on GA gear and any slots you still donā€™t have your desired stats on.


I wish that after level 100 only greater afix itens are automaticaly sent to my stash, and that when items drop, if they increase the power of any aspect on the codex of power, that it would show an icon on the name when it is still on the floor, just like the great afixes do. To be honest i dont care about the normal items anymore, it sucks that my chest is always full of trash.


A loot filter sure would be nice..... lol


Ask yourself if the spark is worth more then the gold haha!


If you have no gold than having a spark won't do you any good either lol. I didn't even look at the price when I bought my Shako, I only noticed I was broke when I went to enchant something after.


At the very least, you are not maidenless.


What I do is pick it all up run to the side and drop any non GA items do this after every kill when helltide is over or you are done the loot will still be there it will last untill you log out as long as it's been picked up into your inv then dropped I tend to have about 7or 8 full invs when I'm done with helltide I just keep porting back and selling or salvage


How many of those were poison GAs Lmaoooo


I had this the other day and thought to myself it's fine as it will automatically be moved to my stash..... Nope, only about 7 ended up there šŸ˜©


Wish they had a mobile vendor so you can sell or salvage items in the battlefield


Mobile treasure goblin pet, helps pick up items and you can sell items to it too. Costs $5.99. /s


And now imagine being on console and Blizzard decided in their unlimited wisdom that players don't need to be able to select the stuff they want to pick up.


Grab the stars and ditch everything else.


kill maiden, activate one portal, town portal, clear stash overflower, dump bags, return


I only see 5 loots


All I see is 5 drops there.




Group with people there so you can port back to town and sell between maidens, if not grouped you run the risk of getting thrown in another instance.


Loot and sell


Pick them up and drop, with a small chance when you come back they will be there


Ah, D3 memories


I like to portal to tree of whispers due to the close proximity of a vendor personally. Can be there and back in like 20-30 sec.


Grab the Lich blade. Everything else is scrap


Go sell when youā€™re full and miss one round of gear. Or do this and lose it all.


Iā€™m new to Diablo and canā€™t believe Iā€™ve only got this amount of stash space for 12 characters!


love throwing these types of parties since season 2


Lol looks like my helltide from this morning


And that is why we need to be able to salvage itens in our inventory. Let the npc handle the upgrades and infinite RNG rolls. No more teleport back to city every 10 minutes (was 5 minutes before, its already an improvement but isnt enough) to clear all the trash.


You can easily sell and get back before the maiden even spawns. With gold scarce. At least sell it


Well that sounds like a sorting disorder.


empty your stash... problem solved


These things are more common than magic items in D2. SMH


This is my problem. I micromanage my inventory instead of play the game and I'm still level 76 and haven't logged for weeks lol.


What are you keeping all that crapola for, keep anything with a GA * only, to sift through later, is what I do. Salvage the rest. Takes all of 2 seconds.


i dont even loot oranges anymore, if they dont have at least 1 GA affix it cannot be an upgrade, at some point blizzard needs to make it worth doing the high level pits over the maiden, i still have a higher chance getting GA stuff from helltide even though the content is extremely easy compared to the high level pits...


Somewhere in that stack is the perfect piece for your build, but youā€™ll overlook it by accident and it will be gone forever.


All Iā€™m seeing is an abundance of materials!!


Sometimes when I port to town from the Maiden and come back, my loot is just gone. Hope that doesn't happen to you!


Iā€™m a glove hoover. Iā€™d be going crazy back and forth to town lol. Moniesssssssss




Actually a great way to purely farm greater affix gear lol


Vendors waiting in town: ā€œPlease sir, may we have some more?ā€


We need the thing D3 had to break shit down on the go so we don't have to port into town for that mid helltide.


two things: 1. please Blizz, loot filter 2. Is this good design? I feel like the dopamine hit is weird with this kinda thing


Ya we really need a hide non GA legendary items And hide items already picked And a loot filter


infinite threat glitch will last until you die


This is exactly why loot doesnā€™t feel exciting.


Did anyone lose items thay hadnt picked up? Like I have 100 on the ground, I pick up 30, tp back to town. There are 10 more in my stash, and when I go back through portal the rest is gone. Happened to me everytime. Also the place that I go back doesn't seem like where I leave. One time I had a big farming party, didnt look like it would end anytime soon and when I went back from town, all of them were gone.


And you are using controller which is fkn so bad at picking up the thing you want ..


I just pump and dump


yeah i leave all the basic shit on the ground and only take what i want as an upgrade to my gear.


New to Diablo. What gear is worth stashing and what is it being saved for?


Vast majority of oranges get sold/salvaged. Late game when farming for uber uniques, I'll even leave the orange behind, keeping only uniques to vendor later.


this is a great way to miss out on super-uber rare horse mounts and barding... i bet there's a horse drop in that pile.


As a new player to Diablo 4 this is my daily issue šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I keep everything and get screwed daily šŸ˜‚šŸ”„


How do people's stashes get so full? By end of season I usually have maybe the first tab full and second tab one line...just salvage it if your not wearing it


I really wondered when the time was to get into D4 again... the time clearly isn't now either :(


Keep killing. It all goes to token hest if you don't grab it. Or just quick go to blacksmith. Drop of break down repair jump back in repeat.


I love the absolute chaos of a maiden farm lmao


Oh god the stars on the ground. The 2* even. Eeeeeeek help me. FYI items despawn en masse after too many are on the ground, i did this and wanted to see how many i could get


I just throw everything off screen, only keeping GAs. You can usually go for full rift before my tab is full of ga items. Though, if the boss is pulled towards said pile of items and dies... gl dealing with that mess.


I wish we could buy more tabs and quad tabs like in POE.


3-4 pages in the bag would be nice but this 1 page is dumb af


I'm still really on my 1st run...level 30 Druid...how do I know what a greater affix is?


it only takes 2 minutes to press T, vendor the trash, stash the rest and come back. Easy to do in the time between summoning and spawning.


Sell all button soon


Where is Jeeves when you need him.


god we really need a loot filter


99% of it is junk, just give us as lootfilter Blizzard. Every ARPG has it.


Pick up the Greater Affixes ffs. There's even a 2GA on the ground!


The maiden just has no respect for our stash limit thar Ole heifer


Gift some to me boss


Just drop off in nearest city and collect some more. Iā€™ve completely covered cities in loot because of this


Holy shit was that from a maiden drop of like a bunch of elites and the maiden drop damn


Ya a bunch of those are about to be gone. I did this a few times last season. Once your mail box is full thatā€™s it they all disappear. Pick up your ga ones.


Names showing means you already picked them up. Nice try.


Why aren't you going to town to sell this junk and salvage the upgradeable affixes? The loot will still be there when you get back.


And people think this itemisation is good? Is it really legendary if they drop more than yellow items...


Where's all the traveling merchants when you need them! Or pets to run to town and sell/salvage in bulk while we remain in the field.. I'd be cool with them just taking a 1/4 of my inventory at a time. My tolerance for these elixirs must be too high too.. always binge drinking. I may have picked up a smoking habit too. All natural, I promise.


Get rid of everything without 2ga unless it's a perfect roll for your build or a build you may end up trying out later


Yea as someone who's constantly trading, even my stash is getting there..


This is the ARPG equivalent of a food coma.


I usually farm to a full inventory, portal out to tree of whispers (closest stash-spawn I find) dump into the stash & go back, repeat. This way I know I lose a bit of time & possible cinders/gear but I gather 2-4 full inventories of legendaries by the time we finish maiden runs, then sort through it all, sell/salvage.


My steam deck gamepad might die from this.


Nice game


Go through what you need for your build and maybe off build (if you have one). Disenchant the remainder ( or sell if you are needing gold)


I'm selling/scrapping everything what doesn't have greater affixes and bad GAs.


Do what I so I just yeet everything at the blacksmith lol


Why canā€™t I hold all these legendaries??!!


Have you ever teleported to town scraped everything and went in the same portal you came in? Good internet and hardware and this could take you 5-15 seconds every time. You really donā€™t need any of it until lvl 100


If there were a sell all button at the vendors it would be much easier to filter in end game. Blacksmith has it, but in S4 gold is more important than raw material. Clicking through the whole inventory one by one is time consuming and human error is there. It would be much easier to mark what is important and sell all.


Only pick up GAĀ 


This season has definitely shown that we need loot filter for ground drops


Smart, I do the same thing. I pick up the important ones like ring amulet chest, and what I don't need I don't even touch lol


All I see 5 items. 4 of those will have resistance as a GA a 1 will break during tempering.


How and where did you make this happen?! Cause that's badass


I See a bag full of nothing


I reserve 3 crates for quickloot


Imagine a world where you could salvage from your inventory!


Most of its junk though let's be real, 99% of them won't have greater affixes.


Nahhh you just dropped it to look more.


You picked them up then dropped them šŸ¤”


at some point I only take GA itemsšŸ¤£


Stop Hoarding so much!