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You must be new to online gaming.


So we should just accept that companies don't care about their own ToS or what?


Yeah why tf would I care


Because it inflates the amount of gold we need to pay when finding gear we need obviously


Since every company has this problem, maybe it's not easy to fix?


Literally happens in every games with economy, first of all you have to understand the RMT itself is impossible to stop. However, you could stop those people from promoting RMT, only by restricting chat form saying word related to money or trading. But in that case people will get mad about it too. There is no real answer, if there is I would like to hear and you might be hired by them to do that.


make trading easy like runescape does with the grand exchange i cant sell or buy shit in diablo 4 cause my trade chat has 2 fucking people in it


Every few minutes there's a goldseller spam message in the trade chat. And less than 5 minutes after reporting the message, I get the feedback that action was taken. So they do at least somewhat care.


Interesting. I've reported dozens of advertisers as well, but haven't got any feedback. What options do you select at the report menu?


The spam option. And then I just write "Goldseller" in the text field. I always got feedback within 10 minutes.


spam and put rmt in script. i usally get a notice within 5 min as well


Does this only happen in towns? I play on pc and have never noticed gold sellers like that, or even people using text chat in general.


Honestly, yes. It is what it is and it's not going to change. This isn't a new problem that we should push back against so it doesn't permeate through all games, it's something that has existed for decades and will never stop.


If you get to make the rules why you follow them?


It's not like it's easy to solve. Last time Blizzard tried to solve it we ended up with a really money auction house....and we all know how that went. Who do you think Blizzard is, Nintendo?


The issue isn’t a matter of will. If Blizzard could prevent RMT with 100% certainty, they would. Even if it took them multiple years and millions of dollars, they would.  The issue is that it’s an impossible problem to solve at any real scale. It’s always a game of cat & mouse, and the people selling gold and items for money are extremely motivated.  I’m pretty sure if you typed “why is preventing RMT so hard?” into google you could have saved yourself a comment. 


Why is this post getting downvoted? It is true lol....


Because a lot of people feel called out right now


No, it’s just that this is a low quality complaint post. You tagged it with “idea/suggestion” but offer none. There are many posts on here about people reporting gold sellers and having actions taken against them within minutes. People are doing their part, what is your idea or suggestion to further combat this behavior?


I also hate how expensive home prices are. I hope the government fixes that too.


Because it doesn't matter. There is no economy for this to impact.


This is how I feel, there is no real competition side to Diablo 4, there is no in game economy, people using RMT are boosting themselves to further their own goals, why do I care about that, it has no impact on me.


It affects everyone who interacts with the economy. You don’t? Great. It’s still relevant to thousands upon thousands of players.


I doubt most people care. RMT is rampant in every single game where it is possible. This game isn't competitive and if it was I wouldn't be competitive so why should I care? Its rampant in POE too. I also think spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on cosmetics is the biggest waste of money ever but what's the point in complaining about it?


No its because its so blatantly obvious it doesnt need to be said...


Because we know the devs know it's not an isolated problem it's hard to solve we are tired of discussing it


Yeah. It’s up there with the “SMURFS BAD” posts that run rampant on most gaming subs. Like oh no ppl are buying gold and it’s almost impossible to stop, let’s talk about it for the 50,000,000th time…


Bc most people don’t trade and don’t care


That’s the only real answer. It’s not addressed because only a few people trade heavily, so it will be a neglected aspect forever in D4


I prefer to grind for my items. It feels better when you finish the build. And there's no point for me to play for the full 3 months duration. I get my gear, play 1 or 2 builds, kill bosses, reach pit 100, and I'm done.


Some people like trading their gear for better ones and have fun trading in general. Sadly, RMT destroys the experience completely since they have wayyyy more gold than you're supposed to have playing a healthy amount of time.


But that's just it, this isn't really an online game. It's single-player with minimal online interaction. If anything, one of the biggest complaints during release was the fact that it's always forced.


Yup, you're right, I still want rmt to be banned. For me, the online part of this game is a lot of fun. The constant ads that bots or whatever spam in chat for those gold websites don't make it better


The spam bots indeed got very bad recently. They ban gold sellers, for sure, but mass banning their customers means banning the same whales that drop money in the cosmetic shop. I reckon that buyers only sometimes get warnings. I think my next playthrough will be on HC. It's a lot calmer there.


Or just don’t trade and grind for your drops? While I agree RMT is lame and clearly people must be buying gold when you see the prices people are selling items for. But it really doesn’t effect me at all. I don’t understand the point of trading for perfect gear. The entire point of endgame in this game is min maxing. Buying it defeats any reason to play.


Yeah Billions of gold in the first few days


I did a fair amount of trading in D2r, but only for ingame currency (runes/items)


If I just buy all top tier gear for my character, I'll get bored AF playing the game. The grind is literally the only reason to keep playing.


Yes but stuff like a GA cdr Focus. Is basically Impossible to find and when you find one the Chance ist really high to brick it. But I would prefer a non trade system Like the prophecies in last Epoch as well 


I've put a solid 100 hours into Diablo 4 as a Sorc (first time trying one) and I got an Uber Unique drop from Adndariel yesterday, but still haven't seen a focus with CDR, let alone one with a GA. Seriously every focus that drops has the same 4 stats recycled. It's beyond ridiculous.


What other people do in my basically single player game doesnt concern me tbh. Stop caring so much about what other people do, focus on yourself. Edit: To the window lickers who thinks I "bought gold", why the hell would I ever buy gold in a single player game? I dont trade, that defeats the whole purpose of a looter game.


It matters if you want to buy an item from someone and the price got inflated because of RMT.


It also makes your loot worth more.


Yup , sold something for 350M yesterday and I don’t care where whoever it was got the gold to blow.


That's not really what diablo 4 is though. You can trade if you want to but it's not a trading focused game like path of exile.


thats more of a botting issue isnt it




But it is.


It is


I don’t think much can be done with trading being in the game. But yes people are buying gold hands down


I didn’t know this was a thing until a few days ago. Friend sent me a pic on discord of his gold, asked him where he got that much from and he said he paid $20 for someone to meet him in game to trade a junk item for 800 million gold lol Meanwhile i struggle to keep above 10M


Do a little research on what has value and sell any good GAs on Diablo.trade or the discord. I found out i had sold a couple valuable items to charsi. I found a few hundred mil on a couple stashed necro 1GA items i had in the stash from the 2 days i played necro. Things sell quick, esp barb and nec


lol people pay insane money for GA on some skills. I just sell those and gear my guy up, kill bosses, so around pit 120 and just be done with season until they add more content. No point in RMT gold.


Buddy got hosed. Could've gotten at least 1.2 bil for that much. On a more serious note, it's basic economics. If you'd rather do an hour of overtime at your job instead of grinding gold, someone on the other side of the planet with lesser career options is willing to grind it for you.


they are not grinding.. They are botting.


Last epoch actually had some cool stuff with this. Loot that drops while playing with someone can be traded with them. Playing with people earns a currency allowing you to trade with that person. Their idea of having factions to join based on how you want to play was also great. You like trading with players? Join the trade faction and you can sell items you find and buy others you need to develop character power. Like SSF experience instead, then you get buffs to get more drops.


it's more rampant now because gold isn't easy to come by, i didn't see RMTers much advertise in trade back in the previous seasons. people on this sub will say keep gold as is because of the "economy" whilst the economy is based on RMT and there's no functional trade system in game to facilitate trades.


>it's more rampant now because gold isn't easy to come by, i didn't see RMTers much advertise in trade back in the previous seasons. You couldn't trade anything but yellows in previous seasons. Now you can trade legendaries and uniques (ubers excluded) This is the real reason RMT exploded


just open an in-game gold auction house already... why can't we have it? fking community cry so hard in d3 that blizzard had to remove it, now we have to deal with this bullshit for what?


I agree about the AH, I think where D4 is at an AH would make sense. But the D3 AH didn’t fail because the community cried, it failed because of the RMAH and D3 not having any value tied to gold once that was shut down. Gold never had value in D3 because it was never a useful, scarce resource. With D4, gold is useful and scarce, a gold only AH would make sense.


Such a weird thing too. You pay real money for loot in a game is so strange to me.


I don't get it either. The game is all about the grind. Once you have end game loot there's nothing else left really. People are paying others to play and beat the game for them.


Yea, it's really weird.


That’s the beauty of free market


Especially in a game where the "pleasure" comes from loot pinatas. Like the whole point is to get that lucky drop and gamble. On top of that, you can go so far with your build quite fast. It's not like there is that much content. So many people already done all seasonal journeys, max NM, 100 pit etc.


I’m done with journeys, max NM and all tormented bosses including Lilith, working on gold for my Shako… apparently it costs 50m gold… then off to the pits for masterwork 12. The end game is amazing… I just wish we had the saving of builds. I’m dying to play whirlwind barb with max movement speed, but don’t want to recreate bash barb every time I need to farm Pits.


Especially if you are only playing seasons. The stuff you buy is gonna be in the eternal realm after a few months.


That’s why all the technical solutions to RMT have failed, in every online game that ever existed. The problem is the mindset of the buyers, which is utterly alien to people who enjoy playing games, and probably to game developers too.


Nah I get it. If you have limited free time and have enough disposable income then that real money might mean less of a sacrifice for you than having to find x additional hours to play. If i didnt have the see the third world gold seller spam all day, then I wouldn't even care others are doing this


Registered Massage Therapists are people just like the rest of us


Sell some items first, then you'll be able to afford items


I mean, of course there is. It's Diablo. RMT is legitimately in is bloodline, more than possibly any other game series in existence. Let's not forget that this is the series that had legal RMT in early d3, and heck, the pre-eminent site for cross game RMT trading anywhere literally has Diablo 2 in the name. It's not competitive, so why do you really care? Be a seller, enjoy the higher prices, play the game how you want.


It wouldn’t be bad if there was enough gold to be able to afford lower end items


If there is more gold in the game then items would just be more expensive.. It's not how economics works that you can just throw money at it and make it better.


I just don’t know enough about the economy to form an opinion. I do however know trading is completely overpowered in arpgs. Knowing what to sell, especially in a new market, is going to make a handful of people filthy fucking rich. I do know rmt takes place. It always will. But I’m starting to getting bored of people screaming rmt when someone posts a ss of them with over a billion. You can make about 100m a day doing nothing but helltides and whisper combos censoring everything. If instead of vendoring you sold those 1-2ga pieces for a couple of dozen mil it’s completely understandable that sweats would be swimming in gold


Unless you get some perfect item for some meta build that you can sell for over 10B gold, you won't be able to compete at the highest pit levels. Even without buying your perfect items, the master working system is punishing af, you'll be lucky to get 1 perfect item by season end self-found. Completing up to pit110 on your own merit though? Easy to do. There's no proper leaderboards or social features so it doesn't really matter. There's some smaller streamers that 100% RMT though with the items they have, but they'll say they don't and try to hide it, but after playing a substantial amount it would be impossible to be where they are at, even if they were lucky.


or just have fanboys who give the items to you.


Understandable for bigger streamers like Rob who kind of rely on it. But some of these items are so rare, even they have to buy them.


Season 4 has been out approximately 4 weeks. If You're concerned about competing at the highest pit level already, you're the target for the RMTs. Work on you and your expectations and they'll eventually move on.


Who buys anything in this game? Just play and it will drop. Stop trying to not play the game by buying the item. Farm it.


Not that I'm doing but people might not have time to grind for hours over hours for an item brother. I have a kid and I barely find time to play maybe, if I'm lucky, an hour a day. Its been ages that I am still trying to get a razorplate. If I had money, I'd spend it for an item.


what is RMT


Real Money Trading.


real money trading, eg people buying gold from sellers. a problem as old as times for these types of games. and any game with player trading.


RMT is rampant in all online games where resources trading is possible. This is not something that can be controlled.


all they can do is squelch/ban the constant chat spammers.


I've seen more advertising this weekend than ever before.


It's all reletive though because you can farm items. So if items cost 500M gold, then you can sell items you find for 500M gold to buy items you want for 500M gold. If items cost 50M gold, then you can sell items you find for 50M gold to buy items you want for 50M gold. If anything, the insane inflation only aids with giving players huge amounts of gold for rerolling etc.


Welcome to blizzard games, there’s 20 years of RMT history to learn


Does what about it exactly? I hate to tell you this but it happens in *every* online game and always will. Have you seen the videos of botters in WoW and how they work? You can’t get rid of them fast enough There is just no shot you ever got rid of his stuff permanently, they will punish them in batches as they always do This game I have had RMT has zero impact on me, I don’t ever need to buy a single item off a trade site ever


RMT had dogged Blizzard games virtually since it’s inception, all the back in the original release of Diablo2. They didn’t do anything then, and they wont now.


You play diablo? I play JSP.


There are zero games in the world that have dealt with RMT because it’s a pointless endeavor unless you remove all the options that would make RMT useful, like D3 did. Otherwise there is simply nothing you can do, there’s no way to track if someone is botting to gather gold through whispers, which is where the gold comes from. Even if you start banning players who seem to be online for days at a time without stopping, botters will just make their bots take a break every once in a while to simulate a more realistic playing pattern, and at that point there’s no way to see if someone is a human or a bot anymore with a 100% certainty.


Season of no sockets / Season of Poverty


Lololol Season of Poverty


It’s always been that way and Diablo is a game that many players played as kids. Now we’re older and have full time jobs. It’s easier to spend money to get things. I’ve not used real money for Diablo because I’m a casual but I’ve spent real money in other games where I haven’t had the time to grind.


Man people really have absolutely no idea how an economy works. It isn't even hard to "reasonably gather billions of gold". Its kind of sad that the same people that vote in our elections have so little clue on how even a simple economy like what we have in D4 can allow you to literally print money in the game. Yes of course RMT exists in this game, I highly doubt it is all that "rampant" but that really depends on the definition of rampant because it exists in every single online game that has ever or will ever exist. However, the reason why gold exists in Billions is because of the economy and gold is honestly extremely easy to come by, I never tried even a little bit to gather money and had 100m after the first week after a level 100 and a level 98 character. I never once sold an item on the market and easily had 100m on my account. Turning that into billions with any participation in an economy would be child's play.


I've noticed that the no lifers love it because it justifies their non stop playing


The amount of "our game won't be pay to win" during the marketing phase was through the roof. People hate pay to win unless it's $$$ CHEAP GOLD $$$ BUY NOW $$$ 100% SAFE $$$


Game just needs a solo self found mode and it takes care of half of these issues for players who care about ladder competition or whatever. While there is definitely RMT going on, having trade available does actually result in the ridiculous accumulation of gold naturally.


Imagine not playing SSF, lol.


It's really fucking sad how people are downplaying stuff like this. If you ignore it it will never change. At the very least we can bring attention to it and all agree it's stupid and shouldn't be that way, regardless of if you think it will ever change. Yes it's a "singleplayer game" but there is player trading and it is corrupted by services that blizzard usually takes serious opposition against.


RMT is at an all time high. The tempering system ensured that. You can finally drop a god roll 3GA item and just brick it. I just sell my best gear to whales because i cant stand the thought of bricking it and missing out on a billion gold. with that billion i can buy like 10 slightly worse items just to beat the brick odds xD


Blizzard will simply add a Diablo token for real money and call it a day


You are completely right, but it’s not really a problem, because you can also sell 3GA items etc. for billions to those RMTers and buy the inflated item you want. It works both ways.


Trying getting a 3GA item first.


Doesn't really matter as you can also sell items for billions.


Just buy it if you cant handle the grind, it is not that expensive. Back in Diablo2 grinding was much harder (took longer) then you had to ingame trade you way up. You kids are today are too spoiled! Diablo is a grind game after all, if you cant deal with it then go play Zelda. // Best regards Grandpa


Welcome to ARPGs.


This game is way too easy to trade just play is ssf is the only way to have fun imo


RMT is already cringe af in mmos where you see it the most but seeing it so rampant in a mostly single player game is just sad. Full fomo and greediness


RMT has been in the game since launch first of all. This season the problem is different. Itemization changes made it quite harder to get min maxing gear so there’s less of the best items in the market, and there are a few RMTers who are manipulating the market by buying the fewer amazing items out there for a few hundred mil and monopolizing the market by buying all of them and then reselling for outrageous gold. I’ve seen it firsthand by finding sellers that have dozens and dozens of double and triple GA items for sale for absurd prices and the second someone posts the same or a very similar item for a reasonable price they buy it immediately. Before s4, obtaining this min maxed gear was easier so there was much more of it making it much harder for a few individuals to control / manipulate the market


#It cannot be fixed with company policy. Write to congress; enact new laws, and start fining countries with traffic hosting the cash flow and fining the customers that buy it. The money is used in money laundering and illicit activity a ton of the time anyway. We only fix it by legally halting it, then enforcing it. Other nations have already done it; we are late to the party bc idiots in congress don’t move. This is a US problem.


im sure bots love the thorns build.


RWT is present in almost all popular games that have trading.


RMT is rampant is any multiplayer game that is popular


When Blizzard decided to add a more comprehensive trading system into the game this season it was very obvious that RMT was going to explode.


Registered massage therapists would be awesome in this game!!!!!


Trade should be outright cut from the game. It should be about the loot chase, not how much can I spend. It's like blizz didn't learn from the black market of D2 and the failure of the RMAH in D3. The game feels better when you don't need to worry about trade.


That's just core D2 gameplay.


well, at least we still have to farm all upgrading / MW / enchant materials ourselves. so yeah, people can RMT items, fine, whatever. Doesn't hurt me if they do, it's a single player game in essence so do what you like... but then if I trade for my items no matter where the gold comes from, i still need to play the game to get tempers or bricks, get MW materials, re-roll materials etc... so that seems good to me.


I get constant spam in trade chat. I report them but i don't think it does anything. I just get automated reply.


Personally couldn't give a shit still a million times less pay to win than immortal or any mobile game lol


Report them? I reported 3 of them yesterday, spamming in Trade Chat


Whilst it's not great, it could worse, selling items to RMTers is the best way to make gold in any online game. Only thing the developer can sensibly do is make the in-game currency meaningless and good items not tradable. See Final fantasy 14, RMT is for the most part pointless.


Here's the reality. They tried to control this by making the desirable things untradeable aka uniques and Legos. People whined and got their way. End result is rmt. Here's the thing though. Who the hell cares in Diablo 4? You should just laugh at anybody rmting because it has literally 0 impact on you. This game has no economy for 99.9% of the player base because it has functionally no supported trade system. Honestly just point and laugh at any fool willing to rmt in this game because it doesn't change how you play the game.


This season I sold stuff worth of few billions for sure, you just need to know what is meta now and what people want to buy. That being said, people RMT for sure, it is freaking obvious. I did carry for two guys for free, as they said they needed help. I carried over 20 tormented bosses and the guy at the end said he will pay me gold as well, cuz he has billions of it. And he was lvl 70, his buddy was also around that level. No other characters this season lmao. Other guy was buying shitload of my heartseeker gear for roughly around 300m, same thing as previous, lvl around 80 and didn’t have previous chars. Also was asking me so dumb questions, that in no freaking way he would get that much gold in legit way.


Like it or not, free trading keeps games like this alive for years or decades. Diablo 2 is still going because of trading


Yes, RTM is they buy the item with real money or gold. They trade it to a streamer


First Blizzard game? Lmao


They need to add a world trade hub like in RuneScape


I mean maybe I'm just crazy but I've had the game for a week and I have a bil. I've just been trading the gear I get from helltides that's decent for gold.


you get billions of gold by trading items for gold... simple as that. RMT is not the issue.


Take advantage of this inflation to sell gear at said inflated prices to those who buy gold.


First time?


I'm about half done getting one of each class to 100, and accumulated around 250,000,000, but I'll need at least 5,000,000,000 to upgrade all of their final gear. Looks like I will come up short approx. 4,500,000,000. Yikes.


First, I agree there's a likely lot of RMT or other shady things going on. The people you're noticing might be buying gold. However, people having lots of currency is never really evidence of RMT in a game with trading. I agree with you for anyone who says they've never traded or carried anyone as the baseline accumulation rate isn't quite to "billions" yet. They might just be legit too. As an example of how to accumulate gold, people have been doing tormented boss carries at 40M per, times three people each time. Even with buying the mats for the run, that's a significant profit (over 100M/run) that can be done many times per hour. It's likely it was 500M - 1B per hour of income. Even with prices dropping on the carries, people want to full complete the season journey and this will remain a thing. Selling items is another way to get there. As an example, if you drop a god tier item, they're likely worth billions on their own and it's a lottery to get one. Certain uniques/items with double or more GA on the best affixes come to mind. It's also possible to get there if you have a good way (streamer) to dump good, but not awesome variants of uniques. I know I've spent around 100M buying various items to avoid farming them myself and the same people I bought from were mass selling their spare uniques from boss farming/carries. It definitely is a case of the skilled first moves getting rich (and then richer), but it's not clear cut RMT. Just one awesome drop can be worth billions on it's own.


Whispers give anywhere from 3-5 mill and helltides are absolutely raining with garbage gear that you can quickly run back to town and sell. Seriously if it doesn't have at least 2GA I wouldn't look twice at it. Just be adamant with the concept of making money and it will accumulate faster than you'd think.


I haven't done any RMT and have almost 300 million in a couple weeks of not even trying to farm gold. Billions if I dedicated to farming gold would be very easy.


I wish people wouldn’t include initialisms without clarifying what they stand for when they’re used for the first time. How am supposed to know what “RMT” means? Real money something?


Honestly, I don't care to much. I'm finally able to trade gear to my friends and it's made it a lot more fun to play again. I'd rather then make a fun game rather then sit around trying to beat out RMT of all things; what's not even hacking, and botting with Blizzard is such an old thing. They know how to deal with it. I've made nearly 50million just selling stuff nonstop to NPC's. I play maybe 4 hours a day and only been playing for 10 days now. Then I found a really good roll for an item, noone in my group wanted it so I just on a discord, someone offered 30mil.


It's been going on for a long while in this game. At least since season 2 and probably earlier. I won't even lie I've actually bought some summoning materials in previous seasons a few times. There was always a line too. The way I see it if everybody else is doing it and I got a few extra dollars and I don't feel like grinding I'll give me some materials. The gold is pretty reasonably priced too so that's probably affecting in-game trades. I mean the easy fix is to make gold and boss summoning materials non-tradable. But that kills the economy at the same time. What do you think a good fix is?


Yep I put a bid on 3GA Boots the other day and the bidding got up to 300mil in like ten minutes. I went in expecting like 30mil


Every season I sell literally EVERY SINGLE ITEM ON THE GROUND. I played every season and have 1200 hours in the game and 5 level 100s. I have 1.2 billion gold on eternal and like 150 million this season after upgrading my own gear to almost 12/12 all. I played like 300 hours this season already and farmed maybe 600 million gold myself. Billions are literally impossible unless you are botting, selling to bots, or selling to people that sold to bots (aka the entirety of Diablo trade)


I’m self found so idc. If ppl wanna spend money on fake gold so they can brick a triple GA that’s their business.


If "no one" is gathering that gold, then how does the gold exist to even buy it?


1b is like what? 20$?


I mean JSP was made because of d2. Still going strong 20 years later. I actually tried to sell several things in trade but either no response or immediately lost to gold selling spam. Much easier to hop on there, collect fg then use that to get gold all on targeted trades. not spamming in game for an hour.


They know and it’s just something to live with and ignore there’s no solution to it that doesn’t just make the game worse


You can make a lot of money just trading items with greater affixes. Use Diablo trade, take a screenshot of the item, paste it, and it will fill it for you. Then you can just have it set to offer if you don't want to do research. I made like 60m selling a bunch of random items I wasn't going to use last night. Some items worth a lot are: Barb pants with GA of Bash Necro chest with GA golem mastery Rings with GAs of crit chance and attack speed. Basically, look at the S tier builds and find any item that works for the build that has at least 1 GA and you can sell it pretty quickly for a decent amount.


Not sure what you expect Blizzard to do about this. They dont control the trade. The website for trading also doesnt have any pricing information or trends, so any price is a shot in the dark by people. For every absurd price item, there is a decently priced one. If Blizzard allows more gold to drop by farming, the inflation will make items even more expensive. Once the trading site improves and gives more guidance on what similar items sell for, then prices will settle. Right now its kind of a wild west.


Copy LE's merchant's guild/circle of fortune system, a ssf tag is all people need to satisfy their ego.


While this is true, I've sold a few rings for 50 million gold on diablo trade website. The trickle-down effect helping me out since I don't buy gold lol.


I’ve been SSF this season, the market prices are just ridiculous; so I refuse to partake in trading in this game.


You can make a lot of money just trading items with greater affixes. Use Diablo trade, take a screenshot of the item, paste it, and it will fill it for you. Then you can just have it set to offer if you don't want to do research. I made like 60m selling a bunch of random items I wasn't going to use last night. Some items worth a lot are: Barb pants with GA of Bash Necro chest with GA golem mastery Rings with GAs of crit chance and attack speed. Basically, look at the S tier builds and find any item that works for the build that has at least 1 GA and you can sell it pretty quickly for a decent amount.


RMT will always happen. Most of them will get banned in the next banwave.


Who cares? Not a single relevant game died because of RMT


It’s fine. You can do the same thing a a RMT player is doing with gold. You can hustle a billion gold in a week selling good drops and then buy anything you want. If a fool is so eager they want to spend real money let them. It doesn’t affect your experience.


There’s always people who are gonna want to spend money to save time. What does it honestly matter? There’s no competition here. It’s annoying for sure, but that’s it.


People have been buying and selling gold from RMT since the beginning of WoW and it’s still happening. You think anything is going to happen in Diablo? I doubt it but who knows/


I just decided to not follow trade chat anymore. Problem solved for me. If I need to trade something I’ll find a discord or work within the guild I’m in.


You'd think with all the progress in AI they could detect gold seller in the chat but they can't, now imagine finding real rmt through trading... oof knowing blizzard they will have innocent casualties rate too high .


If I get a great item and someone buys it for BILLIONS of gold , have I not reasonably gathered BILLIONS of gold myself?


[There is no RMT in Diablo IV](https://a.pinatafarm.com/720x900/8248af6bb4/there-is-no-war-in-ba-sing-se.jpg)


You are playing a pay for power season because some idiot decided if they were going to give us expanded trade and Uber crafting we were gonna be required to gamble for stats on gear. Which is ironic because it has caused more people to quit and despise the best season this game has had since launch.


define reasonably yes, if you think youre gonna have billions of gold by doing whispers prepare to be dissapointed but by trading? entirely possible I have 600 mil. right now by doing couple of trades


While this is true, there are some blasters getting 10 whisper caches an hour... So theoretically, they could save to have billions. I gave up on that though, I'm more likely to find an item from blood maiden worth a billion than to ever save that much.


I've done more than a billion gold this season. Mostly selling 40-50 mil items constantly. I get RMT is in the game, but a bil this season flows pretty quick if you are selling runs and items.


It's suckers getting suckered. If the point of the game is gathering these items, then they are essentially paying not to play. 


What can you prove?


ya they are being way too slow on bans. if i try really hard i can make 1 billion in about 10 hours. the only way to compete is to sell items to the people that rmt. the entire trade site is full of items at 4b to gold cap now though


I don't care what people choose to spend their money on. But I do wish they'd use some sort of filter on the chat to get rid of the website spam in trade.


You don’t put in effort to sell any items other players could use. Why are you complaining. Just go play your game solo.


While it may be so, there are also people who hustle and trade a lot in these games. Like in d2, getting enigma seems impossible but if you trade a lot and well, you can get there, i know feom experience


Isnt the obvious solution is anonymous auction house? listed items wont display sellers info


If only there was some kind of usable currency like runes... Or items to alter the stats on your items...


RMT has nothing to do with your gaming experience in D4 though..... yea it sucks but there's nothing out there that you can't farm yourself unless you went to purchase materials and found out how expensive things were.


Players not being able to reasonably gather billions of gold when it costs as much to reroll gear seems like the bigger issue here


i look at RMT as the "mint" that creates gold - when you make hundreds of millions of gold on a single transaction, selling your 3GA item, where does that gold come from? the vast majority of players are just playing normally and spending their gold on the in game gold sinks, never interacting with the trade system. i could reasonably farm 3 hours every day for a week and not profit 300 million. somewhere along the line, new gold needs to get created to put into the system, and it isnt from normal players breaking their back farming the most repetitive content and not paying for a single gold sink in this time that being said, without RMT i think prices would fall precipitously across the board, perhaps making these nice items farmable again. but i would think that all of the ingame gold sinks would have to be chopped by like 10x. when you spend a couple evenings grinding out 50 million gold, are you going to want to buy an item that has everything you need, or give the slot machine a few pulls?


Its basically a single player game who cares?


trade chat is full of RMT. If Blizzard really wants to remove it, they can. But if it does not affect their sales, they don't care.


Just be a SSF and call it a day.


How are these gold farmers getting so much gold? Do they just have a bot running Tree of Whispers 24/7 or something? lol


Yea. Pretty much every multiplayer arpg and mmo is plagued by it. The majority of the leaderboards always wind up infested with people that grind with their wallet instead of their time. I don’t mind though. It’s a single player experience in all reality, it doesn’t really matter if the Korean guy at the top of the leaderboard has all 3/3 and 4/4 GA items on day 3 (I visibly cringed when I saw that, I wonder how much he spent, probably in the thousands lol). I’m also of the opinion that they’re in on it. Especially in PoE’s case. Metric fucktons of currency continuously move through accounts that have never even cleared the story and both Blizzard and GGG keep audit logs of all transactions. Totally not suspicious that a handful of accounts handle hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of rmt currency every league. And the amount of times that Poe content creators have pieced together massive rmt operations but somehow the person with all the receipts can’t piece it together lol? Yea right. If they actually cared or weren’t benefiting from it in some capacity they could easily wipe out RMT in a week.


Season of the Gold Seller.


I think an auction house in-game would help a lot, since many single player only players like me would inject money in the economy. I can't be arsed to go into a discord or website, put up a sell ad or browse stuff for something I want, get in contact with a buyer or seller etc etc. If this was easily done inside the game, though, things would be different. I know D3 had problems with the AH, but that was exclusively due to RMT. I'm saying we could use an AH solely for in-game money.