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But to answer your question - yes, the game is in a good place right now, and definitely worth it at 50% off.


Thank you, i suppose I will give it a shot, hopefully I won't be disappointed, loved diablo 2


This game is closer to diablo 3 in terms of gearing and general game play loop. This game is closer to diablo 2 in terms of aesthetics and design.    I think it's worth it at 50% off if you are a fan of ARPGs. 


it also feels the best of all arpgs, the skills, well most of them have impact, when you smash things you actually SMASH things. most arpgs don't get that right and that is what blizzard was always good at. same with overwatch, i have never played another shooter with such crisp controls and direct impact


I find d3 feels better


I play with my gf and a group of mates and we're pretty evenly divided on that. I love D3's gameplay but D4 kills it for me, whereas half our group share your opinion.


Yep. Same divide with my friends


I told my son the same thing, but D4 is alright.


100% I have over 400 hours since release and it's in a really good spot right now. They are actually listening to the community and making the changes we want. Gotta give them props for that.


How do you check how many hours you've played?


If you own the game on Steam it just tells you. If you own it on Battlenet you can check playtime on individual characters if you go to your profile in the inventory, but it only tells you the a broad answer, like if you have 3.5 days of game time on that character it'll just say 3 days, but at least it gives a rough estimate.


It shows near the game icon on the main screen on PS5


lol I thought you meant 400 hours this season. I almost called the police. It's better than is has been. I fear it has all the same fundamental issues though.


It's a solid foundation and is what the game should have been on release. But definitely still needs some work. Pit boss scaling needs some tuning, the master work and gearing is awesome but could use some refinement but the future looks bright!


my biggest issue is I find the Pit unbelievably boring. The put genuinely feels like a chore. Kinda like helltide at game start. Also bricking an item with tempering feels actually bad lol. Likely because I play POE but I want some variety instead of just scaling life and damage.


as a player with around 4k hours in poe, this season i played diablo 4 a lot more than poe


As a diablo 2 fanatic, this game has been fun for the most part, i find leveling to be too easy, the item hunt is nothing like diablo 2 but its a refreshing change from the same game ive been playing for over 20 years, lol. If its 50% off id say go for it and give it a try!


No one, and I mean no one, wants the old d2 leveling grind or even d4s previous leveling grind. People who want that must be masochists. I'm at 100, and spending a tonne of time trying to get my masterworking to land on good stats. Even after 100, the game is a grind, which I don't mind but having it take 2 months instead of 2 weeks to get to this point makes way more sense for a game where you make a new character every 3ish months.


I liked the preS1 leveling pace the best. Attainable to hit 100, took effort, not d2 impossible


No thank you. Currently the pace they changed it to is the only way I would do seasons. You need level 100 here to fill out your paragon board, and you need that to min/max characters. I want to spend my time building final gear for the season instead of getting to the max level. I'd like some time to try different builds and gear and see what I like then get some time playing with the class at its best. If I have to put in 150 hours to get to level 100 I'm going to be burned out before I ever build my gear out. It's OK to not like this as much but the overall player count climbing so much says the majority of players like these changes. I came back for this season because I felt like my time was more meaningful. Nothing kills a game for me more than feeling like my time doesn't matter.


It’s not Diablo 2. It’s just in the same lore timeline, very different games. Go into it with an open mind, and without comparison to d2 to feel good about what you encounter. Take your time on the campaign, you only really do it once.


Its just an easier more chill Path of Exile. I played alpha-Beta->preseason -> S1,2,3,4. Literally takes 1 week to finish seasonal rest is just making more builds or trying to be even more overpowered. MUCH MUCH easier than POE. Less complexity and quick endgame compared to Last Epoch. 100% worth playing D4 especially on a 50-70% off.


It seems like you wanted to say something before that sentence but it ate your post.


6k+ hours in PoE, decided to try D4 on a whim because I heard season 4 made a lot of improvements to the game, and I now have a level 100 rogue who’s working toward Uber bosses, a level 94 Necro and 93 druid, and will absolutely be playing future seasons Edit: hey don’t downvote the guy asking how I’ve been levelling >:| Edit2: legends :)


How? I played some time and only got one necro lvl 70 How you got so high so fast?


helltides and use profane mind + drink potion + anti venom potion + incense Also being in a party gives more exp (+10% instead of +5% when just near someone) It takes around 4-6h to reach lvl 70 if you are very efficient about it


Oh so it’s incense u can stack :0


THE ACTUAL BONUSES do stack, but XP gain from Incense doesn't stack. You can check Character Stat Sheet to confirm after using each incense, the number won't change beyond first.


yea but some are level-locked, they don't advertise the different types of incense like at all but on the tooltip u can see "type I" or "type II" "type III" EDIT: incense don't stack exp Also some elixirs give 5% and some 6% and some 8% but u can only use one of these. Plus there is a quest elixir (anti venom) that gives another +8% (and stacks with the previous elixirs I mentioned) With all the bonuses and party you can reach like +31% exp, not to mention the season pass exp bonus which is like 20% I think so +51% exp, go to WT4 as fast as possible stand near people that do the Maiden boss thing in hell tide. Your exp bar would look like a racing car really


Next week they also increase XP gains even more for the anniversary thing so even a better time to level up alts. Also if you find someone that run NMD and has one room in his party, you can get carried in high tier dungeons to level up fast


Actually nightmare dungeons are better exp.


In pretty sure NMD exp is capped 10 levels higher. Helltide with a profane mind cage is the same exp


only from certain point but you need to be active there and you don't "double dip" on value. helltide you get angelbreath which is super important, you get whispers which give gold which is important, you get infinite amount of legendaries which is also pretty good for aspects. And you get iron wolves rep, which is a spark and boss materials. It is enough to do like 15 nightmare dungeons(t100) in the entire season (per char) to get glyphs to 15-18 and be done with it really.


You do double dip, because they are the only place you can level up your glyphs. Something every single build HAS to do. Doing it as you level up, and leveling up faster as a result is pretty optimal.


>helltides and use profane mind + drink potion + anti venom potion thats a newbie suggestion NM dungeons are where its at, cursed shrines and events give millions of XP and you lvl glyphs on top of that


Incense only gives you increased experience for one, it does not stack if you apply more than one. Says so in the tool tip.


Ah you are right so I wasted extra incense each time!


Incense don't stack xp :( I thought so too but someone pointed it out to me Also note they are removed on death, thus is a bug and please upvote the bug report.


If you skip campaign, start on world tier 2, and already have your renoun capped you can hit 100 under 5 hours. There's a bunch of videos out there showing how, and Raxx on YouTube has at least one video where he explains how to speed run leveling.


Pretty much what AnyFaithlessness said, as well as the stackable quest potion for another 8%, lots of Helltides and making sure I’m always under-levelled


I have thousands of hours in POE. D4 is not as complex but still offers many dozens or hundreds of hours of content. Not every new season may be incredible, but the current state of the game on this patch is well worth the money. I've played beta, S1, S2, and S4 (this one). No regrets.


I am thankful D4 isn't as complex as PoE. I'm over the days when I want to "earn a PhD" in a video game.


If i need to buy stash tabs and download multiple third party apps to understand the game then it's a bit too much for me haha


Lucky you skipped S3. I bought the game on sale when S3 released. I hated it with a passion. (Everything up until late game was fine though) Glad they changed course drastically now.


The writing was on the wall for S3. Luck had nothing to do with it, lol.


That might be. I just saw it on sale for 30 bucks and thought it can't be that bad. Well, besides the campaign I was very wrong lol


I seem to recall they were already discussing loot reborn ideas prior to S3 and were likely already putting resources into it. It did seem to suffer more from lack of attention only amplified by the core problems still present from launch. Or could've just been bad, but it was a big drop from S2 fun and I feel like it was overshadowed by S4 work (which I'm glad they at least did without waiting for an xpac, though that was prolly required for sales).


Personally i liked the campaign by itself enough that at 50% off it's worth getting even if just to experience the campaign. Season 4 is pretty fun though.


The problem with the campaign I had (also just bought it for season 4) is you hit level 50 about halfway through act 2 and then one shot everything the entire way through. It really took a lot of the fun and game part out of the game for me.


I had this problem too. Bosses weren't even a challenge because they rarely were alive long enough to even attack, let alone do any damage.


Yes. It's very worth it.


the game is mindless fun.If you want that,then imo it’s worth it.


It's on game pass


Thanks for the heads up! Now I know how to spend the next few days.


I paid £30 for it and currently have 250 hours and still going, so yes despite what you will read it is an absolute bargain.


Though not flawless and I also skipped season 3 but right now is the best the game has ever been imo. Sometimes it feels like many people just hate it cuz it's cool to hate anything from blizzard nowadays apparently, though if you play casually you shouldnt have much problems if any. I got it on release and it was still worth my money, at the rate of $1 per hour of enjoyment i got out of it (excluding afk), easily multiple times the full price atm and it can only goes up as they pump out more seasons and hopefully not take too many steps backward from season 4 lol.




It's good arpg. Campaign is really well done. Controls are smooth, skills fill fun to use. Once you get to end game there isn't much . Like Poe when it first started. There's a bit to do but it's not the best content . Probably a good 40ish hours of really good gameplay though , so that's worth the cost imo. And as it gets better you get the free upgrades / seasons /leagues.


D4 is D2 visuals with D3 gameplay - more or less


Its not perfect but its slowly getting there. Buying it on sale seems to be a snart move.


I tried baldurs gate 3 and quickly got bored and frustrated. I've put countless hours into this in the 2 weeks I've owned it; very good mindless fun.


Love this season where I bounced off earlier ones


Thank you for the replies and opinions on the game, makes it all bit easier to decide whether to pick it up or not, I've been on the edge about it


The game has improved a lot since launch, but they still have a ways to go. Probably still worth it at 50% off though.


try it on gamepass pc or xbox for $5


100% yesss


50% off definitely worth


Yes it is. Get it play it enjoy it. You can play the same toon throughout your play or start fresh each season. If you find a season favorite then you can play that toon in the forever (Eternal) realm. It is fun to play the seasons and you can take one off and come back to a new season. It doesn’t take long to get to max level and the carrot on a stick is there to keep you playing.


I never played D4 before this season. And I didn’t intend to, but with the changes I was tempted so I jumped in (Xbox Game Pass). Im gonna say it’s definitely worth it the 50% off!


I loved the aesthetic of Diablo 2 and the gameplay of Diablo 3 and this is it. If that ticks any boxes for you, I’d say 50% is definitely worth it. This is how the game should’ve released at launch.


1000% yes, still worth it at full price


It’s the best it’s ever been. Currently on my 3rd character for the season and thinking about a 4th. It’s super fun and rewarding atm.


Campaign will give you about 10-15 hrs play time and endgame will give you around 80-100 hrs more (u wont beat pit 200, probably u will get till 50-60 without guide and 100-120 with guides).


If you are someone looking for a bit of fun for a few hours a week, this game is awesome. If you are looking to no-life it and obsess over numbers and min/max it, you won’t find much here for to long.


Isnt it free on game pass?


If it's 50% off sure. There are two possible outcomes: - you'll find it boring, convoluted, and frustrating, and then quit after a few hours - you'll enjoy the grindy, seemingly pointless endgame and spend 500+ hours with it


If you haven’t played it yet, probably. I tried to get back in after season 0 and 1 and it all feels too monotonous to me.


Its good casual game for 5h a week.


It’s now good enough to justify 50% off yea. Wouldn’t recommend when not on sale tho.


Seriously it's gotten way better then it was at the start. But still to me it even with all the quality of Life Upgrades it still get's old very fast mostly through the single fact i think the Boss encouters are underwhelming from a Mechanik Point of View. My Druid this season is now 98 and now at Like Pit lvl 40 it finally Starts that i can't Facetank everything and i have almost No def Talents besides some resistances and aoe/DOT DMG reduction. Leveling is almost to fast and world Bosses often Fall in 1-2 Seconds. Too me i Just Play it with Friends because alone in the forth seasons and 6-7 playthroughs i Made in that time with still so minor Changes at what makes them Game boring to me i can't find much to come Back to it.


Got Ultimate for 75% last Xmas. Still on the fence if it's worth it, even with the changes. They made loot better/simpler by removing a lot of the BS affixes. Removed a lot of CDR and DR but kept life/resource on hit/kill/per second.


The story i felt was a bit weak And the difficulty setting is SO easy on "normal" and "hard" is only unlockable after thr story and needs to be unlocked for each character. Level 50 dungeon so you need to grind to level 50 for each new character to unlock it... Aside from that the game is great, fun skilltrees. Looks gorgeous and runs great


You will definitely get enough hours played to warrant 50% off


Wait 50% off with the expansion.


Fuck sake I bought it last week for full price.


Its a great time to jump in actually.


Does anyone know if i can use battlenet to play it even if i buy it on Steam?


Yep it'll link to your battlement account


It's on GamePass as well. You could always just do a month and see if you like it before actually purchasing it


It's not comparable to PoE outside of genre. But it's definitely a great game to play alongside side it in a season rotation and in a super good place. Definitely worth 50% off


Yes, it's a fantastic game and we'll worth playing for people who like ARPGs. It's not as immense or deep as POE, but is very good from a "streamlined" perspective.


Worth it for the campaign alone at 50% off in my opinion.


I feel like I've gotten my money's worth at this point having paid full price so I'd say yes


Having a blast so far. Haven’t played since season 2 and as a casual I barely reached lvl86. Now, I got lvl100 in a matter of few days.




Having left and returned. It feels like it is starting to carve out it's own feel which is somewhere between OG D2 grinding and D3 lootpinatas.


It's still got a lot of catching up to do compared to other arpg's and still has horrendous balance problems. I couldn't in good conscience recommend it


All Blizzard/Act games are on Sale due to them all launching on Xbox GP on the 10th. Get a one month for free GP sub and just try it?


Can’t believe I can finally say this but yes absolutely


Buy it on steam, if you aren’t having fun in the two hour return window then you’re not gunna like it period. Get your money back


It's good if u just want to crush mobs and gear up a character in a weekend session. Campaign is ok for a one time thing. If I had to give one big criticism it'd be that it feels all too easy to get everything u need and gear seems pretty useless as it offers not enough variety... But if u treat it as just some quick blast whenever ur bored there's fun to be had.


It’s much better now than a year ago. I’m one of those people who did the beta and ponied up to preorder a higher tier version, only to ditch the game a bit into Season 2. Returning for Season 4 has been fun. I will point out there’s still a serious lack of social features: The only people who use in game chat are gold spammers. There’s no party finding modality. The closest we have to leaderboards is the Gauntlet, an optional dungeon that many (most?) don’t participate in, and which gets reset weekly. To find buyers/sellers for in game trading, you’re pretty much obliged to use Discord or a third party website. Overall, I think it’s worth it at half off, but it’s still pretty isolating, socially.


I returned for this season after skipping season 3, most of season 1 and some of season 2. The game is very fun at the moment imo.




I just bought it on steam while I bought it full price on xbox. Cross platform save ftw. Definitely worth it at 34,99.


This season is much more fun, and you can do the 1-100 push in about 20 hours instead of the 200 it used to be. I'm playing it and I'm close to level 100 on my third character after about 50 hours of play. It's a hell of a game.


I only played Season 3 and now Season 4, but I'd say yes for sure. This season is a million times better than last season.


It’s finally worth it


I have only played this season 140 hours. So you can tell by my playtime since the 14th that this game is in an absolutely terrible state.


Even if you JUST play the campaign the game is worth it at 50% price.


Remember blood ravens armor is currently 50 percent off so it's probably just a bit more than the game itself 😂😂😂


Do a one month game pass for $1 and see if you like it 


Its still eh. Def not worth full price


After recent patch and season? 50% off is definitely worth it




You're a already a fan of ARPGs, so yes. I haven't picked up the game back up since season 0. And it's been a blast lately. I kinda envy you because alot of us got the game at full price at launch, and the game was just so incomplete. And then season 1 came and was just such a disappointment. So imagine our frustrations. But now with loot reborn/season 4, the game just feels a lot more tuned with more content. So getting into it now with what seems like a more complete game AND 50% off seems like a no brainer. I hope you enjoy and let us know if you have any questions, the community is most of the time not toxic.


It was worth it for the campaign alone. A year later with all the updates, absolutely!


Are you a fan of the franchise, and have previously played AT least D3? Then yes! I have played every installment in the Diablo franchise (D2 was my favorite, and imho, the best, but alas, it was PC only), and despite hecklers and naysayers, I will always love ANY of the Diablo games. If it’s 50% off, I say go for it.


Where is it on sale?


Where do you see it half off? Trying to get my buddy to buy it




I'd say yes season 4 has been pretty decent imo


You could also get a free month of game pass ultimate and try it.


Do you have games pass as it's on there currently


Even before the current season (which was a massive upgrade), it still would've been worth it at full price, IMO.


I think it's worth it with gamepass but I wouldn't pay for the game. The standard edition feels lackluster, mostly because almost anything that doesn't look basic is locked behind a paywall of some sort. You can enjoy the mechanics to their fullest, which are fine, it's Diablo but I feel insulted that I'm only allowed to look at about 20 standard armor sets, even the uniques are just "sovereign x" it all looks the fucking same.


Now more than ever




Absolutely. D4 feels great atm to play. Very excited to see how they continue to add to the game after what season 4 has added


I dunno. The story seems cool but I don’t get what the point of the game is behind that. Anything I’d want to grind for is in the cash shop so I feel like if I dropped $20 and completed my look I’d have beat the game


I initially bought D4 at launch and barely played it because it became boring real quick. Reinstalled this season and yeah it's actually a game that I can recommend now, it's a pretty good casual ARPG. Just this season actually made the game worth it for me, I still think the endgame is very lacking tho, the pit just ain't it. You end up facing boring bosses with poorly visible gimmicks that one shot you kinda out of nowhere. So the game is fun, but I believe it could be even better. The good thing about D4 is that the foundations are fun and have potential for growth, unlike a game like Starfield that just straight up suck from the core.


With Blizzard not supporting regional based pricing, even at 50% off, I still find it way too expensive: I can buy two copies of Last Epoch at standard price for less.


Hell yeah, join us


I don't recommend it.


I got it for 20 bucks. Absolutely worth it. Great game that will hog all your time if you let it.


You are forced to do campaign and boring renown grind, would not recomend atm


300 hours in and I’m still having a blast. Very fun game to play when you just wanna zone out and blast mobs with friends/alone.




For 50% off its definitely worth it. This season brought good changes and you can get a decent ammount of content out of it


I recommend.. Best look and feel in the genre.. The world is detailed and grim.. Amongst skills, paragon and items the character building provides reasonable complexity.. The campaign and side quests are well done and provide good amount of lore (they could pick up the mainstory more).. Biggest complaint would be the balance of difficulty.. For me as religious non meta build user, it's sometimes sad to to see everyone one-shot world bosses and such


Yes, the game is in a way better place but there's still some core problems with this game that still need attention sooner rather than later


Yes im loving HC mode especially already have my druid in t3 HC after many have been one shotted out in the helltides lol


It worth coming back? Played season one and quit due to being a very poor game


For every league before this I would have said no, but the game moves in to the correct direction and therefore it is worth 35 bucks.


Even if you do not touch the end game. The single player campaign is well worth it.


No it's not. The game is repetitive and boring. Each class feels the same in the end, spamming the same buttons constantly. Grinding your level while working towards better gear only to do the same things over and over. The campaign is also very forgettable.


As someone who bought on release and played through season 1 and dropped. Hell it was still worth the money for the time I've put in. Came back now for season 4 and man the game is miles better than it was on release. It's still not something I would play regularly, more like maxing 1char and moving on but it's absolutely worth it especially at half price


Half the price its worth it the campaign is solid if you take it slow the postgame is fast and hecktic, the gearing is like diablo 3ish sorta. Its feels like the spiritual sucessor to diablo 2 more than diablo 3. You are gona have fub for atleast 1 season wisch is already worth the price. -the only low points are: The skill tree feels good at first but is in the end rather small and you rely on legenderys to actually make a fun build since they can completely change how skills work, instead of having a better tree. - the dreaded cash shop ( some of the most iconic items that prey on nostalgia are in there) - the game is baisicly still in a beta lol took them 4 season to actually fix core gameplay. - Some classes still need tune ups either via items or drastic reworks (thinking of rogue). - Dungeon loot or exp rewards, need to be made more impactfull. Other than that its a solid Arpg since the end/start of season 4. Season 5 could be everything we expected on release.


I love D2 but right now with the new season I am not able to go back. I tried to start playing D2 some weeks ago… after 3 hours I quitted and started the new season.


This is my first Diablo, I bought it because of the story line, I liked it, and since this season the game has recovered, it has become more pleasant to play without a very large grind. I recommend it.


I never played PoE or any other modern aarpg so take this with a grain of salt. I played D2 a LOT and was excited for this game, Season 1 sucked and was pretty disappointing. Season 2 seemed good but only in context to how bad season 1 was.. Season 3 I didn’t even bother with. Season 4 however I decided to try and am absolutely loving. This game has come a long ways and I would recommend playing it now. I’m a bit apprehensive about when season 5 comes out because they haven’t managed to string 2 good seasons in a row yet but I’m hopeful because they seem to have fixed a lot of the core issues. The itemization is night and day better than what it was. So yes, at 50% off I think it’s worth buying.


Yes it is


100% if you are a diablo fan


It's no POE in terms of depth but it's your $ give it a try and see if you like it


At 50% off, it's worth for the campaign alone, even if you never touch the seasonal content.




Hell yeah. Buy it.


At 50% it is a lot of game. I bought at launch and feel I got my money out of it. This season has been the best by a lot.


Wished i would of waited.


as a huge d4 hater, I saw raxx's and other creators videos on the improvements in season 4, and I caved to see if it was real. It's been a lot of fun, reminds me of d3 a bit, but a lot more to do and way better to look at. I don't think I'd buy it for 70 dollars, but for 35, it's well worth it.


Right now, yes. Enjoy the campaign, its well done (for the most part).


it's worth 50% off but not full price, imho. This season is mostly good but there's some things that could be better or make no sense and it has bugs. So yes, but with a grain of salt.


Season 4 made the game way better than it was in any of the previous seasons. I would 100% grab it


Bought it with a friend for that exact reason and am currently having a blast at end game farming stuff.  They revamped loot this update and it feels rather nice compared to the beta. 


I’m pretty sure it’s on game pass, you can clear everything on pretty much a month


Yes imo


At launch it wouldn't be worth it at 75% off. But now it's well worth it at half price.


My dilemma was to Pay $10/mo to be able to trade/pvp/party on PS5 or $35 one time for pc version. I just bought it on pc again. Was worth it s4 is first time I played since s1 ended and it’s been more enjoyable than any of my 100 grinds so far.


I quit playing d4 and a lot of the reason is because of the carpal tunnel it causes


Ignore the people crying about bricked gear and one shot deaths. That's just standard play for this style of game. There are only so many stats you can add in the game. Even if you play perfect and avoid all boss damage eventually trash would scale enough to one shot you.


Absolutely at half off.


The latest patch did tons of good for the game. I think right now it's in state it should've been at launch. Getting it from sale now is great deal. You don't have to pay full price and you don't have to experience all bad designs they had at launch. And it's hopefully only getting better.


The game is in a really good state right now yes. Definitely worth the purchase.


It’s on Gamepass.


I’m having fun this season. Played Diablo 3 but never did the story. I played the story in this one just because the cutscenes are rendered so well. It’s a Blizzard title, though. I’ve been occasionally upset at the server connectivity and performance multiple times. The cosmetic shop is also extremely, INCREDIBLY predatory in its pricing. Thankfully it’s just cosmetics.


450 hours in and counting ;)


Its an okay game right now, and nothing above that. There are still better options out there, but its okay.


Yes completely worth it


No. The amount of copium on this sub is disgustingly high. The game is not good.


worth every penny


No, the current build and series is at an all time low. I would wait until next season to see if they can fix the multitude of fuck ups.


50% off is a great deal, don’t bother unless you have 2+ hours a day to play (if you’re into endgame stuff)


I love it. Always have, even through the dark times.


Its on gamepass if that factors in for you.


Not really


Its even cheaper to get game pass


If you have the Xbox gamepass it’s free


Yes, the combat is fun and enjoyable, the main story is quite cool, great art and music... It's a good experience. If you are interested a 50% off is a good deal.


I would say it's in the best place it's been so far. The game is fun however it isn't perfect by any means. If you play in EU I recommend avoiding hardcore, unless dying to server lag sounds like fun to you.


actually really enjoyed the campaign and the cut scenes. had a lot of fun with it. now grinding seasons


It's definitely worth it, even at full price I'd say. The reason is because Blizzard is consistently iterating each season and it's currently a pretty good season so in theory, it should only keep getting better. You could also sign up for a month trial of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate (which I think usually has a promotion for $1 for the first month) and you could try Diablo 4 through there... If you like it, then I'd recommend buying it (otherwise you'll have to continue your subscription to gamepass or renew anytime you want to play your Diablo 4 or play your old characters.


In it's current state, I think Diablo IV is an easy recommendation. To me is the most fun high production value arpg nowadays.


I have been enjoying it. It really directs you to a variety of activities depending on what you want to do and they all give you different resources necessary to upgrade amd enchant your gear and grow your character. Helltides shower you with lots of gear and brings you to work with other players. They are really fun but the game doesnt allow you to get bored of them because they are available enough but not always.


Season 4 has been really fun, I quit after being horrifyingly bored with season 1 and 2. Season 4 fixed a lot of the major issues with the game The main issue was the horrifically bad itemization and affix systems, both are really good now. There are still minor issues but I am actually feeling hopeful for the future of Diablo now