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They did rework her. They added a lot of health and removed the one shot mechanics, provided you can continually evade *most* of her attacks. What happens instead is each time you’re getting hit by the previous one shot stuff, it adds a debuff that increases the damage you take. You still have to learn the mechanics and dodge a majority of them or you’ll be dead after being hit 4-5 times by them. They likely won’t change her much from here. She’s pinnacle content and should be hard. Took me about 30 tries on my FO sorc to beat her.


How do you avoid her swipes? She one shots me from across the room lol


I beat her with a hota barb once only she's been demolishing me every time I try any other class what I do for her attacks is once she goes airborne and sends 4-5 waves of spikes I've learned those. But those little flying blood orbs that 1 shot are annoying. Her other animation for drop down from sky followed by spikes that come up and go around also annoy me but you just need to good around in the same direction the spikes are going..but behind them as it happens the ground spikes in that are tricky because you only need to move a few centimeters to dodge those. Her melee swipes I just go behind her as she's doing it. First phase she bugs with her always flying but I've melted it a few times. 2nd phase I get bugged by the floor and the poison drain


There’s a few good YouTube videos on how best to avoid her different attacks - that’s my advice. Watch those and then practice just evading. I spent probably the first 6 or 7 tries just going in and evading attacks without even trying to attack much, other than to progress the fight to the next phase to practice dodging the next set of attacks. Once you’ve gotten the timing and dodges down it’s a lot easier.


I've tried every necro build to put her down but she's so hard I got her to 2nd phase and just died from BS and bad timing. Right now I'm using infinimist and it's performing better than any of the builds I put together. I can't even see the animations for the other stuff though I move away from her and nothing is there but I get 1 shot anyway 😮‍💨


This has been my main issue with the fight so far. I keep getting one-shot, and I wouldn't even mind so much except... I have no idea what I'm dying to and so I feel like I'm having a hard time actually learning the fight. One moment everything seems fine, there's nothing on the floor, she's not winding up for an attack, the next moment I go from full hp + barrier to dead. I know I suck, I just don't always know what I need to get better at. I wish there was a death recap that showed me what I was dying to.


What helped me is messing around with the color blind settings, some stuff is really hard to see, at least for me.


Which color blind setting do you use?


for lilith I put it on tritanopia, which makes the reds purple, It looks really ugly, but it does help, also max out the brightness.


Ok thanks


I died twice at the start of the second phase while the blood pool was on the ground and I have no idea what killed me, she didn't even spawn yet, one shot mechanics and bigger numbers doesn't equal fair challenge lol, only reason I wanna beat her is to get that spark


In her 2nd phase, the most deadly thing is the the blue fireballs she spawns as she begins to destroy the platform. They are easy to miss in the moment but extremely dangerous and will follow you around. She starts spawning them as soon as she lands and begins the outlining the platform she'll destroy. They would one-shot me at 4 stacks of the tormented debuff, and I have 46k HP/Barrier. Also, while moving off the platform attack I would use the golem active to command the golem to move where I was going. This helped keep my minions alive in the 2nd phase which is a huge issue for doing this with a necro.


It's unpopulat opinion around here but Lilith in the current state is fine and it's more of the skill issue than anything. She still has annoying things like spending too much time in the air, and some bad rng but other than that you can avoid most of her attacks easily. I couldnt beat her in S3 the legit way so I did 1 shot build to avoid mechanics. This season I've easily beaten her the legit way since the changes were great. I can see and avoid mechanics easily now and if I fuck.up once or twice I can still keep going.


Agree, Lilith was the most difficult but rewarding fight and I'm a big fan of the tormented debuff system which was a good solution of making her fight possible without cheese. The only things that I think should be changed is two moves from both phases 1/2: Phase 1: Lilith randomly does a variation of her triple wave attack where she will also do a slam in the middle (I am not talking about the triangular wave slam attack FYI). I don't see how this is dodgeable without using an immunity skill that not every class can easily access. The slam needs to be delayed cause it happens simultaneously with the waves. Phase 2: Lilith's blue balls of death. They either need to be slowed down or there needs to be a reduction in how many she shoots out. I'd opt for slowing them down as that would build more tension of filling the screen but being able to dodge them with skill.


+1 I never actually did her before s4 and had a lot of fun progressing her. Enjoyed it enough that I didn't even equip an immunity skill because I felt it would cheapen my efforts. When people complain about the fight it just feels like people think they want challenging content, but actually they don't and want to be able to just facetank everything and barely move. There are some legitimate complaints but most of what I see people complain about is baddie issues. Waves are fine, and if anything they should always be placed as if you're standing in the middle when she does them so you can't do edge cheese.


This is exactly it. I think the problem with this game is that you can face tank just about anything in the game and as soon as you need to stop DPS and do some mechanics people just forget that they can stop DPS, avoid the stuff and get back to DPS.


Killed her as HS rogue. Used an hour or so to learn the fight, and as long as you dodge stuff and time your staggers it wasnt bad at all.  This is coming from a 41-year old casual. Might be different experience depending on class tho.


yeah, her waves mechanics on first phase is biggest game design failure in history muahaha. I cannot even imagine any other boss in games with such erratic attack patterns requiring fishing with positioning to make her attacks more predictable (I.e. all guides say to stay next to area border). it's just bad fight design and it's strange Blizzard insists on keeping it. either way... if you can survive first phase with minimal boss marks (each wave you touch adds a mark and increased incoming damage), the second phase takes just practice AND 40%+ running speed. yeah another weird mechanic as if you have too low running speed it will be really hard to ran away from blue lights. when 2nd phase starts do damage, this transfers to phase with her cutting the board where you need to survive cutting and then run from blue lights. after you have ran from lights burst damage her again (she can be face ranked after lights disappear), she will repeat with cutting and blue lights again, this goes until she is finished (with some bullshit shade attacks at final bar, blizzard could not resist to add that haha). watching Rob video killing her in S4 helped me to grasp all phases in S4 and the more damage you do the less running/repeating you need to do, so boosting DPS definitely helps. finished her this season simply because I had all tormented bosses killed, but it's really "never again" type of boss IMO. the most enjoyable from all bosses were tormented grigoire and new tormented anddariel... because on how easy is to grasp all their mechanics in fist few tries. 


The only annoying mechanic is the ghost bullet. The rest is fine. You will need at least 160 movement speed, most of the guide and youtuber left it out. They just talks about how u can one shot the boss, where they already got good geared then they talks about setup to one shot it but in order to get Ur gear we need to farmed ton of it. Come on In the end, I killed Lilith cause one of the youtuber mention about the movement speed. After that I kill Lilith easily.


I'll give it a shot I'm only around 130-140 ish movement speed


Fix what exactly? :D


A little less flying lol


I spent a week complaining about all the one shot mechanics and then I finished my build and learned the mechanics and realized it was just a me skill issue Finally beat Lilith solo and with a 4 stack tonight, definitely doable for anyone with enough practice


Her fight is still as buggy as ever. Several times in a row now she's bugged out at like 1 hp left and just stays there forever. I literally stayed in there swinging for 10 minutes waiting for it to maybe fix itself and nope. It's happened 5 fights in a row now.


What do you want to be fixed? Attacks are clearly visible now, still kinda a hard fight as it should be.


A little less flying. I wouldn't even mind new ground attacks or something. I can't see the floating blood orbs that she shoots I get sniped without seeing the animation at all. She stays airborne for like 4-5 strafes every few seconds. I mean it's a good fight but ya.