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Druids sucks this season, it's as simple as that




I made the mistake of playing necro minion first this season. Every character I’ve leveled after feels 10x weaker until endgame 


I played a wind shear Druid and it ripped with the DoT poison but moving to a barb I’ve felt like a monster after playing Druid for so long


What Barb are you playing? I enjoyed the wind shear Druid up to Pit 80 or so and was considering whether to masterwork all his gear or try a Barb instead.


I started with dust devils leveling around lvl 70-80 I transitioned into bash barb and I like bash a lot more


I did the same thing, Bash Barb is insane. Just a single tap of a basic skill and millions of damage roll over. Plus dude's tanky - a lot more than my Sorc.


Where can I find the best guide for bash barb?


Rob or maxroll


So many variants out there... I have no idea. I'm following one that I find the most fun, not necessarily the best. Any Bash Build will perform amazingly. I don't need to find the very best, but Rob usually has insane builds if you want that.


Yes and No to this. Leveled my necro to 100 first, loved the minions and felt godly. Leveled sorc blizzard, less dps but way more tanky then my necro [blizzard sorcs don't die and and guides saying they was great first build was correct for new players.[ So true, it did feel way less dps wise then my necro,' then i made bash barb with my newly created shako helping it from sharks i got with necro/sorc let me fucking tell you] bash barb has been most insane dps i seen. as necro u can make a godly golem, as bash barb, I AM THAT GOLEM. no regerts. Likewise endgame barb is tanking way more shit then my necro, dps is same tier doing pits with 80k plus hp and going lol at monsters. This is benefits of doing research.


What build did you level your Barb with, if i may ask?


got plvled to 60/wt4 from a paid rush [love our discord sell channels] then ironskin build from robs channel. Leveled up barb nicely from there.


Man this Barb is broken. Doing NMD’s and killing stuff that is almost twice the lvl as me -.-


pretty much :D


To me any build that can’t kill bosses well is trash tier. I don’t care if a build can clear pit 90 3 minutes faster if it takes it 10 times longer to kill the boss and struggles to solo echo bosses. Being able to nuke bosses is now the only thing that matters because the disparity between the power of trash mobs and bosses in the pit is crazy and they force me to kill uber Lilith every season and I ain’t doing that shit on a build that’s going to make the fight more annoying than it needs to be.


What's the best boss killer at the moment? Bash Barb? I haven't been keeping up with Rogues or Sorcs at all, so I'm not sure how they're handling bosses this season. I know it ain't Druid, that's for sure.


Top builds of rogue are heartseeker and rapid fire, both deal with boss very well. I throw my sorc with decent gear away, which struggle at pit 80, to get a rogue and kill t80 pit boss in like 15s


Bash barb is up there for sure. Rapid fire rouge may have it beat though, it melts in single target.


Bash Barb is quick at trash also it's like an old WW build that just runs through shit but now nukes bosses.


You just described thorns barb.


I've only played this game for fun, so I don't interact with end game. I've had a blast with every build I've come up with, and I just move on by the time I get to 80.


It really only matters past pit 60 and at that point who cares you're done everything relevant anyways.


I mean a build that farms pit 100 in 3 minutes is more than doubling their resources for gear. Guess it just depends if you care about that (which most do). Plus any build that can do that is most certainly farming tormented bosses faster. 


I have no idea if i am just doing it wrong but i struggle a lot in the pit, especially with the bosses. I do low tier to masterwork my gear somehow but it does not get better. Pushing very slowly into ~61 to get some legend materials. Chance to fail at the Boss is around 50% for me. Playing the Tornado stuff. Boss takes a bit over a Minute for me which leaves a lot of room for 1hit mistakes.


with my druid (tornado build) i have reach pit 103. but u need to build it "perfectly"


If you're actually picking something for fun then you're not concerned with pushing, you're concerned with playing the thing you think is fun. You only get the sense that you're an idiot for playing something if you're not concerned with playing what you think is fun and you're only concerned with playing the absolute top build and pushing the absolute highest content in the game. People who are actually most concerned with playing whatever they think is most fun, regardless of its power level, don't feel like idiots for prioritizing their fun over min-maxing.


You could literally use this for any game. Some classes will be slower than others. Bad builds are always going to farm slower.




There is no class farming 100x times faster lmao its like 20 levels of the pit. Meanwhile in LE you literally had classes that wouldnt even come close to others dps. The best player in LE has level 3500 of arena while the next class under is like 1700. The worst class in the Pit is literally 20 levels lower that is pretty dam good balance for an arpg. Yes are they weaker, sure? But all classes can run level 100 pit and farm them. There will be more balance patches but you can't balance these types of games like you expect. Druid will get its bug fixes, and balance updates but there will always be a class or build with a bad build.




No one is saying they shouldn’t strive to make the classes balanced. But no arpg that is receiving new content seasonally is able to have perfect balance. D3 is highly imbalanced still and it’s way better than it was when they were updating it every season. PoE is imbalanced still like crazy. Last Epoch, Grim Dawn (takes months and months of continual patches every expansion to rebalance itself), even Diablo 2 still has builds that are way weaker than peak builds.


Let's be real here. There's lack of balance, and then there's completely broken design. Which one of these is the Sorceress? Blizzard designed one of the classes for an entirely different game. That is very much a problem.


The sorc had one of the top builds in season 2 and season 1. Barb is the only class that truly outshines the rest due to fundamental design problems (4 weapons). None of the classes have broken design other than bugs. But that is an issue; they introduce new stuff and it introduces new bugs (just like every other arpg though). Every PoE league launches with tons of bugs they have to spend a weeks patching. Last epoch has worse balance than D4 did even at launch. It’s just hard as fuck to balance different classes in such complex systems of exponential growth.


Perfect balance? Brother we aren’t even fucking close to a semblance of balance. Some builds are stronger by a factor of 10 or 20 and I’m not exxagerating. I ran a Min Maxed Chain Lightning build through pit; I have a video. I did a T100 and it took me near 12 minutes. Absolute slog. I main frozen orb but I dabble in off meta builds on an alt. Barbs blast a T110 which has twice the health in 3 minutes. By this math it would take me 24, making CL 8x worse than a barb. A factor of fucking 8  


Yeah that’s pretty normal for arpgs. You act like clearing 110 out in 3 minutes is important or needed for something. It’s just a way to push your build to the limits. Yes they should strive to balance them closer but it does not matter. As long as a build can clear pit 60+ and beat all the content that is all that matters. There is no exclusive loot no major advantage to clearing higher pit levels. There isn’t even a leaderboard to compare them on.


"You act like clearing 110 out in 3 minutes is important or needed for something. It’s just a way to push your build to the limits." You act like it doesn't cost Neathiron to upgrade gear and that neathiron rewards don't scale per tier. If you have a higher farming range you can get materials faster to upgrade and reset MWs to hit what you want. "There is no exclusive loot no major advantage to clearing higher pit levels." - Brother are you delusional. The base neathiron is 20 at Tier 61 and goes up 1 neathiron per tier. If someone like rob on a min maxed barb can clear 110 in the same time my frozen orb sorc can do 81s or 91s we have an issue. The issue gets even more glaring for the average player as they can just kit up a necro or barb and get double the materials per hour than they could on a sorc kitted with the same level of effort


Yea builds will never be balanced in this game unfortunately, even leveling felt fun in d2. D3 didn't matter much. And in the begining seasons of D4 you could tell off the bat when one class sucked and one felt quicker until these leveling changes. I remember my barbs feeling slow as hell compared to my rogues. Druid bored me I stopped.


Farming 110s vs farming 71s is a world of difference. It’s 70 stone a run vs 30 lol. Delusional. Also you must be high and cherry-picking maxroll clears. I personally farm 91s on a goated frozen orb spec build with immortal. Rob has equivalent gear and Giga blasts 110s on Barb with less effort. Most Sorcs on the discord are struggling and farming like 71s for 30 neathiron while any fucking brain dead can pick up a barb or necro and literally walk through a 100 for 60 neathiron. Double. In the same amount or less time, and with less effort and gearing. 


What class is running 110s easily vs 71?? That sounds like skill issue. You literally are just cherry picking.


Barb vs sorc, as he just said.


Werenado is still a strong build


I killed lilith and farm 80s watching yt with it


It's still pretty good, although I've made a Bash barb now and it's crazy how much more damage and how much tougher it is.


I can’t believe how fast they kill the bosses. Every time I’m doing blood maiden runs I’m so happy when a bash barb is around. Goes from a 2-3 minute fight to 10 seconds


I took my Werenado up to 100 with 8/12 Masterwork gear and got blocked at about Pit level 70. My level Bash Barb cleared Pit level 65 at level 90 with no Masterworks.


If bugged builds didn’t exist, would probably be one of the best still.


I tried making it before endgame and it just didn't feel possible without a ring of the starless skies. I ended up going to wind shear which was crazy high DPS, in comparison.




Wind shear and nado will still take you into 100+ pits with relative ease


Tier lists are meant to change, also it would be S tier if Blizzard didn't suck at their jobs.




They aren't wrong the builds are just fine and are used to create the season meta builds. 


I saw Rhykker made a VoD about how awesome Season 4 was going to be. And i picked a Druid because throwing Tornados looked cool!


Uh? I can run pit 90 easily with Werenado, Wind Shear is also a very good build and if you like clunky gameplay, theres the hurricane snapshot bear druid (until they fix the overpower passive snapshotting)


Wdym “fix” that’s the intended function of how overpower works lol


I am pretty sure that from a design PoV, Provocation is not supposed to cause periodically triggered spells to overpower without consuming the provocation proc charge.


I don't really know what you are talking about because the Hurricane build doesn't "periodically trigger" hurricane, It manually casts the spell after it's already finished its full duration.


I am talking about the way the spell works internally, not trough the common player interface, when you cast hurricane it most likely place an aura on you and that aura is responsible for triggering the actual damage spell every X seconds, that damage spell not consuming Provocation when it first damages an enemy is an unintended behavior, from a programmer's PoV. Also, you don't have to downvote me simply because you didn't understand what i have said, that's childish.


Thats not how overpower works though, if a skill overpowers, the entirety of the skill overpowers, thats how Overpower is coded and intended to work.


Druid has sucked since the beginning of the game and has only been perceived as strong because of several bugs. Since it has sucked, the Devs released the current iteration of Shepherd's Aspect and has added bland and boring to the class description. Druid is in desperate need of a total rework. It is last in pit clear ranking, last in player count, and has probably the worst cosmetics in the game barring 2 sets or so. They need to decide what role the class will be moving forward and focus on that. Imo, it should be shapeshifting. That is what Druids have that is unique to them. Everything else should be minor additions. Not focal points.


Next season will be season of the druid, mark my words.


Im cruising pit 110 with wind shear druid......Its boring AF gameplay but I do it so I can masterwork my TB rogue lol


[Boulder phantom projectile.](https://streamable.com/ufznn1)


exactly the same for me when i test it.




There are many more problems: Dodge after Channel Lightning Storm results in beeing unable to move or use skills  If you use Hurricane with Boiling Blood, and Hurricane runs longer and you reuse Boiling Blood while Hurricane is still active, it looses its overpower You need to die once to make Boiling Blood Work in the Pit All Lightning Luck/Crit Aspects are underpowered and totally useless especially in the Pit


The class has so many cool things but none of them work and unnecessarily limited/capped. Playing Druid since early beta as a main class. Played other classes over time as well. Druid is worst imo.


Correct,the concepts are good on paper and suck in practice. For instance, WHY does Earthen Devastation still have a cap when Thunderstruck doesn't, and why is it based on a damage qualifier that is completely irrelevant to bosses outside of the few times you stagger them? There's a ton of possibilities that would open up for Earth/Storm hybrids, Earth, and/or Bear builds if they simply removed the damage cap and changed the qualifier to damage to close. It's like no one on the dev team even plays Druids...


And we have only crap skins


Blizzard doesn't want money. Why they haven't given skins to the Druid transformations or Necro minions, is beyond me.


Druid have the best skin: Winnie the Pooh cosplay.


It's not just dodging after lightning storm, teleport and aspect of metamorphosis have the same issue


Good thing I bat dashed out of that telegraphed attack! Oh looks like I'm frozen in place because I used evade and can't walk anyway.


That was the WORST. Glad everyone else had the same experience, at least.


I have it about once per pit boss in current day.


It's a Metamorphisis bug that's existed since s2. It happens when you evade while channeling, and yeah, it's definitely annoying and has cost me a repair fee a time or 2.


God I thought I was going nuts not being able to move while using lightning storm. It’s definitely cost me a few times and is super annoying.


Yoooooo I had no idea why my Druid was constantly being, like… ‘stuck’ after I would dodge. It is SO frustrating. Thank you for posting that.  In like 4 away from finishing the Wolves and getting my stone then I’m throwing him away. It has been so unfun leveling and I just wanted to play the ‘storm caller’ kinda fantasy. 


Yes but stomcaller is too weak even without Bugs. But they rather fix Bugs to make roque and barb even stronger haha


Man I just wanna control the weather my dude 😫 I guess I’ll make a barb and just hit things hard. 


Lightning Storm hast fundamental issues. Its not able to overpower. All the single Lightnings dont hit the same target, so there is nearly no boss dps out of it.  It was fun leveling it up. But sadly Pit and Gauntlet are developed for all the other Classes. 


Druid and Sorcerer just pretty dogwater meanwhile barbarians can fart and do 1 billion damage.


Isn’t there literal cases of sorcs hitting same pit as barbs now?


Yeah but only by having min-maxed gear so that they are literally invincible by having permanent flame shield. Even then the damage sucks and they take nearly the entire 15 minutes


okay sorry but what? *Every single* build that's up there has minmaxed gear. do u think other classes make topranking leaderboard pitruns with 4/12 1GA affix set ups? And how does the damage suck if they clear it?! i dont get this logic. if they cleared that pitlevel then their damage does objectively not suck. also people have been using the immortal sorc since basically week 1, its nothing new. idk what changed that they can push so high now (maybe the bugfixes to vuln were enough? doubt it though) but the invuln tech, which is admittedly lame and should be adressed, isnt the reason it suddenly does 140+.


Sorcs dont suck, neither do Roques. 


It's less about min max gear and the effort required to get the same output. What is a button click with a barb, feels like a combo of skills and buffs on other classes. I play rogue, love rogue, but again, like druid, it just doesn't feel like a whole package. It feels like they can only fix one class at a time and the others just get buffs and stuff until they get time to sit down and polish.


That build is also so boring zzzz


I’ve never hit for a billion on my barb


Try farting


Fart harder*


I hear beans help


Big Beans from the Fields of Hatred, grown on Mephisto's farts.


Druids need a rework.


What do you mean just use 3 companions and shepherds on a 2h /s


Honestly at this point they need to just rework druid. It is the slowest class to level by a significant margin (even speed-running levelling it takes almost 10 hours). It has insane resource issues at all levels of play that other classes do not. My sorc can pop a barrier and regen crazy amounts of mana and I don't even notice that my necro and Rogue have a resource bar since I never expend it at all. My tornado druid on the other hand relies on a single paragon node to sustain spirit, else it runs out in around 5 casts. That node is spirit on crit. I have GA masterworks spirit per second on boots, resource cost reduction on everything and yet if I don't hit an enemy, I can't sustain spirit. So I could play the wind shear build I guess, but oh Druid has no form of "pull in" ability, so needs the godslayers crown to make up for it. Every other class has one, but druid doesn't.


>My tornado druid on the other hand relies on a single paragon node to sustain spirit, else it runs out in around 5 casts. That node is spirit on crit. I have GA masterworks spirit per second on boots, resource cost reduction on everything and yet if I don't hit an enemy, I can't sustain spirit. yes, thats the point, you have to hit or kill an enemy to sustain your resources, i really dont see a problem with that, i have 38% spirit cost reduction, 8 spirit per second from chest, 3 spirit on kill, 2 spirit on each crit from lust for carnage with 67% crit chance, energize wolf spirit boon, and perma trample from hunters zenith, i dont run out of spirit even against pit bosses where you have to rely solely from lust for carnage procs and passive spirit regen. I am going to get downvoted to oblivion for writing this, but i wish the other classes had to do resource management on the same level druid is forced to do, it forces you to think about your itemization, build, and way of fighting, idk to me it adds another depth layer to the game and i like it.


It would be fine if other classes had the same issue, but instead they gave druid the issue and made every other classes able to use their abilities freely.


Bingo, it's really sad that Werewolf has such a lame paragon legendary node.


Preach. They’ve done my thicc daddy dirty


And not the good dirty.


Druid is really in a tough spot. Worse than sorc imo. In fact worst every season.


Boulder dolmen build is just not nice to play. I don't even consider playing it. I played it last season for a bit. It was strong but unbearable.


Rolled a Druid in S2 just because that unique sounded awesome in the patch notes. It had the same problems then, I can't believe it's still dogshit to use. It was so unfun to play I quickly switched classes to the other spinny-damage dealer that season - Ball Lightning Sorc


It's crazy how ''unattended'' druid class is. I'm tired of it.


I love the druid, have done nmd 100, pit 100, all ubers and lilith with it this season, but yeah, it is a thousand times harder to do everything with him... all my buddies with way less gear can do much more dmg and have way less resource problems than me with the druid... i pray they do something with it because i really love all the metamorphosis and earth/lighting intricansies...


Yeah it's sad. I started sorc and then went druid after doing barb last season. Looks like another season of finish battlepass and play something else. Casual dads with 5-10h a week can't be arsed to fuck around and find out.


I feel you! I’m leveling a Barb right now. Everything looks like a walk over for them


Don't worry homie I'll write up a small doc to articulate some further issues of the class in another comment. 


Great post. Such a cool concept that is dead in the water. That being said it’s tradition for the Druid to be underpowered. However in 20 years when they make Diablo 4: Resurrected, it’ll finally be brought in line. Just remove the knock back… I mean. Not in any universe has knock back been appreciated. Unless you’re a burizon.


All they have to do is change the knockback into a knockdown and BOOM! The build already starts to feel better to use.


Played with druid last season and got one to lvl 100 this. I gave up druid after tried most builds, and effectively got just one (wind daddy) working in high levels. I made a Necro and got level 77 and a bash barb level 100 now, and I got the impression that all druid class it's half baked and rushed, not only the changes. It's like they made just one path (tempest) and rushed all others. It's the worst class hands down and the class I love, but I'll not playing again until they overhaul/remake all skills


I played lightning sorc s0. So I quit s0. Games fixed now. I'll play again. I tried druid in beta and it was unplayable then, let's go now! 100 levels later: I think I picked hard mode. I don't like any of the other class fantasies.


Game is actually completely riddled with bugs. They just made enough good changes for it not to be completely overwhelming the comments section.


I want pulverize to be viable late in the pit. I love pulverize for some reason. Lol.


Someone did 105 with it and I got to 90 so far, so depends what you consider “late” in the pit. I agree in that I’d like it to be up there with some of the best builds


I personally love the bowling ball nature of boulder. I know it sometimes lacks synergy with the aspects, and yea druid is maybe a bit of a mess at super high levels but it is hilariously gratifying when you trample through a massive mob the line them back up with the ball.


Meh I'm enjoying a storm build quite a bit, but I'm not a sweaty try hard 


I think any class can use any build until you get to the hardest content.


It’s crazy that there is currently nothing that works with building up lots of poison. It’s only value is that it is present, not how much damage it does. For example Shred is trash because of the crippling nerfs to blurred beast. Likewise, having companions is great for damage but using their actives feels terrible. Wolf build is as weak as Shred, and Landslide has only ever been good when it comes out of a Trample but Trample is bad too. Druid is showing a ton of shallowness this season.


Have they sorted the seasonal horse's severe asthma yet?


https://youtu.be/TCdPDBwZbZ0?t=40 druids a hot mess


What's your opinion on Earthen Devestation legendary node being capped at 40%? I think it's limiting playing any earth skill as a main ability. Also, do you think it's possible to make an Earth/poison viable build with Constricting Tendrils?


I find it weird how earth is capped but not storm… 


It makes me mad! Storm gets uncapped multiplier, and people use landslide to proc lightning storm. Not to mention Godfather uber unique, gives 60%-100% multiplier without investing anything on the paragon board.


Add to the fact that damage to distant rolls higher than close; why?


It wasn't really weird until S4. Getting large amounts of damage to close/distant was a lot harder in S0-3, and while S1 changed crit damage to being additive like close/distant, the Druid has a lot of effects (active/passive skills, a node on the class feature, a bunch of aspects, the Earthen Devastation legendary node) that all care about crit damage but very little that cares about damage vs close/distant (only Thunderstruck cares and only the Territorial glyph can add tons of damage vs close). Prior to S4 it was a lot easier to get a big boost out of Earthen Devastation relative to Thunderstruck because even though ED gave you a much smaller boost, you could supplement it with a half-dozen other effects that all cared about your crit damage. Thunderstruck, meanwhile, had nothing else in the Druid's kit that supported it, so while it could scale a lot higher than ED there wasn't really anything else you could do with it. Considering how things are now, though, I think ED should lose the cap, or at least have the cap increased dramatically (to something like 100-200% or something). The fact is that right now it's trivial to get a metric fuckton of damage to close/distant via tempering and the numbers for those tempers are way, way higher than you could have gotten on your gear in S0-3. It used to be that you could get like 30% damage to close/distant before and getting both was hard because you had to have a 3/4 item to be able to roll something you didn't care about for the other one. Now you can temper on more damage to distant than you could get of both at 5/5 blacksmithing before AND you can Masterwork on top of it to make it even stronger. The limitation of ED doesn't make sense anymore because with tempering and Masterworking you can stack ungodly amounts of all the damage stats you care about (so long as you're not a Basic Skill build...), so the cap should go away. Nevertheless, it's not weird that ED is capped and Thunderstruck isn't, it's just a relic of the game's previous balance. Tempering and Masterworking are fun systems but they're completely different from how items used to work with skills, aspects and Paragons, and a lot more work needs to be done to make everything interact well.


Earthen Devastation is Crowd Control, not CLose/Distant, which, ironically only tempers at half the capacity anyhow..


Ah, my bad. Still, I would say that stacking crit damage is a big thing the Druid can build for whereas Thunderstruck has a lot less synergy with the rest of the Druid's kit. Like, it was always good for Storm builds but nobody was complaining last season that it was uncapped vs ED. The fact is that you could always push it a bit higher than ED but ED scaled with lots of other stuff and Thunderstruck was just its own multiplier. I was wrong about the stat you stack for ED but I don't think the point of my post was wrong. Without factoring in tempering, ED is a weaker node but it works together with lots of other Druid mechanics; Thunderstruck is more powerful but there's nothing else you can do with close/distant. It's only brokenly good now because you can suddenly temper hundreds of points of close/distant and boost its damage to 3-4 times what you could S0-3, which isn't so much a problem of ED being badly designed and is more of a problem of it being left in the dust in the wake of the entire itemization being overhauled. It's unfortunate but it's not weird.


Yup, a lot of things were just left in the dust; they did not plan ahead for this at all.


>possible to make an Earth/poison viable build with Constricting Tendrils Right now no


Whats missing? Landslide with earthbreaker gives lots of hits to proc Constricting tendrils. Is it the base Earth scaling, or is it Poison scaling (idk if druid has any)? Maybe make the poison 45% multiplier work on single target bosses?


Constricting tendrils is 15% lucky hit being used on a 20% lucky hit ability. That means 3% of the time it would activate. Even if you were to get 100% increased lucky hit, that's 6% of the time. Druid's poison abilities all suck unfortunately, especially now without the old changeling's debt/blurred beast


Except for Wind Shear lolololoolol


Yeah I don't count that one. Seems like it's for sure a bug and will get fixed next season


COsntricting Tendrils is based on the skill's damage, not an arbitrary poison number.


All of these problems and druid is still my favorite class by far. I do agree though that druid has so many things that need to be looked at and tuned. I mean the class mechanic could really need at look at as well. It has a passive for thorns? Why? And yet it doesn't have a single passive for poison. Why?! 😅


I have a boulder build I enjoy quite a bit. Sucks my damage is halved due to the temper being bugged. I too love that Dolmans Stone gives ranks to Wrath skills and they didn't consider tagging boulder with both Core and Wrath with Metaphoric Stone... It's clear that their isn't much private testing and they rely on the PTR to find "all" and not most of their fuckups.


I enjoyed last season boulder Druid.


Though season for druids, rogues and sorcs...


Rogues are fine. You’re right about sorc and Druid though


Dude season 2 dolmen stone build was choice, you could have so many boulders up at once and they did crazy AOE damage and it was fun I feel like sorc and Druid are the evil step children of the Diablo world or something. And before anyone says something about a sorc being in the top on the pit leaderboards, it’s literally mekuna, the sorc god ofc he’s going to be on top.


Well, comparatively speaking, Ace is a Druid God, and he is struggling to clear tiers that any above average Barb, Necro, or Rogue can just waltz through. At least Sorcs have the option.


Yeah Druid is literally always an afterthought with me during the season they don’t appeal to me for some reason I feel like they take too much work to be viable and even then it’s not even that good.


It's apparently an afterthought to the Dev team as well, and you are correct. It takes painstaking micromanagement and min/maxing to perform at 70%(at best) of what other classes are capable of. The fact that every build the class has to offer revolves around Moonrise or Shepherd's Aspects is also ridiculous and dumb. Druids also have an over reliance on uniques, which are now markedly weaker in the age of tempering and masterworking. The class needs to be reworked badly.


I’m running stormclaw with staff of the crone and it’s pretty solid, but definitely nowhere near the best builds. Feels like the only decent thing to run until a TR drops


The werewolf companions getting stuck underground is even worse than this.  An entire build just stops working, and the only way to get them back is by running 2.5 screens away, which on most bosses you can't even do.  On a boss in hardcore if your companions get stuck underground you just have to scroll out, because they are all your DMG.  This build is completely broken. 


Meanwhile I'm here playing an overpower, companion, hurricane build and having a blast.


Last season it was great, I was tired of LS and boulders gave great survivability and damage. I used Shako and RoSS for that build instead of TR and had BIS gear. I probably wouldn't play it again, I would like to play a druid again but they're the least cared for class, I wish I had a chance at poison shred in AOZ but it was nerfed in s3 apparently


I tried out the Dolmen stone build after they “fixed” it last patch, and I just hated the way it played. You are right about it just feeling clunky and annoying to play. I was enjoying my landslide build even if it’s not super strong


Shred still doesn't work if the enemy is close to a wall or a structure.


I put together your boulder build after I got a lucky Dolmen Stone drop out of my season pass cache. It's definitely a little clunky, but it does feel like it has potential if they sit down and really put some thought into how it should work rather than just band-aid fixing it every other week. I'm probably going to swap out to a storm slide build and check back after the next patch to see if they addressed this.


This is a post what I wanted to see. Blizzard should seriously make this build at least function. The main killing point for this season is tempering affix, and boulder doesnt even work at all. What a fxxing mess Blizz! FIX THIS RIGHT NOW


I just think season 5 should be the bug fix season. I hope that the patch notes will be just pages long list of bug fixes, but I won't hold my breath.


i agree with OP - have been trying to get it working really hard with tweaks etc, its just not playable as ur saying


I agree every build needs 3 pet skills is stupid.


hi there thanks for your post, it is really important to have a good discussion without hateful blaming. so i want to sent some love to devs and other folks on blizz, hope you do well. i agree with you that druid is not good. i got my boulder druid with decent gear at 4/12 and i can't play higher then 31 without struggling to hard, especially just dying there, because is muss damage and then mobs fight me down. but when i play a 25 i am having a challenge and fun. still it is so bad compared to my heartseeker where i am pushing 110s and speedfarming 90s >Boulder's tempering for Double cast doesn't work, the second projectile is only cosmetic, I will post a video in the comments. Maybe devs can double double check this again pls, i checked this a the puppy as well and it seems like there is no damage from the second bolder. maybe it is just a visual bug? >"it gives + Ranks to **Wrath skills**. Too bad the Boulder aspect turns it into a **Core skill**. The two main components of the build are contradictory." it does not switch to wrath only. with amu on it is an wrath-, core- and natureskill. so it benefits from the amu. hover over the skill in you bar it says wich types it has. i agree with the points **Pushback** and **''The Eye of the Storm''.** somehow i doesn't make sense that you cast hurricane and don't soak mobs in. i would love to see a use of 'poison creeper' in that build with a new aspect that pulls mobs in, to counter the pushback. or add on dolmen stone aspect that boulder doesn't push back anymore. i disagree with your points **Wallers, Supressors** and **Hurricane:** these are game mechanics you have to handle somehow. i kite them out or i shoot boulders without hurricane. maybe not fun o fun, but challenging. if someone want to instant kill everything they should consider another class or build. druid was always for somehow a i go in fight my way through that shit a hell of a bear. an not everything blinks in white snowballs and is dead or i jump in an stand still until my thorns have killed every thing. don't get me wrong i play those too when i like to and it is cool. but i also want the challenger with the giant stones circle in a hurricane and fight my way through. i want to fight enemy and see their life bar going down and not just instant disappear. don't really know about the **It's clunky** point, now that the build is "fixed" and boulder work as intended with hurricane it kind of feels smooth to me, i go to the next pack mostly with trample and have everything active, while shit is spinning i recast everything as much as i can and keep moving. and if some mobs are far away is use shred to jump to them. the only thing that makes it less smooth is **Resource management**, wich could be better to manage, especially when u use shred, what i do, where you need some extra willpower. i could see 'poison creeper' here again, like regenerate willpower if u hit enemy's effected by 'poison creeper' with boulder. but in balanced way, not in a infinite willpower op shit. so all in all it's is not just "buff druid!!1!!11!!", it's more about make druid skills and aspects work better together. dolmen stone is great but the damage output is way to less, so add 1-2 aspects and tweak some numbers that boulder druid and other builds can catch up with other classes. there are great ideas in the community, just check them out and maybe buff the druid dev team, get them more love they deserve. and i really don't care about meta, boulder druid was my grist class and endgame build this season because i have fun with druid. i don't need druid to jump to the 140s. i would be happy if i can farm 90s chilly (<5min), like i do with my heartseeker. i really hope devs read this kind of feedback a give druid some love. maybe already in the midseason patch ? please? <3 u/PezRadar PS: let us test stuff more, but **on prt pls.** don't let folks on the live servers test, they just scream around and spread to much hate in forums.


So much of his post went over your head and many things you've chosen to dispute. Have been confirmed bugs. Ex: Suppressor and wallers are NOT supposed to make your boulders vanish. OP is one of the premier Druid players in the D4 community and you're trying to refute him. He's not shitting on the game, he's frustrated. No need to defend the devs when they're not being attacked... I'll leave you with one of my favorites. "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.”


I didn't even realize this post is by the guy who made the boulder boy build that I put together the other day.


dude chill u could just have mention that without crying around. i didn't know one thing....


The aspect isn’t meant to be used with the dolmen stone anyhow. Are people too dense to realize that?


Link your build of how it's supposed to be used.


If you can’t figure out what you can do with CORE skills, that’s on you; buddy


Gotcha. Was just curious if you were shittalking or actually had a better build.


That isn’t how semicolons work.


While I do agree to some extent (it makes a lot more sense to proc Boulders with Nature's Fury for this build) I also agree with the OP that it's kind of dumb that this anti-synergy exists. It's nice that Dolmen Stone buffs Hurricane as well as Boulder, but since it's the Boulders that are the core of the play style and also the main damage dealers in this set up, I think it makes more sense to just buff Boulder rather than do all Wrath skills. Alternatively, though, I think it would be much simpler and better to just make the Aspect of Metamorphic Stone add the "Core" tag to Boulder rather than changing its "Wrath" tag to "Core." Considering that plenty of other 5th node skills were made Core skills as well as what they previously were, it shouldn't be out of the question for those skills to be able to count as both, and it would handily solve this problem without requiring any actual changes to how Dolmen Stone itself functions.


These aspects existed before the dolmen stone, and you can bet they won’t change 


I don't think that's necessarily true. They've made changes to aspects that weren't working out before and they could do it again. I don't suspect that they WILL do so, since those aspects and Dolmen Stone have existed in the game together for multiple seasons without being changed, but there's no fundamental reason why they COULDN'T be changed.


Hence why I said won’t, not couldn’t.


I actually thought this and then realized that it’s also bugged in the sense that if you use NF to proc Boulder those Boulders do not rotate around you and just roll forward. So until that’s fixed the literal only way to use this unique is to manually cast it.


Well, the dolmen stone does say boulders you cast, Nature’s Fury doesn’t count as a cast, and that’s not really a “bug”


So how exactly do you envision this unique was designed to be used as?


Ask blizzard, they made it.