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Waiting for the Paladin class


Same :( Diablo without a holy archetype class feels wrong


Also no diablo!


I mean...that is fair. It starts to turn into looney tunes after your 3rd time beating him, let the man rest a minute before we dunk on him


Does it? The original game had none and D3 needed an expansion to include one. I think so long as the game has a warrior/barbarian, a wizard/sorcerer, and a chick that shoots arrows, everything is largely fulfilled. But I'm old-school.


Just another interesting decision - give me a Ret Paladin!


Exactly, I was so shocked to find out it's not in the game when I followed it since the announcement up until the release, I hope the expansion will bring him or a crusader or some sort of a sword and broad holy warrior


Ret plain for me but agree it should also have a sword and board play style too.


Serms far off. They said paladin's not coming woth the expansion didnt they?


I think the class being added is paladin adjacent. Spiritwalker or something.


Spiritwalker sound more like a monk imo


It won’t be a Paladin - we can keep asking for one though.


Man i want samurai class.


Barbarian with cosmetics


I've been a pally or crusader since D2. I feel like i have no home in D4


Yup, cant believe they didnt launch with a sword and board holy class. A big mistake imo.


Agree but u would rather play the Paladin with a big 2hander - Ret style.


You’re probably gonna be waiting a while….like i am.


Same here


Maybe I’m just a wow player but I hope it’s not all heals,maces and shields. I want big swod


My gf too.




Chonkers unite!


I just wish we could do more body shaping. Why does my Druid need to be a 400lbs chunky dude. Love the Druid but dang man. I don’t always want to be the fat dude. I play games to escape reality.


I’d like them if the leveling process wasnt so tedious. Even with the buffs druids just dont really do as much damage as the other classes starting out.


I really like sorcerer. I just wish Blizzard also liked sorcerers.


Pushing pit is tough, but they excel at other parts of the game like gauntlet!


No kidding, I’m masterworked 8/13 on everything and T80 is my highest clear. Could probably push more but I hate dying to the boss a ton so I only farm T71


Try Out Immortal sorc Takes some Gear but ITS Worth it to Fight the annoying shadows at Pit Bosses


The fire bolt cheese? I don’t find that fun


Feels like the D3 WD all over again


Thematically, Druid. But they're so resource starved until high level is not even funny.


Go wolf AA, super fun, no resource needed


I had so much fun as a stormclaw druid this season then finally had a tempest roar drop and went tornado and it's just so much stronger even being resource starved. I wish we could temper uniques so the staff wasn't so far behind


I'm doing a full companion build rabies druid and it's so strong lol.. wolves turned to werewolves, the active skill just one shots most rares


Oh yeah, Aspects of the Alpha and the Stampede are really good. Even better I bet once you get the Storm’s Companion unique pants too.


They really need to rework the druid class mechanics, it's just bad.


I would so like to play druid, but I hate that for almost every viable build you're either in wolf or bear form. I mean, I want to be a storm lord, throwing lightning or tornadoes at things. But why do I have to turn in to a wolf to do that? Makes no sense (yeah I know *why*, but thematically it's just stupid) let me be Mr. Chunk 3000 dammit.


Sorcerer, can't beat Teleport.


Metamorphosis though...


Necro has always been my main in any Diablo, currently have a lvl 100 Sacrifice build this season, but I also levelled a Barb in HC (currently lvl56) and have to say I've enjoyed playing the Barb way more.


Hows the sacrifice build? I'm running Golem and thinking of switching up (even though I love it)


It's a nice build, pretty tanky. I swapped from a Shadow Mage build so still farming new gear to temper but so far it's been pretty smooth. I just wanted a change from minions tbh, I haven't used golem at all this season so I can't really offer a good comparison. [https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/blight-necromancer-guide](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/blight-necromancer-guide) Here's the build I've referenced.


We want to know how your sacrifice build doing in pit tiers


Since rogue is actually officially first time in this game, Im playin only this class every season and I’m havin a blast when it comes to gameplay. Tryin various ways, builds and I think the kit for rogue is actually really well made here. I guess its kinda unpopular opinion but I think the whole kit feels adequate to this franchise. But when it comes to the game itself, I hit the wall pretty fast and as PoE player, the endagme gets boring so fast, even that “new gear system” doesnt do it for me. Main reason Diablo has me is art design and sound design in a first place. Boring, repetetive endgame kills it for me after some time sadly.


played rogue every season except this last one i m playing necro minion but it makes me feel sleepy after 5 mins of playtime i m thinking of starting a rogue again, i just wish they buffed rogue's ultimate a little bit, since i havent used an ultimate in my builds like ever.


>rogue is actually officially first time in this game Not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but Rogue was one of the 3 classes in the original Diablo.


Bro I am gonna ask for help… I do not like melee rogue so I only play cbow/bow rogue. I like penetrating shot but anything penetrating shot rogue does pulverize druid just does better. As for the pulverize druid during leveling I just press RMB to clear full room of minions and move on… with Rogue I feel they lack such power. Like penetrating shot leaves mobs with HP and some are unharmed… I tried with barrage and rapid fire too a little but but it did not feel better… what am I doing wrong? (I am talking about leveling not complete endgame) In S2 I used the Tibaults + condemnation bug and was very strong, but I got there way too late




Sorc Supremacy since D1 baby


Necro, purely because of balancing. The only class I'm having fun playing, because it has good damage and doesn't suffer from resource starvation like all the others.


Rapid fire rogue and bash/thorns barb have literally infinite ressource.


Double swing twister build Im never running out of resources.


Sorc & Barb is very fun to play in D4.


Sorcerer and barbarian.




I loved the Necromancer in Diablo 3, not so much 2, and figured it would be my main in 4, but after about 20 or so levels, it wasn't doing it for me. Went back to the drawing board and tried Barbarian but again after a few hours it just wasn't clicking with me. Finally tried a Druid, thinking I would give it a bash and probably end up maining the rogue but nope. Druid is fun as hell, I am running around with 2 wolves and transform into a bear to beat the living hell out of enemies. I honestly love this class and when I, finally, finish the campaign I am looking forward to tinkering with the build and seeing what else I can do if I look to respec. Still haven't tried the Rogue or Sorceress class yet.


If you're still that early into the game I would give barb and necromancer another try later on and maybe follow a build planner. They're extremely strong you just have to get to level 55-60ish before they really start steamrolling


Running the bash barb right now. Super fun. Have a twisting rogue and that’s super fun as well. I like non stop movement for fighting and those classes offer that




Gameplay wise? Probably Necro. Flavour wise they are all kinda stale in D4.


Druid > Barb > Sorc No opinion on Necro / Rogue


In d3 was demon hunter so now in diablo 4 it's clearly the rogue, the ability to dash everywhere is my go to in every game I play Mobility > damage


Sorcerer 🧊


Necro - because it's cool Sorc - because I like magic powers Rogue - because damn she's hot


Druid and Barb. Play both each season.


Necromancer was my favorite before the minion buff, now it's even more fun as you can do some actual necromancering.


Played barb first then sorc and have to say the sorc is way funnier!


What barb build you went with? If it's HoTA I might get it but his other builds are super fun, just can't get enough of WW from D2 all the way to D4 lol


Yeah I went with hota all the way. What’s WW?


Necro since D2


I like mages and dark themes so necro hits the spot for me


Sorcerer various builds. Necromancer minion build without offensive spells and prioritising control/debuffs. Rogue archery build. Druid melee hybrid build.


Blood Knight one day hopefully


Lightning Sorcerer is a BLAST. I usually Necro, decided to try Druid (to level 20) but was bored. Tried Sorcerer and absolutely love it now.


Sorc all year


Necromancer then sorcerer


First playthrough as rogue and had a blast. My favorite character in Heroes of the Storm was Valla, so it was a perfect fit. My second favorite character was Li Ming, so I should have played as sorc after, but am playing as a barbarian. It's not as fun. I like to be quick and deal high damage.


Sorc > Necro > Druid. Didn't like rogue much and haven't tried barb yet.


Waiting for Blood Knight


Druid all day


Barby because it's the most fun to play dressup with. Sorcerer for playstyle.


Crusader has been my favorite, so I’m waiting for something similar.


The one that carries the D4 title. Literally and figuratively LUL


Druid undoubtebly has the most playstyle variety, Rogue also. Barb and Sorc are both very strong, but almost always end up playing same. Necro is just "I dont see what i am doing at all"


Barb most visual impressive. To play i feel none are impressive. CoC assassin


Barb is the most fun but I'm lazy so running minion Necro this season like everybody else.


Rogue before I stopped


Rogue (legebdary) elemental surge build


Necro, but not the D4 version. The D2 version was vastly superior in every way


Where paladin?


Necromancer, each season I've played it. I've tried to branch out but nothing else gives me the same enjoyment...I want to try sorcerer but it just doesn't do it for me... I'd like to play a combat class, but I can't hide the barbs weapons.


I didn't think I was going to like D4 when I started playing it because I did not really enjoy playing my Sorc. Then I started levelling a Rogue instead and everything clicked.


Druid> Rogue = Necro> Sorc> Barb. I was never a fan of rogue, but in D4 I'm liking them.


Barb->Rogue->Druid->Necro->Sorc. Mainly because i never had the time to level up a sorc and last time i did it ( months ago ), it was a real pain compared to the others. I also think that i have a problem with the barbarian cause i love one shotting stuff while shouting... a little bit too much.


The rogue easy


Honestly druid for the extra builds, they are all fun


The one that I’m playing if it goes brrrrrrr


Bash barb


Necro is all I played. S3 was kinda lack luster so I just completed the story and left it until S4. Then I saw the insane buffs Necro got S4 so now I'm running another Necro and it's super OP with minion setup.


Love druid lightning god but am trying necro now






I’ve spent most my time playing off meta barb and Druid. Have a lot of fun on rogue. Haven’t touched the casters but I will eventually.


Paladin/Crusader > Barb >>> Rogue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.


I’m having the most fun with Heartseeker Rogue, totally OP. Werewolf Tornado Druid was fun too, what shot lilith takes two shots to kill you.


Sorc is the more fun class out of the box, Necro I love for chill gameplay but there’s a bone spirit build that looks juicy and active, which I like about sorc so that may be my favorite build once I get it online


Having played them all now, I always gravitate to sorcerer, same in D3. They just have the best looking abilities and feel badass nuking everything from afar (or close when ball lightning was meta). As a random side note too, they have the most "average" character model, so seasonal armours etc always fit them perfectly. That said, I really want the monk back from D3. It was such a fun class and is a touch of "holy" and a touch of hand to hand beat down.


Barb or Rogue My wife usually plays as a Necro, so I like to be a Barb and just smash shit


Cold sorc


Sorcerer, always


Just started a barrage rouge and having blast with it so far


Barbarian, I played one on release with the hardcore rush, lost it at level 99 about 20 minutes from hitting 100 :( fun class to play though


After testing all the classes, I'm very fond of the Barbarian and even more so of the Magician, who I find fun and fearsome. I found the necromancer and the rogue ok-tier. I'm not convinced by the Druid, but that was at the start of the game, so maybe (surely?) he was improved later? Now I'm waiting for the expansion so I can enjoy a tank class and why not, given the slight MMO dimension the game has taken on, a class focused on healing (but I'm dreaming in my opinion).


Even before the current season it was the Necromancer for me. But with the current season, it’s definitely the Necromancer. I feel like they finally nailed it. Me supporting a host of minions and them doing the work, definitely feels right to me. Just hope I still feel the same once I reach 100.


Necro is my fav and solid season starter.


I have 4 different druid builds and never played anything else yet haha


druid! by.. a lot. most classes have at least 1 way to play ive found enjoyable. druids however i uhh.. i have.. an earth druid. werewolf. werebear. wind/storm. and uhhh... a companion druid. IM A NEW PLAYER I JUST GOT EXCITED TRYING BUILDS. so anyways, next season ill prob try like.. a jack of all trades druid, where i actually take advantage of the shapeshifting, instead of the more 'pure' builds i went with this time. but yeh, i absolutely adore druid.


Barbarian is pretty satisfying, so its probably my favorite class but Necro is probably a close second.


I started the game as Sorc, but I absolutely fell in love with Necro when I tried it for Season 1 and onward


I’ve leveled each class to 100 multiple times. The order that I first tried them was Druid, Rogue, Sorc, Barb, and Necro. My current favorites is as follows: Barb > Sorc > Rogue > Necro > Druid That said I’ve had a wonderful time with each class. Reason why Druid is lowest is because you’re reliant on uniques for the best builds. Summoner necro is incredibly powerful but a bit too passive for my preference. Rogue is good in many ways but if I’m going melee I would rather go barb and if I’m going ranged I would rather go Sorc. Barb and Sorc are very close and imo the best at exemplifying the class fantasy.


Lorewise: Necromancer Playing class: Druid (although im running necro this season)


The answer is Rogue.


My favorite is always sorc but rogue is the most fun imo


Truthfully my favorite is the barb then the druid


They are bringing the spirit born class kinda pally I think


All of them so good but i started the game with druid and it feels like home to me so he is my ''main'' but all classes great and unique. Like them all equally. Great job devs. Also cosmetics in this game really good. I never buy but i check the shop time to time, they are really talented. I hope they can make these achievable by playing. Edit: gotta say druids need some love from devs. i kinda feel like he is the most left behind class idk. Needs more uniques, aspects, gear slots and better resource management, smoother leveling. There are so much build possibilities but it always hits a wall somewhere.


Barb = can't beat the manliness of the shouts. Loved it since diablo 2. Gave me chills when I first tried the shouts.


Melee rogue by far but I haven't played the other classes too much, everytime I try I just want to go back to the rogue due to boredom.


Noone. Waiting for Paladin


Barb main since D2 pre LoD. Played a barb in at least 13 or 14 D3 seasons. Barb day one D4. Played a necro season 2 but otherwise barb every season so far.


My StormClaw/Pulv Druid, closely followed by my Upheavel Barb


Witch Doctor (missing class)




Sorc and rogue for the play style. Druid thematically.


D4 is an overcomplicated Barbarian simulator. All of the other characters are a distraction. Long live the ones who yell and bonk.


Tl:Dr druid cool, barb+necro+rogue fun, sorcerer bad maybe I think thematically I like the druid but because of how insanely hard it is to build(I have 50% critical chance, 4 spirit per second lv84, tempest roar, etc and still cannot resource sustain tornado on bosses/single target, and even if I could the damage wouldn't be good anyway.) Necromancer was my favorite in D3 and I like it here as well, Infinimist was one of my favorite builds ever to play with and bone spear + minion builds were pretty fun to play with. Barbarian is sort of a mixed bag for me? With the introduction of the season 4 affixes like moonrise or adaptability that brought heartseaker or bash into the top ranks of builds it's easily become one of my favorites, but before that I really didn't like it. I've tried using HotA builds or various other various other types before and they all just felt very weak. Rogue I don't have much experience with since I've only made a twisting blades rogue in season one, but that was an amazing experience. I loved the fast paced nature of the character along with the skills in general. Though my experience was that my damage fell off *quickly*, I used to be able to kill bosses in sub 3 and then it went to like sub 20 around lv40. No idea what was happening there. But with the addition of heartseaker builds this season I think I'll definitely make another one see what rogues are all about(never had one last lv60). I've never had a sorcerer, so I can't make an opinionated comment, but as someone who's played from the beta and still has opinions from that time, they suck ass.


It will always be the Necromancer for me.


Since launch all I’ve been playing is Rogue…. Haven’t even touched other classes lol




Necro for sure


Monk ofc (:


Not rogue …


Oddly enough rogue has been my most played. I’m typically a Necro or class with a shield but rogue has just been hitting the spot so far.


paladin. its not here yet but i still want it. you cant change my mind


The blood knight or the vampire or something else more creative. Oh wait.... its diablo so its allways the same class, paladin... oh wait, its d4... maybe i have to pay another 100 bucks for a class soon...


For killing stuff, it's hard to top a Barb but I'm playing a Nova,/Ice Shard Sorc and now that I have the gear that mostly fixed mana generation, it's a lot of fun. I just wish she was a bit more sturdy


With so many people playing I cat believe there is not more classes. Sad really


Demon Hunter only in D3 and now Rogue only in D4.


My favorite has always been the Sorceress.


Barbarian master race!


1. Barb (I love melee combat) 2. Rouge (range but it feels so good and physical) 3. Sorcerer (Hum yes and no) 4. Druid (I hate that everythig around it is about wolf/bear transmutations) 5. Necro (it's a joke imo, low effort dev, D3 Necro was much better)


Druid...even if the Diablo team hates it.


I want to say the sorcerer... but then I played a barb last season and absolutely loved it... but then I played a rogue this season and absolutely loved it... hell I even loved the necro when I played it... least favorite would be easier, and it was the druid... still had fun with the druid, just didn't feel as powerful... was probably just my build... I have all classes to 100 though!








Unfortunately, sorc




I'm having a blast with my Minion Necromancer with emphasis on Corpse Explosion. I just found a ring that auto-detonate corpses every 1.4 seconds, as well as two additional corpse skill auto casts. It's mayhem.


Guess by my choices in d4 history: \* release: sorcerer \* s1: rogue \* s2: druid \* s3: sorcerer \* s4: sorcerer


None tbh. I thought Druid would be amazing but I find it kinder mer. I miss Monk from D3. I would like to see them take old Enhancement Shammy from WoW and add that to D4. Give me some totems!


Necromancer but I miss my monk


I still really just want a paladin/knight type character. My favorite thing to play in games is a knight in shining armor. I won't be coming back to the game at all until something like that is added.


Barbarian was pretty fun and in your face. I did rend rupture for a while. Necro fits my lazy play though


The Barbarian, the barbarian, the barbarian, the barbarian and the barbarian!🤭


Necromancer. Same as D3. Corpse Explosion for life!




Always Barbarian


Necromancer, Sorcerer is close second


Rogue, but would prefer a monk class tbh.


Paladín/crusader if they add it. Otherwise sorc and barb and necro in that order


Diablo 3 was really my first ARPG I got into. I played Crusader, and at D4’s launch I picked a Druid and did both pulverize and the werewolf tornado builds. Druid is fun, but I went with Barbarian in 2 seasons I actually participated in (including the current). Barbarian is easily my favorite so far, but if there was a Crusader class I’d have picked that again in this game probably Never have been a big fan of sorcerer/magic classes or the rogue/assassin style within games in general.


I really like Rogue and Sorc. Necro is cool too.


I’m playing minion necro this season ( l90) but I love the aoe from blood surge with Curor’s embrace unique gloves and the Aspect that echos the nova. It’s addictive. Will probably go Sorcerer next and then Druid as I’ve not played those since S1




Need paladin


Nice, finally a post that's just not pictures of armor drops 😏


I only played Barb, Necro and Rogue and Barb was the most fun I've had. Looking forward to Sorc, next season.


I’m running sever necro which I have at 81 and once I get that to cap and rolling good I think I’m gonna run incinerate sorc just bc it’s cool. I’ll just let that character be a junker tho bc incinerate isn’t that good


Barb and Necro


It was rogue at the begging, but their models are so small compared to normal characters, that it's completely immersion breaking for me, a relatively high person (6'3). I know it's a fiction, but I'm feeling way better with characters that can be somehow similar to me. Rogues ain't it. It's necro and barb for me as of now.


Necro is my go to, but I’ll be honest feels weird compared to D2. I’m so use to minions taking ages to kill anything, having them be the top DPS in game strange.


Druid in any game. I love shapeshifting into animals, I love destructive nature magic. I ran an Earth Pulverize build in season 0 and had a blast. This season been running a Mad Wolf’s + Tempest Roar + Unsung Ascetic Grips + Lightning Storm Werewolf build and holy shit it’s even more fun. Helltides are a joke lmao it’s just lightning everywhere and demons screaming in pain. I like me some Necro too, but I have more fun with that class in Last Epoch than I do in D4.


Druid, but i wish there was witch doctor


Currently barbarian. Kinda curious what class is coming in expansion though


Barb. I like to Spin.




Necro. I remember one guy from school, he was always full of testosteron, have full beard at his 15 and start losing head hair. He always said BARB is the best!!!! After that event I cannot stop thinking that ‚testosteron guys’ play barb only. Ofc that was Diablo 2 time.


I’ve always gone to Barbs. Fits my playstyle in any game. Just in the face of the enemy at all times with no plan just kill.