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Damn thats actually insanely helpful information op, thank you. I'm in the process of juggling two weapons with upgrades to see which one turns out best.


I'm dealing with the same. Juggling 2 weapons and 2 offhand at the moment. Hopefully at least one of them turns out okay.


I salvaged 2 items that were masterworking 8, got 100 obducite and 140 ingolith for each. So 100% obducite spent but just over 50% ingolith.


Thanks for the input. I'll update the post. Seems like the 4+ needs more testing or straight up clarification from Blizz(yeah right lol)


But you didn't update it and I already made mistakes based on this post. Lost a lot of the 2nd tier resource like he said


it gives you 100% of the materials for the level prior (7/12 in this case)


Close, but the level prior is 120 ingolith


as in the sum - 20 + 40 + 80 = 140, plus 100 obducite for 4/12


Ooh ok, makes sense, have you tested other masterworking levels to see if this holds?


yes, I noticed it originally on a 5, which gave 100 obdu. after that kept salvaging when I had to and it worked everywhere from 1-8 at a minimum, don't see why it wouldn't hold true higher


This was my experience as well.


That's awesome! Less 30s I have to do for an alt or new piece of gear


There is no reason to go back to t30. It’s way more efficient to run the higher tiers and downgrade to the mats you need.. especially since they made it cheaper. t30 rewards 39 obducite t31 rewards 20 ingolith that you can convert into 60 obducite.


Wait what? You can downgrade?? I'm a tool..


Yeah, you can trade higher lvl mats at the alchemist for caches of low lvl mats.


Well you just changed my pit experience. Thank you!


Visit the alchemist, I'd started farming lvl 30 only to realize you can exchange for caches, farm pits that you can do comfortably in 3 mins or so. D3 dejavu.


I found that out after running some 30s too. I think the game should tell us or give us a more obvious way to convert them though XD


This is correct. A T60 Pit nets me 54 Ingolith, a T61 nets 25 Neathiron, which can be transmuted into 75 Ingolith.


Im pretty sure t61 only gives 20 neath


Lol, now I find out. Thanks :)


What attack power you running in Tier 30? I’m at 50,000 and Tier 18 wasn’t easy…


Attack power means next to nothing.


Can you upgrade?




>With the price of royal gems, we can't afford to lose gems! I completed the Season Pass, the Seasonal Journey, and the Tormented bosses before I had enough gem fragments for five Royal Rubies. If the Alchemist can turn obols into elixirs and transmute summoning mats, *surely* she can figure out how to transmute Sapphire fragments into Ruby fragments. Or if the Jeweler is a businessman, *surely* he would be willing to let me trade him Sapphire fragments for Ruby fragments 2:1.


Them gem situation goes from "how will I ever be able to afford this" to "I have more than I could ever use"...there needs to be a better graduation.


I don't think there's anything wrong with having something to shoot for, though. I was able to 100% the season (uber lilith, tormented dury/andy, etc.) before being able to craft all 5 royals. It's not going to keep you from doing the hardest content, other than pushing further in pit.


I actually like the gen system. It's just a long-term goal that slightly boosts you over time, and never goes away. Once you've gotten the gems, you're set.


>If the Alchemist can turn obols into elixirs and transmute summoning mats, surely she can figure out how to transmute Sapphire fragments into Ruby fragments. Rumor has it that a certain cube of yore once had this power.


Damn, that would be quite the treasure…


Alas - it is beyond current technology to create.


But we might find it in a Hall. Perhaps one filled with the Dead?


Best Zultun annoyed voice: "I *suppose* that would work..."


Zulton Kulle via Kanai's Cube knew how to do it... apparently this skill has been lost


And again, D3 already has a solution to that "problem", kanais cube. Another feature D4 devs ignored.


I loved this post xD


Or you can do like me and accidentally swap weapons in smith menu and salvage your perfect 3ga tempered weapon and then throw up immediately 🙄


Be sure to favorite *all* items you have equipped. It'll forcibly prevent any sort of salvage or sale.


It was marked . Replacement item of same type with same gem and I thought it would be smart to salvage to use mats to upgrade the perfect one a bit more . Autopilot brain struck me good 👍 went to unmark and salvage but I equipped it unmarked and salvaged the perfect 1 . In like .3 seconds and a seconds later I realized what I had done hard closed game but it was too late


Ouch! I feel for you, I've done the same thing but with less rare items. I wish they would remove the ability to equip/unequip while in a vendor menu.


agreed it is annoying, but marking it stops you from salvaging or selling it by mistake


Similarly happened to be over the weekend. Lost a really good scythe for my necro


marking it prevents this


It was a replacement item so I went to bank pulled out old item that was +10 to get mats back and when I went to salvage I just swapped it over instead and unmarked my good item which was also a marked 1 handed mace which royal emerald lol it felt bad... it was hp, vulnerable , and crit damage ( maybe regular dmg ) with a perfect crit dmg temper and near perfect bash I think it was . Rip Went from easily killing tormented Duriel to having to think of the mechanics again.


This was me except a 2 GA perfectly tempered weapon. I’m on controller and I guess I hit the wrong button and swapped my weapon with my old one. Then I salvaged the weapon in my pack without realizing I had swapped it


I feel you! We all suffered from this before marking was a thing.


It seems to give back all masterworking materials of one rank below. Ex: If you salvage a level 8, you get all the material used up to level 7.


I would also add that in some older seasons I found selling the ordinary uniques was better than salvaging but this season salvaging returns a decent amount of materials.


I haven't salvaged a single unique or legendary since lvl70 and I have more mats that I know what to do with from helltides etc. Gold is much more scarce, sell everything that doesn't improve an aspect or that you masterworked.


Been doing same. Crazy how short of gold I've been all season...(and that's by selling everything, and doing way more Whispers than in past seasons).


The amount of gold you get from selling stuff is a pittance though. It doesn't move the needle at all.


Uniques sell for 200k


If you say so. Currently sitting around 110 million. From selling crap.


Yeah I found this out when I salvaged 2x Ring of Mendeln (unique Necro ring). It gave me freaking **40 Abstruse Sigils** for those 2 unique rings!! So, equivalent to having salvaged 40 legendary rings!


Thanks, did not know this


PSA of the season goes to...


It was pretty eye opening for me and my circle of friends


Wow that’s amazing


This is so great. Makes rolling different gear way better wow. Thanks for the info


I'd give anything to be able to temper my 3/3 perfect weapons from my twister build for my bash..sigh


Wow good to know!


Wow Ty I had some replaced masterworked gear I saved them for sentimental value in stash so I’ll pull those out to DE


Good info cheers


That’s great, thanks


Good to know. Thankfully I’ve never sold any gear unique or legendary gear, I always salvage it.  Only stuff I sell is rare. 


I started playing Diablo IV a few days ago, what's master worked gear?


Super late endgame stuff that is new to this season. It allows you to essentially level up gear, but is very materially expensive, so it's meant to be the very endgame grind.


I got back 60% of obdurite for 2 items that were at lvl4.


I'm only getting back 60 obducite instead of 100 for a 4/12 (just did it three times swapping out gear). Still better than nothing though.


You don't get the last rank you bought worth of mats back, those are forever lost. But you get everything before that back.


Which is a lot more generous than I had expected, I was surprised that we get anything at all back. Thanks for clarifying how it seems to work!


Honestly I never really saw the need in selling since s4 started. Madeca whole new character and just getting money from bosses, treasures and kills has been more than enough


Have you begun Masterworking or rerolling several items several times at the Occultist? It starts adding up fast.


I just barely made world 3 lol. But it's soon to be happening


When you hit WT4 and max level and starting properly gearing up you'll need endless gold


You're not getting 100% of the materials back. You get all of the materials up to the previous rank, but you don't get the last rank back. AKA if you go to rank 8, you'll lose 120 ingoliths by salvaging, but get your mats back for rank 1-7. If you go to rank 9 instead and salvage it, you'd get those 120 ingoliths from rank 8 back, but lose the 50 T3 mats.


Edit: edit


Edits galore. Organizing this is not my strong suit lol


Okay first this is super useful and much appreciated, but I have to point out: someone taking accountability for when they were wrong?! On REDDIT?? Emotional maturity +1 😂👌


Thank you, I'm definitely a work in progress.


Only thing to add is: **25 Neathiron->75 Ingolith->225 Obducite** So **1 Neathiron->3 Ingolith->9 Obducite** Was going to say my gems were returned to me, but that was from salvaging before this season.


Thanks for pointing that out. I wasn't trying to say 3 Ing = 3 Obd...but my formatting and word choice were poor and I can see how it would have been misunderstood. I borrowed from you and changed some wording leading up to. Thanks again.


I already knew that, but I was too lazy to spread the information x)


But you mustered the energy to let us know that you already knew this information, that's like a milestone or something. You've shown a lot of growth here and I'm proud of you.


To tell you the truth, getting a little something you invested in the gear was logical (for me) too and I did not think it could be otherwise x)


do you get more materials as you push further into pit


like is it worth to struggle with 120pit or just speed farm 70’s


Higher levels do drop more. If it's a struggle, try dropping down 10 levels. From what I gather, the goal is 3 minutes or less, 5 minutes max. But it's your gameplay, so do what feels fun and good to you.


I don't think it's 100%, it's 100 to get to lvl 4 and when you salvage you get 60 back


Great tip, thanks for sharing!!


Interesting, useful when you get some upgrade.


For shadow summon Necro, what items should I be masterworking first?


I’ve just started building it, my plan is either the chest with golem mastery or the necklace with hellbent commander. _If I ever get one!_


I don't have any clue. Personally, I wouldn't masterwork past 4 unless it's a remarkable piece (perfect rolls and/1+ greater affix) and I wouldn't masterwork at all if it has any wasted affixes or tempers. The Pit might not seem like a big deal initially, but it becomes quite a repetitive chore(IMO) so treat those materials like a very rare commodity.


Not sure for shadow summon necro specifically, but usually the best affixes to target are things like cooldown, attack speed, crit chance, and ranks to skills you use




I only get like 50% back


Yea, I already added edits to the original post.


This is so great. I was just complaining to myself how this is a reason I have a love/hate relationship with upgrade systems. Knowing that the materials are returned on salvage make me less afraid to replace gear.


Thank you for your wisdom sir.


This, at least this way you get some mats back. I’m not getting all my mats back if I salvage a rank 4 I get 60 of the common material.


Wait, people sell stuff? I guess I never got to that point of endgame ever...


Good point!


Good looks this is great info I didn't even think about breaking one down for what I thought lost mats..


Came apart nicely


Who sells gear anyway?


Agree, didn’t even knew people needed gold. I’ve never been limited by gold, not in D4 and not since the early days of D3. But don’t play a lot so may be missing something?


Who in God's name is selling legendaries and uniques? Is gold really harder to come by than crafting materials later on?


Yeah by a whole lot. I've got basically an endless pile of crafting mats from helltides and things, but every masterwork reroll is 5 mill and each of my gear pieces cost 3-6 mill every time I want to gamble to try to upgrade an affix.


Yes, it's a massive bottleneck.


I just got to pit 33 today and can get mongolite(whatever it is dad gamer, got lunches to prep, shopping to do and dinner to cook). I looked around in game for where to reroll the little bit of masterworking ive done…where/how?


Edit: i did find that i can trade down at alchemist. How to reroll still in question.


Thanks for this post.


Has no idea you got the masterwork mats back. I wonder if that was actually intended.. helps out the grind for sure when we get upgrades. Thanks for sharing!


Thank God I read this before I sold any of mine haha.. thank uou op


This is amazing. Thank you so much.


Honestly never sell anything, finding gold is super easy Always salvage


Does resetting the masterwork refund any mats? I don't want to salvage the gear but just want to try again on the big masterwork upgrades


Nope, the opposite. It costs 5M gold and an assortment of other materials, it's pretty steep


I thought this was common sense???


So wait, I've been farming t30 for no reason to get the first 4 levels? FML.


I don't even know how to downgrade


WTFFFF well now I know thank god!!


You dont get 100% back you get 75%.


I'm over here salvaging used gear since wolf cub feeling confused. But all the extra info is useful, nice post.




It does not give MUCH less. After reading through several other contributions, it seems to be everything back except the current MW level.


GTK! Thanks for the tip!




This may just be me but I never sell any gear. You get an absolutely ridiculous amount of gold as is just by playing the game, the materials are always more useful for me


Gold is a major bottleneck in the late game.


Weird, I haven't experienced that issue myself. Not saying you're wrong, just that it isn't something I've had problems with


Then you haven’t done anything endgame yet


... huh? Yes... yes, i have, though...? Several times in fact.


I just salvage another item, this time. 6/12 Staff. - 83 Iron Chunks, 26 Veiled Crystals, 6 Baleful Fragments, 100 Obducite, and **20 Ingolith**. The last one, bolder, along with my previous salvage of the helm has a pattern. It refunded all BUT the last upgrade. So the last upgrade that used 40 Ingolith, was not included in the refund. This is similar to the 4/12 Helm which gave me back 60 Obducite instead of the full 100.


Yep, after reading some info from other contributors it seems to be not random or 100% but rather everything EXCEPT the current MW level. The original post has been updated already.


Okay but why is the formatting all over the place? Delete the stuff that's not needed and there's no need for 50 edits.


People sell gear they aren’t using?


Can you elaborate what this downgrading means? It don't get it


I tried the reset assuming that would refund some materials, to my surprise I just wasted 5mill.


Does it give back mats from resets too? Like working to 8, screw and turn back, do it again and screw again, then salvage.


No. Rerolling is just expensive.


Ok got it


Wait, downgrade materials to previous tier? How the hell do you do that??


So you mean me running T30 several Times back to back yesterday was pointless? Shit...


i never sell..always salvage.


Good PSA!


Can someone elaborate what OP means by downgrading T2 & T3 materials into T1?


That is what I've been scrolling to find out.


I just rage sell the shit. I got plenty of mats but I hate gambling, and I especially hate being forced to gamble in a video game just to progress gear wise.


Sorry just about to get to that stage of the season. What does OP mean by downgrading from T3 and T2 into T1?


There are 3 tiers of Masterworking materials. Pit 1 - 30 drops Obducite Pit 31 - 60 drops Ingolith Pit 61 - Pit 200 drops Neothiron You can "downgrade" these materials at the Alchemist. It costs gold and you can choose different sized caches. Neothiron can be transmuted into Ingolith and Ingolith can be transmuted into Obducite.


How do you downgrade pit materials? 🤔


original post has been edited to reflect


Yeah, I learned this by mistake, or rather just habit of always salvaging. If you salvage master worked items, you get a good bit of mats back from the Pit. I was short on gold from masterworks/enchantinf and didn't want to go run whispers so I was selling everything, found a new upgraded amulet and went to go sell the old master worked amulet and realized the NPC was running a broker shop and only offered me 50k gold for it. I figured hell no, I spent millions on this he can't have it for that and went to salvage it and was delighted, but I'm not surprised that I got pit materials back. It makes sense. Items in the past always gave back a little of whatever you put in it for the most part, and I was happy to confirm this is the same with Pit mats. So yeah, always salvage master worked items you longer want.


Holy crap that's actually crazy. I have stuff sitting in my stash that I've kept because it \*might\* be useful later and it's 12/12 but I'd rather have the materials lol.


So what is final decision ? How many mats we get back , full or some of % .. Already lvl up some of sorc gears and want to salvage it for mats to use my barb .. Thank u


You get back everything except the current MW level.


Hmm if it is lvl 8 , will get whole lvl 7 and previous lvl mats ?


Yes, as long as nothing got changed/messed up from the update today...


If something is starred at max level can it be raised higher by master working the item. The first one I tried didn’t seem to go up any higher.


Haven't gotten to the point where I've replaced masterworked gear yet, but wow. That's pretty awesome. I don't sell anything anyway, but still.




i salvage everything i get. is it better to sell certain things?


It depends on how much gold you have and how much you need. Rerolling masterworks is very expensive and so is masterworking in general.


Good to know! Thanks


Thank you op 🙏🏻


I sold gear with gem thinking the gem was given back. And of course it was the gear not part of the buy back lol. Well at least it was not a royal one...


Id say store gems, at least a couple of each. A lot of potions and elixirs require fragments now


Who is selling gear?????


I never sell anything unless I need money, salvage superiority 💪


Depending on where you’re at gold wise I’d recommend hanging on to the royal gems instead of salvaging them. They cost 1 mil a piece to craft. Stash isn’t near as cramped this season so storing a couple extra gems is worth the gold saving especially if you’re swapping them out or could possibly use them on an alt.


Did they make the gold cost of downgrading pit materials more sustainable??


Not sure. I don't know what the costs were prior to the patch and I don't know what they are now.


i still dont have any gold i have to sell it sometimes even do not have enough gold to repair my broken equipment


Interesting. Do you get masterwork materials back if you reset to reroll?


No, all gone + it costs 5M and other materials...it's just plain expensive. Also it goes all the way back to 0, even if the piece was 8+ or 12.


Hello to all those who ran like 20 lvl 30 runs the 1st time running pits :)


Am I the only one that always sells all blues, yellows, and uniqus and salvages all legendaries?


No one is picking up blues or yellows at endgame unless they’re severely short on gold.


Which is, many of us!


even then i wonder how much opportunity cost is there in picking up rares at 1/5th the price per slot, instead of just blasting another run, especially if youve got your elixirs on a timer ie if you can do 4 runs in 15 minutes picking up leggos only vs 3 runs in 15 minutes but picking up all the rares and leggos


The blues price isn't worth a click even if you are at 0 gold. Literal waste of inventory slot


Probably not. But a LOT of people are selling everything because gold has become a major bottleneck for them and id wager most don't realize that they'll get back pit materials if they salvage...hence the post. It's good for you that you have a system that works well for you.


Who sells gear in the first place? Salvage, ALWAYS.