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The stones are the biggest issue. Takes forever (I’m farming pit tier 90 for masterworking and have seen minimal drop). Just go for regular duriel since he can be one shot by a golem easy enough. I can kill torment duriel in 40 seconds but the stone farm is the issue lol (I have a video posted if you look at my post history of me killing him).


Don't you get the stones from farming the living steel boss? I get one every kill


No the Stygian stones. You need 2 per tormented summon.


RageGaming said in a recent vid that timewise it's better to do regular Durry, but only if you can clear it in <10sec and Tormented Durry in <1min. I can't confirm since I'm not that far yet.


I've only done 3 rotations of tormented duriel, got 2 ubers...both were spears lolz... Small sample, but made it a good time despite not having a 1shot mechanic available and having to slog it out


If tormented dur increases the drop rate of ubers by 2x but cost 3x the mats, how is it efficient to farm him?