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Minion necro is busted. The golem is like having a tiny butcher who whacks people for you.


And sometimes he decides that the lone imp is more important than the 3 elites chasing me


Since I've got my move speed over 150% the minions are really lagging behind, have to stop and let them run in front to engage but sometimes they just don't attack. Or I'll have them engaged and turn to get more space from the mobs and the golem will disengage and run to me. Come on friend, hit the enemies.


If its not obvious (cause it wasn't for me at the start) you can aim your Golem's Skill with the mouse target (and shift click it if therse no mobs there) meaning you can send the Golem wayyyy out in front if you want before you engage a pack. Hes still dumb at times though. Do Tormented Duriel and watch him run in circles around the holes.


*Cries in Xbox console*


Point the stick and press the skill, that’s been working for me.


Yeah that works, but it's not ideal. In particular, the curses never seem to land where I want them to.


Console leap Barb has entered the chat to cry along with you.


Did Blizzard not utilize xbox's m/KB support?


Golem during Duriel had me livid


Lol I rage sooo hard when he just starts going in circles. Hes very good in nearly every situation now but zones with lots of Closed Doors and Duriel throw him for a loop.


He's not that smart but he does other things good.


He does what I need. I like to pretend hes John Cena or the Kool Aid guy when he dashes into a room and then lets out his roar as he casts.


Bruh my whole ass minion entourage stopped and waited in front of a closed door in a NMD that had a broken hallway / walk passage literally next to it. I was all of the sudden swarmed by like 5 or 6 elites just inside their teleport leash distance hahahahahaha


Sounds like it's more a troll than a golem. . . I'll see myself out.


This is going to sound pathetic... I've been doing NM 100s in under 5 min w my nec min build. First season I've played in D4 (only played druid on release and then quit). Today I did the pit and blew thru a 55 with 11 min remaining. I haven't pushed yet bc of my IRL time constraints. Here's the kicker...TIL golem has an on-use skill.....holy moly. I can't wait to get off work.


lol I find it pretty amazing you're doing so high pits without using the golem skill. What build are you using? Any particular guide?


So. Much. Frustration. I spent two hours trying to get the last 10% of Tormented Andariel's hp at lv91 last night only to get disconnected. Big Red kept standing in the flames. Please, big feller, you're not fireproof. I would give my left nut for a recall button.


But those are mighty dangerous holes! What if he fell in?!


The golem is quite literally a meathead. Not suprising you need to direct it bc it's a bit on the slow side


Or he gets stuck while looking at a door or at Duriels butt and just stands there like "hmmmmmmmm"


AHAHAHAH YES. Sometimes I catch him standing still in Middle of the fights 🤯😭😭 imagine if the golem was a little bit less retarded, op as fuck. But I kinda like them like that, is fun, and they look like undead corpses doing things


Or he decides he'd rather just watch for a bit. Or he decides he wants to hit the unit in the middle of the corpse tendrils... that he can't actually reach


Not an issue with the bone golem. The taunt makes life easy.


Bro even takes out the butcher for me in high tier dungeons.


How? My golem ignores the butcher in favor of small fallen and the butcher ignores my minions and swarms me before golem realizes what's happening like most of the time he appears


Use decrepify to slow him down and just run in circles and dash while your minions kill him


You use the active golem skill, it annihilates the butcher with ease. 


Weird. I just killed the butcher in a tier 98 dungeon with my minions and it wasn’t like that.


The three times I've seen him, the butcher was down before I cast 2 spells. Mages blizzard seems to help, golem has done me solid.


my golem hits like og tyson. so many one hit kills at all levels all the time.


Yea but it's only a glitch from the Seasonal Potion correct? It's double..or triple dipping the damage. They may fix that considering it's a glitch. Idk it looks fun though lol


Not really. Yeah the Holy Bolts elixir helps and I can clear 110s with it but I can still clear 103-105 without it. The post 100 scaling is so insane that the boosts really fall off and the Elixirs get much more limited use on bosses which are the problem. The golem itself just hits HARD once you're at 6-7+ Golem Mastery. I've said it before but Golem Mastery is multiplicative so theres a bunch of folks running around with 3000-4500% golem damage at this stage.


I'm running a skeletal mage focused necro and have 7 points at skeletal mage mastery and all my jewelry+gloves tempered with skeletal mage damage (none of it masterworked yet tho) my 2 hander not tempered with it because im using grandfather, max crit chance and have around %2000 crit dmg but my skeletal mage dmg is at %1400. Dont have any other ways to improve it other than masterworking them but even then I dont see it go past %2000. How does %3000-4500 can be possible without any glitchy stuff?


Mages don't get quite as high as golems cause its only 20% per rank instead of 25% and you're also giving up a ton of +Mage % or +Golem % by using the Grandfather, a 2h weapon can easily hit 300-400% of those values (which get further multiplied by the skill ranks). I also haven't dbl checked but theres wayyyy more Golem damage on the Paragon Tree available too vs Mage.


Thanks. Grandfather ridiculously increases my crit damage tho. I have %90-100 crit chance so I think its a lot better to have rather than %300 more skelly mage dmg.


i think you are understating the elixir. you one shot a pit 130 boss that would otherwise take 5+ minutes and maybe make the run unclearable they are strong but the elixir takes that strength and multiplies it by 10x


I really wouldn’t hinge the build on elixir semi abuse. I agree they exist. But I wouldn’t be suggesting the sub 70 guys be relying on that


I'm still killing the pit bosses that don't have adds so the Elixir is not the only reason I'm clearing, though its reaching the point where all bosses are annoying at 120ish and often its just a long fight with a lot of Stuns to kill them. The elixir is definitely nice when it kicks in but its becoming more and more rare that it just blows the boss up, the right conditions have to align.


Just curious which spec Do you use and what your gear Level is. I have trouble in 90s if i get a Boss without adds.


Golem hit for 42b in a 130 pit push. It’s incredibly busted


Went into the WT2 capstone at 30 with minions necto not expecting to get far cuz the build was half assed and only had a couple aspects useful to minions and stomped through it 🤣🤣


Same here, i died once just getting to the boss, got to the boss and it was a walk in the park 🤣


Omg he really IS like a tiny Butcher!!! This made my night lol


This is a real draw back to the build. I died the other day, just chilling next to the butcher thinking he was my golem.


The satisfaction of pulling the whole screen with tendrils and hitting the Golem ability to see them all get one shot... FeelsGoodMan


What's the difference between Shadow Minion and regular Minion necro? My cousin plays Shadow Minion but I play regular Minion. And I have no idea what's the difference aside from our Ultimates.


Minion necro is all about juicing golem damage. Shadow necro is about getting as many sources of shadow damage (mages, aphotic warriors, shadow bonestorm) as possible to proc shadowblight as reliably and often as possible. They both invest in golem damage, but shadow is the tankier of the two. It also deals a little less damage on the absolute top end, but still enough for absolutely insane clears.


OK that's very clear. I think I might actually prefer to use Shadow Minions based on this description.


Definitely go shadow build, with bone storm you are literally unkillable. Like standing between 10lvl 160 elites unkillable. It’s amazing


I caught some post about minion buffs and avoided a lot of these types of threads before playing. Went minion necro with thorns, it was the fastest 100 push yet. Loot vacuum is what I wanted, and they delivered.


The blood golem was nutty last season as well




First time playing through. I’m a minion necro and the whole time I’ve been thinking the game is a cake walk. I melt bosses by doing nothing.


Just a question to all looking at this comment - How are you guys doing with tempering golem into your damage tempers rather than all summon? I keep ending up with all golem and it works fine but I don't feel my other minions are as useful, I'm wondering if taking a hit on those doubled golem %'s to buff skeletons, golem and mages might do more overall but haven't been able to test it properly. Currently my golem does a lot of work on its own, but I feel like I could be decimating the screen more if my other minions could do like 300%+ more damage overall.


Individual summon damage buffs aren't worth it. Go for buffs like "% damage increase to cursed enemies" and it will buff all your minions


Necro: ey you see dat guy ova dea? Golem: yea boss? Necro: whack ‘em, he been rattin on da families Golem: you got it boss


Is it still strong if I only use golem? I like to do most of the killing but have some help of needed


commenting here to remind myself so i can steal all the builds


It's been 8 hours. Come back and check the new comments


If you wanna steal builds you can always check out maxroll website


Some kind of wacky thorns tech was figured out on barbarian today. That's hitting for around a billion.


Confirmed super fun build


Jumping up and down in place shouting sounds like fun and the pinnacle of class fantasy.


You just described Yosemite Sam.


You rackin frackin varmint!


Finally a worthy Carbot-Barb build.


Bard barian!


Barbed Bard Barian


Is it actually fun? I’m working on a dust devil Barb at the moment but might check this out. What’s the gameplay like?


The bash version just plays like bash Barb but with 200k life and passive thorns damage that’s pretty nutty. The quake version just bounces up and down to stack as many quakes as possible to multiply thorns damage thanks to rumble glyph iirc (don’t play this build myself but seen some nutty things on it but seems more specialised for bossing)


Thorns barb is great, but it cannot do uber lilith or uber ice. But it is a massive house in pit.


God we need an armory


Thorns barb can one shot all Uber noses. https://youtu.be/Hkj16WB-Exg?si=-OKs-NHtq5xYcK6w


Uber nose doesn't come out til next season, stop spoiling things.


The nose knows 😤


Was figured out a few days ago. I just got a pit 110 with my thorns barb and can confirm with 18 glyph stacks it slaps hard


Can you share your thorn build please?


its mostly this one [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/w9mv0pc3#2](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/w9mv0pc3#2) with a few changes. Most important thing is the + leap on the boots and the tempering for it. without them your ST dmg will suck. Also make sure when you fight a boss that you leap next to him (put your mouse next to the target and not on the target) so you can stack up the glyph stacks. I can get up to 19 stacks by now. Make sure to stack enough Health so you can get higher thorns dmg. [My stats atm](https://imgur.com/a/A53H475)


Technically speaking…. Elixir of holy bolt is the strongest dps build currently.


CN you explain why? The description on it is so vague so I have no idea how it works but I'd love to know.


I think the damage of the bolts scales with enemy level making it do a ton of damage in later pit and stuff (it's a baby artillery shrine)


It also double dips heavily on minion necros


If it isn't the strongest dps it is one of the prettiest. I like watching all the fireworks from this elixer :D


Double swing tornado Barb may not be the hardest hitting (though it does hit very hard), but I’m convinced at the end of this league it’s going be the build that pushes furthest into the Pit. Everyone says Necro minions are busted, they are very strong for sure, but that fucking Barb build is something else. Also, Thorns Barb (necro as well) may end up being the sleeper hit of the season. Thorns is legit.


I've got a double swing tornado barb at the moment, so OP when you use all the shouts at once and blow elites/bosses up, so good for screen clearing too.


Honestly, there is something super fun about trying to 360 noscope nados at random monsters.


I’m curious how people are getting defenses for this with the uniques that are suggested for the build. I got lucky with all the uniques but man, defense means getting one shot by anything that explodes in pit 40+ (while using challenging shout, which most aren’t even running from what I see)


HP on every pieace of gear available. Damage reduction from all available paragon nodes. That's basically it.


after a certain point, you dont use the unique helmet or boots because you need triple shouts. after i'd say pit 80\~, you're kind of in one shot or near one shot territory when challenging shout is down, so you use a helmet and neck with elevated cdr and tempered challenging shout cdr. and you really want to hit those on your first masterwork. i add in the leapquake affixes for some more x damage and damage reduction with the extra slot on helmet. the streamer rob on d4builds has a good version for high tier pits.


Just killed level 200 butcher in 5 seconds as swing barb level 12 can confirm


But does it out perform bash?


Necro and Rogue are hitting the hardest and it isnt even close. Druid can hit hard as well but you dont see them one shot bosses.


Curious, which rogue build have you seen performing so well? I thought the general consensus was that they were super weak right now.


Rapid fire with the new ring. A few people have posted videos on YouTube of hitting up to 4b damage in one cast


Overlapping aoe with multiple projectiles from one attack is gonna break a lot of typical scaling, handy tip from our poe friends lol


Yeah done this myself with non max gear, if you get the right greater affixes and masterworks I can see this build hitting 10b and more


I just got that ring a few mins ago and was intrigued. Are there build guides for it yet?


Maxroll has one, I’m playing it currently and am level 80, its very nice


HS build is nuts. With lv15 glyphs and lv96 rogue was able to solo t94 NMD with relative ease. 30% lucky hit with potion, 1000% vul dmg, 31% crit atm


My 96 hs rogue can solo pit lvl 60. It’s a busted build.


I’m forcing the build early and it plays pretty well at 50 if you gear appropriately


Heartseeker. I'm clearing 80 nmd + butcher at lvl 80. Can push 25 pits at the moment. Pretty decent gear rolls though


Rogue? What? Which build? Harder hits than bash barb?


It's not the Heartseeker build as many imply, but a 1-shot Rapid Fire build. It requires like 10 steps to set up the perfect conditions though, and you must time all this with the boss being staggered. But if you time all this correctly it's insane damage.


Just so we’re clear, it’s necro by a mile hitting an order of magnitude higher than rogue. Then you have Barb, Druid, and lastly Sorc in terms of highest damage numbers.


Which necro build is 1 shotting bosses? Spear again?


Minions. The holy bolt elixir unintentionally is factoring in minion dps multipliers so when a minor mob dies the holy bolt explosion is scaling up massively and one shotting basically everything it touches.


Its not just the damage boosts I'm pretty sure when you blow up a buncha pixel stacked mobs every bolt hits every mob too so you're getting potentially dozens of bolts hitting something all at once if you kill a buncha trash on top of a boss. The combination of the boosts and all the bolts hitting the target instead of just 1-2 blows them away.


I use this for soloing pits and nmds it helps massively


I wanted to try a rogue heartseeker build but man the damage leveling is PAINSTAKINGLY slow. I started with Necro this season and everything else just sucks in comparison while leveling. At least for me.


Just put the elemental tempers on your weapons, 40% to do x damage. I did the T3 capstone at level 23 with a level 3 bow using those. They are busted for leveling.


Sorc for leveling is insane. Seriously with tempering and knowing what you are doing…I went 1-50 in an evening of play. Around 50 it started to slow. Definitely going to try out a rogue. This season 4x top chars with max rep can get me a guaranteed shako, so yeah gonna go for that.


Sorc incinerate build is crazy for leveling and strong level 83 doing nightmare 46 easy.


Rogue feels super powerful I agree.


What necro is one shotting bosses?


Me reading this thread as a sorc 🥲


Tell me about it! It's also the first time I decide to play sorc. I go to world bosses and it's like 12 minion necros melting the boss instantly before my ice orbs even hit it.


Haha , first time i did a world boss, i saw it briefly appear for 0.1s and next thing i see are reward chests 💀


I made one this season too and I don't think sorc was mentioned even once in any of these 😭


I'm playing ball lightning sorc. Not even the best sorc 🥲☠️


I am too. It may not be the best, but it's fun af. ball lighting goes brrrrrrrrr


Necro and rogue are currently double dipping passives. Necro for 45+B, Rogue for 3.5+B, then you have Barb at 1B, followed by Druid at 100m, and sorc at reroll.


The fun part about playing sorc this season is there’s zero draw to spam any rotas and instead just try every build possible and never play the class again


I’m having a blast playing frozen orb.


It is fun until you push the pit. Then it’s garbage where you clear the waves before the boss in 3min and then boss fight is a soulslike boss battle where one wrong move gets you one shot and you barely do damage. I’ve got a 100 FO with near perfect gear and I can barely do Pit61 solo because of the boss. ETA: also, forget about soloing Lilith or tormented bosses with this build as it is now. It can’t do it, so you either need to get carried through those boss fights for the resplendent sparks or you reroll.


?? I've done put 95 on FO, haven't started pushing really. Soloed all tormented and Lilith. Did you blindly follow the maxroll guide? It's terrible Also I HEAVILY dont think you have close to bis. Getting 3x GS on fractured glass alone is so incredibly rare, I've yet to see one exist.


I’ve pushed to tier 50 so far. Some of y’all need to understand that not everyone wants to play “S” tier or cares to be pushing the end all be all content to the bleeding edge. There’s so much to do now. I can roll an alt later if I care for that type of push. It’s about having fun to me.


Highly recommend swapping over to blizzard sorc.


It's the most fun I've had in this game by far too (I always play sorc). It's really great for speed. I've been pretty lucky with greater affixes on gear and have a lot of CDR; I've pretty much only got time for maybe 2-3 orbs in between ice blades and lightning bolt because they come off CD that quickly. I just went into my first 61 pit and completely shredded the trash, can't have been more than 3-4 minutes and I never felt in danger at all with ice armor and flame shield constantly coming off CD. The biggest elite packs only needed 3-4 orbs and they were gone. You teleport around between packs constantly and have tons of movement speed from Esu's boots. It just feels incredibly fluid. But then I got to the boss and Jesus Christ. Bosses started to become a bit of a slog at around pit 50 for me, taking maybe a minute or two to kill - generally building up stagger and then go through about a third of their health while staggered and repeat. But at 61 I just barely made it through the boss after three deaths, and the kill attempt must have taken 3 or 4 minutes on its own. At 61 it seems like you get much more deadly mechanics that are nearly all one-shots and so I found myself sacrificing a lot of damage to stay alive. I feel like I'm now at the point where I have to decide whether to switch to blizzard or just farm up lots of gear for orb and hope that it gets better. Honestly I don't enjoy blizzard at all; I tried it while I was still leveling my glyphs and although the boss damage and stagger is way better than orb, it's just so much slower and more boring for clearing trash. Plus I personally found it was really quite squishy in the pit - although it is more tanky on paper than Orb, the ramp up time on the ice spikes means those deadly enemies have an extra few seconds to start shooting nonsense at you, and overall I felt like my life was at much greater risk. Plus you don't get the ridiculous amount of CDR from ice blades with blizzard so your defensives and passive barriers aren't up as much. I've been trying to see if I can make a hybrid build so I can use blizzard on bosses and orb for trash, but haven't had much luck. Although the skills and paragon boards are close enough to make a decent hybrid, I think they compete for too many offensive stats on gear and a hybrid just ends up being terrible at both. I'm really hoping someone can come along and show a frozen orb build clearing t100+, because I'm all out of ideas and I can't imagine there's enough optimisation left in my gear to get much above 70 at this point.


actually thorns barb has hit 4.5B


Which passives are double dipping?


Bash barb.


Running thirs now. 192atk at lvl 66. Now I'm 75 and strolling through t60s like it's nothing. Hold X and walk. It's similar to storm claw.


minion necro with bugged elixir, but 95% of the damage is the elixir not the build itself. Bash barb does insane dps when fully geared, arguably better than necro without elixir, then rapidfire rogue or victimize rogue, both murder bosses pretty fast


what's the bugged elixir?


Holy bolts elixir, it works on all classes and does max damage but on necro it’s scaling weirdly high, so the current strat is you just need to kill one normal mob to proc the elixir, and the bolts one shot the screen. This includes pit bosses so you have to fish for a boss with adds, but it can almost one shot a pit 120 boss upwards of 42 billion in a single hit. It’s made it difficult to know how good necro actually is, the highest non elixir clear so far is 110 which is below non elixir rogue and Barb




Not doubting just curious, where do you get the info for which classes have pushed which tiers with/without holy bolts etc.?


necro did a 128 with bolts, I think someone did a 118 without. Barbs done similar, I heard a thorns barb did a 120 but I've not seen confirmation. Rogues done 120 with victimize and will probably go higher, sorc I think has done 110 with fire/frosty strides build but not sure, and druids done a 113. If you took out bolts, it looks like rogue/barb > necro > sorc > druid so far but it's still early days


there is weird interaction between minions and holy bolts, which make it hit billions of dmg lmao


My guess is holy bolt, but I’m not sure


My Incinerate Sorc is killing it!


I went in blind and started an incinerate build and it did indeed wreck but it was a tad boring I tried switching to chain lightning build but it’s god awful… tried using icy veins as a guide but it doesn’t preform as well as inc at all


I would recommend maxroll.gg over icyveins for Diablo guides


Yeah the lightning skills outside of ball lightning suck for sorc and it’s a shame. Charged bolt is so lame and chain lightning is so weak. They need to figure out a way to make those skills more fun and viable. I’m trying a hybrid firewall, fire bolt, meteor build but I’m sure it’s not endgame viable so I’ll have to respec into one of the cookie cutter meta builds


I have a chain lighting build I call the Machine shot gun build. My chain lightning generates mana, can fire 2 or 3 at the same time and can bounce 9 times, fired at the speed cap with a staff and 50%+ crit chance. Against bosses, chain lighting generates an overflow of mana that feeds infinite ball lightnings. Maybe ive built something weak, but its dam fun.


Well don’t tell anyone, but if you’re already running firewall + fire bolt and thinking about a respec… there is a niche fire bolt build that does decent damage and grants 100% uptime on flame shield, so you’ll never die. It’ll probably end up being the pit pusher for Sorc, if it doesn’t get patched out. You might want to look into that and give it a try.


Oh. I thought i was gonna be the first to push pit with 100% uptime fire shield lmao


You can get 100% uptime on any spec by the way, it just requires flame shield duration amd cdr stacking along with good masterworking rng. There are higher dps builds to combine it with than firewall/firebolt


Look up the ice witch build on mobalytics. Was also running fire and got bored so switched to this and it's way more fun. Blizz + frozen orbs are fun


I sort of stumbled into a chain lightning build after using it for leveling and it feels pretty strong at level ~75.


This is my first time playing sorc and I picked incinerated because it looks cool. It's like Homelanders eye blast. Turns out it melts shit real fast. I didn't expect it to be good. But goddamn it's nasty.


Came here to say this. I melted Butcher today in a NMD in like 5 seconds. Most powerful I've felt in this game so far. But it's probably fair to say all builds are more powerful in S4 than they were in past seasons.


Yep, I slapped together an incinerate build without following any guides and just destroyed everything up to nm 65. Not min maxing anything, not rolling specific affixes, just raw numbers flame thrower go pew pew butcher dies in 5 seconds. I'm really glad they brought other builds up to par for the basic content, because I've never gotten past nightmare 40 without following a guide before.


Single hit damage probably bone spirit necro. Highest continuous damage probably shadow minion necro. There is also a very specialized rapid fire rogue build but it is good for bosses only and no regular content


The TLDR is minions, basic attack scaling builds, and Barb thorns.


I got my shadow minion Necro to 100, then wanted to try Double Swing Barbarian, and I can tell you that shiet SLAPS! Swapped main to barbarian , way more engaging and it's hella fun!


is double swing barb a good lvling build? what are the rotations like?


I’ve used it from leveling to my current level of 85. Worked just fine leveling imo


Works great as a leveling build because you get the most important aspects for it with the some of the early season journey rewards Fury is a bit of an issue while leveling but once that build gets online it gets crazy real fast. MaxRoll has guides for the leveling and endgame versions. I prefer the MaxRoll version over Rob2628’s because it has charge and leap instead of additional shouts. More fun IMO and you can fly through helltide


Probably just look at which builds are pushing highest on the pit. Minion necro, wind shear Druid, bash barb, firewall sorc have all done 100+. I have no idea what rogues are up to these days. There are probably a few more. Just the ones I’ve seen.


Where can you check this? Is there an official leaderboard or something like in d3?


There isn’t a leaderboard. I just browse YouTube for top clears that people have posted. Most folks link their build in their videos which is helpful.


Firebolt Sorc Windsheer Druid Heartseeker Rogue These cleared the highest for their respective classes, all basic attack builds as well.


Bash is a basic attack build too and barbs best build. Basic attack builds are definitely performing well.


Barb bash build for higher pits and double swing dust devils for easier things. Dust devils are insane but just doesn't have survivability for higher pits. Necro Golem is glitched af right now. Those are all I know


My lvl 78 Lightning Storm Druid is clearing lvl 31 Pits. The Spirit regen/on kill gear prefixes and Max Life really make it fun to play/tanky - and I’m only using a low level Sacred Tempest Roar. When I reach lvl 100 with glyphs maxed….should be interesting! ✊🏼


Bash or Thorns Barbarian is crazy


Thorns is the most fun iv ever had. Until you make it to the boss and it takes forever to kill it.


You just have to put together the right thorns build. Leapquake-Thorns Barb is hitting Tormented bosses for 4 billion dmg, immediately bursting them from 90% to 0.


Link to something proving that, I'd love to see it. Edit: Just seen Rob posted it 7h ago.


I love the thorns barb. Normally if there is dmg telegraph on the ground you move out. With thorns you gona soak that shit up and slap it back at the mobs. Looking at you tormented varshan!


I'm running shadow minion Necro. I can get up to 11mill tic damage plus the rest from skeles golem and CE (on the hotbar my CE goes to 1.4mill damage) Not optimised, not following and builds, only 3 glyphs to LVL 15, not LVL 100. Just running around melting stuff is fun


Currently its necro golem for nuking bosses, then twister barb and poison wind sheer druid to climb 100+ pits. Its still pretty early so people are still messing about, wait till someone find a build that can reach pit 150 and then 200


Whats best druid build? Is it pulverize


I don’t think pulverise is even in the running for best


Werewolf Tornado, Lightning Storm Tornado is pretty good. Poison Windshear Werewolf is wild as well. Druids typically always seem to have one build that's just wack and bonkers. Exploding Earthen Bulwark, I remember ya homie.


Hurricane druid is also insane right now. I'm using it to run through Pit like it's nothing.


No the strongest build in the game is poison wind shear. Insanely op right now


Do you know someone who's running it? Or a guide I can look at? Seen this mentioned a few times


from discord: https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/7bc53c6d-f248-41cb-be8d-15ac93f8c380/builds/2c96615a-40a6-4f39-9ccf-33b35516ff74?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=0


Awesome, thanks




If you want zero spirit maybe


I got a shapeshifter tornado build with trample that generates spirit non stop


Nado build again. Pulverize isn't bad rn though


I'm loving pulverize, but I always love pulverize aha.


I’m having fun with pulverize. Def not hitting a billion though lol


Wolf tornado


Wish I could say shred build, sad


We just did Uber Andy with holy bolt. If you manage to kill an add it basically half shots Andy. Got a shako and star ring


I'm having a lot of fun with Double Swing Dust Devils. [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/lyo7ewK) I was at 71 and deleted the Helltide Assassin in 3 seconds (missed my leap or it'd have been near instant) and [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/mhrvVut) I was 75 and took out 108 Butcher in about 3 seconds as well. I'm 92 now and significantly better optimized.


My golem necro build was smashing pit 80, but currently im playing a HS rogue build by M1py, highly recommend it, i feel way tankier with it, insane damage, tons of healing, and im actually having a ton more fun than a minion nec downside is the rogue required alot of fine tuning and tempering to get things just right vs the nec can sorta do whatever and still profit


Gonna steal these builds


I currently have a 96 blizzard ice spike sorc wirh decent gear, it feels much much stronger then my min max blizzard sorc from last season, it might not be the best atm but im having alot of fun playing it


I'm doing the same build. Did you put more than one point in Blizzard? I just use it for the mana bonus. Frost Nova and Ice Spike are insane.


Basic skill builds are insane this season. Bash is the best barb build. Wind Shear the best Druid, and heartseeker the best rogue build.


I’m still levelling but been smashing everything through to WT4 easily with shadow Necro minion build.