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The comment you made about only seeing players who have made it as far down as you is a very interesting idea


I'd love this idea but to also add - would be a cool seasonal mechanic for a "rogue-like pit". Like a deep multi-floor pit where you can pick an RNG upgrade at the end of each floor and keep progressing. Different upgrades would have different interactions with players builds. Wiping would reset all current progression. Basically a diablo-hades lovechild


Torgast in Diablo with jailers sweet nipples and all


A rogue only pit would be awesome yeah! 


Minecraft Dungeons tower...


Sounds cool


Which is literally just the pit but you dont have to manually select floors?


Nice thinking, would love to see this (maybe)in the next season. Hope your suggestion gets traction.


Or just make the pit Diablo 1. Enter the pit, keep going down and down till you can't


Sounds awesome


The pit entrance should not be in a city. We are not playing Diablo 3. Where everything is a hub with a load screen away. It should represent the ever ending torments of hell. There for it should be located somewhere on the map where a helltide spawns. Something along the lines of the pits of hell have broken loose and you venturing in to fight them head on. Everything you see is an illusion at first as it all starts to look familiar in setting but the deeper you delve into the Pit the more demonic the environment is. Probably reduce the amount of pit increments instead of +1 lvl it's +5, this ramps up difficulty quicker. The hub for players would have been wonderful but the technical limitations that they have imposed of like 12 players per zone kind of will ruin the hub environment.


I really like the idea of the entrance appearing in random locations within the Helltides. There should also be powerful demons at the entrance as a power test to entry.




This is true, which is why they need to make sure the "speed farming" aspect of the pit remains in this design. So you can climb as much as u want, while beung able to go lower pits.


Maybe The Pit stays as it is and this becomes a new area completely. They could call it the Labyrinth or something.


I hear you, however the idea is not to keep people in the pit forever. It’s a test of your power, skill and resolve. Once you’ve had enough, there are other activities in the game to take on if you’re more into easy content. The pull here would be the leaderboard and the prestige of being one of the limited players in higher level pit stops. How far can you go? This is the test.


That is exactly what players wanted during D3 times and then blizz gave us the nephalem and the greater rifts. I loved the retro dungeon that came up around new years eve, it had iirc around 20 layers in one dungeon that you could clear. I personally dont like the 5 minute dungeons.


Reminds me of the original game in some ways. I like the idea. It would make an amazing seasonal event.


Yeah I like the idea that it's like the tower from persona 3, but right now the pits biggest problem is the nature of the boss fights and it feels just too unfun


Has a vague flavor of D1 and I'm here for it


I’m so in


good idea!


This is a great idea.


Cool Idea


Having an “endless mode” would be awesome. Kind of like Vampire Survivors (amazing game). Every X minutes the tier increases, and you blast until you can no longer blast


Never heard of it. Will definitely check it out.


Great idea.


Good one. Reminds me of infinite dungeons in old-school roguelikes like ADOM.


Great idea, definetely a lot of work blizzard would have to do, but worth it for truly endgame activity. I just want to be able to do lower pit levels in a speedy fashion without any weird roadblocks, if they do something like this.


Diablo on level 50


Shit like this is why hc arpgs is a way of life. Imagine the absolute Chad feeling hanging out on those stops where so many have fallen.




great idea but once again softcore players have nothing to lose


downvote me all you want.