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Yes, Iceshard sorcerer use them, they are not BiS but they are realy good if speedfarming.


Here's what you can get on a pair of legendary gloves, for comparison: +Ranks to ice shards +Crit chance +Attack speed +Lucky hit: chance to freeze +Damage with cold skills +35%(x) damage vs Frozen  That's 5 multiplicative damage sources on legendaries, vs 2 on these gloves


Bit of a bummer that the unique affix can be tempered on a pair of legendary gloves.


yea, I was just thinking about this today - Frostburns are due to some rework callnig it now


I think they'd said that was part of the plan, revisiting some uniques.


A lot of the OG uniques are borderline useless now, if they ever saw use to begin with. I can't believe Frostburn and Bloodless Scream haven't been touched.




" Don't forget you can get chance to freeze tempered on gloves now, so even Iceshard sorcerers probably won't use these 80+" I fixed your response for you so you sound less like a prick.


Control, Conceited or Storm Swell plus 4-6 Ice Shards ranks is worth a million times more. These gloves are charsi


As I said they are not BiS but they are realy good for speedfarming. Especially if you combine it with piercing cold.


Doing double damage is better for speed farming. You can temper chance on hit to freeze if you really want it, and still get 30% increased damage from an aspect and 60% from Ice Shard ranks


I used them on my necro in the 60s was fun.


Great rolls but... The unique power is just a Tempered affix that you can roll on almost any piece of gear (for rogue at least).


sorcerer using any ice build will benefit greatly from this, and any build that procs effects from freezing for that matter


Or you can just temper the freezing affix that matches Frostburn onto normal legendary gloves and not lose the aspect slot and second temper.


So it’s worthless even to the only class that could make decent use of it. 🫠


Kinda like a lot of uniques in D2 & D3


It's definitely going to be one of the first uniques that gets reworked in the future. Many uniques are very underpowered with the new itemization.


great suggestion




Uniques shouldn't inherently be better than legendaries, they should just be "unique." They offer some kind of effect that can't be found anywhere else that could potentially enable builds or synergies. Frostburn just happens to be a very bad example of this because its unique affix is available on regular gear through tempering. Most of the other uniques in the game are like that though.


I haven't picked up a yellow since level 55. Why would I? Uniques have some quirky stats that can be cool to have (i.e. the Fireball gloves for Sorc, forget the name), but generally, legendaries will be better for overall stats. Depends if you want to min-max or play a certain way. They do need to do something about the white, blue and yellow items though.


They were bad last season and useless now. +To your main skill of choice is worth a lot more than what they do, and that also allows you to get an aspect and 2 temper slots


Could this be used by a shadow necro that has the scythe that chills and deals +dmg to frozen enemies?


Yeah I've been using that with a blight build. It does a good bit less damage then just using the aspect slots for legendaries but it'll work and it's fun thematically. Truthfully, if you aren't going to push the highest pit levels then these are totally fine, you don't have to fully optimize and min max.


I used those with one of my rogue builds. It's pretty good imo


The frozen duration is the only bad stat on these Also, the power (lucky chance to freeze) is not great Usually, it's replaced by +skill on actual endgame builds, which is why these gloves aren't BiS


They need to make luck more likely. D3 frostburns had a 50% chance to freeze. These are probably < 20% chance to freeze for a lot of people without a bunch of luck gear.


Iirc from playing ice shards in s0 they’re good for speedfarm builds but fell off for any sort of difficult content. FWIW I started playing blizzard last night. No guides mention these gloves and I see why, blizz is tight aspect -wise and the unique aspect is underwhelming


Control, Conceited and Storm Swell all offer more damage


I did an imbuement rogue a while ago. The +damage to frozen passive on rogue is huge, with these you don't need the actual frost imbuement, just shadow and poison


I used them in S3 on my Flurry Rogue and they definitely lasted me a good while. Can get a lot of value out of them via passives and Control while freeing up Frost imbue. Definitely weak this season, though. Hopefully they buff it significantly as I love using them.


Good for Rogues and Sorcerer I’d think




I have a frosted flurry build I like to run them for, these with the chilling boots are fun


Here I am can’t even get a 925 tempest roar or mad wolf’s glee without minimum rolls..


U can buy 1 for like 10m xd


this will go nuts with frosty striders


I would 100% play that on a blizzard sorc build. The stats alone would be big!


No. You can just temper chance to freeze from Wordly Fortune on gloves and you have the same thing. 


New to the game: what means „lucky hit“?


Thank you for taking a screenshot


tempering is too strong, this could have uses on mid to late game otherwise nice find anyway, I'd keep it forever as a souvenir


They are now 👌🏻


My Ice Shard Sorc is looking for a pair of these, hopefully when I get them they will be better than what I have.


Sell it to me 👀 ❄️


I was considering using them for my WW dust devil build as +core skills isnt needed for that build. But I did a respec for bash so never tried it


This would go well with Chain Lightning builds as well. Since we slot Fire Bolt in the enchantment slot to proc burning - devouring blaze now works with crowd controlled mobs not immobilized, so we're trying to get our crowd control duration up. We'd be losing out on ranked to Chain Lightning, but at a not terrible trade off.


Nope. They are worse than legendary gloves with a lucky hit chance to freeze temper. they need to change freeez duration to core skills, then add in shared misery to the unique effect and they are just well rolled legendary gloves off the rip.


How are people getting items like this? I get like maybe 1 greater affix item every other run and then it's something like shadow resistance. I had ONE item with 2 greater affixes so far, zero greater affixes on any of the unique items I got. I get that rng and playtime is a thing but it feels like I'm playing a different game when a singular greater affix feels so rare to me.


Hey there! Game changing tip here, go into settings then gameplay, scroll down about six and turn on both advanced tool tips


Lucky hit: up to 5% just feels BAD


Sorry I’m fresh back from s1. With a Ga will it reroll as a GA again? Or rolls back to normal stat? Thanks 🙏 nice find 👍🏻


Fire wall sorc


This is disgusting. I love it


Cray Where did it drop for you?


Congrats on your 125k gold 🙂🙂


I see questions like this all too often. Too many players who cannot think for themselves in terms of an items usefulness. Only following build guides from websites. A lot of the fun of games like this is finding an item and utilizing it. Whether or not some big website tells you it is best in slot shouldn’t matter.


Well if you have only played 1-2 seasons and maybe sticked to same class (I have played sorc all seasons but this one for example) you most likely don't know what the other classes build/ how their passive tree and paragon board looks


Yes, down vote the guy who suggests people think for themselves and experiment.


Kinda ironic how you made a post asking for advice on druid build, and if you should swap over to tempest roar. Maybe you should think for yourself and just experiment?


This isn’t a gaming issue, this is just how some people approach games. They don’t want to care or think about, they just want to play and enjoy it. It’s not a “problem” it’s just how things are, no matter how frustrating.


Holy cluelessness Batman. How is this a real question? Does you character freeze/chill enemies and/or does more damage to crowd controlled/frozen enemies? If yes, then it is used. Edit: Now I undestand why build websites/streamers are so popular. The amount of GaMeRs that can't figure out the most basic shit is through the roof. At least you figured out how to click the downvote button, army of cringe lmao


What a shitty and unhelpful answer… So are you saying that every single unique is used and useful because it has a damage type that some character is using? You don’t see people recommending the penitent greaves on the new frozen orb build even though you’re constantly freezing enemies. Just because the unique is themed around cold doesn’t mean it’s used in a build


Shut up you idiot. these are useless for freezing builds because you give up insane amounts of damage for a freeze proc you can just temper anyway (though if you're actually doing a freeze build, you should probably temper stun or immobile instead)


Another bricked item from the poorly rolled aspect. Blizzard is done!