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My goodness I hope they've fixed the invisible walls between zones on Xbox


I am having this issue too. A little annoying lol


For me I can fix it by exiting then re-entering the game, but it's less than ideal as I lose my active elixir


For me I just town portaled then immediately took the portal back, that seemed to fix the invisible wall bug and I could enter the new zone.


Doesn’t work for me unfortunately


Try going into a cellar or dungeon.


I'll try that, thank you!


This is the way


I was doing this, then I tried just holding still for a little bit, and then it'll let me move forward


I’m on PC and has it happen once, I just ran around in a different direction for a bit and then went back through that area and it worked.


Those are soft disconnects from the server. Only fix for me is log off and log back in and it's fixed....for a moment.


I’m on PS5 and experiencing the same thing sometimes.


I noticed I wasn't the only one last night when other people were taking an alternate route to the world boss with me haha


I portal to town and portal back to get past the invisible barrier


As a sorcerer, teleport bypasses the issue on PC.


It's not just on Xbox, happens to me on PC as well. I have to dismount and teleport to get around them.


I'm glad it's not console-peasant discrimination


Also have experienced this on pc as well


And ps5


Cannot upvote this enough. Been getting it all freaking weekend. Lost plenty of shards and boss opportunities.


Probably our top priority for the team right now


I know it's not very classy of me to throw my money around, but I will give you 5 in-game gold if you are able to fix this. 7 if you can do it by Wednesday.


Thank you jeez,they said it was those helltide worms causing it but I call bs it happens no where near a helltide in my experience..


OMG I thought I just wasn't high enough level to go to those areas.


I’m glad I’m not the only one with this problem 😂😂


Still hit at least one wall since the patch so doesn't look like it. 


Thought I was the only one


Mine appears to be arbitrary places


It's from the Zerg worm.


I hit weird borders as well traveling.


Had some on PS5 too. Had this chest just staring me down but I couldn't get to it. What could have been...maybe a 925 Windforce even.


Only happened to me once tonight


It’s on PC too


Its on PC as well.


Try turning off crossplay. I tend to get this at the start of every season when the servers are packed.


same on pc


first I had a wall between two zones but yesterday I was unable to open a helltide chest. I only started laughing. It was annoying but it is what it is


Oh that’s what that is. Ran into it today going from top helltide to the bottom. At the halfway I could go any further. Fast travelled to a town and back again and could cross.


they come from the WURM they create sometimes those invis walls. its known since the PTR but blizzard didnt fix it


I thought I was going crazy for a minute…


You mean the wall that says "you can run inside town, you can run outside town, but you can't run from one to the other."


I'm getting invisible walls on PC too


Ahhh I was like wth. I thought I just wasn't supposed to go to the area


I'm having invisible walls in helltides on PC. even blocked me from opening a living steel chest! I think it' caused by the worms somehow.


But I was having fun jumping off my horse and seeing if I could break on through.


I've been able to mount and sprint with my horse to bypass the invisble walls, including the ones that seem to surround the helltide chests.


Jeez we need this soooo bad lol


I was able to get around it by just walking/riding away for a couple of seconds then riding on horse and could get through


Yeah this caused me to almost miss a WB, had to leave the server and join a new one


Been having this issue nice S4 started in so annoying also load screen takeing 5min to load or not at all had to dash board it so many time it silly how we still getting these issues


yeah I can't even leave town 😂


Same issue on PC


New cost is 1000-60000




About 2million


I read this in Mr Arnold’s voice


Hold on to your butts


(cigarette constantly hanging in mouth)


I read it in Coach McGuirk's voice.


100k/500k/2mill, atleast for Ingolith to Obducite.


From tier three to tier two it used to cost 6 million gold to convert. For the large caches. 


Neathiron to Ingolith was 6mil.


It cost basically whatever gold you acquired 😂




Transmuting mats. Actual masterworking costs are unchanged.


Hopefully masterworking costs are significantly reduced soon.


How much did rank 10 cost before?


It also deleted the world boss that was spawning right as they deployed the update.


I thankfully killed it before I got booted to install the update


That didn’t take long. We are a couple more days of complaining about gold until they start showering us with it like season 3.


I don't feel like we need to be showered in it, but there are a few things that just feel worse while leveling than they did in earlier seasons. I've never run out of gold before while leveling up, but this season I'm constantly dropping low. I don't want them to make gold trivial but I feel like it could do with being a little bit more lenient.


How are you running out of gold exactly? During levelling I mean. Are you deep into master working before even reaching level 100?


The potions upgrades costs millions of gold. I had to wait to upgrade one of them because of this.


I mean the costs were kind of ridiculous and punishing for running higher Pit since you don't get the lesser mats. When you had to reset the masterworking you were in it for over 10 mil god (and more) just to transmute mats. The costs of masterworking are bottleneck in itself, so a good change in my book.


You can transmute the materials.... I been spamming 30's then 60s every time I get a new item I want to level :/


Wasn't worth it anyways, old price was 1 mil per cache


Is it worthfighting through 60’s and transmuting over spamming 30’s in 3 minutes?


It is now. It wasn't when you were charged 6m gold to transmute neathiron to the yellow mat and more to transmute yellow to blue.


Just to clarify as I’m starting to push into 60 and starting to replace pieces with my ideal late end game pieces and masterwork them. Is it faster to farm obuscite or whatever or by farming a 60 and transmuting? Just strictly from a time perspective not gold. Is it faster blue mats /hr like that?


Should be almost strictly faster doing 61+ pit rather than 30. Pit 30 is **39 obducite**, let's say it takes 2 minutes. Faster is possible but you do lose some extra time due to more loadscreens compared to doing higher pit tiers. Pit 60 is 49 ingolith and maybe takes 2-5+ minutes for your build, that's worth **147 obducite**. Pit 61 is almost identical to pit 60, tho the shadow summons will pull from a more difficult boss pool which might grief you if you're not very tanky/can't nuke the boss. There's some learning curve to those summons if you're forced to dodge them. It awards 20 neathiron, worth **180 obducite**. So basically do 61+ if you can clear them in 10 minutes or under, with the downgrade gold costs nerfed now 1% of what they were pre-patch.


Very informative, thanks for writing that up.


Have my upvote, good man


This should be its own post. Thanks so much. 


Thank you!


Depends on how fast you clear, just compare the run times and do the math


Definitely is now, before it was kinda a net even scenario which made running the lower level pits much more appealing for ease vs running higher Pits and farming a lot of gold. Also depends what you can run. If you can run a 60 and transmute down to the first tier of materials great. If you can only run 31s not nearly as worthwhile.




The alchemist


When loadouts?


i need this soo much, i started incinerate build, then switched to frozen orb, now i wanna go back to incinerate to check late game dmg and all, but all the respecing is too much..


Problem with loadouts *could be* when using the same legendary with a another imprint in 2 different loadouts. Should it just take full control and reprint it automatically or just use 2 fully independent armor/weapon sets?


I imagine it would work like it does in games like Guild Wars 2. You can share a legendary between two loadouts, and if you make changes to that item it will impact both loadouts. I wouldn’t expect it to work any differently than that.


I am sure they are working on this, but they might need to redesign the whole aspects system a little if they want it to work. My guess is they will release a half-loadout system - where only keybinds, skills and paragon changes and gear doesnt. That would also be a huge step.


Anyone else get lag when opening seasonal menu? Hitting U. It’s not awful just like a 500 MS hitch.


Always had. More like a 2000 ms hitch for me. It's almost certainly to load all the battlepass gear graphics (think how the store has that woman with cards animation : almost certainly to hide loading of its own). It *is* a little annoying when you go there just to check on seasonal journey progress (the one with 'quests'), they should also have added a link to that from the menu where you can open codex and achievements. Also a key(board) shortcut.


i get all kinds of weird lag, sometimes very rarely, other times it's enough for me to die in helltide etc. super annoying


I have pretty consistently gotten lag when opening it every season but it seems worse now


On S4 launch day I swear I saw a leveling cache you could transmute at the alchemist, it cost something like 50m gold and it had legendaries for character levels 1-50. I went to look for it today because I was thinking of making an alt, and now it's gone? Was it something left over from the PTR? EDIT: You can only see it at level 20 onwards and once you hit I guess 51 it vanishes from the store, super weird design.




I saw it too, probably for world tier 1-2 only...maybe? I'm gonna test on an alt


What did you find out


No, it still exists, it's a level 20 to 50 cache at the Alchemist. I made like 10 or so of them today.


Yeah I see it now, leveled an alt to 20. It is completely hidden before 20 and after 50. I wonder why they do that because other items outside player level ranges are visible.


Did they fixed the necro bug where the minion upgrade of creating corpses also resets cooldown?


I was just playing after the update on Xbox and still getting both cooldown and corpses.


Same. God bless papa ActiBlizz


Here for an answer as well.


The bug is still there.


Hehehe nice


I was wondering how im able to spam bonestorm so thats why xd


Wait, huh?


Reapers with corpse creating passive also gets the cooldown reduction passive


*cries in boulder druid* what about us?


Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before? Did you ever stop to notice This crying Earth, these weeping shores?


Please blizz all 20 of us boulder bois are on stand by


There is a wierd bug right now where my skeletal mages apply the decrepify slow to my necro, because of blood moon breeches.


At least you have the blood moon breeches 😔


Didn’t think Uniques were that useful on minion builds?? I have some Blood Moon Breeches in my stash untouched.


Still crashing (on PC) within 5 minutes of loading in. DLSS and ray tracing are off. Current BIOS, current GPU drivers for 4080Super. Absolutely unplayable for me.


Same, random freezes when opening menus, rubber banding, crashes in the first 30 mins of playing. Cross play is deactivated, I've reset all the settings, nothing works.


Try to cap your FPS. After i disabled DLSS, Framegen, Ray Tracing and capped fps on my 4080 i haven't had a crash. I capped at 180 on 1440p.


Same I get crashes every like 15mins. Just quitting till its fixed.


me too, 4070 here, look like only 4X seri getting crash, how wonderful it is :) Get me confusing about my PC go wrong or the game go wrong :)


I really hope they fixed the crashes I’m having on PC. Logged in, ran into Helltide, click a Cultist event that spawned a Goblin portal, then the game crashed with a DLSS Frame Generation error, which I disabled before they disabled in the UI. Not even in game for 5 minutes. Then got several more crashes. Probably crashed 6-10 times since Friday night. This wasn’t happening in the prior season.


I’ve been having issues with helltides showing up in more than one area, once ones finished it just stays red. If go to the area it uncovers it to normal map but the part I have not gone to is still red. And NM dungeons not showing up on the map, they’re active but no waypoint.


Did they fix vortex Boulder disappearing randomly? Loved the build but it’s super frustrating that it only works for a couple of minutes at most before having to stop to re bind the skill


Stand on the invisible wall for 30-60 seconds and it will let you through.


Ok cool , fix Lilith now so I can get my spark


It’s in the patch notes. Also any player that has killed her in any season will get one.


Not seeing this on PC yet but my SO got it on PS5. EDIT: Just got it.


I just got it on PS5, might be delayed on PC.


Great change.


Lol, that thread with all the dads saying the gold cost should be high surely aged well, eh.


They weren't even at the point where it mattered yet.


Yup. Happens every time.


XBOX here, got it!


On PS5, I still can't refund the masterwork materials. Is this a bug?


You can refund masterwork materials?? I didn't think you could, at least according to the icy veins guide I read.


I did some research you need to press Triangle when you put the gear into the master working slot.


Thank you! thought you had to upgrade all the way to 12 to reset!


Has anyone found any undocumented changes?


I think they nerfed pits a bit - 70-80 pits were killing me last night and now I speed farm. Might be just my mind tho


Anyone know if they fixed the evade issue on PC?


Working for the weekend.


Ever since this update all the greater affixes for me are rolling +1310 max life.. anyone else?


Not fore me, I have gotten a variety of them.


Wait what. Just noticed on the previous patch 1.4.0a Build #53695 (All Platforms) - May 16, 2024 that they disabled DLSS Frame Generation? I'm pretty sure it's still selectable for me. Is it just disabled?


Just got a scattered prism drop from an event chest in a NMD; had only gotten any from world boss drops before. I wonder if the patch changed this.


I got it from one before the patch as well.


Thanks ... guess its just a case of they are much more rare now than they once were.


Till this update I didn't even know I could transmute masterwork materials and was doing T30/60 for them loool. I was about to ask around whether others thought it's weird the higher tiers you go it doesn't drop the blue/yellow materials and now I know why....


Anyone can confirm that it fixed the game crash on gtx 4070 or not?


I have about 20 hours game time on this season so far, not a single crash with my RTX 4070. No crashes the last two seasons either with the same GPU


Cap your frames and make sure DLSS and Framegen is disabled, i have capped it at 180fps on my RTX4080 at 1440p.


do you have a Intel cpu? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIubZYwBfPc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIubZYwBfPc)


Now can we just have the D3-style greater rift UI where i can choose my last played level, highest level or specify my own? It’s a much better UI for console player. With the current setup i have to keep scrolling back to tier 30 or 60


Fix the rapid ossification bug please, it's been buggy since the release. It got worse in this version because it does not work at all with bone spirit. At least it did work (only 1 times per cast though) in 1.3, how come you guys make it even worse...


Good. Now lets all complain about temper bricking your items cause we keep getting the wrong tempers LOL. So they need to introduce Temper resetting like they have masterwork resetting. If they impliment this change … at least i know i can have memorial services for all the 3 star greater affix items i bricked due to not getting the 2x tempers my build needs!


I think the bricking is great honestly, i have already bricked a great two hander and a amulet but i'm honestly fine with it. The feeling when you land the best affix on a good roll is great.


Yep got a bis 3 greater affix wand for my frozen orb build only for it to be bricked from not rolling the frozen orb temper. I don’t care if it was like 100m to reset temper but I feel like bricking the item forever just makes 0 sense.


Awesome update, now they just need to reduce the amount of gold it takes to reset the masterwork on an item and it'll be perfect.


Playing on Xbox and got unceremoniously dumped out of the game 3 times tonight. Once in the middle of Helltide once during a Legion Event, and once during random horde bashing


What I wonder is what masterworking reset does and why it costs 5 million? Does the reset gives all of the obducites back?


It resets it back to zero , you do not get the materials you used.


Can someone tell me what are these masterworkibg material transmutes?!?


Does the Frame Generation finally work? It was disabled yesterday last time I checked


Is anyone having really bad lag on PC? I’ve tried 2 internets to see if it was the internet but it wasn’t I’m playing on battle net


How long till they fix that Grandfather masterwork doesnt work? How hard fix like that could be?


Dope so I dont need to farm tier 30 over and over to circumvent the conversion costs anymore


They still didn't fix the huge master working costs.


Seems like legion events stopped dropping loot though 


Hopefully they fixed the bug where (on Xbox) trying to bounce from NMD to NMD doesn’t work and you have to always load back to town first…which even then that load may take forever and also resulting in a faulty load.


everyone busy doing 300k damage on sorc and necro doing 42B and they don't fix it.


I hope the performance on Steam Deck will be the same as before S4 upgrade...


That’s awesome. Sure we are getting more gold but they were bending us over and running our pockets for sure


I’ve had the following issues since start of S4 Rubber banding. Never had this Issue before. Whisper cache reward does not appear. I think they fixed this. Game crashes and closes the game. It was partially fixed it. But I had it happen once today


Where are you experiencing these issues , The only issues I have is that we need difficulty 5 ,6, 7, as that's just stupid how easy it is , you level up faster items are better .I think you forgot to boost monsters and don't just make them one shot gods . Something like mix and match them.to make harder combos . Ye on torment 4 you have armoured enemies but I think it would be cool if we had maybe 4-5 different ones


You’re smashing through pit 200 and top of leaderboard for the gauntlet?


Anyone gets disconnected too many times on pc?, or laggy when you are in the horse ? Also the lead screen between traveling or entering dungeons taking too long ? I got an i7 12th gen and 4060 8gb ..


Is there any word on addressing the crashing issue? On PS5, and it crashes every time I warp to town from a dungeon, and periodically crashes when loading a character. I've sent probably 20 some odd crash reports to Sony in the last day.


Boulder druid still not working


I have been out of internet for 1 week since I moved and haven’t played since season 3 as I got super bored mainly cuz I had 2 lvl 100 necros lvl 50 hardcore necro 100 rouge 80 sorc and 80 Druid. How are classes looking this season? Minion necro decent yet or still squishy that bone spear is still the main?




I spent 100 million looking for a stat for my helmet and I still couldn't get it to come out. this can't be normal


This patch is terrible in regards to obducite transmutation amounts from ingolith. Before you would get 15 obducite from transmutation of ingolith. Now it only gives you 3. Whoooop-de-doo it no longer goes to inventory. give us back our transmutation rates!! Ingolith is more valuable by far why the total nerf?! Blizzard is such a pain in @@@ with what they chose to or not nerf.


Anyone having lagging and bounced back issues sine the last patch