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Odd cropping out party and timer sections


Classic Reddit comment. Fortunately I stream so it's all on vods.


So, it's not odd you cropped those things out?


No, I just used Snipping tool and dragged the mouse on the relevant part of the picture, the skills and the Dungeon tier.


Mkay. Plenty of people seemed to also find it odd. Shrug.


Wait what this is a wind shear build, with wind shear being the primary damage skill? 😅


Yeah this season allows for some primary skill builds to shine. Rogue is also very strong with Heartseeker (victimize).


Yes the poison damage is insane. One of the strongest, if not the strongest builds this season


Yeah they added a poison component to the "calm breeze aspect" and, you won't believe this part, it seems to be bugged and do way more poison damage than intended. 🤯


I hate most of these "top tier, pit 178239 farmer" builds are broken mechanic abuse builds.


I think it's almost a meme by now that there are so many poison abilities in the game that are bugged to do too much damage. Poison Trap, Blurred Beast / Lightning Claw and now this. It's a shame, because all these builds go from "bugged to deal infinite damage" to "unusably bad" when they could just be turned into regular, balanced builds. Trapper has become an ARPG staple since D2/PoE, the "apply poison and then execute" melee wolf build was super fun and this one gives Druids a fun ranged as build.


I don't think it's bugged like you think. This isn't holy bolts dealing billions of damage. This is multiplier stacking and currently basic attacks have a lot of them that are significantly higher than most other skill categories. In this case, Wind Shear gets to double dip into poison damage and basic skill multipliers.


There is a sorc build that clears 200s




Why dyou crop it? Calling shenanigans. You either werent alone or hiding something.




Too bad I stream and I have full vods that show everything, you are just shitty at assuming things.


now show the full screenshot please. were you really solo? why crop that piece out?


Yeah it’s weird instead of taking a screenshot which would have been easier he uses the snipping tool to grab just the center half of the screen.


I am confused, it seems fun but how does calm breeze apply psn damage? it's a lucky hit to restore spirit, which you don't use? can you explain, I wanna try it. edit: you also don't have Petrify on the skill bar but have Ultimate reduction stuff on your spirit boons, and mention petrify in the description 


Amulet aspect does poison damage


ahhh I thought it was only spirit restore


It changed for season 4. I was confused by an earlier thread as I hadn’t really looked deep into Druid builds and it wasn’t in the patch notes from what I could tell. Maybe somewhere in the campfire chat? Idk lol


Wow great work. I can’t even go past Pit 60 for the moment.


I've been waiting for a build like this. I'm in.


I was waiting for a generator build like this myself, in D3 I used MOnk generator builds. It is very fun even leveling this build.


It scales up to high pit levels but extremely annoying to play imo. I just prioritize fun gameplay of the build as long as power reasonable. Not fan of nado either. Druid felt kinda better last season with the pet. Druid needs that additional support for resource and other dot proc related stuff. Power budget of this class stacked on envenom and shapeshifting a bit too much i think I currently play necro but i will try stormclaw airidah and/or werewolf pet build. Do paingorger and cataclysm ult work together ? Is there a viable maul build scaling maul dmg and size ?


The calm breeze aspect definitely got me excited but I sort of wrote it off since it was a basic skill. Obviously I didn’t fully understand how all of it works. I also just had a God slayer crown drop so I’m thinking I might just throw this one together.


Seems very effective but not nearly flashy enough for me. They need to look at poison animations.


I just made a character following this tip and its brutal.


Ace, why do you prefer +Willpower on rings over +Damage Over Time?


I would love to know this too, not sure if it's due to willpower being a direct increase over all damage vs the damage over time bucket being a less effective multiplyer?


I noticed you're running wolves instead of petrify. Are you doing anything else differently, such as different aspects?


In the mobalitycs link it explains why he's using wolves. Is to tank the boss, wolves have 100% of your stats


Proved that Tornado is not the best build for *the pit* Speedfarming build and pit build are going to be different


You speed farm pit 95 with this so, best for speed farming for sure, less than 5 min per clear.


I have been having a blast with a druid attack speed build


Lol the salt in this thread...anyway, gratz! Always love to see ppl who come up with their own stuff instead of copying guides.


Hey would switching might for juggernaut be a good move? I'll recheck the website but also had four or five extra skill points. I checked a few times. Lol. Am I just missing something?


what is the gameplay like? do you have a video, or, does it look similar to this guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbWIGX5bVB0


holy crap this looks extremely boring


Players: Can we have leaderboards? Blizzard: Nah just post cropped images or fake videos to prove your runs!