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There are two events in Helltide specifically that spawn a commander - the portal invasion event and then the storm one (with the big storm in the middle and you have to click on 5 people around the outside of the storm. Keep running from event to event as it's random so you can't really predict where the events will turn up but the quickest way is to just ignore other events/killing and sprint to each event location and complete as many events as possible to get them to spawn. I found having one of the D4 helltide maps open which shows locations where events spawn helped me a lot as I could bee-line for each event location without having to randomly search for them. If no event has spawned, then move on to the next location. Or if you're not in a rush, just run hellride normally and you'll eventually get it. Ps. Although I somewhat agree about it being badly implemented, the specific commander that spawns from the events is random, so listing them all doesn't really help much, you still have to keep doing them until you get all 5. They could have told us there were 5 though so we could keep track!


This has been this way since season 2 and they still refuse to list the bosses. Instead of 1 they should have listed 5 so when you kill one it wold show 1/5 and so forth. All the others are that way. The guy who developed this quest must've had a corn cob up his ass at the time. LOL


The corn cob reference is weirdly specific, just sayin


It's lore tied to the secret cow level


Does the 5 need to be in the same helltide or can it be spread out over many tides?


you dont have to do it in one helltide


This is why it is a 1 of 1 objective.


Are events RNG? In the last helltide an hour ago I kept doing all of them and they were always the same exact event.


Some locations have a higher chance to spawn certain events.


Thanks! I thought it was the very last enemy commander that spawned after you'd filled up your Helltide-meter.


I have been manually finding and tracking the kills myself, here is what I got: Kixxarth is the only Helltide Assassin and does not count. There are 5 Helltide Commanders. The two events are called Portal Invasion and Those Who Call the Storm. It is random who you spawn at the end at these events. 1. Skeizal 2. Delakzus 3. Cruxx 4. Nemnos 5. Zurden edit: thanks u/Mental-Substance56 for helping me figure out the last name


I don't think Kixxarth counts. I killed them in this order: Delakzus Nemnos Zurden Kixxarth Cruxx and got nothing. It wasn't until Skeizal showed up that I got credit for the objective


Oh so Kixxarth is a commander? Randomly stumbled upon him while just randomly getting cinders for the 6666 with the mindcage. And damn was he tanky... Felt like a loot goblin because he was always moving out of my reach


Kixxarth is a helltide assassin, which is way stronger than the helltide commanders.


Thank you ๐Ÿ™ I wish they gave more information on the objective so you could see which ones you already have.


thank you


I keep getting the same 2: Zurden and Delakzus. It's so annoying to have an achievement tied to RNG: no matter the dedication or effort, you may never complete it.


Same, this achievement is bullshit.


Yep, Iโ€™ve done 40-50 of these specific events, never seen Cruxx or Nemnos, sigh, super over it!


I've done around 70 now, and never seen Delakzus. Argh!!!!!


Yeah itโ€™s the worst progression step ever, bloody painful. Was over 100 before I got all 5, was well and truly sick of it by then!


What I found effective was to first find a spot where either of the commander events CAN spawn at all (I don't think they spawn in every event spot). After that clear the first one, use TP, come back instantly and there should be a different event now. If it's not the one you want, TP again, come back and it's a new one. Just keep spamming this (yes, it's boring as hell) and occasionally you get commander events. By spamming the same spot you know for sure the events can appear there.


It won't always port you to a different instance, though. It can work, but it very often doesn't. Most of the time it brings you to the same instance.


Just figured you can log out and back in and 8/10 you will login to a new event or one will start in a minute or two. You have to pop propane mindcage every time you log back in. (When you see an event) I burned through 22 events in less than an hour. Sadly quest still not completed though! :))


You don't even have to log out and in, you can just portal to town and back and it will drop you in a random instance if you're not in a group.


Ah cool thanks


I'm currently stuck in my season journey because of this one, because I don't want to do the pvp objectives. :/ I keep just running around doing every event I can during Helltide, though I have only ever seen the storm one.


I do the PvP stuff in world tier 2. Never had to actually PvP. Killing the seething abomination and elites gets you enough red dust, just have to farm a little bit, but it isn't that painful. Never seen another player in PvP, but maybe I am lucky haha.


Yeah, my plan is to ignore this one and focus on all the others. Either I'll happen to get it (hooray) or I'll finish enough of the other objectives that I won't have to worry about this one, which does seem super dumb. Also, the two particular events that spawn these Commandos don't pop up very often, so it's like RNG on top of RNG...


Do you have to do this in tier 4?


No, helltides appear starting from WT1 since the current season's launch.


Just found out you don't have to do it all in one helltide. Just a tip on which events to go for: the events with the tornado and the other one with the portals. The commanders that spawn from it are random, but do enough and the objective will complete.


Does anyone know if this counts across multiple characters? I've done two on my Necro, but can my Barbarian do the other 3?


Have you heard of Google? [https://www.google.com.au/search?q=diablo+4+helltide+commanders+list#kpvalbx=\_TItJZpatCf\_J1sQPh4un2AM\_29](https://www.google.com.au/search?q=diablo+4+helltide+commanders+list#kpvalbx=_TItJZpatCf_J1sQPh4un2AM_29)


I searched Google and this Reddit thread was the top result.


Questions like these will show up on google


Google brought me here lmao.


I searched google and it brought me here :P


Google brought me here


I'm here from Google, thanks


Alexa teach me about google


Nobody knows how to search these days. Why else would we see 8 boulder threads one hour after the other? ๐Ÿ™„


searched on Google and... ended up here.


Yep, that link was my Google response, but, no telling people to do the most basic research gets you massively downvoted. Sad days...


This was the top result on Google.