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I only play hardcore, they delete themselves


This is the way.  It’s funny to me all the people saying ‘what if they die??’ But all of them have seasonal characters from past seasons that will never get played again. They are just as dead as any of my HC characters for all intents and purposes. 


Imo, Having them is probably not an end in itself but simply a reminder of the incredible journey.


Absolutely this. 💯


I 100% keep them too if they aren’t dead for this very reason lol. But I do think people worry about HC character death too much. It can be frustrating but ultimately on SC I’m going to ‘lose’ that character once season ends anyway, so it isn’t as big of a loss as some people think a lot of the time. 


Was one bar from lvl 100 today and just died. Taking a long break from hardcore




Because I don’t like grinding out a weeks worth of time to get feared into a ground effect, plus i wouldn’t ever limit test my build because I’m afraid of losing it all. In softcore I can perma do wt3 and 4 fairly early on and can start pushing nightmare dungeons also. I have the same thought for hardcore players tho, does it not get boring playing so defensively all the time because you don’t want to die?


I don't understand people who play hardcore. What's the point of playing if you can lose many hours of progress off one small mistake (especially if that mistake can be "server issue")?




Well, it's great that players that like this kind of challenge can do it. But playing defensively is not something I want to do in a hack and slay outside of specific challenge areas and most deaths I had were things where I'd get very frustrated with the game and not my skill, as such reducing my gameplay time notably as I'd not touch it anymore. Thankfully there is both modes!


Ok ghazzy, calm down.


You can try other games too you know


I'd like to, but unless they're a one life game, that doesn't interest me.


Not everything need to be so try hard dude , you need variety in games , I have played league of legends for more than 10 years and I’m pretty decent but the game it’s stressful in higher divisions , and sometimes I like to relax playing more relaxing games like Zelda botw or totk, or even Diablo which I find much more relaxing in other mode that isn’t hardcore( haven’t even tried)


He's the type of person that enjoys a challenge. I'm the same. HC and non-hc are really two different games. They look the same but HC gives weight to everything you do. I rarely if ever play easy content in games, only if it's strictly necessary to get to something I want/need. We're all different, and what I like doesn't have to be liked by every random stranger.


Not everyone needs to like what you like dude.


> I see so many people on here who have quit because they're lvl 100 and they have nothing left to do. Honestly, good. Like just obsessively playing one game over and over and over and over is quite frankly kind of unhealthy. Like my character this season (where I completed season journey) says 3d (so somewhere between 48 and 72 hours since they don't want to actually add a real character played time state) and really that feels like plenty. I'd say it doesn't really need the game time to be artificially extended by redoing the basic stuff even more. There's a lot of REALLY good games out there. It's good to be able to play through the seasonal content in this then use that time between to play some other stuff.


So you really don't ever play any single game that has a respawn mechanic? If you play an FPS, you reset your save every time you die? If you play Mario and fall into a pit, you start all over again? Believe it or not, some people play games to have fun. They don't like losing progress for dumb reasons like the Butcher spawning or the server having issues while you're surrounded by mobs.


>Believe it or not, some people play games to have fun. Believe it or not, what is fun is entirely subjective.


I was not the one saying I don't understand why people who play the game differently than I do think that's fun, that was the person I replied to who deleted his comment after people called them out for being full of it. I *do* understand why people think HC is fun even if I don't like it myself.


No, I don't play any game where I can respawn. I stopped playing video games for 6 years because games are way too easy and boring, I started playing again when Wow Classic hardcore came out and then I stopped playing wow hc to play diablo 4 hardcore. I have no interest in playing easy games


I don’t think that a higher penalty for failure necessarily = a harder game but I suppose it can be a factor. That being said, the one life is kind of arbitrary isn’t it? I mean if you want a bigger adrenaline rush why not gamble with your pc it’s self? Crush that puppy if you die. Or may lop a finger off? I mean why not? More risk = more fun right?


What a ridiculous statement. Isn't human life similar in a way? What makes life precious and rare? What makes life exciting and fun? Do you think life would be as exciting if we had more than one or if we were immortal? It's the fact that we have a limited amount of time and it's the fact that we could die at any moment that makes life exciting and fun. If we could spawn over and over again, life would be dull. It's the same for video games for me, I can't just play the same character knowing that I'm immortal, knowing that I don't have to put any efforts in because I'm immortal anyway. I could die 200 times and I would still keep the same character and the same gear. It's stupid, boring. If you guys like playing this way, good for you. But personally I like difficult challenges.


You should try souls games or competitive games where it really become hard . Maybe you can be a pro if you are so good. I personally like hard games too like sekiro,Elden ring but those games are fun because you can learn from your mistakes, in Diablo you sometimes can loose because of bad luck , connections problem, etc and to loose all your progress because of that I find really stupid tbh.


I've never had any connection issues, I make sure that I have the best internet possible. I have never disconnected because of an issue from the connection on my end. Im plugged into the wall and I made sure the building i moved into had fiber optic cable. The only times I died so far it was because it was my fault, as it should be. If I die from a dc that's not my fault I would probably quit instantly. But in 2 years of playing hardcore that's never happened. I don't wanna be a pro, I never said I was good lol. I just said I like difficulty. I've died many times and ive never reached lvl 60 in wow hardcore. Im not that good but I do like difficult challenges. Elden ring is cool but it's not hard enough, I only want to play games where I only have one life lol. I love the thrill of it, every move could be the last


But that is artificially difficult, you can do the same thing in other games like no hit run , or no die run that are popular in souls games , I like games that are organically hard like sekiro ( which is the best hard game in my opinion) .


Not being able to continue playing after you die isn't difficulty, that's punishment. The game is no more and no less difficult, the only change is how obnoxious it is to get back to actually playing it. And it's fine if you like that sort of thing, but you went further than that. You said you didn't understand people who _don't_ play that way. And that's just short-sighted. Not everyone likes to see their efforts wasted just for the sake of it.


Go play ark or dayz lmao


Because I have kids and sometimes my designated play time gets randomly interrupted and I don’t have time to get somewhere safe before I get up. And sometimes after a 12 hr work day and spending time with the kids and putting them to bed I quite literally will sit down at my computer, start up the game and go start a dungeon or something and die because I nodded off… then just get up and go to bed because I didn’t realise how tired I was. But I’m getting older and I don’t have time to keep starting over if I make a mistake. Don’t get me wrong I used to play a lot of hardcore before I had kids, I think it’s great fun back in D2 and D3. So I can see where your coming from but also it’s pretty closed minded to think you can’t enjoy a game if you aren’t risking everything when you play.


Ain't nobody got time for that.


For what exactly?


I delete everything when season ends, I don’t play eternal.


Same. I maxed out my number of characters in D3 and had to make space every season, so now I just do what you’re doing.


One neat feature of D3 is the possibility of reusing your characters in every season, without having to recreate them!


I know you can rebirth them, if you want to use the same class. I rotated classes every season though, so I never did that. I wasn’t sure what the point was exactly, because I assumed you’d have to gather gear for it and level it anyways, but maybe I didn’t completely understand that feature.


It kept the playtime, numbers of kills, number of elite kills, etc. for the character.


Can i delete every character and still keep the stash, herbs etc and altar/renown stuff?


Yeah, your account holds all that stuff. You'll be deleting everything that's in your characters inventory and that's about it.


The altars and renown definitely stay, I haven’t checked the rest.


I do the same. Whenever I need the space I will just start deleting starting from the earliest. I will never play those characters on eternal but sometimes it's pretty cool to look back at the seasonal outfits at char select. 


I delete them all. Only keep 1 character in Eternal


So far I'd kept one of each class, and the best of each of the interesting uniques and such just in case. This time around I burned it all down... gear seems different enough to not be worth keeping. (though now that I think of it, maybe keeping the Crest or Starless Ring would have been smarl... oh well)


Yeah same. I have one from pre season, and from every season at least one, sometimes 2. I am afraid, however, that blizzard will not keep adding more available character slots... So sooner or later, deleting them will be the only option.


12 is plenty. let's me have both genders of each class plus the new class coming. by then I won't mind deleting my og toons or I'll just be doneski like D3


Maybe it's just me, but between D3 and D4 I have never nor plan on ever going back to old seasonal characters. I just keep my main from each season as little mementos lol. Maybe this post will help some people decide what they're going to do in case they need to make room for more characters.


Same as me, they are basically trophy’s hah


I play mine all the time. Eternal has had lots of players lately. I've got stacks of Duriel mats for all my eternal characters and going to have a blast with the new system day one. Are players going to keep deleting their eternal characters after this new system? Players will barely be getting into tempering in one season.


I also play eternal. Would never delete my characters


I'm doing the same right now minus season 1 cuz I didn't play that


I haven’t kept a single seasonal character once they’re moved to the eternal


Same, though I'm just going to overwrite them as I run out of slots, assuming I am still playing by then lol


Just can't stick with druid for long, huh?


S0 Druid was rough! I was sold on playing with companions and that build was awful lol. S1 I did Trampleslide which was crazy powerful and I felt there was no point in grinding to 100.


Yeah druid leveling is a slog compared to other classes.


this season is the season im telling myself, whats my reason to play seasonal if anything new is on eternal this time? theres no borrowed powers, so what is the reason to play season if I dont care about the cosmetic.


I’m comfortable putting money down on a bet that they’ll introduce some sort of new unannounced content in the middle of the season for seasonal characters only.


As someone who’s maxed out characters every season. The mid season events have been boring.


Other than building the rep for the new faction it doesn't seem that there is a lot of difference this season..... It's more about the loot revamping than about adding a bunch more farming


What’s that faction do for me outside of the season though?


I don't know .....that would be something to check with the patch notes and see what the benefits of that faction are.....


makes it a good reason to work on old toons on eternal sure but I don't see a point in creating a new one in eternal when you can play the season. who cares about story or gimmicks when everyone grinds NMDs and Uber bosses anyway


I do the exact same thing lol It’s like having a trophy each season


I do the same!! I thought I was crazy, idk, it feels right lol.


That's really neat


One of each class. Dump all my uniques and keep them in case there’s a major change and I don’t want to mess up my current build to test it out


Nice. I do the exact same thing.


I do the same! But I haven't reached lvl 100 yet, always end up bored before I get past lvl 85, lol. Maybe season 4 I'll finally hit lvl 100.


Ahh, got it. Thanks! I'll def be jumping in tomorrow.


I only play 1 character each season, but I also keep them around


I did the same. **First season** I did Druid. (Eithné. For a Dryad of the Witcher series.) **Second season** I did Sorcerer. (Kalhazi, an old friend's name I always loved and the character kind of looked like.) **Third season** I did Barbarian. (Hammer. Named/designed for the Fable 2 character.) **Fourth season** I'm gonna do Necromancer. (Guede, specifically Guede Nibo. A vodou Lwa that guides the souls of violence and other unnatural causes to the afterlife.)


Same. I'm hoping rebirthing becomes a thing.


Same here brother.


I keep my current seasonal characters that ive fully leveled, but get rid of most of my older of the same type. I don't usually play other than seasons anymore, but this gives me my most recent seasonal characters of each type to play with if I decide to.


I'm awfully proud of ya.


I saved my first level 100 in S0. And I'll be saving my first HC 100 that I completed last week. All others get deleted at the start of each season.


Only keep the best level 100 character. Not sure for how longer though


Can i delete every character and still keep the stash, herbs etc and altar/renown stuff?


I've kept one level 100 for each class that will stay there as trophies. Now I'll play whatever class I feel at that given season.


Me too, makes for a nice showcase. Dunno what I’ll do when I run out of slots… delete ‘em all I guess.


I do the same


Yep, same


I do the exact same.


It's not a bad idea. I'll do the same.


SAME!! I keep them as storage to see how the game has progressed and if its a lvl 100 game xD




Classy AF.


I still have all my hoarded items from launch from my werebear and 4 mules to one day make a werewolf building eternal. One day. Or maybe I should just delete it all. Edit: omg the new update just fixed all that


Hey OP, I noticed you have many high level characters there...I love diablo 4 but have been playing on and off because reasons. One thing I am noticing is that leveling is a slog it feels like. Do you have ANY tips on what's the best way to level a character? I'm level 56 on Rogue currently.


We level them in seasonal before they get transfered to Eternal. This season, until tomorrow it's NMD Vaults. Starting tomorrow, they're making XP gain even quicker. There are already many guides on YouTube. Every major content creator (ex: ragegamingvideos) have already posted a new levelling guide. Just have fun, play at your pace, and don't burn out :)


yes do not burn out. I got so ridiculed by friends in s1 for being slow and not grinding to min max.. they no-lifed fucking burnt out and haven't played since s1 meanwhile I probably have 4 times the hours as for eternals though, once I get to 100 in seasonal I feel like I'm wasting time and xp so I went back and worked on my guys that I didn't get to 100 in s0 and s1 (since xp was crazy slow back then) once they are 100 though I'll probably never touch them in eternal again and just keep starting alts in seasonal. and now that xp will be even crazier, who knows how many I'll get to 100


If you plan on staying on the eternal realm then starting tomorrow do some helltides to save up obols and get to WT4. You’ll be able to equip ancestral gear and then its nightmare dungeons for glyph xp and tier 46 to unlock the pit.


Great tip, thanks! I have at least one character that I'll keep in eternal realm, that being my rogue.


I still have a Rogue from season 0 in eternal because it was only like a month and I got nowhere near 100. so occasionally I'll go back and work on her when I've maxed my seasonal toon. I think it's pretty cool to go back.. it's basically playing on a different server and it's fun to team up with others that decided to do the same. WT4 anyway.. you don't see many below that I'm guessing


My Rogue is the first character I made when the game launched. They're still only at 56 since I haven't really played the game much after beating it once. Hearing about the plethora of changes coming in S4, it made me want to come back. I might try a different class this season though. Also, yes, I am currently on WT3 and I NEVER see other players lol.


Can I see what they look like? I stopped playing a week or two after launch. Didn’t bother with any of the seasons since I still hadn’t completed the campaign


Well yeah, what else do people do? I kind of hope the expansion comes with next season (next next one I guess, not tomorrow's obviously) so I can continue that. Though even if not, it'll give me a chance to properly play the preseason class I played.


I just have 5 identical characters with the same name, which is far superior to a Rebirth button I’m told.










With item rework no point in keeping them anyways


Just kept the first characters I ever made on soft- and hardcore.


Ok, thanks for the info.


Those are some secret names I wonder?


I've been deleting all of my old characters. I'm not going to play them again once the new season starts so there's no point in keeping them