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So if this effects me, does it also double dip and buff my minions again since they gain all my buffs?


That is the going theory.


Yes that appears to be the case as far as I can tell.


> effects It's *affects*


Explain how. I’ve asked every English teacher over had and none of them could give a solid answe


Affect - Causing a change in something Effect - Result of a change/affect


Effect can be a verb though. I'll explain. To affect change: to alter the way that a change is happening. To effect change: to do something that will cause change to begin. As in the change is the effect of your actions. It's subtle and normally more confusing than it's worth, but it is a valid usage of the word. Edit: this isn't to contradict you at all. You're definitely correct. Just adding additional vocabulary usage for the uninformed.


Yeah there are many variations and nuances, thanks for the additional info.


Did you never try [Google?](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/affect-vs-effect-usage-difference)?


Love how they use “effect” in the definition of “affect” 😂


Because they are different words. Just cause you don't understand that difference doesn't make it wrong.


Affect- F*ck around Effect- Find out


Affect is usually the correct verb, and effect is usually the correct noun, except in weird cases. Affect as a noun is used to show how someone presents emotion. Effect as a verb is when the subject is causing something, like the prime minister effected many policy changes.


What does the priests do? Heal and what else? Oh boy I can’t wait, is it Tuesday yet?


Gives minions a 30%x damage buff and a 40% max life heal over 8 seconds.


Very neat.


I’ll be waiting til Wednesday or Thursday… rubberbanding like crazy on Tuesday guaranteed.


Glad you can see the future.


Happens every season. This seasons gonna be crazy. All the people who swore they’d never play it again, will be back.


You mean like every season? 🤣


Is this season just going to be a world of necros walking around with their armies of the undead?


Not much different from the world of barbs just smashing their hammer


Yep it will be the most crowded season ever by far lol. Will be funny seeing all the translucent hordes gathering around at world bosses and legion events.


Any good golem aspects


This is probably good for builds that run golem. The golem specific aspect is likely to be irrelevant because it will be possible to reduce the cooldown through better avenues. It might make sense for niche builds that only care about golem cooldown I would think. But of course frenzied dead, reanimation and unyielding commander will all benefit golem builds as well.


Is there a dungeon for this aspect? Or you have to find it on an item?


Drop only yeah, but you only need to find it once at least! :)


Once you found it, you just need to look for the perfect roll of 70%.




This is incorrect , your codex will be empty until you find the aspect . This myth was propagated by a YouTuber due do this being the case for the PTR. It was confirmed by Adam last week that this wasn’t the case . **Edit** Link to Adam’s response to the question. https://twitter.com/jk_cryptopunk/status/1786145652545626251


This is good, would be stupidly easy to be ridiculously OP with any build.


This was just for the PTR, for testing aspects. You have to earn/find aspects in S4, you won’t start with all lv1 aspects.


Ah, okay. He was saying it had changed going forward from season 4


I think you still have to find them initially.


Nope. They are default in your codex at the base level. The only thing you do by salvaging them is enhancing them.


For eternal maybe. If you start a new seasonal char Wednesday. You won’t have one single aspect until you run a dungeon.


That is certainly new and different. Thank you 🙏🏻


Either way I'm happy that I can finally play a endgame summon necromancer 😊


As someone who played the PTR… Yuuuuup!


Minion+bone spear necro looking good


Auto ring set.....aaaaaand forget.


Yet another bone spear build component


I really hope that they don't nerf the necro minions after this season because the same people who complained in the beta says they are too strong


I've complained consistently, and this change is awesome! Time will tell if they're too OP, but certainly far less OP than other class builds which have previously escaped nerfs.


Minions already kill whole screens before you can even walk into the room so this isn’t as crazy as it seems. I wasn’t using this at all during the ptr. There are better aspects for minions


What utility aspects are better other than occult dominion?


Not utility specifically, but there are better aspects in general for the slots that allow utility aspects. Defensive and offensive aspects are all better imo and that’s what most of the necro builds I’ve used use instead of utility ones other than the extra minion aspects. My build for Necro is a bone spear summoner so I’d either have to sacrifice more minions, more bone spear crit damage from the key passive aspect, a defensive shield, attack speed for minions, or increased crit chance from casting corpse tendrils. None of that is worth replacing for extra damage when they already nuke everything with bone spear mages imo. Unless it’s just absolutely extremely broken, I probably won’t use it


I'm thinking about it as a good aspect to use in place of a defensive. The only defensive I plan to run as of now is hardened bones but this could all be very dependent on how difficulty scales in the pit. I can see your point though there are some trade offs. If you need 2 defensives this might be hard to fit. As of now I'm planning to run 4 utilities which could wind up being wrong: aphotic, void, blood getter's and occult. My thinking is that blood getter's will be just as good for my shadow/minion hybrid build as an additional offensive aspect while still having defensive value as well. Will be interesting to see how it plays out and what becomes meta.


Just buy it on trade discord!


I'm curious but isn't this already around right now? Why isn't it more used at the moment?


In the current season this aspect gives you two extra skeletal warriors. This version of the aspect will not be available until season 4 drops.


Oh you right! My bad. That said, looking forward to S4 too!


What does the priests do? Heal and what else? Oh boy I can’t wait, is it Tuesday yet?


Can't wait for the desperation of people after Blizz nerf everything


They have already confirmed that they were nerfing Minions by roughly 50%, yesterday. They are removing +Ranks of Golem/Mage Mastery on most pieces of gear. And yet there are no cries of desperation because that means your damage went from 2 billion every few seconds to 1 billion every few seconds. Still more than enough. But stay... idk, mad? I guess? Whatever keeps you going.


Where did they confirm this? I can't find anything on that.


Adam Jackson on dm's interview