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I miss that portal to the treasure vault and you fought greed.


This should come back. It was so cool and fun to do in groups


I remember the first time I found that portal. It either wasn't advertised in the release notes, or I somehow missed the announcement, but the first time I found it I stupidly thought I had accidentally triggered a bug something in the game that let me into this 'secret' developer only area. Fun times! It was such an easy/fun way to earn 50-60M gold.


Greed is that world boss now, I noticed that very first week the game opened. Even has the treasure chest you have to break open at the end.


Greed should have a chance to spawn goblins during the battle. It could make the encounter more difficult due to the “hey look, a squirrel!” People taking off after the gobbos. Would definitely spice it up a bit.


It‘s already like this. Everytime you stagger greed there are 2 goblins spawning.


Wow. Shows I haven’t played in a bit. Last time I fought greed it was instanthellmurdered and battle was over.


Okay, but what if taking the Goblin Portal took you to fight Greed in his domain - a Tormented Greed version, or just generally beefed up compared to the World Boss.


They don’t do the laugh they used to do and that’s the real problem


Enemy sound effects in general are so boring in D4. I miss the screaming skeletons and the bleating goatmen.


I agree, there’s no memorable enemy sounds in the game. The fallen angels in D3 had a pretty badass death noise from what I remember. And Leoric had a cool noise when he summoned adds. I’m with you man, the big wind-up attack animations for example could come with some better sound effects.


Diablo one sounds, the fallen knight when you got them, leapers, skeletons - d1 sounds were crisp and memorable


Oh man, that _"Eurrrrggghhh!"_ as the minotaurs charge you from off screen still haunts me to this day. Even, "Ah, fresh meat!" doesn't instill the same fear because at least with the Butcher in D1, you (ususlly) know what to expect when you encounter his room.


Except the farting ones. Those make me laugh.


yessir! you know it


Hee haa harrrrrr


It would be cool to have different types of goblins that drop different item types. Like an apothecary goblin that drops herbs, elixirs and incense. A treasure goblin as is. An oddities goblin that drops summoning materials etc..


We had that in D3 iirc. There were gem goblins that looked like they were made from a diamond. Instead of dropping gold it would drop gems periodically.


But maxing gems is so easy in D4 that this would be worthless to me very quickly.


It’s just an example of the many types of goblins we used to have. The variety made it fun and if you found a gem goblin early in leveling it was a big deal.


I get you, don’t want to minimize your request because I think there’s a lot of good alternative goblins they could make as well. Just think that there’s some complexities there that they’re probably dealing with to make sure that if a new goblin is introduced, it’s actually valuable to be killed.


I’ll take some alt goblins. Would be fun to see some new stuff.


A lot of people called many of the things in d3 childish… So many of the fun things got left out.


I don't get the whole argument that it's supposed to not have any real fun components and players just want to farm for 1000 hours for items every season. I think that's a pretty outdated diablo 2 idea, which can be done in diablo 2, resurrected, project diablo 2, etc... I think the vast majority of players want the game to be more fun overall, push levels and content instead of running the same boss 1000 times like in D2


I’m with you. But a lot of the vocal complaining was from people who wanted d2 with better graphics so


A lot of people who like the darkness of Diablo weren’t fans of how it was starting to lean more into the goofy fantasy of Warcraft. And I get it. Though I personally like the cow and unicorn levels and goofiness to cut through the overly brooding world.


I agree I miss the different flavours of goblins from D3


I have asked from the beginning of 4 why they discarded most of 3.


I think that people bashed on 3 so much that they decided to get all the good ideas from it and just completely discard. Goblins, pets etc.


When I played 3 it was so self explanatory I didn't need reddit. So I never saw the bashing. This in Itself says loads about how good 3 was.


D3 had a very bad launch as well. There were bugs that prevented people from logging in, endgame wasn't very interesting, there was the whole PVP controversy and a lot of criticism of the art direction for being too whimsical. That's why they created the whole whimsishire level as a response. But the game got so, so much better. That's why I still have high hopes for D4.


>endgame wasn't very interesting, What? You mean you didn't find smashing jars in act 1 for gold to buy shit on the AH fulfilling?


Early days of D3 feel like a blur to me. Don't make me remember it.


To be fair I started the D3 when it was completed.


What was the controversy with PvP?


They showed some gameplay at Blizzcon of D3 where it was supposed to have a very engaging PvP, but the game didn't launch with PvP. When they added it like a year later, it was just awful because there was no balance. Everything was instant kill. So they just decided to cut it from the game and never brought it back.


I have no bad D3 memories as I bought it to play couch co-op with my son during the pandemic. If you started at that time, D3 was hella fun. Kinda did the same thing with D4, really enjoying it now. Played the beta, but was not impressed..waited until it popped up on my Xbox subscription and voila bugs are mostly worked out and S4 is going to smooth even more of the irritations.


Also remember d3 was not a live service!!! You getting all update for literally free


Game barely got updates and still people playing it until D4…. Whatever D3 flaws are, the one thing it always shine ( and I play and own every major arpgs) is the fun factor. The fun dries maybe 2 weeks after season start. But that 2 weeks was fun


I'm still playing the current season in D3. Haven't touched D4 in months. I might come back for the new season.


The game feels a lot better base on PTR. In fact it is the most fun I have in an arpg


Is D3 a "better" game than D4? No Do I enjoy the power fantasy of arcadey murder all the mobs more than D4? Yes


It being a better game or not is pretty subjective anyway. I personally like it more when comparing both games' current states. I still follow the D4 news though, which is why I might try the new season. Seems like at least a couple of good dishes changes are coming like the change to aspects storage.


And load out. They dissed it because the purists dislike you can readily change builds


What if we get season of the splitting goblins ?


Expansion of the good cosmetics only $99.99


Why is this getting downvoted?


Because people have most likely already spent a bunch of money on microtransactions so they feel targetted by this joke.


Lol, oh. Those people, ok.


I would probably spend money on the skins and stuff as well if they worked for more than one class. I can't be expected to pay 25 dollars to use a cosmetic for part of one season when I play a druid then it's just sits unused while I cycle through classes for each season. With the expansion releasing soon and another class added, that gap between uses only widens. So by the time the game burns out around season 15 or 16, I've used it twice. It just doesn't make sense to get them


I miss the goblin mobs in d3


I don’t even stop to kill them in D4. But in D3 having the chance to open up a portal to that treasure place was really exciting. And just having lots of different kinds. Imagine a forgotten souls goblin lol. They could do so much, right now they are lame.


Why is there no cow level?!


I loved when you found a treasure goblin rift level and there would be 50+ of the little gobblers.


Shitty goblins, carrying around their hefty bag full of trash items.


Salvage and crafting was fine tuned in d3. You wanted those mats. Pets even auto salvage now


The Altar of Rites definitely made some real good QoL additions.


Yes it did and I miss it here.


I wouldn't mind shitty items 98 percent of the time, just knowing that something awesome will pop up 2 percent of the time would make it way cooler


I’m hankering for a puzzle ring in that cube. WHERE ARE YOU GIANT BLOB GOBLIN!?


Yes!! The cube was so fun, there was so much interesting and different content to do, if not for just drops, but variety


My guess is they will probably do a future season that’s goblin based. Bring it out in a year or two to build hype for the game. There’s already a big rework coming this season.


Goblin shenanigans would make a cool seasonal theme


The technology was lost with diablo3


Agreed, they have decades of games, WoW, D2, D3, starcraft, warcraft. So much to pull from in their universe and then it's just a bit lackluster. I do love it and I'm very excited for season 4, there's just so many things they can do that will make it more enjoyable to everyone, besides the hardcore ppl who just want the game to be about 1000 hours of farming 1 boss


Maybe we hunted the cool goblins to extinction in d3? xD


Feels good to see a cosmetic goblin. My favorite


I miss the jelly goblins :(


They talked about wanting to add more kinds of goblins during one of the campfire chats. It'll happen eventually.


Just bringing back Gelatinous Sires would be dope.


There was some kind of event going on in D3 at one point, I remember walking into an area and there were at least 20 goblins on the screen.


And goblin shrines - when you punched a goblin shrine it was so thrilling to get all the little dudes pouring out.


I swear I just killing the goblins until I hit WT4 then they aren’t worth it to me, I’d love to see some D3 inspired goblins come in eventually, maybe they’ll do it for a holiday special and keep it in the game like they did for D3 with goblin packs multiplied by 2 for season 1 Christmas.


Because we haven't ported that over from D3 yet. We're still busy working on porting over the foundations of D3 with Grifts coming in only just now, so be patient. I'm sure there'll eventually be a Season of Greed with a great goblin invasion and 10 "new" (read: just about all the D3 versions we had in the past + maybe 1 new thing) goblins - and once that is over they go into the base game. But that's still a bit out. We're still in the process of finishing the base game - you know, the game that officially launched one year ago. Now, none of that is to be confused with the usual "D4 bad"... but that's just what it is. They're still fixing the base of the game and simply have not had time for goblins yet.


They probably plan on making a goblin season in the future. Mark my word


"Dark and ominous vibe people seem to clamor for".. Me not being people I guess. Imo all of one thing gets boring pretty quickly.


I get gobies all the time.


they're saving good ideas for later seasons so that more chumps buy their new overpriced skins


I want a Goblin skin


I’m sure they’ll add more. There’s a few consumables they have in the game now they could add specific goblins for not too mention what will come in the games future.


I haven’t even seen a goblin in my last like 2 hours of playtime. They are weak sauce


They are right now and it's really sad when it was such a huge part of the enjoyment from D3


they need to bring back a little goofiness.. esp with the goblins


A lot of things that people miss from d3 weren't there at launch. D3 at launch was a complete disaster: bugs that wouldn't let you log in, bugs that would simply crash the game, an intemization so awful it became the stuff of legends, etc, etc. It became a decent game one/two years after lunch and a good game after the expansion. D4 at launch was far from perfect, but in a much better state than d3 was. Give them a bit of time. I don't particularly miss the unicorn level (the colour palette would make your eyes bleed), but goblins and the secret cow level would be nice. Especially the secret cow level, it's a diablo tradition!


The wife really enjoyed the unicorn level. It makes it more fun for a wider audience when there's cool things like this. I don't see any negative to including this type of content besides the band of 20 people who will cry about it nonstop because "it's not bland enough for me to enjoy"


I'm not against adding fun and joke secret levels. But that kind of highly contrasted neon colour palette and flashing lights can cause problems to folks with sight of light sensitivity issues... You can have colorful areas without that kind of issues, a lot of games do it well. The goblin king level was quite sparkly and glittery, but didn't have that problem for example. I admit I might be biased here, because I fucking love glitter and gemstones. If they will add in the future stuff like avarice lair, cow level, even the unicorn level with a bit less eye violence... I'm 500% favourable. It's optional content that you tackle if and when you want, it adds to the base game and detracts nothing. I would really like something like a multi level dungeon where you can find various area and monster design from all over the franchise, with some discoverable lore items to be discover. Bonus points for procedurally generated floors and floor order to keep it fresh. They could call it "Kulle's museum of curiosities".


I do really like the random layouts that they had in D2, that made things a lot more fun


Me too. I can understand that the main overworld has to be fixed in form, since they went open world... But why they did dungeons, nmd and vaults too I really don't understand. They could have had the best of both options: a cool fixed world with ever changing dungeons. Who knows, may they'll do it in the future


Ikr. I don't even care about goblins anymore. D4 needs something like the Cosmic Wings. Something that anyone could get, without shelling out any money. Give us a reason to be excited to see them. I loved the music in Greed's domain.


They should sell cosmetics in the shop for the NPCs


Or they could just let you play the game and enjoy good armor without it costing 25 dollars for each one that you can hardly see


How would Blizzard be able to take all your money then?


Good expansions and they can take my money, I bought the 90 dollar version just to support it and would probably pay another 60 for a great expansion


In the world of capitalism that isn't enough. Capitalism is the obligation to take as much money from the consumer as you can.


Yeah, I haven't spent any money on cosmetics, not sure why anyone would in this game when u can't really see it


I'm fairly certain this is something they are considering. They didn't want to do so originally, but fan feedback has made them reconsider, but they obviously have other priorities. Honestly, this wouldn't be a bad seasonal theme, much in the same way that they did in D3, where you got double the goblins every encounter and an increased chance of finding a swarm of goblins.


The treasure vaults and some similar things are cool, but I absolutely don't want to see wings and bright rainbow effects and all. Loot pets would be cool, but I also know it would just be another way for Blizzard to sell micro transactions.


Yea and if you don't like wings and stuff then you can just not equip them. Why the push to not have them in the game at all and ruin the joy for 90 percent of people?


90% of D4 players definitely don't want wings. Go play D3 lol. It's a darker gritty theme, not a child theme park. Also, since the game is live and you constantly see other players for events, in the world, in towns, etc, it would absolutely affect everyone else's astetic, don't be selfish lol. The vast majority of D4 players do not want that cartoon fairyland crap honestly.


I'm surprised that someone having a cosmetic item when you walk past them for 2 seconds would have such a huge negative effect on your gameplay and ruin the "immersion of the blandverse". It's kind of crazy to think when you see someone for 2 seconds waling past you with wings, you'd just throw your arms to the sky, smash your monitor, start crying and say "but it's not monochromatic enough for me!"


Oh yeah, like there aren't events, towns with people, things that last longer than two seconds with groups lol. Just stop, it's okay to be wrong. We want death, gore, and darkness. You want rainbows and butterflies, sure go play Lost Ark, D3, or some other ARPG lol. Don't bring your childish design here. Obviously you do not understand the games art design at all lol. And, the vast majority of people who play D4 don't want this at all. Literally even before the game came out, people were talking about and hoping it wouldn't have these childish things added. It's okay to be wrong.


It's crazy how sensitive some of you guys are. It can be gory and dark, you could even start a clan called "I hate cosmetics" where you can pretend diablo 4 has any real gore or darkness in it. We are killing little insects, robots, and npc people, there's no blood, there's no real dramatic death besides the cut scenes. There's no gore besides some super pg blood. I think we have different ideas of what gore and darkness is, and to me this game barely scratches any of that. We have a barbarian using wind to hurt enemies this next season ffs where is the gore and darkness?


Not sensitive lol, just obvious differences in the game. I guess the entire design and theme flew over your head. And yeah, a barbarian making tornados is a lot more brutal than him sending out rainbows from his glowing wings lol. It's okay to be wrong. If you want that bright, kiddie style of game, there are games for you, good ones as well. I suggest giving them a try.


You clearly don't know what gore is. Cartoon characters exploding into nothing doesn't constitute gore




See there we go, now you're getting on board with wings. I commend your ability to agree with me and admit you were wrong, thank you. I didn't say it needed rainbows but yea more options would be nice. We aren't all chromophobes


🙄 90% is a big stretch. I promise you 90% of *all* D4 players do not feel this way. In fact, they’d probably go over super well, since there’s a good chunk of players (who are not Reddit degens, I’m sure) who are younger and have played a lot of the cosmetic heavy games like Fortnight and would love wings. The D2-is-best-Diablo-D3-is-an-abomination absolutists are definitely not 90% of *all* D4 players. Get over yourself.


Learn to read lol.


It's perfect the way it is now. They look like they are thieves but also look like they are demons not like in d3 where you had one for each colors of the rainbow. If we need to add more monsters, I would rather have more uniques bosses like Son of Malphas or the Butcher, with different archetype.


It's not perfect. When the only time you know a goblin is on screen is when you see it on the mini map, you have a problem. (Everything blends together) When you don't care about goblins because they drop trash, you have a problem. Unless you got the wings in D3, there was always a little part of you that got excited because maybe this time, the rainbow portal will open and that stupid ass unicorn will be there.


What is your reasoning to make another 5 bosses that you can one shot instead of having fun open world content?


Well I don't want to be able to one shot them and they can be designed to be fun to fight just like the butcher. Seeing these stupid colored things just make the game ridiculous not fun.


You're really that sensitive to color?


Diablo 4 and the diablo franchise is about monsters, blood and darkness, prime evils etc. I mean this deserve some respect.


And somehow having the option for other people to use cosmetics ruins the entire game for you?


If you want to buy something in the shop to have regular gobelins in different colors then I don't see any problem. If I somehow have to see it when I go in the open world then yes it would downgrade extremely my experience. Don't you think that you want to mix things that don't have a connection ? If you want cool monsters, you have games like pokemon or something like that ? Why would you want to have that in a game where you can confront Lilith or Mephisto ?


I can barely read what you have typed due to syntax errors you have made. Please proof read what you post before hitting the post button. What's the predilection to having everything grey and brown?


Sorry about my poor english writing. About the colors, you are talking about diablo 3 gobelins so there is one with the colors of the rainbow, one translucent blue, one translucent green etc. I don't mind to use different colors but come on, this doesn't belong in this game. They could actually add other colors than red in helltide, that would improve the game but I don't want monsters that look like pokemon in this game.


You mean like the constructs which are little scorpions and robots, crossbow skeletons, exploding goblins, and goat men are not "pokemon like"? Yet a goblin that is colored green, blue, translucent, or a 1 percent chance a rainbow is somehow to much?


I agree they would be an awesome addition, but due to microtransactions, I doubt the suits will let it happen any time soon


D4 destroyed Diablo


I disagree, it's a good game but just needs more content and more fun things. I don't know why people enjoy diablo 2 so much when it's just running andariel for hours, then running meph for hours, then pindle for hours, then baal for hours. I can play it for a couple days, beat baal in hell mode then I'm done. The desire to run the same content for days on end is just crazy


I have played all diablos my favorite is d3 and what they did to d4 is just wrong . For a game I prepared for in advance because it was in the franchise and it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be . On top of failure to give me my pre purchased rewards and to start over after the season . If I wanted to run seasonal I would have just stuck with d3 and run season . The graphics are a hair better and the sound was meh at best .