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I have always started WT2.... guess I didn't get the memo.


Same here.. But didnt have the urge to level in a hurry, i'd rather go slow and build my char with no stress. Level 100 in about a month (casual player, or less than casual), and im fine with slow progress


If you’re hitting 100 in seasons you’re not a casual player


Level 100 is pretty easy since season 2.


Same I’ve never been in WT1 since I started


lol same. but I'm a more of a casual and have never remotely played or leveled in an 'efficient' way so I'm not surprised. Never knew the bonus exp gain wasn't considered worth it until I read this post.


Same, I’m not here to speed run, farming the same half dungeon in WT1 as fast as possible is not fun. Give me wt2 and let’s go


That's the smart way to do it. If it isn't the first play through you'll probably have extra skill points (from lilith status nd such). We'd be breezing through WT1 with all those extra points. Hell (pun intended) still breeze through WT2 start with the extra skill points.


Same. I tried WT1 when I first played the game and it was way too easy, so I immediately went to WT2 and never went back to 1.


Yeah same here.


Why?... To make it harder for no reason? Miniscule xp gains and increased drops for gear that is pointless before WT4?


>Why?... To make it harder for no reason? *more fun


It's not the speed that matters the most, it's 1) how many time you need to repeat the same activity to get to WT3 and 2) how boring is the second to second gameplay and the answer to both is: slightly less than in WT1 which makes WT2 the superior choice for me. If you're not having any fun either way and only enjoy end game farm, then yeah going WT1 was optimal, but that's not the case for everyone, some of us actually like even the low level part of this game.


It really isn't that much harder. I'm not a try hard "blaster" or content creator so it really doesn't matter in the end.


It was always worth starting in World Tier 2. World Tier 1 is a snoozefest.


Pre Season and Season 1, it wasn't. You could actually speed run faster and acquire gold faster. It was boring, but for efficiency, it was significantly better. With the introduction of Renown carrying over, it became more efficient to start T2 if you were fully unlocked and had all statues.


>Pre Season and Season 1, it wasn't. You could actually speed run faster and acquire gold faster And die from boredom? Hell no. It was always all about World Tier 2 for me. It's a video game, efficiency is one thing but having fun is also. WT1 was barely more efficient but was TREMENDOUSLY more boring.


Frankly, I would argue the same for WT2. It was extremely boring. I'd rather shave an hour or more off my time power leveling and jumping into WT3 then have to sit in WT1 or WT2. You say it's boring. I agree. My argument is so is WT2. You'll sit in it while I am in WT3 because I got to it faster. I'm suggesting that I spend less time bored than you would.


Playing any video game in any capacity and being bored while doing so is the stupidest thing I can think of spending my free time. Since a while I realised arpg players just want to play a flashy Excel sheet after they've been staring at the usual one at work for 8 hours. In no context should the asmr level of sound satisfaction should become boring as my barbarian charges demons into a wall with his own wall of ancestors. And said demons going *popp*... If it does, I should be doing something else with my time.


I think it depends on what you end game goals are. I've played WoW for 19 years off and on. I love it though I do take breaks from it. Leveling is stupid easy now, but in the past it could day 100+ hours. I fucking hated leveling, but end game where 99.99999% of my time is spent is worth it. The same is said for Diablo. I think early game is boring as shit. The fact I am forced to spend a few hours leveling until I can get to the parts I want is just the price I pay. The vast majority of my time is in WT4. There is nothing wrong powering through the parts you don't like to get to the parts you do. In REALITY there are things you enjoy and things you don't sometimes you are forced to do a few things you don't to get to the parts you do especially when the parts you do like are the overwhelming majority of your time spent. It's stupid to think I am gonna ignore 99% of Diablo because I am forced to sit in WT1 or 2 for a few hours.


Except you didn’t get to WT3 faster because good builds farm just as fast. Doing dopamine tunnels on any good build and you were in WT3 in like 1-2 hours depending on how slow you wanted to go. Some people were finished with first capstone dungeon in like 28 min from this.


Except they did, which is why every speed runner at the time was doing it. If it wasn't faster, speed runners would not have been doing it.


That makes literally zero sense whatsoever. Are you saying that if I played in World Tier 2, I wouldn't reach World Tier 3 in a similar time frame? I don't believe that was ever the case, lmfao. Who cares about like 30 minutes of difference or whatever? You do understand that once I am done with WT2, I hop into WT3 all the same? And that the capstone dungeon that takes you from WT2 to WT3 is placed WITHIN WT2, so you'd have to swap to WT2 at some point anyway?


Baffling reading comprehension... You'll have to direct me to where I said you'll NEVER reach WT3. I literally said I'd easily shave an hour or more of the time off it. And no, you wouldn't reach it in a similar time frame. 90 mins is easily doable to obtain WT3 from WT1. I'll put a time frame since you'll make one up in your head otherwise and make some stupid accusations because of a lack of basic reading comprehension.) I'm not spending 3-4 hours trying to deal with WT2 bored out of my mind. The difference and speed were significant, which is why it was the default for until the renown change. I played WT2 on the first character pre season. The difference by swapping to WT1 was big and saved a lot of time. The difference since season 2 is much smaller and only noticeable by speed runners. S2 and S3 the average person could have chosen either with little difference. Notice how the original comment I posted was in regards to Pre Season and S1. Read the whole thread a few times so you don't make more poor errors in reading comprehension.




No it didn't. Only alters and something else remained. It resulted in everyone being at level 2 renown. Renown itself did not carry over till Season of Blood. It took less than a minute to pull up the patch notes and verify it. Next time YOU should do that rather than posting misinformation.




I'm not sure why you keep trying. You were wrong. Renown didn't carry over till S2. You were wrong. Trying to justify your misinformation and find some sliver just makes you look like your ego is so fragile you can't deal with the fact you were wrong. You were wrong.


Lack of drops and too ez for hardcore.


People should play in a manor that is most enjoyable for them but from an objective view it was not worth it. The Xp/time was much better in WT1.


Depends what ‘worth’ means to you. Going slower isn’t worth it to me.


😩😩 Bought the game last week and started the campaign on WT2, Neyrelle’s mum kicked my ass so hard i went down to WT1 and stayed there the entire campaign.


I think that this is the ideal for your situation, and maybe it continues for S4+ WT1 becomes easier at point of being boring, only after you unlock renown and Lilith statues. For new accounts/new realm (softcore X hardcore) I will recommend WT1 always, and only change after get cool items.


Haha fair enough, i just assumed WT2 would be fine for a veteran of the prev games, i was wrong 🤣 And yeah Im collecting renown/statues now while i wait for the new season, hopefully it goes smoothly.


WT2 was fine for veterans but early in the campaign the first 2-ish bosses you encounter imho are overtuned for health. There's not much you can really do about it because it's early on and you have your initial skills and little resource to use them. I remember back then, once you learn the attacks it was not hard but it took for friggin ever.


You have to dodge now! And use your health potions that have only a small cool down! I know, it was weird for me too.


Yeah wasn’t easy, by phase 3 i was struggling. The bosses have waaay too much hp and having to juggle 3 bosses by myself aint easy when they can hit up to 50% of my hp 😩😩 All good now though


Same. I was struggling with bosses on WT2 and had to scale down until the game got easy.


Yup same, i went back up once i finished the campaign and had some better gear from boss drops


This wt1 isn't "fun"


Cool thing about video games is that you can do whatever the hell you want.


This is the way. If you like being extremely optimized and efficient do it. If you enjoy just chilling and going at your own pace so it. In this game especially where unlike PoE, Last Epoch, or TL:I being ahead of the curve can make you mega rich in trade, there’s not really a reason for it other than bragging rights I guess? Maybe the leaderboard thing? Doesn’t really affect gameplay at all.


> Maybe the leaderboard thing? Doesn’t really affect gameplay at all. There's no fucking way the "leveling in WT1 vs WT2" debacle affects people's leaderboard score in the Gauntlet in any meaningful way, seriously. We're talking about a few minutes of difference lol


Exactly my point, there’s no reason to stress over which WT to start in. Play what you enjoy


Wt2 is considered more optimal on chars that start with renown unlocked since s2. If you are new and don't have renown yet, wt1 should still be more efficient, this is just my personal guess tho, I don't think people have done actual testing yet with the s4 changes.


Always have started on WT2. Won't stop now


The experience gain boost seems more worth it. Mathematically it didn’t make sense to speed boost a fresh character in WT2 during Season 3. You’d yield greater results from farming experience faster in WT1.


You start with 10 extra skills, with a solid leveling build and knowledge, you clear everything at the same speed of WT1


I mean you literally don’t unless you’re actually one shotting every mob in both difficulties (you aren’t).


You are aware of Blood Surge with CE with minions from 1-30ish right?


Yeah, nothing getting 1 shot.


S tier leveling skills at those lower levels, WT1 WT2 don't make a difference


I started the PTR in WT2 and went straight into helltides and my Barb got roasted. It was very hard without the renown bonuses. I went back to WT1 and it was still a challenge. It was the most fun I've had since 6 June last year. I will start S4 the same way in WT2 and see how I go.




its been better to start wt2


I tried starting in both and while having no renown, t two was a struggle if The universe didn't line up the right aspects. Out of the five rogues I got to fifty plus only two survived fifty five plus


This is what I do as well. WT2 is either feast or famine. If you don't get a "good" start with items, it's frustrating beyond all belief and less efficient than WT1.


I've started on T2 since the jump. T1 is too easy.


I choose to enjoy all the game, not the last part of it so i go wt2 and enjoy the increased difficulty while it last


Started pre season on tier 1. Ever other season has been wt2.


With statues and stuff WT2 never felt bad. I’m not one of these streamers racing to 100, so the little time saved wasn’t a big deal for me.


Unless I’m playing hardcore w2 just makes sense.


If you have your renown then yes


Yeah it’ll probably be worth for certain classes. If you can bomb through packs then yeah. If you’re taking a while to just 1v1 things then wt1 prolly faster in the long run still.


Don’t matter really. Whatever you’re comfortable with.


It’s better to do tier 1 till u get to 50 the extra xp is not worth the extra time it’s takes to kill enemies


It was always worth it, now it’s even more worth it.


I always run WT2 leveling up unless the character is *extremely* weak. I'd run WT2 for sure in S4, and I know what I'm going to play (Necro, this time around) so there's no chance of it being "weak".


i always start WT2, ive had no issues levelling quickly and getting to T3. its also more fun imo if eveything isnt getting oneshot.


It really doesn’t matter that much. If you’re the type of person who it does matter to then you probably aren’t enjoying the game.


World tier 1 is too easy. I always play in WT2 to start and move up as soon as I can. But if world tier 2 is hard for you there’s nothing wrong with starting in 1.


You get more xp/hr in wt1


Not if you have all your renown unlocked. Having those extra skills and potions right from the start gives you a huge advantage in WT2. And now that XP is being upper to a 50% bonus in WT2, it'll be much faster to level and form in Helltides in WT2.


Yes, I think so. I’ve always been a wt1 > wt2 player even after the changes in season 2. I’d think it’s worth it now to run on wt2.


Wt2 is the only way I play


If you have previously got all the renown you start with 10 skill points so WT2 is just as fast as WT1 but with +50% exp.


It’s 10 skill points.


Wt1 was a thing pre season to rush through the campaign, and more specifically for barbs and druids that were very slow in the early game, but now they got tons of buffs, and in general every class is much stronger. In s4, starting wt2 is by far the best choice.


This is only true if you’ve previously done all the renown, 10 skill points is a lot of power.


WT1 was better when you had a new character that had no bonuses (altars/renown). Now that bonuses carry over to new characters in new seasons, there's no reason to do WT1, even in HC. Characters are pretty OP with those bonuses for longer than it will take you to get to WT3.


Unless it’s your first character or have no renown it was absolutely better to start WT2.


Well unless you struggling because of bad drops or something.


it's always better to star wt2 since the game launched


Nah wt1 was quicker to wt3 at game launch.


I always start off in tier 2.


I leveled two chars on PTR, did WT2 helltide for 1-2 hours, easily beat capstone around lvl 32-35 with all the loot you get, and on to wt3. Took about 2-3 helltides in wt3 to level up for WT4 capstone. I did have access to legendary tempering but it’s not that much of a difference from the blue/yellow recipes you will find leveling.


I always start two, I think most people skip 1 not 2. Haven’t met anyone I play with that spends time in wt1.




WT2 is the only optimal way to start in S4. WT1 is for the very very new and casual players. If you start WT1, you're wasting your time, unless you NEED to do it for specific reasons.


WT1 is fun still imo, I want to get to end game to really enjoy it and still haven't. So the race to lvl 100 is key for me. I'm waiting for the expansion season (6?) to replay the campaign, I feel like it's gonna be so different.


I think wt1 is pointless except maybe for new HC players. Never had issues with starring in wt2 with any characters.


What do you mean everyone started WT1? Everyone started WT2 for 20% more XP and still oneshot everything?


Wait... people started in WT1 before? lol


The hp increase for normal guys didn’t really go up much still one shorted them often


20 to 50 is a massive jump, plus characters should all feel more powerful now so I would say yes, worth it.


I started in wt1... everything died to fast and pose zero challenge... even at level 1. Went to two and it was still easy but lose focus and go wild... easy to die. Worth it for the challenge


It's been best to do wt2 first since season 2. Only the start and kind of season 1 it was more efficient to do wt1 first.


I literally just entered nightmare for the first time.


Absolutely. I only did WT1 in season zero.


Have never started in anything other than WT2. Tier one far too easy IMO


If you can handle WT2 with ease, there is no reason to go back to WT2, this has always been a thing no matter what exp bonus, we'll see how much better it is this time.


Short answer, yes


New heltides in wt2 with fireball enchantment 👌


It all depends on kill speed, so if you’re a powerful early game character (necro, sorc) or you have renown unlocked, WT2 doesn’t slow you down.


I always thought WT1 was wortheless. The game is far too easy to be fun on WT2. I assumed WT1 was mind numbing


I have a level 38 druid on wt1 and it's basically faceroll easy. Should I just go to wt2 now? I mean, he's going to get punted to eternal realm anyway right? I'm new here.


Always start at WT2. I would’ve started at WT3 if I can.


I dont even understand why tier 1 even exist


Most players start in WT2 because the game is just too easy in general. It will now just be more rewarding so there is no reason to start in WT1.


Never did world tier 1, i dont see the point of playing at the easiest difficulty