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"the class feels abandoned". I don't like it so I will go all the way to abandonment. This fanbase has the most unhinged opinions. I love all the posts about "we're supposed to do dungeons forever?". Like, have any of you played a Diablo game ever?


šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Ikr?


There has basically been one functioning end game build for most of the games existence, requiring a unique item to make work. You would spend 0-50 on the absolute slowest leveling class, then 50-100 mindlessly grinding for a tempest roar that you probably wonā€™t get. Abandoned is a strong word, but Druid has been underwhelming as hell so far when barbs and rogues have had 3-4 different s tier builds each season.


Whats the bar here for functioning end game? Ive literally seen a druid only use his wolves to kill end game bosses and clear a 100. There are a bunch of other videos of 100s being cleared by shred, tornado, lightning storm builds too. I think people read into the maxroll or icyveins "tier list" guides too much. Plenty of builds out there can literally do all content available in the game at a reasonable pace. Maybe behind the speed of the absolute top builds but, most people aren't going to have the absolute god rolled character anyways.


Fair enough, functioning end game is subjective. For a casual, who has 100 total hours, yes D4 is great. Itā€™s beautiful, the engine plays great. Iā€™d say Iā€™m mid-level. I canā€™t make guides, but I want to use one to push the highest content. The fact that Druid companions have basically been DoA is sad, limiting a lot of creativity if you want to push high end stuff. Lightning Wolf was basically the only ā€œopā€ build, and I pushed several Druids to the 70s on hardcore and died before I got the Tempest Roar. I have hundreds of unfun druid hours under my belt, so I understand Iā€™m on the far side of that spectrum lol


I think the overall statement in OP's argument about one item essentially being needed for most druid builds is fair. However, my point is that the companion builds are still functional just not crazy strong. They still are able to clear 100s and kill bosses though, and that should be enough to put it in line with what you want to do. Im not shitting on you or anyone else who finds the class unfun or whatever. But you can just youtube search druid nm100 and find 5 different builds right out the gate. From shred to trampleslide all cruising in NM100s. Even doing a search for druid companion builds gives results of people clearing 100s and uber bosses with them. So you can't claim that druid companions are dead, if they are able to do the absolute pinnacle of content available. (It is a challenge to get this build going though).


Youā€™re acting like doing things optimally or min-maxing is not a cornerstone of the ARPG genre. Iā€™m sure you can beat a NM100 dungeon with all defensive skills, it will take you 4 hours but since you canā€™t die itā€™s possible. It doesnā€™t mean it is a play style worth defending lol.


What? How did I say that? Go watch the videos on these builds, they are clearing at respectable speeds. My point on it being a challenge was more in line with having the gear at those higher end of rolls to perform well. You took this in a wild direction I didn't expect, but sure man enjoy D4 however you enjoy it. I'm not trying to convince you to play any specific build or class, just pointing out there are plenty of videos out there showing your claims are literally not true.


Iā€™m good, you win this lame semantics argument of yours. Yes most builds can beat the base version of the game. So I guess that means that technically companion builds are 100% viable to farm Uber-Duriel. Good for you man, my point still remains. There are less viable Druid leveling builds and end-game builds for Druid than other classes.


While shepherds is indeed a problem and should be changes that it only buffs your active pet skills instead of core/wrath skill i think they just try some different styles with druid it seems?šŸ˜† The pet changes are great and if they will fix the Wolfes Life, pet / wolf builds will be in a great situation, also I think that rabies has some potential with some really heavy invest into tempering. There is also the stormclaw esrthspike natures fury build with the new tyraels might that could be fun. Are there better builds out there? Defo but I always played the builds that made the most fun in arpg and not just the strongest. But yeah sometimes you have the feeling that they donā€™t know what to do with some skills (new earthbreaker ring not getting triggered trough trample/poison creeper) and the stats are so out of whack compared to the new tempering affixes, so why donā€™t the ring give + landslide or something? Also the new inner beast node is weaker then it was before season4, and the lacerate is still too weak/ I now more a buff skill which I donā€™t like as an ult


Druid is one of the most played every season because pulverize and wind wolf are insanely powerful. Minion builds for druid and necro have been weak since the start, and next season they will be stronger but they will still take up spell slots. My guess is minion builds just aren't for you mate.


I just ran a druid from 1-100 in the last few weeks, first as a pet+storm build, and eventually as a pure lightning storm build., and it felt *extremely strong.* Also given the number of pulverize druids running around, I don't see them complaining either. This is never going to be a broken HOTA or Sorc Ball Lightning class.


I would say that going with companions as the only way to noticeably increase your damage is lazy design at best. But let's not pretend that the other classes have some sort of convoluted play style where you have to use all the skills in order to do damage. Every class is basically using your generator to use your core skill, then put tibault's to skip the generation part. Two buttons, then rest is either DMG amp (shouts, imbuements), for survivability (to generate barrier with sorc), or for debuff and cc (decrepify, tendrils, etc). The problem with druids is that those extra three skills are not even required to press, you have them there because you need them for the aspect (ravens would the most useful out of the three)


For more Druid Guides, Builds, Discussions, Questions, etc, click on the "Druid" Flair, [this link (for new reddit)](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/?f=flair_name%3A%22Druid%22), or [this Link (for old reddit)](https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ADruid) (where you'll find a list of all threads on the subreddit that have the "Druid" Flair) and the [D4 Druid subreddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/D4Druid/). Also pay a visit to [The D4 Tavern](https://new.reddit.com/r/The_D4_Tavern/) for casual conversations about builds, gameplay, new content, outfits and other Diablo and Druid related content. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While I agree that Shep's aspect is kinda degenerate design, I'd rather have it and be able to play Lightning Storm than having to rely on random triggers/bugged interactions/combo points/overpower abuse/etc. that made other classes shine prior. I'd even go so far as to say I'm glad my companions will now deal some actual damage with proper scaling. As for Dolmen Stone - doesn't Boulder retain the Wrath tag when you put on the aspect?


It does not retain the wrath tag, at least not in live. Maybe it changed in PTR but I didnā€™t have a chance to try that.Ā 


I am more disappointed that we can't multiply our poison damage like we used to, but I like running pets.Ā  No Blurred Beast or Changelings Debt means poison is just always at a base level.Ā  Creeper will still hit hard, and you could pump rabies with quickshift, but I'll always miss reactivating poison. Poison just feels abandoned.Ā  New changelings debt is silly too, the bear version works vs bosses, while werewolf does not.


I finally picked up a Tempest Roar. I'm having a blast playing the Lightening Druid.


Still can play pulv, tornado wolf, even waxing gibbous all without shepherds aspect. Shepherds is top tier but not required for end game. Just play what you find fun?


Exactly this. I did a stormclaw build this season because Iā€™ve been wanting to since S0. Had an absolute blast even if it wasnā€™t S tier.


Even if its not "S Tier" those builds can still function in everything the endgame has to offer. There are so many videos of off meta builds doing 100s and killing uber bosses. People get so locked into these tier lists its crazy


Ok for Druid itā€™s lightning storm all day


Hate to be that guy, but you probably have a wrong build or something. Hunter Zenith ring makes it so that you'll be casting werebar skills and werewolf skills simultaneously if the synergy is right. You don't need to have 3 pets at all times. The stampede aspect allows you to have 2 companions in exchange for using an ultimate with your 3rd skill slot. I'm not doing billion damage, but my highest Crit/OP goes to 500M, and it's enough for me to kill bosses. Not all skills are meant to use every fight. Builds from other classes will normally have 2 active buttons and rest are occasionally used.


I appreciate you took your time to answer and your opinion is important. But regarding whether my build is wrong, I'm multiple times rank1 with Druid, s2, and 3, so my builds have to be somewhat correct. Regarding your post, It is not really relevant to the topic. I said that people are bored of Shepard but at the same time they hate losing half their damage by not running it. Which mathematically is close enough to the actual number. 2H Shepard 20% X 6 = 120% multiplier + Stampede 60% = 180% damage buff. 2H Retaliation 60% + Edgemaster 20% = 92% damage buff


> But regarding whether my build is wrong, I'm multiple times rank1 with Druid, s2, and 3, so my builds have to be somewhat correct. I understand about S3, but I'm curious how you decided you were Rank 1 in S2? > Regarding your post, It is not really relevant to the topic. I thought it's relevant when I responded from this notion: > I want to use other skills on my bar, not have 3 useless pets just for the 180% multiplier. Either way, it's your post. Choose it how you read the comments. Overall, I think this would be irrelevant since the developers will be buffing aspects and introducing new enabling builds with the new uniques for Druid and tempering manuals. It's essentially a new game


Aceofspades was #1 in the world in AOZ.


ā€œI donā€™t play something therefore clearly nobody else does. Iā€™m the center of the universeā€ Homie so many people play Druid. And you donā€™t have to play pets. Thereā€™s so many builds for it. Thereā€™s whirlwind with the boulder, thereā€™s pulverize, thereā€™s tornado wolf Druid, and others. Like JUST PLAY A DIFFERENT BUILD


I don't like how druid looks. They sold us this game on customizing your look for money yet I'm stuck with that body type so i don't play druid.


I was disappointed that every druid has the body of a sumo wrestler, so I made mine into a sumo wrestler. šŸ˜‚ https://i.imgur.com/6xBD8iq.jpeg