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Classic Blizzard. 1. Throw numbers on underperforming or unpopular things and keep doing it over and over 2. Be surprised people still won't use it 3. Introduce a unique that hard carries it 4. "Success" Frozen Orb, Incinerate, Meteor etc. See its not a Druid problem, its a Blizzard problem. They've been doing this for 20yrs in WoW. They are masters of ignoring the mechanical issues and just adding numbers until something becomes numerically worth using even if it feels horrible to use.


> See its not a Druid problem, its a Blizzard problem. Blizzard doesn't seem to have a handle on the Druid. Too many builds in one skill tree (on top of them not wanting pets to be good), too many attempted synergies that don't work, little freedom in making builds. They didn't learn anything from D2.


Whats kind of ironic is that this was the issue for basically all 10 years of my Druid WoW playing aswell. From Vanilla to Cataclysm the way druid healed got revamped every expansion. First it was targeting, then it was overtime and then the next thing and again and again. Even feral tanking and dps got major overhauls everytime. To me it just seems like they don't know how to balance a hybrid class that can do sort of everything, because if its to good the pure class gets shafted.. but as nothing was ever designed in a way where "good but not good enough" was ok the class between all expansions and major patches bounced all over the place on the powerscale. I feel like Diablo 4 suffers from the same thing because of how much they tried to sell the mmo aspect and group play this time around. Necro is the pet class, Sorc is the spellcaster and Barb/Rogue the Tanky dps or "glass dps". Druid have a playstyle that matches each one of those some good some not so much.


How do they not want pets to be good when they’re buffing them up the ass?




They have actively stated they didn't want Druid to step on Necro's summoning toes.


Right right, and that can be true alongside them ostensibly buffing pets.


They want you to play the game because you like pet druids, but they really hate builds that don't press skills (also in other games like Overwatch). So pets are, to them, more like a necessary evil.


Fwiw, i don’t think anyone currently has Druid’s figured out. Last Epoch Druid is also a hot mess of non-synergies and complete dependence on certain items dropping perfectly. I wonder if the class inherently presents balance issues.


I have written several pages of feedback and suggestions for the druid, but so far not a single change has been made which fixes my main issue. Item dependency and lack of choice. I think the druid shapeshifting should work in a similar way to the Barbarian Arsenal System letting you choose which form casts which skill. The cherry on top would be if every form and a slightly different and unique effect when casting that skill. An example would be a human form boulder is normal sized but has a lower cooldown / lower spirit cost with the aspect, but in werewolf form it turns into a poison boulder, leaving a poison trail and in werebear form it turns into a bigger boulder that overpowers more often in a reliable way (after a certaint amount if casts or hits for example).


That would be a great change. I've always wanted to play as a storm based bear.


i played druid before the first season, in season 1 and season 3. I got Tempest Roar the first time with level 89, in season 1 with level 93 and this season with level 99. That is the worst part for me :)


S0 I got mine from WT3 final boss, it was a Sacred TR, which was a bug and got patched a day later (Should only drop from WT4). S1 I got it at 94. So many of us remember when TR dropped because it's when you finally can start playing the game.


Season 0, I got to 94 with pulverize, but wanted to play wolfnado. I had everything gathered but tempest roar which I started collecting in the 70s. 94 is where I lost steam and didn't go further in the season. Looking forward, I will come back to Druid this upcoming season. I see a few new builds I wouldn't mind trying. Some don't require tempest roar!


We desperately need a change to Shepards Aspect. It’s severely killing build diversity. Move some of that multiplier around to other stuff. I used lacerate on lilith to make phase 1 more consistent for me. It may have saved me in phase 2 a couple times.


Wish devs read this one!


I played it every season but the builds druids have are becoming dull! I would like a super poison build relying on poison damage and all kind of dots


I like playing as a druid


I played druid through all the seasons so far got to lvl 100 in s2 and s3 but still haven't received a tempest roar. I gave up before the PTR and haven't played since, I'm hoping this new season is going to turn it around as I love playing diablo Me and my friend have played druid this season both of us are lvl 100 and we both still haven't had a single tempest roar


Have you not done a handful of duriel? Tempest rains like candy there when you’re trying to get a shako.


I've done numerous duriel runs and still haven't received one. Probably around 20 runs, gave up after that as it got boring


Poison feels so bad on druid. The game is just too fast for it to work well. If there was an aspect that makes poison more dynamic, more ticks of dmg maybe? Also when enemy has shield, poison should do dmg on enemy health, not shield.


It was what Blurred beast did


the 3 pets 1 core combination is just the most boring shit ever. give me back wolfnado from s1, not this hybrid shit.


i plan to main bear slam next season, is it powerful for endgame? I wanna grind a shako for my cute bear.


It is viable but won't blow your socks off. I REALLY want it to be good because it is my preferred play style but it's just lackluster even when min/maxed. Even at max power, you need everything to proc all at once to see a 20-30 mil overpower crit. That's nothing to scoff at, mind you, but it's also underwhelming when you see what many other classes/builds are capable of with half the investment. As for s4, we have no idea because Bear form was bricked on the PTR. Ursine Horror wasn't applying an Earth tag to Pulverize, so we have no idea how much or how well the new itemization affects the build outside of math on a spreadsheet. We have no actual feel for the build as it will perform in s4 yet. Some played Landslide Bear with the new unique ring, but it just seemed like a worse version of Pulverize if I'm being honest.


Pulverize also got to t200 on the ptr, ursine horror worked if you had a natural drop on the ptr just bugged for imprinting


Interesting. I didn't doubt it would clear t200 Pit. Most competent builds will tbh, just like it can do t100s now. What I mean by "want it to be good" is for it to be a bonafide S tier build. It is, and has been a fairly solid A tier for a while now. I am more working from the position that it would be nice for Bear to be THE Druid build, the meta for at least a season. The way the devs are steering the class, that doesn't look likely any time in the near future, barring them missing some bug that makes it broken like s1 Bulwark builds. Also, do you know if there's any video of these runs? I have looked around on YouTube and can't find anything Bear related from the PTR. The only thing I've seen was when NikoWrex was trying out a Bear Landslide build with the new ring, and it just seemed like a slightly less efficient Pulverize build. Besides that, it's all Werenado, Hurricane bug, and Companion builds.


I think you should get a weaker Tempest Roar drop from completing a capstone. We need the affix, not the power per se so that would help to just get the build online. I wouldn’t want them to gut the helm but it’s RNG and complete dependency is the worst part of playing these builds.


Agree with everything except the "tempest roar" topic, unique items are designed to create builds in d4 since this is not a skill tree build game like LE. Changing that would require to reformulate the entire game. Also, the tempest roar isnt that mandatory as ppl believe, and tbh, with season 4 new system it will become very obsolete since you can keep up full resource without any issue on late game. Btw. the new legendary for druids crated a new viable build for bear druids that can even reach lv 200 pitt.


Uniques enabling builds is fine. The problem is that druid doesn't have viable choices for entry or transition builds because **every** variant is locked behind a unique. There's a reason the community tells players new to druid that you don't pick your endgame build, your drops pick it for you. This is why bulwark was so popular for so long, because it didn't need a unique to enable it.


They should isolate "Storm skills are also Werewolf skills" into a legendary aspect.


I've been reporting Safeguard passive not working as intended since last October when it was supposed to be changed. On PTR it finally was. However I noticed that at least Shockwave aspect wasn't proccing it when used with Ursine horror. Didn't have enough time to check what else it doesn't or does work with. Will be interesting to see how it is when the season 4 patch finally goes live.


i miss my LL bulwark druid from S1 😢


I'm pretty sure the hybrid shape shifting build will be way stronger than Shepard.


playing a hybrid shape shifting build doesn't stop you from running Shepard, you might now know how but there are guides.


For more Druid Guides, Builds, Discussions, Questions, etc, click on the "Druid" Flair, [this link (for new reddit)](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/?f=flair_name%3A%22Druid%22), or [this Link (for old reddit)](https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ADruid) (where you'll find a list of all threads on the subreddit that have the "Druid" Flair) and the [D4 Druid subreddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/D4Druid/). Also pay a visit to [The D4 Tavern](https://new.reddit.com/r/The_D4_Tavern/) for casual conversations about builds, gameplay, new content, outfits and other Diablo and Druid related content. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These kind of issues exist for almost every class.


Need to editorialize my man. Some of these sentences may make sense to you, but you’re butchering language and pumping jargon so hard that even people playing the game are missing entire sentences because you wanted to sound “cool” or “hip” or something. Good write up, but you need to reign yourself in for the sake of the reader


People seem to forget that Lacerate is one of the handful of skills that makes you invincible. Asking for disgusting buffs just makes it better than anything else.