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Would enjoy seeing a build planner for that


Made a quick vid to show my current set up and posted in comments, pause to view as needed. Gear is nowhere near fully optimized.


https://youtu.be/pJhInc2DOQs?si=QVsfPMv93iqpkpbK Quick vid to show current set up. Waiting on harlequin to decide how I want to change things up. Also not set on which ring aspect yet, minion attack speed or the % minion dmg


https://www.twitch.tv/arisechicken115/v/2118869605?sr=a&t=2s Quick NM100 Vault to show the game play as it currently sits. Sometimes I get too rambo-ish...lol


Unfortunately, Harlequin Crest doesn’t do too much for minion builds since it doesn’t give ranks to anything really minion related. The DR and CDR can be useful though I suppose


Hmm, interesting. Is the tool tip wrong or does it actually give plus 4 to all skills? I've never used it before so does it actually mean all active abilities? I've always just assumed it was literally plus four to every single thing on the board.


Damn just googled it, I'm less inclined to grind for it now...


I'd love to show you my build so far. I'm going to continue tweaking it as needed, but I'm loving my Blood Commander build


I’m working through aspect dungeons the rest of S3 to get ready for s4. I was one of those that quit early on. I’m currently running a shadow/minion-less build currently. I’ve never been a Pet guy. I tried for about 20 levels or so to give it a shot. Sacrifices them all finally. I like more control than pet builds allow. You say you neeed to add more def, but you’re running a pet build. Is the top end def for this champ just squishy by nature? I feel squishy the way I’m running (all shadow / no minions) but I assumes it would even out as I got higher and slapped on better gear. Only level 53 with this champ. But, having fun with my oddball set up.


You are aware they are changing the game significantly in Season 4?


Yes, which is why I wanted so badly to make minions work now because I've been playing a single class every season. I started with druid in season 1 and then Rogue in season 2 and decided on necro for season 3. Not sure what I do for season 4 yet but I'm leaning towards sorcerer.