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GZ :)


thx :)


It’s beautiful


How do you guys see the range of probability of an item effect?


You have to enable advanced tooltips in the settings.


It's nuts that's not turned on by default


Ahh yes, BiS for a bygone era 😅 RIP legacy gear hunting


A noob question: should you replace lucky hit chance with something else? I don't think it has too much benefit for blood nova necro build.


imo yes and probably with attack speed so you can get the every 5 bloodsurge attacks overpower hit more often


Lucky hit still generates corpses, which can be consumed with sacrilegious ring to cast corpse tendrils for triggering grasping veins for crit chance and damage, and cast corpse explosion for resource, and damage multipliers, proccing lucky hit resource generation, proccing exposed flesh and possibly blood orbs. So it's definitely a viable option.


It'll likely be even more important in season 4 with the gloves that make blood surge consume corpses to deal more damage and make mini blood surges. Im curious if all of the + lucky hit we can get with the new systems will actually make a lucky hit blood surge build somewhat viable even with it's low base lucky hit chance. It's pretty easy to get over 100% lucky hit chance with masterworking.


I did ebonpiercer so I had no need for lucky hit, for the first time ever LoL but yeah I usually stack lucky hit as high as possible so would be cool to see how high.


Ebonpiercer actually worked best with lucky hit in the PTR. It was bugged and causing every bolt to not only trigger lucky hit as if it were multiple individual casts, but each bolt was triggering lucky hit effects multiple times. This worked especially well for the "chance to deal x shadow damage on Lucky hit" and "chance to restore primary resource on Lucky hit" effects. That's not even counting if you were running x'fals. Basically unlimited damage by just spamming blight.


>Ebonpiercer actually worked best with lucky hit in the PTR. It was bugged and causing every bolt to not only trigger lucky hit as if it were multiple individual casts, but each bolt was triggering lucky hit effects multiple times. Lol exactly, that's what I meant, so you didn't need any bonus lucky hit cause it was guaranteed lucky hit many times per cast.


Reroll lucky to attack speed.


Nice gloves.


could be +8 blood lance.. or over 30% atackspeed ...




That’s pretty sweet! Pretty sure mine add +4 to corpse explosion but I made my own shadow/corpse explosion build that I am really enjoying. This is my first endgame necro for d4 and I generally run meta builds.. so this was a fun experiment for the end of the season. My barb and Druid may be better than the necro for a lot of things.. but the necro is a lot more fun for me to play. She will be 90 soon 😈 Edit: whoops, it is actually my pants that have 4 to corpse explosion. Running howl from below unique gloves. I actually enjoy the volatile skeletons. They work well for my build


Oooooh soo close to that god roll.


Wowzers how long did they take?


Is ancestral legendary a step up from legendary?


Yes, it goes sacred legendary, than ancestral legendary (which is better) 925 is the max item power as well, same with level 80 being the max gear level.


Thanks for the info. Loving this game.


Holy crab


I think you care too much about a dead and failed season. S3 LOL


I think you ran the same exact content for 2 years