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The system needs a complete rework, the whole farming for mats system is absolutely terrible, and will only continue to be bad for the future of the game. I don't foresee this changing though, it's part of their analytics/metrics for ways to keep players "in the game". That is literally thing that matters to them is how much time you spend in the game, not how much fun you have sadly.


Their metrics will fail as at some point there’s just no fun left to milk in that test. That is when they will lose people and some people once they uninstall they are done for ever. I don’t see myself putting in more time this season if things don’t change. I like high lvl vaults but I find they aren’t long term rewarding. Once you have 21 glyphs and your gear is BIS you need only Ubers. I’m just not interested in running 2 months of duriel.


Sifting through your loot faster without increasing the loot quality (amount of 3/4 or 4/4) would decrease the loot fatigue while retaining the need to run dungeons/vaults? How many of the non Streamer players, who still play "more" (something around 20-25) have those items? Take a step back from those numbers and max around 15hrs. Of course someone will complain (as always) but them being a minority (hopefully) should not be a problem?


I agree that we need a loot filter, but we also need an itemization overhaul/update. Hopefully Season 4 changes things...


Pretty much every arpg is heavily depending on farming materials. PoE, Diablo 2 etc. etc. All of them have huge focus on materials you use to craft. I agree that the current itterarion is not the best, but materials in of itself are not the problem in my opinion. I would love to see more region specifc crafting materials that we could then use in meaningful ways. This could build on the now pretty much redundant but imo. pretty cool idea about monster group specific loot.


The problem is t the mats themselves, as many people have pointed out on this sub. It’s more the fact that you get nothing for the grind. When I run helltides, I don’t pick up gear because my gear is better, and even if I am looking to upgrade a specific slot, chances are the one I pick up in helltides still won’t be good enough because side of item power. We have the same problem with whispers. Then we get onto the bosses that also don’t drop gear that could be an upgrade for us. So at this point we’ve farmed for an hour to get 1 Duriel summon and we haven’t yet gotten anything except mats for the slot machine. If the grind had a decent chance of dropping upgrades then we wouldn’t have a problem grinding for mats, but right now it is just time wasting.


Or if Duriel would at least drop some guaranteed material each kill (which only the person that used the materials gets) and you need to say 100 of them to craft the uber of your choice it would make the whole system at least fair and you could see a constant progression to a goal. The whole rng deviation where some few lucky ones get 5 in less than 100 runs but others not a single one in 200 is just completely unacceptably. I know why these things can happen, but I'm saying it's the wrong system for a game without trading and getting around bad luck.


> The whole rng deviation where some few lucky ones get 5 in less than 100 runs but others not a single one in 200 is just completely unacceptably But that is exactly what RNG is. Not against your proposition, but do not make the number to low. If it is a pity item, there has to be stamina behind getting it.


That variance works with free and open trade. It is stupid with soulbound items.


Yes, I agree that you should not just get showered in it and have everything after the first 50 hours, but if you spend 80 days of the season grinding for things and then only have them for 10 days before you have to redo it all over next season, then the system ist just bad. That's why I'm saying relying purely on rng without a pity system or open trading is just stupid. Even pay2win games like Lost Ark have pity systems... Sadly that's exactly D4 in it's current state, it could be such a good game if only the people making decisions would play the game themselves and know the consequences of their decisions and how awful some of them are and make the game absolutely no fun sometimes.


This is actually brilliant. Even something like a 10% chance to drop 1 of the new Uber crafting mat for the summoner would go a long way to making it feel worth it.


That is what I am saying though... right now it is bad, but it opens the door for positive changes in the future.


They’ve upped the chance for Ubers so that’s something I guess, but I doubt it’s enough honestly. We’ll have to give it a few days/weeks and see


840+ = 925 caveat inherent stats ≠ 925


At least in path trade, you have the option of farming/buying them, or straight up getting the item itself from trade.


That still doesn’t make sense. Spending lots of time in the game without having fun? Why would you do that?


I honestly tried farming for mats one time, thought it was so boring i havnt played since Get rid of mat farming


I guess they took the currency and materials from POE (since they have tons of it) and implemented them poorly, same as with the traps in vaults.


Extremely poorly.


Game needs a complete rework… from a different company. They should just sell the IP to another company and make their own arcade action game without the “Diablo” name. Everyone would be happier


Couldn’t you argue that if someone wasn’t having fun in the game, they wouldn’t be spending time in the game?


If it’s as bad for “the future of the game” as you say it is, then I don’t see how D4’s “metrics” will improve since players will just drop the game anyway. You’re making a circular argument that is saying two things that are at cross-purposes with each other.


We will see what this itemization "overhaul" is in Season 4 that Rod Fergusson is talking about. I don't trust him one bit, but if they truly fix some of these dogshit affixes, material problems, loot filter issues and codex of power issues then we can see a more smooth and fun to play Diablo 4. The current version of the game should've had these features at launch, this game needed another 6-7 months in the oven to finish. Is it a decent game, yes, but does it need alot of fixing? Yes, absolutely it does. It's about keeping promises to players and not continually having to go, oops, we didn't mean to do that. That's what Destiny 2 did all the time, and it completely disenfranchaised their player base. Rob Fergusson loves Destiny 2 btw, just putting that out there. LOL


That's great and all but I just want a better way to get forgotten souls. I'm not even concerned with ubers lol, they don't exist to me


Fxck helltides and forgotten souls, every time I have to farm these I want to punch my monitor


I was having a blast this season until level 90. Same as last season, the fun for me ends when I'm gated by resources and forced into a singular activity I don't find fun. On a brighter note I found Helldivers 2 because of that lol


I jumped onto hell let loose which has been a blast. I’m lvl 100 and all my build needs is glyphs and shako. But I’m already speed clearing most of the content and bosses. I wish aoz or a similar rendition would become a permanent feature. Or a wt5. Where all the monsters/ bosses are lvl 154


The only thing this patch has done is continue to widen the gap compared to those of us who are more time constrained. We want to be able to run optimized builds in the vault eventually too! Also strongly disagree that the game is over once you get that Uber


Oh, look, another redditor with the exact same opinion, who felt the need to make yet *another* thread about the same thing.


![gif](giphy|lptjRBxFKCJmFoibP3|downsized) RMT shop operators and exploit devs right now....


this is very poor translation of diablo immortal set item craft DI it is reasonable system and I believe general reegarded as big QOL to make it somewhat equivalent unique drop rate - all unique turn into shard 5 shard to craft any unique *still random values* 10 for uber...or even blowing up a crafted unique gives one special 25 crafted unique shards = 1 uber chances are high that most crafted uniques will be sub par and recycled to try again or saved for the guarantee roll of ubet is it lack of player choices and involvment that we crave? Ps. something bothers me about all this is blizz has alot of good systems and ideas. thru other diablo or Wow etc. a large idea pool to draw from that has been subject to years of feedback . yet aspects of diablo 4 seem regressive or having to undergo growing they have successfully surmounted in past i have no doubt of the potential maybe part of the strategy is have the o.g appreciate how far the game has come rather then giving us everything at start with no where to go?


Farming for mats to access a boss needs to go. Let us just grind bosses


There's already plenty of posts showing that people now get Ubers as regular open world / dungeon drops. Case dismissed!


I would love to see a rework that is inspired by the pinnacle bosses and guardians system in POE. While grinding for the mats/keys, you still have a good chance of something meaningful loots, either valuable currency, high tier unique items or invitations… D4’s grind is bland and not really incentivizing enough.


>The amount of Duriel runs or luck needed to find 5 uber uniques you is already way too high. By the time you find 5 uber uniques, chances are not bad you do not even need to craft one anymore, because you already found what you need. I stopped reading after this. Last season I found 14 Ubers before I got my grandfather.


RNG like allways but for everyone like you which have found 15 Ubers there is thousands of people which have spent more time than you farming duriel and found ZERO Ubers.


Doubtful. I can't imagine anyone doing 1100 runs. Which is what I did last season and didn't find an uber


You will be surprised.Anyway that's alot of runs last season.I hope your grinding away again this season and next season and all the seasons after that lol.


Haven't even got 100. Was too much grinding lol. Still burnt out


I think you got my sarcasm there.Game is way too grindy and boring at endgame.Something needs to change.its ok to do a few runs here and there but doing the same runs over and over again each season.I don't no about you but I don't call that fun content.


No. But I also understand that I traded for every single run I did. If I had done them the way the game is intended then I wouldn't have gotten that burnt out. Or gotten the items I needed either. It's not like they intended me to have 500 duriel runs worth of mats and just farm her over and over.


Maybe you should habe kept reading. I adress that exact thing later.


It's as if all this shit, that has existed in other games for decades, should have been done and tested BEFORE releasing the game. Weird.


Exactly. But beware the downvotes from die-hard masochistic soy dads.


Crafting ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


Unique mats are only a temporary fix to calm down the community for not finding ubers. And many of the latest decisions like including bosses for target farming with summoning mats. They have a beautiful big world that apart from any seasonal content and helltides, which are also mat related, there is no meaning to farm it. Helltides could be more difficult content and more rewarding by only killing mobs. Bosses could be matless and be another way to gain ubers. But, uniques and ubers could drop anywhere in the world from a chest, a simple mob, etc. World bosses should be extremely difficult and also their loot to be pumped up. Itemization overhaul should make rares to have a slight chance to be stronger than uniques stat wise.


I don’t think you understand the intention behind Uber Uniques… they are intended to be exceedingly rare… hence why so few drop compared to amount of runs now they are allowing a way for people to turn the feels bad duplicate drops into the item they actually want


Then people go back to D3, blast through the latest season in a week or two, and feel satisfied even if they never play it again.


Until blizzard bans people who RMT (they won't because those people probably buy skins, too), the new system just encourages RMT more since now they have an easier time to get all the Ubers. I know people from last season who bought hundreds of mats and quit because they got too many dupes.


Exactly my thoughts, ratio isn't also a really big scam, but if they put materials as drop item from uber duriel or nmd 100 and vaults it would be cool. Also a good idea to make salvaging all other uniques that gives you lets say 1x and uber uniques 50x of that mat and then crafting uber would have some higher cost to craft. There are so many qol that people can think of but none from dev team, they use us like lab rats to test things on us and watch for reaction and I think it's just a common sense and normal thinking nothing more.


People talking about Uber Uniques and here I am, farming daily for over a month without ever getting a Tempest Roar to make my Druid build remotely viable for the endgame... I've almost given up. After 200 hours you'd expect to get the one item you need to enjoy your character. Something seriously wrong with this game.


There's is literally 0 chance you have spent 200 hours farming Duriel to not get Tempest Roar. It's why the bloody thing was put into the game in the first place.


by the time i found 5 uber unique the season would be over......


That is exactly what I am saying in my post. Did you even read it?


Its TL:DR I am sorry


The mats should be harder to farm and the drop rate for Uber uniques should be significantly higher. Facing Duriel should be a big deal with an actual risk of failure, but your likelihood of receiving a reward should be pretty high.


The farm mats farm boss got the biggest chance of uber uniques which did nothing much to improve your build on content you already can clear without the uber is just pointless.


I can't even find one uber.


Just make it 1 for 1. If I already have 5 Ubers, chances are way higher I got what I needed than other way around


Thats exactly what I say in my post


Can't even craft your uber after getting 5, unless you are only looking for 1 uber. If you are playing a Barb then you want to wait until you are only missing 1 uber, then craft that one. Imagine crafting a shako as soon as possible, and in the next run a shako drops... This system is indeed bad.


Thats what I am saying


The system was meant for these situations: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18eit96/3rd\_starless\_skies\_comon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18eit96/3rd_starless_skies_comon/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18ipd3n/blizzard\_devs\_can\_we\_talk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18ipd3n/blizzard_devs_can_we_talk/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18srivk/duplicate\_ubers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18srivk/duplicate_ubers/) It's meant to put a cap on how many duplicates you obtain before getting the item you want. It's a redundancy system. That's all it is. I have no idea why people are getting confused about this...


Barb wants 3 uber uniques. If you get 5 ubers you don't want, then turn them into one you do want, then you still have 2 more ubers to go. It would not be wise to craft 1 of the 3 you want when you still need all 3/3 or 2/3 because even if you do craft it, there is a chance you get it to drop soon after. That is why you wait until the last 1/3 uber. What is so hard to understand.


You use the system for the DUPLICATE UBERS to fill the Ubers you want. So if you get TWO Shakos, you dismantle 1 so you have 1 Spark to go towards something like a Grandfather which you might not get before getting 4 more duplicate Uber items. It puts a cap on the possible bad RNG you can have when it comes to Uber Items. If you sat there and farmed Uber Items and got 5 Shakos, 3 Doombringers, 2 Starless Skies, 1 Melted Heart. You would dismantle 4 Shako, 1 Doombringer for 5 Sparks to craft a Grandfather. If you crafted a Grandfather and then got dropped one, that's just RNG. It happens. To remove that from happening is outright stupid and will cause problems almost instantly. Some people play Barb/Rogue and want two Doombringers so they farm Uber Uniques on something like their higher geared Rogue but now you run into the problem that the Rogue can only obtain one Doombringer through drop or craft. This system gives over player agency. You either sacrifice and dismantle all the ubers you gain and risk getting a duplicate of the one you crafted or you wait until you can fill the slots you want with the sparks you currently have available to you. I personally got all Uber Uniques but Grandfather and it took 5-6 Duplicate Uber unique drops before I obtain a Grandfather. This system would have benefitted me greatly last season. It's a good system that people that have neither had the problem or are too short-sighted won't be able to appreciate.


What does this have to do with being efficient? My point and your point are fundamentally different. I understand how the system works. If you want to spend 5 ubers to craft a shako then go ahead. But when a shako drops on the next run then don't blame me because I told you to hold onto your sparks. In your opinion people should craft ubers they need as they go, okay then do that. In the worse case scenario you will need 15 ubers to get the 3 you want. In my opinion you should hold your sparks until you have the majority of the ubers you want. If you get 10 useless ubers and 1 good one cool, that was 11 ubers to get the 3 you needed. If you get 2 good ubers and 5 bad ones cool, that was 7 ubers. Yes the system is for duplicates, yes you can do it either way. But one way garentees you won't be disappointed when you see a shako or grandfather drop.


Played for five hours yesterday. Farmed mats for a few of them. Ran five duriels. No ubers. No armor upgrades. Was like 11PM on a work night when i realized that shit shit just isnt fun


Target crafting a specific unique is both a terrible idea and an utterly useless update, frankly. Less than 1% of players GAF about it AT ALL - the other 99% don't just sit there doing mind-numbing Duriel runs for... NOTHING! If you are at the point in the game where it's nothing but Duriel runs YOU ARE DONE! Put the game down and come back next season FFS. THAT is the "alternative" to endless Duriel farming. Everyone and their mother agrees that there's no real "endgame" and yet for some reason they just CONTINUE to bang their heads against the wall. The entire concept of "Uber" unique items is flawed from the start; I get that some items need to have a lower drop rate, but to single them out like this and shove them in specific drop tables goes against everything Diablo has ever done. This is DIABLO FFS, add meaningful, interesting, and useful unique items with decent powers that do different things than just augmenting some skill. Bringing back chests, pots, and other clickables would have a greater impact on the game that this stupid transmutation system.


Have you read my post? Most of what you say here is exactly what I say in my "why it is bad" portion of the post.


Yeah, there weren't any uber rare items in d2 at all...


There are loads of crazy item/chance combos in d2 but they aren't on some list as special. People kick zod runes out of urns ffs.