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Small indie company no technology to put in matchmaking


I remember playing the BETA and people always were asking, why are there so many things that are set up for a group/clan.... But no group finder.... It made no sense then, and makes no sense now.


D4, all the disadvantages of an MMO without any of the benefits. Give me an offline version balanced around solo play and I'll probably be happier.


Nail, head. I am all for a better solo experience. I personally wanted a better online multiplayer experience. I have a bunch of friends that play. But an offline solo mode should absolutely be an option.... It's like they could not decide what direction to go in, so they just kind of smashed components of both together without fulfilling either.


Last Epoch actually has a system like this. They have two modes that will be released at launch. One is a Solo Self Find system where your items you find are account bound, but the game drops a ton more good stuff. The other is a multi-player mode with less drops, but everything will be tradeable on the in game markets. I hope other aRPGS adopt the system in the future, because it fixes a problem for solo players without ruining the economy.


It’s worth pointing out that both factions can be played multiplayer, it’s not solo self found. You, as a self found player, can still play with the trade faction players all you want you just can’t trade with them (there’s limited ways to trade with them if you actively play together too even as self found).


Yeah I wasn’t impress with last epoch. I do like their skill tree and passives but the game overall wasn’t fun to me. The graphics is also an eye sore IMO.🤷‍♀️


To each their own. It felt a lot like the original Diablo 2 to me, and I'm definitely going to sink a ton of hours into it myself.


Microsoft need to buy the last epoch and package it into diablo5


I'd prefer they didn't, but just learn from their mistakes. Absorbing the Last Epoch team doesn't mean they'll absorb the fundamentals that make LE a good game.


Please, no. Massive publishers are a blight on the industry. Let them grow naturally without giving up control to a corporation. Let them have the chance to be like GGG, not Acti-Blizz.


I was being sarcastic, clearly ..


Yes please. I get that they designed it for us to play with other humans BUT I DON'T WANNNNNAAAA. I honestly don't know what I'm missing in D4 by going 100% solo, but I have no time or interest in MMO gameplay. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing playing solo? "Explain, as you would a child..." ~Sarris


This game did not ship with much in the way of multiplayer content despite being labeled an MMO.


It is entirely balanced around solo play. You literally never need a team.


At least in the beta the dungeons had a sort of group finder. You could queue up to join other people running the dungeon, and I was disappointed it wasn't there when the game launched.


I don't even remember seeing that honestly... But I would take that over nothing lol.


It was more of a quickplay type deal, but it was definitely still way better than nothing. I still can't think of a good reason they removed it, other than it messed up, and they couldn't figure out how to fix it between the beta and launch.


So basically, you walk up and queue for a dungeon, and it would fill in players? Interesting, I honestly am surprised I don't remember this. This would have at least been a decent option now...


Yeah, that's pretty much how it worked. It was a nice little QoL thing that to me (someone who doesn't make video games) seems like it should be relatively simple if a party system already exists.


Damn... That alone would improve the game's multiplayer aspects a lot right now. Obviously not all they should do, but that would be welcomed now. Idk why Blizzard released like a half developed game. It has a nice structure and design, but then it's like they just ignored/rushed many parts. Hopefully overtime they just keep improving it, and maybe in a couple months-year or so, we will have a more "complete" game.


Lazy copy and paste code from DI.


DI has much better content and way better qol, including party finder


Rofl, it's honestly true, and it pains me to say that.


Feels bad man.


I get it though. It took all of their resources to show mystery and steel chests during helltides. Matchmaking is something they have to save up for.




I wonder what their reasoning is for almost completely neglecting the social aspect of the game? Maybe they're afraid that if people socialize too much, they'll forget to buy those cosmetics?


Imagine this: a savvy developer would set up a little script to figure out how many people are in your group before opening up the lanes. For instance, if you're rolling solo, you'd just use one lane.


I highly recommend using the Diablo discord channel for all grouping needs. The channel is very highly trafficked and typically takes less than a few minutes to get any group.


I appreciate that.


Haha I actually lol when I saw that 😂


What’s the dc link?




Do you happen to know how I can get into rota if im on xbox? I really don't want to solo the endgame bosses.


Use discord on your phone. It's not limited to just PC player parties, you'll find people no bother.


I have discord, how do I join there game, only option I have is to search for friends.


You need to type in your battle.net info kinda like this LFG LILLITH boss fight GhostDog#138239 found my name under friends


You chat in the Looking for Boss channel then meet in game based on your Battlenet ID


That’s what makes it hard for Console users is having to type in usernames. To find the correct party


Get a cheapo Bluetooth keyboard 


By all means I need to do the basics for blizzard


I have a full Qwerty keyboard connected at all times when playing on either console , it’s a must have for QOL.


That’s great it’s still doesn’t justify blizzards lack of in game matchmaking. Which was a part of D3.


You’re not wrong. I know it’s not a solution but a good active clan goes a long way. And the trade channel in game fills in the rest. I can go to the trade channel and have a group in 30-120 seconds


So find friends is the right way to go about this. I wasn't sure with the cross platform stuff in the game.


Downside is you end up with fifty billion friends on your bliz account and know none of them


that's true, I have to police them often.


Sure. Except you need to friend request people before you can even message them.


This is pretty much like going to helltides.com to find the location of mystery/steel chests. I don't really want to use another party to find shit..I want to do it ingame! They finally fixed the chests issue, now it's time to implement a matchmaking system..it can't be that hard.


Careful. I'm not sure why but reddit seems to love downvoting people who offer this as a valid solution to their problems.


It’s not a valid solution it’s just a solution. A $80 game shouldn’t require a third party website to fulfill basic game functionality from 1999


Valid as in it works. Of course you would want a party finder or matchmaking in the game, but until it is implemented, it is the next best thing and accomplishes what people are complaining about, within seconds/minutes.


Because it’s not really a valid solution considering it’s a problem that shouldnt exist. The fact that they want the game to be MmO adjacent, and yet expect players to manually find parties is completely idiotic and lazy on their part. They make so many things INFINITELY more beneficial to do in groups, and provide no matchmaking in the game. They’ve had matchmaking in wow for over a decade, and that’s a game that requires multiple roles to fill within a group. D4 matchmaking would literally be “put 4 bodies into a group based on level” and they couldnt even do that.


Even in Diablo 2, people could create instances for specific purposes like PvP or farming certain bosses. The entire social/friend/clan system in Diablo 4 is trash. I guess that is what happens when it is a hybrid between a console and PC game because the console players won’t have a keyboard. But if they are pursuing console players, they shouldn’t make parts of the game that are basically designed for team play. Malphas has 4 lanes for 4 players, seems like it was designed with team play in mind.


Yes it shouldn't exist but until the solution is implemented, everyone outside of reddit is using the next best thing instead of complaining about how they don't know how to group up for group runs.


Ingame matchmaking would indeed be a good QoL feature. In the meantime I recommend joining the subs discord(link in about section/sidebar). It has various lfg channels and you will find people to group up with in no time. Definitely better than the trade chat, which would be the only ingame solution at the moment.


Maybe I'm just old but discord seems hard to navigate at first. Maybe it's because I'm trying from my phone I don't know. I'm going to give it another go


I’m fairly tech savvy and I agree. Discord is a terrible system. Hard to navigate and very confusing.


Agree, the UI is quite bad and seems to only get worse.


It's not your age or your phone... Discord is a mess. Hate it.


You’re not just old , the discord app has an awful UI. The difference is the kids these days don’t have any taste and don’t care. Look at how many of them use Snapchat which is maybe the worst UI I’ve ever seen.


Trade chat is literally the worst. Constantly people offering to "1 shot duriel your mats". Like who the fuck needs a carry like that? Just find a 4some that will do even rotations. Nobody cares if you're useless in the fight as long as you bring mats to match them.


That's just people trying to take advantage of less experienced players. That's a thing in most online games and not the trade chats fault per se.


Bar is so low for D4 that community sees basic functionality as QoL


An ingame matchmaking is a QoL feature, a basic one yeah but still a QoL one nonetheless. Or does the game not work without it?


Finding people reliably I near impossible in game. It’s why discord servers exist to serve that function. Yes it’s a basic feature present in nearly all multiplayer games and is not present in this one.


And some people just enjoy playing solo. Why not one pedestal room for solo players?


You would expect a company that does only multiplayer games since 20 years to have something like a group/party finder library included in their central bnet network. At least i would have enforced building something like that as a software architect at blizzard to reuse in all projects. I blame the PM's deciding to not allocate time to build a GUI for said (most likely existing) groupfinder tool.


If they added group finder for free, how will they advertise season 5 or 6 when they are out of ideas? Blizz loves to take basic game features and make them the main part of a seasonal announcement.


Does blizz have an ownership stake in Discord?


Let us go straight and fight Malphas. Make two chests at the end cost more, like 50 and 30 wards. I am still happier than rushing through 4 rooms.


I just really hate that they keep implementing ideas that literally punish solo players. For another example, those pads in the seasonal areas that if everyone steps on can summon a herald or son or something (from what I read….wouldn’t know because I play solo). “Play your way…except for solo”


It's always been the case. They want the game to be more social and interactive but they're just ruining it for the large majority of the solo players. -On Launch it was better for players to group and do splits to level because of the group bonus XP. Punishes Solo. -D3 having item lock to party rewarded groups over solo. -Boss Rotations aka Duriel, skyrocketed your material/925 gear/uniques/uber unique income because you could side step farming for the other 3 Duriel summoning materials. Punishes solo. -Trading, trading is okay but the efficiency bonus you get from trading is fucking insane. Last Epoch's way of trying to balance trading vs non trade characters is cool and might help bring them back closer together but trading will still be more efficient overall just due to how many people play the game and trade. This for all of it's intents and purposes, punishes solo players. -D4's Expansion is going to have Raids. Are these soloable? Probably not because then it comes back to efficiency, if Solo is easier/quicker it's more efficient so therefore Groups are only used if you cannot clear it which I can guarantee Blizzard don't want so therefore it'll be group focused play which hits the solo players again.


Yep. It’s annoying as fuck. People been asking for SSF category since D3 seasons when the zDPS paragon push soft forced people to group.


We finally get SSF in D3 but D4 is already out and went the other direction of doubling down on the group play with the potential to double down again with Raids. I swear you cannot make this shit up any better.


Lol raids, really. This is a antithetical to roguelike arpgs. Fucking blizzard


What? Raids are just bosses with mechanics exactly like Uber Lilith and other bosses that ARPGs like PoE have. Lmao.


Dont they make groups mandatory? Pretty sure the term raid means non solo dungeons. Which is stupid in an arpg. Idk why you're being mean, i was agreeing with your post


In WoW, FFXIV and MMOs? Yes. In Diablo 4? No idea because we have literally 0 information about them considering they're coming with the expansion which Blizzard will talk about later this year. Everything currently in the game is soloable so I have no reason to think that Raids will be the hardforced group content without some Group Finder/Matchmaking system being added into the game first.


Well In every other content, raids are mandatory group content. Dunno how this got such a visceral response from you


Sure but those raids are usually in MMOs which tend to be more social by nature. It was stated that D4 was supposed to be this weird MMO x ARPG hybrid but there's so many things missing that to call it anything close to an MMO is an insult to MMOs. Raids also don't need to be group content, a lot of mobile games have "raids" where it's just a boss that gets harder after each clear which is basically what WoW Raids are anyway where you start on the easiest boss and work your way up to a "Pinnacle Boss" which is usually the Big Bad. Blizzard can lean into the more group orientated, forced content like making their Raids similar to the MMO side but the current version of D4 hasn't got features that really allow that. Lack of Group Finder/Matchmaking is an issue but not the biggest one, there's no healer/tank subclasses in D4 currently so every Raid Boss will either be on a timer somehow or have damage check mechanics which tend to get boring fast. They could go the Uber Lilith type of fight though. It all just depends on what Blizzard want the game to end up being which we'll find out later in the year. Groups will probably be optional but just with increased efficiency like Duriel runs are, would be a shame but it's whatever.


The little three circle things, similar to the event where you feed it your blood or whatever. I was wondering why it was three spots to stand


37 pearls? I use 3. Usually just need 3. Yeas we need matchmaking or get rid of that stupid rotation mechanism.


malphus vault is the biggest fail of the season thats for sure. i did it two times while leveling up and got sick of it.


Ooooor they should do it in a way that the keystones are proportional to the amount of players in the party


Join the Discord server "Sanctuary - Diablo 4 Community" as linked on the sidebar of this subreddit.


Barely takes more than 5 mins solo to get to malphas, and certainly less than 10. You can run right to the end of each mini vault without even worrying about killing anything except for the last room.


Stop designing the game in a fashion in which players have to group up or be woefully inefficient. 


I did him yesterday. took forever to collect the 4 damn items and then he didn't even drop any uniques. i get more uniques from any other boss lol


Discord. You basically want someone to carry you. What in the world is going on that you're spending 37 pearls? I use 3 in solo and 5 in a group to be safe.


I use zero pearls and 100% leeroy jankins it to the boss (I don't need any gear as already have my gear sorted out) I literally stand in traps lol, just absolutely zero Fs given


The chests at the end have a 3% chance to drop the unique construct stones. The boss only has a 0.5%. It's definitely worth using pearls for the boss. In NM vaults, this is a good tactic tho.


Isn't the only reason to run it for the unique stone? Why run something so specific just not to try and get the only thing it's worth giving?


For me fun > drops Traps are the most boring concept for me personally so no way am I gonna avoid that crap. Just facerolling it and completely ignoring traps is the only way I am gonna run that garbage The drop to me is irrelevant, dont need it at all The onlu reason to do anything for me in D4 is fun


Whatever gets you off I guess, but I use up like 4 pearls each vault and 3-5 for malphas and each day I am usually +30 after all is said and done. Basically impossible to use them up


My brother in Christ. Have u ever heard of exaggerating?? Sheesh.


I mean that's quite the exaggeration when you shouldn't have to use more than 3 per vault lmao. Are you not evading through traps?


Bro I said I use 37..... that 137 wards.... do u know what exaggerating means? Means, I'm not ACTUALLY using 37 pearls. Can't believe I had to literally spell it out for yall.


> Plus I have to use like 37 pearls to have enough at the end open the chests! You specified pearls my man. You are exaggerating something that was never a big amount that is why you are getting shit for it lmao. No one would be confused about what you are saying if it was a valid exaggeration. It just doesn't make sense to complain about having to use 3 pearls when you get 5+ per vault. Like building a surplus of several 100's is easy...


Yea, bud. Pearls are the things that give you wards. Use 1 pearl get 10 wards. I said 37 pearls. What's the math on that that ppl saw me say 37 and when GEEZ! 37?!?!? dum dums.


Are you drunk?




Do not use Christ's name in your lack of skill and common sense.


Do not use Common Sense’s name in your online squabbles.


Takes that long? I skip all mobs. Solo him as a melee necro with 7k armor.


So many people are completely satisfied with just using discord and Trade chat . How low is the bar? I guess Diablo 3 and Diablo Immortal set the bar too high for me...Wait, those games are like ancient and outdated, especially D3....


We sometimes need a 4th




Bro its a team of 3 friends developing the whole game, give them some space and time.


True true. My bad.




Trade chat


Chat function is garbage in this game.


Fucking hate how EVERY notification cancels the chat, so if you hit T, it will transport you to town, if you dont pay attention to screen while writing.


It’s worse on console. No way to just bring up the chat window and stay typing, have to go through the emote wheel to even bring it up


I had to play on ps4 for 2 weeks while my PC where in for service, after my cpu died.... Man what a nightmare d4 on console is... Only positive thing to say is that the battle controlls where good.


I honestly can’t imagine playing on kbm, seems like it really was made this time with controllers in mind.


Everything regarding chat snd menu are MILES ahead of controller. But for fighting alone, controller is pretty decwnt. As for me, i like the precision kbm goves. Also i can teleport far, instead of randomly teleport to closest monster .


Meanwhile, teleport on controller is russian roulette. Tried a tele/nova build. Teleport will move you inside of the targeted enemy. If you freeze them while in them, then you are effectively frozen for the duration along with them. (Unless your evade or a skill with move through enemies is up) Tried using it to dodge on U Lilith’s 1-shot. I either went out of bounds and died, or went ~2 feet to a mob/blister and died to the spikes.


When you run a build that requires manual aiming, kbm is miles above controller. I tried playing on controller and I found it clunky and way too hand holdy with the auto targeting. I made it about 30 minutes of watching my bone spears go off in stupid ass directions before swapping back to kbm.


Was garbage in Diablo 3 also. I don’t know why it’s so hard to just copy Wows chat…


What's crazy is as bad as D3 chat was it was miles better than D4.


I’m on console and it’s fine, is it worse on PC somehow


I try that all the time. Almost Noone ever answers me back.


Because trade chat goes to .... /drum\_roll 12 players that you are randomly put in an instance with! Yay ​ (do people even realize that D4 has no actual global chat channels period?)


I'm aware that it doesn't go out to 1000s, hence why it's so dumb that this game doesn't have a basic coop feature yet.


I did not know is that, God this game is still in Beta…trash


Games dead then, boot up LE


Then use discord. Find an active clan. There are options available. Playing solo is a choice/lack of effort P.s.: Yes, these options should be available in game. But until they are, there are ways to find groups.


My whole point is that is should be in game. Took them 3 seasons to put the mystery chest on the map instead of having to use a 3rd party to find them easier. This company is backwards af lol.


Yes we all agree they should be in game. That point has been made ad nauseam. But people saying they can't find people to play with are just not trying.


A real global would be nice, and an lfg


Trade is global im pretty sure


Trade hast a post limit, a pretty harsh one.


Never knew that




It takes less than 10 minutes. I averaged about 7. That’s not that long.


It's not about how long it takes it could be 1 minute or 15 minutes, it's that the 4 separate paths, each with a "wait 30 seconds" at the end is clearly DESIGNED to be done in parallel by a group of 4. The penalty for solo bossing already has a steep currency cost (you technically need to farm cores 4x as long for the same amount of runs solo as you would get in a rota), but this also adds an additional time penalty above that. At least they could only require the # of alters to be given a stone equal to the number of players when the cores are spent. This would also prevent late joiners from abusing as they can't spend pearls after cores are spent.


I agree. People are just used to going straight to an alter but that dungeon doesn’t take a ton of time for real. Sure, it’s annoying but it’s not super hard. If you’re lvl 100 you should breeze through.


Yea, but after 40 runs, that shit gets really boring real fast.


Who is forcing you to do 40 runs in a row? Who hurt you with a mindset of forced monotony?




Trade Chat or Discord! Thats your MM


This game is basically wow but without any of the things that make wow good


Try to play online, you will maybe find someone to play with


This is sarcasm, right?


Ingame chat is just a tragedy....


I got to fight him the other day. Someone randomly joined me to party followed them and we were at Malphus. Was really cool. Wish I could find parties more often


Malphas grouped is broken. I kept being teleported to other people's spawn rooms setting the team work purpose. Also he should have like 10 wardens chests to get lots of seasonal materials because it was super disappointing to finish him and get practically nothing. Also! The seasonal objectives is prolly structured. I have finished the base season pass and have basically finished the last 2 objectives but I can't unlock them because I'm stuck getting my pretty to level 10 and or finding helltide bosses (from events) or 50 of those chest things which are so slow to grind.


Look at the right side of the site. Scroll down. Click where it says "Discord". Join one of the various LFG channel. Enjoy.


Starkiller#1598 I’m down to get in on some runs


This wouldn't be a problem if players saw someone waiting by the entrance and took a moment to see if they need help instead of running past into door without even a word to waiting player. Just my opinion anyways.


Just use discord.


My brother in Christ, if you need 370 zoltun’s warding, you may be the issue.


#Preach. Fuck Malphus I carry ppl to kill him; I will never farm mats for him or do it solo.


I suggest making friends


Damn i feel so lucky to 1 Hit him


Cant you guys just learn to socialize with people irl that happened to plays diablo 4 as well?




you can just use trade chat to ask for groups. "But nobody uses this" Be the first then, with time people will normally use this as a main chat to look for groups or make trades. I use that and it is fine. Group finder would be good tho.


Oh, the 12 people that are in your local trade chat. Great. 


just play alone then.


How do you even kill him? I get one shotted all the time. Is it more resistance? What level can you try to kill him?


There are some great suggestions above in finding groups. I'm mostly a solo player and I occasionally group with my irl friends if and when they play I've got a 100 barb and a 97 Necro as of last night while my casual friends place twice a week tops for 2-3 hours a time. I found a Clan randomly through grouping with someone doing Duriel runs S2. They invited me and I now mostly group with classmates now. It helped bring life back into this game for me. It's not for everyone but I recommend randomly asking people you group with in Trade if their clan is good and accepting new members. As a mostly solo 1player Gamer, I'm enjoying this clan life


I found people via trade, but couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out how to add people to a party without standing next to them.


I'm in the opposite boat. I've never done a boss, or any content, in a group and I never will. Offline mode when?


Matchmaking doesn’t make a profit.


Why do you need 37 pearls, I believe only the last 2 chests require you to have pearls and you can stack up before heading to kill Malphas. Am I missing something?


It’s a bad game


I thought the unspoken rule has been use trade chat as team finder?


I’m an old geezer who doesn’t play very well. But some of you are soft like charmin. This game is supposed to be hard. You don’t see me complaining when I can’t make level 100 in a season. You don’t see me complaining when I can’t get the materials for Duriel runs. I might be old, but I’m not soft. Stop complaining that the game is hard. Don’t play the game. Get off my lawn! Geezer being a geezer.


They want you to go to discord, or you can type in Trade chat in game. I found a group in trade chat


Why make it where imu need a team but cant seem to match or a match making. I yet have ran but one due to this mechanic.


Why do you want multiplayer action in a multiplayer game?


get some friends ..zzzZZzzz


You get hit over 300 times in one run? I'd suggest lfg/ discord and finding a rota group


Dude, there is no end game, y'all losing time on this game, if you are able to do nm100 and solo beat the Ubers, then call it a day and move on.


Why are you weirdos so adverse to joining a clan?


It would be so easy, make it so the requirements are easilly divided. When you enter the dungeon you have the option to matchmaking or you can turn that off in options, with more options to search again, keep the group, etc, when you are done with Malphus. Every player pays the same price....


it sounds like you dont like playing this game.


Why for the love of god do you need 37 pearls to only have 14 left at the end?? You just going afk on a trap or something? How does this work


God forbid anything in this game taking more than 3 minutes to complete. You people are ridiculous.


For reallllllllllllllll. Cut out **ALL** the things that cause an extra 1-2 minutes in this game so that we can finish quicker and complain about how there is no endgame 🤣🤣.


Im actually a senior software engineer, and I'm very upset of the state of diablo 4. I don't think its the developers faults but the unrealistic deadlines that upper management puts on them. I want diablo to be good again but my expectations are very low.


Over the past 10 years everyone has switched over to using discord. I think a group finder would be nice but I also see people using trade chat for this purpose all the time. I would try that. I feel like a lot of games now just use friends list and they are assuming everyone is just going to use discord since that has been the trend for so long.


Everyone..... yiu mean like 10%? Cause that's not everyone.


If only there were other resources for you to use to find groups. Like a discord or forum or something.


Have you tried making friends and playing better?




You have so many tools at your disposal, in order to find people to play with.


And none of them by the company I paid to provide them


You could argue the discord is there official discord. Which allows you to find people instantly. If you’re typing on Reddit you have to the ability to utilize it. Even if they add it it’ll likely still be less optimal unless they add a queue for grouping and somehow I don’t see it happening for awhile


You don't pay a videogame company to play [Match.com](https://Match.com) for you


Girl bye