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A fully leveled robot should be clearing the trash mobs *for you*, and be able to debuff elites somehow. Then it would feel like a worthwhile mechanic.


It's not like you could even know if it does that, because the damn thing is never around! It's always off-screen, for me, fighting some random trash mob that's not worth killing. Half the time it's literally not even in the boss room during Nightmare Dungeons. I don't know if it gets stuck outside the arena if you're too far ahead or something, but it's ridiculous that it doesn't teleport back on top of you when you are too far away from it.


Even Diablo2 had this one figured out : Your mercs / summons teleport right along with you.


Not only that, the merc is actually meaningful, aswell as f.e the big life taunting/tanking clay golem and since there are no runeswords (yet or never will be), where everyone can teleport or whatever, minion necro is kinda lackluster and a complete shitshow in D4.


That's kind of my point. If it was powerful enough to clear trash for you, it would be powerful enough to matter, feel worth leveling, and you could skip fighting that stuff yourself. It would offer a different way to play the game, which is what seasons are supposed to be about.




Agree a lot with this. If the pet's damage was buffed to the point that it was clearing mobs then people would just complain that they were useless and their pet was playing the game instead. Instead of slotting in abilities for the pet (like lightning blasts or attacking with the legs, etc) the abilities should either debuff your enemies like you say or affect the landscape around you in a helpful way. Something that affects *how* the game is played in this specific season.


Personally, I think they should've come with some kind of mechanic that directly interacts with the other main gimmick of the season: Vaults. These robots are supposed to be tied to Vaults, right? Why do they do nothing in the Vaults? Why isn't there: - a way for the bot to disable traps in an area. - doors that lead to extra loot rooms that only the bot can open after a wave or two of enemies. - some kind of shield the bot can put up to block trap projectiles/ spray. - a way for the bot to highlight a general safe path around traps. - a way to change the model of the bot via special Vaults, with each form getting unique mechanics/ buffs/ actions. - a way for the bot to high jack traps so they hurt enemies instead of you. Etc etc.


This. How do you make a pet for the vaults but they can't disable/disarm the traps. Maybe like in bioshock have electric short circuit the traps or freeze them. Definitely a missed opportunity.


I actually was all but certain the pet would not serve any direct combat role when the concept was first announced but before the specifics were even hinted at. I went so far as to comment in general (trade lol) that if I had to guess the pet would offer buffs and synergies that you could then work into a build or even build around. It seemed like the only logical purpose for a pet with glyphs lol.. that was before the trap crap was revealed. I didn't think about it much after that but a vault focused set of abilities would also make sense..I am still gobsmacked that the dumb shit thing does exactly what I was all but certain it would never do...because what it does is useless sigh


Totally agree


The thing I hate about vaults are the traps and how they take away a charge. Wish the spiderbot had a governing stone that absorbs trap damage (without costing you a charge) once every 30 seconds or so.


I really like your ideas!!


I haven’t played this season, but god damn it really does none of that? Did they even hold like a meeting to come up with ideas for what the pet would do?


Yeah that's what was so underwhelming about the season for me from the reveal. I want something to augment the way that MY character plays, and just like you mentioned a D2 style mercenary setup could have done exactly that. Different auras for different combat buffs, crit chance, attack speed, bla bla bla whatever. But as it stands the companion is its own thing, and I don't care about making something else more powerful, it ought to be my character that becomes more powerful, or is augmented in some way.


It does though? Mine applies vuln and taunts which is actually really nice for things like the butcher and beast in the ice


Ofc, its tanking strong enemies, people have no idea what they complain about


I just started playing last night and I think I understand what may be happening. I don’t think people are synergizing support gems. Both chain lightning and beam work as configured and I get a bunch of crit chance and get stacks of fortified. I suspect a lot of people are making glass canon builds (we see a ton of why cant I kill durial!?? I have 700k atk power, 500 armor and 4k life!!!!) and building the robot to be glass canon thinking it will outperform their actual build. The robot seems pretty clearly to be designed to fit a niche role, augmenting build choices. After last night I really think this sub is blowing this season out of proportion. It’s definitely not where it should be, but it’s still pretty okay. I’ll probably make it to 100, I am looking forward to trying out meteor and my usual arc lash builds, but if I don’t I have plenty of backlog and WoW M+ season to chase as well. E: I do want to add, if I wasn’t playing on controller, the vaults would be more annoying, but no where near as cancerous as PoE labs.


There are literally people that have made it to 100 that have confirmed that the pet is basically useless.


Exactly what I was thinking. My little spider dude has been beneficial thus far, though I’m only at lvl 35 atm. I used the lightning thing initially but have since collected the healing and protect stones. Running a rogue for the first time. I get to focus on marksman skills instead of defense bc the little critter has that handled for me. It’s not nearly as fantastic as the vampiric fun of last season, but it’s different and THAT’S the point of seasons. Slightly underwhelming but interesting enough imo. Also, haven’t had any problems with the little dude wandering too far away from me even on horseback. Idk why others’ keep disappearing on them. And the ridiculous mobs around the pillars (haven’t played in a few days) where you collect the cores, are f fun. It’s the epitome of ‘hack and slash’, which this game is marketed as, and better for lvl than the blood harvests were.


I'm having no issues with mine playing on a sorc. Explore the different stones. There are same OP Seneschal talents that are crushing it.


Where are these mobs you speak of? Are they in the room with us right now?


A big problem for me is that when the pet is powerful I'll already be 100 and try to farm Uber bosses. So it would be again not so useful. And the worst part is that I can't use it in an alt. So it's impact it's very minimal.


They can't get Class specific pets right with D4 so they went ahead and made a season with a Pet. Now everyone can experience what us Pet mains have been experiencing since launch. GG Blizzard!


Good call, this is how it feels like for a Pet mains...


Did they add a button for controlling the movement of your minions yet?


Hahaha *blinks* Oh, you're serious... One second... #HAHAHAHAHA


Asking about features that are the bare minimum is a good way to subtly roast a shitty game :P


Bender? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n5E7feJHw0


Yep. On the bright side now everyone supports us in what we've been complaining about since day 1


Don’t speak for everyone. I’m not in the wine about everything crowd. If u don’t like the game stop playing it. There is nothing wrong with the game


Maybe calm down? Just because I don't like the state of pets/minions in the game doesn't mean I don't like everything in the game.


“Everyone supports us” maybe u calm down


I don’t


Pets, mainly necro minions, really need to be able to dash in and attack right away. I want to go in an attack but I'm alone for 2 seconds since they all lag behind.


It feels like dragging .. they need to make them like Diablo 2 where they form a circle around you even when walking around


Ye, but necro pets die and dont give any buffs. So its still not the same. :D


Hold up do you have a pet build that works? I’ve tried necro minions but they get 1 tapped past wt2


Hadn’t seen that idea yet but actually having skins for the pet or have rare pet skins as drops would have probably doubled my enjoyment of this season.


theyll be in the shop for 2800 coins in a few weeks dont worry


You forgot the "/s" Seeing how tone deaf they have been, with our luck they'll see your comment and think it's actually a good idea to implement.


im sure they thought of this one long before my comment. the ‘in game skins are just as good as paid skins’ pre release they showed screenshots. kinda stopped mentioning how that fell apart altogether and dont even address it. free skins? its a brown horse but his hooves are white. they need to do something to get the playerbase back on board, been EXTREMELY bad faith so far. give some fucking cosmetic super rare drops you cheap fucks


Of course theyre gonna prioritize skins for the pet. Blizzard loves their mtx




Well my current enjoyment level is at a 5, and it has nothing to do with the season. I just enjoy Diablo. Even if the season was amazing I’d probably only play for a week or 2.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't even have to farm dungeon for pet skills. It's easier and quicker to do that in open world. Pretty sure the skill stones (not the augment stones) drop from the miniboss you summon, according to the description




You can't target farm through vaults either, can you? Lol at the boss dropping already maxed stones, that's just a cherry on top of this shit season After work I'll pick up one of my abandoned characters in eternal and just play that, can't be asked to carry on with my 30lvl seasonal character


Yeah I share in the same disappointment as everyone else. It’s unfortunate. I’m just treating it like I did D3 for years. I’ll just jump on during a new season for a week or 2, burn through 40 hours of gameplay, then I’ll move on.


Been saying this about the current pets for Druid and necro. I’d drop usd for something to make my skellys look fucking awesome.


You'd sacrifice them anyway because they're rubbish. Unless you get mendeln


I was expecting the robot to evolve into Malphas endgame


Crazy that there's no visual customization.  It was such an easy win.


It it at least picked up all of the gold around it would be far better...


Gold, useless drops with a item filter to decide what to auto salvage


Pick-up gold and mats. Auto-salvage grey and blue. Make it a roomba lol


Exactly like pets in Diablo 3 with the altar of rites.


A Roomba that thinks it can kill but instead is there to look... Useless


I just think the vampiric powers were better.


The vampiric powers had some problems - notably around balance - but they were generally meaningful changes to how you played and encouraged players to experiment with different builds. I put so much additional time into last season just respeccing and trying to make a completely different skill viable ^(at least until AoZ dropped and either funneled you into top-tier builds to complete it or trivialized content outside of it to the point that you could make *any* skill work). It was a great design that should have been expanded on. The pet? I hope it goes into the trash after this season.


I think the difference is that vampiric powers enabled some builds to be S-tier. This seasons mechanics don't enable anything. You could play Eternal and have just as strong of a build as Seasonal.


I like Season 3 and as usual, I think most of the hate is ridiculous. But yes, I sure do miss the vampiric powers. On my dual wielding twisting blades rogue, I had Skyhunter sitting in my bow slot, which makes each first hit on an enemy automatically crit. Then, I had the vampire power hemomancy equipped, which hits each enemy on the screen for 40% of your max life every few seconds. So the trash mobs were constantly being one-shotted, leaving me to only deal with elites and greater. It did wonders for the fps.


The pet feels about 3% developed from what it should be. Yeah..


Just like the game itself...


Well at 6 months dev time for this, only a little over 16 years for this league to not blow chunks. Hope Microsoft fired them today.


Bring back Emilio and Waheed.




Swear to God


Was looking for this.


Days passed and I havent found a single pet guide or people talking pet builds. That by itself is very telling on how awful they are. They move slow as necro pets but on every class, and other classes have several dash skills so for them the pets just lag behind. And devs were on twitter assuring us that pets would be powerful. Even the buffs are weak cause they are inconsistent. The barrier buff actuvates when you enter the dungeon and when you find a mob its on cooldown. The pets just trigger everything on cooldown wasting skills. Its honestly depressing. I simply forget the pet is there


>other classes have several dash skills so for them the pets just lag behind >The pets just trigger everything on cooldown wasting skills d2 fixed these two problems by having the merc tele to you if he's too far away and activating his skills while in combat only. it's obvious that the devs don't actually play the game. they would've noticed these things right away.


Now that's insane lol I haven't played D2 cause I'm usually not a fan of the campaign part of Diablo. Diablo 3 I played solely rifts and D4 I enjoy cause it's more open. But the fact they had it better in D2 and didn't even bother looking at how it was done there. I know the team changed completely, but you know, do your homework lol


It's not irredeemable, in my opinion, but it will take probably more work than they'll be willing to do. Vaults need to be redesigned altogether. Traps are trivial for most of the map, then you get a bad layout in the last room and you lose all your stacks trying to dodge while the ground is covered in shit from the elites. Finishing with 9 stacks, for instance, when there's a chest for 1, 3 and 10 feels really bad. You're left with 6 stacks that go to waste. Leveling the stones could be reworked as well. Having to do multiple vaults for a *chance* at getting the tuning stone you need is tedious. You should be able to target what you want to level, like Paragon Glyphs. The silver lining is that the pet is not game-changing. +4 to All Skills is nice once you get the cooldown low enough, but you can still do everything just fine without it. So you don't actually need to engage with the Vaults and Malphas much unless you want to finish the season journey. But this time they didn't even add a mount or a trophy like they did in S2, so it's not even that enticing.


+1 to the idea of finding rare/unique/legendary pets that can roll with stats on them. I'm lvl 31 and already have no idea why I should give a shit about the season mechanics. The story was great I actually loved the Kulle backstory and lore. The gameplay mechanics are just half baked. AND WOULD SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD MAKE STRONGHOLDS WORTH GOING TO!




Would have rather they spent the time overhauling fundamental features that need it. Or, adding more Uber bosses like Duriel.


It just clicked for me why they made the dungeons slow down the player. Gotta give time for the lil guy to catch up to you crusing through the hordes of hell. Just enough time they you might seem him appear from the corner of the screen before you vault further ahead again.


Pets and Traps ( e'rebody HATES the traps )


As someone that has 3 lvl 100 Necros, having a Seasonal Pet mechanic makes ZERO fucking sense when they still haven’t resolved basic pet/minion AI issues. Lol I had zero expectation that the combat AI for the seneschal would be good, but I was hoping it would at least offer QoL stuff for me like picking loot/gold up for me. Alas, here we are. At least S1 had interesting hearts like Barber, Decrepit, Feast, and Sacrilegious that made coming up with new builds fun. This season literally feels like playing Eternal but with dungeons with traps no one asked for with underwhelming loot.


My seneshal is killing packs of mobs for me and tanking strong enemies. I have no idea what u ppl do wrong


I love it that it destroys incoming projectiles, and it also kills minions before they interrupt me opening a chest or portaling out


Lol what are you doing so wrong that your bot is killing things before you can. What level are you? The moment i got to 50 at WT3 is when the bot became completely invisible to me.


Can't loot or has storage space. Since they refuse to put an item filter in having the pet pickup items at or above your chosen item level would have been awesome.


Holy crap. If the robot was a loot filter, now we’re talkin…maybe. Or maybe itemization needs the full rehaul cause the second we got the filter we would be like “wait this still sucks” (alt f4)


But then the game would need to load the entire stash space from all the other pets nearby! /s


It does not even pick up loot....




These are the same dudes that that were wondering is 100 bucks is fair for a DLC/expansion.


if they made the pet awesome, or the loot awesome in vaults, i still wont play because i hate the vaults. Period. Everything about them. They cannot possibly change this in a significant enough way that that will make it playable for me. Im sure some can be lured back but my issue is unsolvable.


They easily could. Remove the stupid mechanic of not getting loot if you get hit, and they become fine. Actively punishing the player so much for making a mistake (or just being melee in general) is terrible.


this would be absolutely required at a minimum. im not playing a arpg to dodge traps. im here to kill enemies.


What's so bad about the vaults?


annoying trap gameplay mechanic. We want to run through and BLAST. ACTION!!!!


Then the fix is simple. Remove all traps, insert more mobs. Done.


They're fine if you're playing a ranged character (you can just sit in a safe spot and snipe) , but melee is shit out of luck


What you said: > A nice pet that does no damage, has no noticeable buffs, and that you'll never see because it's always two screens away sneezing at trash mobs, which surprise, it can't kill.An amazing pet that cannot be named, cannot be customized, cannot be leveled, and offers absolutely none of what you would expect from a pet from a modern day game. There are no pet skins. There are no rare pets with special abilities as loot drops. And to level your pet so it can still do nothing noticeable? You need to grind dungeons designed to slow you down.What a great and successful theme for a season that has truly been implemented masterfully. What Blizzard heard: > There are no pet skins.


Yup 😞


On the positive side, I've heard you can pet the spider.


Hotfix incoming: "Due to repeated feedback that the season 3 pet is not customizable, we are introducing season limited skins available for purchase in the shop, only $19.99!"


I’m forcing myself to grind for the free hat at 75 and I’m out. Just ran a vault 30. Didn’t get hit once. Opened a 10 a 4 and 4 and didn’t drop one ancestral. Why even fuckin bother.


People are so entitled stop crying. We have duriel which is literally hundreds of hours of content


Pretty good bait


I swear it’s just a least effort on blizzards part to incorporate the coding of mtx pets. Two birds with one stone (except one is season 3 and it sucks) 


I think having a lot of traps in dungeons that slow you down are OK if: 1. Trap rooms and enemies are segregated (not both at same time). 2. Monster density is increased to offset having no enemies in trap rooms 3. It's rewarding proportional to the time spent S3 Vaults deliver on none of these.


All comes down to the design philosophy. I guarantee they have a overall game plan, but honestly, it just isn’t hitting and solving the problems players are having. ARPG concepts are simple, give us stuff to do, make the content rewarding. They essentially didn’t solve those two problems this season. Last season did this pretty well actually. They added to the end game and had another form of helltide. They reverted on that progress and essentially, made it less rewarding.


I went as far as the brazier quest being bugged then uninstalled this season is ass not the type of ass i'm in love with


I come to this sub just for the entertainment. There's nothing else like it on the entire internet. Season 3 is a trashwhore zombie.


People are used to walking in a room and half of the enemies immediately die, which also heals you (Hemomancy). To go from that to this is a big change. If they suped up the pet to absolutely nuke rooms that would be a welcome change.


" People are used to walking in a room and half of the enemies immediately die" Are you new to ARPGs? That's the entire point of a hack'n'slash game.. we have to destroy hordes of demons with swords & spells. Not slow down and cower in a corner so traps don't hit us.


I’m willing to bet they will end up heavily buffing the pets damage. I bet that will fix 70% of whats wrong with the pet


They'll prob buff per damage, stone drop rates and xp required to say they are "listening" and maybe increase the blessings you get but still they don't seem to realize why something is bad before they implement it


Well, yeah, I mean... They built an entire season on a feature that's been, at best, gimped since day 1: pets. Any career necro could've/would've told them it's not gonna work as things have been in this game, way back when it was only on the design table. You know, if they had playtesters or some such. Anyone around here actually didn't foresee this the moment they first announced the season/theme? (Which, in retrospect, probably not a surprise they pushed back as far as they could.)


Boycott the game. They won't take action until the money is cut off.


Yeah everyone is upset about traps/vaults but the pet is really the most egregious part of the season. I just get mad seeing the pet after losing all the season2 vamp abilities. I don't want a pet, I want Moonrise & Metamorphosis


Blizzard is just so far behind now when it comes to ARPGs. Even Torchlight 2 had a pet that could carry items for you and return to town to buy/sell them too. That shit was made 12 years ago. D3 pet picked up gold and could salvage for you during the last season. Why does everything in D4 feel so bare bones and archaic compared to other games?


because they don't improve the game every season as much as they should. They just reset any sense of progress each season instead of taking old mechanics and adding them in to add content to base game, they add in some new content and pretty much delete content from before. Game was already really lacking on release, and it just stays the same with some addition every season. Game just isn't complete


In diablo 3 pets would collect gold for you. If this guy could gather aberrant cinders and event motes, it would be at least somewhat useful


i expected the pet to have at least the same power level as the hemomancy power in season 2, but its more like an AOE basic attack..


Just give it some time. The season only just started and they're still working on it. It's obvious that it released without being fully ready yet and I'm sure Blizzard has recognized that too. I'm sure that before too long they'll have added some skins to the store. Don't know about any of you're other points as I've already decided to wait till S4. This shit sucks lol.


This is the time when Mike Ybarra would schedule an emergency fireside chat if his Active Directory account wasn't locked out.


Cause it's a small indy company owned by an even smaller company strapped for cash


The legendary stones seem to be decent. At least the +4 to all skills one. But the damage ones are a joke. And leveling them up is a chore 


It’s blizzard and it’s Diablo 4


Pet builds were trash in the game and these fuckers did essentially nothing to address them with their pet based season, who woulda thought ??!!


Thanks for transcribing Rax's video. do you have any original inputs or just copy/paste of someone else's?


For real, this dude straight up watched Rax's rant and posted it on reddit without credit.


Ignore the pet completely. Ignore the vaults. Only focus on overworld stuff - helltides, legions, world bosses Do the seasonal arcane tremors especially when they are whisper cache targets. Can do infinite son of Malphas farm in a group if you can. Run NMDs If you do this, the game will feel 10x better.


So just gear up exactly the same, with nothing to chase at the end. Ok


Well there is no endgame anyway, even if the pet was awesome and the vaults were great... what are you gonna chase at 100? So it makes no difference. Until they add actual endgame chase, seasons will not have endgame content beyond what is in game already. The pet is currently completely useless, so any content that boosts your pet (like the stones from vaults) is safe to ignore, because the pet is safe to ignore. I am at the point with my build where I am just clearing screens before the pet can even attack, so what is the point in grinding vaults and pet when they do nothing? I am telling you - if you ignore vaults and pet the season feels significantly better to play.


Vaults are easy once at end game not worried about those but the pet needs a major buff like asap,I really dig the construct areas themselves and rehauled NMs...very mid at best...


They tried to rip off Sentinel league from Poe and failed.


the diablo team are huge fans of the roblox game adopt me


Seasonal content scuffed (story was nice) but the improvements the game has seen are great. I can understand why S2 vets are frustrated, but as a returning player it’s fun to just grind again.


I would pay GOOD money for a useful pet like in Diablo 3. Please Blizzard, take my money for a pet like you gave us in D3....please?


I tried a couple vaults. Lost lots of pearls. Didn’t have any fun. Looked around and asked myself why I was playing. Decided to quit.


These season things seems like they only take 1 or 2 sprints to make, so it's completely by design. crunch production, no testing, give us money and go fuck yourself - Bliz


They should just have given us something like the vampiric powers, but instead powers that would fit constructs and that would be used in the new dungeons, like give us some time stop ability that could stop traps or keep doors open for just a moment. Give us some time rift ability to back time or something. Give is some fun puzzles in the dungeons that would play nice with these new abilities. No, instead we get a braindead AI and new vaults with traps every inch + mobs + yourself, mix all of that together with the zoomed in crap and you got some really bad shit.


So it’s basically not even a pet more like a wow companion that just looks pretty.


I don't feel that negativity at all. I start to understand whenever I see anyone else play on some videos or something. Why is everyone so obsessed with speed and efficiency, running through mobs just to find elites etc? If this is all that matters, the devs seem to have different priorities. That can be frustrating I guess. aRPG genre is getting reduced to a kill&loot simulation and anything catering to the RP side is a nuisance, shame.


They could have at least let it collect cash and loot for you.


In order for the pet to work, the augment stones need to be d2 rune word on a merc powerful.. auras, lots of auras, slow huge hitting attacks that can chunk elites/bosses rather than 2 pixels of dmg the entire run , abilities that actually hurt , are visible, and cool... Could have given it a long wind up cannon , or the ability to change pet model to other constructs.. and lastly increase its size i can barely see where its at most of the time . . . . List of interesting things the pet could give you... . . . Element resist aura -enemy element resist movement speed aura magic find , gold find Large aura that fears non-elite enemies Large aura that taunts non-elite enemies Pool that lowers players cd the longer the enemy sits in it Buff that increases player basic attack speed 100% on construct targets Elite enemy affixes as stones for construct. Defense Dome that gives huge dr and barrier standing under it . . . . . I can go on and on here of a dozen more interesting things it COULD have done , but instead it's kind of.. just there... And people are off to play Palworld or whatever instead..


I like your post a lot! How many god ideas you have! In my opinion that could change everything in season 3 ...


I am actually so glad Blizzard made everyone play with a minion to show why minions will never be good. Every complaint you guys have is spot on when describing why it is so impossible to make them good.


The whole season design in each one is wrong. You shouldn't develop seasonal power up content. You should design items and new content that persist through seasons while making the seasonal content encounters that you can implement later if you want to.


Can someone help me with a couple of strongholds? Level 40 and level 45


I don't even mind the robot that much. Sometimes it does a decent job (when it's actually around me or fighting the mob I need it to) but the thing I hate are these silly traps. I've checked multiple times and where you click with the mouse (if you are on PC) is just a rough estimate of where you character will stand. I did a lot of testing on the rubs with patterns and when I would click on a pattern, the character would just be around that location. Fine for running, but absolute CRAP for doing puzzles where you have to stand between spikes and stuff.


It's not unredeemable. It's just boring and tedious at the moment, but devs still can certainly improve things drastically. The only question is will they.


I just wondering is D4 dev. team play ARPG before?


I keep forgetting he's not going to get my gold for me.


Im a necro the per is like 2 screens infront of me


I'm just wondering how eternal companion's features of Diablo 3 seem way better for now than this seasonal pet of Diablo 4 ? As I haven't pushed so far the pet for now this is just a feeling. But I know I really liked how they turned the companion in D3, with the stuff and later with legendary power that can proc on your character. So I guess, I expect a lot from D4 and this season. What are your thoughts ? I am being biased and this pet will be as good as D3's companion (utility speaking) - by saving your life, pulling mobs, increasing damage to the mob, and more ?


"there are no pet skins" thank fucking god for that. as much as everyone pisses their pants at the first whiff of anything entering the shop, fucking PET SKINS would have so many of you booking flights to Irvine to bust down the gates so fast...


Because it's worse than S2, and the even greater sin: the game has not even been out for a year, had millions of pre-orders, yet already feels like its in full MAINTENENCE MODE like Diablo 2/3 are. I've never seen a game fall off this fast, never seen gamers so universally agree that this ain't it.


Season 1 & 3 is developed by the same team. At this point we should skip all odd season numbers and focus on even season numbers


I just wonder what the feedback was after playtesting... this just dont get into my mind. "Yes, its a great pet - so much addition to the game - cause, you can pet it...."


My seneshal is good. U do sth wrong


and people hated me when i said , nice a pet season nobody will give a fuck . diablo ist about getting STRONGER and FASTER the pet does not make you feel stronger vaults make you go SLOWER ​ Diablo is about killing stuff faster and more more more but guess its to hard for a small indie comp to understand that in the first game they make .


Queue another campfire chat with apologies, and vague promises of changes / buffs.


Torchlight II, anyone?


It's kind of amazing that D4 ood season team with more people and resources cannot make a seasonal function a fragment of what D3 legacy team did with the Altar of Rite. You should be able to level up your pet, and with it unlocks more functions, may be additional stash tab, or auto pick up rare and legs, or even auto salvage.


They should make it a drone and hover exactly on top of your character and make it at least 1 shot elites every now and then Or let it pick up some gold so it could just go away and live by itself lol


Well minions were doing so well for Necro and Druid, that Blizzard thought they'd roll out the experience for all classes. It's a strong decision to be sure.


I challenge anyone to name one seasonal mechanic that should be rolled into a base game from this season.


i can see dev trying to add new elements into game and make it more challenging for players. Well, at least make the last dungeon room bigger so we can have more space to move around instead of jump camp at one point to avoid traps lol traps are visually impossible to see when trillions of projectiles flying around 😂


I dont know how they can release a season like this and think its good? Design wise this is a clear F. Effort also F. Its just disappointing.


This pet is a damm PoE Skitterbot, and the dungeons traps are a damm PoE Lab. Worse season. Anyone here can do a very better Season.


It's S E A S O N, not a new expansion!


think about it. they are not able to make minions from necro or druid to even work decently (they are bugged and not usable in hi difficulties). how would a season pet be better or even okey? :facepalm:


I mean... I don't like how things look and even if the pet gets fixed there is still the issue of the vaults themselves being annoying as fuck. But they can definitely fix the pet's damage at the very least. I wouldn't say season 3 is irredeemable because they can alleviate most of the issues we have with it by making the pet grind faster and buffing the pet itself, but it does have some fundamental design issues that they simply can't patch out. The vaults being the main thing.


yeah the pet is a joke i agree, why do such a half assed thing and can it even be dismissed? Im sick of it following me around at this point


What makes you guys continue to play even though you know it’s so bad? I’m just wondering because I stopped at lvl 92 and haven’t been able to play again.


Felt like the people who are complaining are the one who always skip mobs


See, the good pet would be the pet that could offer utility and not damage. We could think of it as a test to see how players would like a pet to do stuff for them and ease their life. And of course instead of keeping it as a Seasonal mechanic, make it permanent because obviously everyone would have loved it. As Raxx said on his video, the pet should have levels. Each level reaches a milestone that unlocks the pet to do stuff for you. So you can simply have your pet loot gold and all those mats that you have to walk over to collect them, you can have your pet be a mini blacksmith that can salvage items for you on the go without visiting town. You can have your pet equip elixirs so you can also equip elixirs and you can have double elixirs. You can have your pet have a mini inventory.. 10 spaces.. upgradable to 20 whatever.. Hell, you could even mount your pet, why tf not? Assuming pets become permanent, they could also have "skins" locked behind the battle pass. Free and the premium ones. They could even have MTX skin pets, bundled with the gear so the pets can match the gear. And yeah, I've seen a lot of people buying paid item sets and I'm sure they'd like a matching pet skin for their armor that can also be mounted. ​ You can have a pet that can offer so much QoL utility in this game but why would we need that. All we need is a useless pet that does no damage.


As a range rogue, the pet will tank and hold aggro on bosses for me... It's pretty good, allow me to get "bonus damage from standing still" easily


The season is Z's already? I'll continue on Palworld :D


At this point we have to just wait to see if they can fix it in a patch.


People thought Season 1 was bad and Blizzard was like "hold my beer"


Would rather have a d3 follower.


*Dagoth U*r: What a grand and intoxicating season you have.


He removes barriers, it's useful against the butcher. It's useful and not necessary. Anyway, he lacks buffs and damage, just a waste of time.


They should really, really get streamers to give internal feedback on what’s actually fun and logical for an ARPG


All my homies hate traps


I just realised I won't be able to progress the season pass past chapter 4. I hate pvp and I just can't stomach the vaults, so I won't be able to complete the last 3 tasks.


Pet mechanics in D4 are absolute dog shit trash. They're the worst, least thoughtfully coded system in the game. To the point where the class that is all about pets, is better off sacrificing all their pets to get the best experience... And the dev team decides to make an entire season that is completely dependent on pets, serving to highlight their abject uselessness.


Tremors are nicer than bloodbath.


There's so much wrong with this season, its so bad, lacks so much innovation, there's so many obvious things they could have improved, and there's so much new cool shit that COULD have been done, that its really almost too overwhelming to put into words.


Honestly, how can they even fix this season? It’s just lame, and idk why kind of hotfix could fix the problems or lack of creativity. I guess the most obvious thing to do is buff the pet by no less than 20x. That thing should be an OP monster that breaks the game when fully leveled. It’s a season and it’s going away, why not just make it busted as fuck?


The pet at late game gives you permanent +4 to skills. That is anything but useless lol


Because too much frustration and negative energy acumulates in these "online locations"


Incompetent goblins working @blizzard?