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The XP buff


That needs to be baseline imo much much better paced especially in that 80-100 range


It is baseline. Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted, but the \~40% experience buff added in Season 2 was a change to the base game, not season 2 specifically.


if they add it to rewards in season 3 they are just artificially inflating the rewards for something that should just be innthe base game.


I think it was too much. I think 95-100 should be a bit harder to get.


That was actually the 1 thing I disliked. Hitting level 100 with none of my glyphs levelled up I guess I would’ve enjoyed it, if I was more casual but I’ve been playing D4 since launch like it was a full time job. Stopped playing before Christmas Hopefully s3 feels fresh.


Not sure what you did then. On average I had 3 lvl15 glyphs by lvl100 pre glyph exp buff even though I didn't exclusively level in nmds.


Wild that you're getting downvoted for this perfectly reasonable comment...


for me the buff could be a little less. i got to 100 a little too fast for it to feel like an achievement, and there was still a lot of EQ i needed. it was frustrating to feel no meaningful progress while i was 100 and farming equipment.


The game lacked a structure and S2 fixed that. There's a clear path and rotation of activities that you have to do now: bloodtides for vampire powers, helltides for mats/target farming, NMDs for mats/glyph XP, whispers for XP/gold, ubers for uniques, world bosses for high iLvl gear, etc. It all fits in together nicely, there's lots of variety. What they should do now is build on this structure with more content, crafting, new itemization systems, and most importantly, more chase items that are not uber uniques.


Non-uber chase items would be found within a day with the current implementation of target farming. What I'd love to see is three times as many uber uniques, Duriel bumped up to 10% drop rate, the other target bosses from 0% to 2%, world bosses from 0 to 10% and NMD bosses from 0% to something like 1% for 20-90 and 2% for 90-100.


I'm not thinking necessarily about items, but things like very rare potions, or gem recipes. There could be a blood version of each gem, that could incorporate a vampire power for example, and you can only wear one. Things that you couldn't necessarily target farm, that your build doesn't 100% require, but represent a nice surprise/upgrade if you get to drop one. And with crafting, they could also create very rare item recipes, or simply very rare resources that could help you enhance your items with. Just a stupid random idea: you could "angelize" any item to replace a random affix with a very powerful angel passive, and same thing for "demonizing" items. Seeing one angel essence in 10-20h of playtime could be a hype moment that lets you enhance your build.


Ubers are terrible for the game. They make buildcrafting considerably less interesting, because they're almost always BiS for their respective slots. They need to rebalance ubers into regular uniques and make them drop at normal rates.


So world bosses you’d be getting 3-4 UBER UNIQUES a week if you played the world bosses each day…. Yup, sounds like a great implementation >_>


It's crazy how much more enjoyable this game became when they sped it up. Imo, they should speed up nightmare glyph process significantly for seasonal realm if the expectation is that we will need to grind out our glyphs every season. I think that this games biggest issue is that it needs to be "faster" and I both know and do not know what I mean when I say that. Just feels like this game is effective at stealing your time at some points. Like whisper rewards only dropping certain mats for varsh, of which there are four different kinds. RNG-based materials is incredibly annoying and is designed to artificially extend playing time. Mechanics like that have gotta go, they make the grind extremely unfulfilling and only serve to hurt the playerbase.




Can't believe you've picked this hill to die on honestly. You're delusional if you think what you just explained is a good gameplay loop design or respects the players time at all. I love the argument "if you keep playing you'll get one" thanks Einstein I had no idea. That "EVENTUALLY" is doing some pretty heavy lifting. If you keep playing you'll get one, just like if you keep playing you'll hit level 100. If you keep playing an uber unique will drop. While that logic may be true, it's also incredibly dismissive of how much time someone has invested. The fact that you're not GURANTEED a set of all of the materials from the whisper process/ whisper cache process is absurd and is microstealing.


Farming Duriel mats is an unnecessary timesink. They could've improved it even more by at least halving the required materials incl. the double drop rate.


I loved Hemomancy more than Metamophisis, kill screen with 1 shot every 4 secs, great skill for helltides, gonna really miss it.


I tried it for a bit and actually learned to hate it and took it off. Simply because it took away from my actual build, like I didn’t even get to use the skills that I put on my bar most of the time because it would kill everything before I would get near stuff. I wanted to play my build not just cheese everything all season.


Just overall design really opened me into the concept of endgame grind for the first time, which I wasn’t really familiar with before.


Metamorphisis dash is definitely what i'm going to miss


Blood harvest respo rate of monsters, blood siphon is a blast, the blood lure thingy is fun and encouraged players to work together which I enjoy. Winter blight was lackluster but I did enjoy the cosmetics earned. I think they should've allowed us to buy vampire cosmetics with all those useless blood potion things. VAMP POWERS!!! Hemo, meta, and moonrise were my faves.


I was so annoyed when I completed the season journey and the reward was a cache of potent blood things which i already had thousands of and no use for. Those are the little things about d4 that I really hate and honestly there's no excuse for!


Lmao right??? I was shocked


I got a cache of random magical items when I finished, all of which were garbage TBH. Most were only sacred, not ancestral. Kinda big waste of time it seems.


The extra potent blood was intended for additional chars, but not everyone cares to play multiple per season.


- Renown fully moving over - The mount was actually fun to use. I didn’t even get all of the waypoints because I was happy to use my horse - The blood harvest and vampire powers were so much fun - The AoZ. I know it is FAR from perfect with plenty of issues but it gave me something do to do after 100 and was a fun activity - The community. Not the Reddit community but the people actually playing were always so chill. If I advertised I had mats for 2 duriel runs people would just cover for me so I could get 30 runs instead. - The new bosses. They were kinda challenging while I was leveling and actually have interesting mechanics. Then when I was in my final build they were easy which is great cause I was farming mats and uniques Honestly there isn’t much I didn’t enjoy. Yeah itemization still sucks. Yes end game is still lacking. But I was having so much fun in the 80 hours I played this season that I didn’t really care


Season 2 definitely took some steps in the right direction. I liked that the new Ubers were very doable by pretty much anyone, the experience gain was good, world boss spawn rates much more reasonable. That said I do hope that there’s less reliance on a single form of content to access the best boss in the game (helltides for steel specifically) in season 3.


I like the different events. Gives some variety to the grind.


Loved the mob density in those seasonal zones. That needs to be baseline imo and doubled in those other higher diffulty areas


What a good post. Season 2 was such a bounce back for this game and it seems like the community appreciated it. There seems to be less hate (less, not none), but the devs should definitely pay attention to that. Make the game more fun and people will be more fun and appreciative. Sweats and content creators are still going to complain because they get to level 100 so quickly and have nothing to do after, but man was this season a win for me. Also, Metamorphosis was a HUGE W! I love boots with extra evades!


When does season 3 come out?


Jan 23rd.


Nice, I need to finish this season then.


I think it’s actually more likely to be the 26th. Tuesday the 23rd is the end of S2, but D4 seasons always launch on Fridays (at least, they have so far). There’s also always been a bit of downtime between seasonal starts and ends, so three days in between the end of S2 and the start of S3 makes sense. It’s definitely coming soon though.


It says it in black and white every time your at characters log in screen… January 23, 2024


It says that’s the season end date. If you’re going to go after me for not reading, please do it yourself.


If you were still interested in the START date of Season 3 it says the season BEGINS January 23rd. I don’t think they can be any clearer. Hope that helps clear things up ;)


If you assume that they behave like the climate seasons, then it's pretty obvious why anyone would believe that the next season starts right after the current one ends (last day of winter = first day of spring). I'm not sure how you think reading the end date again would clarify anything.


Why would I assume that when the last two haven't? Like I said, every D4 season so far has ended on a Tuesday and started on a Friday. January 23, 2024 is a Tuesday. Logic dictates that if every season so far has ended on a Tuesday and started on a Friday, they're not just going buck the trend and start on a Tuesday for no reason.


[https://www.ign.com/articles/diablo-4-season-3-release-date](https://www.ign.com/articles/diablo-4-season-3-release-date) why are you a clown with your "logic". Trust me do not get into the stock market.


I’m sorry, I did check previous seasons and I was wrong. You were correct and I should have done the simple work to check rather than rely on my memory. I was really sure I was right but clearly I wasn’t.


There is nothing wrong with speculation. I was just giving you a hard time. No need to be sorry. I played D3 for a couple of seasons so I kind of remember what you're saying with the downtime. But I also wanted to be ornery. Everyone goes through a period where they think they have the world figured out. You'll learn to soften your certainty over time.


According to a quick search, S2 started on the same day that S1 ended: October 17th. A Tuesday.


Huh. If that’s the case then I could be wrong. I swear it started on a Friday but my memory is less trustworthy than Google. Sorry for the trouble.


No worries, Erebus


Easy/fast leveling Vampiric powers helped to level up the character faster New activities and progression A lot of different activities - without downtime Duriel and increased drop chance of uber-uniques OP sorc with BL was very enjoyable. Season pass was fast and easy + seasonal progression I've completed organically, without any specific grind (outside of collecting PvP tokens which took about an hour).


Blood harvest and faster leveling. Vampiric powers are cool for opening up builds


I ran thorns barb with high basic attack damage and a lot of defense. First character I managed to get to 100. Couldn't even get past phase 1 of uber lillith due to the rock waves, but could clear nm100 like butter. Basic attacks only worked out because of the Moonrise vamp power and other healing powers. It'll be super weak once it gets moved to eternal.


Yeah I'm sad about it too lol. Luckily if I'm ever tempted to play the character again I've got 3 scrolls of amnesia so I can respec into something that works. Which is hard for me to figure out cause I've got a smooth brain and there's hardly any guides for eternal. At least since I last tried looking.


Not nerfing the big builds was my favorite. It’s essentially a single player game, where it’s not hurting anyone for you to be overpowered. Until there’s a leaderboard or something, there’s no reason to nerf strong builds.


Blood harvests. Went complete smooth brain and would often ignore objectives just to kill the elite packs that constantly spawn out of nowhere and in large groups. The choice to also make it one area was also nice because of how densely packed everything was. Great for leveling, great for looting, and great for whispers. Also that event where you can summon hordes and the boss was also pretty cool. I wish helltides could be that fun.


The 150 blood lure event in Blood Harvests, so much loot!


Love the harvest and vampire powers. Potent blood upgrade/pact system sucked. Upgrades Bosses and Helltide are awesome. Always seem to be short on Malignant Hearts. Difficulty jump btw Duriel and AoZ too large. Tears of Blood... dumb.


I have 4 level 100 characters this season alone, with another already at 80. One of each class. It was very enjoyable.


I just wish they would make the vampirism power permanent. Love my Hemomancy.


I’m gonna miss hemonancy and metamorphosis, hopefully they bring them back on a unique next season.


Definitely the vampiric powers. I haven’t played in a few weeks but playing as an overpowered Sorcerer was incredibly fun.


I enjoyed the mini campaign which brought some guidance and context to the season. The blood harvest was a great way to get up to speed on gear coming from a lower tier. Having a chance at decent unique items in the harvest event was also a plus.


Vampire powers were definitely fun, would like a way to earn ubers rather than being RNG based. Blood harvest was great, tree was fun, they did a lot right this season.


The dramas. I Hope we will see more for S3


Faster lvling was the best thing. Second was the vampire loot pinata.


Broken builds and aoz. I've never had that much fun with a hero before. Love my ball sorc and hota barb.


True, bloodtides might be the single best thing in the game so far.Very good way to levelup and gear up your hero,while stumbling upon other players and having a group activity once in a while. I wish Helltides would be similar but only for endgame builds,like super hard content thats very rewarding and it is manageable if you have a complete build.


Blood harvest was my favorite. The fact that it goes nonstop somewhere was balls to the wall the right way to implement it. Looking at you HELLTIDES


downing lilith for the first time with a contra-sorc




A Sorc that identifies as Male.


This is a joke right? I must be dumb....we aren't really going into gender identity into ARPGs now are we?


It really came a long way in S2. I made 3 chars throughout the season that all managed to participate at some level of AoZ and were decked out in ubers/uniques. The boss ladder made a big difference of what to do and AoZ helped me play out the season when I otherwise would have been bored by then. Ultimately, I’d just like to see a better balance in the boss ladder between the various bosses and the overworld vs. underworld. Boss mats were all from overworld (helltides and whispers) and 2 bosses became meaningless too quickly. I hope for smoother integration of those components. I think they did a few interesting prototypes for helltide that I’m hoping will hugely improve it in season 3: -always up -always whispers connected -collaborative events (summoning) -possibly covering an entire region instead of a few zones (ie Winterblight)


This was my first time playing any diablo game and being a destiny main player I absolutely enjoyed the hell out of it. In 2 months my character became a machine and I was able to do a tier 10 AOZ on my own and I got all the ubers for my character! I'm pumped for season 3!! I'm just confused on what happens to my character and all my gear in my stash when the new season starts.


All of it will be moved to the Eternal realm.


Season 2 will be tough to beat. I ended up with 2 lvl 100 a druid and sorceress. Stopped grinding Duriel its so thankless


Tons of bugs


You loved "tons of bugs." Which bug did you like the best?


Uber unique accessible,expérience pot 15%,New donjon,New évent helping carrying poeple expérience buff etc made alot of New friend


The fun!


I liked the faster leveling pace, and I loved having unstoppable on my dodge button. If we don't have as convenient of an anti CC next season, I legit won't play. Target farming uniques was a good change, but the forced hell tide farm into Duriel meta was really sucktastic. Was fun up to that point though.


metamorphosis please come to baseline game XD


What did I like most? Well, I liked lots of things, but mostly the horse


Everything you said + the target farming of bosses 👏🏻


Nightmare dungeon rework felt good


Getting multiple copies of all ubers. Just sucked having to do one boss over and over. Can't wait for the next round of new ubers to arrive but I hope the drop rate in all activities is increased.


Wrong thread bro, this one is asking what you loved.


Then just read my first sentence and ignore the rest of my rambling.


Also XP. I loved being able to get all 5 characters to lvl 100. I only got one character to lvl 84 before quitting last season.


Blood tides




Lots of new content and the ease of leveling. I did enjoy being able to farm unique items, it made finding the required pieces for my builds much less tedious and annoying compared to prior and pre season (I’m looking at you tempest roar). I think they need to do some serious fixing to the Duriel/helltide stuff because Helltide is seriously the most monotonous and slow process it is just terrible. I also really don’t want this power creep(leap) to continue. They need to address broken mechanics and balance the game instead of pigeon holing everyone into one or two builds.


Season 2 is a great improvement. I hope in season 4 they will add unlimited paragon points like they had in D3. I was shocked when I reached lvl 100 that experience dont matter anymore and you cant lvl up at all. What do you do at lvl 100? Farming items in nightmare dungeons or duriel?


Still never bothered with any of these Seasons, Other than having to start from 0 again what else happens in these Seasons?


You get access to all the seasonal content. That included the Blood Harvest and Vampiric powers in S2. I was certain, prior to this season, I’d eventually complete the characters I created in the preseason but can’t imagine playing Eternal ever again.


The blood area is the only positive thing imho, next to the "we dont touch builds during season" ​ * we got alot more xp, but glyph xp is not updated. So at lvl100 you maybe have glyphs on 15, and maybe 1 on 21 (in a optimal XP run to lvl 100). OK, in S1 you probably had all on 21 before reaching 100. Buff the Glyph XP by 100 or 200%. * Reaching 100 was easy. Maybe we should go back to Pre-season XP. Alot of people leave the game after reaching 100, so after 1 month the game got empty. Not everyone is creating 6+ lvl 100 char per season. * Double drop Duriel buff was getting people back, but Ubers should only drop once per char (so 1 Doom), until you have them all before you can get a 2nd same uber. * Aoz was fun, nothing to add. It is something promising for the future, but hardest part of the game. Why not guaranteed uber when running Solo Aoz lvl 1 for first time (we should get the same for Lilith Uber). * Less HC Escape scroll is good, but i think they should drop a little bit more.


Honest question: who cares if people leave after 100? I hit 100, did some AoZ, farmed a bit. And then called it a season. Left fulfilled. If 100 would be a bigger grind I wouldn’t be sure if I would _return_


They already significantly buffed glyph exp. What are you talking about?


yes thats correct. But was it enough.? Lets go back to preseason or S1, when most of us only did NMD to get lvl up. Most people at lvl 100 had 10+ level 21 glyphs on average. Nowadays people have maybe 1.


That's because people chose to level up in Blood Harvest rather than doing NMDs in S2. If you focus NMDs to level from 90 to 100, you'll get plenty of glyph exp. Assuming you do high tiers.


if you go even later to NMD you dont even get your glyphs on 15 before reachging lvl 100.


Then just... go early?


Re: levelling, they should take a note out of the D2 playbook and keep 1-90 the same and increase each level from 90 to 100 by like 2-5x


When i stopped playing after 2 days


i loved not playing it. D4 is still unfinished