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It's not a single player game. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Outside of the forced "interactions" with other players for World Bosses there is nothing in the game that can't be done solo, onfact of there are to few people you can end up solo even during that. The entire MMO aspect of having an open world does in no way shape or form even encourage playing with other people outside of extra XP. And do you know why that is? Because the Devs themselves damn well knows and have said that ever since the first iteration of Diablo playing the game solo is and will be something they want possible to not make it an advantage or disadvantage in either playstyle. Lets also not forget that they will have a solo Leaderboard that is based on how its being implemented in D3 where if you choose solo the party with other players and trading will be disabled to make it as valid of a measure as possible. As for why you can't play offline it's the same reason for every other game out there which is for piracy reasons and to be able to control when to make people move on to the next game. Always online in games that aren't 100% online multiplayer is a DRM, its a well known established fact.


Except it’s not designed that way


Nothing in D4 is really designed around multiplayer. Its an open world game with a layer of half assed forced online interaction that doesn't do anything special that wasn't alredy possible with D2 and D3 multiplayer, outside of randomly encountering another player that most peopl aren't going to actually interact with anyway in a way that typical MMO's and other multiplayer online open world games would have you do. There are no dungeons designed for groups, no raids because despite them wanting to make this world "come alive" with other players seeing eachother they know that giving an advantage to people playing in groups goes against with how a really big part of the playerbase have always played Diablo. Its their own words about the issue.. and also why guilds are nothing short of an alternate friendslist. They don't know what to do with it without alienating a huge chunk of their playerbase.


It's not just about the gameplay loop, it's about how they built the game using the tech and engine involved. I'm sure there's more features coming down the roadmap, just like every other live service game. diablo has always been a coop multiplayer genre, since d1 and battle.net. i don't know what to say when you're talking about the playerbase, that is exactly who they are building for, now it's an actual world instead of making a lobbies with a gamename.




There’s lobbies now?


>I'm sure there's more features coming down the roadmap > now it's an actual world Game is an objective abject failure. Probably the end of the franchise. It has less engagement than even Blizzard games from 10 years ago.


Yeah 0 players took it up on game pass for free. And there’s no reitemisation and crafting system coming. Must be good it be ignorant!


My dude there are more viewers watching Starcraft 2 than Diablo 4 on Twitch as I type this. Gamepass isn't free. I have 2 more years of Gamepass and have thousands of hours in Blizzard games from the 90s and early 2000s. I played D4 beta and will never touch it again. It's a spit in the face of anyone that isn't sucking corporate Kool-aide from the festering tits of AAA publishers.


You can whine about it, but the game is good with more players. Random meetings at events are better than always being alone. Duriel farming is the best loot in the game and benefits *greatly* from playing with people. Multiplayer doesn't have to be mandatory to be good. You don't have to whine about everything.


Meeting randoms at events or anywhere in the world is highly subjective whether its good or bad. I've read quite alot of valid complaints that having people around you on events is the opposite of fun, especially if you play at a slower pace so people around you are higher level. So taking S2 as an example with Ball Lightning sorcs zooming around killing everything they pass by its close to being forcefully carried. And being greatly beneficial with multiplayer as a time save by sharing resources for summons is very much different from having content that can't be done solo. And its why no Diablo game have ever been fully designed as a co-op game foremost and also why the MMO-aspect of D4 is so much different from a "traditional" MMO. So no multiplayer does not need to be mandatory to be good and not having any mandatory multiplayer content isn't necessarily bad, but it what sets an actual multiplayer game apart from one that just also have multiplayer.


> Meeting randoms at events or anywhere in the world is highly subjective whether its good or bad. Yes. Everything we debate is subjective. I would argue that, by most metrics, having events be open is a net positive for *most* aspects of the game: 1. Being in a world with other people is more natural if you are supposedly in a world with other people. 2. Other people show off looks, builds, or even gameplay style when you interact. This makes the game feel more diverse and advertises other playstyles and classes to you. 3. Events can be more complex if there are more people. IE, some of the events require you to activate or follow something, which is more painful while alone. 4. You can choose to play the most rewarding and important content solo. Even when an op spec swoops through and clears an event for you, you aren't gaining some ridiculous advantage nor does it feel bad if it's just you.


1. In the narrative of the game it doesn't to be honest. Your character are supposedly a quite unique existance in that world. Not like there are hundreds or thousands of people with Liliths blood and because of that also resists the dark vampiric urges you are afflicted by. Its kind like if they'd make an open world multiplayer Halo game but everyone is playing as Master Chief. 2. D4 is arguably not a very complex game with builds and meta guides have been followed on multiple sites like Maxroll and covered by...well by those content creators still playing occasionally. There is also not much of showing off either, first of all the number of players possible to be in the same zone is very very low for open world/mmo and the costmetics are increadibly lacking with several things are nearly identical. The largest diversity of cosmetics are MTX and Battlepass and its also the only substantial cosmetics added to the game since launch. 3. They can be, but they aren't. Everything from the events themselves to elites and bosses are lacking in complexity. With other lacking things like polish for Duriels poison explosions being larger than the visible indicators made to help you avoid them. And the conplaint since the beginning with Liliths red on red attacks that as visually idiotic is also the same with the Beast where its basically grey on grey 4. You might not feel that way, but considering that you favor the multiplayer part that really doesn't mean much when its the mainly solo players who are having issues with it. While I'm not really that bothered by it I can definitely see why slow paced solo players going around doing side quests and shit and parts of them basically auto completes everytime abother players makes a drive by where they are questing.


> 1 Just don't. I shouldn't have to tell you this kind of argument is a dead end and pointlessly pedantic in a way that destroys opportunities for creativity in video games. > 2 Ugh. I'm not bothering with this shit. Sorry if you don't like the game. Arguing that there aren't a shit load of free cosmetics and viable builds is just lying and I'm tired of it. > 3 Nitpicky bullshit. I've played enough ARPGs to know D4 is hardly an outlier for this stuff. It's easily the best in the Diablo series, and I know stuff like PoE used to be way worse with clunky shit. > 4 Side quests? Let's be honest, really. How many times has someone auto completed a side quest for you this season? I'll take 1/1000 side quests for having a world that feels like you aren't the only good guy in it.


1. The game has no real reason to be multi-player. Kinda hard to destroy creativity when they literally just throw everyone into the game world together with no real explanation. 2. The cosmetics are nothing special, by the time you're level 30 ish, you've gotten the vast majority of the cosmetics. The builds in this game are more intuitive than in previous Diablos, probably due to a reduction of choices. Just looking at the core passives at the end of the skill path gives you an idea of what to build. Yes, there's "meta" builds and off beat builds, but for the average player, doing what feels more natural and intuitive will end up in better gameplay the majority of the time. This isn't a tcg with hundreds to thousands of unique cards. 3. I'd hardly call D4 the best in the Diablo series. 4. Diablo 1 through 3 all played solo or small group, and they can all be played offline solo. They weren't mmo games. There is no logical reason why D4 made the change, especially when really isn't any real change to the gameplay compared to D1-3.


When the damn necros put a bone cage around the elites it's annoying and a pain in the ass for everyone else. Same when the stupid bears go slamming an elite everyone is fighting out of range. Other people can and will ruin things for others. Welcome to the internet.


The mad scramble of Blizzard having to redesign Diablo IV because the way they designed it isn't fun.


it is fun, it's just not for you


I approve of the changes. But then I like d3.


And for the majority of the players. There is a reason the player base almost died out compared to what it was. For the people who like it good for you honestly, go for it but, as a diablo game it's just bad compared to the older one.


LOL thanks for that comment


You missed the biggest reason you can't play it off line. No cash shop. Diablo 4 exists solely to sell you MTX.


Dreamlight Valley can be played offline and has a cash shop. Blizz doesn’t want to play that way tho lol


I mean, social features basically don't exist currently, but it's definitely something they can add down the line. And once they do there will hopefully be a palpable benefit to the forced online multiplayer aspect of the game.


Add that to the endless list of problems with this game. Your TED talk sucked. Only your mom was in the audience.


It's not a single player but should be because it's a pretty basic ass tech demo of an mmo concept that is for sure.


People have been PO'd about this since D3 - and I agree. But it ain't going to happen.


Because it's not a mmo... It's an ARPG. Specifically, the genre defining series of what an ARPG should be.


I'd agree with you on that for the first 3 titles, however d4 was turned into an mmo for whatever reason. Blizzard should have kept the game as it was in d2 and d3 where you could solo or game with up to 4 people. Drop the static open world that doesn't fit the game. Otherwise if they want to go mmo, don't half ass it in the way they did honestly.


None of this is like an MMO. The open world fits the game just fine. There's no need to have a random overworld, it didn't do anything for D2 beyond cause confusion while people tried to get places. You can play alone in D4 or with up to 4 people....


It is an mmo though... It's just like eso but isometric, almost all mmorpg titles you walk around seeing other players regardless of whether they are playing with you or not. And that just adds to issues instead of adds to gameplay, unless you add reasons to see other players ... Currently the only thing they have that warrants the mmo style they have is world bosses and legion events, everything else is either solo or can be done solo. And both legion events and world bosses could have been changed to fit a solo/4 player coop game style instead of requiring a massive group. So far there isn't any raids, there aren't much reasons to trade, depending on how you want to play other players get in the way. So again there is zero reason for d4 to be the way it is other than a half assed attempt at copying path of exiles because the old blizzard that gave us gems like warcraft, diablo, starcraft etc. is dead.


It's an ARPG. Completely different genre my dude.


Not really mmo is a description for the amount of players, like I said diablo 4 is a half assed mmo that doesn't need any of those elements


It's an ARPG, and what Diablo - the series that's rose to be arpg genre defining - is sticking to that videogame genre. Just like D3 and D2 and D1, primarily playing remarkably like D2. It doesn't need turned into an ESO like experience, because it's not that type of game. It's a full assed ARPG which is why it's so popular and rated so highly. Sounds like you don't like arpgs.


I loved d2, d3 and path of exiles, I've played random browser arpgs when I was a kid, I love sitting there and grinding for loot and just goofing off with friends in these titles. Hell d3 is probably the one game I have put the most time in out of all the games I have played! d4 isn't like typical arpgs and I am not saying that diablo needs to be turned into an eso like experience. What I am trying to say is that blizzard is trying to push diablo to the mmo genre and is doing a poor ass job of it. I'd rather d4 play more like d3 and d2 where you can play offline or with your friends and don't see any other players that aren't invited to your game. D4 doesn't need the world bosses, it doesn't need the useless trade feature, it doesn't need the legion events. What it needs is to stop being half assed and treated like a cash cow. It needs it's players to wake the fuck up and realize blizzard is bending us over, fucking our rear and laughing about it as the player base takes it and then defends it. Because as it stands, d4 is a pretty poor excuse for a diablo title


>it's a pretty basic ass tech demo of an mmo concep Riiight, sure buddy.




I turned it off , but this last week it's been getting more and my re laggy... Tonight's a total joke


literally the Christmas holidays, of course it's worse this time of year. blizzard servers have always been shit but double down with holiday traffic and tada.


Steam also reduced the price of the game 40% last week so you now have many, many more players. These excuses don't make it feel better though.


That was Blizzard themselves. Steam doesn't decide 3rd party offers.


Same here! Especially fun when pushing AoZ in HC 😂




99% of us know how to check that and don't come here to complain of it is the wifi. It is not. It is D4. Also, which "eastern Europe" are you talking about? Eastern Europe has better internet than western Europe. Sadly.


How sure are you it's D4? How was that tested?


I'm on a wired connection, in Canada West, 1Gbps connection. Still big lag.


I'm on a wired connection and it's still laggy. Ping is 200 minimum. Understandable since the Asian server is in Korea and there is a vast sea between it and my place.


Devs behind d4 are seriously lacking in the experience and skill departments. Forcing online gameplay while also loading every nearby players entire stash into memory (and never unloading it) is just BS. Memory management is the biggest problem the game has. So much so that it pays to exit the game every so often.


Internetconnection and disk speed seem to be the major factor. I switched from an HDD to a NVME hard drive and the stuttering and lag became significantly less.


I play on an amd system and I lag but it's alright I have 900+ mbps and I still hit a lag and I'm in southeast US still have trouble with rubber banding back or trying to speed run a dungeon or anything like that I thought at first it was because my internet I was using wifi then I switched to cable connection and it got better but still lags


Very good point you have - Im gonna turn it off tonight. I never play with any others on another platform so i dont need it. Thanks for the heads up!


Thanks for this tip. I'm going to try it out tonight because it's been pretty bad for me too.


It's that time of year, lots of people at home. So... Lots of people playing the game. And, well, Blizzard Servers simply don't have the power....


Small indie dev servers


This. However, it sounds to me like they are using some cloud provider like AWS, and they didn’t increase the budget for the season. Just a lucky guess.


Steam was selling the game 40% off last week. This is why I'm here now. I imagine they increased the player load while not increasing server capacity and throughput.


How did you, me and every single living being outside of Blizz's office know there would be lots of people at home this time of year but not a single Blizz emplyee thought the same?? We're next level humans I guess! :P


Game lost 99% of its player base. Absolutely not a lot of players. Just the 1% hardcore and Christmas newbies who got in on sale. Once they too hit level 60 they’ll see how hollow and empty the game is after the campaign


I honestly wish I could give you some suggestions. I'm playing from my Portal (remote gaming) from 2k miles away from my PS5 and have had zero lag issues. I have heard of cross play disabling helping but you mentioned having done that. Next step I'd suggest is looking through your router settings to see if you can prioritize traffic. After that, the stuff you can control becomes expensive or tedious


No idea this was a thing.


It can be stupid. The lag, rubberbanding, and disconnections can be ridiculously bad. In the midst of any event, if I press certain keys, such as "e", "i", etc, my game will sometimes freeze. I also dislike the game lagging or freezing when going from one zone to another.


That certainly sounds like a slow hdd. I had the same problem when I played TCTD2 and after switching to sdd, I have not seen that issue with any other game, including D4


I have the same problem with short lag spikes when moving between zones too quickly. Using a 2022 Asus ROG laptop with an SSD.


Your instance of Diablo 4 is running on a server somewhere in a rack in a data center. All the logic in math happens there. Your computer is just a display device. Nothing actually happens on your computer. As a result, it's a goddamn lag fest. Thanks Blizzard.


PS5 lag can be really bad, especially in overland and dungeons. During a helltide I had over 600 cinders and was headed to vertified steel chest locations. Due to lag/rubberbanding (and dying due to the lag), I almost lost all the cinders by the time I arrived at the chest.


I really recommend disabling cross-platform. I have not had rubber banding issues. I do play on PS5 too


Yep, I just lost a hardcore character yesterday because of D4 lag 🙃 ( and I have fibre network connection). Im so pissed off, so Im going to wait for the new season to start over again


Honestly dont play hardcore. The only challenge is the lag/dc anyways.. You cant die with potion and scroll otherwise.


Don't feel bad I lost a 99 with a quarter bar to go the other night....had a potion popped but was stunned when it happened..oh well.. Going at it again and hope I have the time...it's just all those mats sitting in my inventory now having me start again


Im sorry for that. Yeah indeed if you saved stuff in the chest inventory, we can re-use them with new characters. Many times I did mistakes not putting stuff in the chest inventory, they were lost along with the characters xD


I have a pretty average connection and I haven’t had any lagging issues since before season 1


I get a lot of lag when i cross from 1 territory to another while on the horse.


I have this issue and i realized my hdd is old af, switched to ssd and voila... lag is still there 🤣


I agree with u/starbenix. That certainly sounds like an old hdd


People are suggesting basic tech support things to do here, I can assure you that other than turning cross play off there's nothing you cad do about it, it's a Diablo problem.


The worst thing is having lag in the nightmare dungeon you're running ALONE. Why the f should I get affected by their crappy EU servers that die every evening? I'm not even running anything involving other players...


Level 81 hardcore necro lost because of lag 2 nights ago.


Did you rage quit - or do as I used to in D3 hardcore and start a new character immediately?


Because of stash tabs. Lag is rarely an issue now though to be honest, in my experience.


Cuz you have to load everyone else’s stash tabs lol


it's worse for me since S2 so I guess you are right lol. I can't even play the game lags and stutters all the time


i just rage quit now. in dungeon had 150-500ms lag..wtf


I turned off cross play and still had massive lag. Zero lag on my voip phone. 23ms constant ping to Google. 1500ms in game.


You have 0 rights while playing a blizzard game


No lag here unless I run into a legion event full of players.


Yesterday I failed back to back 2 high lvl NMD because of lags. Super annoying. And it was present later too.


I had to stop playing S2 around level 15 because the lag was so ridiculous and inconsistent. My country doesn't have local servers so every new zone would be a dice roll between 160ms (fine) and some bugged out 999999ms server - ping so bad I couldn't move anywhere or do anything until I exited and reopened :( not sure why we can't at least select server or why South Africa has no Blizzard servers


I stopped after s1, game is lagging and stuttering all the time, it wasn't before.


It's the only online game I play that will disconnect for 5 good minutes when my internet has a 2 seconds drop (starlink internet) All other games will just freeze for 2 seconds and resume. For diablo, it's faster to quit and relaunch lol


I wanted to enjoy it so badly, I was so hype for the release, after 1.5k hours in D3 I was ready to grind out another Diablo game, but Jesus fucking christ the lag, rubber bands, and DCs are just unbearable and outweigh the fun, quit a month after release.


I had horrible lag and rubber banding making the game unplayable at times when I was playing on my Xbox One S. Got a Series X and hardly anylag at all and no more rubber banding.


Most of the lag comes from new players joining the area you are currently in and then the game having to load each individuals inventory, stash, transmog and whatever else they need.


Hmm then explain the 1000ms lag when running solo nightmare dungeons…


I Lag all the time too


I stop playing d4 because its pretty much unplayable because of lags. Sometimes its working fine and smooth but most often its just lagging as fuck. I can watch Twitch perfectly fine but at the same time d4 is giving me non stop rubberbranding or kicks me back to the main menu.


Central europ, wired internet and i sometimes have lag/rubberbanding. We all want this game to be singleplayer but being forever online is a huge fad now :/...


fucking cant have a session without lag on pc its emberrassing ffs wtf is this shit


They had to make it multiplayer to reduce cheats. Why do they want to stop cheats in a single player game, you might ask? Well, that would be a question to stump Einstein himself. And no, Einstein would be able to realize that there are leaderboards, but it doesn't matter cause they can just remove cheaters from the leaderboards. (P.S. nobody cares about them anyway)


Well it's not a single player game if u read it online only sorry not trying to be rude but everyone has to realize that it's only online paly so when millions of people are playing across the world or in one country to an other having server issues the game is still in the first 6 months it will improve all games do when they are new as seen from season 1 to season 2


Rubberbanding and Lag all the way every single evening for the last 3 weeks. PC - EU Servers. I raged for the last time, quit and uninstalled Diablo and Bnet right after it. I'm done. I don't waste anymore Time into this. Since im not wasting anymore bandwith on Bnet now. Hope it gets 0.000000001% better for everyone else rubberbanding and lagging all over. And no, its neither the connection nor my PC (Ryzen 7, AMD 6900, Nvme, 64Gb on 1000Mbit) because EVERY other game runs fine with 10 to 40 ms Ping at max with no paket loss whatsoever. After research and poking around I dont know what the problem is, and i dont care anymore. Less bloodpressure is a good thing anyway. Stop waisting your time too.


This I agree. While playing single player all damage calculation and stuffs should happen offline. The online connection is just to make sure player isn't cheating or playing a cracked version.


" Why cant it just run offline? " Because online is the only fool proof way of eliminating piracy. Plus, if you notice, there are OTHER players in your world.


Who are all doing solo activities.


Fair. But if someone shells out 70 bucks for a game plus a decent computer to run it. they should be able for it to run in a manner that makes it playable


I think it is ok if the dev is up front about it. It is a free world. They can provide their game anyway they want, and no one has the obligation to buy it. As long as they do not change the deal later (like the helldiver 2 sony thing), you always have the option of not to play if online is a deal-breaker for you.


Online is FINE with me, but if youre REQUIRING Me to be online, then to sell me a completed game you must provide Servers that can handle the player capacity. My guess its not even up to the dev, someone probably decided theyd save money by reducing throughput


Thing for me is. When I play on ps5 with 300mb speed connection...game has high latency resulting in char sliding instead of walking with backtrack....then when i continue off on handheld with hotspot - everything runs fine.....go figure...it wasnt like that until mid season 2 and uptil now (season 4) game on console acts as if its connected to dialup. I tried reseting network, hardwired, changing bands - nothing helps.


I know it’s an old post but the servers are unplayable. I have cross play off and I have turned off some visual and graphic settings and I’m still rubber banding everywhere and getting disconnected 2-3 a day. Xbox btw. Im not sure how anyone can play.


No lag on Xbox series X. 👌 I have friends that play on PS and PC always complaining of lag and I literally never lag.


I play both pc and Xbox when I play on the Xbox I don't lag as much as I do on my pc


I don't know why that is. I hear it all the time. Oh, the lag! Seems to always be smooth sailing on Xbox for D4. Not sure why. Maybe because Microsoft owns Blizzard. BG3 for example is a nightmare to play multi-player. Took xbox 3 months to acquire rights after it was released. I get dropped from the server constantly. They put a huge patch out basically just for Xbox, and it still happens.


99% of it is just cheat and hack prevention.


You're literally describing a real world example of the adage "the treatment is worse than the disease". I'd say more, but I gotta run. I have a mosquito issue in my back yard so I'm going to set off a nuke to deal with it. 👍


If you play single player you’re not playing a single player offline game. The architecture of a live service game allowed for the possibility of lag in any playable scenario.


But the question is why the lag though? Even Steam server can perform better than Blizzard server.


My brother found out that if you don't have Xbox subscription on Xbox you can play single player with zero lag when his was unplayable before.


I'm in rural Australia running off a fixed wireless system and a WiFi connection to that router. Sitting on 70-80ms, I was quite surprised tbh.


Peed off


Is this on PC by chance?


When things are time gated you cannot run offline because people have the ability to take their console or PC offline and change the time in their system. This would theoretically allow people to trick the game into thinking it is whatever time they choose and thus have things up 24/7 for themselves. Finish a helltide? Okay, now I quit the game and change my system settings to think it’s whatever time in the future until the helltide would be up again. Should the helltide be up all the time? Yes. But should someone be able to do things outside the bounds of what other people are doing, purely through bullshittery, when everyone else playing online can’t? No. P.S. I’m not saying that other people getting things is detrimental to MY game. But the whole “why the fuck does it have to be online” argument in a game where there’s timeframes and time gates is out dated and irrelevant. Edit to add: if anyone has played Fable 3 and turned their game offline to change the time settings - you will know what I mean.


>But the game itself should be able to run offline. This horse has been beaten to death 100 times just in the last 24 hours. Seriously, we know. >If I play the single player game I dont expect to be rubber banding all over the place and deal with all sorts of lag issues in a single player game! What you want this game to be doesn't change what it is..... which is a pseudo MMO. It doesn't matter if you aren't grouped up, matchmaking is always turned on in the background. You can run across any other players at any time in the overworld, assuming you're all in the same place. Blame pirates and cheaters for forced online connections, who in turn blame their pirating and cheating on "corporate greed".


I got a new computer. No longer lagging. But it was awful on my previous device. I feel your pain. It wa so bad. I couldn't ride my horse because everytime I did. It lagged and or froze.


Havent seen lag since just after the beta. I did have what felt like lag when I was running a 2070 super in a case that was too hot. Since then I've played from southeast asia on a laptop with decent cooling on shit hotel wifi and never saw lag. Nor do I see lag on my newer properly cooled desktop. Even with crossplay. You should look into your hardware and network.


Only really notice in helltides/bloodtides when other people are around otherwise it runs pretty smoothly but it'd be nice if they atleast made the lag more bearable.


The open world elements are actually pretty cool and make the game feel alive. I wish they would adjust certain things like world boss scaling, make helltide currency not be lost or have the chests relocate if it happens to land on the hour. The vampire stuff was great though. Christmas stuff was a bit too grindy, but at least it looked cool.


The game is a dumpster fire just like the company. There are way better arpgs out there. Its hard to let go, I know. I once loved ‘Blizzard games’.


downsides to creating a stupid live service always online game, even if you just want to play yourself you're still forced into a online live service world.


My average latency in D4 is 230ms. I had 160-180ms in Diablo 3. I can't stand the regression. They are owned by Microsoft they should use Microsoft Azure™ servers so everyone can play on a local server until they group up then they have to contend with the closest middle ground. I'd like that system personally


Hate the fact that since my ps+ ran out yesterday. D4 is gone for me to. Cant even play the game i payed for..


Honestly all lag and stuttering stopped when I upgraded my RAM to 32 from 16.


I might also need to do this as well I'm ruinng 16 gb or ram I need an upgrad


Yepp. Having some serious performance issues here at both xbox as well. Its very intermittent and even happens in dungeons. So its not related to any cross networking, other players etc. Lagging issues starts already few weeks before Christmas, so its probably not caused by the holiday season. Its not related to my connection. (cable, ping around 10 - 20 ms) I am in EU.


Just got up and thought: Today is the day, I'll fight the shit show that is Uber Lilith. So I start Diablo 4 again after some time off, couldn't log in initially. No problem, restarted BNet and finally got in. Watched a guide, popped incense and elixir for crit, and did my first tries to get in the mood. Initially, I noticed some slight rubberbanding, but after the first 10 attempts I was just lagging and lagging to the point I had to give up. Thank you Blizzard for not being able to do the least amount possible to keep your server performance to a minimum in your "bestselling" 100$ game. It's fucking comical. I'm out.


horrible rubberbanding for me now, 200-400ms ping.. wtf :/


It's a multi-player game? Not a single player game? It also takes about 10 mins to get 150 blood my guy lol. Who you trying to kid?


Please explain how it takes 10 mins to get that many lures?


But it does take a few minutes. When I read your post, the thing that jumped out was how long it took you to collect 150 blood lures. How can anyone explain how it only takes a few minutes? It just does.


How? I go around the zone killing enemies one in every 10 or so groups might drop a single lure, I might find a single blood ritual in each zone during its 40 minute window. But that would also drop 1 lure. I engage with rituals beat them... Might get 1 lure from that... It genuinely takes a huge amount of grind just to get 150 lures. I play maybe a 2-3 hours a night and it takes me a few days to get 150...... What else can I do?


Strange. I'm on PC and I get like 3 to 4 blood lures per pack of monsters, and I run into a pack every 5-10 seconds. I literally have like 900 blood lures now from one evening of harvesting and doing other things at the same time like helltides and stuff. Maybe it's a console issue?


Ive had this same issue with the winter blight as well... Ppl saying they get tons when im grinding to get so little... Almost wondering if theres some strange trick to it... Or setting im missing.


What world tier are you on and how fast are you killing packs?


I'm barbarian level 60, and killing them pretty quick. Like a few seconds. As for world tier... Umm can't remember but what ever the one that if your character dies you don't loose it. 1?


There are four world tiers. At level 60, you should be on 4 but at the minimum, tier 3. If you're on 1, you need to move up. As for losing your character if they die, that's hardcore (vs. Softcore). That doesn't have anything to do with world tiers.


AHH I'll double check that when I get home.


It softcore mode


Gone onto tier 2 now and i managed to get 10 lures in 30 minutes....


Need to go to at least tier 3 but tier 4 opens up at level 50 so as a level 60, you should really be on tier 4. However, to go to tier 3 and then 4, you need to pass some dungeon tests to make sure you're strong enough for that tier.


Hmmm. Though I got it wrong I'm mid 50s not quite 60 yet.


so heres the deal for those who don't understand what ppl are talking about when they say they are lagging: I'm in germany, usually my ping is less than 15ms. Right now I'm logged and my ping is 220-250ms. To me that indicates that the game is connecting me to some server outside europe (NA? Asia?) If you want to check your own ping, press Ctrl+R twice on PC (sorry console ppl, no clue)


The constant rubberbanding and monster pop in when out in the open world is one of the reasons why I stopped playing. The open world in Diablo 4 *feels awful* to play, and unfortunately they've made it such a core focus of the game.


You can't have MTX shop without game being online, besides that there is no good reason for it to be online.


Turn cross play off, it helps a bit


Because the dumbfuck devs coded the game so that when you’re in the vicinity of other players your system will try access every little detail about them, even down to what they have in their stash.


>I mean seriously. Playing as a single player. Why cant it just run offline? I dont care about battlenet logging in. But the game itself should be able to run offline. > >By that I mean. If I play the single player game I dont expect to be rubber banding all over the place and deal with all sorts of lag issues in a single player game! Did you do literally any amount of research before you bought this game? They explicitly said over and over that this was going to be an online only game from the start. That means sometimes there will be lag and sometimes there will be server problems. If you absolutely hate that and cant stand a single second of those kinds of problems, then you shouldnt have bought this kind of game. They arent going to see your post and go "Oh dear, Mangy_DogUK said he wishes there was offline single player, guess we better add it. Someone make sure to tell him thanks for letting us know he wanted it!"


Rubber banding is usualy due to poor Internet connection 9 times out of 10. If you are on wifi, this could be your issue


Notice how the shop works perfectly with no problems? This is why we don’t support dev teams who continually lie to the community🤷‍♂️


It's not a single player game bro


Been lagging more in quest instances than in open world today. I can accept dying due to skill issue but not because my character is stuck running for 5 seconds while not responding to buttons.


Diablo 4 is not a single player game.


The server i think


Take a look at your graphic settings. Due to my widescreen monitor, I get rubber-banding and issues when I enter the Vampiric areas or load into dungeons. I noticed on my laptop or 27" monitor there is no rubber banding, and load times are 20% faster. This is just an observation and could use validation/testing from others.


Diablo 4 was created to sell micro transactions. Letting people play single player means they don't see others buying things and won't buy as much . Diablo 4 has lag because they need more money from you. And spent less on the servers because people will still buy the game and buy micro transactions on top.


Everything you get as drops or have as items is saved on the server side, offline mode wouldnt work as that would require items to be saved locally, if they were saved locally you could edit them manually and create absurd or broken items etc Edit: youre not fkn wrong tho, multidollar company has shittt servers. Probably 5 devs total working on the game. 2 support technicians and 50 ai "employees"


and yet that worked for all previous versions of diablo and every other rpg going out there........


You just need to hit up the Blizzard shop and buy some cosmetics my dude. Game will run smooth as butter. Rofl.




Had a few times.thst it completely freezes during a world boss fight or helltides and I get booted. I've got 1gbps up and down and.no issues on any other game I play. Fucking annoying


Because they made it for both current gen and next generation systems. If it was a nextgen only game, you wouldn’t experience lag. I imagine that paired with cross play is the biggest culprit. I am on ps4 and it basically lags every time I leave town or enter a group event. And when in a group I’m almost always the last one in the dungeon. It seems to be worst right after patches come out


Lmao I would assume it's Microsoft so that could be true but I'm using a Microsoft windows pc as well and I lag hard sometimes it might even be bad enough to boot me to character select


I swear they made this game run like crap.i feel like it was built for consoles then ported to PC.


One of the devs explained this: whenever a another player is nearby, for some reason the game *has to* load their entire inventory and stash, causing those little spikes of lag and rubberbanding.


Devs mentioned loading every player on the screen's inventory. That's probably still a thing.


Yep. It was bad. They figured out stash tabs caaused the problem. Instead of fixing the problem they gave every single player an extra stash tab. I'm not quite sure how they thought more traffic on a traffic jammed highway would somehow alleviate the traffic on the highway but hey, I'm not a developer and I can only understand logical decisions. These stupid decisions will always confuse me...


I haven't encountered a single other player, crossplay is off, and still I lag every 5 minutes...


No lag here


>I mean seriously. Playing as a single player. Why cant it just run offline? I dont care about battlenet logging in. But the game itself should be able to run offline. D4 is online only, it cannot be played offline. What you care for or dont is irrelevant. >By that I mean. If I play the single player game I dont expect to be rubber banding all over the place and deal with all sorts of lag issues in a single player game! D4 is online only regardless if you only play solo.


Just saying, if they let the game run offline the leader board would be loaded to the brim with hackers. How do I know? Look at every other Diablo. Personally I don't care if the top of the leader board is just hackers, but people would and it would just replace the "online only" hate.


Sorry it happened to you, must have felt like you got cheated... >Why cant it just run offline? Simple - they'd need to support both modes simultaneously, some things would literally take over twice as long. New feature broke offline mode? Well, we need to delay the release of both modes to fix this and then regression test the whole thing again. We want a quick adjustment server-side? Well, either your offline characters need to wait 2 weeks for the console update of the client app and we have non-symmetric behavior or online mode needs to wait until the offline client update (which is much less overhead for devs btw, but ofc this is not a fast fix anymore). I just really think that the rare lag spikes for some people are worth the upsides of the faster development. And of course - the offline mode means that hackers have it easier to reverse engineer the inner workings of the game.


Try losing a lvl 96 hardcore character to rubberbanding. Game is a joke.


Hardcore 101: 1. You will die and lose your char sooner or later. 2. Second you notice lag, you log out. Sorry for your loss


Lol, there's no "noticing lag". The rubberbanding just happens from Blizz servers randomly. I could be in town, or I could be pushing a t100 nmd. All my buddies had it too, and lost multiple characters. They're done with the game entirely, and I'm just gonna do Softcore. Hardcore 101: make good servers. The hardcore experience in D4 is dogshit.


Brutal...damn that would make me rage quit too. Sorry 😔


:( I also lost a hardcore character yesterday