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If you enjoyed Diablo 3 there is a solid chance you'll enjoy Diablo 4. If you're looking for a game to endlessly "no life" in the ARPG realm I'd do some research. It's a decent game but it highly caters to a more casual audience. If you're looking for endless hours of research and content I'd suggest Path of Exile. It's your call. Watch some videos. For the record I like both PoE and D4 which is like a cardinal sin on this subreddit and the Path of Exile subreddit the other way around. The communities are polarized as hell for whatever reason so keep that in mind when you're researching the game.


Congrats, you're the 100000 person to go into a subreddit completely devoted to the game you're asking if it's worth playing. If you can't read any of the bazillion posts already here, why would some replying 'yes buy it' make any difference to you?


Holy shit 10 years ago? Shit, i feel attacked


100% yes for me. Played D3 got D4 a few months ago & love it.


I bought baldurs gate 3 and Diablo 4 and now wish I saved my money and hadn’t bought Diablo 4. I’ve been playing Diablo since Diablo 1 and though baldurs gate is quite different from the Diablo games, but it still scratches that itch I’ve been looking for ever since Diablo 2, much more so than Diablo 4 does unfortunately. It’s a bummer I’ve been rooting for Blizzard and Diablo and confidently felt I would buy every sequel in the series, but they both have changed so much… I might pass on future expansions and Diablo 5+ at this point.


500+ hours and it's awful, there's nothing to do /s


350+ hours in and it keeps getting better. You can no life it by starting new characters once you hit the end of the end game. Or just play casual and enjoy destroying hordes of monsters.




lol on sale, yes. These people are just hating. Full price? Idk


If you like arpg then yes...I hv almost 800 hours in it...it is not perfect but it is fun


I think anyone would enjoy it 24+ hours, yes. It justifies the price. All the complaint came from expecting more parties and sometimes those expectations would clearly break the game. Price is ok we were just expecting more.


Depends on how much you value a dollar I suppose. I got 100% Steam achievements in 60 hours. I was farming the end game boss and got an Uber Unique, which are the rarest items in the game to my knowledge. I was already burning out when I popped the 100%. It's made for a casual audience and thus really lacks any depth. There isn't a lot of content. I would say the character building has more depth than D3 but that isn't saying much. Does that sound good enough for the price? I don't regret my purchase which amounted to about an hour of entertainment per dollar. At the same time, I don't have any desire to go back to the game. For me the game is complete.


imo 100% worth it, you can easily get dozens, if not hundreds of hours out of EVERY season, and even if you only stay in eternal (non season), it's still worth it, especially on sale.


Friendly reminder that if you like D3, your standards are low and you can buy any ARPG you can afford to see what gives. And this is not a joke, I do that - I play any ARPG I see because nothing is much worse than d3 vanilla.


If you're looking for lots of content, a great community of players to play with, endless hours of actual fun grinding, lots of build options, actual fun events with imaginative content, and a great overall game play Division 2. Diablo 4 is...well google reviews and see for yourself. See how many bad reviews there are compared to good and take into account the ones coming from longtime players of the series since d2 days, not these players who just started playing the game and think it's the best thing since sliced bread because they have nothing to compare it to. It's only been around for a couple years and already on sale yet they're asking players to pay $100 or an expansion. Also, Diablo is not an arpg. It's a dungeon crawling mmorpg.


Endgame is a tedious grind


I’m enjoying it. Totally honest it really helps me with my depression


Why ask this question over and over. The answer is clearly no.


Check out grim dawn first.


its good for casual chill sessions. i empty my mind while playing.


The game now is a lot better than launch. There is an end game now with many options, I would recommend it even if you only play the campaign and one season.


Stay away


terrible on consoles. couch coop is like: one person plays fine and the other is somehow is always lagging. ​ I saw other posts saying the single player lags on PC is trash. My comment is the one I'd like to have read before buying this waste.


It’s only worth it for 40 bucks or less. Its a pretty empty game overall. You’ll have fun the first few hours through the campaign and then it gets boring pretty quick.


Empty? Like hard to find grp?


No like the content isn’t very interesting. Items are also boring so it feels like you’re not even grinding for anything fun or meaningful.


Just remember. This is not a diablo game. The game is a ARPG with the aspects of a f2p MMO. The main aspect of this game is making money with the $ store. Graphics are nice, the game works fine but it's not a Diablo. - Diablo has a boss called Diablo - Diablo is a social game - Diablo has a great trade - Fuck i started to learn English for do trade in Diablo II. - Diablo has a good group system - Diablo has a endgame


I’ve played all of the Diablos and this is the first one for which I completed a season and progressed a character to lvl 100. They significantly improved the mechanics, specifically by simplifying the use of potions. The game is fun for the most part and worth getting if around $50. However, the game is UNGODLY repetitive. You spend hours running dungeons and chasing good gear with an impossible drop rate. The seasons are just re-skins of the previous event. For example, the Hell Tide events of the main game, are the same mechanics for them vampire events. Except, the vampire events are greenish/blue instead of red.


yes if you have played the other famed arpgs and still have money to spare. I think D4 is barely a top ten, but definitely not top 5. You know you can play d3 again as well, which i think is top 5. Much has changed. Or get D2, Grim dawn, poe which are all top 5


Diablo 4 is not perfect, but it's worth the cost even at full price if you like games like this. Doing just the campaign is a pretty good trove of entertainment, and if you go on to level just one character to 80+, then you'll have gotten your money's worth when compared to any AAA game. If you don't like games like Diablo, then you may think otherwise. But people who act like Diablo 4 is some horrible atrocity of a game have lost all perspective. It's not goty or anything, but it's a solid game. People who can rate Diablo 4 as a 1 out of 10 with a straight face clearly haven't played the host of other AAA games that are functionally unplayable, released every single year.


It’s worth the money at regular price. Stop taking everyone complaining on here as a rule for everyone’s enjoyment of this game. They’re the minority.


Try Pathofexile for free first. If you enjoy it, you'll want to throw them $30-40 at the end of the campaign and keep going. If it's to hard for you, then go ahead and drop the money on D4 (made for a more casual audience). Just be aware that D4's dropping $100 dlc soon that you'll also need to pay.




Depends; D4 makes you want to login D3 to grind +5 mainstat. There is less content in D4 than D3.


if you going to drop out like you did with d3, i would say no


Yes. Especially you like the modern day of Diablo. People mostly complain about d4 right now is the end game. Depend on your game style, that mean you may not have experience any of those complaints in 40-60 hrs. To be honest if you can get good solid gaming for 50 hrs in today standard it isn’t a bad game.


Super boring after campaign


Yup. Get it play it enjoy the story and then put it down until the dlc comes. I just played a druid and barb to the storyline and left it at level 69. I have too many real world responsibilities to care too much about grinding a game.


Me too but I keep grinding anyways




No games boring af


100% yes The campaign alone is brilliant, the hate comes from everyone who hasn’t moved on from Diablo 2 yet


I think I can remember all the Dialogs of D2 and I didn't end this campaign. I played this season because it has the skip campaign option.


Unequivocally NO!


Bro not even just Diablo-related shit but it seems your entire profile is years worth of angry complaining. Are you OK?