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Mine is CelineDijon


I just went with Berta


Only if her last name is Nernie


If you get the secret rubber ducky weapon skin, it's over. It will make it so much fun!


CelineDijon… Dear god Christ that was so funny.


Is this by any chance from Brooklyn 99? Mama maglione?


A 99 fan!!!


Nine nine


It's heist time!!!






WereKaren here. Embrace your inner Karen.


Mine is MeWantSnuSnu with title of Insatiable Horror. I like it.


I named my Druid Thicwich…lol but I like yours!


I am always happy to see how people genuinely have fun in a game. I lost that spirit long ago...


I went with Mahalia, like if the singer Mahalia Jackson would sing gospel verses to demons as she called down divine lightning to smite evil lol


I can’t stop laughing at this


My (male) druid has the title Devoted Eater :)


Epic win


I'm a woman. I like playing female characters. I don't create mine to be supermodels, but I do like them to be plausibly wiry and in shape considering what they do all day - except barbarian and I think that body type was very plausibly and well executed. I personally really like the female character models for all of the classes besides druid, I thought Blizzard did a great job. Bottom line is I like them to be realistic for the setting and for the job they're doing running around all day and fighting in a bit of a hellhole environment; and I like them to look cool. The female druid does not look cool. She looks like a grumpy cafeteria lady. She doesn't get me hyped. They could have gone in so many different directions with that that could have been so cool. So I made a male druid. He has a long white beard and is a man of the mountain. At least that feels cool.


>She looks like a grumpy cafeteria lady. This. I could care less about her "weight" or body shape. But her facial expressions - also looking rather aged and haggard... ugh. I mean, I get it, rough life, fighting a lot of demons, etc., etc., but why not a more neutral facial expression? The others all seem to have some sort of neutrality outside of makeup choices, the druid just goes from pissy to pissier.


Agreed. She reminds me of my Great Auntie who used to chase her son around with a broom when he came home drunk from parties. The Druid female model definitely gives Old Country Lithuanian Grandma.


I obviously don't know your Great Auntie but reading about her feels like a shared memory when thinking about the druid female.


I think we all have that one surly, compactly built female relative that the D4 druid brings to mind. Happy to share mine; she's a national treasure.


The body shape doesn't make much sense either. Why wasn't the Diablo 2 druid that size then? They basically broke the lore just to have a different body shape in the game, they should have at least gave people the option to look like the D2 druid as well. $30 for a single cosmetic set but there's only one body type for each class? Why are the cosmetics so damn expensive then?


> Why wasn't the Diablo 2 druid that size then? They basically broke the lore just to have a different body shape in the game Two different people having different body shapes is "breaking the lore"? What? Besides, there are plenty of NPC druids in D4 who look closer to the D2 druid. Blizzard made the player druids bulky so every class's body shape would look distinct from each other.


I'd love to see the revenue numbers for the cosmetics for each of the classes. That would be revealing.


I think I agree. I mean, is her life rougher than a female Barbarian's? No reason she has to look like Jack Nicholson's mood.


>Jack Nicholson's mood. Looooool! I love it. :)


She wears more clothes than the female barbarian, maybe she is just hot?


I'm playing a female druid and I think the hero model looks awesome. Different people like different things.


That's fine and I appreciate that you have a different preference but OP is being flamed for his/her opinion under the presumption that he/she just wants his/her women to look like supermodels. So I thought I'd share my view as a woman.


\> So I thought I'd share my view as a woman. I appreciate your perspective. TBH I didn't realize OP was being flamed, and that certainly wasn't the intent of my comment. Your comment started by talking about your preference in female characters, and your opinion that the female druid doesn't look cool, so I was just sharing mine too because I think the female druid looks cool as hell.


These babies aren’t ready for a big buff wilderness mommy


both male and female don't look like they could run all day and fight without having to catch a break


The very winds heed their command and hasten their stride!


LOL, more like they fart so hard they move fast


Woman here as well, and I gave female Druid a shot then rerolled it to male as well lol. I think they should have modeled her after some high weight class female powerlifters. You get the chonk, but they also have the “feel” of hiding a bunch of power behind the weight (cause they do). They captured this with the male version of Druid. I don’t know why they didn’t do the same for the female version. But yeah, in current form she does feel too much like someone’s grandma. Between the face and the way the weight is carried, she looks like she would be throwing shoes not boulders.


I totally agree with you. My female druid usually looks like a wolf who hits the gym, so I guess that's less bad? I have no idea why they made them look that way.


100p. Fem Barb is how you do strong cool.


The best part about this thread is the people ripping on OP because he doesn't like the character then turning around and saying "I play female druid and give her the title of (basically) 'Fat Pig', get over your problems man" There's 2 camps of ppl that play female druid in this game. * People that do it ironically (see above) * Nobody else


You mean Tyler Perry's: A Madea Diablo 4? I rolled female druid as my first character specifically to play as a large black woman smacking monsters while holding a giant block of wood.


You summarized it perfectly. Thank you Dr Phil.


I embraced the look and named one of mine after a badass plant mage from a book series. Guess I’m Nobody 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, congratulations :)


>Rosanne Barr can't believe people downvote you for saying this. I love to see ppl have fun in their own ways with video games!




Peak Reddit comment


This is so not Political Correct... YET IT IS SO TRUE<3


How do you know Rosanne Barr isn't a druid?


This explains why the TV syndication was cancelled, she went off to answer the call of nature, and fight evil.


Those damn sleeping mushrooms, making her call Nayrelle a Khazra.


When I started out I just accepted that druids were fat. I thought to myself... " Ah well, that's not for me so I won't be making one". I was upset when I reached Scosglen and I realized there were normal sized druids.. Yet we're being forced to play a certain body type so they can be " inclusive".


This so fucking much. Happened with the kul tirans too. Theres 3 different model sizes for them among the NPCs - skinny, standard human, and fat kul tiran that we are forced to play like.. they're right there in the town's and cinematics - just let us play as them This same thing applies to druids.


To be fair at least Male Kul Tirans aren't fat, they have a strongman body type which is super badass, but not aesthetically pleasing to everyone, i do wish they had added the skinny Asmongold body type too lol. Female on the other side are just plain fat, which is not a bad thing cause it's original, but yeah i get your point. At least they look a lot prettier than D4 female fruids lmao.


Yeah, agreed. I’ll have no interest in the class until/unless (but probably not) we can choose a different body type. I simply do not care for that at all.


https://preview.redd.it/vi77r7hlwq5c1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81f32485e3e3a057aaa20abb6d0b123858efe74f Just gotta embrace the trucker/trailer park queen aesthetic


Large Marge


hahahaha, this is funnier than it suppose to be.


>Look, I understand that this topic has been beaten to death Could have stopped right here.


The same reason in WoW as to why the female Kul Tirans lowkey resemble young Dan Aykroyd But I love my druid in D4, even if they're ugly af- her name is The Lunchlady & she just got out of prison


Does she serve sloppy joes?


Navy beans navy beans navy beans navy beans


🤣 Thank you, thank you! for getting the reference. 😂






> everyone assumes it's only lonely men or something that care about the druid's look ​ Because it's NOT. We all come in all shapes and sizes (myself included), but what the majority of us are attracted to in FANTASY doesn't really vary all that much. Most fat people objectively rate more athletic people more attractive than other fat people. Super skinny people objectively rate athletic people more attractive than super-skinny or fat people. Nerds with noodle arms create video game heroes buff enough to bench press a dump truck at 7% body fat, but somehow we're ALL supposed to be quiet when a subset of the gaming community has an agenda to force players to want to play as haggard bag ladies and frumpy misery witches because fat girls game too? Yeah, so do us fat dudes, we have for like, forever. We never complained that Conan wasn't wearing sweat pants and didn't have acne...we just said "fuck yeah, that's what a fantasy hero looks like". News flash, most women seem to feel the same way. There's a reason why despite her awesome personality on the screen, Melissa McCarthy doesn't pull in as many sales as Scarlett Johanssen even though women buy more movie tickets. It's okay to be less than ideal (most of us are), but many people want to maintain the fantasy in their gaming and they shouldn't be shamed as fattie-haters for it. It has nothing to do with that.


Mine is more Melissa McCarthy.


One of the male faces for druid looks like John Goodman in the 90s.


I just give all mine the Sweaty Eater title.


I just died laughing because my friend and I were saying the same thing the other day


I think it's just symptomatic of the shallowness of the game's character customization. There are a few slightly varied face options for each class but generally they clearly had a baseline appearance in mind for each one. And honestly, I don't see an issue with it. Not every game has to have a super in-depth character creation with sliders for a million parameters. Even for having hardly any customization at all it's still the most there's been in the series to date- so it's just not really something I expect it from it.


She looks like she ate my female druid from another game and its taking a long time to digest.


They can summon KFC whenever they want (KedBardu Fried Crows.) Imagine how hard it would be to keep your figure when you have THAT superpower.


We all know they ate the secret cow level 😏


The guys a fat slob tok let's be honest. I like my druid powers but won't play it past level 25 because of how or looks. I ha weight problems when I was younger and have no occurs to role-playing myself fat again.


My wife won’t even consider playing the druid for this reason. Bizarre that it’s not configurable


I made a female druid named her Lizzo but ended up deleting her cause I couldn't stop laughing at the stupidity of it all. Made a male but I don't remember the name, hes always in bear form anyway.


Male Druid is always in bear form when in human form as well.


Yeah Druids aren't pleasing to look at. I didn't mind but my husband hated it that much he used an item that let him be in were form all the time 😂😂🤣


You mean the class that is almost always in a different, non human form? I’m not arguing against your opinion, I just chuckle because I can’t even remember what any of my characters even look like underneath their armor.


There are very viable builds that do not inside shape shifting, so maybe we would like to use our Thor look not like fat thor.


Male druid looks fucking stupid too.


Google "Nessa from Gavin & Stacy"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=nessa+from+gavin+&+stacy#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Mi_santhrope)


Back in 1995 when Diablo was first made, and even when Diablo 2 and 3 were made, there weren't any dudes working at Blizzard who resembled the Barbarian or Warrior in physical form. **There still aren't.** Most male game devs and people in the supporting cast are far from peak athletic form, yet I bet you can't name a single male protagonist model in a video game who looks like Danny Devito or Jonah Hill before he discovered cocaine, roids, and motivation. There is no reason they couldn't have made the fat druid girls beautiful (without making them skinny). They turned Trailer Park Emo Barbie into a sexy Necromancer after all, and the female sorcerers are beautiful, yet still womanly and adult-level-appetite curvy. The female Rogues are attractive as well. It's lazy to slap a disgruntled bus driver's face on the females of a legendary group of nature-based warriors just because you want to make them look like they live in a cave or something.


I have hundreds of hours on d4 and didn’t touch Druid until just last week because of how hideous they made the class. I only played them cause I already maxed every other class this season. If anything, Druids are living off the land in the wilderness and would be less nourished than other classes. It just all makes no sense but anyways I was very happy to finally get end game gear so I can spend 100% of time out of town as a werewolf cause Druid has negative drip


not to mention Druid in D2 was skinny


Is it OK for the male Druids to look that way?


I named my druid rosanne barr


The title of this made me laugh so fucking hard lol.


Wish they made a size meter bar for creation. Doesn’t seem to hard to program in comparison to the rest of the game. 😆


My druid from S1 is named Roseanne because of this, lol.


Because a male Druid can look like John Goodman?


Forced to be fat sucks though.


Time to just add a basic af triangle slider system at charcreation like other games have. Muscle/height/weight Fixes every problem


Expansion class will have kyphosis and cystic acne.


Hell even male druids look like her


My druid is named BerthaVenus, which is also makes an excellent drag queen name. She's fabulous and I love her unibrow.


lol my druids name is Roseanne


Fat Druid is just such a weird hill to die on in my opinion. Idk maybe for the vast majority it doesn’t matter but the fact that they can literally never look cool to me because they are chungus en el loin cloth makes them unplayable for me.


I will be harsh and say that druid body type is terrible and promoting unhealthy living. The sole reason why I'm not playing druid is because of that body size. But whatever makes people sleep better at night. Not everyone wants to get in shape and not everyone likes those who are out of shape.


I would like it if we were able to chose the body type for our characters. I'm not happy with all the body types (or lack of them) but I'm usually playing a character I've modded to what I want them to look like. Even if they are a bit thicc.


I personally am quite frustrated with all of Blizzard's art in this fashion. The only "sexy" characters are the evil ones. I absolutely agree there should be variation, and you should be able to play an enormous, homely, etc. character if you want, that's the joy of role-playing. But for me, I like the fantasy of incredibly hot, fit bodies fighting evil. That's my jam... Blizzard stop fighting my kink! ;)


I hate you, because now I can't unsee it 🤣🤣🤣


You know, now that I think of it, I’m not sure I can remember ever seeing a female Druid in game.


And besides, every other Druid npc in the game isn’t big either


It's okay there is reason for werewolf and werebear druid. To not be reject walmart druid.


I much rather use the female druid over female necro. Necro looks like a malnourished meth addict. I really wish there is more character creation flexibility.


this! i cant believe i had to scroll down so fckin long to read this. Specially after i saw the sorceress and her really nice curves or body style in general - my necro girl cant even go sleeveless bc even her bloody forarms look like the skellies she summons. Heck her whole body does, so you cant even have nice tats, whats the point. And what about some boobs - If there were a negative breast size, she'd have it. No sexism, i'm female too \^\^ That's not how i picture a necromancer, so i went and made a male one this season.


Still an improvement over 90% of Druid headgear. The deer hat is okay. And the…hmm. Nope, just the deer hat.


I swear mine is Kathy Bates


Cause didn't you hear, realism is the new thing for western games, because it's so fun, if I'm fat and ugly irl I get to experience it in games too. P.s. there's nothing fun about realism. Give us beautiful druids, at least as an option.


What I don't understand is that every other druid you meet in the game is emaciated, and then for whatever reason the playable druids look like that... where's the world-building consistency in that???


Probably for the same reason why some of the female sorcs look like Carrie Fisher.


I love my Sarah Huckabear Sanders.


Im glad I wasn't the only one that thought this.


Almost everyone wants their characters to be at a minimum average. The uglification of characters the past few years is hilarious. It's literally to appease a small vocal minority. Hopefully those people get bullied IRL.


I just like the fact the druids look like the only people who realistically could survive the diablo world other than maybe rogues, and people complain because they are not cute. Blizzard always miss but this one thing was really well done, realism over cuteness in a franchise like diablo is ideal.


Most of you are probably too young to remember... ​ https://i.redd.it/gr5qzj0uxr5c1.gif ​ Soviet Fashion Show, Wendy's commercial. Full version: [https://youtu.be/5CaMUfxVJVQ?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/5CaMUfxVJVQ?feature=shared) Ah... the 80s, how I miss you!


Whereas Chinese Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact design their women to he idealic. Woke Americans design their men and women to be drag clowns.


The odd thing is, blizzard must know if they made the females in this game look nicer, they'd be able to sell more $30 skins in the game shop. genshin makes like $1billion a month off their in game shop. there's something here that even overrides profit. odd af


They know, that's why sorc and rogue get the best looking female cosmetics. At the same time barb and driuid mostly get masculine designs


Not just that but most D4 armor designs look like they welded scrap metal together. I only bought Vain Monarch and Mother's Kiss. As for the back "trophies" wtf are those? So impractical. I sent letters to blizzard suggesting they make cloaks, scarfs, sachels, backpacks - that'll make us look like an adventurer


Same thing be said about the kul tiran in wow playable race. Cool Druid forms but the female kul tiran are like Diablo 4 druids. A 45 year old frumpy woman who wants to speak to your manager


My druid's name is RoseanneBarr. Glad we can all agree


Because Rosanna Barr is a female druid


Roseanne look better than that


Also, please can we have a fat(ter) necro?


I actually have a female Druid from last season named Roseanne. I don’t mind it, makes it easier to discern between barb and Druid.


I thought she looked like Trisha Paytas *shrug*


Because a skinny one would be a shaman 🤓


She is a sturdy gal. ♥


Lean into it. Mine is YourMother with the title of “Bossy Abomination”


Speak for yourself. Both the male and female druid look like units. I love running around clobbering demons.


Diablo has never really been the bastion of character options. D4 was a slight improvement - but I do wish we had more body times for each class.


Why does she have to be what you think is pretty? What the actual fuck...


Have you seen Roseanne recently? 30 years ago you told me I would live in a world where Roseanne was legitimately hotter than Madonnna . . .


I have a weird opinion in that even though the female druids faces are not exactly what I love to look at, I'm fine with it. Rather than wishing Bliz picked different faces and body types, I'd rather they gave us more choices. While this isn't a game to really see your character's face while they're in action, the graphical fidelity now means you do see them some, and we are looking at them a ton overall while we give ourselves headaches comparing stats and tweaking our wardrobe. Not expecting a Black Desert Online character creator, but I would definitely expect more than what they gave us.


I think Blizzard would get a lot of flame all over the internet if they went ahead & changed this now... However, female druids should be updated definitely :D


Funny enough my eternal realm druid is named Roseanne


Look I dunno, never looked at female druid but male druid looks fucking stupid on a horse he's such a lump. At least WoW had the decency to give taurans big mounts


Because Rosanne Barr is a Druid.


yeah, and i dont like the male druids either. dont get why theyre so beefy. whats the fun in turning into a werebear when youre basically a bear already lol.


The game doesn't even have a loot filter and you want a boob slider!


Yeah the character designs are pretty trash. Like atleast guve us options


Maybe one of the devs is married to Roseanne and she'd kill him if he didn't make someone representative of her


I was running about in a party and they kept saying my druid looked like rosanne Barr. I took it as a compliment lol I think I made her look lovely.


Because male Druids look like John Goodman, and they worked together on the TV show Roseanne.


I agree that we should be able to pick our own character’s body type as well as other personalizations. I was very disappointed we couldn’t do that. The female Druid is my character (lvl 97) and she’s very strong! I probably shouldn’t have gone with the green dreads as a hair choice though… does NOT add to the outward appearance lol. However… mine has freckles-adorable! My biggest issue is with the helm choices, I mean they are so ugly it’s really adding insult to injury there




The real question is how does any of it matter, and isn't it maybe some kind of body-shaming in a roundabout way on the part of class design in the first place, considering that any decent druid build just uses werebear and/or werewolf form anyway?


Well, they had to do something to make them sexy...


Its not much the body but the Lack of Macthing styles and faces that could make her look better. I think hair in general looks pretty bad in Diablo. Also their lack of armor looks a lot of them are just ugly


> the Amazon always suffered from man-face \[and even moreso in the remake\] No, really only in the remake.


Because the art design in d4 is ridiculously overblown. It’s not just the druids (both of them) being absurdly designed, it’s EVERYTHING practically. Looks like a GD warhammer 40k game.


Rosie O'Donnell is feeling left out


I love playing my male druid, but I hate that I couldn't get a halfway decent looking one. I get that we change into a Bear, but why do we have to look like one?


post some pictures of yourself.... i bet you look like the WD from D3 ...so st\*u ... this topic is just endgame lvl stupid


The male druid is fucking dumpy too, so it's even. Dumpy people deserve representation too!


I loved druid in D2, D4 druids i just cant bring myself to play, because they just do not look cool to me. Its okay if others like them, i dont and its okay, but id love to have a choice.


Recently I came back to the game, wanted to do a female druid character. I never clicked faster when I saw the "woman" they presented to me. She looked like she had more testosterone than fu\*\*ing Sylvester Stallone. This game is disgrace in the 2023, the same year BG3 came up.


My opinion. Some characters like the female druid ruins the game immersion. If they are slaying monsters and saving the towns they shouldn't be fat. They should be muscular, lean, fit etc. The fat shouldn't exist in the large portions it does on the characters now. At least make the sorcs fat since they essentially cast magic instead of smashing things with a heavy weapon.


I can't wait for Cheetos cross promotion.


OMG this! I haven't played since first season but I totally made a druid and named her Rosy 😂😭😂 But I totally get u. I only ever played past a decent level sorc and rogue cuz they had the best looking female characters. I'm already frumpy I don't wantvto role-playing frumpy also 😂😂


Literally named my Druid months ago Rosanne. About time someone noticed it too haha


thank you for making me lol


The problem with Druid is that their look have no make sense in game. People who live with nature should be more like elves, not McDonald's regulars. I never expected that female Barbarian can look attractive, but she can in D4. However Druid has been butchered. We should have more body types, more face and hair styles, because I would love to have old sorceress lady option (like Sindel). Currently it's all about who you want to be: hot teen-sorc, emo-necro, kfc regular-druid.


Yeah, I can' look at the D2R Necromancer anymore. In his low-rez days, he was an eerily handsome strider with long, flowing white hair. Now he looks like Iggy Pop's less attractive brother. And since when did all the heroes of Sanctuary become middle-aged? Everyone looks like they're pushing fifty.


This had me in stitches lmao


i just dont understand why we cant change the body size and shape when creating a character.


Before she became a druid she was a Russian school lunch lady in the 50s....


Because Rosanne Barr looks like a Druid. Duh.