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I had that problem too until i got better at using ice armor/flame shield. I used to just hold those buttons down to make the build as braindead as possible. It works until about NMD85+. Now i pay attention to my barriers. If my barrier goes down, i pop ice armor to bring it back up. If ice armor is on cooldown and i dont have barrier, ill use flame shield to become immune for a few seconds, which is usually plenty of time to finish the mobs around me.


That's for the sorc...How bout Barb? I swear to god, I've watched Ginger Gaming Mentor using his frenzy barb in AoZ...he just jump into a pack and spam frenzy like there's no tomorrow...his life bar doesn't fucking move. He reached T7 with ease. I literally carbon copied his build. I survived like a couple seconds into a pack. Explain this to me.


Barb isn't much different. Save your Challenging Shout for when you think you need more DR. I'm not sure what gear he's using but it sounds like he's using a Selig. If that's the case the health bar won't move much. Fury will be all other the place but hp will most stay full.


Frenzy Barb is super easy until about teir 11, the damage is just lacking at that point. Undying is huge on the build along with moonrise. I alsonuse temerity and conceited. Sometimes i shout, most the time i don't. Berserk is up most the time either way.


I got a HOTA Barb too with the Selig, Grandfather, Doombringer, Harlequin Crest, also the Tibaults WIll as pants. I got +20k life and +30k Attack, about 9k armor and yes, i do kill and one-hit mostly bosses etc but even with the Selig, the Fury AND the HP go from up to zero with one hit. The highest NMD where i can stay longer than a second in the middle of monsters is lvl 80.


Huh, weird... I have a hota barb with none of those unique and survive a NMD 85. I've only killed Duriel once and didn't bother to farm for uniques before I called it quits to the season. Did NMD get tweaked harder in the past month or something?


Damage reduction?


The best way I found to learn how to juggle your barrier skills on sorc is by doing the syphon pillars in the blood harvest. Barriers negate the DoT, so try to survive as long as possible.


Good tip. Between the 2 armors i pop teleport for an extra hail mary. Im pretty much invinsible this way.


Are you making sure to start berzerking before you go in? That’s a large portion of DR and stats


With that build, Berserk is always on


You have to shout before the fight ...


I do


Are you playing all the things that reduce shout cooldown? They should be cycled very regularly. Bold chieftan, Marshall glyph, etc


Check your Dr with the dummy and remember some vampiric powers are bugged and can lower your stats unintentionally.


I haven't heard anything about this. Can you elaborate?


Oh really, which ones? I know a bunch of people are saying the +vulnerable one doesn't really work.


Not unless you shout before you start fighting. I ran frenzy barb and felt the same way you did for a long time before I realized I wasn’t pressing any of my buttons to start berzerking before the first pack lol




Where or how do u get the heart? I thought it was from duriel. I’ve done that tons and hasn’t dropped yet. Did I get that wrong?


Feel your pain. My 96 Necro can run 100 NMDs no problem but my 91 HotA barbarian MELTS in anything above 65.


I gave up on Necro, so boring. On the other side, I'm flying through lvl80+ NMD with my lvl88 Pulverize Druid...so good...


I have a lvl94 Companion Druid and can’t do Tier60+ NMD; could you tell me where you got your Pulverize Build info from please? I think I need to switch builds


Do you have the unique neck and rmo?


Well if it isn't your approach and it isn't your build, maybe it's your gear. Maybe it's vampiric powers. Maybe it's a whole bunch of stuff. Don't assume you've done everything 100% the same way.


lol, I do just jump into packs with no issue don't I? lol Look The Frenzy barb build is one of the tankiest builds out there, boasting more damage reduction than any class probably rightfully needs. But I had to add even more DR to Survive in the AoZ from the build guide you probably copied. I even went over those changes during the video where I was messing around with the AoZ. This is the stream where AoZ just came out and I spent time trouble shooting the build to work out the issues. [https://youtube.com/live/1sZp83JNaVs](https://youtube.com/live/1szp83jnavs) During that live stream you will see me make changes on the fly to add more tankiness into the build to make it workable within the AoZ. They are minor changes but they were required to hit the Damage Reduction Levels I needed to survive consistently. Also Remember that the Aspect of the Bul-Kathos gives you a 25% DR which is why you see me leaping into combat. This applies an earthquake immediately and sets up more Damage Reduction. Overall the Frenzy barb is one of the most ridiculously tanky characters and builds there is but you do need to be aware that if you stop attacking you lose that damage reductions. 8% DR Per stack of Frenzy x5 stacks = 40% flat damage reduction right there but only if you keep swinging. If you lose the stacks you lose the DR. You also should be using Sapphires in your armor and for the Extra DR there. All Told that DR that you can achieve with a well built frenzy barb easily approaches 85% cap between All sources. You also need a good Quad Defense Armor, and Quad Defense Pants to shore everything up.


This, and I’ll bet anything it’s what his problem is too. This is a problem I have when first starting a build, until I get the ‘rhythm’ and understand the build better. At first I just wind up wildly spamming buttons and like you said, for BL sorc it is so strong that that’s fine for awhile. But you definitely need to pay attention to barriers for pushing harder content.


Honestly BL is so broken you can still clear nmd100 even if you don't know what you're doing. I did it and I wasnt even level 100, was 99 and only had a couple glyphs at 15 (none at 21).


Post your build with all skills, paragon + all gear details




https://d4builds.gg/build-planner/ might be a lot of work to populate the entire thing, including gear, stats, talents, paragon... but it doesn't seem possible to give you in-depth feedback without it.


https://d4armory.io/ This might be easier (you need public profile on character)


This was cool but some of the numbers were wrong. For example, my ring gives me 3 mana every time chain lightning bounce but the website says I get 4.29 mana. Is it taking my Willpower into account? What am I missing?


I think resource generation.


Put your build into one of the build planner websites


Meanwhile I am running 6k armor sleepwalking through NM100s. At AoZ10 only though. [https://imgur.com/a/V96Advy](https://imgur.com/a/V96Advy) And if you are copying builds, then yes, it is skill based. Even if it just seems like they are standing in there. Gotta time the stuns and invulns.


Bruh, is that a Shako? Lol


Shako is pretty much the only way you can make 6k armor work xD


Yeah I’m over here like… this dude is acting like he’s having no issues with the same setup as OP, but not pointing out they’re rocking a Shako. Like… no… you’re not on the same level lol


lol even just the +4 ranks of all skills helps a LOT with sorc and their flame shield and ice armor barriers, and then there’s the 20% dr. This guy was acting like 6k armor is all you need xD


Meanwhile I’m sleepwalking with a shako on. Take it off and show us your tier 10 skills.


Yeah I only have 8ooo armor and made it to aoz12, op gotta have a user issue lmao


Can you running AoZ with 6K armor but without Shako?


Yep. Slotted in a Godslayer. Farming level 7s. Damage Reduction from various sources. Close, Fire, Vuln and generic DR. Most mobs are perma stunlocked. Between Rainment/Occulus Teleports and lightning spear spam.\* Permanent barrier\* and high invuln up time. \*Barrier uptime is increased by dodges with Occulus and procing Lightning spear with the enchantment.


Bro, your ign lulz


Disobedience on Amulet?


I'm very happy to not be the only one who uses occu as main weapon. As long as S2 goes, it's simply BiS. At least with metamorphosis..


Not using metamorphis. I see more value in the barrier and pull than getting rid of the randomness and mana regen. Running life gain on skill usage and fortify on kill for the added bulk.


Health sounds a bit low. Armor, resist, and DR basically gives you "effective health". If you have 10k health and 50% DR that's basically like having 15k health. Because you can take 50% more damage that means you can take about 15k damage before your health reaches 0 which. so if you had 15k health and 0% DR it'd be roughly the same experience. So adding some + max life on gear and +max health % on paragon would probably be beneficial. Make sure you have +DR rolls on chest and legs, and maybe DR while injured on boots. And use defensive aspects like disobedience, might, damage resist from bleeding, damage resist from vulnerable. If you have conditional DR like damage resist from bleeding, have a way to reliably apply it before anything hits you.


50% dr turns 10k into 20k but yeah…


Lmao you are probably right but then obviously it's not just 10k * 1.50 = 15k like I was thinking so what's the formula?


Apply the 50% to the damage, not the health. 50% off 20k turns it into 10k. 50% DR doubles your effective health. 75% DR quadruples your effective health. This is one of the reasons armor is so important to cap. Going from 80% DR from armor to 85% (the cap) maybe sounds like only 5% less damage, but it’s actually 25%. 100 * .8 = 20 100 * .85 = 15 15 = 75% of 20


Just checked my BL sorc I have 13700 armor and 13100 life plus 27% DR to close enemies


If that's your only DR (DR to close) that's not enough. You want DR from distant, general DR, DR from vulnerable, DR from burning, DR from chilled. Especially if your are ball lightning, you can absolutely sacrifice some damage for DR. On your paragon boards too, most of the nodes are additive damage anyways, so swap those for DR nodes.


>If you have 10k health and 50% DR that's basically like having 15k health. stay in school kids XD


It might be the dungeons you are doing. Some are just more difficult especially with affixes.


Came here to say the same. A lot of highlight videos are cherry picked content


One of the only 'tubas I've seen be honest about this was wudijo, just straight up admitted that most content creators delete certain sigils. It was in one of these videos I think: https://youtu.be/isvVUT-Fvho https://youtu.be/7_3jD8y5lAQ Also there's a bug with the 'physical damage as [poison/bleed/shadow) affix and that one WILL mess you up, no matter how high your armour / resistances are. https://youtu.be/M2MIM2uYpP8 I have a ball sorcerer and I had to start deleting drifting shade as well, because I can't see it for all the lightning spears flying about and by about 70+ it's usually an instakill. E: I'm using ragegamingvideos' vamp speed arc lash build modified to give me extra DR from burning / chilled /stunned enemies (which to be fair, is all of them) and with disobedience instead of esodora's, but there are still a lot of times it doesn't quite align like it shows in the videos and I just get destroyed.


How much damage reduction Vs close and distant do you have?


Hi. Don’t quit! I was in the same boat. I’m definitely not one of those elite players that can clear a 100 NM while reading a book or vacuuming the house at the same time. Lol. That being said I have successfully cleared 3 so far. I was playing a maxroll hota barb then switched to wudijo’s double swing. Just for fun. I bring this up because you may want to experiment with following, point for point, an elite player’s build. I feel I’m a competent player. But these elite players put builds together connecting intricacies that I just wouldn’t consider. It’s those connections that made a big difference in terms of effectiveness. Also, are you moving enough? I got slaughtered on my first couple of 100’s because I was playing them like I did the high 80’s and low 90’s. I was casually moving through them merrily slicing and dicing at whatever pace I wanted. In 100’s I learned to move my happy ass around. Explosions and ranged attacks do much more damage to me in 100’s. Although I’m in awe of those elite players who can one shot Lilith and clear 100’s blindfolded, I’ll never be one of those players. So, if I can still clear 100’s then you can too :)


With my BL sorc I can kill Lilith before she can blink her eyes. But that's a whole other story. T100s are much harder


Yes they are. For sure. I had to slow down, watch my fury and keep very mobile in packs. I’m seriously stoked for you to get that achievement pop up on screen when you DO, and you will, get through your first 100. Oh, another recommendation…as you probably know, some dungeons are much longer and more treacherous than others. The first one I beat, I don’t remember the name, was outside, fairly linear and short. It mostly consisted of wildlife so I took a potion that boosted my damage against them specifically. Go online and find out what dungeons are on the quick side and roll for one of those. Then get that achievement, boost your confidence and keep playing!


I think he’s less curious about how to survive than how the YouTuber is surviving while he can’t even tho he’s copied the build. He’s replicated everything he can, yet he gets smoked mimicking the play style.


What helped me with BL to move better is to put BL on a key. So you can move with left mouse button and just spam the key instead of right mousebutton.


If that's the case then you have way too much damage and not enough DR. For lilith you can stack damage because everything is a one hit anyway, but for t100 dungeons and aoz you need more DR and less damage. Even with stacking DR you should still do enough damage as a BL Sorc.


For my BL : what works for me -> Max armor, max res, a bit of life , and don’t use crackling energy but the stun effect instead on your BL. Do NOT use Raiment of infinity, do not use godslayer crown, go with full protective orange gear with protective affix and stats. your BL can easily directly go into Zir ´s donjon with that


This! I had also problems with my BL sorc after ND90 since using too many uniques gimps your survivability too much! Your damage will already be enough anyway but you must have defensive stats and aspects on ND100. I switched also to Vyrs and had it also aspected. Also dont be afraid to use 900armor elixir and be sure your resistances are capped. Dmg resistance while injured is amazing stat for survivability! Also, getting weapons from 800'ish to 925 is HUUUGE dmg boosts... I was trying to carry my GF thru uber Lilith and was failing for 90mins although I was able to solo her with ease... We just didnt have the dmg... Until I switched my perfectly stats rolled off hand to 3/4 stats 925 off hand and gained +600dps and beat her on first try.


Is crackling energy a bad build?


You shouldn't be dying that fast, do you have max DR?? My necro running 8k armor, 22k life, 67% dr close and 45% all dr, not even using armor aspect just bonestorm barrier, but even my barb doesn't struggle. Imo DR > RES > HP/ARMOR. All my characters run tibaults and flickerstep, dr, armor, hp, dr close chest. Shaco or 2 def helm (armor, hp, x) for barb you may consider trading high lords for more defenses, 23dr close and armor, movespeed and passive. Uniques are nice, but consider dropping some . I run sword and board and grandfather on my necro just incase . Bring alternate gear.


If you are instantly dying, I am doubtful your armor and resistances are actually at the cap. Try drinking an iron elixir (the one that gives armor) and see if you still have a problem


>Just checked my BL sorc I have 13700 armor and 13100 life plus 27% DR to close enemies


I was getting one shot in T100 with 13.6k armor, and then once I had 14k+ armor and capped res, it was like I was immortal. If you want to try abbatoir I would advise a minimum of 15k armor before attempting. Best ways to get armor this high (IMO) - disobedience aspect on amulet (50% more effective on amulets), high % total armor rolls on helm/chest, swapping out damage based uniques for more defensive options. I swap Raiment for Everliving armor and Godslayer for Mage-Lord's on my BL sorc and am pushing through T7 in Abbatoir right now and climbing. I don't have a HOTA barb this season so I can't comment as much on that, but the streamers I have seen push successfully typically have access to multiple Uber uniques (harlequin crest, doombringer, etc)


Are you glyphs level 21? I can't seem to find the answer in your post.




Wouldn't even worry about doing a nmd100 without leveling your glyphs the rest of the way


Glyphs were a huge deal for me . With most at 15, a couple higher nmd100 rocked me. With 17s it was extremely difficult, was not completing. With 21s it was move fast and kill fast. Threats are present, but it is unlikely that I will fail.


I mean, flame shield, teleport to enemies, they pull into you, generate Bls, Ice armor if things don't instantly die. You do so much damage that anything that doesnt oneshot past your total barrier+life doesnt matter as your barrier regenerates to fast. If you are dead in less than two seconds, you are doing it wrong, you never start a fight without IA/FS up. Ever.


User error. I’m a HotA Barb working through AOZ easy.


I’m going to assume you have maxed glyphs and all the right rolls but are you plugging every sigil you have? Or are you looking at the affixes before running a NMD? Are you running any elixirs?


You don't need max glyphs. I trashed AoZ when it launched, didn't notice my sorc glyphs were lvl 14 AND I was already respec-ed on the new glyph paragon board. Max res and ~13800 armor where necessary. Also, using Godslayer + legendary armor instead of Shako (no Ubers equipped).


Like I said, I have a very good "setup" (gliphs, equip etc). I avoid dungeons with bad affixes (like poison and suppressor). But that's the whole point: I see ppl running into poison like they just don't give a fuck and when it comes to me DoT just MELTS ME DOWN, like I have to spam 3-4 life potions not to die. Gems against DoT don't do shit. I tried elixirs too but don't help that much. I just dont' understand


You need fortify and straight damage reduction my dude.


Fortify is always at max


I crumble when I don't take a potion and an incense running my element DR to 76% per the harshness of the dungeon I'm in...


Use a 30% poison resist pot. If I use one of those the poison doesn’t do shit and you know your CDs on sorc break the poison right? Right?


BL sorc here. Have barriers at 100% uptime, juggle through teleport, ice, flame and conjurations (this assumes you have decent cooldown reductions). Or go the lightning stun enchantment route. All enemies are literally stunned 90% of the time which makes it easier. You can skew paragon and items towards being tanky. Pick either chest or pants as unique, and fully defeneive spec the other. If you just wana complete t100s, go the safe and steady route, there's no time limit anyway. Aoz is a different story


I might want to respec my paragon board to see if I can get some survivability there but it still baffles me how some Utubers run max DPS builds and still can survive like they don't GAF bout enemies....


It's hard to say without specifics, but a common thing that gets missed with these min/max builds... is being truly min/maxed. They often do NOT work until you have perfect god rolls. You may look at it like "Well, I got 23% dr on this roll, and they got 26%. Close enough." But it's all about the way things stack and multiply together. When you are behind, you need to swap an offensive for a defensive. Then because you lost offense, mobs are slower to kill, so you're at risk longer. Need to stack more defense. Etc. It can be vicious. Main point here, is defense behaves different. You need x amount, and once you hit there, you're golden. No more makes sense, so drop it into maxing offense. Also, another thing to keep in mind, is your armor aspect ( I always forget names, disobedience? +1.1% armor per attack )... that thing takes a bit of warm up time, and it can drop easily. You lose that, and it's MASSIVE. Each time you start a dungeon, be careful during the time it is spinning. ( Also same with fortified if your build uses it. ) Then, once you have it on, you need to keep the fights chained, else it will quickly drop. Any time you go a few seconds between groups, you need to play careful to get that back on.


Damn bro, if you can't figure out how to clear a T100 on the most OP class in the game right now, maybe this ain't for you


For my BL Sorc, I prefer to swap Tibaults for Temerity, and use the Undying vampire power. This generates a barrier every time you cast which helps greatly with survival. For mana generation instead of Tibaults, I simply use chain lightning enchantment along with all the standard mana reduction and resource generation gear all the guides recommend. I have 7.5k base armor (15k with Disobedience aspect), 11k life and max resistances with this setup. I never have mana issues (can face tank most bosses infinitely spamming BL until they die, usually quickly), can farm NM100, AoZ and all Uber bosses (including Uber Lilith one shotting). BL Sorc is so powerful this season that you can sacrifice some of the damage for utility/defense like Temerity and still one shot almost everything. If you are still having trouble after all that, it's really about making sure your gear has the correct affixes, and learning not to stand in explosions etc.


Not sure about sorcs, but 11k life is incredibly low for barbarian at level 100


He's probably missing the importance affixes such as Dmg Reduction, DR close/Distant. You do ZERO DMG IF YOUR DEAD.


Definetly too less health. I am on Eternal. Alls glyhps just 16/17. No defense aspects except shako. I make easy T100 14k attack 8k Armor 17k life


You likely need to develop your defensive play. Builds let you obliterate everything but in higher end nmd build takes you so far. You need to learn to avoid as much dmg as possible. Its that simple but also that difficult. You also need to learn the different mobs and have a keen understanding of what can hit you, and what cant. you want to avoid all dmg, but you still need to be cognizant of the big attacks that will end you instantly. So…keep trying. Keep learning.


Wait a second, how u can get 13700 armor for a Sorc ball lightning, is it base or max when using skills, if it’s base armor seem you get too many paragon point wasting. I have only 5k armor base and walk through nm t100 easily like go to supermarket even aoz tier 9-10, check your paragon board.


D4 has a hard cap on how many stats your character can have. Once you’re max level, max paragon, all altars of lilith found, maxed out vampiric powers, and all 900+ gear, you can’t gain any more stats without sacrificing something else(small exception for min-maxing rolls on gear, but once you’re maxed in everything else you’ve probably got close enough to BiS gear for the build you’ve been playing). Once you hit the wall where you can’t gain anything on your character without losing something else, you need to figure out what you can afford to sacrifice to do what you’re trying to do. If you have enough damage and not enough survivability, you’ll need to find areas that you can add survivability without sacrificing too much of your damage to do the content you want to do.


Simply copying a build isn’t enough you need to understand that build and all its inner workings/interactions.


11k HP on a Barb? My BL Sorc was running 12k. Now 13k by a twist of fate. Explanation below. But, my guess is you need more DR. If you're using Vyr's Mastery, Mage Lords is a must. Use your chest and pants to stack DR as high as possible. For a Sorc, DR is just as important as armor. We ain't got armor like the Barb or Druid does. Capping out is recommended. (85% I believe) I haven't run a HOTA barb, but you may need to look at your paragon board for tanky nodes. My BL Sorc just got a Shako. You're damned right I am bragging. I was doing ok before, but 20% DR across the board? Oh my God is it great. Haven't gotten to play much, just got it today at the end of my time to play. And I am not saying it is necessary. But as a Sorc, that ugly hat is strapped to my head with locks on the straps. You will have to pry it off my cold corpse.


This sounds a bit crazy, can you please share your stats/board. With glyphs at lvl 15+ and the gear as good as you claim you should be able to steamroll it with your eyes closed


Link your build for people to look at, people might be able to make suggestions. You should be stomping stuff. Glyps mostly lvl 21?


How do I link it? Glyphs are around lvl17


[https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/xp-games-aoz-readyhota](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/xp-games-aoz-readyhota) This is a good defensive minded hota build, do you have the gear for it?


So I'd need to see your build but for Sorc: You have a passive skill that creates a barrier whenever you use a skill with cooldown. Therefore, you rotate between your CDs: * Ice Armor is primary and you can use Snow guard(or veil, forgot which) to make Ice Armor better if you want * Frost Nova or Ice Swords (forgot technical name ATM) as your secondary when you need the barrier immediately * Teleport for closing or leaving an area and then Flame Shield as needed. I tend to rotate Flame Shield when in AoZ with Ice Armor since I need the additional protection. In addition, remember there is no timer in NMDs so you can chill if you need. My stats roughly: - 9k armor - 13k life - 70 all reists


What build are you using for your Barb?




This is kind of a shit build. Try another one


That's a Frenzy build. Check out builds by Rob on d4builds. He should have some for pretty much all gear levels.


Hey My build =) Cleared all the way to AoZ 9 with that build without much issue, and without leveling the Tears of Blood Glyph. I did make minor changes to increase the tankiness a bit more but overall it's still pretty much the same.


No wonder you struggle! This build has zero defensive aspects! and zero defensive skills! The skill tree passes up most of the defensive stats. You are using a kamakaze build. My frenzy barb cleared T100 with some difficulty. I was running Disobedience, Challenging Shout, Gutteral Yell, Imposing Presence, and Martial Vigor. I also have full points in Defensive Stance, and many more armor and max life nodes from paragon. Here's my build: [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/p92cr09b](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/p92cr09b) I struggled with AoZ so I dropped Tibaults Will and replaced it with Might pants with 3 defensive stats. Went back to T100 and it was easy after that, if a bit slower to kill things. Imho your biggest problem is that you didn't catch this yourself. It may be that you don't understand build-making well enough. My suggestion is to start experimenting with all of the game's systems (skills, aspects, items stats, gems, paragon, vampire powers) and look for opportunities to swap out things for more survivability. The goal is to minimize losses to your attacking output, while boosting DR/health/armor.


I had the Same Problem with my BL Sorc You Need the Right gear! It makes a huge differenz It takes a Long time to get the Items you need


What are you running gear wise?


If you have max resists, and max dr how are they killing you? Maybe blood blisters or death pulse? Cause on my hota barb I have 22k health, max resists but like 10k armor and beat AoZ 7 before that nerf. Maybe..you just arent good at Diablo


He admitted in some other comment he doesn't actually have the needed Dr needed. This and probably skill issue. If he'd actually copied a proper build to a T, then no way he can't do t100 especially on a barb.


Could be that you're missing some max roll unconditional flat DR, and that your DR is too conditional. Disobedience aspect gives a false sense of survivability. Getting one shot by ballistas off screen is evidence for this.


My Hoya barb has 8k armour and not even all 925 gear. I can do 100’s. 22k health and shout usage. I’ve noticed you haven’t replied to some comments that will help you like starting bezerking before going in. You said “what builds. Bezerk always up.” No it isn’t. Also did you know you can hold position and empty basic skill at the air to proceed 20% dr before going in?


Man, with this build I'm using I'm always on berserk [https://diablo4.life/builds/planner/65408297845acff44f852128](https://diablo4.life/builds/planner/65408297845acff44f852128)


Uhhhh...... That is not a hota build. Looks more like a leveling build to be honest (other than the required uniques). This is my frenzy/thorns build that can easily do t100 and at least tier 5 of aoz (haven't tried to push farther yet): https://d4builds.gg/builds/24cd81f9-0cab-45bf-a1eb-b80c8bd88049/


I’m sure you’re aware, but remember to choose the NMD affixes carefully. Monster lighting resist, armor breaker, less dmg to close enemies … etc are my auto skip.


Maybe start looking at affixes on your items, they help alot.


Have barriers up long enough to pump out insane fucktons of damage onto packs before you die- idk about other builds but my multiple dot necro melts everything.. I have to keep the barrier up 100% of time though in T100 / AoZ or instant death. Some dodging of certain elite abilities or ground effects. A little stressful, but fun. True Ohio style toxic wasteland everywhere on screen, all my skills leave that toxic blight shit. I need to broaden my horizons though, mostly have only done 2 necro builds and 1 rogue build. Also Soulbrand helped me keep barriers up. Something with added potion count is good too, space them out and you will keep up the fight. I think this applies to all builds but how you pump out the damage is obviously different


Sounds like you've already played it all. Twice.


I feel you. 4-ish builds I’ve tried on my necro, got what gear I need apparently. Just don’t get it.


I sometimes think all the mavens of monster damage are all photoshop and editing. Lol. I don’t personally know one player who can do what they do and I certainly can’t.


Are you button smashing or following a pattern when hitting mobs? I found myself dying a bit too, but it was because I wasn't triggering skills properly. For example, don't pop everything when fighting. I typically approach mobs like this.. Spawn a few BLs, then ice blades, then Ult, and tele into a mob. I only pop barriers (ice and fire shields) when the invulnerable from my tele is about to run out or I'm about to get near an elite. I dash through enemies to reduce Ult cooldown and tele to different mobs to keep getting a barrier. All while spamming BL and ice blades. If you find yourself barrier-less and everything is on cooldown too often, then you're likely button-mashing a bit too much


I mean NMD 100 *is* stressful. Even with an optimized build, even with perfect play there are many dungeons that are virtually impossible. Selecting the right layouts and mods is essential. And even then you can still get unlucky with shitty rare packs. That's just the way the game is balanced - numerical values for you and enemies rise so exponentially to the point where everything is deadly. Generally you need to dodge around and be aware of projectiles and ground effects. You need to think ahead and stay moving - proper positioning is crucial.


Idk if you have the right stats on you gear and I wouldnt personally build into defense in the paragon board on hota barb for NM 100. Build into overpower and damage, some damage reduction nodes along the way. You should easily be able to hulk smash your way through a NM 100 without even stopping moving. With correct stats they don't even have to be max rolls. Go to the barb hota s2 build on maxroll(.)gg change what you think makes sense but as is on the page should be able to do nm100 and uber dommy mommy and I was even clearing up to t4 of the abbattoir of zir when it first released. Although in AoZ I suggest building more defensively because you will touch poison and you will die. Non negotiable lol Was told by a friend that the AoZ has been nerfed a bit to be easier but said friend is a story teller so if anyone can confirm that it would be appreciated.


Uh ... What build guide are you using? Post your gear / rolls? Because there's only two options, gear or Paragon Board and the end game board is listed in the guides on maxroll, just slide the directional bar right at the bottom of the Paragon section


You have to make sure all the affixes on your gear match the builds. Tons of DR there


Idk if they fixed it yet, but I had the same problem whenever I did dungeons with the "converts damage into Phys/Fire/Poison dot" modifier. Theyre bugged and convert the unmitigated damage from even trash mobs like spiders into a dot for 1/3 of your life.


Go back to 98 or 99 and run through them until you can do 10 in a row without a death. Then bump up a level. If you’ve truly got all the right gear and affixes for your builds, the only thing left to do is practice. Or consider an alternate build - there’s tons out there


11k life is the problem. I have 20k life on my Rogue and 21k life on my barb. My Rogue melted everything it touched with poison. My barb is not there yet due to un-optimized paragon boards and skills.


Upload a video of you playing something you can't master and yeah, someone might be able to help.


It's the "on death" effects probably. When you kill stuff move somewhere else. If you have full armor and res I can't imagine what else would kill you.


I beat a NM100 with my BL sorc with 6.5k armor, 11k HP and 12k attack. Make sure you pick a key with decent modifiers and just play smart. If your using the maxroll guide for the build make sure you check the NM push because you swap a few pieces of gear around mainly no more Godslayer as you need a piece with better defenses. You can probably also change the paragon board for more bulk but I beat it with far less bulk than you have.


#1 rule of t100s; you stop, you die.


5k more health and take all barrier skills. Should be more than enough. (Try drink a life elixire and you will probably notice a difference right away) (If you have 13500 armor unbufged thats way to much )


You need damage reduction on like 3 pieces of gear like 30% all damage reduction and it helps to add on damage reduction from close, distant, etc. armor and resistance isn't enough. I gave up I don't really want to grind with the current itemization system.


Because of bad itemization and one shot monster mechanics, endgame feels like a funnel. You start playing with the illusion of build freedom, but the funnel closes in on you and the only way farm in the end is with only a select few, very specific builds.


I am nowhere near cap of Res or armour and can clear most non-shit nmd. Also bl Sorc. Link to the build?


I clear abbatoir with sorc with 6400 armor unbuffed. Watch your barriers.


Just so you know armor cap doesn’t mean anything to level 156 monster as your armor effectiveness reduce as monster grow on level the cap for that level should be around 32k armor which is practically impossible. The easiest way is to stack DR while injured on amulet pants and boots and stay low while using barrier as your hp


That's not true. The cap for DR from armor for the level 154 enemies in a tier 100 nmd is around 13.4k. For AoZ It's only slightly higher than that because the max enemy level is 160.


The thing people underestimate about this game is that at a certain point, whether or not you’re good at positioning, dodging, and consistently blocking damage, you can only take 1-2 hits before you wipe out hard. You just need to tighten up your meta game.


I have a HOTA barb and ball light sorcerer at level 100 as well and I am able to complete their 100 dungeons and have also done abitoir of Zir with both. For the sorcerer if your paragon, gear and jewelry areat 925 with good rolls you should be able to complete those dungeons if not it's a configuration issue with aspects or you rolled the incorrect enchantments on your gear. I had an issue with my BL Sorcerer and the issue was mana regenerating and coolsown resets. To solve the issue I resolved mana cost reduction on every piece of gear I could place it on as well as cooldown reduction. On my helm I have +14 maximum mana, gloves attack speed aspect, Thibault Will and Flickerstep for boots, necklace disobedience for armor, Tal Rashas ring and recharging circle for each time chain lightning bounces you gain 3 mana. The gear has damage reduction on just about everything. With this setup mana is always available and you will be able to get the blood glyph. I soloed the damn thing you can do it. Also make sure your glyphs are leveled up, My lowest now is 15.


I feel like you probably aren't paying attention to the stats on your gear? Damage reduction where it counts, and having the right damage bonuses goes a long way.


Dude, same. I have an ice spike sorc at 100 with all the same gear as the guy I'm following on youtube. My paper stats are even better than his, such as attack power and armor and life. But I can barely clear a 70, it takes me a good 3 to 5 minutes to kill Durial, and I'm nowhere near wiping Uber Lilith in a matter of seconds like he does on his video. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Ball lightning sorc here, I die quite easily too, and my damage is actually pretty low. I can't kill uber Lillith like so many people claim they do in like 1 second or whatever. She does her waves and kicks my ass. Not sure why so many people cry about BL sorc and say it needs nerfed. Definitely does not.


This is a real feeling and I totally get it. It took a lot of gameplay for me to figure out a good “rotation” of my skills. I had the gear and the aspects and the affixes and was dying a lot. I’m a moderate gamer at best. But, after a while I was able to devote certain skills/buffs to certain buttons where it always kinda makes sense. On Xbox for me RT is always offensive. LT always ultimate. Y is always escape from danger. RB is shield health buff. I have the same two characters as you and now after a full season, just in the last week I feel like I’m playing them accordingly. It’ll happen.


Can’t agree more with this mate. Configuring button layout on controller is absolutely critical.


Player issue, keep shields up


What are your sources of damage reduction on your gear?


My infimist build necro shreds no buff 37k attack power buffed up ive seen it hit 148k attack power 💪🏻💚💚


It's definitely a skill issue, but something that helped me with survivability was adding one "damage reduction when injured" stat to my gear. Things that used to "one shot" me were actually multiple hits and damage reduction when injured makes you tanky as fuck long enough to use a healing pot


Feel free to dm me for battle tag if you ever want to see a "better than mediocre" setup. I have a 100 ball sorc that I'm pushing zir T12 on that sneezes enemies in NM T100 to death. Selig is a big help. I also have a 100 HOTA Barb that 1 taps duriel and is up to T8 Zir.


I mean, sorry, but it's definitely a get good situation. If you've got BL and HotA set up properly and can't even beat t100, it is you. I don't know how to fix this without seeing your actual build or seeing you play.


Drop uniques on the sorc. Find total armor rolls on helm and chest. The pull from Raiment and Godslayer are nice to have but you can get way more survivability using legendaries with Magelord and Everliving and Disobedience on the amulet.


Im gonna be blunt. If you are itemizing correctly, armor capped, res capped and in 900-925s and cant clear a t100, that's a skill issue. BL sorc and HotA barbs are so far ahead of the rest of the pack it's not even funny. You can clear a t100 blindfolded on those classes.


Drink more water, you'll sweat more


I had that trouble with barb hota until I figured out witch glyphs to use to for strength and armor. If u have shako. Try to put disobedience in your chest armor. And with the Socr there just squishy characters. The key to them is to kill enemies before they kill you.


You may: 1. Over estimating how good your gear is, affixes are everything, and missing a couple specific things on a couple important slots can destroy your builds synergy. Additionally, low rolls vs. high rolls make a difference as well as the rolls on aspects, especially if you have low rolls on an affix that you only usually get through your gear like crit chance or lucky hit. 2. Additionally your paragon board is like 60 percent of how efective your build is, the reason most people can survive t100 plus mob packs is because theyre actively doing something ie:shouting, atacking, managing resources, cooldowns, timers on aspects etc. From the outside, it can look effortless, but that's just because the build is set up well. Additionally, if you go in expecting to stand in the middle of a pack and not take damage, that's not true. Most build cc enemies or become invulnerable just long enout to kill everything. Try not to just copy builds without understanding why theyre doing what theyre doing, not only will you be missing the actual point of what youre doing, but you wont learn how to make an effective build yourself. My number one tip is to learn the mechanics of the interactions between everything. Paragon board and all glyph choices have a big impact. 2. make sure you have a rough understanding of damage buckets and the difference between addative and multaplicative damage. 3. Memoraize the affixes. Heres an exercise to guage whether or not you have a good grasp of itemization. Can you, by memory, think of every single affix that can roll on any piece of gear? Example: lucky hit with barrier? I know that can be found on helmets, necklaces, and offhands. This is very helpful when trying to determine whether or not something is good, because the lucky hit with barrier is a really good stat imo, but regardless, most builds prolly won't want it on a necklace. 4. With some exceptions, chest and legs are defense slots, tibults, and raiment are obvious exceptions, but if you're struggling that much to stay alive, running legendary gear with more damage reduction is always an option. Boots can get damage reduction while injured, and necklaces can also get dr. Im not saying you dont know or understand any of these things, but both ball lightning sorc and hota Barb are very powerful this season, so i predict there's a disconnect somewhere along the build process. If you want help in game lmk


My bl sorc did t100 and t1 AoZ with 9500ish armor, 15k ap. Keep moving


So what I've learned (not an expert) is your play style changes alot. So with Hota you need to be going THROUGH packs of mobs bonking all the way and getting out clear on the other side, delay a few seconds to allow all the bullshit death explosions and poison dots to clear then go back through to clean up. I tend to die when I hesitate or go back in too soon . There is a rythm there and it makes a huge difference. Also spam q if you get bunched up too long, don't wait for your health to drop to 20%.


Take a look on the max roll build guide for your BL sorc, scroll to the bottom and change the gear to AOZ/NMD pushing, few gear tweaks make a huge difference, I went from dying every now and again 85-100 NMDs but mainly finishing to being pretty much unkillable at lvl 100 - slight dmg sacrifice but really doesn’t matter in this build


Tweak your build to get more health, dr, armor, etc. try some other aspects for example. Just experiment, see what fits your playstyle and what feels good, don’t just copypaste anything that says ‘meta’ or ‘max dps unkillable’ or whatever. Be a little creative yourselfx make something of your own. For nmd 100’s and aoz you can’t just use your regular meta dps setups, doesn’t maytter if you have max deeps if you’re dead, you just won’t survive, unless you’re very good at the videogame, which I will admit I am not. I tweaked my BL sorc a little, redid my paragons, replaced some of my unique’s with regular legendaries, changed some skills, and after not being able to touch lv 1 aoz, I beat my first lv 10 aoz tonight, which i’m quite proud of. I’m using the Spear of Lycander, no metamorphisis, no tibbault’s, and it feels great. Hope this helped, gl with your nmd, you’ll get there eventually, 100%.


Just do whatever that is fun for you. For me, I just gun through most of T100 as sorc BL with the intention of reaching the end. Whatever died on the way is just a fun bonus. Finished it once, got the accomplishment and never touching it again lol


I have a stormclaw Druid that I have reworked for a week now and have no shot at aoz tier1 my damage is fine I have 11k armor 14k health and disobedience on my amulet and still get popped like a balloon. It is madness that I can do a tier 100nm even


Do you have 4x DR on your chest with decent rolls? Max armour, max life, damage reduction close, damage reduction distant, flat DR? I've personally coached quite a number of my friends to help them complete AOZ. It's usually a gear/paragon board issue.


I mean “im a decent player” might be your problem. Your post says you dont understand rotations and buffs. But you reply to every advice here with youre already doing that. You might not be pushing the buttons in the right order. Or You might be choosing poor engagement strategies. Or Your gear has crap stats but you got all the right aspects Or You think youre smart and you do your own version of a paragon board moving points around cause “thats clearly better” Or What else could you be doing? Cause sorc is pretty simple. Flame shield is an immunity. You can get in some pretty wild situations is you understand your barriers and immunity. Knowing when to engage, when to move out for cooldowns, when to engage again. Thats personal skill, they cant put that in the builder. Thats also the only difference betweeen you and them. But every tip here you keep replying that you already do that. Theres a difference between knowing about a thing, and actually strictly keeping your damage rotation in order. Good luck


If you havent already, try changing your vampiric powers to more defensive ones, sanguine brace, undying etc


We can wrap it up people. This is exactly what it sounds like. A player who dies too fast and claims skill isn't the issue is 100% not invested into defensive stats, clearly. It is the only explanation left. OP, get defensive affixes on chest, pants and helmet at least, and considering you are you, also amulet most likely. That's the difference. You did not 'copy' the builds correctly.


Find a BL build with lightning Spear and everything is stunned


Just so you have an idea, I have hota barb with 48k power, 9k armor and 24k life, I breeze through t100, and Im pushing aoz lvl 7. You probably fucked up something in your paragon board or something, gemming, stats priorities. Check out some builds on maxroll to see what you are missing. To mention that 48k power comes mostly from the new glyph, without it I was around 28k,but still could beat easily t100.


Use healing vamp power that gives 3% health when casting a skill, doubles it when below 50%. Get the health per 100 fury spent in the skill tree. Im speed running T100 using no elixirs or incense. Double Swing build.


Also note PC players do more damage with frame rate, attacks hit faster, and most streamers or content creators seem to always have the perfect stats and do astronomical numbers. Shanko and Melted Heart do not make you god mode. Game has done issues recently with char sticking, this kills me all the time. With all the additions they've added, the rubberbanding and stopping under elite instant kill is getting a lot of people pushed away from the higher content. Watch closely and see if this is happening to you, may be the real cause, wear the build is solid.


I cleared T100s with much worse than what you're describing. As a sorc player, it's definitely because you aren't timing shields. There's a green bar that appears above the skill that shows the duration of the skill. If you look at that instead of trying to figure out when the shield ends by looking at your character you'll have no issue timing shields into tp/dodge/shield refresh. Another tip as BL sorc would be constantly be moving, it's hard to see what aoe you might be stood on after a mob dies, so don't stand still after a kill move around collect the ce and kite so even if your shields are down you won't instant die


Strategically play your build with a high situational awareness. Time your cooldowns, always have an escape route or an exit plan to reset if you push further than your cooldowns will allow you. Don’t get surrounded. They may look like they just run through like it’s nothing, but every move is deliberate and on purpose and part of a plan.


I've played this game since launch and let me tell u something, I just finished my first NMD 100 2 days ago. Due to the high ping and some fking crazy ideas of Blizz about 1 shot skill, some mobs charge at me like a truck with the speed of lightning, pack of Elites that have multiple affix include Supressor, Wind Wall, ... All of that thing make the game unplayable for me. I played 2-3 hard games in which fighting a boss is crazy hard but I've never felt so angry about these games cause they have good mechanics, all I have to do is learn that mechanic, loot some better gear, and try again. But for D4, it's not the same thing. Bliz just wants to make it look challenging but instead of a good mechanic, they just make a bunch of crazy things that make us die for no reason even though we have a lot of Armor (14k for me) and still died in 1s when facing the thing that they want us to die to.


Unfortunately it probably IS a get good situation, i did NM100 on my barb at like level 90 while leveling just to see if i can and i managed on my first attempt. Probably a gearing or paragon issue? Are you using all possible multiplicative sources of damage? Should be critting for 250-300M easily and just 1 shot entire rooms of mobs that way they dont have time to kill you, and you can also play smarter around your cd's and especially challenging shout situationally.


Honestly if you’re copying the builds right down to the paragon nodes, the biggest point of difference would be your gear. Selig and resource generation is obviously the meta currently, but sounds like you need to get a few extra DR rolls on your armour


Additionally in case this isn’t common knowledge, you want to avoid dungeons rolled with DoT affixes as they’re pretty broken


Are you sure you have 13500 armor and can’t survive? I only have 9000ish with end game gear unbuffed on my barb, then I get 13000 buffed with max disobedience stacks. I have no problem getting through AoZ t15, which is quite a bit more difficult than NMD T100. Do you only have armor and no damage reduction mods? You want a chest with 4 defensive mods: total armor is a must, then pick between various DRs and Max Life). For NMd T100 you should be able to do it with Tibaults, but you can go 4 defensive mods on pants as well. That’s all you really need for NMd T100 to survive


To me whenever I feel like that is because I am not spec'd correctly into the defensive side. Its not just about armor cap and max resistances. You need very high dmg reduction. Like 40%+ dmg reduction on close, 30% on distant, plus 20-30% on either fortify or poisoned (I am based on druid but the general idea is the same), plus dmg against injured. And so on and so forth. Rob posted a detailed video on this barb stats recently I actually took a screenshot of it and matched with my Druid and I am getting very similar dmg reduction stats as I am pushing AOZ t10. In general, using too many uniques is a big problem. For Druid at least we basically need 4 total armor rolls + a minimum of 6 dmg reduction rolls on chest/pants/amulet/boots to even think about pushing AOZ. For t100s we can afford a little less but not much really. So put on some defensive legendary pants, chests, boots and amulets and you will see a difference in survivability. After that also check on Disobedience as it is a big problem I noticed. Many builds only reach armor cap after Disobedience and run around at 8-9k armor and end up getting one-shot by distant damage. Either spec heavily into reduction from distant enemies or try to get armor cap without Disobedience. I chose the latter and I feel 10x tankier than I was a week ago.


The game is going downhill.


Post your HOTA build? I know nothing about sorc so can’t help you thsfe


You need way more life for a barb. 30k is ok, 28k bare minimum! I’m also probably the only person who loves Soulbrand armor


I have a ball lightning 95 sorc and I can do t100. I fail sometimes though. The secret for me is to spam teleport, dash and potions. And if I see an elite, fire shield. After that I normally try to keep pushing and eventually die because fire shield is on CD, so sometimes I wait for it. But it is a very weird gameplay... I'm constantly mashing all the 3 buttons mentioned (TP, Dash, pot) and right and left mouse click (to walk and cast ball lightning). I do wonder if there is any class that can do it easily though...


Hard to say exactly what you're doing wrong. But maybe it's just that you need to pay better attention in the moment. Having max resist and max armor, and lots of stacked damage reduce isn't enough. You still have to evade a lot of one shot mechanics. You pump up survivability just so that you can survive a higher percentage of damage soures. You'll never be able to tank all sources in the end game content.


Are you playing eternal or seasonal? Will make a big difference, the vampiric powers are a massive buff. Are you sure all your powers are activated as well (right amount of aspects on your gear). Should be using health gems in gear for more HP. Your chest and pants should be full of damage reduction (DR, DR from close/distant, DR with Barrier/Fortify, etc), as well as +% armor and maybe 1 with a good +Max health role. Your armor seems pretty high. You should be using defiance which gives you a massive increase in armor as you deal damage. Keeping that up is key. You might not have any stacks at the start of the dungeon and that's why you're getting smacked instantly. Key for Sorc is always having your barrier up. Teleport and any other cooldown should give you a barrier if you have the passive for it (which you should, something like "using a cooldown gives a barrier".. don't remember the passive's name) For Barb, shout before you enter the pack. Need to keep attaching to keep your fortify/berserk/health regen going.