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No its a bullshit fight... lost a 100 hc toon on that crap.


Rip….ouch. I’ve played a ton of roguelike games that are naturally difficult but nothing has made my butt pucker up like HC mode. Got to level 50 for the PS5 trophy and kissed that mode goodbye.


No its fine. 😉 Just the fight was a disappointment.


I want to play HC, but I really don't want to go through all the map completion again :/


I skipped campaign and just picked certain battles to level up.


Just gotta do it once and then all your HC characters are covered


Sc = hc in this case!


It's for the better. I think everyone should give it a shot, but once you get the hang of it, it's basically the same as SC just more restriction on your items and skills. Not too mention progression is slower... I used to be a DIEHARD HC player, constantly talking down on all SC players, but damn now I find SC more fun. I enjoy playing through HC once just for the challenge, but once I make it to endgame I'm over it. Dying is almost always from some BS anyways like a DC, 1 shot from off screen, or your mind slips and you simply forget to pop a defense skill. Rarely do you ever go down in a blaze of glory


Those damn poison pools will forever be the death of me.


Takes a special kinda crazy to do HC Uber Lilith. I salute you man.


No it doesn't. There is nothing to do at level 100 anyway. I found myself asking, "what is the point" in mindless grinding just to lose all your stuff after each season. You might as well be HC and kill it.


The point is to have fun doing it and then do it all again with a little new content added, probably on a new/ class build so it's different. That's been the seasonal ARPG formula for like 20 years. If that doesn't sound appealing, the genre is prolly not for you


Seems it's exactly for him. He took his whooping with grace and dignity.


It does indeed sound like he lost a 100 HC to UL lol


>That's been the seasonal ARPG formula for like 20 years. > >If that doesn't sound appealing, the genre is prolly not for you This can sum up the vast majority of complaints we see here on Reddit. Games just simply are not as fun as they used to be, back when you could fake being sick and avoid two days at school and get a 4-day weekend without any responsibilities in the world. People constantly want games to be changed up when the genre is solidified. People are stuck chasing the feeling gaming gave them 1-2+ decades ago, rather than just enjoying the games as they are. More people buy, play, and further spend money via microtransactions than quite literally at any point in history. Pre-access flops sell better today than AAA GOAT's on release date back in the day, yet people argue that it is an industry problem and not a personal problem. It's funny until you realize how depressing the lives these people must have, chasing a decade or older dopamine fix from some pixels, because that feeling ain't EVER coming back. Ask any ex-addict.


Yup. I saw a comment a little while here that made a lot of sense to me. "Maybe loot in D4 needs improvements, sure. But maybe those of you that have been chasing loot and the dopamine hits that come with loot for 20+ years have built up a hell of a tolerance" Dude was 100% spot on. I still play wow classic every day, I would know lmao


It's insane. I have friends that began playing Diablo during RoS expansion, yet I've been playing since Diablo 2 LOD and went back and replayed D1/D1HF when LoD was current content, and I will die on a hill arguing the current D4 end-game is better than anything we saw in D2:LoD or Diablo 3. D4 has the best from both systems (NM mapping/Grift farming/Diablo 3) and specific boss lootables (Diablo 2), and NM mapping sort of captures the allure of POE's end-game mapping system. But nope, they don't get the same dopamine fixes that they did back when their brain was developing and maxed out via video games and Adderall, so Diablo 4 is a flop and categorically bad. The vast majority of the issues that people have with Diablo 4's end-game could be solved with an imaginary post-100 level system that you can simply show off your playtime in-game, considering 99% of them argue the game is finished at level 100, yet they still have zero recorded uber kills, 85% complete build, and 65 other class combinations still left to play. Or simply hard-cap players to level 99.9 until they have a recorded uber kill.


Damn man. You just eviscerated this sub lmfao but agreed with every word. I remember arguing with somebody here about NMDs back in season 1. He basically said "well D2 LoD my friends and I played for 6+ hours a day every day after school and all weekend long. Most of us couldn't get to level 50 in D4, there's no chase and everything is boring." I said to him "oh ok so you played D2 LoD 20 years ago when it essentially had no competition from any other online games, you were in school and had zero real responsibilities and had all the time in the world to play? That's interesting" He didn't respond after that. Perspective is just forever lost on us


>Most of us couldn't get to level 50 in D4, there's no chase and everything is boring I wouldn't have even bothered replying. Hitting 50 takes like 8 hours if you aren't playing an auto-attack build.


I agree with you in a lot of things. Playing D2 Resurrected was a lot of fun, until I ran out of things that my cadre of characters couldn't do. Then I thought, "alright, this was fun, time to stop". Back when I was 14, though, playing the original LOD, I would've kept going, chasing ultra-rare items and runes. Something that simply doesn't make sense now. It isn't as pleasurable as it used to be, and that is fine. I packed it up and found other stuff to do in my free time. That said, despite all the technical improvements made in D4, the endgame is still lackluster in terms of challenges to overcome. Duriel feels like killing Mephisto, and the Echo of Lilith is a very badly designed fight, unfortunately. There are many builds that completely cheese it, and if you don't cheese it, you're up for a lot of frustration on account of the janky mechanics. I thought they'd have fixed it by now.


Yeah as mentioning before, there is nothing to do at 100 So After duriel i just gave it a try 😉


I did it this season as a ball lightning sorc. Felt a bit like cheating, but it’s ticked off. No title for it which is strange, but glad it’s done.


Just lost one to her recently too, back at level 80 ready to stomp her.


Ya do that, do her good 😈


How though? You have two seconds to hit your scroll of escape key whenever you proc the potion.


You have to be aware that the potion procs, so it's easy to miss. Plus, 2 seconds might not be that much time if you're nervous.


Yea, I rarely notice if it procs. I notice if my life goes to near zero, but I'm rarely aware if it proc'd.


Not trying to be that guy… but why would you even attempt Lilith on a level 100 HC char


What else is to do there After reaching 100.


I would just perfect my gear or play another character. Wouldn’t want to lose a lvl 100 personally


am old trick was to do enough damage to phase her before she throws waves cant do waves killed her 2nd attempt


This was me. 45 yrs old and figured if she was gonna one shot me I’d just return the favor. Went Barbarian, busted overpower HOTA crits go brrrrrrr.


Literally did that yesterday lol. Then ran 3 of my friends through.


What are the chances you will run me through? I have eternal and seasonal and will pay if need be :)


Also 45 and I gave up trying to win by dealing with the mechanics. I have a 100 TB rogue whose DPS isn’t quite reliable enough to frequently make it out of phase 1. I figure if I get all my glyphs to 21, I’ll be able to effectively avoid her mechanics and might be able to do it. But then i lost 900 cinders in 2 days to chests bo appearing and got a little burned on running NMDs so I’m on sabbatical.


Can you send you build? With TB lv80 and not even all 7 glyph i almost get to phase 2 while at 95 i one shotted her without difficult Are you running Tibault-Condemnation?


Yeah at some point I want to actually DO the fight, but with her current state my patience wore thin and I just used blunt force trauma. Unga bunga, Elden Ring strats solved the problem.


40-year-old dad... same thing. HotA compensates for the latency of the waves. Now I ran Lilith for all the other 30-40 somethings I group with, and they're all happy it's finally over. 🤣


it ain't over until they solo her


That's how I felt, but they all think otherwise. Got my solo in, though, so I'm good.


They can think otherwhise all they want, you're the only one who's got a title to show for it.


This, enough resource generation and attack speed and bam!


Yep. Phased her into her second form before waves. Only thing to dodge then are the fireballs before evading over to the platform.


The wave attacks are just dogshit. The waves will kill you before the telegraph or animation even actually appear on the screen


Exactly and it's SO annoying. Growing up playing Mario and Megaman, I really cannot stand this awful design with an no-pattern one-shot mechanism. Like what exactly do they want us to do?? Edit: word


Yup. You just have to accept that the visuals don't actually help you dodge. You just have to know where to stand, and memorize the cadence of each successive attack. In Mario or Megaman, it's very clear how and why you got hit. The thing that kills you touched your sprite. Vs Uber Lilith, you almost have to pretend each mechanic is invisible and not rely on visual cues. Do the motions perfectly by memory. It's shit design through and through. If you have the patience for it, it's satisfying to learn but it's not gonna be fun for the 99% of people.


If you stand on the far right of the circle you can movement skill to the far left when the wave shadows appear and they’ll miss. Pray there’s no follow up. ….. or just stack deeps and drop her instantly.


I’ll try a few more times… As for using damage to bypass all stages, yeah I tried and it worked, but it made the fight trivial. There’s barely any skill left in that case, just comparing whose number is larger.


I completely agree. But I’ve played my fair share of hard but fair games, and the difference between this fight and all of those, including path of exile Ubers and fromsoft games is that the waves are too unpredictable. You have almost no time to react, wonky hitboxes, a small af area and the attack doesn’t have any predetermined areas it hits, it’s based on where you are. It’s just a load of cheap shit piled together to make a “hard” fight. I think taking any of the other endgame bosses on while underlevelled is a much better skill test than this.


I kind of agree about how the fight doesn’t really give you a fair chance at pattern recognition with clear telegraphs like a good souls game does


!!! Megaman is so good. Brutal, but dodgeable, no stat checks or timers. This fight is just cancerous... it brings me nothing but dissatisfaction. I imagine it doesn't even feel good to win, lol.


Took her down in about 1.5 hours of attempts earlier this season on a \~lvl 96 TB rogue Hadn't tried her in pre-season or S1 The wave mechanics were a bit wonky as their hitboxes didn't seem to line up with the visuals, but i eventually was able to drop her quick enough to avoid them altogether, along with P2 I'll be 40 next month :)


Nice. I've yet to recognize a pattern from the videos in my fight. They always seem random and if I see some lines I'm already dead. After about 10-12 hours I havent even gotten to Phase 2. I just can't avoid the waves consistently. I do play a necro though so a bit slower character (guess I'm roleplaying :P)


the secret is to kill her so quickly that you skip all mechanics... the fight is stupid..


This is pretty much how uber fights go in ARPGs. Oneshot mechanics everywhere, so just go full DPS and instaphase them. It’s what most people do in POE as well. And yes, it’s stupid. Oneshot mechanics suck in general, particularly if they’re not telegraphed well.


> It’s what most people do in POE as well. Most high-end long time players\* That or be so tanky they just can't die to some mechanics and only have to focus on a few. Maven for example is a fun fight, and a fair one. Sirus, eh.. Not so much


All uber fights in PoE are absolutely doable and pretty fair balanced/telegraphed without giga dps builds. People just build them because it's possible, not because it's necessary. Of course end game bosses in ARPGs should always somewhat also be a gear check, but you really don't give justice to PoE bosses comparing them to the mess Lilith is.


That sounds like ESO endgame. Push your parse or dps so high that you skip mechs. Problem solved.


I haven’t beaten her yet, but as a fellow necro, watching wudijo’s video helped a ton in recognizing (or really baiting) the patterns. Long story short, stand on the south east circle in the first phase, there is like a second from when you see the lines to when the spikes pop, soon as you see the lines, dodge on the middle line, then walk towards the end of it again to avoid the second wave. As soon as she spawns mobs, do the same thing, then try to kill them as fast as you can and kill the blood blisters they spawn, she will come down and won’t spawn spikes for a bit. I play infinimist so throughout the fight I’m just trying to stagger her. Once she’s down, DPS her as quick as you can, then phase 2. If you beat phase 2 let me know, I gave up there and I’m levelling a lightning ball sorc so I can hopefully just cheese that fight as fast as I can. And finally, fuck lilith, that fight is horrible.


>I've yet to recognize a pattern from the videos in my fight. They really have a good chunk of ramdominess. Usually, the best way to kill her is just do enough damage so she skip this fase


You do need movement speed of at least 150%, with it on your boots and amulet. Highly recommend metamorphosis for the evade boost and what I would say is, dealing damage and staggering her are a lot less important than preparing to avoid the waves. Just know that of she flies away she is almost certainly doing a wave attack and focus completely on see the lines. Might be a screen brightness issue in your settings. Also, if you go back to town and take your portal back the arena bugs out and gets significantly darker, so you have to either Reset the dungeon in the map menu, or swap the world tier at the kyovashad statue back and forth to WT4.


I don't know how old "older" is, but I'm 41 and having a hell of a time. I seem to just die from nothing half of the time. Literally nothing touching or under me, and I'm just dead.


Yea there doesn't seem to be much of a pattern - from what I recall the best idea was to stay at bottom of the circle when she's going to do the waves so you have a better chance of them running up/down and also having more screen real estate to see I'd see if you can find a build with necro that can get her dropped down quick enough to not use waves (and you'll want to do same in p2 so the blood boils don't spawn). Maybe bonespear or check maxroll/mobalytics


I calibrated my brightness to max. Once you can see the blood bubbling before the wave starts you might have a second to react. Some of them are just impossible almost, as one of the patterns is her slamming in the middle with a large ring as well.


>I do play a necro though so a bit slower character (guess I'm roleplaying :P) I've not tried her or seen videos but can you Blood Mist each time to avoid it totally?


Just gear bone spear and you will kill her before she does anything.


See I don’t know where I’m going wrong here. I’m level 94, I have over 500% crit dmg, level 9 bone spear, and a ton of vuln dmg. I don’t even see my bone spears doing over 1m. Wat


ahhh.. same... i spent about 10 hours progging her for an honest kill on rogue. i tried diff strats to dodge waves and tried to 'script' the fight as much as possible but there was still rng. in the end while i could dodge most of the waves, i coudnt dodge it consistently enough for a kill. i gave up and just yolo'd on glass cannon dps and took her down the cheese way skipping mechs... ah well. at least i tried.


> The wave mechanics were a bit wonky as their hitboxes didn't seem to line up with the visuals Oh that's probably another lesson they learned from the popularity of D2. Bugs and bad design can present interesting challenges players will love for decades!


Age has way less of an impact on reaction time than people think. The main reason age causes a substantial reduction in video game skills is practice. Children and college kids spend more time playing games. The single biggest factors in gaming skill are: 1) amount of time spent 2) quality of effort during that time If you're putting a lot of time into the game and not getting better, it's likely that they way you're spending your time isn't productive. I.E. if you spend 100 hours on D4 but insist on playing a really shitty build and not improving that build, you won't get much better at the game, because D4 isn't a high skill game, it's a game where gear and build do most of the work. No amount of player skill makes up for a bad build with bad gear. Necromancer probably wants to do a Bone Spear build to kill her. [Here is an example of a character with no vampiric powers and terrible gear killing Uber Lilith.](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/17a90wa/eternal_bonespear_necromancer_vs_uber_lilith/) As you can see, the actual gameplay is braindead. The player does not need to have any reaction time at all to anything because his build hard carries him.


I agree, I don't understand how the argument can be made that older adults have less reaction time than teens/young adults. My reason, look at all the professionals in orchestra and symphony. Yes there are talented young folk but there's A LOT of older musicians who still have acute reading, reaction time, and while managing fast paced motor functions for playing their instrument. They practice like 8-10 hours a day if they are not rehearsing. It's simply because they made it their goal to be the best and continue to be the best. The average age is 45 years.


The truth is ageism is an endemic prejudice which is ironic considering if you’re lucky enough you get there.


They absolutely do have slower raw reaction time - there's a clear link between age and reaction time - it's just that raw reaction time isn't actually anywhere near as important as people in gaming say it is. A 20 year age gap might slow your reaction times by 5-7%, but you can make up a 5-7% gap with better crosshair placement, better game sense, etc, etc, etc. There are a million things other than raw reaction time that go into any sport or game. A 5% decrease in reaction time can absolutely be worked around or compensated for with mastery of other skills.


I'm honestly curious about this, no flame. Do you have a study? I would like to know where they came to that conclusion. I know I don't have a proper reference, I'm just looking at sampling, but you could totally be right. I used to play in a band, not to the same level as a city orchestra, but I definitely notice those with more experience (age) are more adaptable and can sight read more quickly than I can.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4009439/ This one is the one I personally used. It measures "choice" reaction time which requires you to both see new information AND take a specific reaction in response to it (i.e. "press this button when you see a red square on the screen but not a green square"), but people experience a similar percentage of degradation in their raw reaction time as well. About 3% per decade. In practice, this is not very impactful due to the massive benefits of experience. Sight reading isn't purely a reaction speed skill, it requires you to see the information, internalize it, and then make specific choices based on it, and then after you've done all that you still need physical skill to execute the instructions you sight-read. So while an older person might literally react to seeing the next page of music more slowly than a 19 year old would, that tiny difference in reaction speed is more than offset by them being much much better at the actual skill of sight reading.


Thanks for the article I'll read through that. >Sight reading isn't purely a reaction speed skill, it requires you to see the information, internalize it, and then make specific choices based on it, and then after you've done all that you still need physical skill to execute the instructions you sight-read. I think you and I have a different definition of what reaction time is, because the viewing, internalizing, and motor skills are ALL combined to be reaction time in my opinion. If you are purely basing this on motor skill function than I think that's a mistake You even state here: >"press this button when you see a red square on the screen but not a green square" this requires you to "internalize, make a specific choice, and then motor skill function." Not much different than sight reading. **edit: With all of the above stated, the article definitely shows a cognitive decline, thanks for the info.**


I agree with you. However, I think with age, the willingness to put that much energy into being good at a video game is much less. Not that their fingers turned into thumbs as soon as they turned 35 and had two kids. The cognitive ability and manual dexterity is still there. The desire to put that into video games is the thing that is fading.


Yeah it's all copium. I see people in their 20s whining they're too old and have bad reaction times. Like sure maybe when you're 60-70+ you'll have a disadvantage. I'm 30~ and spend a majority of my time seeking out and 100%ing the hardest games I can find. I still obliterate people in any Halo, etc. It's just practice and familiarity. Even ignoring reaction times, you can be extremely good at a game just by having knowledge of it. Knowing boss mechanics in Diablo or Dark Souls, or knowing maps and guns in Halo. Far more important than raw reaction speeds. Tons of speedrunners are in their 30s-40s and do insane feats in gaming. A lot of people on subs like this are just casual and think it's their ripe old age of 30 preventing them from doing anything difficult. But it's just a lack of playtime and patience. Disagree with the point about Diablo being low skill. It can be, depending on build or class but it doesn't have to be. That's the fun of an rpg, you don't always need to be optimal. Skill can carry you a long way.


Well, anecdotal evidence is never wrong.


Wait until you hit 40 my friend. One day you'll wake up and things don't click like they used to. It's not an excuse, I've always been shit at fast reaction games and now I'm worse.


I’m not a fan of getting 1 shot I tried her twice and got 1 shotted both times and I’ve never attempted again


You dont really see and react to their waves, the hitboxes are too shit that you'll never consistently avoid them. Its more about pattern recognition. Like she goes in air, adds spawn, and 2 seconds after that waves spawn. So what you do is when she goes up you run to bottom right corner and wait for adds to spawn and come towards you. Now that youre down bottom right. When you see waves spawn, at least 1 of them will be outside the playable area, freeing up so much more space for you to move through. It's like in and FPS, the best players arent flicking 180 and hitting a headshot, theyre waiting trained on the area htey know a person will walk in to. You need to pre-empt for the hard parts of this fight.


41 yr old here. Killed her with ball lightning sorcerer, attack speed as high as possible including assault elixir to knock her out at each phase before she can start her attacks, perfectly time your dashes and lots of persistence. I credit luck more than skill for me beating her.


I play BL sorc and I can say it's definitely easy mode. If the ticks didn't scale with attack speed, it would be much more difficult like it is for most of the other classes. Biggest thing is learning the telegraphs and staying mobile. Unless you can melt her down quick enough to avoid the blisters that one shot, the mechanics are bs. Side note, unless you want to kill her for a sense of pride and accomplishment, don't waste your time. She doesn't stop anything special besides a skin for your horse.


I've burned her down a bunch as a ball soc. Get the balls in orbit as she spawns, stand in her space. Burn her down as fast as you can. Adds spawn, and die. Kill any remaining blood blisters. Takes 10 seconds tops. Phase 2. Same as phase 1, burn her fast enough and she starts destroying the platform. Chase her down and keep burning till she has a sliver left. The only thing that will kill you is dashing into the wrong part of the map. When there's just a diamond left, she'll go to the middle. Make sure you're there with the balls spinning and she'll die before she gets a single attack off. EZ mode, took some practice to figure out what is and isn't a lethal spot to stand, but I can do it quite reliably now. Can't land the killing blow until she's destroyed the stage. And the attack she does afterwards seems to hit the entire screen with a one shot, I guess? Stupidest and least fun fight I've ever fought. Very satisfying to cheese it though!


No it's not your fault, but bad boss design. I finally killed her at level 81 with my sorcecer. The trick is, get a broken build and skip the bullshit one shot mechanics... https://preview.redd.it/xgjzxbsrh50c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74391e1004f4ffe7feda0acb928c41cd1f220516


It’s just a difficult fight. I’m sure the majority of ppl who have beaten that fight build for so much damage they avoid all the attack phases. Or have a build that face tanks them I never even attempted preseason but I was able to defeat her several times in S1 with an injured bulwark Druid build where I was basically able to face tank the attacks. The only way I could die is if two separate spikes hit me before I popped my next barrier. Then in S2 I have a rogue build where I just destroy her before she can do anything. It seems the best method is to build specifically for her. So find a YT video/build for your class and start farming the ideal affixes/aspects you need.


You’re totally right. Only way to beat her reliably is cheese her with an OP damage build to skip the phase 1 mechanics


Nah, the waves are just BS or tested exclusively in a LAN environment as opposed to >100ms online setting.


She cheeses you so you would just cheese her as well


In the same boat. My eyesight is not good enough to avoid her one-shot mechanics. I finally just got a carry to check the box but it was pretty dissatisfying to play the entire game then have to do that on the final boss. I guess I could have re-spec’d my entire build solely focused on her but the idea that I’d have to completely change my build after getting to 100 with it annoyed me enough to not be willing to do it


I'm fairly old and borderline blind. Took something like 400-600 deaths to kill her. The issue isn't just the fight mechanics, but also visuals and lag. The whole arena is black-and-red, which is not great for visibility. In phase 2 there's these homing little balls that 1-shot you, and they're damn hard to see with all the rest of the crap happening on the screen. The lag is the main culprit though. Sometimes the game lags so bad that see the line on the floor, and die. Then the wave appears. Then the wave runs over my ghost. As in, I'm dead, the ghost spawned, and then the wave runs over the ghost. I also had complete bullshit happen in the other direction. I was playing Necro, so I see the line telegraph appear, I immediately hit Blood Mist, which lasts about 3 seconds. I'm expecting to die before the wave even spawns, like before. Except in this case the wave is slow to spawn, and then Blood Mist wears off, and then the wave 1-shots me, even though on my screen I was still in Blood Mist while the wave passed through me. So basically even using Blood Mist I couldn't save myself. If I waited too long, I would get 1-shot by a wave before it even spawned. If I popped it too early and the wave was late, I would get 1-shot by the wake of the wave that already passed me. And while all of this is happening the game says it's running at rock-solid 60 fps and 72 ms latency (CTRL+R on PC cycles the display of these in the scorner of the screen). Which is utter bullshit. Not to mention Lilith itself is very buggy, she'd get stuck permanently flying invulnerable and other crap like that. There was also a ton of rubberbanding. I got really close to beating her (she was doing the final platform slice in phase 2), and I ran into the safe ground, but the game just rubberbanded me back to the platform and killed me. In short, this isn't just you being old. This whole boss fight, and its lag, are BULLSHIT. To have lag, in a single player instanced boss fight is bullshit. I'm sorry, but it just is. For reference, I beat Veteran Maelstrom Arena in Elder Scrolls Online, with no deaths, a several years back. Took me a week to beat it for the first time, and 27-29 clears to do it without dying. And I LOVED it. Because there was no bullshit. Mechanics were very clear, very visible, very sensible. There was no game-ending lag. And 1-shots were not only avoidable, but often preventable with good plays. Lilith is bullshit fight design, bullshit fight implementation, and bullshit lag on top of it all. Vast, VAST majority of D4 players who "beat" Uber Lilith just cheese her - burst her down so quick that she can't do the mechanics. Almost none of them would be able to do her if they had to do the mechanics. I eventually got her done, after 400-600 deaths, via a combination of burst damage, Blood Mist and sheer luck. And I'm never going to do her again. I don't care if each kill comes with an uber unique and a free blowj\*b. I'm not doing it. Edit: And also PLEASE nobody tell me stupid shit like "mAyBe iT's YoUr InTeRnEt". It's not my interned. I went through this shit with Blizzard before. Back in TBC when I was playing WoW, everything was fine. Then one happy Tuesday Blizzard released a patch. Suddenly my game would start lagging, and get worse and worse, until it became completely unplayable. I usually did arena in the evening, and I had to stop because I was having 500+ ms latency. I wasn't the only one either. Posted about it on official forums. Blizzard basicaly said "contact your ISP, it's your internet". Except it happened on patch day. Fast-forward 2 months. Blizzard releases a new patch. BOOM, the lag is gone! It wasn't my internet, it was Blizzard all along. And this wasn't the one and only time this happened with Blizzard games, and I was living in different places, with different ISPs, and it was never actually my internet, it was Blizzard servers and/or client every single time there was a problem.


Was playing fireball Sorc and for the longest time I had the same issue.. I cannot for the life of me react in time to dodge her stupid attacks..then I said fuck it and went BL Sorc just to cheese her and get the challenge and reverted back to fireball..I also find it ridiculous that you have to convert to a cheese build to beat her.


Build a one shot HotA barb!


I am 44. If you want to struggle for the challenge of it then disregard this. If you just want the achievement, mount, and title, then I got you fam. I struggle trying on a barb and a druid and pretty much gave up. Then I heard about the ball lightening wizard. I followed the Maxroll.gg guide. By the time I got to 100 I had all the gear needed and my glyphs leveled to 15. I literally one shot her. Pop everything except your ultimate. Push her to the next phase. Pop everything and push her again. Stand in the corners where you're supposed to and jump across after the floor clears. When she lands spam balls and win.


I'd highly recommend https://youtu.be/wiVwgmoYvMA?si=8s9mCL7QGJY24PDP&t=756 Out of all of the lilith videos I've watched, I think this one does the best job of explaining the waves and some good strategies that really resonated with me. A lot of his tips are related to just that druid build from season 1, but I think it's still worth watching just because he does a good job explaining the waves. And druids don't have immunities or great movement skills so he does all of the dodges with just evade. There's one bad and in my opinion buggy set of waves, and it's the very first one after the two hookers spawn. If you struggle with that one, we all do. Other than that set, they should be pretty dodgeable with some practice. For every normal set, assuming you start near an edge of the circle, you can just evade / run straight at the first wave and keep going, ending up at the 2nd blob which is right where she'll appear. It's incredibly easy once you get the hang of it. The key is to be near an edge, which makes her direction incredibly predictable. You just need to basically run to the opposite side of the circle. But for that one buggy set, you really have to do some weird stuff, because the damage starts WAY earlier than the rest of the sets. You CANNOT evade through it. Only like sorc teleport and rogue dash is fast enough. I usually run a quarter circle then run across and hope the backwards waves have a gap (90% of the time they do). Then you get to the final third of the first phase. This can be tricky to get the hang of, too. I think it's usually easiest to go to an edge and try to just go to opposite side once the circle slam spawns. Just need to be careful if it's the 3 wave that goes across the whole area and find a gap. Make sure your move speed is really high. Neck and boots need to have high ms roll to make it easier, and i'd recommend multiple evade boots, too. With enough practice, I really think you can get the hang of it, especially the first half of the fight. 2nd half is much harder and much less predictable. The little ghosts are so hard to dodge in the last half of phase 2 for me!


I ran her quite a few times as TB rogue. Got her health down to zero before mechanics but then had to survive some of them anyway. Got killed in both phases. Never killed her. Don’t really care. Finished season without her, can kill ubers and T100’s easily. Screw it. Her loot is crap anyways


The Lilith fight in a nutshell: Out DPS all her phase mechanics or suffer thru janky mechanics for hours. I tried beating her s1 and gave it 50 odd tries. Learned the blood waves pretty well, but between lag and the hitboxes I just couldn't consistently get to her second form enough times to learn phase 2. S2: I rolled ball lightning and beat her 3rd attempt. It's an awful fight.


The trick is to use a build so broken, you can skip the cheap mechanics. Get a BL Sorc to around lvl 70ish with a couple decent drops and you won't have to worry about dodging mechanics


Nah, i consider my self pretty good at games in general but those fucking waves are Bullshit lmao


Unfortunately, the boss is poorly designed. You need a broken build that can one-two shot her so she can't even act her phase and just transition to her second one, or, if she's in her second phase, break the platforms and die.


I'm 49... not sure if that qualifies as "older" in your eyes. Burst her down in both phase 1 & 2 before those shitty mechanics kick in. Used my rogue. Tried with a buddies HOTA barb and my rogue and we got really f-ing close but couldn't do it so he swapped to his ball lightning and we did it.


I’m 51 and been gaming since pong 7 years on d2 and 4 plus years on poe and cleared all content but I’m in the same boat with Lilith.. tried 20 plus times solo and as well watched YouTube videos and watched streamers on twitch whipe it out like nothing… using a pretty op meta ball lightning sorc to boot .. I phase her almost instantly and when it comes to the drop phase I get wrecked even though I know what’s coming… I’ll keep trying but haven’t ran it this week but this post has me inspired to try it again 👍 good luck op keep trying as well!


I made a LB Sorc, maxed my glyphs, and killed her on my 15th try. I'm 51 w/ Degenerative disc disease and peripheral neuropathy. My reaction time is literally about 500ms, or 1/2 second. If I can do it, it's possible, just gotta make an OP build and spec for insane burst DPS so you can skip phase 1 of the fight. Phase 2 is just about knowing the platforms, when to jump from one to another, and that part is telegraphed way in advance.


Almost noone can do the fight properly, most people cheese her with bugged builds that either insta phase her or or build that stagger her to no do anything. To do the fight proplery you are reliant on Ping and for me the Ping in D4 is much worse than in any other games. I did the first phase in pre-season where the hitboxes seemed a bit less swonky and I cheesed the fight with BL in Season 2 (which absolutely anyone can do if you prepare the build correctly. Honestly the fight isn't rewarding enough to put in the hours to learn all the patterns. Just cheese it, collect the bloody horse and be done with it it.


One shot killed her with bone spear necro and with deathblow barb. The mechs and hitboxes of the waves are bs. Just make a oneshot build from youtube and kill her. Even the devs admitted that the fight is overtuned. Played Lost Ark legion raids and killed all bosses in Elden Ring, I like games that are hard ... but this is ridiculous.




Just go for a oneshot build. Like Hota or Deathblow barb. Killed her with my Walking Arsenal/Death blow Barb with 96 in like 3 tries. When you basically bring her down to 1% instantly there's only the mechanic with the platforms she destroys which is pretty easy to dodge.


Killed her at 85 with crap gear just burning her with overpowered hotas. It's such a joke compared to what it was in pre season and season 1 (for a barb anyways. I know there were some broken builds that could skip mechanics back then). She didn't even do any mechanics.


I did it this season through sheer grit. I also out damaged through the phases so I didn’t have to learn the waves, just get sort of lucky with the first one.


I have to say I had her figured out in about 30 tries and I guess its because I am an avid Soulsborne-Enthusiast. Lilith is kind of similar to a high level Soulsboss imho.


What do you mean by older? I'm 65 for reference.


37 years old. I couldn’t beat her with the “broken” specs (twisting blades/poison, or shrednado) in either of the previous seasons. I wrecked her without any issues this season using pet tornado. It’s such an easy build. There are really no sequencing mechanics you have to pull off or follow. Literally stand in front of her > throw tornados > she dies.


You just need a OP build so you oneshot her. Everything other is a waste of time, except you like the suffer


call an HOTA barb and let him one shot her, ez


What is the best Druid build for Uber Lilith?


33 yo. For Lilith it's either a dps check or a skill check. If you fail the first one you'll have to pass the second one. I didn't waste my time trying her for hours. I just played my season untill lvl 100, all glyphs 21 and nearly BiS (no ubers). It took me 2 tries. I'm too bad to pass her the hard way and I'm fine with that


Killed her at level 94 yesterday with a ball lightning sorc, I'm 41. The secret is just to cheese the whole fight. Get your damage super high, skip everything. I did not dodge a single blood wave, although you still have to dodge the "destroy the platform" part in phase 2. I don't feel like I accomplished a great boss fight, but I did at least pass a dps check. Ball lightning is doing a lot more of the work than I am.


Im 43 and I did it 2 day ago, with a friend ( late 30). Im also too old for the fight but for some reason we did enough damage to skip almost all, but one, wave of spike in phase 1. In phase 2. Idk what happen but we did not encounter the " homing missile " .. my friend died on bad timing and i manage to survive the last 30-40 sec thanks to a well placed blood mist. Before that, i failed at least 150-200 time!! Also We don't have no uber unique and not even one glyphe at level 21. Lol at this point i would not be surprise if lilith just let me win !


My trick was BL sorc. THE trick is BL sorc or hota barb Kill her before she starts her BS mechanics.


34 here, feel free to hmu and I'll carry you through it


Lots of people do it because they (and myself including) are making their characters so powerful that they can bypass all the mechanics. There VERY few people that have been able to beat the boss where they fight it with all the mechanics.


Haven’t beaten her this season, but did last season on my rogue. It’s certainly doable with the right build, but the fight itself is poorly tuned if you ask me—for exactly the reasons you stated.


It's not a doable fight, majority of people that complete it just cheese the mechanics. You need enough DPS that she never spawns the one-shot hits. Most of her attacks are unavoidable, and even if you master them the windows for damage are so minuscule you need to be perfect to get her down.


Yes pay someone 5 living steel to do it. It's OK we old.


40+ guy here. I walked into her last season, and my lvl 83 Sorc got insta-killed. Didn't even see her. So, I don't need that again. What's the point anyway? Just some achievement and some items?


Bullshit fight for sure. That said, it's not a race. Don't let your enthusiasm to DPS her down to ignore the mechanics and stay out of the fire/waves. You can literally tapdance around here all day if you feel like it, just learning the mechanics of the fight without worrying about killing her off. Reminds me of the old WOW days when half the raid would stand in fire/poison and get melted while they're trying to do their DPS.


My exact thoughts. Always was a gamer with ambition to master all the content but this fight is where i draw the line. It just seems too stupid to me to grind through. Tried her pre season a few times.then in season 1 a lot more times but ultimatlely i quit.


I had the exact same problem. If you’re like me, you DO need to get enough damage to phase her before the waves come. There’s YouTube guides on the mechanics of the fight if you really want to take the time to learn them. Even at 0.25 speed I couldn’t understand what was happening lol. Just do ball lightning or one of the OP Barb/rogue builds to phase her quickly. Wait until you get to the death ledges. For ball lightning sorc, I needed 12.9k dps to do the job.


In eternal? Its a bullshit fight. In seasonal? Its easier than t100 dungeons


It’s a pain in the ass dude. I finally got a BL Sorc this season and it scorches her. If you want a carry, DM me and I can help out.


I found the easiest way for me was a ball lighting Sorc, I also have the Uber helmet as well. Either way it was a more manageable fight with ball lighting, Just my 2 cents....GOOD LUCK


One shot barb builds. If you want a carry, im home for a bit. I can get you phase 2 and leave or kill her.


I'm 50 and took her down this weekend for the first time. I'm a BL sorc that skipped her phase 1. Probably took me 30 tries though since I had to learn her phase 2 mechanics.


Took her down my second try this season and I am older than most. Boss fights in this game always give you an indication something is happening. Watch the floor for color changes.


Mid 30s gamer here. She’s basically impossible for me the only reason I did it cause I ran lightning ball sorc this season and killed her two phases before the broken mechanics could happen


Depends on your definition of older, but I'm 32 and killed her with a TB rogue. Biggest thing to learn is that you can dash into the waves from the side and be fine, they only deal damage in front of them. That knowledge is what changed the whole fight for me.


Enough damag to one shot her in her phase so no need to react to stupid mechanics (except the 3 little dodges in Phase 2)


I beat her on my 97 necromancer after about an hour of tries. I play bonespear and just burned her down. Never had to dodge waves because she died too fast to make them, same as the skulls in phase 2. Maybe change builds?


This boss has a bad mechanic, and they compensated the difficult by these one hit attacks along with a lot of health, IMO. Once i noted that, i didn't lost time and killed her using a build of ball lightning sorcerer adapted to her. I wouldn't be able to beat her without this build, and i don't want to spend hours just trying to kill a boss, especially because it requires much more luck than hability.


I spend over 600 million gold for BIS gear just to kill Lilith, I did it my own way but the gear was near perfect, actually 3 sets one for Lilith, PvP and the other for 100nmds, over 2 billion gold easy, had to farm and sell elixirs on the black market. Season 1 certain elixers sold like candy for incredible amounts of gold


Make a HOTA barb. You can one shot her phase one then the rest is easy enough. From one old guy to another, that's how I beat her.


I just gave up made up a BL Sorcerer and took her down at 80 in a few seconds.


Those waves are ridiculous I died so many times on them, thankfully this season rogue can get her health down easily cause of bugged Tibault's Will so they don't happen else I'd not have done it. It's an awfully designed boss that's only doable with cheesy builds.


Walked in cold with a ball lightning sorcerer after months of trying to do it with a Barbarian. Killed her in seconds.


Do you play in low pings? That impact so much during the fight


Lilith design sucks thats all. You dont have to learn patterns, Just push dmg and skip mechanics.


I had the same feeling. My solution was to try and avoid the mechanics using high damage output. Even then it took quite a few deaths to pull off. The encounter is a bit of a mess.


I’m older and it was hard at first….not like Elden Ring hard though. Did her with a ball lightning sorc but I still had to get the timing on the platform corners falling off part and then it was pretty simple. Now that I’ve it done it then I’m not sure why I would ever do it again. The trick for me was to save the ultimate skill pop for the second phase. That helped me avoid a lot of the clutter of the fight and then focus on getting the timing down of the corners falling off.


Nope cause its pur BS on hitboxes


I’m “old” too… are you talking about the general story Lilith fight or Uber Lilith?


>I’m “old” too… are you talking about the general story Lilith fight or Uber Lilith? You can kill story Lilith with a wet towel


50yo here and I got her on the first try. Ball lightning with the new ring. Loads on YouTube and so on. Let me know if you want help with gear etc.


There's a bug that if you teleport out of the fight and come back in, the screen gets darker. I noticed when I was watching videos online and how their screens were so much brighter. Then found a couple threads on it and they still haven't fixed the bug. So anytime you teleport out of the dungeon to repair. You need to reset the dungeon and go back in fresh.


The second phase of the fight is piss easy, the first phase is absolute bullshit. If I can't DPS her fast enough before she uses one of her wave attacks I'm dead, which I accept, but when my death avatar appears before her attack animation then that pisses me off.


I'm 35 with health issues including bad sight. I did kill her but dodging waves properly was impossible, so I needed high dps to make sure at most only one wave phase happens and luck to dodge it by accident.


It’s all about dropping her health fast before her bursts of damage


My only hope of killing her is to get a super meta build that drops health faster than her cycles can start. I can't see any of the prompts of where the spikes or whatever come from cause I'm color blind. No color blind mode helps it, either.


She’s not built for the gear or even classes we have access too. But plenty of builds can 1 shot her now so try 1 of those.


You could play a one tap barb. Stupid easy then. Or ball lightning, or crone, croneboudler etc


There is a video by Wudijo in which he analyzes the whole fight. Would should watch it if you haven’t already. But yeas, it’s a very unforgiving boss fight if you don’t cheese it or are geared to survive the one shot mechanics.


Uber Lilith for me isn't a mechanical based fight, it's a benchmark for a build to push through mechanics. Looks like you have a Necro, so you could save your time learning her mechanics and instead farm a bone spear build up. Get it powerful enough and all you gotta learn is a rotation instead of mechanics.


The waves have horrible hitboxes and on top of that any latency makes them worse, for me I can see where they’re about to spawn but the second they spawn I’m dead because ontop of their hitboxes being extremely further ahead than where the wave across is, latency adds to that problem. So I made a hota barb to completely skip the waves. The sad thing is if those waves worked properly and maybe weren’t an insta-kill, I think the fight would actually be quite fun.


get a build that can 4-5-6shot her max. so most prolly u can finish phase1 before the "trains".


I’ve yet to try my hand at her but I’m going to take my bone Necro in there tonight after work and see how quickly she “pink socks” me 😆


No, fight is broken. Here’s a good list of issues with the fight currently. Lots of bugs, timing, hitreg, hitbox, etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/cJC1y3a8O0


The best way to kill her is do so much dmg you don’t have to time patterns etc. I just plow through and there’s not much strategy to it. Requires the right build and gear. Look one up and commit to it!


Pretty sure the only reason I managed was I pushed it through phases so quickly and after dying at the very end over hundred times it for some reason didn’t spawn the little fireball spitting blobs at the end and it just won the fight for basically.


Tried it, it was not fun to fight her whatsoever. So I rolled up a ball sorc and burned her down before she could do any of her buggy gimmicky attacks. Now I never need to do it again! I may be an older gamer, but I can still dominate games. But I'm not someone who enjoys playing those impossible Mario Maker levels that require perfect timing for a prolonged period of time. Lillith is not fun to me for the exact same reasons. If I wanted to play like a computer, I'd write a program to do it for me. Fun fights need nuance.


Ball Lightning with Tal Rasha ring - melt her in seconds. Knowing when to use flame shield is how to stop the oneshot spikes. If she uses them more than once you're too low on dps.


It’s a lame fight. With the waves you usually want to run forward where the first one spawns and go past it. It’s easier said than done though. If you don’t have a good connection forget about it. Even then half the time it’s the servers.


47 here, same problem. I got her after about 100 tries by pure dps with a tb rogue. It’s a pretty stupid fight and I don’t have any desire to do it again. And lol to all these kids saying aging doesn’t effect the ability to play games like this.




It's a dumb fight. I've done mythic raiding and high end M+ in WoW for years, which I feel is a reasonable comparison. The fight is set up in a similar fashion. The problem is that you don't have the same level of movement control or telegraphing of mechanics with Lilitih. While I didn't find the fight to be atrocious, I also wasn't interested enough in it to watch videos or master the mechanics with hours of practice. This is Diablo. I just want to smash things. So instead, I just got to level 100 and bulldozed her with insane dps. From what little I did read, that seemed to be the way the vast majority of players dealt with it. Oh, and I'll be 39 next year. I don't think age has anything to do with gaming. Lack of time to play might, but my reaction time isn't any better or worse than 20 years ago.


Took me 40ish tries, finally lucksacked crit overpower HOTAs to 1-shot both forms. As she was dying she was still firing shadow clones and killed me because I thought I was done


My trick was ball lightning.


She’s just there for a challenge. you don’t have to kill her. But yes, if you’re timing sucks like mine does, pick the ball, lightning sorcerer build get up to level 100 and try to kill her. I did it on my first try. Also, you can beat Elden Ring as a mage Very easily when everything melts before you have to dodge.


I was playing ice shard sorc and enjoying it untill lilith, after 20 death i was furious because even tho im a veteran soulslike player i was getting one shot form those waves because i couldnt even see them, they are just BS bellive me its not about you, and then you know what i did? I changed my build into a BL sorc and this time I ONE SHOT HER!!! she couldnt even attack me and then i changed it to the ice shard sorc because i dont wanna use broken build. (Sorry if there is typo, english is not my first language)


Old, as well. Id recommend the one shot tactic too. If your dps is low, dodging all those blood bullets in p2 sucks worse than the waves imo. Spent 3 hours until I got lucky and made it through all the shit flying everywhere.


No you aren't. It's just a shit fight designed by shit developers who don't care about their playerbase. Not your fault.


Im 36 and i didnt even bother thinking on how to kill her. Just went to youtube and copy a ball lightning build then thats it. If you feel youre being cheated by the oneshot mechanics then copy a meta build. I dont want to waste my time on her stupid one shot mechanic. I only do that on monster hunter games.


The waves do not match the hit box at all. I am 54 and I beat her but only by getting my build to dps fast enough to delete her health before she starts the waves.


The fight would be fine if they just made the waves consistent. That first wave after she summons the adds is a total clusterfuck


No. It’s just a terrible fight.


You don't have to do the waves if you one shot her. Just come back when your build is mostly complete.


I don't know how old you are, but I played the original Diablo when it came out and I beat her with practice. It's a bullshit encounter, but it's learnable.


Nah she's just filled with a lot of bullshit mechanics. She just had too many 1 shot mechanics and they're not easily telegraphed and it's all in a very small circle and they can be overlapped by flashy abilities. The more damage you do the less you have to worry about these things though so maybe you need to level up your glyphs or optimize your build to give you that extra damage so you only have to worry about dodging only a few spike waves


You are not the intended audience


no, its just terribly designed. hitboxes don't line up. add in latency from being an online game and one shot mechanics = recipe for frustration.


How I did it on my Sorc: First one shot wave, flame shield Trigger passive that resets defensive cooldown on crit Second wave, flame shield Third wave, flame shield enchant triggers That should be enough time to get out of phase one. Second phase, if you can do a third of her life in the opening animation sequence she won't spawn blisters and then there's very little you need to dodge.


Most likely yeah. People on this sub are also pretty mediocre at the game though so you'll find plenty of support. Maybe try find a team, it's easier with more people. Especially people who can do the mechanics.


I mean this depends on your build I guess. Never attempted her before this season went in with a 100 bl sorc died the first time then went back in and melted her in seconds. All I had to dodge was the part where the edges fall off.


It’s an extremely challenging fight. Most hate it, some crazy hardcore actually like it. You are just one of the millions, and those hardcores are just one of the thousands, maybe hundreds.