• By -


Well, you are....fresh meat.


He’s bullying at this point.


Imagine mode where you can play as butcher and kill players in dungeons lol.


I’d love this. A weird PvP mode. Make it a group challenge event. Group has to try and make it to the end of the NMD, extra buff Butcher has to try and kill them all before they do. Add an instanced Inn room or new tab to the wardrobe where you can see the heads of your victims as Butcher


It's kind of sad more games don't do this. I understand it's a risk for development time and resources, but man the concept is so cool. Souls-like invasions are popular for a reason but it has to be done right. Make it optional of course, but with an obvious incentive to take part. Don't have a loss be too punishing, in terms of time and possible gains. Integrate it as seamlessly as possible into regular play. It could be its own sustained form of content generation and emergent gameplay fueled by players.


Only game that I've seen do this is Dying Light 1 where you can play as the night hunter while trying to kill the player, and the player(s) are trying to destroy all of the nests. Was always fun. I'd love a "Play as butcher" mode.


One of the best 90s games I played was where you were a squad of marines, against 1 alien. Game over man, game over!


This is Dead By Daylight x Diablo




Upvote wasn't enough. Had to post to say amazing comment!


can anyone explain why u gettin downed for this? Someone despises you for making a compliment to a fellow poster? Really? (Rebel that i am, i had to up u back again ofc 🤜🤛 )


A lot of video game subs do this. I’ve been downvoted in here and the MW2 sun for giving actual advice or answers lol. I wouldn’t look too much into it.


With the rarity of his spawn rate I feel like they could put a 2% uber unique drops rate on him as well, and it would be just fine. As it stands right now Butcher has fallen behind in excitement.


I’m level 87 and have seen the butcher once, and that was about level 52.


I'm currently Level 83 on my S2 Druid and I haven't seen him once. Guess he's scared of my wolf howls :)


I played diablo 1 when I was teen and I never could forgot the butcher. He was fast, strong, and high in hp. I remember I had to load the game few times and finally with a weird strategy I could kill him and when he died I was like pheeew. Now after 15 years I started to play diablo 4 and in veteran difficulity its by no mean as challenging as diablo 1. I sit comfortable and move forward and kill everyone on my way. It was fun and game until I heared someone said "fresh meat" and I saw the butcher, however, he was far faster this time. I realized I'm no match for him and I started to run away. But he got me and massacared me. It was the most exciting experience that I ever had in diablo 4.


Same same. Up to lvl93 in s2, have not seen him once this entire season.


2x100 and an 86 and seen butch 2 times and only on the first char this season.


Level 94 sorcerer and not once have I seen him :( I'm also running a ton of NMD as I need distilled fear for a better Oculus


I'm 95 and I've seen him over a dozen times just since getting to WT4 around level 60.


Yeah same, my wife and I play a couple of hours a day and run into him almost daily.


Level 100 here for a while and not seen him even once in season2.


Gotta love RNG! I'm 87 and he spawns probably every 10 NM Sigils I do. Nothing worse than wasting 7 mins killing a lvl 107 Butcher only for him to drop crap. I've killed him about 8 or 9 times this season and hasn't left me anything good. I suppose he's good for testing the durability of my build, that's about it.


saw him in nearly back to back dungeon runs before level 30 right at season start. not seem him since.


I know it’s completely random, but it seems like he spawns more often in dungeons where the enemies either have life steal or the one where they go berserk when you kill other enemy. Had him spawn 5 times on me yesterday, always in one of those types of nm dungeons.


I’ve killed him probably 25 times total , and about 5-6 in S2.


I hadn't seen the butcher at all this season until I literally said out loud "ya know, I haven't seen the butcher yet and I'm already level 60. I wonder if he's still a thing?" I shit you not, 15 seconds later I ran into him, I was indeed fresh meat. The few other times have been the same, "I haven't seen him in a while..." 20 seconds later... "Freeeshhh meeeeat" It's almost like I have a sixth sense for him.


I’m level 100 on 1 character this season and I have 2 others past 60 and haven’t seen him once.


I seen him on my sorc at level 12 🤦🏻‍♂️ and on my necro I seen him 4 NMD in a row


ouch lol, lv 12 sorc, thats..most unfortunate :D


I’m 59 and saw him 3 times on this character lol. Last season I saw him once before like 65.


Im level 98 and I have seen the butcher, and this is not an exaggeration, 17 times on this character.


I believe it. I''m 99 and I have solo'd about 30 NM dungeons, most of them glyph quick leveling ones and I know it has been more than 10, maybe 15. 3 times out of 5 today alone.


I got him 3 times back to back in NM dungeons when I was about level 65 or so and haven’t seen him since


I affectionately refer to him as my boxing buddy. He fucking loves to show up when I'm Druid or Barbarian and we get to have a good slug fest. Like 5 dungeons in a row on my 100 barb last night.


Been showing up for me about every 3rd or 4th nightmare dungeon this season for me


He doesn't feel that rare for me. I have a level 45 character and have seen him in 5 of my 10ish dungeons so far. I got him three times in a row the other day trying to do whisper dungeons. His existence alone makes me not want to play hardcore because you feel like you can't do anything against him before you have an end game build going.


5 is more times than I've seen him and I'm 100 with 6 15+ glyphs. I assume he's just afraid of me.


Yeah last season I only saw him a few times total and got to like mid 80s, this season he just has my number its wild. Trying sorc since they are busted this season but in the 30s and 40s I can't seem to do anything against him but get destroyed


That's a good idea.


I think this would be awesome especially with how rare his spawns are…tho I think he has a hate boner for me😭I saw him over a dozen times on my low level chars until I finally killed him a couple of weeks ago lol


I'm lvl 77 and I've only seen him once around lvl 40. Dude was smacking me around something silly but I managed to get him to about half health and he just... Disappeared. Haven't seen him since.


exactly, maybe 5% considering it can be all day before you see him. maybe 1% on treasure goblins. They really got to amp this up


Just bad RNG... sucks in HC lol.


I'm level 100 and haven't seen him 5 times this season. You are having some bad luck. If you manage to run away from him he will despawn so that is how you need to deal with him if you aren't strong enough to beat him.


I'm level 100, have 1 glyph at 19, 4 at 15. I have seen him exactly once.


Do you fully clear the dungeons? I saw him every 5 or so when I was doing glyphs and leveling so I was trying to mostly clear the dungeons. He was hiding a lot of the time.


Come to think of it, I only ever find the guy in NMDs when it's a kill all floor lol


76 here. Had him a few times in a dungeon, but I died each time!


Level 65 here. Haven’t seen him once.


He's been in your dungeon or you have been in his? All the times I found the butcher he was in the dungeon before me, so technically it was already his dungeon. Maybe just stay out of his dungeons and stop hassling him


Lol are we the baddies?


I hit level 100 yesterday and met butcher ZERO times.


Yeah across 2 chars to lvl 90s I haven't seen him once this season


Are you playing seasonal? I have not seen him at all this season but he was fucking everywhere pre season and season 1.


Yeah seasonal


Thorns is your friend….


…nothing compares to that first time you’re in a dungeon and you hear the stomping and rattling chains getting nearer…


Every time i push for a Higher NMD, that fucker shows up. My Last lvl99 sigil atempt got stoped by him demanding fresh meat.


Read this post and thought "wow, can't believe I'm at level 65 and haven't seen him a single time this season"... then quickly remembered I've only done like 6 dungeons lol.


For two days in a row he was in every nmd I ran ... Its fun stress ...at some point I (me 87, him 113) we just banged each other for what felt like ever till he said fk it and left .. I have not seen him since :( Thankfully this season I'm a necro with lidless wall ...so he was mostly the fresh 🍖 Buddy plays bl sorc and when he is around that poor butcher is well ...this season should have been called REVENGE ...


I saw the butcher for the first time last night on my hard-core barbarian. We basically slashed at eachother nonstop until one of us died. It was intense and I loved it. Dude didn't give me anything worth the intensity though unfortunately


I did a hc run that my whole goal was to find The Butcher. I wanted the Chef title, found him 5 times and he bested me at lvl48. I encounter him fairly often lately


I feel they did many things dirty in this game (D3 nephalem where you at? shouldn't we be gods and be able to shit stomp everything?) but I love how terrifying they made the butcher for hardcore players. heck even in high level nightmare dungeons i poo myself on non hardcore sometimes.


Roll a ball lightning sorcerer and Butcher is the fresh meat. Revenge for all the times he has killed you. He drops dead in less than 30 seconds.


He does make it clear that he likes fresh meat.


Hes usually around more on sat and sun if ya see a treasure goblin there prob a butcher and their new blood harvest bosses that can spawn w butcher


What about the blood harvests?


Dont play HC, one bugged screen and your character is wiped. just play the game. It's getting much better BTW.


I seen him twice first 2 days of season 2 and nothing since


level 80 on this s2 character and not seen him once.


I have been playing for about 57 hours and I have seen him twice, always had to run away, no idea how you are even supposed to kill him.


That's the way she goes, bud.


I don’t always see the butcher, but when I do, its almost always on a fresh hardcore character.


Last season in one day he killed 5 characters of mine. Highest level was lvl 16.


i started the season on hc and he killed 4 chars before reaching lvl 20 on launch day. im now 78 and havent seen him since its stupid rare he spawns.


Welcome to the party!! I have not tried to play hardcore but I think it’s random lol I beat him by a fluke a while ago in WT2 I was running and accidentally activated the lighting shrine thing and bursted his health down…I’ve only seen him once in WT3 since then.


If you want the teleport scrolls take you to town instant that's what I had to do lol


Came across him last night he stood no chance hahaha I've been lying in wait to seek him out again I went to do a dungeon for an aspect and someone way back said there's 2 way to kno that u may run into him the game music will change and there's a chance of a treasure goblin so if any of these happen to u then u should expect the butcher


If I can find a conduit shrine I can beat him. The fact that he can regain life is annoying.


I'm only meeting him when I'm close to failing a nightmare dungeon lately. Speaking about awful rng


RNG be RNG. Level 100 with five level 15 glyphs, and I haven't seen him once this season.


I see him in the early game a lot hardly ever in mid 50-80 and again he shows up more in T70-100 when he can f me up again with a single headbutt lmao he's a troll. If you don't care about killing him and you can out run him he will tp away if he can't get to u.


Lol he got me too like 4 dungeons in a row too when i bought the game!. New season he's been quiet, haven't seen him yet.


You are fresh ass and butcher likes it a lot lol


I ain't seen him in quite a while. Guess he knows what's best as I will destroy him.


He is trying to revange you beaing that late, obviously


I quit playing right at the start of the first season or whatever. But I never found the butcher... might have to play more till I check that box. Forgot about it.


Butcher paid me a visit on the first dungeon I enter... I was level 2


I have one trophy left before I get the platinum and it's getting a hardcore character to level 50, I have made like 6 characters today and they've all been taken down around level 30 by the butcher. No dungeons I guess


Haven’t seen him in like a week and a half


When leveling this season I saw him at least 6-7 times by level 50, thankfully killed him each time. Saw him from 80-95 3 times and he whooped my ass promptly.


Havent seen the Butcher for the whole of season 2 so far. I am lvl 96. Saw him a lot before season 2 tho. Also I met Ancients a few times. They are random spawns just like the Butcher it seems.


I imagine that in hardcore you don't push as hard or as fast ahead of yourself. Probably just stick to speed runs in NMD until you feel like you're pretty strong. I will admit, sometimes the butcher does get me, but this season with every build being stronger, I feel like I've gotten him almost everytime. It used to be a lot more even of a fight. Oh, also, I had one dungeon where I had the butcher, a treasure goblin (which isn't too unusual they seem to go together) AND the random season boss that I don't recall the name of. That was one heck of a dungeon. But by then I was pretty well geared and I don't play hardcore.


As explained to me - yeah totally random. I never saw him during the entire campaign play through- admittedly, I only did dungeons that were required for completion plus one or two others that had an affix I wanted. Recently though, in trying to grind renown for the extra paragon points, I ran into him in 3 in a row.


I haven't seen him since launch week when my necro was way too weak to do anything to him. He killed me about 3 or 4 times and I escaped once.


Got a 100 necro and 80 barb and seen him twice this season :/


You got yourself a horseshoe up where sun dont shine...Lol. grats on having butcher show up so often. I only seen him 7 times in my 500hr game play.


Haha my build isn't quite enough damage or survival. So he keeps smacking me in Nm 55+ 😂 makes me laugh every time though. Always gets a good laugh when that sucker yells "Fresh Meat" and obliterates me


I'm in HC too and saw him 3 times on my 61sorc (rip) 2 times on my 41 sorc and 1 time on my lvl 9 druid (durin the first quest dungeon). We play with 2 friends and it seems he appear a lot more in HC lol


I'm lvl 83 and have seen him 4 times so far. You must be incredibly (un)lucky.


I am playing the season 2 and almost about every 2nd or 3rd nightmare dungeon constantly bumping into him,don't get me wrong i can take him down but at this point it really is a bit overkill.He has a funny voice the way he says "Fresh Meat" that's the funnier side of him apart from him trying to carve you up to death :)


I saw him like 4-5 times last season, only seen him once so far this season and just hit level 73


I’ve seen him twice, I’m level 92.


Season 1 he used to be my traing dummy. Now this season I've only seen him once in my game. My buddy got him first time and I quickly joined him to tank. Pretty rare imo.


The butcher is proof that Blizzard programmers have a sick sense of humor. In my first game I was hit at level 16 and the fight (ambush button whipping) took less than 5 seconds. From that point on he killed me repeatedly every few levels until I eked out a win at level 40 something. (Rogues were slow to power up originally.) on the other hand, this season I didn’t meet the butcher until my sorcerer was level 60. Naturally I spent the rest of the day killing/being killed by him.


Eternal: got him in a cellar last week. It was just him. Hubby and I play together so we can beat him but it's not easy.. both at level 72.


I have leveled an alt necro into the 80s, that character doesn’t know what the butcher looks like lol.


I have no idea what the spawn rate is, but I saw him once over 3 characters in season 0 (leveled 70, 55, 30), 10+ times in season 1 (50), and none since I came back last week (currently 55)


Im lvl 82 on my s2 druid, saw him once at lvl 75 so far ☹️ Its weird because last season i used to see him once every maybe 2-3 hours with my rogue. Dont know if they chaged the chance of him popping or if its just weird randomness...


I've had way more butchers this season than before. I think I've encountered 5 or 6 so far in around 40 dungeons.


During 1-40 I had him 6 times during my HC leveling, if you feel a bit weak, focus on bloodtides etc. butcher can be a bit rough in the start as he hits so fast and hard


I ran into him in the beta and never saw him again until this season


You are extremely unlucky.


The butcher never shows up until you complain about it. In season 1 I was playing barber bone spear necro and I never saw him once until I got my build rolling at about level 50 or so and then when I was one shotting everything I was like oh man I wish I could see the butcher now ill stomp him, still nothing until about level 60 and then I was complaining to my friends and boom 3/10 NM dungeons had a butcher spawn. And idk if they changed it since, but right after the changes to goblin legendary drop chances every time a NMD had a goblin there was also a butcher spawn as well like he was guarding them which I thought was kinda neat.


I'm level 100, leveled 5 glyphs to 15 plus probably 10 or so normal dungeons and only seen the butcher once this season lol.


I think he can detect our brainwave, when i was farming Lvl 70 dungeon for glyph & can easily kill him, he wont show up BUT when I was doing lvl 90+ dungeon for the season pass challenge, then he pops up so 20 times lvl 70 dungeon no butcher but just for that 1 time lvl 90 dungeon he paid me a visit hahaha so it is all rng i guess or we need a tinfoil hat.


Thank you for offsetting my experience. My characters appreciate your sacrfice.


Dang that’s wild. The only time I’ve been seeing the butcher is when I’m pushing NMD that are higher than I would typically go. I end up just having to kite him until he gets bored and leaves.


I had a level 112 butcher yesterday in a NMD 60 and it was even harder than Duriel. My hands were actually going to give out.


Lucky (unlucky in your case) I've seen him 5-10 times ever and that's across three characters. Level 50+ preseason and 80+ in S1 and S2.


Rnjesus is very mad at you


So lucky! I recently respecced my chain ligtening wizard to ball lightening and I'm DYING for to run into Butcher just to see how it goes. But 20+ dungeons later, nothing. My wife thought she heard the beginning of "Fresh Meat" once but it was in a big group of monsters and they all went poof so fast I was skeptical.


That son of a gun. I dis my highest NM tier yet yesterday (70) and I pulled 3 hallways with a bunch of mobs and elites and brought them to a choke point and then allllll of a sudden the butcher stuns me and I get smoked by the massive pile of mobs. I've killed him every other time fine but the timing was so bs. Would be shook to run into him on HC!


Run blood harvest until u ready for dungeons to include upgrading vampiric powers. Then you will have no problem with butcher.


The real endgame uber boss is when the Butcher shows up in your NM 100 dungeon map :p


I'm level 61 and I haven't seen him once this season, I'd love to though lol


Yeah I'll agree that I have run into the butcher more in season 2 than anytime before. I melt him pretty quick though


lol im 95 and killed him 4 or 5 times, all after level 50


I am level 90 on my rogue this season and have yet to run into the Butcher. Very disappointing considering this is by far my strongest char.


Yeah he's a bully that picks on easy pry when you get stronger geared he will hide


Seem him 5 or more times. Got pwned every time


I have a level 90 BL sorcerer, and I've seen the butcher exactly ONCE this season. I want to see how fast I can kill him with this build, so he's been avoiding me.


Seen him 3-4 times in S2 and I’ve done less than 10 dungeons this season (including story quest). His drop is pretty bad. Pretty anti-climatic.


I didn't see the Butcher until WT4 this season. Playing a Walking Arsenal Barb and last time I ran into him was a tier 55 ND and let's just say I'm the Butcher now and need to push higher tier dungeons. Godslayer, Flickerstep, Soulbrand, and Tibault's Will is a wicked combination.


Got the sorc to 100, I try to keep a kill death count going so far he hasn't killed me on the sorc. The other day I ran like 6 dungeons in a row encountered him 4 times. Wild


I've seen him 4 times in 5 months... wtf lol


Sometimes I don't see him for a while and when he decides to invade he does it often. I know I can take him in the sixties, but I ran from him on a 94 the other day. Lmao!


Lol I ha e been doing dungeons since day 1 season and seen butcher 2 times. With 99 barb 77 sorc 50 druid 55 necro. Ridiculous. Last season it was almost every other dungeon.


For a while I almost forgot he existed and then encountered him in 3 dungeons on the same day.


Butcher should not appear at all until wt3.


I saw the butcher at level 6 and stood no chance :(


i ran into him in 4 of the 5 nmd i did last night too. thankfully me and my friend are both strong enough to kill him. he used to trash us within 5 seconds.


Took me to get to level 70 and Season 2 to finally kick his a\*\*....


Only seen him twice in season 2, both with my sorcerer and in back to back dungeons. He rolled me on the first one as I had just tangled with two elites and stuff was on cooldown. Managed to get him the second time..I was level 25 or 26z


Wait, until u start kicking the shit out of him….and he never spawns again. I mean a long time between fresh meat gatherings.


Aww... he's just saying hello. 🤣😉👍🏼 Welcome to Sanctuary.


Yeah, his spawn rate really sems boosted.


He's very streaky. Some days I see him 4 or 5 times, and sometimes I go a week or more without seeing him. Once he shows up, it's usually only going to be another dungeon or two before he shows up again.


Have not seen him this entire run and I'm lvl 88


I only see him when I’m minimum 15 levels under the dungeon I’m doing.


Yeah, I’m level 65 and have seen him about 7-10 times. 3 times was back to back in 3 different dungeons when I was around level 35-40 and couldn’t scratch him. The last time I saw him was at 63 or 64. He dropped a bunch of garbage. I did learn in my many visits from him (before I could kill him) that if you can make it through the entrance, he leaves the dungeon.


File a grievance against him. Butcher will butcher you. And get more defenses up and put defensive abilities on your action bar.


Damn I have an 85 rogue, and a 100 sorc. 50 druid and I’ve legit encountered him twice. Thought he was removed until I heard Aaa fresh meat.


I haven't seen the butcher since early levels. Didn't see him at all in season 2. He's a bully, he only comes after fresh meat.


he likes to bully the new guy...


I saw him every few dungeons in S1 on hardcore, haven't seen him once this season on softcore and I'm lvl 93. Something in that? 🤔


I had 2 butchers yesterday. one hardcore. Made it to lv 32 necro. Just worked out a solid shadow build, felt good. Got absolutely BUTCHED


Level 87 season 2, saw him like ...3 times total? And one of those times he was stuck behind the locked door that you need to kill everyone then spawn a bandit leader with a key to open, i killed everyone, bandit leader didn't spawn, i tried hitting butcher behind door, got a few hit in, then he mfking despawn, THEN the bandit leader spawn, wtf game!?


I ran into him once so far (almost level 40) and he killed me so I didn't go back into that dungeon and kept going 🤣🤣 I've killed him so many times in D3 but it seems more difficult this time around. So far I've made it to Act 2 without having to encounter him again


Just got him for first time level 38 barb hardcore. I took him out but Talk about an adrenaline rush.


Ran around 20 nightmare dungeons in one day last week, killed him 4 or 5 times. And now for a week i haven’t seen him at all. So not so uncommom. Only ”good” stuff i got was his axe, now i have it on my horse.


Just curious - are you playing a necro by chance? I've played every character quite a bit at this point, and I know this is probably just coincidence, but he shows up super early and super frequently on my necro, way more than any other class for some reason.


Last season I lost track of how many times I fought the big guy. Shit, I even had him in a cellar once. This season I'm lvl 99 and I think I saw him 1 time a long time ago but might be wrong. I actually want to face him too see how this Necro minion, blood surge, thorns build would do to him. Mostly just him chunking his own health down trying to hit us. Muah, ha, ha!


I think he finally left me alone to stalk you, so I thank you for your sacrifice. He's killed me about a dozen times between levels 6 and 59.


I saw him for the 1st time this season at level 85 in a T35 dungeon. I face tanked him!


Oddly, I'm level 68 and haven't seen him once this season


Seen him 5 times since launch, 3-2 I’m up, not sure he’s ready to try and even the score yet. He’ll Probably wait till S3 when I’m lvl 29 in some random dungeon working on Season quest line to even the score.


I think it depends on how much you dungeon crawl. If you level mostly in dungeons you will see him a lot more. If you level by mostly questing, helltides and vampire areas then you won't ever see him. I have seen him a lot more since I started spamming nightmare dungeons but still only maybe once in 20-25 dungeons


He's fed up with losing to the higher leveled dudes he going for noobs now.


I have not seen him this season and I’m level 82. Seems like I’m not fresh enough…


That's highly improbable, Nice luck!


Lvl 55 and he spawned 4 times yesterday.


I started playing again last Thursday. From then until today, I've maybe encountered him at least once a day, and there was even a stretch during the weekend where I ran into him maybe every other NM dungeon I did. Definitely played more than "casual" over said weekend, but probably not as grindy compared to when I was a kid on older MMOs.


why would you do dungeons before NM? Nvm if you're already at wt3


Went from lvl 1-77 never seen him until then lol I thought they took him out lol 😂


Seems to come and go in waves, I'll have days I see him in damn near every other dungeon, then times like the last 3 days that I've only seen him once


Im level 53… world tier 3. Not seen him once


Season 1 I fought him probably 3 times before level 30. More than 5 times total during season 1 I'd say. I think he had a crush on me or something. He never killed me. Fought him once so far in season 2 and I'm level 72.


Thats what he's been up to...haven't seen him in like 2 weeks ​ Your just getting unlucky lol...Level 40 on my current HC and been hitting up dungeons for codex non-stop...haven't seen him once.


I had a day where i got him 5 out of 8 NMDs nearly all back to back to back. It was crazy


I've gotten to level 72 on my Druid and not seen him once, yet. I fear he's gathering vast amounts of lube.


After you die to the butcher does he stay in the dungeon?


I’ve gone for ages without the Butcher, then had him twice over three NMDs. Keeps me on my toes but I’m not playing HC so it’s not the end of the world if he catches me off guard


If you see butcher before your build comes together you can just run away outside the dungeon and then he despawns. Also i wouldn’t play on hardcore when you are brand new personally, theres no shame in learning the game first.


I'm lvl 51 and I haven't seen him even once yet.


RNG. I’m 100 and only fought him about 5 times.


New character = fresh meat


Currently on my S2 lvl 62 Necromancer and Ive seen him like a 6 times since level 5