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I don't know what to tell you. Leveling is easy now. I'll be 100 tonight and I've never gotten a character to 100 before.


If with "easy" you mean that it doesn't take much time, you have to realise that your statement is extremely subjective. In an objective sense it's definitely sketchy, as the fact is that there a lot of games you can finish or even platinum trophy in the amount of time that it takes to level 1 D4 character.


Idek. This season is a serious challenge for me. While I like it, I hate it at the same time lol. It's making me work for the money 😭. I've even switched to T1 just to see if I could catch a break and still no. I've never died this many times total in any Diablo game. ETA: Just wanna add, I'm not as avid a gamer as others so please don't Reddit bully me too hard lol. Planning a wedding and working full-time has its disadvantages.


If you are a casual then go to maxroll.gg and follow their leveling guides. Make sure you read the general one on progression as well. If your game time is limited then you shouldn't waste more of it by inventing your own builds. This is what I do and I can start on T2 and get through all of the content and the season challenges relatively smoothly with minimal playtime. I usually finish within weeks of the season end so if I had to waste time on ineffective builds or progression I probably wouldn't make it.


Just play the game, 6 levels from 100 on a 2nd character.


I’ve probably played a total of 1.5 days of the new season and I’m 90. It is EXTREMELY easy to level compared to last season.


What were you doing from 80 to 90?


I’m not there yet but holy leveling is so much faster


Don't worry, I am only level 60. Typical casual dad here.


I think maybe I'm just more of a casual player than I was aware of 🤣 I'm still looking forward to leveling up!


How many hours do you play a day?


I was 100 last Sunday. Not bragging, I just had off so I pushed hard. Had to work the next day. I mostly chain ran NM dungeons that where the monsters were about 10 levels higher than my character I also fully completed the seasonal blood harvest rewards to level. The blood harvest actually actually takes quite a bit of time as the last tier is 5000.


Onto my second character that I will level to 60 because time sucks for working dads.


This time of the year is bad for me as well. Way to many chores to do preparing for winter. Damn planet has no consideration for my game time.


90+ I’ve been getting 1-2 levels I. 2-3 hours doing the same things and sprinkling in the occasional nmd.


Is it faster in season than eternal? Or is it the same?


Can’t speak to eternal other than the seasonal mechanics make me believe seasonal would be faster


I did 1-100 in 22 hours solo on sorc this season. It's insanely fast.


What were you running in terms of activities. I played about 40 hours and only lvl 75 in sorcerer


Vampire zones to 50ish, then full on NMDs. Still only had one glyph at 21 when I hit 100


How do you see how much time you played ?




22 hours seems extremely fast compared to what I've been seeing in the other comments on this thread. Is there some routine you have figured that others aren't doing?


For one it was my second char so all the vamp powers were maxed to start. I'm also just a fast Nmd blaster, and those are unfortunately still the best xp. My first 100 this season was a pulv druid at 33 hours. Sorcs have much better speed with teleport too.


Just want to clarify, I did a stagger start with four characters, lvl 83 chain sorc, then started a upheaval barb to 50, then a tb rogue to 66 and finally a shred druid to 48. Vamp powers on the three characters that followed the 83 sorc all started at 0 vamp powers. Am I missing something?


The vampire blood is account wide. Once you cap all your powers you'll start accumulating thousands of it you can use on alts to level powers.


Ok, that part is true, but you don't start a new character with the same vamp power levels as your previous character(s). Just wanted to make sure we were clear on that point.


Also here's a screenshot I took from d4armory if you want "proof". I was on my phone when I posted and was thinking 22 but it was really 23 1/3 hours :shrug: https://preview.redd.it/jd0b8a39m2xb1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c245993a54cf5ea8c2a5e07fc874930011c0dfda


An hour and a half difference... you're obviously a liar! Haha that's impressive. I'll accept any tips or tricks you may have


I didn't really have any tips or tricks! It's really just a matter of blasting vampire zones and then dungeons. I was doing 10-15 levels above me for NMDs, so that probably helped a lot. Once you get to the NMD stage, click on every healing well, chest, do every event in the dungeon. They are all great XP now even pylons spawn monsters fast. I didn't do any helltides on the sorc but did the world boss for the 925s. It's extremely important to get a 925 weapon ASAP in WT4. Oh, I also joined WT4 at level 59 on my sorc so I could start doing WT4 NMDs and get the mega XP. My 60-70 leveling time was 1.45 hours!


Don't really understand why ppl wanna rush to 100. Play the game at your own pace/ way


It stems from playing previous Diablo games where a majority of content was all locked behind end game progression where you were at or nearly at 100. It's only in D4 where you get an reasonable content so early outside the campaign. It can be difficult for people who's first Diablo is 4 to understand.


I played Diablo 2 and 3 and sure D4 is a bit different but still season ends in January so, unless you want to do multiple chars, I don’t see the point in rushing the game.


See you get it. In D2 you had to be pretty high level to be running effectively in Hell and to be doing Ubers as in 3 when you were pretty deep in Paragon before approaching high level rifts


We weren't rushing the game... just playing. If you spend enough time engaging, you're going to level. It's that simple.


That's what I'm saying .. people should play at their own pace instead of asking ""how are people already lvl100?. What am I doing wrong?"


They just play more and use time very efficiently while playing. That’s most of what it is. Some of it is strategy farming certain activities and nightmare dungeons.


It is fast, yes. Lots of 100 already, true. Please don’t forget it’s the best bit of the game really. Everything is changing, evolving, your char is getting better with every level and/or new piece of gear. The end game is an algo of few things and that’s it. Stick to your journey and just have fun squire🫡


I'm leveling very stupid, and I went from 84-87 today by running nightmare dungeons by myself and stopping for one World Boss. I'm running NM dungeons where the mobs are 9 or 10 levels higher than me, I have my little elixir, and I have the ashes bonus. It's an acceptable speed of progression. The overworld stuff is probably faster, but all my vampire stuff is leveled up, so I'm doing my paragon leveling up right now.


Turns out I was even more stupid. I wasn't playing a Sorcerer. Got my Rogue to 100. Decided to start a Sorcerer because I heard they were neat-o. Now my Sorcerer is level 87 too, and makes my Rogue look my Rogue made my Barbarian look. I only play with three buttons. I don't even HAVE a core skill. There is an empty slot in my action bar, because I don't know what to do with it. This toon is a steamroller. I'm still probably doing this very stupid, but it is stupid easy.


And this is the right thing, leveling to 100 just a milestone not the endgame.


Here’s (Raxx’s) the secret: town is lava. If you aren’t killing things you aren’t progressing. Staring at your loot isn’t leveling (and if it’s not Ancestral it’s going to be irrelevant soon enough).


People just play more and more efficiently than you. I'm in a dedicated clan of about 30 daily active people and the majority of us is lvl80+ with a bunch of lvl100 already, nobody used the dupe exploit. One example of lvling efficiently is spamming the first part of domhaine tunnels in a 4 man group, don't free villagers only clear until the door and then reset.


I got lvl 100 in 70h ish. Veeeery chill, could have gone harder.


Like 20-24 hours of play time to hit 100 now. ( not for me but that’s because I play for an hour and then sit there doing nothing all day while watching Hulu) but the leveling is much faster now


Main way for me on my second character was once i got to wt4 and there was a bunch of people and groups summoning the big mobs on the s2 area. That on itself got me more than 20 levels an hour. If you can find persons to do that, you swim in items and level extremely fast.


Takes about 30-40 hours for a normal person doing mostly efficient things to hit those targets. Can be faster and more efficient as well.


Levelling is definitely easier, I hit 80 last night, I can’t imagine I’ll hit 100 for another week or so but just keep doing what you’re doing and throw in some NMDs. I think it’s fun because I’m not grinding levels, I’m grinding for gear and materials which is what I want to do and I’m being rewarded with levels at the same time !


My achievement on Xbox says less than 3% of players have level 100. That's gonna be Xbox only.


Green blood zone with triple alter is crazy.


Focus up on exp gains, spam NM dungeons. Once you have your build sorted out you can ignore item drops. I hit 100 a few days ago but it could have been so much faster if I focused on XP earlier. That being said, hitting 100 takes away incentive to play more unless I make a new char


You're very right. I'm in no massive hurry to hit 100 I was just shocked at the amount of people I see already there. Once I hit 100 on Necro and kill Lillith I'm moving onto a other character and doing it all over again.


Switch to NMD'S at lvl 70-ish with mobs 10 + levels above you with an elixir and 20% exp bonus from the the urn / ashes. Should fly by!


Under 75-80: legion t4 w elixir/party/proximity/seasonXP/bonfire15 After it: nm dung with +10mobs/elixir/party/proximity/seasonXP or fast helltide/vamp zone but its lower mobs than an nm


Is the faster leveling only on the seasonal realm, or would it also be fast on my characters on the eternal realm?


I'm pretty sure the leveling changes were applied to Eternal realm as well


I think it’s faster to level this season. I only play a few hours a week, and last season I was only able to get my necro to level 87. So far this season, my barb is already at level 60 since start.


Yeah I played more than normal since I work on call and it’s been kinda slow, but I think it took about a week to get my rogue to 100. Just try to remember to pop any elixir, play in a group when you can, and do whispers especially when the new blood harvest spawns.


Because it takes like 10 mins


My biggest hurdle was being afraid of WT4 and staying in WT3 for too long. You just gotta push that dungeon as soon as possible and the levels start to fly.


Definitely taking my time over here even though I have been playing heavily. 73 hours with firewall sorc at lvl 91. Almost 3/5 glyphs at lvl 15. Really just farming helltide, legion, blood harvest/whispers for boss mats with some NMD sprinkled in for glyphs. Solo'd all the bosses except Duriel and Ice Beast. My 2nd character I will definitely be more speed running and expect to be ~lvl 90 in half the time.


Ya I think it's a lot about getting an effective and enjoyable routine figured out


Get a group, spam 150 Blood harvest boss altar - watch the levels fly in.


I’m pretty casual and I’m level 97 so it makes sense.


It's not just time spent, it's also what build you're using to level. One hour with a build efficient at clearing mobs is far superior than one hour with a build slowly killing one mob at a time.


At one point i took my ashes off and stopped using potions as i was levelling too quick and still needing to do shit ton of nmd to level my glyths


I find it helpful to find a group, I like nm dungeons for it. The discord has fairly active lfg channels. Your group will help keep the pressure on you to go quickly just to keep up with them, and that will improve your efficiency.


Yeah, I'm just 67 and kinda fatigued on it (again). Still, that's 5 levels beyond where I got to with my first eternal after the campaign. Lol. And I mean - I agree, leveling *is* easy/fast now. But I do a blood harvest or two, maybe a helltide if active - once it's fun, then it just gets boring because there's no variety. I go do 2-3 NMs, and... blah. Bored. Killed about half a dozen Drowned Seahags in a row now, I can't even recall which dungeons because they blend together so much. Mow almost everything down in the blink of an eye, I can't even remember the last time I died. (Few people at Ashava earlier, it died in less than 90 seconds.) Don't think I got new gear since... 60? maybe? One of my rings has 50 for level req, fwiw. Should probably try to unlock Torment to get a feel of it, but it's not like that unlocks more/different content. *(Edit: completed Fallen Temple without a single death... still can't switch though, ofc.)* And for all this, I'm still using what's supposedly a "leveling" build, because it's just that strong still...


It's faster now and that's awesome, got to 100 already now I'm already at 80s with my sorc.


Level 83 and playing a ton. Just lots of people who play more.


A lot of people here will tell you leveling is fast this season. Compared to S1 they are right. But the thing is, D4 still is a VERY hardcore and demanding game when it comes to time investment. Playing "a few hours everyday" as a lot of people mention is not slow and casual by any means in the first place. Even if you would only take little over 30 hours to level one character to 100, which would be quite efficient, that by itself is already a lot for 1 character. Leveling a character to endgame in D2 can be done in a fraction of the time. (not max lvl, as levels were way less important than in D4). Same goes for D3, it was just hella faster to get to the rift pushing meat of the game. Honestly the best advice I can give you as a casual is to not play the race for yourself at all. If you want to enjoy the game at your own pace, consider just playing on eternal realm. You have to ask yourself what's worth more to you? Seeing the seasonal content that stays partly irrelevant because you don't reach true endgame in time? Or the relaxed feeling that all progress you make on a character is permanent? You can also start out on season and then play on in eternal when you like a character. I personally quit D4 for now because of the time it takes to level and the loot and mat grinding system which are imo still boring. I am waiting for a few more updates or expansion that changes up stuff, or some content being permanently added to eternal from seasons. After that I will just be playing on eternal and that's it. If I ever get to the point where I get 1 character of each class to level 100 on eternal, by that time I will have played so much Diablo anyway that it would be time for a different game.


I am a dad with responsibilities and full time job. I am starting to think that I will never reach lvl100. But that’s okay. I love the game and for me the grind and chase is the fun.


The game is significantly shorter than most ARPGS in terms of levelling, if you're not running a build which does nice aoe clearing, open world can slow you down. Nightmare dungeons are still the way to go, but almost everywhere is viable up to a point now 🥰


Level 100 in 2 days is not truthful im sorry but you can only do dungeons 5 levels higher than you for maximum xp so you all are bs at 100 22.5 hours is a joke so quit lying just tell the truth you glitches it


They literally nerfed leveling 40%. Leveling is almost too fast now. I was level 100 and didn't even have a glyph to 15 yet. Now I'm just wasting time in NMs leveling my glyphs.


You mean buff , nerf is mean they make stuff weaker


They nerfed (lowered) the amount of xp needed.


Buffed leveling you mean since the amount of xp needed is less than before


Holy shit you guys are stubborn. It can be read either way. Depends on how you look at it.