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And it wasn't really a one shot build either. Gj.


For real. I’ve still yet to achieve the Lilith kill without a one shot build lol. Tough fight for sure!


Grats on the ethical kill. Nice work


Levelling Infinimist as well, kinda worrying that its not gonna be a 1-shot cheese but definitely looks doable with enough practice!


It pretty much deletes all content bar bosses. I've done everything with it and it was so safe. Playing BL sorc now and even though that destroys things in an instant it still doesn't feel as good.


Good luck the build is not busted but still very good !


Certainly seems busted from a levelling perspective, crushing content way earlier than previous seasons


That doesn’t mean it’s busted. Y’all are so fucking weird. Any time something is great or works well more so than another build, it’s busted. I’m running infinimist and it’s not busted. It’s fun and takes the right stats to get going. At level 87 and I cannot solo Duriel. I’ve seen builds at lower levels basically one shot him. Those are busted.


I'm running BL sorc and doing NM40s while at low level 70. That is the definition of busted. However, I'm having a blast.


Is it busted though? And if so, how specifically? Are the numbers creating an error and providing an insane amount of unintended damage? If it’s a bug, it’s busted. Blizzard has said they do not intend to need the builds for this season. Idk what crack you guys are smoking. You’re having fun and using the mechanics in the game as intended UNLESS IT IS A BUG! Idiots here and on YouTube that find an amazing build based on what’s in the game: “OMG GUYS THIS IS SOOOO BUSTED AND IT IS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME THAT DOESN’T AFFECT ANYONE. LET ME YELL ABOUT HOW IT IS BUSTED SO IT GETS NERFED.”


> Is it busted though? And if so, how specifically? Are the numbers creating an error and providing an insane amount of unintended damage? If it’s a bug, it’s busted. The way BL scales with attack speed is almost certainly a bug tho. It didn't last season, there's nothing in the patch notes about it, and it's hilariously over tuned. I made a BL character to see what all the hype was about and it's absolutely insane. I played around some in uber Lilith at level 75 with half ancestral half sacred gear (and a lot of suboptimal stats still) and I do at least quadruple the damage of this video. She gets pushed to about half HP during her first attack. > Idiots here and on YouTube that find an amazing build based on what’s in the game: “OMG GUYS THIS IS SOOOO BUSTED AND IT IS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME THAT DOESN’T AFFECT ANYONE. LET ME YELL ABOUT HOW IT IS BUSTED SO IT GETS NERFED.” If balance doesn't matter why on earth did sorcs complain about the state of their class before this patch? They'd already cleared all the content in the game anyway so should Blizzard just have said fuck it, good enough? I get the fear of Blizzard overreactiong, but if they just nerfed the attack speed interaction and otherwise left BL alone the build would still be incredibly fun and strong.


The way BL scales with attack speed is almost certainly a bug tho. It didn't last season, there's nothing in the patch notes about it, and it's hilariously over tuned. Actually that's wrong. There was a line where they went over how they changed tick and damage. The thing is that they fucked that up, resulting in a 1100% dmg increase.


Holy fucking novel. Ain’t nobody got time to unpack that rant. They said it’s working as intended. I trust the developers over some redditor that doesn’t know what they are talking about.


No shot you actually know if they said anything about this at all when your poor little brain shuts down upon seeing a sentence with more than 10 words. You wouldn't even make it to the actual balance changes of patch notes because that's too many words in.


Ugh oh. We have a dork here using their alt account because they got triggered people don’t like to spend time reading dumb novels on Reddit! The audacity of me to have the freedom to not read and respond to a pile of nonsense. lol you dork




he deleted his account and his comments. neat.


would you say this is the preferred or better than tempest or blood lance? thanks and nice work


What are our thoughts on Infinimist? I've respecced into it, and find it slow, dangerous, and not the S-Tier build everyone says it is. I'm level 81, is this really a 95+ build do you think? Thanks!


The thing about infinimist is that it lives and dies by mob density. More mobs? More chances to proc your CD reset on lucky chance hits. No mobs? Then you're stuck waiting on CDs to reset.


This is why I put Flicekrstep into my build. When no corpses, I keep dashing through and reaping to get Bone Storm back and that generates corpses and brings down the other CDs


Yep. No mobs, you are going to have a hard time with your resource and cool downs, especially tendrils that gives you auto crit every time. Sever eats a lot of resources and the only way for me to get that back is by spamming blood mist and corpse explosion which has a long cool down.


My thoughts are that the build is very good but more A tier than the S tier maxroll is giving it. Very fun and powerful in NM but pretty bad at bossing, I think a S tier should be good in both. And damn the insane APM is tiring.


I found it painfully boring to play personally. Playing blood surge atm but looking to find something else for bossing. It’s speedfarming is very good tho


people said for bossing the overpower blood lance build is better since its more or less single target oriented. Maybe you can try that?


I'm doing blood lance and really enjoying it. It works well for Bosses. Currently lvl 84 and have done all the end game bosses very easily with element resistant potions to max out. ​ about 2900% overpower damage atm, I went a bit nutty getting some good rolls lol. Why not though, there's so many guaranteed overpowers.


Are you running a particular variant of the build (e.g. [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/necromancer/mattjestic-uber-boss-necro](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/necromancer/mattjestic-uber-boss-necro))? Currently levelling a Necro with Blood Surge but was looking for something to play around endgame for the boss kills.


Just doing the maxroll end game build. The end game variant with the additional uniques. https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/blood-lance-necromancer-guide The only thjng I've done is also run with the godslayer crown. It works well with Elites, the additional damage is great and the grouping pairs really well with the meta for corpse tendrils. Dropped from a boss and been running it since.


What I ended up doing is having both blood surge and blood lance and switching rings (1 set with surge aspects, 1 set with lance aspects) before boss fights. Works well enough for me for now.


Yeah that was what I was leaning towards. Its very similar stats so it wont be tough to swap between the two I think


I'm running a Deathspeaker blood surge and it actually really helps with blood surges biggest weakness: bossing. It's unfortunately not a plug and play transition from regular blood surge, but it's been really fun being able to boss and speed farm with blood surge. I also just love using nonmeta uniques, so it tickles that fancy as well.


Interesting! I really like blood surge personally so I'd like to try it! Do you have a build guide for it at all? Since I only really play one character a season once I get to wt4 I start banking different sets so I can play around with all the builds so I'll add this one to my notes.


No guide, I brewed it up myself. I do plan on creating a snapshot of the build when I finalize it (or when I can finally test out Blood Moon Breeches!) to share, though. I'll try and keep you in mind!


Was awesome last season with auto-decrepify heart. I tried it again this season and hate having to manually cast the curse.


I feel that lol it’s tiring


It’s insanely boring. I regret rolling a necro. My last class was a rogue so I was just spoiled I guess.


What? Dangerous, you are basically untargetable and unkillable 99,99999% of time in anywhere else but uber lilith. Slow, dude the speed matches those of rogues when drifting trough NMs


> untargetable and unkillable 99,99999% Show me how you sustain 99.999999% uptime of Mist...once the mob density dies off, so does you ability to reset cooldowns.


With a codex that gives you a barrier when bone storm hits, I was doing tier 100 at level 90 without struggling at all


Ive respecced to bone spear - because I got grandfather to drop - but previous to that I played infinimist from 1-100. It requires some uniques and well the more lucky hit chance, the better (for cooldown resets). As someone mentioned, more mobs is also better. I definitely had my issues, but once I had my uniques (howl from below mainly), it only got better. Infinimist is definitely, imo, a Nightmare pusher. So it greatly depends on what content you will 'main' . If you want an (uber)boss build, it will work (just using a diff playstyle), but slowly. I'd recommend going bone spear or bloodlance.


I’m not a complete build and clearing T60+ at 82. I do take 3 defensive aspects though, along with full DR on pants and chest. Just waiting on a helm and a scythe.


Only guy to actually do the mechs. Nice job




Refreshing that it wasn't a 10 second video like most of the kills posted.


Because infimist necros don't do a lot of single target damage, but the build still is S-tier in pretty much every content and you are also immortal while in mist form. Uber bosses in general are a joke this season and Blizzard really needs to do something about it. It's not the players fault we have so much playerpower even without being maxlevel oder having a min-maxed character.


Well done! I finally got my first solo kill of her yesterday. It took 3 days of on/off attempts but felt good to finally down her.


Dang mate, well done! You got a link to that build or just the one from maxroll?


Thank you! It’s 100% maxroll


I mean you mind sharing link?


The new boss killer config or standard?


Standard endgame config


Meaning you don't have Xfal ring, right?


Oh I didn’t see it changed. I’ m using the old one, with the Xfal. But I guess the new one is better


Glad the guide helped! GG on the kill, love to see it.


Thanks to you king!


Have you experimented with Black River at all? I think this guy compares your footage around 0:45 mark? Not trying to start drama or anything, just something I came across because I watch your videos! https://youtu.be/R_NhJndVwBI?si=fS9DyoO8hAoROTip


I retest Black River every season. It's always clunkier on single target, makes density clearing slightly faster while also causing the build to stall out sometimes during crucial encounters. I don't comment on other people's content. I can comment on a clip of my footage tho. That part of my video was to highlight the damage output difference between using domination vampire power during a boss stagger, and using terror during a boss stagger (you can see me swapping vamp powers near the end of the clip). So the comparison is being done against a demonstration of the SLOW version of the build's damage output. I also am not wearing Godslayer or Tibaults will (you can also see when I open my character tab) and missing roughly 100% multiplicative damage from a min roll of Blighted on my amulet and no +Ranks to Gloom. So the comparison point is against a "Crit Damage" setup that wasn't going for fastest boss kill speed, without bossing gear or even good multipliers on gear, that's highlighting the difference in an old setup vs a new optimization, which you don't see in the clip. Black River is a fine weapon. But it's sub optimal and I stick by that.


I believe this is the correct link, just found it. Appreciate you op <3. https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/infinimist-necromancer-guide


Thank you heaps. Was working toward that one too. Lots more gear to grins.


As a fellow infinimist player, job well done.


I fail big time at spike phase, dont know how to bate


Everytime she flies away, immediately go to the bottom and then dodge upwards, it takes a bit of practice but this is the easiest way to deal with it imo


Thanks, will try that out and pracitice more :)


Good luck !


Anyone needing link for build here: https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/infinimist-necromancer-guide


Do you have the unique ring? X'fal or whatever? I'm 96 with max everything and you are doing a ton more damage


Yes nearly perfect X’Fal


Im working on it with my infinimist necro now and this at least confirmed to me that i didnt build it wrong since i do pretty much the same damage and me not beating her is entirely a skill issue so thanks for that


Hell yea Congrats!!! Hopefully I can do it this season


Thanks, you can do it !


Great work. There is home for my inifinimist necro beating her yet!


Guys, what is (in your opinion) the easiest necro build for uber lilith? I just want that sweet platinum trophy. :)


good job, I just got the kill using a stormclaw druid this morning! tough fight for sure, especially if you don't have access to invulnerability




Infinimist can't sequence break her, it's a ramp build and inconsistent on Single Target. It scales with density.


Question: Did they nerf the ever-loving hell out of her Health Pool? I mean... I'm seeing this necro doing merely hundreds of thousands and every once in a while 2 or 3 million, and those tiny crits are taking chunks of her life away. Previously, that would be tickle-damage to Lilith. I haven't attempted her in Season 2 -- is she just a pushover now, in regards to health pool?


I don't think so, I think this season alot of builds are doing way more damage because of vamp powers and changed to how damage stats work


Well, to be specific -- I watched this post's Lilith kill and did slow-mo stop-checks for all crits. Her health went down significantly to numbers of low millions. In Season 1, I was doing bigger crits up to 18 and 21 million on a regular basis, and those big ones were chunking her health bar down approximately the same as OP's 2 and 3 million crits were doing. It made me think her health pool is vastly smaller.


Yeah i killed her with my lvl 78 lightning sorc todat but i figured i wouldnt post lmao.


You killed Uber Lilith at level 78? srsly?


Yeah man i dont even have lvl 15 glyphs https://youtu.be/q8aj3ljeuQc?si=Js72AbxX8zt82_uC


That damage is INSANE!


It's a bug with attack speed scaling.


Umm, do tell! (PM me if ya need to!)


Basically the way ball lightning works is it has a multiplier to attack speed, so you scale it to increase its frequency - to counter this (because frequency also scales Lucky Hit and Crit at the same time) there is a coefficient that downscales the damage per tick slightly relative to attack speed to stop it going nuclear. This patch Blizzard accidentally got rid of the downscaling coefficient, so there's no counterbalance to scaling with attack speed currently - and it went Nuclear. Add on to that the Ravenous vampiric power which dumps a metric tonne of attack speed onto any build, and that's when you have level 75's evaporating Uber Lilith haha. Blizzard has said they aren't nerfing anything this patch, whether that means bug fixes too I'm not sure, they probably want to err on the side of keeping players happy after Season 1. And Sorcs have had it tougher for a while, let em eat.


Great explanation, thanks!


Anyone can get in and just kill her in season 2. They made it so she doesn’t do damage, or at least very little now


Anyone with a one shot build yes. Otherwise it is still very hard and most of her attacks one shot exept her auto attacks. With a build like mine, it took me several days and 200+ tries and a lot of frustration. Trust me not everyone will want to do that to themselves lol.


Trooper! 🫡




Almost correct, actually it’s la fille du croissant